here are old message board entries

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[2002-01-31 16:05:30] - because people believe that anything god does, even if it's a sin for us, is part of his plan (which is believed by faith to be good) - boing

[2002-01-31 15:52:43] - why should god not be held up to the moral framework he decides to place for everyone on earth? - mig

[2002-01-31 15:16:39] -  haha! - dewey

[2002-01-31 14:36:44] - Jesus for example... I just can't imagine him being a very good role model, while simultaneously throwing rocks at another guy who's trying to remain open-minded about religion - aaron

[2002-01-31 14:35:35] - Stuff in deuteronomy still bugs me though. God tells people to lead blasphemers to the middle of town and stone them to death. I just can't imagine that's something god would actually want people to do - aaron

[2002-01-31 14:34:29] - Idunno. Are jealousy and vengeance sins? Because I remember the pizza guys talking about how god couldn't tolerate any sin in the realm of heaven or something like that - aaron

[2002-01-31 12:30:00] - so I'm sort of playing devil's advocate, pardon my irony - boing

[2002-01-31 12:29:35] - though it seems reasonable that he would be.  i'm not trying to be disagreeable, but these are the arguments an educated fundamentalist might use - boing

[2002-01-31 12:28:37] - I don't think the bible ever states that god must be held to the moral judgement to which humans are accountable - boing

[2002-01-31 12:27:28] - and there might well be a double standard when it comes to what is bad for us and what is bad for god - boing

[2002-01-31 12:26:11] - technically, miguel, the verses telling us not to be vengeful or jealous don't state that those are bad things, just that we shouldn't do them - boing

[2002-01-31 08:48:39] - yes, to a degree.  it would definitely make having sex with porcupines illegal. - mig

[2002-01-31 08:40:24] - Can a law prohibiting bestiality in general be interpreted as a law against having sex with porcupines? :P -logan

[2002-01-31 08:19:49] - Heheh, yesterday I said to a friend, "Holy shit, look!  A stereotype!  You don't see those everyday." -logan

[2002-01-31 02:23:18] - i hate it when people fit into stereotypes.  ~a

[2002-01-30 20:23:35] - details, details. - mig

[2002-01-30 19:53:12] - It's spelled "tenet." -logan

[2002-01-30 19:08:13] -

[2002-01-30 17:41:28] - Can the porcupines still have sex with eachother? - aaron

[2002-01-30 14:29:41] - i think sex with animals is illegal in general, aaron.  not sure of this but i'm sure it's generaly thought of as bad.  don't worry, aaron, underage drinking and lots of other fun things are illegal too!  :)  ~a

[2002-01-30 13:54:23] - Oh no, wait, it's florida! Phew. misread that. California's still an option after all - aaron

[2002-01-30 13:53:58] - Aw, no porcupine sex in california? Damn, now I really don't know where I'm going to live after I get out of college - aaron

[2002-01-30 11:37:44] - wow, that was one of the funniest things i have read in a while. - mig

[2002-01-30 10:18:09] - mig: Nope, I would never claim to be the sexiest :-) -paul

[2002-01-30 10:17:49] - A list of some crazy laws that have been passed -paul

[2002-01-30 00:48:45] - oracle

[2002-01-30 00:37:53] - paul:  do you mean sexiest? - mig

[2002-01-30 00:37:34] - come back, pierce

[2002-01-29 23:58:08] - go away, pierce

[2002-01-29 23:35:09] - I'm sorry it had to come to that.

[2002-01-29 23:34:56] - karl, i didn't make it up, it's from a desk in one of my classes

[2002-01-29 23:34:53] - pi is exactly three!

