here are old message board entries

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[2002-06-05 15:15:59] - the only time I was exposed to people who were starting to smoke was middle school, but yes, my experiences are certainly skewed - aaron

[2002-06-05 15:12:21] - most people i know who are heavy smokers started smoking before they were 18.  my experiences might be heavily skewed though.  *shrug*  -  aba

[2002-06-05 11:25:33] - "those who reach 21 without becoming smokers are very unlikely to ever take up the habit. " Yeah, same for, oh, Tennis - aaron

[2002-06-05 11:11:37] - ###/pics/download/145.gif

[2002-06-05 10:59:14] - - mig

[2002-06-05 10:52:11] - well, at least he's not trying to get the government involved... - mig

[2002-06-05 10:36:30] - Nader wants the NBA to review game six of the Western Conference Finals -Paul

[2002-06-05 10:02:53] - yeah, that'll most certainly help the problem.  look what wonders it's done for underage drinking.... - mig

[2002-06-05 00:00:35] - - travis

[2002-06-04 21:50:43] - sorry my computer was down yesterday.  i made a boo boo.  thanks to kevin (who doesn't even know about this web page) for saving the day.  ~a

[2002-06-03 20:12:48] - yah, i noticed that too.  jack chick is one strange man.  -  aba

[2002-06-03 20:11:25] - what?!  is that angel taping them have sex?!  i don't get it.  are angels perverts?  ~a

[2002-06-03 18:36:39] - der spiegel is an awesome magazine.  i wish i knew more german or that theyd do an english version.  :-(  -  aba

[2002-06-03 16:34:10] - do you have blacks, too? - mig

[2002-06-03 16:15:11] - a new tract for your viewing displeasure. - mig

[2002-06-03 15:02:23] -

[2002-06-03 13:17:30] - Hooray indeed. That seems like a neat product - aaron

[2002-06-03 13:14:07] - horray - mig

[2002-06-03 12:53:28] - "If you want Americans to try a different kind of meat, why don't you go back to your home country and make a business out of selling your little dirty Asian babies to Americans as ground meat."  ...ouch! - aaron

[2002-06-03 12:51:07] - fun game - aaron

[2002-06-03 10:04:35] - - mig

[2002-06-03 08:31:05] - dewey:  it's nice, but i don't want programs to just dump things in that folder without some sort of organization. - mig

[2002-06-03 08:04:52] - my biggest gripes are the lack of mappable hotkeys (trying to select 1 or 12 spells from a pull-down menu is slow and awkward) and the automap.  - wolf

[2002-06-03 06:40:48] - Interesting that they put the saved games in My Documents.  I think eventually, all programs should store everything in that one folder.  Easy one-place access to all your personal files for when you reformat. - dewey

[2002-06-03 00:44:13] - yes, it's good, but there are definite places that could stand some improving... we'll see what they do with it -cryptic

[2002-06-02 20:39:10] - the character system is a bit awkward, since i usually prefer just selecting a class straight up, but game is goods. - mig

[2002-06-02 19:47:32] - i knew what it was probably for, i'm just trying to figure out why on earth they set it up that way. - mig

[2002-06-02 17:30:03] - you don't need to register their game.  and that folder is where all of your saved games go (really retarded place for it). - wolf

[2002-06-02 17:17:28] - ??  DS creates a folder in my 'my documents' folder.  what on earth for? - mig

[2002-06-02 15:21:40] - hmmm, dungeon siege is a pretty good improvement from d2. - mig

[2002-06-02 13:58:55] - what a crock of shit.  why the fuck do i need microsoft passport to register one of their fucking games. - mig

[2002-06-01 01:38:59] - "Truman says the law is Congress’s attempt to implement safeguards in society to protect children from harmful pornography on public library computers and also from adults who access porn in the libraries -- and then molest children."

