here are old message board entries

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[2001-12-17 18:11:16] -,2933,40890,00.html Amtrack and the Post Office in dire financial straights -paul

[2001-12-17 16:34:41] - wow, bush actually doesn't support id cards, even though the public does.  now i'm confused. - mig

[2001-12-17 16:28:33] - umm, we have a national id card already.  it's called a social security card. - mig

[2001-12-17 16:28:14] -

[2001-12-17 13:05:39] - National ID card gaining support -paul

[2001-12-17 10:19:33] - wolf:  i think this pic is cooler  ;)  -  aba

[2001-12-17 10:00:54] - thank god. - mig

[2001-12-17 09:16:44] - aba: very cool :) - wolf

[2001-12-17 06:50:49] -

[2001-12-17 06:44:52] -  666 is coming!  ~a

[2001-12-17 04:38:15] - its my ear!  looks ugly and red.  wish i had a current pic of it.  -  aba

[2001-12-17 04:32:20] - ###/pics/download/105.gif

[2001-12-16 23:14:05] - ebert is the devil!!!! - mig

[2001-12-16 15:12:28] - i never said it was right.  i was just trying to mimic someone else's technique. - wolf

[2001-12-16 14:42:40] - but I probably would have said the same thing... saying that you're being the devils advocate is a good way to make a point that could be interpereted as disagreeable and abrasive, without offending anybody - boing

[2001-12-16 14:41:33] - (no one had yet made the point that the dancing hitler should be kept, so it wasn't a contrasting viewpoint.  I guess you could say there was no "god's advocate") - boing

[2001-12-16 14:40:55] - saying "devil's advocate" implies that nobody agrees with the statement you're making, but you are making it just so that its case is made... in this case, it wasn't "devil's advocate", it was just asking a question - boing

[2001-12-16 12:01:28] - according to logan, it is :P - wolf

[2001-12-16 05:40:01] - say yes.  at least say hello.

[2001-12-15 20:32:04] - wolf: So disagreeing with what is being said is like playing "devil's advocate"? -paul

[2001-12-15 17:22:36] - was asked, rather

[2001-12-15 17:22:29] - i was alerted to it through other means of communication, and asked to comment on it. - wolf

[2001-12-15 17:17:35] - i didn't post the original image, despite what many seem to think. - wolf

[2001-12-15 17:17:13] - like i said... i'm just playing devil's advocate, or "pulling a logan". - wolf

[2001-12-15 15:50:12] - but that image clearly pointed out that it was "PalmaSutra", and as for a "realistic drawing of two people having sex"... it was clearly a drawing, not very realistic.... I wouldnt even classify that as 'porno', it does depict sexual activity, but no more than some rated 'R' movies -cryptic

[2001-12-15 15:47:36] - well, it is adrian's board, and the final say is actually his.  If he doesnt want it on his page, that's his decision.  As for other people seeing 'objectionable' matterial.... that's too subjective.  Since it's adrian's board, I say leave it up to him... -cryptic

[2001-12-15 15:34:02] - mig: no, there is not a legal definition of "pornography;" it's a layperson's term.

[2001-12-15 15:14:33] - wow i only have 13 days of work left... - mig

[2001-12-15 14:43:37] - Like when that objectionable flash video was posted over the summer, I could still check the message board and read what people had to say without fear of someone walking in and seeing something objectionable - aaron

[2001-12-15 14:38:36] - Well for one, if a picture's actually on the message board itself, you can't check the message board without looking at the picture - aaron

[2001-12-15 14:37:40] - and it seems that the poster of the image, wolf, and cryptic think that the image is fine, so back it goes.  ~a

[2001-12-15 14:36:16] - there is a big difference but i can't seem to put my finger on it.  ~a

[2001-12-15 14:13:58] - I would like to understand the difference between seeing it on the page and clicking on a link without a description.... -cryptic

[2001-12-15 14:11:23] - so, had that picture been a jpg and not shown on the page, it would have been more acceptable? (noting that links don't always have discriptions) -cryptic

[2001-12-15 13:42:35] - - wolf

[2001-12-15 13:33:00] - i thought pornography was a legally defined term. - mig

[2001-12-15 13:30:29] - *Shrug* I consider it to be different if something is on the message board directly or if it indirectly by a link. I'm probably in the minority here though... -paul

