here are old message board entries

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[2000-08-10 15:17:00] - My dad told me how there was a kid at some high school who tried to found a "white students union" and was expelled for it...

[2000-08-10 15:16:00] - I guess I should really just write all my political ideas down on a web-page so I can just send people a URL in the future... -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:15:00] - They should exist and I respect a lot of the stuff they do, it's just the occasional protest that strikes a nerve :-) -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:14:00] - Short answer: I am not anti-naacp, I just wish they weren't so overzealous -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:10:00] - ok, i understand.  i just wanted to know. - aba

[2000-08-10 15:10:00] - I'm not saying it doesn't exist at all, I'm saying that they sometimes see it in places where it is not -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:09:00] - It just seems to me that they stick their nose into things they shouldn't. They see racism where it doesn't exist -paul

[2000-08-10 15:08:00] - And if I wanted to start a million man march on the capital to celebrate "white power", whoa boy. I would be a member of the KKK -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:08:00] - The civil war waas not fought over slavery, it was state's rights. Lack of minorities on TV and movies isn't due to a conspiracy. -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:06:00] - Yes, I agree with their right to do these things, I just don't agree with the reasoning behind the protest -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:06:00] - boycott of academy awards because of lack of minorities, and they have a horrible double-standard -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:06:00] - what's wrong with those things?  they are protesting peacably, no? - aba

[2000-08-10 15:05:00] - Million man march, economic boycott of SC because of confederate flag, boycott of networks because of lack of minorities... -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:04:00] - Besides, isn't NAACP politically incorrect? Shouldn't it be National Association for the Advancement of African Americans? -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:03:00] - can you give me some examples?  just fmi. - aba

[2000-08-10 15:02:00] - I agree with the ultimate aim of the NAACP and what it is trying to accomplish, I just don't like how they are going about doing it -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:01:00] - At least he had the balls to resign, I respect that... -Paul

[2000-08-10 15:01:00] - and you guys are anti-naacp?

[2000-08-10 14:58:00] - President of the Dallas chapter of the NAACP said that blacks should be fearful about a Jewish VP becase all they care about is money.-BpemR

[2000-08-10 14:57:00] - today or how it will affect the campaign or something... -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:56:00] - I really doubt the press will make much of the NAACP's role in it, they'll probably just talk about how this shows how much racism there is in America

[2000-08-10 14:55:00] - Dallas NAACP guy made some anti-semetic remarks yesterday... -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:51:00] - naacp? i've been working all day, so i haven't read much news. - aba

[2000-08-10 14:51:00] - Lieberman won't, but I suspect the press will have a feild day, they guy's already resigned though, so it won't actually hurt the NAACP too much. -Bpe

[2000-08-10 14:46:00] - sort of thing -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:45:00] - No one would dare criticize the naacp for fear of being labeled a bigot, and I doubt Liberman is going to make a big deal about it, he's above this

[2000-08-10 14:44:00] - NAACP does stuff like that all the time, no one's gonna do anything about it because they don't dare to -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:44:00] - So what you're saying is that there are two libertarians here and only one person to disagree with us? Excellent :-) -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:40:00] - boo, i haven't talked to him at all today.  :(  -  aba

[2000-08-10 14:39:00] - Appearantly not since he hasn't responded to my post yet... -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:39:00] - NAACP is goona get fried for this one. -BpemR

[2000-08-10 14:35:00] - adrian's not here, is he? - aba

[2000-08-10 14:31:00] - The only thing that bothers me is when lazy people try to enforce their laziness (no capital letters) on me (*ahem* Adrian) :-) -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:30:00] - Don't worry about it.  As you say, I can tell it is you by your disagreement with me. -paul

[2000-08-10 14:28:00] - i know i am very lazy  :-[  sorry paul.  -  aba

[2000-08-10 14:27:00] - I honestl forget a lot, and I've got two sign-offs, plus a lot of my posts are longer than a single line. -BpemR

[2000-08-10 14:27:00] - You are very lazy, especially since you shorten your name and don't italicize. I bet you don't even use capital letters :-) -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:23:00] - i am too lazy to sign my name most of the time - aba

[2000-08-10 14:17:00] - Geez, I should stop signing some of my messages so I don't have a 4-1 ratio over second place for most posts for a signature -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:11:00] - haha.  ips are in the message stats though.  check the last seen/posted list.