[2002-06-01 01:38:40] - those afa boys really crack me up

[2002-05-31 22:06:46] - aaron:  i told you to talk to paul and you said you would.  he didn't know you wanted to go sunday so he planned it for saturday.  ~a

[2002-05-31 17:00:49] - vinnie: Yes, I would love to go, sunday is better than saturday, why? you want to ride together? - aaron

[2002-05-31 15:46:23] -,2101,52835,00.html - mig

[2002-05-31 14:37:52] - re-afa - i love it when people use correlational data to try to prove cause and effect.  ~a

[2002-05-31 14:35:20] - aaron, have you got Paul's e-mail about Six Flags? - vinnie

[2002-05-31 13:32:59] - Funderburke also expressed a wish to water his lawn without neighborhood teenagers calling him "Before Dude."

[2002-05-31 13:31:41] - Ha haha ha ha, that would be awful. Hopefully he was the "after" picture. - aaron

[2002-05-31 13:17:22] - Overweight Man Receives 'Lose Weight Fast' Spam E-Mail Featuring His Picture

[2002-05-31 12:06:38] - a: yeah... 90ish sounds about right.... crazy though... I wouldnt want that ticket (not as bad as the one my brother got though) -cryptic

[2002-05-31 12:04:55] - Randy Sharp, American Family Association == dumb ass

[2002-05-31 12:04:08] - what a bunch of fucking morons -cryptic

[2002-05-31 12:00:28] - mig: yup, private organizations/schools can include/exclude who they want, for whatever reason they want... I wouldn't have it any other way -cryptic

[2002-05-31 11:58:47] - "Two major American corporations are marking their place in the arena of the gender confused next month. The American Family Association (AFA) says that by providing sponsorship dollars to the Atlanta Pride festival in June, Coca-Cola and Bell South will encourage possibly hundreds of young people to make decisions which will ultimately ruin them."

[2002-05-31 11:58:36] - - mig

[2002-05-31 11:50:04] - "As Diop hit the stunning winner, schoolkids ran out and started dancing in the streets of Senegal's capital Dakar with the government having called off school for the day under the pretext that nobody could have studied anyway. "

[2002-05-31 11:49:04] -

[2002-05-31 10:33:56] - paul:  it's there perogative to do so, but i think it's still dumb. -mig

[2002-05-31 10:32:46] - paul:  i just think it was stupid of the school to have a requirement like that in the first place. - mig

[2002-05-31 09:49:11] - cryptic:  the one time i did it in 3 hours, i was averaging about 90 on 81 and i forget when i started and stopped counting from but i live right off of the fairfax county parkway so there are no slow streets i have to take to get to 66.  ~a

[2002-05-31 09:45:20] - mig: It sounds like it's more like "You are responsible for keeping your end of the contract if you expect the other party to keep theirs" -Paul

[2002-05-31 09:25:59] - vinnie: Excellent, thanks. Freezepop made the database (no ranking yet though) - aaron

[2002-05-31 09:10:38] - you are responsible for what your parents for a living. - mgi

[2002-05-30 21:42:18] -, that is - vinnie

[2002-05-30 21:41:59] - i think the one you're thinking of is allmusic, but I often disagree with their reviews and agree with their ratings :D - vinnie

[2002-05-30 21:19:11] - this includes no stops.... with a stop, the neighborhood of 4-4.5 hours is reasonable... without: 3.5-4 hours -cryptic

[2002-05-30 21:17:53] - to do it in 4 hours, you only have to average ~65 miles per hour -cryptic

[2002-05-30 21:17:28] - to do it in 3 hours, you'd have to average ~87 miles per hour (including the slow streets) -cryptic

[2002-05-30 21:14:58] - and it takes approximately 4 hours to get from here to my house -cryptic

[2002-05-30 21:14:34] - I drive it at ~5 over constantly (adjusting for the 55 and 60 zones to 60 and 65 respectively) -cryptic

[2002-05-30 21:13:59] - that does not include getting onto 460, or getting to your house from I-66 (and it's being more conservative using the 50 miles on 66)

