here are old message board entries

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[2002-06-24 11:08:25] - s. court rules that death penalty must be decided by jury and not a single judge. - mig

[2002-06-23 11:09:56] - ooh, much prettier -kris

[2002-06-23 00:16:57] - ok, so now that adrian has officially dubbed me king, i decree that the link colors get changed from blue. - mig

[2002-06-22 18:01:17] - "He said he plans to release an upgrade soon, 'If Allah give me strength.'" - wolf

[2002-06-22 18:00:49] -,2100,51697,00.html - wolf

[2002-06-22 15:40:30] - why are the links blue?  aren't i the rightful king of this board? - mig

[2002-06-22 15:39:26] - when netalyst takes me out they end up paying for me. - mig

[2002-06-22 15:12:49] - we always split the bill when we go out for lunch at work.  but we're all poor college students and the most highbrow places we eat at are mike's or el guadalupe's. - wolf

[2002-06-22 15:10:45] - i found a roll of life savers in the box my new athlon came in.  i guess someone in packing/shipping dropped it in by mistake :P - wolf

[2002-06-22 14:34:36] - working at dyncorp I went out with some people for lunch and ended up paying $27 when I should have paid $9, because they all got steak AND we were paying for someone leaving the company who I didn't even know - vinnie

[2002-06-22 01:51:50] - or am i too drunkstill for that? -kris

[2002-06-22 01:46:08] - an even share of $30 would be $15 if there were two people?

[2002-06-22 01:12:59] - Heh, once I had to assert myself to avoid paying an even share of $30 when my portion of the total was only $15. -logan

[2002-06-21 22:15:25] - of course, that's just libertarian idealism, which may or may not work out in real life - vinnie

[2002-06-21 22:13:24] - it's not profitable for everyone to deal with only the mainstream customers. of course there is a market for air travel for obese or no-legged people - vinnie

[2002-06-21 18:22:03] - yes, yes.  i know i have a problem with that word. - mig

[2002-06-21 18:15:58] - they're

[2002-06-21 18:14:20] - and let's face it.  this will end up costing airports more money.  and their going to pass the losses onto everyone.  is that fair? - mig

[2002-06-21 18:05:14] - i think the analogies in the article expalin why the lawsuit against the arilines sets a bad precedent. - mig

[2002-06-21 16:54:39] - ~a

[2002-06-21 16:54:35] - why doesn't aim work at work?

[2002-06-21 16:54:13] - "an alcoholic drink isn't the only differentiating" is what i meant to say btw.  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:53:14] - isn't it ironic that there are things that don't work at work? (the answer is no) - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:52:54] - I'm going to springfield mall now, bye bye adrian. I wish I could get aim working at work. - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:51:13] - alcoholic drinks aren't the only differetiating factor between an expensive bill and a cheap one.  i'm sure aparna wouldn't like it if she ate with a bunch of people who all wanted to split the bill evenly.  (nice segway into another topic though :-P )  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:51:08] - I guess if you agree, I retract my metaphor because it's really weak :-P hehe. Metaphors are HARD work - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:49:31] - To me, it's the equivalent of when you go to a restaurant, and one person gets some alcoholic drinks, and then wants to split the bill evenly - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:48:35] - hmph.  i guess i agree.  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:47:34] - Charging people who use twice as much product is fair discrimination, and their product is space inside an airplane - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:44:44] - "discriminated unfairly"  so charging overweight people extra money is fair discrimination?  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:40:14] - I mean, look at Valujet - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:40:07] - Don't be silly, if an airline were overly rude to their customers, or charged too much, or discriminated unfairly against certain groups, I'm sure they'd run out of business. Publicity and reputation mean a lot for airlines - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:35:35] - hell, there are tons of people who want to fly.  it's not like they airlines are going to run out of customers.  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:35:10] - well i'm afraid if it were up to the airlines, then no disabilities would ever be accommodated for.  it's more profitable to just deal with mainstream customers and ignore the rest.  that's why there are laws.  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:33:21] - I mean, even if all the obese people in the world started using this airline! ...The airline would just end up having to charge them twice as much, right? Or, very close to twice as much, anyways.... - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:31:10] - If an airline decides that somehow, charging people half as much as other airlines, will attract enough business to justify allowing it? then that's completely OK, but I don't know, I don't think that would happen - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:30:13] - I think the line is wherever airlines decide to draw the line, Adrian - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:29:04] - so where do you draw the line?  one disability costs $X extra and another disability costs $Y extra.  $X is fine to spend on a disability but $Y is not fine.  where's the line?  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:26:39] - Yeah, but the difference is a airline can cater to 108 no-legged people and get $10,800 dollars. They can only cater to 54 two-seat-needing people. Even if you figure in 2 minutes of an attendant's time, for each legless person, there's still a huge difference. - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:24:53] - i don't think miguel was saying he didn't like the idea of colored money.  i think he was saying he'd rather they fixed the monotheistic money to be not so monotheistic.  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:22:42] - "Why shouldn't a business be able to charge customers more money if they use more of a particular product?"  why shouldn't we charge customers more if they use more of the attendant's time?  like if you have no legs and you need help getting into your seat, you're using more of the attendat's time so you need to be changed more?  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:22:40] - I could likewise say I was born hungrier than other people, and I should get 2 cheeseburgers for the price of one at Burger King - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:22:12] - And I think overweight people should have to pay if they use more than one seat. This isn't some sort of all-you-can-eat-buffet universe! If you consume more, then you pay more - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:20:16] - Awww but foreign money is pretty! It's not like they're going to make them red white and blue like in the picture (i hope) - aaron