[2000-08-10 14:05:00] - btw, the correct answer was "You're a dick" -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:05:00] - This is not something that I can do, we must consult with Adrian -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:04:00] - check ip  :)

[2000-08-10 14:03:00] - How do we know that you are the real Aparna? -Paul

[2000-08-10 14:02:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-10 13:54:00] - "you guys are funny  - aba" - didn't say that - aba

[2000-08-10 13:52:00] - Nice menu -Paul

[2000-08-10 13:52:00] - Did anyone comment on my slightly renovated web-page that I missed? -BpemR

[2000-08-10 13:51:00] - you guys are funny  - aba

[2000-08-10 13:48:00] - oro!

[2000-08-10 13:47:00] - Different kind of faith.

[2000-08-10 13:46:00] - I have faith in myself and I know I am not fictitious. -Paul

[2000-08-10 13:44:00] - fictitious. -BprmR

[2000-08-10 13:44:00] - We all have faith, just some of us stock it in different things. I have faith in God.  You guys have faith in Saddam Hussein, for all we know he may b

[2000-08-10 13:37:00] - part of the m-w defn of faith: belief and trust in and loyalty to God , firm belief in something for which there is no proof - aba

[2000-08-10 13:36:00] - But when religious people have their religion challenged, they can always fall back on faith, which is inassaultable by logic -Paul

[2000-08-10 13:34:00] - Sorry to be late... let us just say I hate mornings.  Religion doesn't require faith, but it helps. Faith gets us through the Jobian times. -BpemR

[2000-08-10 13:29:00] - In fact, most christian religions have faith as a primary part of their beliefs and faith is almost the opposite of logic so... -Paul

[2000-08-10 13:28:00] - Religion is an inherently difficult thing to argue because the existence (or non-existence) of a God can't be proven -Paul

[2000-08-10 13:27:00] - maybe because we are almost all pretty nonreligious. - aba

[2000-08-10 13:15:00] - We could always try to argue about religion again but that didn't work too well last time.... -Paul

[2000-08-10 13:10:00] - Of course whenever the issue of politics is raised, people get angry so it's either talk and be angry or not and be happy -Paul

[2000-08-10 13:03:00] - Nobody is posting much today because no one has raised the issue of politics yet today -Paul

[2000-08-10 12:28:00] - Well I do some java programming sometimes. So I guess I'd be a programmer. - Aaron

[2000-08-10 12:23:00] - hehe.  what is your job?

[2000-08-10 12:23:00] - Reading is work.

[2000-08-10 12:16:00] - *you're

[2000-08-10 12:16:00] - your not supposed to be doing work?  ;)

[2000-08-10 12:15:00] - has all these simpson scripts, and lists lots of details which normal people don't care about. It's lots of fun. - Aaron

[2000-08-10 12:15:00] - Moe: Uh, hey, everybody!  I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt.

[2000-08-10 12:11:00] - homer: Oh, foe, the cursed teeth! What demon from the depths of hell created thee!

[2000-08-10 12:11:00] - Homer: Not bad.  Nice, hot mustard.  Good bread.  The turkey's a little dry. The turkey's a little dry!

[2000-08-10 12:09:00] - what is

[2000-08-10 12:08:00] - Yep we're about it. I'm reading stuff off of

[2000-08-10 12:05:00] - i feel like i am talking to myself, and occasionally you  :(

[2000-08-10 11:56:00] - Yeah I don't know. Very weird. - Aaron

[2000-08-10 11:42:00] - why is nobody posting much today? - aba

[2000-08-10 11:34:00] - it comes from electric eels.  and we won't run out as long as we have them.

[2000-08-10 11:33:00] - :-):-(;-):-P=-O:-*>:o8-):-$:-!:-[O:-):-\:'(:-X:-D

[2000-08-10 11:33:00] - Hey, where does electricity come from? Are we in danger of running out?

[2000-08-10 11:30:00] - &#9834;&#9835; Back in 4 minutes &#9835;&#9834;

[2000-08-10 11:29:00] - =-O Coolsville, daddio

[2000-08-10 11:28:00] - i can dig it  =-O

[2000-08-10 11:28:00] - Can you dig it? 8-)

[2000-08-10 11:26:00] - cool yo.  8-)

[2000-08-10 11:26:00] - behind each one.... The name Truth Or Consequences NM was actually chosen by the TV show of the same name for big $$$$, it was a publicity stunt.