[2001-12-15 13:29:27] - oh well.  back to work for me. - wolf

[2001-12-15 13:29:14] - it was sort of disturbing to click on a link and immediately see what looked like a shriveled up penis. - wolf

[2001-12-15 13:25:12] - wolf: I can't speak for Adrian, but it seems like links are fine as long as the picture isn't displaying on the message board itself -paul

[2001-12-15 13:22:04] - i realize it's adrian's board, but it just seems like there's a double standard going on here. - wolf

[2001-12-15 13:21:24] - images, even

[2001-12-15 13:20:48] - there was also an article that linked to phallic mages. - wolf

[2001-12-15 13:13:44] - just to play devil's advocate, why wasn't my dancing hitler deleted, though? - wolf

[2001-12-15 13:10:00] - Finally, just because you don't think it's pornography doesn't mean that nobody thinks it might be pornographic. Taken out of context, that picture sure seemed pornographic to me -paul

[2001-12-15 13:08:03] - Frankly, I think I agree with him in this case. There are many people out there who would be offended by that animated gif and I think it was the right thing to remove it from the board -paul

[2001-12-15 13:07:07] - I don't think it's ironic at all that this message board is more censored then the library. This message board is in many ways privately maintained and operated etc. and therefore Adrian has every right to censor stuff that he deems inappropriate -paul

[2001-12-15 13:04:37] - fyi, the "animation" was an animated screenshot, showing all the features of the "palmasutra" application (warning, if that image was unacceptable then this production description will surely be unacceptable as well).

[2001-12-15 13:02:13] - is every depiction of sex (both verbal and graphic) automatically unacceptable?

[2001-12-15 13:01:32] - it wasn't pornography, it was an interesting use of a palmos application: an illustrated version of the kama sutra (amusing, don't you think?). i find it highly ironic that this message board is more censored than say, our library. but anyway, it's adrian's board and he gets to do whatever he wants.

[2001-12-15 12:59:23] - and it was animated  ~a

[2001-12-15 12:53:57] - it was a realistic drawing of two people having sex  -  aba

[2001-12-15 11:03:27] - was it boobies? - mig

[2001-12-15 10:36:57] - what was it?  i always miss everything :( - wolf

[2001-12-15 03:30:16] - ok.  that's two votes against and the poster left without contacting me here or otherwise.  i'll take it down till i talk to him/her.  ~a

[2001-12-15 02:13:40] - a: I personally have no problem with it, but I think it's probably bordering  on unacceptable. We have had some pretty sexually explicit conversations on here but pictures are a different matter IMHO. -paul

[2001-12-15 01:41:09] - however, i doubt if either check here anymore.  ~a

[2001-12-15 01:38:34] - it's not that i care . . . it's that my parents have this url and some semi-religious ex-employers have this url . . . etc etc  ~a

[2001-12-15 01:37:08] - please respond (you don't have to sign); if you feel that it is acceptable, i'll leave it; if not, then i'll take it down.  ~a

[2001-12-15 01:36:13] - do you feel that is acceptable for my home page?  ~a

[2001-12-15 01:28:43] - ###/pics/download/104.gif

[2001-12-14 17:38:02] - Yay, boondocks! I love that comic -paul

[2001-12-14 15:17:03] - ###/pics/download/103.gif

[2001-12-14 14:43:18] - finally got all my classes: - wolf

[2001-12-14 14:05:04] - ahahahahhaa penile juice. - wolf

[2001-12-14 12:23:53] - - wolf

[2001-12-14 12:04:49] - - mig

[2001-12-14 11:54:32] - isn't hypocracy great? - mig

[2001-12-14 11:54:15] - i wonder how many of them are christian? - mig

[2001-12-14 11:54:14] - i wonder how many of them are christian? - mi

[2001-12-14 11:53:59] - take a look at the cnn poll.  "should a religion be judged by the acts of its followers?"  52% say yes. - mig

[2001-12-14 11:28:28] - celebrity srupidity strikes again. - mig

[2001-12-14 07:19:17] - which makes the fact that republicans make the government grow less than democrats insigifcant, given how much the 3% comes out to. - mig