[2002-06-21 16:19:39] - being overweight is sometimes genetic.  if we don't accommodate for overweight people, why should we accommodate for other disabilities?  ~a

[2002-06-21 16:12:12] - overweight people want free seats. - mig

[2002-06-21 16:08:14] - colored money.  i'd rather they take out "in god we trust" first. - mig

[2002-06-21 15:09:31] -

[2002-06-21 14:29:49] - my pants are full of tokens!  whenever i go to talk someone down the hall, i make lots of noise!  ~a

[2002-06-21 14:16:47] - aparna has 69 posts

[2002-06-21 14:01:19] - (oh, maybe don't view from work, it's got language) - aaron

[2002-06-21 14:01:04] -  (too big) - aaron

[2002-06-21 12:51:49] - ok.  then it must have been a warning and not an error.  ~a

[2002-06-21 12:43:59] - oh okay! i think i logged in ok this morning. - aaron

[2002-06-21 11:21:00] - aaron:  i was looking through logs to find out why my sshd server wasn't working and i saw that you were having trouble logging in.  it was my fault but i fixed the problem.  please try again and let me know if it works now.  sorry sorry sorry!  ~a

[2002-06-21 10:35:20] - yeah, i imagine it has been getting hammered the last few days due to the game just being released. - mig

[2002-06-20 17:44:26] - mig: the site is down.  :-P  -  aba

[2002-06-20 15:49:42] - aba:  i'll write it when i have time you can look at info here in the mean time: - mig

[2002-06-20 15:30:20] - congress makes sense for once. - mig

[2002-06-20 15:19:24] - free meaning not owned.  ~a

[2002-06-20 15:19:06] - wow, nationalmotto .com, .net, and .org are all free.  ~a

[2002-06-20 15:10:23] - may you be successful in your campaign. - mig

[2002-06-20 14:36:30] - the adrian family association has launched a national campaign to remove copies of our national motto from every school classroom and public building in america  ~a

[2002-06-20 14:30:48] - aaron: you guys dress up for halloween.  :-(  i never knew.  i wanna dress up!  -  aba

[2002-06-20 14:10:48] - i'm kind of pissed though because the game would support linux out of the box. - mig

[2002-06-20 14:07:53] - paul: Yeah, you're totally dressing as "Watto" for halloween if I can find the costume ;-) - aaron

[2002-06-20 13:58:12] - aba:  it's supposed to run on linux too, but they didn't finish it before releasing the game, supposadly their going to let people download the linux part of the game soon. - mig

[2002-06-20 13:50:45] - mig: you need to write something up about neverwinternights.  :-P  i wanna know if its worth spending my $$ on.  -  aba

[2002-06-20 13:24:07] - aaron: HAHAHAHA. That's soooo funny. :-P I wish I could dress like that :-) -Paul

[2002-06-20 13:21:55] - Paul: check out the oekaki board - aaron

[2002-06-20 13:10:41] - a: Er.... Wouldn't. Sorry. My bad -Paul

[2002-06-20 13:10:18] - a: Well, I can't imagine why you would. Just wanted to make sure I got my facts straight. -Paul

[2002-06-20 13:07:55] - why wouldn't i?  ~a

[2002-06-20 13:06:58] - a: I was just wondering. Am I to assume you approved of Nickelodean's television program on homosexuality? -Paul

