here are old message board entries
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2000-08-09 15:42:00] - That's what you get for being all religious
2000-08-09 15:42:00] - my family practically
is meat
2000-08-09 15:41:00] - The bread and water was much harder... you try going to a resteraunt with your family and ordering toast and water while they get steaks or fruit slad
2000-08-09 15:40:00] - 70 more posts to the reccord
2000-08-09 15:40:00] -
Hmmm... is it that hard to go without meat or was it the bread and water on Fridays?
2000-08-09 15:38:00] -
hey, i didn't say that
aaron ~a
2000-08-09 15:38:00] - Not me. I have to have meat for at least one meal a day, or I just lose my appetite. I just found that out this summer
2000-08-09 15:38:00] - Religious reasons. It was a penance once, no meat for a week, and bread and water on Fridays for a month... rough.- bpemR
2000-08-09 15:38:00] - I'm practically a vegetarian at college anyway, Pizza (cheese) and salads most of the time.
2000-08-09 15:38:00] -
Xpovos, why did you become a vegitarian before in the first place?
2000-08-09 15:37:00] - Don't put markers up your nose.
2000-08-09 15:37:00] -
2000-08-09 15:36:00] - i don't advocate anybody giving up meat if they don't want to (unless it is for health reasons)
- aba
2000-08-09 15:34:00] - Been there done that... but I can do that again... if wished.
2000-08-09 15:34:00] - The hat is too much... I'll give some money though, I guess.....
2000-08-09 15:33:00] - Oh! Or become a vegetarian for a week! She'd like that.
2000-08-09 15:33:00] - <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><>
2000-08-09 15:33:00] - You could give her money! Or your yin-yang mickey hat!
2000-08-09 15:33:00] - (!!)
2000-08-09 15:33:00] - meow
2000-08-09 15:31:00] - Like movie rentals, anyone is free to borrow from my collection, or data fil;es, which are all mostly shared anyway--
2000-08-09 15:31:00] - boohoo
2000-08-09 15:31:00] - like?
2000-08-09 15:30:00] - The only things I could give would be things you could've gotten from me already...
2000-08-09 15:29:00] - "something, likely nothing..."
2000-08-09 15:28:00] - what's my prize for guessing david?
- aba
2000-08-09 15:24:00] - aba
2000-08-09 15:24:00] - like david tsou - it's dave & dave
2000-08-09 15:23:00] - Good call. David it is, who gets the prize, since it wasn't signed.
2000-08-09 15:23:00] - or andrew which doesn't have your last name on the end of it
2000-08-09 15:23:00] - david
2000-08-09 15:22:00] -
Understandable, I always go by Xpovos, or
2000-08-09 15:21:00] -
k. didn't know your last name
2000-08-09 15:21:00] - ADR is Andrew D Riley.
2000-08-09 15:20:00] - who is adr? ~adr ian
2000-08-09 15:19:00] - Michael doesn't even start with D.- BpemR.
2000-08-09 15:19:00] - I'll have to just add a guestbook to my new page, which is already 100x better, thanks, Paul,
2000-08-09 15:19:00] - michael
2000-08-09 15:18:00] - You can't anymore, the link is gone and Geocities refuses to let me on to re-edit the page.-BpemR
2000-08-09 15:17:00] - Anyone who can guess the middle name of ADR gets something, likely nothing...
2000-08-09 15:17:00] -
xpovos, how do we look at your guestbook?
2000-08-09 15:16:00] - s/is/are/;
2000-08-09 15:16:00] - hey "ap" is my initials too!
2000-08-09 15:16:00] - Hey "a" is my initial too!
2000-08-09 15:15:00] - I'm getting hungry, I guess I should eat sometime today.
2000-08-09 15:15:00] - any other movies?
2000-08-09 15:14:00] - and you are already at 129 anyways (bad aaron) "3106 - 8-9 3:11p - right? num1&num2 = bitwise "and"? - aaron"
2000-08-09 15:12:00] -
hey, aaron, no using my sign
2000-08-09 15:12:00] - Yes yes I am sorry! I used bitwise and in my java puyo puyo clone too! So I should have remembered
2000-08-09 15:12:00] - A piece of Xpovos history... god it looks awful- BpemR
2000-08-09 15:12:00] - and 2&7 (if & is bitwise and) would evaluate to 2 aaron!