[2001-12-14 07:18:11] - and while the difference on money spent is significant, that doesn't change the fact that government increases regardless of who's in power.  - mig

[2001-12-14 07:02:43] - idealoigically, ii beileve there is no difference between the 2 parties.  take your pick between a benign(in appearance) dictatorship or a ruthless one. - mig

[2001-12-14 03:40:18] - i can call that a significant difference... not as significant as the difference the parties claim to have, but considering how much money that 2% actually amounts to, i don't think you can call it anything but significant. - boing

[2001-12-14 03:08:31] - On the "not a dime's worth of difference" argument, I point to the fact that federal spending has increased an average of 5% per year under Democratic rule; 3% under Republican.  I don't think anyone can call that a significant difference. -- Xpovos

[2001-12-13 19:52:09] - ###/pics/download/102.gif

[2001-12-13 17:25:41] - if so, i can post it here  ~a

[2001-12-13 17:20:59] - does anybody have the laser game in their cache?  ~a

[2001-12-13 16:58:17] - damn, we brought down the laser: - dewey

[2001-12-12 18:50:03] - biblical fart music. - wolf

[2001-12-12 18:43:24] - "Wherefore my bowels shall sound like a harp for Moab, and mine inward parts for Kirharesh. (Isaiah 16:11)" - wolf

[2001-12-12 17:19:52] - "warning! this envelope contains graphic photographs of highly effective libertarian outread in action!" <-- the scariest junk mail i've ever received. -jdb

[2001-12-12 16:19:43] -

[2001-12-12 16:18:35] -

[2001-12-12 13:50:54] - dewey: thanks! -jdb

[2001-12-12 13:49:22] -  : Downloaded the trailers and making-of videos.  - dewey

[2001-12-12 13:46:32] - people died mainly because they were too high to swim properly. - wolf

[2001-12-12 13:46:02] - a couple years ago, one of the clubs on a pier at the camden waterfront actually did collapse. - wolf

[2001-12-12 13:04:16] -  haha, When Harry met Sully! - dewey

[2001-12-12 12:21:27] - Grow up, Libertarians -paul

[2001-12-12 12:21:24] - thank god for things like and direct ip. - mig

[2001-12-12 11:49:39] - shake your booty.... on second thought, don't shake it that much. - mig

[2001-12-12 10:48:12] - mig: Oooohhh, sounds like fun -paul

[2001-12-12 10:39:35] - paul:  religious tripe. - mig

[2001-12-12 09:31:52] - i love this show

[2001-12-12 09:21:56] -

[2001-12-12 09:19:48] - i love this show  -gir

[2001-12-12 08:46:14] - to me that equates to - bullshit lawsuit. - mig

[2001-12-12 08:44:59] - boing:  i find it rather dubious that he would sue over something that happened over a year ago, esp after he decided to do it after manson was sued for something similar a few months ago. - mig

[2001-12-12 08:10:29] - sometimes life sucks  ~a

[2001-12-12 07:44:26] - paul:  it's yur mother

[2001-12-12 07:40:58] - what in the bloody hell is tbn? -paul

[2001-12-12 06:16:19] - tbn is the best show ever.  i was able to watch it for a whole 5 minutes before i was so overcome with happiness that i couldn't stand it any more!  ~a

[2001-12-12 03:25:04] - everyone should watch TBN with me :-D -jdb

[2001-12-12 02:45:33] -

[2001-12-12 02:28:19] - ###/pics/download/101.gif

[2001-12-12 01:16:04] - I do think that manson's stuff is wrong... he's not paying these people to pretend to give him blowjobs, and it's unfair to pull that shit to an employee.  the eminem thing is ridiculous, though. if eminem wants to say that guy was a bully, then he can. - boing

[2001-12-12 00:41:53] - lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits! - mig

[2001-12-11 23:14:07] - aaron:  it's not supposed to count  ~a

[2001-12-11 21:23:14] - don't fret paul, they said things are looking good for people born when we were. - mig

[2001-12-11 21:18:35] - a straight woman would have a miserable time trying to find a straight male in south central philly, for example. - wolf