[2002-06-20 12:59:26] - it seems to work, but let me know if you find anything that doesn't.  ~a

[2002-06-20 12:58:58] - hmmm.  i'm testing out using a binary for this web page instead of a script.  ~a

[2002-06-20 12:43:52] - paul:  yes.  why do you ask?  ~a

[2002-06-20 12:16:53] - it most certainly isn't. - mig

[2002-06-20 10:45:54] - a: Do you believe in any sort of government censorship? -Paul

[2002-06-20 09:14:21] - wooo indeed. must be annoying to change the batteries though - aaron

[2002-06-20 06:43:17] - vinnie: scary - wolf

[2002-06-20 01:01:49] - mmmm neverwinternights is addicting. - mig

[2002-06-19 23:56:26] - hurrah for science wooo - vinnie

[2002-06-19 18:24:43] - when i read articles like that, i can feel my blood pressure going up.  ~a

[2002-06-19 18:17:42] - do people in other countries have the right to thumb their noses?  ~a

[2002-06-19 17:20:33] - - wolf

[2002-06-19 17:20:29] - heh, does anyone else remember when cigarette machines were everywhere?

[2002-06-19 17:02:10] - Remember when Rocko caught spunky alone in the closet with the mop and there was that puddle on the ground which didn't quite look like water? - aaron

[2002-06-19 16:47:34] - rocko's modern life has had references to prostitution and phone sex - vinnie

[2002-06-19 16:09:23] - i forgot to watch that last night.  :'(  -  aba

[2002-06-19 16:00:41] - ""While Nickelodeon tried to answer that question by implying that no one has a right to define a family - and therefore we should accept same-sex couples - the network and Ms. Ellerbee are wrong,' Wildmon said. "God has already clearly defined the family, and no one in this country has the right to thumb their noses at that."

[2002-06-19 16:00:14] -

[2002-06-19 15:57:36] -

[2002-06-19 15:43:55] - Hehe, less than 20 cigarettes?! That sounds like one of those wacky laws that'll find its way into some wacky-law-list on the internet, 80 years from now - aaron

[2002-06-19 14:22:37] - at least the poll results are somewhat comforting. - mig

[2002-06-19 13:57:35] - - wolf

[2002-06-19 13:56:44] - i'm just curious, does holland go along with any of this EU stuff? - mig

[2002-06-19 13:45:32] - ###/pics/download/147.gif I love boondocks :-P -Paul

[2002-06-19 13:28:00] - why should they enforce a system that's only meant to be a guide. - mig

[2002-06-19 13:10:44] - The European Commission wants governments to ban the sale of packets of fewer than 20 cigarettes. -Paul

[2002-06-19 13:04:19] -,2933,55619,00.html A California congressman wants to make it a federal crime to sell mature video games to children -Paul

[2002-06-19 12:05:50] - i hate it when i stop the ssh server to test out the ssh server on a chrooted environment then forget to start it back up.  ~a

[2002-06-19 00:46:36] - suck my cox

[2002-06-18 18:00:43] - sorry everybody.  cox was down today :(  ~a

[2002-06-17 23:22:53] - i remember an eposide of johnny bravo where farrah fawcett (sp?) was on, and they made some pretty blatant references to her being a playboy model and such. - wolf

[2002-06-17 22:21:21] - dexter's laboratory has references to stuff that the kids who watch it are too young to catch.  ~a

[2002-06-17 16:33:41] -

[2002-06-17 15:07:01] - maybe they have more than one ddr machine?  that would make it not so bad.  -  aba

[2002-06-17 14:48:33] - Spooky article - aaron

[2002-06-17 14:44:59] - 1 song is hardly "gym class" though, heh. That's like doing the Shuttle Run! - aaron

[2002-06-17 14:28:54] - careful now, it's just a game. - mig

[2002-06-17 14:11:24] - you could go through 60 people in 90 minutes if it's 3 minutes a song.  ~a

[2002-06-17 14:00:49] - they probably don't play three/four songs.  probably one like when we play in your room.  ~a

[2002-06-17 13:40:00] - how does that even work? you'd probably get to play once a period, if that - vinnie

[2002-06-17 13:30:17] - yeah, that would suck.  ~a

[2002-06-17 12:55:00] - That would drive me insane. Having to share DDR machines with like 50 other people in my class? I have enough trouble sharing at Roanoke with like, 3 other people... - aaron

[2002-06-17 12:51:34] - a: Yay, it works at work! I'll try it at home later - aaron