[2002-05-30 21:13:16] - you drive ~6 miles on 460, 182 (exit 118 to 300) on I-81, and ~50-60 on I-66... to travel that in 3 hours, you'll average 79.3 miles/hr -cryptic

[2002-05-30 21:04:57] - the speed limit on I-66 is 65.... in case anyone cared -cryptic

[2002-05-30 18:53:41] - losts of sites do reviews, be more specific

[2002-05-30 16:18:25] - vinnie: What's the URL of that site with really good album reviews? I forgot, and don't have aim at work :-[ - aaron

[2002-05-30 16:17:07] - most interesting. - mig

[2002-05-30 15:31:40] - heh, i should ask my old american lit teacher about that book - travis

[2002-05-30 14:37:43] - i'm thinking about it. - mig

[2002-05-30 14:29:08] - anyone actually read that book?  it looks really interesting.  ive always had my doubts as to lincolns true motives behind his actions.  -  aba

[2002-05-30 14:27:50] - haha.  logans car is also veryveryvery scary.  ;-)  -  aba

[2002-05-30 12:28:11] - logan's car is older than mine :P -kris

[2002-05-30 12:10:38] -

[2002-05-30 10:44:47] - ha, conservative are acting so amusingly toward the pre 9-11 memo - mig

[2002-05-30 10:43:21] - as for, i have no idea what to do.  i don't want to move it back to port 81 and i don't like the gateway problems i've been having.  if you are having problems with the gateway, you can view this site at  ~a

[2002-05-30 10:36:58] - jeeze, aparna, you're older than kristin's car?!  you're oolld.  ~a

[2002-05-30 07:51:21] - your car is also almost as old as me!  ;-)  -  aba

[2002-05-29 20:17:25] - my car shakes over 65 -kris

[2002-05-29 19:12:55] - i think the speed limit only drops in areas where there is construction.  im pretty sure the limit on i-66 is 55 though.  -  aba

[2002-05-29 18:47:04] - mozilla 1.0 final - mig

[2002-05-29 16:11:10] - there are some areas that are 60 and 55 me thinks, but it's 65 for most of the way. - mig

[2002-05-29 16:00:27] - It's 65 - aaron

[2002-05-29 15:28:52] - To my mind it's 85 mph. -logan

[2002-05-29 15:27:25] - may have confused

[2002-05-29 15:26:34] - paul: I may confused the speed limit on 81. Is it 55 or 65? I drive 75 usually - vinnie

[2002-05-29 15:24:01] - release party for some version of Mozilla, I'd assume - vinnie

[2002-05-29 14:59:52] - if you are a domestic student and try to get into grad school here at vt, the acceptance rate is about 1 in every 2.  its a lot harder if you are international.  -  aba

[2002-05-29 14:44:58] - miguel, that doesn't really answer my question.  i know what day it's on, but what is it?  ~a

[2002-05-29 14:11:01] - travis vinnie thanks, i'm just still trying to figure out if I want to go for a masters in CS, or something, and whether it's even an option. aren't they really selective? can I really make the cut with a 3.0? - aaron

[2002-05-29 13:52:10] - it's june 12th, i believe. - mig

[2002-05-29 12:47:56] - a: But Vinnie said he did it in 3 and a half hours :-( -Paul

[2002-05-29 12:46:36] - what's a "release party" and what is "the day of release" ?  ~a

[2002-05-29 12:43:22] - paul:  4 and a half would make sense if you stop for half an hour.  silly.  ~a

[2002-05-29 11:40:49] - the phrase "time is money" is proven. - mig

[2002-05-29 09:49:48] - anyone interested?

