here are old message board entries

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[2001-10-05 00:09:00] - -logan

[2001-10-04 23:12:00] - I'm sure the military considers all sorts of possibilities (I'd certainly hope so); doesn't mean any particular idea under consideration is taken seriously. -logan

[2001-10-04 23:01:00] - So I'll believe in air strikes when they happen. -logan

[2001-10-04 23:01:00] - That was a pretty terrible article.  The headline states something as fact, but the article only says that some official refused to say anything about this supposed fact. -logan

[2001-10-04 22:14:00] - in addition to taking away freedoms in order to secure them, we have to bomb the shit out of afghanistan in order to give them humanitarian aid. - mig

[2001-10-04 22:04:00] - surplus??  oh right.  bush's imaginary surplus. - mig

[2001-10-04 22:03:00] - i saw a cool sticker today:  support victims rights to shoot back. - mig

[2001-10-04 21:18:00] - cryptic: bah, yellow is cool. it does suck that people associate bright colors with gayness. oh well, i certainly don't care about that -- i wish i had more bright clothes. -jdb

[2001-10-04 21:17:00] - red fits paul so well, that damn commie!

[2001-10-04 21:15:00] - black power!  ~a

[2001-10-04 18:59:00] - I prefer yellow... although I never wear it... -cryptic

[2001-10-04 18:58:00] - blue's my favorite color :) -kris

[2001-10-04 18:43:00] - my guess is paul won't be back until some people start catching up with him.  he doesn't understand that messages generate messages.  so no one will be catching up with him probably ever.  ~a

[2001-10-04 18:42:00] - paul thought he could make the board permanently red.  you have 3600 messages to catch up with him.  :)  ~a

[2001-10-04 16:58:00] - I'm going to make this board be permanently blue. :P -logan

[2001-10-04 16:49:00] - ###/pics/download/75.gif -logan

[2001-10-04 16:48:00] - -logan

[2001-10-04 16:42:00] - -logan

[2001-10-04 14:43:00] - osama at 14 -jdb

[2001-10-04 12:44:00] - vinnie: umm... top of one of the front middle sections. you probably didn't notice me.... since you haven't noticed when i've passed you on the sidewalk and said hi. :-P -jdb

[2001-10-04 12:15:00] - i thought it was pretty awesome too - vinnie

[2001-10-04 12:14:00] - jdb: you were at the simpsons talk? where were you? - vinnie

[2001-10-04 12:11:00] - tis a shame.  i read about it a while back.  i always like nt 4 the best out of all the windows os's. - mig

[2001-10-04 10:50:00] - nt 4.0 retired -jdb

[2001-10-04 08:52:00] - a: that's right... you tell `em babyface :-* -jdb

[2001-10-04 07:33:00] - that's odd.  the supreme court upholds flag burning as protected speech, yet 48 states have laws against it....  doesn't make sense. - mig

[2001-10-04 02:29:00] - no, you don't.  :-P  ~a

[2001-10-04 01:50:00] - I resent that. - boing

[2001-10-04 01:30:00] - a: not as hot as you! -jdb

[2001-10-04 00:44:00] - pierce is so hot.  ~a

[2001-10-04 00:26:00] - -jdb

[2001-10-03 22:54:00] - fuck ip. - mig

[2001-10-03 22:51:00] - logan:  12 computers for 3 people?  that's a lot of computers per person (cpp).  ~a

[2001-10-03 22:50:00] - i'm sooooo sad i missed it.  :(  ~a

[2001-10-03 22:33:00] - that simpsons talk was awesome!!!!!!!! -jdb

[2001-10-03 22:21:00] -

[2001-10-03 18:35:00] - i think there's a better lan party guide at - wolf

[2001-10-03 18:16:00] - pot.  pot.  pot.  smoking pot,  smoking pot.