2000-08-09 15:11:00] - Adrian! You cheater.
2000-08-09 15:11:00] - Right? num1&num2 = bitwise "and"?
- Aaron
2000-08-09 15:11:00] -
hehe . . . i cheater
2000-08-09 15:11:00] - 2^7, you mean! 2&7, in Java, would equate to... Um.... 7?
2000-08-09 15:11:00] - moomoo
2000-08-09 15:10:00] - 2^7
2000-08-09 15:10:00] - Oro! I tpye faster!
2000-08-09 15:09:00] - Well I have a special number of posts too. So there.
2000-08-09 15:09:00] - doh
2000-08-09 15:09:00] - vhd = vampire hunter d
2000-08-09 15:09:00] - Vhd is Vampire Hunter 'D'- Bpemr
2000-08-09 15:08:00] - Xpovos
2000-08-09 15:08:00] - BpemR is an alternate sign for Xpovos because he has a special number of posts now.
2000-08-09 15:08:00] - And what is VHD?
- Aaron
2000-08-09 15:08:00] - Who is bpemr?
2000-08-09 15:07:00] - VHD is the only movie so far to earn a single star on my recently viewed movies page...
2000-08-09 15:06:00] - Because you like weird movies
2000-08-09 15:06:00] - VHD and Buckaroo Banzi are both terrific movies, rating at least a 4 apiece!- BpemR
2000-08-09 15:05:00] - OWWWW!!! Why does everyone hate these movies I like??!-BpemR
2000-08-09 15:04:00] -
2000-08-09 15:04:00] - 4 the nightmare before christmas - 0 buckaroo banzai
- added
2000-08-09 15:02:00] - Well Phoenix's Lair has a policy of not linking to outdated web-pages... sorry
2000-08-09 15:01:00] - it is a piece of aparna history!
2000-08-09 15:00:00] - Under the web-ring and award page. Nothing wrong with your page. It just hasn't been updated in a while
2000-08-09 15:00:00] - it is wonderful!
2000-08-09 14:59:00] - what's wrong with my page?
- aba
2000-08-09 14:59:00] - where do you see hypocritical anarchists patriot award, paul?
2000-08-09 14:59:00] - How do you go about winning one of those?
2000-08-09 14:58:00] - "Hypocritical Anarchists Patriot award"?
2000-08-09 14:58:00] - You completely forgot about A Nightmare Before Christmas
2000-08-09 14:56:00] -
gratifying, eh?
2000-08-09 14:56:00] - am i missing any movies we all saw?
2000-08-09 14:56:00] - Ha! Now I have the sexually gratifying number of posts!
2000-08-09 14:55:00] - Smoking Barrells was a very orignial and enterating comedy- Xpovos
2000-08-09 14:54:00] - seen it twice or thrice and i think pierce has seen it four times (quad something?)
2000-08-09 14:54:00] - I don't count web-pages of 16 year olds...
2000-08-09 14:54:00] -
Sorry, All my links work was me,
2000-08-09 14:53:00] - Glad you liked LockStock, Adrian! I looooooved that movie! Must see again.
2000-08-09 14:53:00] - more than half if you count ~a
2000-08-09 14:52:00] - exactly half
2000-08-09 14:51:00] - Not even half of the people on my links page have summer web-pages (that I know of)
2000-08-09 14:49:00] - "hehe, all my links work!" who?
2000-08-09 14:48:00] - but lots of people have summer pages
2000-08-09 14:48:00] -
hehe, all my links work!