[2002-05-29 09:02:41] - funny shit. - mig

[2002-05-29 08:58:21] - all: Well, I honestly don't know what to tell you guys, but when I drive from NOVA to BBurg with a moderate stop for lunch (half an hour or so) it usually takes me close to 5 hours (maybe 4 and a half, but no less then that) :-/ -Paul

[2002-05-29 08:42:28] - the actual driving shouldn't take you more than 4 hours flat. - mig

[2002-05-29 08:42:10] - maybe 5 hours if you take a long lunch... - mig

[2002-05-29 08:41:25] - god bless the PO-lice. - mig

[2002-05-29 07:18:59] - it doesn't even take ME that long to get to nova -kris

[2002-05-29 01:39:58] - vinnie:  assuming you averaged ten above, that means paul's average was 53 mph.  i seriously think paul's going to get hit going that speed.  ~a

[2002-05-29 01:37:48] - i did it in 3 h flat once.  i got to follow some hot chick the whole way down.  it was fun.  ~a

[2002-05-29 01:20:03] - paul: it takes you five hours from tech to nova even at the speed limit? I do the trip in 3 h 30 m usually at ten above the limit. i haven't done the math, but that seems wrong - vinnie

[2002-05-29 01:16:22] - i think i've told you aaron, but my dad has suggested I do grad school after college, now it complete opposition to what he told me a year ago. but I suppose that's the market for you - vinnie

[2002-05-29 00:23:15] - aba: Not all of them, that's the problem ;-) -Paul

[2002-05-28 23:32:18] - paul:  men suck.  -  aba

[2002-05-28 22:28:14] - aba: Wuss!? I'm more of a man then you are :-P -Paul

[2002-05-28 21:59:40] - "i'd like to get some actual experience" research!=experience  ~a

[2002-05-28 21:56:30] - a: he is doing research this summer.  -  aba

[2002-05-28 21:55:21] - wolf: me you and cryptic should try making sushi sometime.  i just got a craving, but i dont feel like spending lots of money.  :-P  -  aba

[2002-05-28 21:54:15] - travis:  get a summer job.  ~a

[2002-05-28 21:54:04] - paul: basically youre a wuss.  ;-)  -  aba

[2002-05-28 15:20:13] - i probably won't bother with grad school right after college, i'd like to get some actual experience - travis

[2002-05-28 15:12:25] - aba: Because I follow the law, unlike some irresponsible drivers -Paul

[2002-05-28 14:51:37] - if they even accept me for grad school i might consider it.  but my grades are really fucking terrible. - mig

[2002-05-28 14:29:21] - oh, and unless youre driving the speed limit, why does it take 5 hours between nova and bburg??  :-P  -  aba

[2002-05-28 14:27:48] - paul:  theres gotta be something for us to do.  ill try and think about it.  -  aba

[2002-05-28 14:27:06] - im planning on graduating next year, working for 1-2 years and then going to grad school somewhere other than tech.  i dont think id want to stay in bburg for another degree.  -  aba

[2002-05-28 13:16:44] - aaron: My plan right now is to graduate from school next year and not stay for grad school because I just don't have the money for it. -Paul

[2002-05-28 12:58:44] - i am curious who is staying for grad school and stuff, because now everybody i talk to is saying it's a good idea - aaron

[2002-05-28 12:09:03] - tasmanian tiger may be un-extinct - mig

[2002-05-28 12:04:03] - how did the cat get so fat?

[2002-05-28 10:41:59] - kris: I can't speak for others, but I am not in BBurg right now and I don't want to have to drive 5 hours just to spend time with my friends :-/ -Paul

[2002-05-28 09:00:06] - bburg is so much fun, why would anyone want to leave it? -kris

[2002-05-28 08:57:39] - There doesn't seem to be anything fun to do that is reasonably close to both NOVA and BBurg :-/ -Paul

[2002-05-28 08:57:07] - Busch Gardens is a bit closer to tech at around 4 hours, but it's also a bit farther from NOVA I think -Paul

[2002-05-27 23:20:01] - one with miguel!  -kris

[2002-05-27 22:35:23] - heh, yahoo puts the travel time at 5.5 hours, so it takes a lot more time from bburg than it does from nova.  -  aba