[2002-06-17 12:01:19] -

[2002-06-17 11:58:17] - oh ok, they have to be activated each game, well shit.  i just wish the game wouldn't crash.  i can't play for more than an hour before it does.- mig

[2002-06-17 11:41:37] - rook thing? what town? IF you mean the towers.... with the square platforms... that is what I was talking about.... otherwise I've never seen what you're talking about -cryptic

[2002-06-17 11:40:10] - aaron:  did you ever get ftp to work?  remember to use  ~a

[2002-06-17 11:01:33] - no, no, i mean that rook thing outside of the town. - mig

[2002-06-17 09:57:03] - and the tower square platforms need to be activated (each game I think... that's a bug) -cryptic

[2002-06-17 09:56:24] - you have large dark hubs between the cities -cryptic

[2002-06-17 09:42:38] - i'm talking about those rook like things in multiplayer. - mig

[2002-06-17 08:28:00] - damn those graphical smileys! - wolf

[2002-06-17 08:27:42] - :D\-<

[2002-06-17 08:27:37] - :D|-<

[2002-06-17 08:27:29] - :D/-<

[2002-06-17 07:42:52] - what do you mean? there are no hubs in single player, but there are smaller platforms.  you have to turn them in order to make them active, though. - wolf

[2002-06-17 03:06:24] - waypoints?  how do those work?  they useful? - dewey

[2002-06-17 01:05:51] - i was gonna use fake, but bogus just sounded right - vinnie

[2002-06-16 23:52:29] - arrghh!  why does dunegone siege not save the waypoints!! - mig

[2002-06-16 22:31:09] - ah. they're so cute ;) -kris

[2002-06-16 00:35:19] - not as funny as titmouse. - mig

[2002-06-15 23:49:17] - bogus is a funny word -kris

[2002-06-15 01:34:23] - oops, that link says the eminem death threats were bogus - vinnie

[2002-06-15 01:33:47] - - vinnie

[2002-06-14 20:12:45] - yipee it sounds fun! -kris

[2002-06-14 19:43:07] - its new favorite habit for me is to crash windows every time i exit a multiplayer game. - wolf

[2002-06-14 19:20:45] - i wish dungeon siege wouldn't hang up my computer every couple hours or so. - mig

[2002-06-14 16:50:55] - Technically, your store catching fire the day before a mafia guy comes by with an offer for "protection" could be legitimate too.... There's really no way to know whether they're really protecting/warning you, or just trying to persuade you into buying their virus software - aaron

[2002-06-14 15:55:31] - i think it could have been legitimate but they worded it very badly.  i think all mail servers should run a virus check on email and send both the sender and receiver of infected emails a warning.  ~a

[2002-06-14 13:16:20] - the name of the game is blackmail

[2002-06-14 13:04:31] - That was confusing. So I guess basically, this company spams all these people saying "A virus e-mail could have just  been sent from our servers to yours! Buy virus software from us!" - aaron

[2002-06-14 12:19:40] - amazing, i didn't know spam could virus check for me. - mig

[2002-06-14 10:40:55] - European Parliament bans cosmetics tested on animals -Paul

[2002-06-14 10:08:03] - If that ever comes to be, I think I'd actually find it worth it to own a cell phone. It sounds cool! - aaron

[2002-06-14 10:05:09] - i can't wait till reagan dies so nancy and i can finally consummate our love

[2002-06-14 10:04:25] -

[2002-06-14 09:42:48] - wolf: And Ronald Reagan? -Paul

[2002-06-14 09:23:56] - paul: sure.  i'll also have one when jerry falwell dies.  - wolf

[2002-06-14 09:00:40] - wolf: Celebrating the life and accomplishments of Rush Limbaugh, no doubt :-P -Paul

[2002-06-13 23:03:07] - It cited a recent Onion article about the U.S. government issuing life jackets to all Americans for some unexplained reason. "According to congressional workers, the Onion is a publication that never ceases making up false reports," the Evening News said." and i didn't know that.  i thought the onion's articles were based on fact! - mig

[2002-06-13 23:02:01] -

[2002-06-13 22:48:34] - when rush limbaugh dies, i am going to have a party. - wolf

[2002-06-13 17:31:53] - because south park jovially teased bin-laden. enimem savagely mocked bin-laden :P - vinnie

[2002-06-13 16:14:30] - I think it's pretty funny that someone out there takes all this bin-laden mockery so seriously. Anyway, Matt Stone and Trey Parker did way worse than Eminem, why aren't they getting threats? - aaron