2000-08-09 14:46:00] -
Thanks, methinks from now on I will not have the links page up during summer for obvious reasons
2000-08-09 14:43:00] -
paul, lots of broken links on ~a
2000-08-09 14:43:00] - "You are legally obligated to report any errors/typos/broken links and bad things on this page to me"
2000-08-09 14:41:00] -
Ok, fair enough... but still.-Xpovos
2000-08-09 14:39:00] - i didn't dislike it a lot - you have to understand the system is very harsh and anything that i didn't like (even if a little) got a 0
2000-08-09 14:38:00] - i don't think commenting on the article is necessary either, there are
lots of things we assume that is true that we shouldn't worry about:-D~a
2000-08-09 14:38:00] - Dude!!! No one like VHD?! I'm insulted!
2000-08-09 14:38:00] - maybe not people who stay solely in the us. international travel is fun and good for you.
2000-08-09 14:36:00] -
Apathetic, I would guess, whether the earth is flat or spherical, does it really affect us?
2000-08-09 14:36:00] -
2000-08-09 14:34:00] - so what is the general consensus on the flat earth article?
2000-08-09 14:32:00] - And I think paul and aparna just agreed to disagree =)
2000-08-09 14:31:00] - thank heavens no one agrees with Paul on everything!
2000-08-09 14:27:00] - But I won't agree with you on everyhing either, paul, we disagree on movies and ladies at least -
2000-08-09 14:26:00] -
2000-08-09 14:24:00] - And by round I mean spherical. Well, actually I guess it's elliptical.... You know what I mean...
2000-08-09 14:23:00] - Very true. If I said that the world was round I would have no doubt that Aparna would disagree
2000-08-09 14:22:00] - but you can rely on me to disagree with you on everything.
- aba
2000-08-09 14:15:00] -
2000-08-09 14:15:00] - I agree, you need to be here to back me up more often... I can't rely on Dave and Miguel to agree with me on everything
2000-08-09 14:14:00] - I am here! Just waiting for something interesting to debate.
2000-08-09 14:11:00] - where is everybody?
2000-08-09 14:09:00] - I really need to start paying more attention in the early morning that's when all the interesting stuff goes down.
2000-08-09 14:07:00] - 5474/\/ i5 /\/\y /\/\070r!
2000-08-09 14:02:00] - i fixed it
2000-08-09 13:57:00] -
2000-08-09 13:54:00] - Just wanted to see what's changed by the filter... You should replace "S" with capital "Z" too
2000-08-09 13:53:00] - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
2000-08-09 13:51:00] - Augh even worse!
2000-08-09 13:51:00] - check out p0rn hammer filter
2000-08-09 13:45:00] -
2000-08-09 13:36:00] -
hmmm... must be all those teens who vote on trl......
2000-08-09 13:35:00] -
2000-08-09 13:33:00] - Oh never mind. Well okay.
2000-08-09 13:32:00] - Nuh-uh
2000-08-09 13:31:00] -
yes, that link was already posted
2000-08-09 13:31:00] - Women outnumber men in cyberspace
2000-08-09 13:29:00] - i like the color blue
- aba
2000-08-09 13:25:00] - collective soul album coming out oct 10. rejoicing!
2000-08-09 13:23:00] - or would they be the ones suing me?
2000-08-09 13:22:00] - Can I sue Essen Germany for using my name for their town then?
2000-08-09 13:18:00] - Ugh stupid stupid.
2000-08-09 13:16:00] - more stupid shit
2000-08-09 13:16:00] -
2000-08-09 13:10:00] - Yeah that's probably four.
2000-08-09 13:05:00] -
Well, I guess Kelly's aide was killed, but you never actually saw it....
2000-08-09 13:04:00] - Two boat guys, jellyfish man... Who's the fourth....
2000-08-09 13:04:00] - you would know seeing as you've probably seen it more times than humanly possible
2000-08-09 13:03:00] - Four people died in X-Men?
2000-08-09 13:01:00] -
2000-08-09 12:59:00] - page has passed ten thousand hits - yay!
2000-08-09 12:57:00] - satan is my motor!
2000-08-09 12:57:00] - Fuschia!
2000-08-09 12:54:00] - a giant talking female private organ, portrayal of Satan as a loving, caring and sensitive being, igniting anal wind then being incinerated...
2000-08-09 12:54:00] - hehehe
2000-08-09 12:53:00] - passing body gas in time to music and in other situations, child beating with a wooden chair, disembodied erect male member....