[2002-05-27 22:14:58] - aba:  it's no farther from tech than it is from nova

[2002-05-27 22:10:57] - THEY MAKE LACTOSE-FREE ICE CREAM!!!!1111 - wolf

[2002-05-27 20:05:03] - kd is waaaaay far from blacksburg.  :(  id go in august when im done with classes though.  -  aba

[2002-05-27 18:59:15] - Adrian, let's go to kings dominion on a sunday some day - aaron

[2002-05-27 18:51:19] - lala is the voice of the song of the girl

[2002-05-27 11:03:48] - when you exhaust all the single- and multiplayer campaigns, there's always the map/quest editor.  - wolf

[2002-05-27 00:23:44] - well, it's indirectly a microsoft product, technically

[2002-05-26 23:01:48] - i think ds is miles ahead of d2 in terms of replayability.  it can crash windows like no other piece of software i've ever used, though. - wolf

[2002-05-26 22:37:49] - how many people have this game?  Is it worth buying? (In addition to Civ3 with the expansion pack {for mutiplayer}) - dewey

[2002-05-26 22:37:04] - you mean people actually like a Microsoft product? :-p - dewey

[2002-05-26 22:35:07] - dungeon siege looked kind of neat, but it looked like one of those games i would just play for a month and then stop playing - mig

[2002-05-26 22:33:13] - neverwinter nights will be my new addiction when the damn thing comes out - mig

[2002-05-26 21:15:47] - me too.  want to go to kd some weekend?  ~a

[2002-05-26 20:40:01] - i'm bored -kris

[2002-05-26 14:22:17] -,11114,913965,00.html that is dungeon siege - travis

[2002-05-26 13:22:25] - what is dungeon siege?  -  aba

[2002-05-26 13:22:15] - hi katie.  :-)  we should do something together some time this summer.  -  aba

[2002-05-26 13:01:21] - dungeon, rather

[2002-05-26 13:01:15] - dungeion siege is my new addiction. - wolf

[2002-05-26 13:00:53] - aba is my sort-of-neighbor! - wolf

[2002-05-25 22:09:42] - let's order in tonight!

[2002-05-25 13:50:22] - i would imagine many escort services function the same way. - mig

[2002-05-25 13:29:02] - aba: Well, first stop, India to visit those massage parlors :-) -Paul

[2002-05-25 13:26:37] - would you even know where to start?  ;)  -  aba

[2002-05-25 10:32:25] - aba: I guess I'll just have to solve this "sheltered" problem then :-D -Paul

[2002-05-25 09:04:48] - paul: you are very sheltered.  :-P  -  aba

[2002-05-25 02:11:11] - aaron:  it has something to do with the proxy server.  ask dewey.  ~a

[2002-05-25 00:05:07] - wolf: Sweet, how come I never knew of this? :-) -Paul

[2002-05-24 23:01:54] - :-) :-( :-) :-( adrian some emoticons are missing, what is up - aaron

[2002-05-24 20:08:49] - I saw the ad on kuro5hin. -logan

[2002-05-24 17:23:42] - paul: it already does.  many massage places are just fronts for prostitution. - wolf

[2002-05-24 13:01:11] -,4074,1936,00.html The United States needs someting like this :-P -Paul

[2002-05-24 11:54:46] - PAUL:  FATMOUSE

[2002-05-24 08:23:00] - a: I'm not sure he would be too interested in that. Probably not anarchist enough. That seemed to be a libertarian project to me and I think Logan is an anarcho-capitalist (although I could be wrong) -Paul

[2002-05-24 01:42:16] - FATMOUSE

[2002-05-23 16:34:02] - i can't spy on your ips anymore because is a proxy so i don't know who sent that last post.  if it wasn't logan, someone tell logan about it  :-P  ~a

[2002-05-23 13:46:39] -

[2002-05-23 08:29:29] - mig: I hate you, I don't think my computer could run JK2 at 640x480, let alone 1280x1024... :-P -Paul