[2002-01-29 23:33:03] - 3.14159265358979323846264338327950419710000000000000000

[2002-01-29 23:24:50] - tell me pi

[2002-01-29 19:32:36] - i do it daily and i like it but that's my style

[2002-01-29 19:32:15] - take the time to smoke a joint once and a while

[2002-01-29 13:25:21] - isn't one of the only running successes with free speech in this country the protection of parody?  I think Austin Powers definitely falls into that category. - boing

[2002-01-29 11:28:59] -,1,9430,00.html people apparently confuse bond with austin powers. - mig

[2002-01-29 08:14:50] -,2933,44183,00.html Why do men commit suicide at such a higher rate then women? -paul

[2002-01-29 08:12:02] - a: I am sexy because I am sexist ;-) -paul

[2002-01-28 21:17:19] - paul, i think you are confusing sexy with sexist  ~a

[2002-01-28 21:15:07] - I am sexist -paul

[2002-01-28 19:38:25] - miguel, he won't be the only one.  many many christians are sexist, not just chick.  ~a

[2002-01-28 19:30:53] - gender neutral bible?  i bet jack chick will denouce it as a "satanist plot to pervert the word of god!" - mig

[2002-01-28 15:58:20] - a: I think it's a sign from the gods ;-) -paul

[2002-01-28 12:59:11] - yeah.  and my number in the line for spaghetti at west end was 69 too!  ~a

[2002-01-28 10:29:05] - a: Congratulations! I take it that is a good thing? :-) -paul

[2002-01-28 10:19:47] - i'm ranked 69th in topcoder!  :P  ~a

[2002-01-27 23:33:50] - i miss aparna :'(  ~a

[2002-01-27 23:33:30] - do you want me to change it?  ~a

[2002-01-27 23:16:41] - why am i so mean looking over there? -kris

[2002-01-27 14:39:23] - what's that dumb banner?

[2002-01-27 14:17:29] -

[2002-01-27 11:01:07] - Media bias against guns? -paul

[2002-01-25 18:00:32] - Bird killed by Tennis ball in tournament -paul

[2002-01-25 18:00:09] - Commentary about AOL's lawsuit against Microsoft. -paul

[2002-01-25 10:12:19] - Tech braces itself for budget cuts -paul

[2002-01-25 09:45:11] - bush:  give me money! - mig

[2002-01-25 00:56:46] - dewey:  what are you talking about?  ~a

[2002-01-25 00:42:06] - yay, you also have a popup window from! - dewey

[2002-01-24 02:31:42] - yay.  i have a new kernel!  2.4.17!  i just need to recomplie the kernel once more so i can configure the webcam drivers.  but now, bed for me.  ~a

[2002-01-24 00:37:05] - wellbeing is one word? - mig

[2002-01-23 23:37:42] - It is impossible to obtain well-being with Word. -logan

[2002-01-23 19:46:35] - ###/pics/download/114.gif God dammit I hate word sometimes :-P It keeps insisting that I switch between "Well being" and "Well-Being".... Which is correct, anyways? - aaron

[2002-01-23 18:09:11] - "la la la la la la" - mig

[2002-01-23 12:34:46] - "blah blah blah blah blah"  ~a

[2002-01-22 23:24:24] - Didn't AOL buy Netscape after all this antitrust bullshit started? -logan

[2002-01-22 19:18:46] - AOL sues Microsoft. -paul

[2002-01-22 19:14:04] - a: Lots of people think Peta is warm and cuddly, as to what they are smoking, it's anyone's guess -paul

[2002-01-22 18:28:48] - s/thinking/smoking/  ~a

[2002-01-22 18:28:24] - paul:  who the hell ever thought peta was warm or cuddly and what were they thinking?  ~a

[2002-01-22 13:44:55] - Article about Bjorn Lomborg, a former member of Greenpeace, who has turned his back on the environmentalist movement -paul

[2002-01-22 13:31:40] - Interesting anti-peta and anti-greenpeace ads -paul

[2002-01-22 10:34:52] - ###/pics/download/113.gif

[2002-01-22 09:58:37] - ###/pics/download/112.gif -paul

[2002-01-22 09:54:50] - K-Mart files for bankruptcy protection -paul

[2002-01-21 19:52:02] -  ~a

[2002-01-21 19:51:26] - that one has already been posted here.  ~a

[2002-01-21 19:44:28] - ###/pics/download/111.gif

[2002-01-21 19:11:07] -

[2002-01-21 19:07:44] - ###/pics/download/110.gif

[2002-01-21 11:31:34] - ahh... I see the distinction.... -cryptic

[2002-01-21 10:04:13] - aol does not compete with windows, aol does compete with microsoft however. - mig