[2001-12-11 21:17:44] - ?, rather

[2001-12-11 21:16:51] - did they at all take into account gays and lesbians?  or how the concentration of gays/lesbians differs drastically across regions. - wolf

[2001-12-11 20:09:58] - It's getting tougher for single men to find single women to date -paul

[2001-12-11 17:56:05] - guess i'll have to relocate to the library. - wolf

[2001-12-11 17:55:51] - i love how josh decides to have a party and asks mike if it's ok, but not me.  - wolf

[2001-12-11 16:34:08] -

[2001-12-11 16:22:53] - a: whoops.  sorry. - wolf

[2001-12-11 16:22:13] - i finally got the game working; got to 11 or 12 before i got sidetracked with school. - wolf

[2001-12-11 15:22:56] - ...even worse than autralia is the full screen x-box commercial that goes along with that site -cryptic

[2001-12-11 11:16:06] - ugh. - mig

[2001-12-11 10:56:54] - i can't beat level 8... :( - mig

[2001-12-11 10:38:40] -

[2001-12-11 10:23:22] - boo to australia. - mig

[2001-12-11 03:53:09] - wtf -- the first time i played, there was no hint (cheat) button! so i quit and worked my way back up to evil-18; at least i saved passwords this time. if anyone wants to enlighten me about level 18...  -jdb

[2001-12-11 02:50:02] - whew, that really is addictive. if it hadn't been for the frustrating bombs (which drove me away from the game), i may have spent hours playing it - vinnie

[2001-12-11 01:47:04] - Had to cheat on 11 :( if you hit a lightbulb with 2 lasers, it doesn't seem to count :) hehe - aaron

[2001-12-11 00:56:33] - it's loading really really slow  ~a

[2001-12-11 00:55:33] - wolf: ~a

[2001-12-11 00:47:11] - - wolf

[2001-12-10 22:08:03] - it's all wacked

[2001-12-10 22:07:55] - wolf: it doesn't work at all for me.  ~a

[2001-12-10 21:42:06] - it doesn't work properly for me either. nothing i do can change the laser's course. - wolf

[2001-12-10 21:12:00] - that game is way too addictive -kris

[2001-12-10 20:59:32] - Heh, that flash app doesn't work right for me. -logan

[2001-12-10 15:20:45] - I had an extra mirror -cryptic

[2001-12-10 15:20:34] - in 17 you didn't need all of the pieces they gave you -cryptic

[2001-12-10 15:20:18] - hrmm

[2001-12-10 14:34:42] -,,t269-s2100516,00.html spam! spam! spam!  spam for everyone! - mig

[2001-12-10 13:56:24] -

[2001-12-10 13:45:35] - <-- i'm stuck on level 18 :-( -jdb

[2001-12-10 13:31:48] - (too big)

[2001-12-10 12:21:53] - for anyone who cares(probably only me). - mig

[2001-12-10 11:21:27] - tee hee . . . topic for #vtlug "<@adrian> i love perl more than my penis"

[2001-12-10 10:13:02] - what separation of church and state? - mig

[2001-12-10 08:25:27] - ###/pics/download/100.gif

[2001-12-10 08:21:21] - satyriasis can not exist

[2001-12-10 03:43:55] -

[2001-12-09 23:34:13] - heaven forbid homosexual couples have the same benefits as heterosexual couples!!! - mig

[2001-12-09 20:04:24] - - wolf

[2001-12-09 19:56:28] - - wolf

[2001-12-09 13:39:05] - Friday.... saturday? hey you're right. they were really nice though, they gave me free water and one of the employees friends payed for a lot of my games - aaron

[2001-12-09 02:36:17] - ddr two days in a row?  ~a

[2001-12-09 01:30:08] - that's a little more believable. -mig

[2001-12-09 01:16:19] - the world ends when I stop dancing - aaron

[2001-12-08 15:53:49] - dancing, rather

[2001-12-08 14:16:33] - doesn't the world end when shiva stops danving, though? or am i confusing her with someone else? - wolf

[2001-12-08 10:33:10] - ###/pics/download/99.gif

[2001-12-08 10:10:28] - but if i hang around kali too long, she'll eat me! :'( -jdb

[2001-12-08 09:21:28] - kali is the bestest.  :P  -  aba

[2001-12-08 02:40:04] - wolf: you should be sure to see what kind of deal shiva can get you. -jdb

[2001-12-07 19:54:17] - i'm probably only going to nj for one or two weeks, allah permitting. - wolf

[2001-12-07 18:10:20] - - mig

[2001-12-07 18:10:15] - when are you all getting back for break?