[2002-06-13 16:06:08] - rush limbaugh is a big fat idiot. - mig

[2002-06-13 15:53:30] -,,30000-10448590,00.html al qaeda really isn't all that bad. - wolf

[2002-06-13 15:18:36] - cryptic did the money calculator. i did the fun box  + html + css. - wolf

[2002-06-13 14:43:56] - You should make a fun box where each component interacts with the other components, and it's challenging to get all the components in a specific state. Like lights out, only, more arbitrary - aaron

[2002-06-13 14:02:24] - wow.  that money thing is really cool.  i don't see the point of the fun box though  :)  ~a

[2002-06-13 13:53:52] - how to stay busy at work, courtesy of mike and i. - wolf

[2002-06-12 23:14:03] - hump pump

[2002-06-12 22:37:37] - you can try  -cryptic

[2002-06-12 21:36:52] - equality for lines! -kris

[2002-06-12 21:36:45] - we're all lines here! -kris

[2002-06-12 21:36:34] - why isn't a _ as good as a - anyway -kris

[2002-06-12 21:36:23] - i'm almost gone :( _kris

[2002-06-12 21:36:12] - igweeee! -kris

[2002-06-12 15:49:56] - re: dhs - I agree with mig, I may just buy a domain name if it's not too much more. does still offer services? - vinnie

[2002-06-12 10:54:55] - the courts should file a counter-suit against the parents of the idiots who came up with the law suit... since they're the creators of the instruments which are responsible for wasting the courts time - aaron

[2002-06-12 10:23:02] - mig: Careful, you may be mocking the beliefs of some people on this message board. :-P -Paul

[2002-06-12 10:07:09] - umm, yeah, this makes sense. - mig

[2002-06-11 19:17:25] - speed seems to be varying.  Probably cause CNS does lots of work on lines over the summer. - dewey

[2002-06-11 01:11:19] - I love the name... the "Freedom Consolidation Act".  Let's lump all our "freedoms" together, so they'll be easier to control. - boing

[2002-06-11 00:51:24] - hypocracy makes me horney!

[2002-06-11 00:03:53] - aaron:  i tried to contact you on aim but you were offline the two times i tried to message you.  :-(  someone tried to hack into my computer so i brought the ftp server down.  i'll talk to you tomorrow some time if you're online.  ~a

[2002-06-10 22:30:33] - Adrian, how can I upload a picture for my journal - aaron

[2002-06-10 22:16:08] - I don't know why my proxy is slow.  Maybe Tech bandwidth limiting? - dewey

[2002-06-10 22:14:47] - if you don't want to use my computer

[2002-06-10 20:26:08] - mount initrd dir -o loop && chroot dir bash

[2002-06-10 17:21:09] - fixed

[2002-06-10 17:21:03] - ficed it. - wolf

[2002-06-10 16:45:36] - aaron: i have no clue.  it's acting like picture.cgi doesn't have the correct permissions set.  i'm going to try re-uploading the cgi scripts when i get home.  - wolf

[2002-06-10 16:45:24] - i'd just go and buy my own domain, if it comes to that. - mig

[2002-06-10 16:44:51] - - mig

[2002-06-10 16:40:48] - wolf: What happened to the oekaki board? - aaron

[2002-06-10 15:22:33] - i just got an email from dhs announcing user fees.  who all is gonna pay?  and if not anyone know of some other good similar service?  -  aba

[2002-06-10 15:06:44] - What does that religious survey have to do with pogs anyways. I'm very disappointed. - aaron

[2002-06-10 12:35:30] - i hate you ronald reagan. - wolf

[2002-06-10 12:08:17] - - wolf

[2002-06-10 10:59:46] - bush plays the contradiction game again. - mig

[2002-06-10 09:18:27] - I've seen it used in Puzzle Bobble Online a lot, too! I thought it was a goofy variety laugh - aaron

[2002-06-10 07:19:12] - jack chick is indeed revolting.  -  aba

[2002-06-10 07:17:39] - a: i used to see a lot of korean players in d2 use it.  i think it's the equivalent of "hehehehe", but for some reason (keyboard layout, maybe?) it became "kekekeke".  i got into the habit of typing it from being around so many players who didn't speak english. - wolf

[2002-06-10 01:01:37] - jack chick's catholicism conspiracy theory. - mig

[2002-06-10 00:09:09] - wolf:  does kekekeke mean anything?  someone on some other message board was saying it.  "kekekekek ^_^"  ~a