[2002-01-21 04:30:55] - ###/pics/temp/keys.jpg  - updated  ~a

[2002-01-20 17:25:52] - and the common thing with all these computers (other than the cheapest hardware available): microsoft (for the most part) -cryptic

[2002-01-20 17:24:46] - these people also buy dells, gateways, or *gasp* hps... -cryptic

[2002-01-20 17:22:45] - unless/until AOL comes up with an operating system of their own, they rely on microsoft to give them a platform... most people using AOL can't differentiate between aol and the internet, they assume aol == internet... -cryptic

[2002-01-20 17:20:50] - why would anyone think AOL is in any competition with windows? -cryptic

[2002-01-20 13:58:32] - a:  icq was a different situation.  they intentionally fucked icq because icq was a competitor, and they aren't directly competing with red hatin any way. - mig

[2002-01-20 13:48:44] - wolf: I beat it a couple of days ago. -logan

[2002-01-20 11:53:45] - mig:  look it icq  ~a

[2002-01-20 11:53:30] - mig:  they probably will.  ~a

[2002-01-20 11:28:17] - well, as long as aol doesn't do anything annoying to the rh distribution, i probably won't care that much. - mig

[2002-01-20 09:15:50] - There's plenty of different flavors of Linux out there, does it really matter if AOL buys one of them? -paul

[2002-01-19 21:51:28] - i think although aol has done some bad things in the past.  however, there needs to be some company out there that can unify many resources to compete with microsoft.  i'm all for it.  ~a

[2002-01-18 04:43:52] - /home/adrian/music/!misc/craig/wind the thing.mp3 . . . my favorite.  craig and miguel, my favorite roommates  :D  ~a

[2002-01-18 00:32:52] - ###/pics/download/109.gif

[2002-01-18 00:30:01] - yeah, it looks kind of like obelix - vinnie

[2002-01-17 22:39:10] -

[2002-01-17 22:30:39] - only level 19? i stopped at 26. - wolf

[2002-01-17 21:16:24] - oh!  i thought the thing on top was the head of something and the ball was a weird looking body -kris

[2002-01-17 19:39:12] - That laser game was easy. :P -logan

[2002-01-17 16:15:52] - I think there is a panda bear of sorts on top of the ball -paul

[2002-01-17 15:55:56] - it looks like the opera 'o'

[2002-01-17 15:07:21] - what's that little white rocking ball? -kris

[2002-01-17 01:12:22] - Upgrading flash made it work. -logan

[2002-01-17 01:12:12] - Heh, I'm on level 19 on that lasers game. -logan

[2002-01-16 18:55:27] - tare panda!

[2002-01-16 13:23:47] - ###/pics/download/108.gif

[2002-01-15 19:38:53] - heh, intuitive

[2002-01-15 19:37:08] - i'm naturally intutive!  ~a

[2002-01-15 19:00:13] -  ~a

[2002-01-15 01:00:01] - i love /home/music/!misc/aparna/  ~a

[2002-01-14 23:11:44] - i love linux.  why won't linux love me back?  :'(  ~a

[2002-01-14 19:41:29] - interresting stats in here.  why is it that the countries with the harshest drug laws end up with the most drug users? - mig

[2002-01-14 09:29:48] -

[2002-01-14 08:27:09] - i have genital herpes but i won't let it get me down

[2002-01-13 20:16:04] - I don't like the drugs

[2002-01-13 12:48:11] -  yay.  ~a

[2002-01-13 11:05:28] - Speaking of pictures, I put up some pictures of the New Years party on my webpage, check em out: -paul

[2002-01-13 02:19:04] -

[2002-01-11 20:33:04] - put your mouth where your money is

[2002-01-11 15:45:16] - Go Philips! -logan

[2002-01-11 15:43:14] - ``As for domain & hosting costs, I recently registered my own domain for about 30 dollars''  Boy did he get ripped off. -logan

[2002-01-11 15:41:20] - copy-protected cds do not have phiilips stamp of approval. - mig

[2002-01-11 12:04:23] - Libertarianism + blogging = good? -paul

[2002-01-10 19:32:29] - rejoice. - mig

[2002-01-10 16:09:28] - the wendy's dave thomas

[2002-01-10 15:46:28] - Which dave thomas died? - aaron

[2002-01-10 15:34:50] - 44 hrs until blacksburg!!