[2002-05-23 01:44:39] - ###/pics/download/144.gif

[2002-05-22 21:45:40] - jedi knight 2

[2002-05-22 19:23:39] - jk2?  -  aba

[2002-05-22 18:57:46] - boing:  i'm sorry :'(  ~a

[2002-05-22 17:57:33] - jk2 on 1280x1024 runs so smooth....... - mig

[2002-05-22 17:32:19] - heh. good point, though you use the same style when you're quoting something someone else said - boing

[2002-05-22 16:47:06] - boing:  "this is what i said before, and i have proof"  that's more true and it makes me sound like less of a dick.  ~a

[2002-05-22 16:40:46] - no, dewey, adrian was saying that the part of his message beginning with (15:17:34) was the output from grep... it's adrian's way of saying "this is what you said before, and I have proof" - boing

[2002-05-22 13:52:15] - yawn.  training is boring. -kris

[2002-05-22 13:23:49] - mig: Why did you go and do that? :-P -Paul

[2002-05-22 13:03:15] - i got................ SCURVY. - wolf

[2002-05-22 12:52:01] - i got a geforce 4. - mig

[2002-05-22 12:27:14] - mig: Why are you selling it? -Paul

[2002-05-22 11:44:39] - thanks adrian and dewey for making my page work - aaron

[2002-05-22 11:05:43] - ###/pics/download/143.gif

[2002-05-22 11:01:20] - oh i've got a geforce 3 ti 200 up for sale for $100 if anyone wants it - mig

[2002-05-22 11:00:21] - my page'll be up again as soon as my dad gets a new router.  our old one broke.  but he said he's going to get a wireless one! - mig

[2002-05-22 01:15:02] - and you know I don't use gaim - dewey

[2002-05-22 01:14:43] - a: it works now.  I just had not done it before - dewey

[2002-05-21 21:22:10] - dewey:  $ grep .gaim/logs/deweytj99.log                    (15:17:34) arichnad: just copy the conf for and and  ~a

[2002-05-21 16:52:17] - _$

[2002-05-21 15:54:57] - vinnie:  i love the underscore function.  void _() {...}  ~a

[2002-05-21 13:31:30] - this site is brilliant: Wherever the rules of the language permit, give classes, constructors, methods, member variables, parameters and local variables the same names. For extra points, reuse local variable names inside {} blocks - vinnie

[2002-05-21 13:29:43] - hahahaha - vinnie

[2002-05-21 13:29:29] - In naming functions and variables, make heavy use of abstract words like it, everything, data, handle, stuff, do, routine, perform and the digits e.g. routineX48, PerformDataFunction, DoIt, HandleStuff and do_args_method - vinnie

[2002-05-21 13:22:08] - you need to look at the big picture, people :P - vinnie

[2002-05-21 13:21:51] - angels love them enough to punish them to an eternal hell because they know it will be the right thing in the end - vinnie

[2002-05-21 12:01:03] - for fun - glass

[2002-05-21 10:45:48] - everone else's sites are up and running, except for mine! :'(  Stupid VT Dns not updating fast enough. - dewey

[2002-05-21 10:44:38] - a: does now!  You didn't tell me you were hosting Aaron also. :-p - dewey

[2002-05-21 07:45:01] - oh, weird.  the image didnt load the first time around.  -  aba

[2002-05-21 07:44:35] - angels love everyone?  i am confused.  -  aba

[2002-05-21 02:14:17] - Yes.... Angels love everyone! - aaron

[2002-05-21 02:13:22] - ###/pics/download/142.gif

[2002-05-20 23:34:59] - thank you dewey!!!  ~a

[2002-05-20 14:19:15] - all work now.  for some reason doesn't work but i blame dewey.  ~a

[2002-05-20 09:10:28] - -logan

[2002-05-19 13:16:05] - i thought it was funny.  ~a

[2002-05-19 10:24:20] - chirp. - crickets

[2002-05-18 22:31:52] - then logan got in the middle.  i guess he didn't like us being so close

[2002-05-18 22:31:30] - it was all mixed together so you couldn't tell which was mig and which was kris.  which sounds kind of sexual, but i don't mean it like that -kris

[2002-05-18 22:29:22] - no, it makes no sense at all. - mig

[2002-05-18 22:24:27] - which doesn't make any sense to me, but i guess that is the craziness that is adrian -kris

[2002-05-18 22:23:04] - but its not true anymore -kris

[2002-05-18 22:22:30] - i said, "i am one with miguel." -kris

[2002-05-18 15:53:28] - kris: wha?