[2000-08-10 11:25:00] - I knew about Truth or Consequencs, NM... There was this whole "games magazine" puzzle where they listed real + fake cities, and they had stories

[2000-08-10 11:24:00] - Ha ha. Yes I'm sorry. It is a very good board with which I should not be messing. - Aaron

[2000-08-10 11:23:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-10 11:22:00] - bad aaron.  stop messing witht he board.  >:o  -  aba

[2000-08-10 11:21:00] - http://www.");

[2000-08-10 11:20:00] - Ha ha I found a bug! - Aaron

[2000-08-10 11:20:00] - http://www.:-).com/ .... just testing some stuff

[2000-08-10 11:20:00] -

[2000-08-10 11:18:00] - Yay another win for porn

[2000-08-10 11:17:00] -

[2000-08-10 11:14:00] - where is everybody?  :'(

[2000-08-10 11:09:00] - i guess so i'm just testing it right now -m

[2000-08-10 11:06:00] - who would like to live in steubenville, oh?  :P

[2000-08-10 11:03:00] - is it a nice cable modem?

[2000-08-10 11:01:00] - me have cable modem now.  yay.-m

[2000-08-10 10:59:00] - there's a city in nm called truth or consequences.  weird, huh?

[2000-08-10 10:59:00] -

[2000-08-10 10:57:00] - fishies

[2000-08-10 10:57:00] - ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><>

[2000-08-10 10:55:00] - i am boreded

[2000-08-10 10:55:00] - work is boring

[2000-08-10 10:52:00] - I would rather win an arguement with someone who disagrees with me then win a arguement against myself though :-) -Paul

[2000-08-10 10:45:00] - but you also always win.  ;)

[2000-08-10 10:42:00] - Excellent.... Except then I wouldn't have anyone to argue with... Arguing with myself isn't any fun, I always lose... -Paul

[2000-08-10 10:38:00] - you can further your lead over everybody in most number of posts  :P

[2000-08-10 10:34:00] - I guess traffic on the message board is gonna drop off drastically after tommorrow... -Paul

[2000-08-10 10:28:00] - vt home  :(  and yes tomorrow is my last day (woo!)

[2000-08-10 10:26:00] - Isn't tommorrow your last day? And by home, do you mean NOVA home or VT home? -Paul

[2000-08-10 10:19:00] - no, it wasn't the headlines, i just felt like saying you suck,  to no one in particular.  i hate work.  i want to go home.

[2000-08-10 10:15:00] - I'm sorry, i wasn't trying to insult anyone. I thought it was funny. Like headlines on leno... :-( -Paul

[2000-08-10 10:13:00] - no, you don't.  i just felt like saying that.  it's good to vent.

[2000-08-10 10:13:00] - :-( Why do I suck? -Paul

[2000-08-10 10:10:00] - you suck

[2000-08-10 10:10:00] - Coincidence? -Paul

[2000-08-10 10:08:00] - - Internet Porn Law Blocked. Women Take to Net -Paul

[2000-08-10 09:57:00] - well, yes, but we don't hate you for it.  :P

[2000-08-10 09:54:00] - Sure.... You all just hate me is what it is... You're tired of me and my constant spewing of Libertarian propaganda :-) -Paul

[2000-08-10 09:52:00] - adrian left  :(  and i wasn't at work yet  =-O

[2000-08-10 09:46:00] - Hey! I was posting this morning, but no one else was so I quit -Paul

[2000-08-10 09:45:00] - yes, i want to sleep lots and goof off a little this summer.  :) - aba

[2000-08-10 09:44:00] - Oh okay. So you just get a week off then? That's cool. - Aaron

[2000-08-10 09:43:00] - tomorrow is mine and adrian's last day.  he is going back the 17th, and i am going back the 18th. - aba

[2000-08-10 09:42:00] - Is everybody else working up until the 18th?

[2000-08-10 09:35:00] - :-) Aaron

[2000-08-10 09:35:00] - Aparna and I

[2000-08-10 09:35:00] - who is we?

[2000-08-10 09:33:00] - Hi aparna! We are the only two people checking the message board right now. I guess nobody else is in yet

[2000-08-10 09:22:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-10 09:22:00] - Andrew, when you say you "could always win" at M.U.L.E, was this by using the "Be Flapper Strategy" that you showed me? - Aaron

[2000-08-10 09:20:00] - "My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks." "At once?"

[2000-08-10 09:19:00] - People are generally more inclined to pick odd numbers near the middle of the range. - Aaron

[2000-08-10 09:19:00] - When someone says "pick a number 1-100" I always pick 37. It' just some subliminal thing. - Aaron

[2000-08-10 09:11:00] - Number of dicks sucked by veronica in clerks -Paul

[2000-08-10 09:10:00] - # of dicks sucked by veronica in clerks -Paul

[2000-08-10 09:05:00] - what is so special about the number 37?  ~a

[2000-08-10 08:26:00] - 37!?

[2000-08-10 08:20:00] - the word eat is not always associated with food . . . .