[2002-01-10 14:22:30] - 8?  on fox probably.  -  aba

[2002-01-10 13:50:19] - what time and what channel?  ~a

[2002-01-09 22:29:16] - fyi, theres supposed to be two hours of family guy on tomorrow night (thursday).  -  aba

[2002-01-09 18:15:06] - ###/pics/download/107.gif

[2002-01-09 14:45:01] - The dark side of rape shield laws -paul

[2002-01-09 14:26:49] - Women fined for returning to their alleged abusers after winning protective orders -paul

[2002-01-09 12:56:46] -,,t269-s2102244,00.html oops. - mig

[2002-01-09 09:40:52] - mig: I guess not, but I thought he was talking more in general terms and generally, men enjoy sex -paul

[2002-01-09 09:36:37] - paul:  i dunno.  can you be still sexually aroused if you do not like sex or sexual behavior?  - mig

[2002-01-09 09:35:26] -

[2002-01-09 08:44:03] - a: It's entirely possible, although I'm not quite sure exactly where in the article you were referring to specifically. Is there really that much of a difference though? :-P -paul

[2002-01-09 07:47:08] - dave thomas died  :'(  ~a

[2002-01-09 06:25:54] - paul:  i think they are confusing sex with sexual attraction in the beginning of that article.  ~a

[2002-01-08 16:29:31] - woah. - mig

[2002-01-08 15:38:18] - Women should chuck out the romance novels and rent some good porn... - aaron

[2002-01-08 13:29:34] - Very interesting article about the difference between male and female sexuality. Anyone got any romance novels out there I can borrow? ;-) -paul

[2002-01-08 13:15:04] - Australia considers holding drug companies accountable for drug-assisted rapes -paul

[2002-01-08 12:46:29] - Beware the recent restrictions on what Americans can eat -paul

[2002-01-08 12:36:49] - PETA attempt to save deer backfires -paul

[2002-01-08 11:09:44] - yay for fucking up education - mig

[2002-01-08 10:39:01] - by the way we all almost died a horrible death - mig

[2002-01-08 10:16:46] - "All models ship with the fearsomely fast NVIDIA GeForce2 MX"  i can't help but laugh. - mig

[2002-01-08 03:03:29] - Is 800 MHz slow for that architecture? -logan

[2002-01-08 00:37:34] - never the less, it looks nice for an apple.  ~a

[2002-01-08 00:34:36] - the new imac is 800mhz?  what?!  ~a

[2002-01-07 22:09:47] - the new imacs.  pretty nice.- wolf

[2002-01-07 14:43:38] - - mig

[2002-01-06 03:23:40] - Anybody check the Speed 2 review at ...get this... "Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997) was a well acted, action-packed, exciting, and intelligent movie" - aaron

[2002-01-06 01:20:38] -,1,9324,00.html heheheh - wolf

[2002-01-05 16:39:56] - 24-168-181-18

[2002-01-04 23:56:29] - ###/pics/download/106.gif  microsoft!

[2002-01-04 23:46:10] - maybe it was George Mason the 1st or something -paul

[2002-01-04 23:45:25] - a: How do you know it was Miguel who posted that? -paul

[2002-01-04 23:32:10] - miguel!  the g isn't even close to where it's supposed to be!  :-P  ~a

[2002-01-04 17:57:55] - not surprisingly, the riaa wants to have their cake and eat it too. - gmi

[2002-01-04 15:17:38] - what would have happened if someone like the people who wrote code red and nimbda found this before honest people like woowoo did?  yay for woowoo!  ~a

[2002-01-04 13:03:22] - Interesting list of top google searches for the year 2001 -paul

[2002-01-04 11:28:43] -,news rejoice - mig

[2002-01-04 00:54:28] - mmmmm... lobster

[2002-01-03 23:59:56] - (too big)

[2002-01-03 18:19:37] - i wonder of conservatives see this as an "act of terrorism" - wolf

[2002-01-03 15:43:03] - human rights violators are fine to trade with, but not those filthy pirates - mig