[2001-10-03 17:03:00] -

[2001-10-03 16:40:00] - i hosted a kick-ass lan party at home back in ... spring 97. i guess we were just playing quake and stuff like duke nukem. :-P -jdb

[2001-10-03 15:39:00] - mig: My apartment is a LAN party waiting to happen.  We have around 12 computers all networked as it is. -logan

[2001-10-03 14:43:00] - oops, here's the link for what we should do.    sorry i'm a little brain-dead from work. - mig

[2001-10-03 14:25:00] - but i dislike dave matthews band - wolf

[2001-10-03 14:24:00] - i like ponies. - wolf

[2001-10-03 14:22:00] - come to think of it, david foster wallace also messes with non-traditional typesetting on occasion - wolf

[2001-10-03 14:21:00] - you should read a lot of celine's and even harlan ellison's works before they were butchered by their editors. - wolf

[2001-10-03 14:20:00] - what does a lot of reading have to do with my preferences in typesetting? - wolf

[2001-10-03 14:18:00] - we should do this come winter time. - mig

[2001-10-03 13:31:00] - i like dave matthews band  :(  -  aba

[2001-10-03 13:29:00] - Your mom sucks. -logan

[2001-10-03 12:44:00] - psycho groupie cocaine crazy

[2001-10-03 12:42:00] - dave matthew's band sucks

[2001-10-03 07:58:00] - (too big)

[2001-10-03 01:32:00] - Or maybe like this. :P -logan

[2001-10-03 01:31:00] - I'm going to start doing all my talking like this.-logan

[2001-10-03 01:30:00] - Bah, you just ruined it, with your forced lowercase. :P -logan

[2001-10-03 01:29:00] - Oh well, thank goodness for LATEX! -logan

[2001-10-03 01:28:00] - Heh, guess not. -logan

[2001-10-03 01:28:00] - I just had a homework assignment where I ended up using &lambda;, &#lambda;, &#xi;, &sigma;, &#sigma;, &delta;, &#delta;, and &#kappa; (wonder if those entities come out right). -logan

[2001-10-03 01:24:00] - Well, there is a need for distinction between proper nouns, regular nouns, acronyms, etc. -logan

[2001-10-03 01:23:00] - wolf: I'm suprised.... with all the reading you have done that you can find it easier to read all lowercase vs. mixed.... personally, it makes no difference to me anymore, I read either quite proficiently.... oi, time for bed! -cryptic

[2001-10-03 01:20:00] - it really doesn't matter if people agree with you or not.... since it's your message board.... I only brought it up since it had crossed my mind a couple times....-cryptic

[2001-10-03 00:50:00] - and i'm glad katie agrees with me.  as well as aparna :-)  ~a

[2001-10-03 00:47:00] - i understand the need for more symbols in math.  i don't see how that is a case for upper case in english though.  ~a

[2001-10-03 00:46:00] - logan: i was in greece 6 or so weeks ago.  i learned the upper/lower alphabet.  plus you deal with upper and lower case greek letters in physics and we used a bunch of greek letters like lower case xi (&xi;) and upper case psi (&psi;) in diffeq.  ~a

[2001-10-03 00:25:00] - i also read pure katakana or hiragana much more easily than i read mixed-case japanese, so perhaps that has something to do with it. - wolf

[2001-10-03 00:24:00] - a: You'll love math classes where you not only have to deal with upper and lowercase Latin letters, but you'll have to deal with upper and lowercase Greek letters too, at the same time. -logan

[2001-10-03 00:24:00] - i read lowercase text much more easily than mixed-case. - wolf

[2001-10-03 00:23:00] - Then again, I've done a lot of reading, so dealing with a 52-character set is not a problem for me. :P -logan

[2001-10-03 00:22:00] - i don't use caps unless i have to write something formal.  all lowercase = neat and visually appealing. - wolf

[2001-10-03 00:20:00] - for what it's worth, i like not having caps.  - wolf

[2001-10-03 00:00:00] - i don't think logan hates the way you write, but rather that he must be forced to comply with how you write. - mig

[2001-10-02 23:46:00] - aba: yeah! remember me asking for an explanation? :-P -jdb

[2001-10-02 23:38:00] - logan: you must hate the way i write - no caps, no apostrophes, etc.  :-p  -  aba