2000-08-09 12:52:00] - for those of you using netscape, the cap people are using the <blink> tag!!!
2000-08-09 12:52:00] - Cap reviews South Park! Hooray
2000-08-09 12:49:00] -
2000-08-09 12:49:00] - HA HA! She walked out of MATILDA! HA HA HA! The 1996 PG version of matilda! What's wrong with these people!
2000-08-09 12:45:00] - Wow! 10 hitler heads! Just what I need to spruce up the dorm room next year.
- Aaron
2000-08-09 12:41:00] - 10 unused stamps showing evil dicator!
2000-08-09 12:38:00] - yay hitler
2000-08-09 12:37:00] -
2000-08-09 12:35:00] - are those the people who left durring the matrix?!? fuck them
2000-08-09 12:33:00] - The CAP person left after 38 minutes? They missed the most violent parts of the film! Hmph.
2000-08-09 12:31:00] - what characters should be allowed in a url?? right now i have [^\s">]
2000-08-09 12:29:00] -
lunch. bye.
- aba
2000-08-09 12:28:00] - When in Galaxy Quest did they feature "vulgar exposure (unseen) of ostensibly bare male privates from rear angle while kneeled "???
2000-08-09 12:28:00] - there
2000-08-09 12:27:00] - goddamit
2000-08-09 12:26:00] ->
2000-08-09 12:25:00] -
doh . . . stupid bugs
really sorry guys . . . i am on it
2000-08-09 12:25:00] - The link doesn't work, there's an extra quote at the end.
2000-08-09 12:24:00] - i will have to take the mesgstats down for a while since it is written using all unix commands
2000-08-09 12:24:00] - might alias it for a while till things get settled down
2000-08-09 12:23:00] - shit
2000-08-09 12:23:00] - haha">
2000-08-09 12:23:00] -
miguel, it will probably redirect to a new url . . . i haven't decided
2000-08-09 12:23:00] - Yay! Scary Movie absolutely bottomed out on all 6 thermometers!
2000-08-09 12:21:00] - How can christians be offended when movies feature "hanging and attempted hanging, and lust for it "? They practically invented it.
2000-08-09 12:21:00] ->
2000-08-09 12:21:00] - so what going to happen to this page once we all go to college adrian?
2000-08-09 12:20:00] -
aaron, i fixed your whole & history thing
2000-08-09 12:18:00] - i remember one review that said shanghai noon had one scene promoting homosexuality
2000-08-09 12:18:00] - these are the first reviews i've read that have listed "offenses to god"
2000-08-09 12:16:00] - they analyze movies way too much.
2000-08-09 12:14:00] -
yay. more christian "protecting the children" bullshit. i love reading stuff like this.
2000-08-09 12:13:00] -
2000-08-09 12:12:00] - had a little shiny nose
2000-08-09 12:11:00] - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!
2000-08-09 12:11:00] -
no, i left and came back
2000-08-09 12:11:00] - so i assumed it was you
2000-08-09 12:10:00] - i apoligize. i didn't know aparna was here
2000-08-09 12:09:00] - ?
2000-08-09 12:09:00] - ~a
2000-08-09 12:09:00] -
adrian said no such thing ~
2000-08-09 12:07:00] - want to migrate in a herd?
2000-08-09 12:05:00] - the anti-manson fanatic organization article i posted yesterday was really scary too. think if something like that happened here?
2000-08-09 12:05:00] - beep beep boop boop beep boop beep boop boop beep beep beep boop beep
2000-08-09 12:04:00] - i want to migrate. can it be seasonal? i want to be rich and own five houses.
2000-08-09 12:03:00] - though i think it is very very very wrong to make a sex symbol of someone who's just barely turned 18
2000-08-09 12:03:00] - workworkwork workwork workworkworkwork
2000-08-09 12:03:00] -
Yeah, the skating rink thing is really scary! Makes me want to migrate even further north.
2000-08-09 12:03:00] -
no, it was me.
- aba
2000-08-09 12:03:00] - i hate work. i wanna go back to vt.