[2002-01-03 15:05:29] - - mig

[2002-01-03 12:22:16] -

[2002-01-03 12:02:11] -,02274.cfm Public Interest Groups challenge ATF ban on any mention, in alcohol beverage ads or labels, of the relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and reduced risk of heart disease. -paul

[2002-01-03 08:37:51] - i really fucking hate them now. - mig

[2002-01-03 03:24:23] - - wolf

[2002-01-03 02:28:35] - p wolf

[2002-01-02 23:08:36] - really.  the fact that you had to get a b to be considered in "good standing" was what keeping me from even considering it. - mig

[2002-01-02 22:59:17] - Grad school is like that... the work is a bit harder, but it's really really hard to get below a B. :P -logan

[2002-01-02 20:15:17] - hah, i would compare creed to the likes of brittany spears and the backstreet boys.  really lousy music that nobody will remember in a couple years. - wolf

[2002-01-02 20:10:46] - ??©??©???¥¨?®¥®?´?¢£®´ß?ß?¨?©¨¥©?ø??¨¥?©¥???¥®d eat unicode, bitch!!!!

[2002-01-02 16:57:16] - Grade inflation, myth or reality? -paul

[2002-01-02 09:40:02] - maybe freddie was right... - mig

[2002-01-01 19:29:44] - no one likes my web page;  cry  :'(

[2002-01-01 19:25:56] - LÐ2TÞBT2T:Þ0\B6TVÞ\B,6NLBPÞD@:TÞ6N\BÞLÞ0\B6Þ6NL8ÞÂÞÂÞÂÞZ46Þ,@4ÞX\BÐ6Þ\F0\,8ÞPT6Þ0N\6Þ,@4Þ0\B6Â

[2002-01-01 13:25:48] - = wolf

[2001-12-31 03:59:57] - rm: cannot remove `/bin/laden': No such file or directory

[2001-12-31 02:41:21] - $_="aparna is learning perl";

[2001-12-31 01:09:09] - i'm biased  :-)  ~a

[2001-12-30 17:16:13] - That can each completely annihilate the other for all I care. -logan

[2001-12-30 17:16:03] - I do not intend to back either.  If the US backs anybody, then the US is not speaking for me. -logan

[2001-12-30 01:12:01] -

[2001-12-28 18:49:58] - tonight on fox, you leave your kids at day care, thinking they're safe: or are they? - mig

[2001-12-28 13:22:00] - oh, and the conservative media never lies and never tries to deceive it's viewers *snicker*. - mig

[2001-12-28 11:48:40] - Is there a liberal bias in the media? -paul

[2001-12-28 11:47:42] - Should the United States back India or Pakistan in the event of a war? -paul

[2001-12-27 21:21:33] - mig:  i have one set of rules but the script that sets the rules messed up.  ~a

[2001-12-27 18:52:06] - jesus fuckin h christ

[2001-12-27 18:10:39] - -logan

[2001-12-27 16:00:25] - listed on impudence/hate:  marital argument - graphic. - mig

[2001-12-27 15:26:24] - - mig

[2001-12-27 11:28:21] - haha.  i just got a call from someone who works at netalyst.  apparently she installed a game on her computer and the game killed xp.  she can't boot into it at all now, and she can't even get into safe mode.  so much for stability. - mig

[2001-12-27 09:20:28] - spad

[2001-12-25 22:07:04] - mig: My roommate was playing around with putting up a tunneling interface, and deleted some rules I hadn't saved.  Other than that, I tried to make some changes to support multiple masqueraded StarCraft players at the same time, but they didn't work as they should. -logan

[2001-12-25 21:53:56] - - wolf

[2001-12-25 21:38:18] - China stands ready to take advantage of hostilities between India and Pakistan -paul

[2001-12-25 20:39:16] - \ stop the evil pirates! - mig

[2001-12-25 18:42:41] - a and logan:  what are you guys doing that you have to fiddle with your firewall settings all the time?  i just have one set of rules and i stick with it. - mig

[2001-12-25 13:51:12] - apple's student developer program sent me a box full of beta software and development tools, class hierarchy posters, and a t-shirt that is way too big.  how cute. - wolf