[2001-10-02 23:34:00] - God, country gain fragile new toehold -jdb

[2001-10-02 23:14:00] - I know I can read properly capitalized text (with good spelling, grammar, and punctuation) much more easily than uncapitalized text. -logan

[2001-10-02 23:14:00] - Capital letters resolve ambiguities.  Next time a situation comes up, I'll point it out. -logan

[2001-10-02 23:12:00] - and i think instead of visual cues they provide confusion.  twice as many patterns to match.  ~a

[2001-10-02 23:11:00] - legibility on a computer isn't that much of an issue.  ~a

[2001-10-02 23:07:00] - i like whatever it is i'm using in linux if i was using linux instead of having george turned off because my switch broke :( -kris

[2001-10-02 22:55:00] - i prefer opera.  i like how all the windows appear inside opera, instead of spawing more windows. - mig

[2001-10-02 22:39:00] - kris: me too. mozilla is finally becoming a nice browser though, and that makes me happy. having to use netscape was one of the most painful aspects of using unix. ;-) -jdb

[2001-10-02 22:38:00] - a: improves legibility. capital letters provide visual cues. -jdb

[2001-10-02 22:19:00] - uh, wallet inspector...

[2001-10-02 22:05:00] - i am a taxi driver man

[2001-10-02 22:05:00] - I agree with logan... I capitalize the correct letters.... but since it's your message board, it's really up to you.... it's not a big deal, I was just wondering =Þ -Cryptic

[2001-10-02 22:04:00] - is there a good reason for capitalization?  what purpose does it serve?  other than tradition and current protocol, what reason is there for it?  ~a

[2001-10-02 21:46:00] - I prefer proper capitalization. -logan

[2001-10-02 21:32:00] - i like ie!!  -kris

[2001-10-02 21:32:00] - hmmm.  i dunno.  they aren't banned.  i just think they look ugly.  if paul were here to vote for caps, maybe i could comment that line out.  ~a

[2001-10-02 20:26:00] - i really hate ie.  it's not my default browser, and i've deleted all access to it, but  it still pops up because some programs default any hyperlinks to go to ie. - mig

[2001-10-02 20:04:00] - by the way.... why are caps banned on here? I'd agree that caps lock is annoying, and not allowing any caps is one solution..... but what is the true motive between the no caps rule? -cryptic

[2001-10-02 20:02:00] - yes.... IE.... if you're going to use it.... and you have an installation that works.... DO NOT CHANGE IT! -cryptic

[2001-10-02 20:00:00] - I dont think anyone should be made to have gunlocks on their guns.... although it is a good idea to lock up your guns-cryptic

[2001-10-02 19:47:00] - you've been warned

[2001-10-02 19:45:00] -

[2001-10-02 19:43:00] - have your gunlocks if it will make you feel safer.  just don't make it mandatory. - mig

[2001-10-02 19:29:00] - having gunlocks on your guns == good -cryptic

[2001-10-02 19:27:00] - me carrying a weapon/gun will not ensure my safety -cryptic

[2001-10-02 19:26:00] - why do banks just give the robbers the money when they are being robbed instead of the security guards using their weapons? -cryptic

[2001-10-02 19:25:00] - if you know people carry weapons and you're preparing to commit a crime, you're going to resolve to be more forceful and use force you may have restrained before

[2001-10-02 19:24:00] - when the rapist tries to have his way with me, and I pull out my gun.... what do you think he will do with his gun/knife/weapon? put it down? or use it? -cryptic

[2001-10-02 19:23:00] - there already exists laws that allow people to own, register, and operate guns, there are also laws to allow people to carry weapons.... yet not everyone does it... why? -cryptic

[2001-10-02 19:22:00] - everyone having guns may reduce some people's resolve, but in the other cases it will only escalate violence... and violence does not beget peace -cryptic

[2001-10-02 19:21:00] - if they really believe the world would be better without them, they would kill themselves and you wouldnt be required to 'get rid of them'..... not necessarily saying they should die, just that if they truely believed what they said... they wouldnt be around anyways -cryptic