2000-08-09 12:03:00] - adrian did
2000-08-09 12:02:00] - i didn't say spears should be illegal
2000-08-09 12:02:00] - it was a joke yo
2000-08-09 12:02:00] -
yeah, but the hokey pokey?
2000-08-09 12:02:00] - Which contradicts everything you've said about freedom to listen to what you want, but OK, you have your beliefs....
2000-08-09 12:01:00] -
2000-08-09 12:01:00] - i think brittany spears music should be illegal
2000-08-09 12:01:00] - moomoo
2000-08-09 11:59:00] - the one about the skating rink is really scary though.
2000-08-09 11:59:00] - yeah i read the probe article too.
2000-08-09 11:57:00] - Yeah! I read about that suspension for cops + robbers thing. Seanbaby made fun of them for that with this article on the probe.... Funny
- Aaron
2000-08-09 11:57:00] - more interesting reading material
2000-08-09 11:56:00] -
2000-08-09 11:56:00] -
2000-08-09 11:54:00] - funny
2000-08-09 11:54:00] - Ha! Ha! They settled for beer? Does the lawyer get a commission on that beer or something?
2000-08-09 11:53:00] - tobacco industry sucks. they should be destroyed by making pot legal.
2000-08-09 11:52:00] -
2000-08-09 11:51:00] - Yuck! Tar-stained mouths? %10 price hikes? The tobacco industry is just as much at fault as the smokers themselves...
2000-08-09 11:48:00] -
2000-08-09 11:44:00] - how about we decide later . . . there are more choices this year
2000-08-09 11:43:00] - So whose dorm room are we probably going to be hanging out at next year, anyways? Did we decide?
- Aaron
2000-08-09 11:41:00] - Yeah Vinnie hates it but I think it's OK! Lots of energy in that song. Better than Total Eclipse Of The Heart in my opinion.
- Aaron
2000-08-09 11:40:00] - that song kind of gets annoying
2000-08-09 11:39:00] - i didn't think it was very good
2000-08-09 11:38:00] - abnormalporter is not signed on
2000-08-09 11:38:00] - Who here likes that song "I need a hero" from Short Circuit (or Short Circuit 2, I don't remember)
2000-08-09 11:38:00] -
yes, miguel
2000-08-09 11:37:00] -
2000-08-09 11:36:00] - are you at work adrian?
2000-08-09 11:35:00] - me neither . . . because i am white
2000-08-09 11:35:00] - Lunch time, have fun debating, i'll be back soon!
2000-08-09 11:34:00] - But then again, I am white so I don't understand affirmative action
2000-08-09 11:34:00] - I am against government intereference in business (and hence against affirmative action)
2000-08-09 11:34:00] - i dunno, yo; talk to aparna
2000-08-09 11:33:00] - because aparna isn't here
2000-08-09 11:33:00] - What about the poor white people who don't have the chance that wealthy white people have? They don't get AA benifits?
- Aaron
2000-08-09 11:33:00] -
wow. do we all agree here?
2000-08-09 11:30:00] - cance = chance
2000-08-09 11:30:00] - i think quotas are wrong though. but i think they got rid of quotas already
2000-08-09 11:30:00] - i assume you are correct, paul
2000-08-09 11:30:00] - So that the head of Geico can't decide that black people can't sell insurance, and just hire all whites or something.
- Aaron
2000-08-09 11:30:00] - because some people who are smart (and might be minorities) don't have the cance that us rich bastards get to have qualifications (not my opinion)
2000-08-09 11:29:00] - I always saw AA as kind of a way to make sure that people are being fair in their hiring of minorities.
- Aaron
2000-08-09 11:29:00] - Everyone here is pro-choice?
2000-08-09 11:28:00] -
well, aaron, some pro-aa people believe that qualifications aren't what hiring should be based on
2000-08-09 11:28:00] - and the isolated incidents (which might not be so isolated) are the ones that matter
2000-08-09 11:28:00] - Ideally if all companies ignored race, and hired people based on qualifications, I think affirmative action would be unnecessary.
- Aaron
2000-08-09 11:27:00] - assuewmee makes an ass out of uew and mee!
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