[2001-12-25 13:49:06] - yeah... my dad works at wal-mart, and he told me that all the ps2's were gone.  there were x-boxes and game cubes still leftover when they closed last night.  - wolf

[2001-12-25 13:46:48] - hello from shiny new titanium powerbook. - wolf

[2001-12-25 02:34:28] - too bad xbox doesn't have gta3. - mig

[2001-12-24 23:39:10] - Early results are in from the console wars -paul

[2001-12-24 21:45:56] - heh, my family is upstairs right now talking about it.  its pretty scary.  -  aba

[2001-12-24 18:33:17] - India and Pakistan getting ready to go at it again -paul

[2001-12-23 16:37:26] - - wolf

[2001-12-23 16:30:46] - - wolf

[2001-12-23 11:38:18] - Oh, the horror!  The evil!  Unlicensed embalmers!!!  We cannot let this evil stand! -logan

[2001-12-23 10:00:40] - (sad ninja) - wolf

[2001-12-23 10:00:12] - |:|( - wolf

[2001-12-23 02:27:44] - ugh.  don't complain.  i've been home for six months straight. - mig

[2001-12-22 19:18:22] - i am so bored.  i need school. - wolf

[2001-12-22 18:10:21] - well, it isn't the same.  it's a whole lot worse. - mig

[2001-12-22 08:49:50] - personally, i'd be a lot more disturbed to find out that grandma really got dumped out into the woods than i would be to hear about some president's (relatively tame) sex life. - wolf

[2001-12-22 08:48:28] - mig: all i've heard from conservatives about it is that it's "not the same" as lying about sex.  - wolf

[2001-12-22 04:51:51] - sandler

[2001-12-21 23:34:35] - A weird article on the future of human sexual habits. Pretty offensive if taken seriously, so read it for a laugh. Personally, I can't wait for the future ;-) -paul

[2001-12-21 23:34:19] - i guess we'll see if the conservatives who wanted clinton gone were hypocrites or not. - mig

[2001-12-21 22:57:27] - bush, even.  damn this motorola keyboard. - wolf

[2001-12-21 22:56:53] - whoops! buah lies under oath.  - wolf

[2001-12-21 16:27:30] - logan:  just goes to show you that you can use the bible to justify anything.  some rather interesting interpertations, however. - mig

[2001-12-21 13:41:13] - i messed up and my firewall won't let me into my computer.  if anyone wants to hack into my computer, you've got my permission and i'll help you wherever you need it.  ~a

[2001-12-21 12:10:04] - yay, png graphic works again :) - dewey

[2001-12-21 11:51:21] - Jesus is an Anarchist: -logan

[2001-12-21 11:14:11] - - mig

[2001-12-21 09:02:27] - it is now illegal to destroy children's dreams.... - mig

[2001-12-20 19:20:32] - sorry.  i only got two hours of sleep last night and had to drive all alone ( :'( ) for 4 hours.  i am too tired to watch it today.  i told paul that you wanted to see it saturday (he said he couldn't see it friday anyways) and you can talk to him about it.  ~a

[2001-12-20 14:22:31] - a: where/when? - mig

[2001-12-20 11:23:29] - i'm going to leave for iowa saturday but i think paul and i might see it today if you want to come.  ~a

[2001-12-20 10:53:45] - i'm going to see lor on saturday.  anyone going to be around? - mig

[2001-12-20 03:50:21] - perl -ne 'while(s/.//) {print chr(0x8f-int(ord($&)/2));} print "\n";'    ~a

[2001-12-19 16:13:35] - /home/music/tool/you lied.mp3

[2001-12-19 00:47:21] - read the 1st one. - mig

[2001-12-18 17:58:51] - Interesting but very long article about a "he said, she said" alleged rape -paul

[2001-12-18 17:50:31] - Woman auctions herself as wife on e-bay -paul

[2001-12-18 13:27:36] - i finally ordered my powerbook.  i am super excited. - wolf

[2001-12-17 23:01:57] - - wolf

[2001-12-17 22:33:36] - - biblical boxcutters! - wolf

[2001-12-17 22:08:12] -

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