[2001-10-02 19:19:00] - if guns were allowed on the plane.... the hijackers would not have box-cutters and pen-knives -cryptic

[2001-10-02 17:57:00] - `` ?self defense? is an empty phrase.  i can't think of any situation where the best way for one to defend oneself would be by shooting someone in the face - wolf''  Like, say, someone hijacks your flight with a box-cutter or a pen-knife? :P -logan

[2001-10-02 17:40:00] - wolf: There are probably a lot of people that would make the world a better place if they simply did not exist, but that doesn't necessarily mean we should get rid of them. -logan

[2001-10-02 17:39:00] - jdb: Based on what statistics? -logan

[2001-10-02 17:36:00] - all my guns have gunlocks on them. they wouldn't be very helpful in shooting robbers. :-P -jdb

[2001-10-02 16:51:00] - i think guns are cool (from the mechanical and recreational point of view), but i think the idea of guns offering personal safety is silly... the risks of killing a loved one are much higher than killing a bad person. -jdb

[2001-10-02 16:48:00] - cryptic

[2001-10-02 16:38:00] - i just think the bad outweighs the good. - wolf

[2001-10-02 16:37:00] - i'm simply speaking as someone who has had friends who were shot, an acquaintence raped at gunpoint near my house, and the situation with my dad - wolf

[2001-10-02 16:34:00] - ... so... slow!

[2001-10-02 16:34:00] - wolf: you hippie! -jdb

[2001-10-02 16:32:00] - "self defense" is an empty phrase.  i can't think of any situation where the best way for one to defend oneself would be by shooting someone in the face - wolf

[2001-10-02 16:30:00] - people should have the right to guns, I agree..... but some people shouldn't have guns -cryptic

[2001-10-02 16:30:00] - logan: but how many idiots in that group intend to use their gun to knock over the nearest liquor store?

[2001-10-02 16:29:00] - guns are simply toys. - wolf

[2001-10-02 16:28:00] - the more access the idiots of the world have to guns, the less safe i feel. - wolf

[2001-10-02 16:26:00] - but here in the real world, i grew up in a home with a gun that was not used appropriately. i think that there are a lot of people who should not own guns. - wolf

[2001-10-02 16:25:00] - if i was an idealist, i wouldn't care who decides to own a gun. - wolf

[2001-10-02 16:24:00] - i don't think guns are generally the most appropriate means of self-defense. - wolf

[2001-10-02 16:21:00] - Therefore it's not an argument that you in particular should have a gun.  It's an argument that tolerance of others that do want guns might be more productive. -logan

[2001-10-02 16:21:00] - wolf: If the gun culture were more pervasive, then there's a reasonable likelihood that within any group of people in public there's at least one person with a gun that intends to only use it for self-defense. -logan

[2001-10-02 16:20:00] - Er, I left out a 'not' in there. :P -logan

[2001-10-02 16:20:00] - As opposed to only attacking when our centralized security force is on the alert... I mean, never. -logan

[2001-10-02 16:05:00] - if everyone owned a gun.... people would only attack when their victims are asleep or not aware.... I mean never...

[2001-10-02 16:04:00] - using html, how do i tell lynx to put the column on the left below the column on the right?  ~a

[2001-10-02 15:28:00] - i know that they make simple-minded people feel secure, but feeling secure and actually being secure are two different things - wolf

[2001-10-02 15:28:00] - i'd be interested in knowing what the actual security benefits of owning a gun are. - wolf

[2001-10-02 14:40:00] - They allow us to decentralize security, which I'm all for. -logan