[2002-05-18 12:49:25] - - wolf

[2002-05-18 11:06:07] - i am one with miguel. -kris

[2002-05-17 22:46:26] -

[2002-05-17 19:34:02] - the napster saga seems to have finally been resolved. - mig

[2002-05-17 13:34:52] -

[2002-05-17 10:05:53] -

[2002-05-16 17:41:09] - idiotic policitcal correctness strikes again. - mig

[2002-05-16 14:59:08] - ###/pics/download/141.gif

[2002-05-16 11:32:12] - logan:  cp `which bash` adrianshell  ~a

[2002-05-16 02:36:55] - $ perl -le "print '\''"  :-P  ~a

[2002-05-15 20:45:37] - I guess the word I'm looking for is interpolation. -logan

[2002-05-15 19:45:48] - You should try implementing a Bourne style shell sometime, it would be enlightening. -logan

[2002-05-15 19:43:07] - perl is sorta the same way... maybe it makes an exception for \' -logan

[2002-05-15 19:42:11] - Single quotes allow you to include whitespace and prevent expansion. -logan

[2002-05-15 19:41:47] - Double quotes allow you to include whitespace in a single token, and its contents get expanded into a single token (backslashed characters have the same meaning outside the double quotes). -logan

[2002-05-15 19:40:59] - In a Bourne shell, you have several forms of quotes in order to more finely control substitution. -logan

[2002-05-15 19:40:17] - I don't know that '\'' works in perl.  C++, Java, and PHP have completely different lexical rules.

[2002-05-15 19:33:20] - -this is awesome. - wolf

[2002-05-15 18:12:20] - not sure what to do about FTP and SSH though. :-/ hm - dewey

[2002-05-15 18:11:49] - will be there on Friday, and set up my computer and all that jaz. - dewey

[2002-05-15 18:11:24] - I plan on forwarding people with my Port 80, just not on campus right now... - dewey

[2002-05-15 18:11:06] - I plan on forwarding people with my Port 80

[2002-05-15 18:03:01] - but '\'' works in perl, c++, java, and php.  ~a

[2002-05-15 14:14:14] - a: Because the single-quoted environment is literal, no quoting occurs.  Thus you have '\' followed immediately by a lone '. -logan

[2002-05-15 12:26:14] -

[2002-05-15 11:23:59] - why do people suck so much?  :'(

[2002-05-15 08:37:29] - logan:  why doesn't echo '\'' work?  ~a

[2002-05-15 07:16:17] - i don't know whether they ever trademarked it.  that article was from 1998. - wolf

[2002-05-14 21:41:49] - then why are they trying to trademark a color?!? - vinnie

[2002-05-14 21:41:23] - from the pepsi adbusters interview: '"As a company we have a reputation for having a little bit of fun," Hughes told Adbusters. "We don't take ourselves too seriously."' - vinnie

[2002-05-14 21:39:12] - yeah, town means nova. I guess I should specify since half of us are not in town :P - vinnie

[2002-05-14 20:26:24] - work fucking rules.    - wolf

[2002-05-14 18:01:25] - another problem is other services like smtp,ssh,scp,ftp, and netbios would need to forward also.  ~a

[2002-05-14 18:00:02] - there's a couple problems with that.  one is that the candidates who have port 80 open also have a webpage so i would need to set up virtual hosting also.  ~a

[2002-05-14 17:16:46] - Find a server that has a reachable port 80 and have it forward. :P

[2002-05-14 17:00:28] - logan:  cox blocks port 80 because of nimda (sp?) and because they are dicks.  ~a

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