[2000-08-09 23:13:00] - food probably

[2000-08-09 22:25:00] - Webpage has been minorly updated again, I may put some more content on tonight too. -BpemR

[2000-08-09 21:18:00] - What would I eat while fucking? -BpemR

[2000-08-09 19:17:00] - "i've gotta fuck now.fuck gotta eat *something* today. -bpmer"

[2000-08-09 16:47:00] - sorry.  work takes away time from chatting.  damn work.  :P  -  aba

[2000-08-09 16:47:00] - i meant the conversation doesn't have to continue after you run out of things to say.  in aim you have the dumb window open all the time. - aba

[2000-08-09 16:41:00] - I've gotta go now.I've gotta eat *something* today. -BpmeR

[2000-08-09 16:39:00] - D'oh

[2000-08-09 16:36:00] - --BpemR

[2000-08-09 16:36:00] - I've been on AIM almost since it's inception.

[2000-08-09 16:32:00] - Well not counting IRC chat. I forgot about that.

[2000-08-09 16:31:00] - Oh alright. Firefly had messageboard/chatrooms which did that. It was the only internet chat service before java become popular. - Aaron

[2000-08-09 16:30:00] - about the refresh, i had thought about it and decided not to use it  ~a

[2000-08-09 16:30:00] - Thes filter: "auto-log is jack tar undefiled".... Ha, your thesaurus has the word "Niggardly" in it? - Aaron

[2000-08-09 16:27:00] - Auto-log is a decent idea, but it's far from essentia;l, or even very handy.

[2000-08-09 16:25:00] - Autolog is a fantastic feature. What do you mean, let a conversation slip?

[2000-08-09 16:25:00] - i like the fact that in icq you can let a conversation slip and not have a big window open (unless you start a chat).  i also like the auto-log. - aba

[2000-08-09 16:23:00] - I like ICQ's 1 on 1 chat, where the letters show up as you're typing them. That's very very cool, brings back memories of BBS chats with sysops and su

[2000-08-09 16:22:00] - Auto refresh wouldn't be hard. You could just say that after you've been at this page for 10 seconds, go to this page. It's easy.

[2000-08-09 16:22:00] - because they have incompatible formats.  aim is name based, icq is number based, etc, etc.  -  aba

[2000-08-09 16:21:00] - - aba

[2000-08-09 16:21:00] - i don't know why they don't combine them...AOL owns both!

[2000-08-09 16:21:00] - i would use icq, except for the unfortunate fact that everybody seems to like the interface of aim better.

[2000-08-09 16:19:00] - no, icq has so many more utilities than aim.  all the recent add-ons in aim (file transfer, etc) only came because aol bought mirabilis.  -  aba

[2000-08-09 16:19:00] - nightmare before christmas gets a 4!    (hehe)  ~a

[2000-08-09 16:18:00] - Only in your nightmares

[2000-08-09 16:17:00] - icq beats aim

[2000-08-09 16:16:00] - Icq < message board < aim

[2000-08-09 16:15:00] - icq > aim

[2000-08-09 16:14:00] - My only suggestion is that an aut-refresh might be nice, but I've got no idea if that's even possible.  -BpeR

[2000-08-09 16:12:00] - Anything beats ICQ --BpemR

[2000-08-09 16:10:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-09 16:08:00] - hey, it's david grogan's 19th birthday this weekend, so say happy birthday to him if you remember.

[2000-08-09 16:07:00] - this sure beats icq!

[2000-08-09 16:06:00] - But that's random.

[2000-08-09 16:06:00] - Wahooooooooooooooooooooo

[2000-08-09 16:06:00] - we made the reccord!    ~a

[2000-08-09 16:05:00] - hehe . . . that is what the 4th filter does

[2000-08-09 16:05:00] - Or perhaps This?

[2000-08-09 16:05:00] - oh, no the traffic is no problem, just curious

[2000-08-09 16:05:00] - aaron, what is the original database text?  ~a

[2000-08-09 16:05:00] - \/\/e can still do this though....

[2000-08-09 16:04:00] - uter)  ~a

[2000-08-09 16:04:00] - I cheated to get capital letters briefly but adrian fixed it :-(

[2000-08-09 16:03:00] - yeah, if you are worried about the traffic, i'll be done using when the school year starts in like 2 weeks (and i can get it back on my com

[2000-08-09 16:03:00] - Capital letters, we demand them!

[2000-08-09 16:03:00] - why is my job so boring?  -  aba

[2000-08-09 16:03:00] - Adrian is anti-capital-letters, duh

[2000-08-09 16:03:00] - hehe!    no  >:o  ~a

[2000-08-09 16:02:00] - thanks    ~a

[2000-08-09 16:02:00] - Needs capital letters though

[2000-08-09 16:02:00] - What tags are allowed again? <i><b><big><small>....