[2001-10-02 14:33:00] - What's wrong with guns? -logan

[2001-10-02 14:02:00] - mmmm.... geforce3. - mig

[2001-10-02 13:48:00] - guns, guns!  guns for everyone! - mig

[2001-10-02 13:34:00] - the nra solution to everything: more guns, please -jdb

[2001-10-02 13:30:00] - at least, i think i posted this article before -jdb

[2001-10-02 13:25:00] - a second article on car sharing programs -jdb


[2001-10-02 13:00:00] - hehe, benson puts out  good stuff -jdb

[2001-10-02 12:52:00] -  (too big) -logan

[2001-10-02 12:42:00] - That woman looks pretty evil to me. -logan

[2001-10-02 12:42:00] - i disagree.  i think genocide = justice

[2001-10-02 08:54:00] - ###/pics/download/74.gif

[2001-10-02 07:26:00] - mmmmm..... test time -cryptic

[2001-10-02 07:12:00] - mmmm.... fusion. - miig

[2001-10-02 07:12:00] - correction: cuba's form/idea of socialism is so weird -cryptic

[2001-10-02 07:03:00] - *yawn* -cryptic

[2001-10-02 01:50:00] - -logan

[2001-10-02 01:40:00] - -logan

[2001-10-02 01:40:00] - -logan

[2001-10-02 01:31:00] - Socialism is so weird. -logan

[2001-10-02 01:26:00] - that is a funny picture. - dewey

[2001-10-02 01:26:00] - :-D - dewey

[2001-10-02 01:26:00] - oops, wrong window... - dewey

[2001-10-02 01:26:00] - what are you wearing? - dewey

[2001-10-02 01:04:00] - relax, have a happy meal lol -logan

[2001-10-02 00:57:00] - ``The market is cruel, but it can also be extremely beneficial and extremely fair. I think for the vast majority of black Americans today, the solution is neither government in terms of government fixing things for us, nor is it leaders.'' -logan

[2001-10-02 00:43:00] - :-D -jdb

[2001-10-02 00:29:00] - i'm glad tech requires diverse candidate pools for faculty positions now. -jdb

[2001-10-02 00:27:00] - jdb: That may be what you want, but I prefer females. :P -logan

[2001-10-02 00:25:00] - "we have a very selective sense of what kind of diversity we want" <-- kind of diversity we want: white males of varying height and weight -jdb

[2001-10-02 00:19:00] - ``Basically, I think we can sacrifice diversity, which is a rather weak concept anyway, because we have a very selective sense of what kind of diversity we want.'' -logan

[2001-10-02 00:15:00] - -logan

[2001-10-01 22:05:00] - hahha... in 5th grade, we did a play about the environment and there was this "environmentalist revision" of the u.s. constitution that we recited.  it sounded just like that. - wolf

[2001-10-01 22:04:00] - i love rice pudding. - wolf

[2001-10-01 21:33:00] - I sure do. -logan

[2001-10-01 21:31:00] - mmm... don't ya just love capitalism? :-D

[2001-10-01 20:54:00] - actually, come to think of it, anything opensource would be illegal. - mig

[2001-10-01 20:52:00] - but i'm just learning linux!  they can't do that! :) -kris

[2001-10-01 20:51:00] - according to the wording now, yes.  linux would also be made illegal under it as well. - mig

[2001-10-01 20:45:00] - -logan

[2001-10-01 20:27:00] - mig: does making it "unlawful to manufacture" these devices include me disabling or circumventing the copy protection for home use?  ~a

[2001-10-01 20:06:00] - what's that? -kris

[2001-10-01 17:03:00] - So, who here has read the UN "Earth Charter"? *shudder* -logan

[2001-10-01 14:15:00] - mommy, i'm scared. - mig

[2001-10-01 13:45:00] - no friends of liberty in foxholes -jdb

[2001-10-01 13:29:00] - sorry for those who want clinton representing them in court. - mig

[2001-10-01 13:26:00] - my highly amusing day = numerous cadets mistaking me for corps member and telling me "good afternoon sir." that's what i get for relatively short haircut and wearing VT clothes on one of their casual "vt days." :-P -jdb

[2001-10-01 12:45:00] - (too big)

[2001-10-01 12:00:00] - ###/pics/temp/soad2.jpg

[2001-10-01 11:51:00] - @@@/me.html  ~a

[2001-10-01 11:50:00] - josh,  system of a down.  >:o  ~a

[2001-10-01 10:08:00] - hahaha, where did those  freethinkers logos come form? -jdb

[2001-10-01 09:14:00] - hahaha.... cookies of jesus, the king(elvis), and the pope

[2001-10-01 09:14:00] - phew. - mig

[2001-10-01 08:51:00] -

[2001-10-01 08:16:00] -

[2001-10-01 04:41:00] - ###/pics/download/71.gif ###/pics/download/72.gif ###/pics/download/73.gif

[2001-09-30 23:12:00] - boo!