[2001-12-07 16:30:06] - i like to eat for hunger. - wolf

[2001-12-07 14:55:21] - i hate paying taxes when i pay for sex

[2001-12-07 14:45:32] - i hate sex

[2001-12-07 13:49:32] - i hate taxes

[2001-12-06 23:04:07] - An amusing little short about the zen of pong... Heh heh... - aaron

[2001-12-06 21:34:19] -,1367,48874,00.html

[2001-12-06 19:49:45] - xpovos: every site will have some bias.... although I'm just hoping your comment was supposed to be a joke... personally, I like to clear up any confusion by using a =Þ when I'm joking... but that's just me -cryptic

[2001-12-06 17:22:30] - ###/pics/download/98.gif -logan

[2001-12-06 15:05:54] - hmm, I'd like to say that is a good site and has lots of good pro-freedom ideas, but they seem to be a little biased. -- Xpovos

[2001-12-06 13:56:08] - nevermind, Miguel just brought to my attention that our law enforcement does have these... -paul

[2001-12-06 13:53:43] - I hope our law enforcement does get ahold of any of those or else I could be in big trouble ;-) -paul

[2001-12-06 12:43:45] - <-- i want one of these

[2001-12-06 01:56:15] - ###/pics/download/97.gif

[2001-12-06 01:54:44] -  (too big) i want to play!

[2001-12-05 20:30:33] -

[2001-12-05 19:54:30] - - wolf

[2001-12-05 17:39:54] - er... i meant to say that to adrian - wolf

[2001-12-05 17:39:13] - heh... i was just going to say that. - wolf

[2001-12-05 17:39:09] - but for the most part people should be able to see that there is humor in something even if they don't find it funny -cryptic

[2001-12-05 17:38:22] - I think what's funny is subjective... -cryptic

[2001-12-05 17:29:38] - i think humor that isn't silly is stupid.  hmmm.  not always.  ~a

[2001-12-05 17:25:07] - that must be it.  i generally think silly humor is stupid.  but that i can't even see why silly humor people think is funny.  *laugh*  let me ramble on about it for another couple days. -kris

[2001-12-05 17:04:34] - trying is the first step twards failure  -homer

[2001-12-05 14:53:06] - byu considering suing bcs. - mig

[2001-12-05 13:08:59] - kris: it's one of those things that people either love or hate, i think.  it's just... silly humor. - wolf

[2001-12-05 12:30:07] - (too big)

[2001-12-05 11:57:30] -

[2001-12-05 11:21:14] - i guess i just don't get it.  :(  -kris

[2001-12-05 11:13:11] - Women are under-respresented as guests on talk shows -paul

[2001-12-05 10:46:34] - nothing wrong with strippers!

[2001-12-05 10:36:23] - |:|( - wolf

[2001-12-05 09:17:01] - being fair makes you unpopular. - mig

[2001-12-05 01:16:48] -,10958,186902,00.html <- slut  ~a

[2001-12-05 00:16:03] - kris: it is funny!  :)  ~a

[2001-12-04 20:56:30] - kris: it's funny. - wolf

[2001-12-04 19:47:11] - i don't understand what's so great about that page -kris

[2001-12-04 17:06:25] - - wolf

[2001-12-04 17:03:25] - worst idea ever. - mig

[2001-12-04 15:10:17] -  (too big) - boing

[2001-12-04 01:51:37] - I want an X-box. - dewey

[2001-12-04 01:32:24] - i'm up to november 2000  ~a

[2001-12-04 01:31:59] -  ~a

[2001-12-03 20:10:57] - aaron: i'll sell you one for $1000. -jdb

[2001-12-03 18:36:24] - I'm getting a game cube whenever someone wants to sell me one - aaron

[2001-12-03 17:51:44] - - wolf

[2001-12-03 16:33:19] - actually, did anyone get an xbox? - mig

[2001-12-03 16:23:32] - i don't, and neither do i plan to, but actually i'm wondering who actually plans to get/has one. - mig

[2001-12-03 16:18:53] - aaron, mig: you have a gamecube? -jdb

[2001-12-03 16:18:21] - webmail sez "Maximum number of users connected, please try again later."