[2000-08-09 16:02:00] - What a neat message board

[2000-08-09 16:01:00] - darn

[2000-08-09 16:01:00] - oh, i get it; yeah :'( doesn't have cgi    ~a

[2000-08-09 16:01:00] - <A HREF=>neato</a>

[2000-08-09 16:01:00] - Hmmmm I wonder whose idea it was to make phone cords all curly? Most cords are very straight

[2000-08-09 16:01:00] - Uhh... so they did...  What am I doing here again? -BpemR

[2000-08-09 16:01:00] - i was looking at our web logs and said "wow, ~aporter/cgi-bin/msg.cgi is sure getting a lot of traffic!"

[2000-08-09 16:00:00] - everyone else did, though  :-D  ~a

[2000-08-09 16:00:00] - Yup, I was

[2000-08-09 16:00:00] - original database text?  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:59:00] - I did not go to TJ! So there. Pthhhb. -BpreR

[2000-08-09 15:59:00] - I am magical! I looked at the original database text. The non-html version

[2000-08-09 15:59:00] - you are like the sys admin for tjhsst, right?  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:59:00] - yeah, will be a junior in 6 mos    ~a

[2000-08-09 15:59:00] - aaron, how did you know it was bethesda?  msgstats?    ~a

[2000-08-09 15:58:00] - how's it going, adrian? must be like a sophomore by now....

[2000-08-09 15:58:00] - Bethesda???!

[2000-08-09 15:58:00] - DING

[2000-08-09 15:58:00] - phil kirlin most likely    ~a

[2000-08-09 15:57:00] - you have the same ip . . . . . . i am confused  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:57:00] - mr samson's class......apcs

[2000-08-09 15:57:00] - now figure out who I am.....

[2000-08-09 15:56:00] - But it makes it a lot harder for us, because every time we build, now, we also have to run this obfuscator which takes extra time. Blech.

[2000-08-09 15:55:00] - oh wow!  lots of the people here are from tj too.  yes, i am adrian :-D    ~a

[2000-08-09 15:55:00] - I just thing it's pointless, Adrian. Obfuscation doesn't really make it that much harder to decompile java.

[2000-08-09 15:55:00] - tj. mr rose. apcs.

[2000-08-09 15:55:00] - and what is the vt high school?  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:54:00] - what is  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:54:00] - a friend :)

[2000-08-09 15:54:00] - who is asking?  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:54:00] - and, aaron, decompilation of java is really easy, i've done it lots  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:53:00] - who is "~A"

[2000-08-09 15:53:00] - i understand, aaron;  i think that isn't a good way to go (are you agreeing or disagreeing with it's use?)  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:52:00] - That way it's more difficult to understand what it does. The process is called "obfuscation" and there's programs for it all over the net.

[2000-08-09 15:52:00] - "high school"?  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:52:00] - So the only way around that is to run this program which looks through compiled java and makes all of the method names and class names random words

[2000-08-09 15:51:00] - Virginia Tech High School Programming Contest

[2000-08-09 15:51:00] - So anybody who wants to can easily decompile our stuff, and the project leader here is really paranoid about that.

[2000-08-09 15:49:00] - Ok ok here's the thing. We're doing all these big projects and stuff, hundreds of man-hours of coding, but it's all in Java.

[2000-08-09 15:49:00] - "The same thing that happens to everything else!"

[2000-08-09 15:49:00] - funny?  how so?  ~a

[2000-08-09 15:48:00] - is ~a adrian?

[2000-08-09 15:48:00] - Like: "What happens to a Toad that gets struck by lighting?" Kind of funny? -BpemR

[2000-08-09 15:48:00] - who is making all the smilies (a new ip)    ~a

[2000-08-09 15:47:00] - Oops, did I say "but"? I meant to say "comma"....

[2000-08-09 15:47:00] - Yes. I can explain but it's the kind of thing that Adrian might find funny.

[2000-08-09 15:46:00] - Obfuscate is a verb, right? -BpremR

[2000-08-09 15:46:00] - Or laughed out of existence.

[2000-08-09 15:46:00] - :D

[2000-08-09 15:46:00] - People at my office have trouble being "Obfuscate" but I don't. - Aaron

[2000-08-09 15:46:00] - :-) :))

[2000-08-09 15:45:00] - :)

[2000-08-09 15:45:00] - d

[2000-08-09 15:44:00] - I'm sure someone did but he was porbably promptly shot -paul

[2000-08-09 15:43:00] - No one ever said being a Catholic and living close to a good life was easy. -BpemR

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