[2001-09-30 23:11:00] - (too big)

[2001-09-30 22:44:00] - jdb: i want northern sun stuff.  -  aba

[2001-09-30 17:57:00] - Kung fu phil! -jdb

[2001-09-30 17:26:00] - Greenspan's New Deal -jdb

[2001-09-30 17:22:00] - my paper copy of the catalog came in. let me know if you want to take a gander at it and make a group order with me. -jdb

[2001-09-30 16:41:00] - the government doesn't provide free education just so people can be smart and culturally literate.  they educate us so we can keep factories running, keep the value of the dollar up, and shoot arabs. - wolf

[2001-09-30 16:39:00] - because then america will lose the majority of its work and military force. - wolf

[2001-09-30 16:35:00] - if someone doesn't want to, why should we be forcing them to?  - mif

[2001-09-30 14:39:00] - "unschooling"..... hahaha.... works great for overachievers, self-motivated people, etc.... but what about people who don't want to learn how to read/write their name let alone read/write everything -cryptic

[2001-09-30 11:08:00] - (the pdf version has illustrations)

[2001-09-30 11:08:00] - regeneration, a los angeles anarchist newsletter checkout the article "the war of symbols." others are good too. :-) -jdb

[2001-09-30 10:56:00] - all, and then several programs that were kind of working just broke. - mig

[2001-09-30 10:55:00] - also, some gl programs that were installed didn't work, and some more programs broke after i installed mandrake drivers for nvidia.  before i installed the drivers anything that i compiled using gl would compile, but it wouldn't run.  after i installed the nvidia drivers, it just wouldn't compile at

[2001-09-30 10:44:00] - not having "decent nvidia support" sounded like poor driver support to me, not compiling issues. maybe you're just missing important devel libraries (when you were complaining about no gcc earlier, it sounded like you forgot to select development packages). -jdb

[2001-09-30 03:04:00] - jdb: it doesn't work.  nothing gl related will compile. - mig

[2001-09-30 03:03:00] -

[2001-09-30 02:12:00] - what's not decent about it? -jdb

[2001-09-30 01:49:00] - if only mandrake had decent nvidia support......

[2001-09-30 01:19:00] - I refuse to believe that no one has ever used the word "x5ykxsmvygony1xk" in a previous post ;-)

[2001-09-30 00:32:00] - logan: Louisiana student aces college without prior schooling$azoffbeat/htm/x_dv.htm/_ibyx/cg03026/_svc/news/_Id/741535207/_k/X5yKxSmVyGONY1XK -jdb

[2001-09-29 20:42:00] - wolf:  that would work if i believed that eula shold be legally binding.  i'm off the opinion that they shouldn't be. - mig

[2001-09-29 19:07:00] - banner dropped today in dc -jdb

[2001-09-29 19:04:00] - artificially created meat -jdb

[2001-09-29 17:07:00] - unfortunately, most of us only really have access to these types of programs. - wolf

[2001-09-29 17:02:00] - the popular argument among the kids these days would be "just don't use that program". - wolf

[2001-09-29 15:07:00] - i really hate it when they include eulas with programs that say you "can't do x, can't do y, can not use it to make web pages that contain statements that disparage compnay z", i mean, that's so fucking ridiculous. - mig

[2001-09-29 15:07:00] - more fun with photoshop. some weird shit went on with the jpg compression; it looks really bad now - wolf