[2001-12-03 16:12:02] - aaron: rejoice.  it ships tomorrow. - mig

[2001-12-03 15:41:25] -

[2001-12-03 15:31:30] - - boing

[2001-12-03 15:04:40] - he kept going on and on about whether we thought they would be popular enough for him to use - wolf

[2001-12-03 15:04:06] - heh, i remember once on efnet, some kid who was going to be attending tech that fall started bugging us about whether he should get one of those wretched scooters. - wolf

[2001-12-03 15:02:40] - it's interesting, but it's not going to replace cars in cities.  cars go faster, have climate control, shelter you from the rain, let you transport large packages, etc. - wolf

[2001-12-03 14:55:45] - oh god.  the thought of people riding those on campus makes me shudder.  this is going to be worse than those fucking scooters. - mig

[2001-12-03 14:22:06] - maybe vt will install segway-racks. :-) -jdb

[2001-12-03 13:36:48] - It'd be great for getting to and from class (but where would you put it during class?). -logan

[2001-12-03 13:22:13] - be sure to check out the latest media -jdb

[2001-12-03 10:28:42] -,8599,186660,00.html# This sounds like a pretty cool invention if it works as advertised -paul

[2001-12-03 08:36:03] - i'm not a fan of religion, but this scares me. - mig

[2001-12-03 01:47:35] - (too big)

[2001-12-03 01:07:12] - ntc blowy upy. - wolf

[2001-12-03 01:01:10] - (insert witty comment about masturbating twice in a row) - wolf

[2001-12-03 00:58:10] - katie's site is much sexier

[2001-12-03 00:58:07] - i think i went to superbad once a while back. i'll have to check it out again - vinnie

[2001-12-03 00:57:16] - is actually a lot different now, and not much like your site. it doesn't seem to do anything anymore - vinnie

[2001-12-03 00:57:06] - libertarians suxx0r

[2001-12-03 00:47:21] - jdb: No, it's pretty clear that minorities generally do worse on the SAT then whites (asians excluded) and there has been lots of documentation on this -paul

[2001-12-03 00:41:50] - i was simply stating a statistic. people are always trying to pick the SAT apart, to show racial bias, etc. the only link that has been found is the correlation between economic status and performance ;-)  -jdb

[2001-12-03 00:39:38] - heh... my inspiration was i'll have to check out snarg. - wolf

[2001-12-03 00:38:59] - jdb: I'm not offended, just confused -paul

[2001-12-03 00:37:44] - wolf: i like devolution. it reminds me of a prettier, but less engaging speaking of which, does anyone know if there is any way to get past the first screen on snarg anymore? - vinnie

[2001-12-03 00:36:22] - mig: i just find it amusing that paul is somehow offended by the sat statistics i quoted... -jdb

[2001-12-03 00:33:13] - jdb: So you are saying that arrests aren't totally based on economic status? -paul

[2001-12-03 00:27:25] - yay. i love the arguments on which i have no opinion! - mig

[2001-12-03 00:18:44] - but, yeah, young black men do get arrested a lot more than any other population, so perhaps "the system" is biased? -jdb

[2001-12-03 00:16:37] - people can choose to steal or not, right? can people choose to be born into a wealthy family? -jdb

[2001-12-03 00:15:23] - unsigned: How am I comparing apples to oranges? -paul

[2001-12-03 00:11:18] - paul: some do :-D -jdb

[2001-12-03 00:10:14] - tell him to come on over and kill me before my japanese final :P  that thing is going to be bad. - wolf

[2001-12-03 00:08:41] - pauls loves to compare apples to oranges

[2001-12-02 23:59:59] - jdb: So why don't we rename "Arresting people" as "punishing the poor"? -paul

[2001-12-02 23:59:32] - that's actually amazingly flattering - wolf

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