[2001-09-29 14:58:00] - ugh.  i really abhor any kind of subscription services for anything, especially anything involving computers.  what ever happened to the "i buy it, it's mine" way of doing things? - mig

[2001-09-29 14:57:00] - personally, i don't care very much, but that's why other people will complain. - mig

[2001-09-29 14:56:00] - IE is not my default browser, but it will still pop up when i click on links from outlook, etc. - mig

[2001-09-29 14:56:00] - jdb:  most of the complaints stem from the fact that it's an extreme pain to try to use another program instead of the ms program by default. - mig

[2001-09-29 14:47:00] -

[2001-09-29 14:38:00] - ###/pics/download/70.gif

[2001-09-29 14:38:00] - ###/pics/download/69.gif

[2001-09-29 13:14:00] - (actually, vegan baby)

[2001-09-29 12:49:00] - vegetarian baby dies,,2-2001321517,00.html -jdb

[2001-09-29 12:29:00] - about OS integration -- that's a toughie. linux can ship tons of stuff with the OS, and because of licensing, nobody bitches. when windows, mac osx ship a lot of crap, everyone bitches. i always figured we'd see an integrated ms product with office and windows and a bunch of other crap. -jdb

[2001-09-29 12:27:00] - i agree that office has pretty much hit a feature threshold, except for things that the general userspace would never notice. -jdb

[2001-09-29 12:27:00] - kris: very interesting article. i think, long term, we're going to see more subscription-based licensing, that will include upgrades for free (e.g. $50/year/seat for MS-Word, includes all upgrades, etc.). -jdb

[2001-09-29 10:54:00] -  -kris

[2001-09-28 23:23:00] - i suppose it won't make sense unless you watch "samurai jack" as religiously as we do over here - wolf

[2001-09-28 23:01:00] - - wolf

[2001-09-28 22:06:00] - i suggest bitching on the listserv. :-D -jdb

[2001-09-28 21:57:00] - i never said anything about voting in person... -jdb

[2001-09-28 21:13:00] - wolf: "BUT I CANT SHOW UP!!" etc -cryptic

[2001-09-28 21:13:00] - haha.... that would be funny.... wolf: "are things ever going to be held on a different night?"  people:"just show up and vote"  wolf:"but I can't show up on tues/thurs, will voting be held on a different night?"  people: "sure, just vote to change the voting night"  -cryptic

[2001-09-28 17:31:00] - i can't vote on doing things on different nights because i guess the voting is held on nights i can't attend :P - wolf

[2001-09-28 17:30:00] - i emailed cliff awhile back, asking whether they planned on doing things other than tues/thurs... he just gave me a really vague response and said they might - wolf

[2001-09-28 17:28:00] - wolf: i believe that's what has always been voted on. note that 150 people are on announce list... 50 people are on discussion... and maybe 5 offer input... -jdb

[2001-09-28 16:19:00] - oi

[2001-09-28 15:45:00] - have they ever considered holding events some time other than tues/thurs at 7pm? - wolf

[2001-09-28 15:44:00] - jbd: i really want to go to that panel discussion, but free@vt keeps holding meethings/etc when i have class.  - wolf

[2001-09-28 15:24:00] - I doubt by "infidel" he means he doesnt believe in Islam, but rather I get the impression he rejects it as a religion -cryptic

[2001-09-28 15:19:00] - that's one funny ass open letter.... that guy is so "open minded" as well and would never discriminate based on religion -cryptic

[2001-09-28 15:18:00] - ahahahah "This is because your god does not exist......How do I know this? [he] came to me last night"..... -cryptic

[2001-09-28 14:42:00] - mig: Heh, didn't Lousiana pass a law stating that it denounced evolution for its supposed inherent racism?  Such morons. -logan

[2001-09-28 13:59:00] - ###/pics/download/68.gif

[2001-09-28 13:57:00] - mig: are you on free@vt list? you should respond to my posting on there. i want to see some list traffic. :-D -jdb

[2001-09-28 13:57:00] - unfortunately, no. the new version of CT site doesn't have online cartoons or search functionality. booooo. -jdb

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