[2002-06-09 23:49:56] - !wn altruistic

[2002-06-09 22:33:52] - how altruistic of you -kris

[2002-06-09 21:32:13] - what a ripoff, I fill in that whole survey and there's no reward (statistics, this-is-your-described-religion, etc) at the end of it - boing

[2002-06-09 20:38:22] - how nifty :) -kris

[2002-06-09 20:17:44] - i'm still trying to get this less-ugly, but - wolf

[2002-06-09 20:11:19] - Are we suppose to take that survey or something? -Paul

[2002-06-09 13:58:25] - wolf posted this to the free@vt listserve but i figured it should be posted here too:  -  aba

[2002-06-09 10:13:00] - why is deweys computer so slow?  -  aba

[2002-06-08 23:24:01] - has been down

[2002-06-08 22:59:37] - computer is been down so i can make my own distribution of linux.  it's going very slowly.  i got networking, x, and irc, but i couldn't get a web browser (galeon has lots of dependencies) or xmms (i got esd and wavs to work but there were weird sound problems with mp3s).  if you care, here's what it's made of: @@@/me/linux.txt  ~a

[2002-06-07 17:45:52] - - wolf

[2002-06-07 11:48:46] -

[2002-06-07 11:40:48] -

[2002-06-07 11:36:54] - what do you mean the onion's articles are made up? - mig

[2002-06-07 05:58:42] - I'd call dynamic programming inductive programming. -logan

[2002-06-07 00:27:21] - i want to donate to "the human fund" :) - aaron

[2002-06-06 23:28:14] - thinkgeek rocks!  -  aba

[2002-06-06 21:05:24] - make an "aaron charity" or a "paul and travis's room" charity  ~a

[2002-06-06 19:55:43] - So much for "no prize!" - aaron

[2002-06-06 19:55:23] - In addition to winning Room 65, you have received another honor. TopCoder randomly selected Room 65 as the designated "Charity Room" for Single Round Match 95. As the winner of Room 65, you get to choose the charity that will receive a $500 donation. - aaron

[2002-06-06 17:01:58] - aaron:  they called it dynamic programming because they couldn't think of a better name for it.  ~a

[2002-06-06 16:55:43] - "there's a certain amount of tolerance for going to the bathroom." Well at least that's still legal - aaron

[2002-06-06 15:59:17] - we're not gonna take it.... - mig

[2002-06-06 15:31:05] - I don't get why it's called dynamic programming. I understand how the algorithm works though. - aaron

[2002-06-06 14:17:48] - - mig

[2002-06-06 13:38:56] - ###/pics/download/146.gif

[2002-06-06 11:32:43] - aaron:  -  my soltion:  @@@/me/dp0.c  ~a

[2002-06-06 11:26:09] - dp is just a name for a concept that has nothing to do with the name.  if i were to give dp a better name it would be something like store-solutions-of-subproblems-and-parts-of-a-solution-sometimes-recursively-for-use-later  ~a

[2002-06-06 10:36:35] - I know dynamic HTML. HTML is programming! - aaron

[2002-06-06 10:32:16] - aaron:  you'll be in division 1, the problems are much harder and the money is much more.  ask me or dewey about dynamic programming (dp) because you'll probably need to know about it for devision 1.  ~a

[2002-06-06 10:30:48] - aaron:  miguel is 900s, pierce is 1000s, dewey is 1300s, i'm 1400s, logan is 1800s, some guy down the hall from me at work is 2100s.  ~a

[2002-06-06 10:29:41] - Yeah, that's cool, next time I'll get to play in Division 2, that should be fun. Next wednesday, Adrian! - aaron

[2002-06-06 10:25:55] - and what a rating, aaron!  1453!  wow, good job.  ~a

[2002-06-06 10:22:46] - but you should have a rating now, so you can get money if you win the room from now on. - mig

[2002-06-06 10:18:22] - it's no prive for unrated rooms.  i'm sorry, aaron, i didn't know.  :(  ~a

[2002-06-06 10:12:49] - aaron:  only the highest score from all first timers gets any money. - mig

[2002-06-06 10:11:56] - aaron:  really?!  is that what they said?  ~a

[2002-06-06 09:53:51] - mig: Yes - aaron

[2002-06-06 09:50:38] - aaron:  was this your first time? - mig

[2002-06-06 09:46:27] - adrian: i don't think topcoder awarded money to winners in any of the rooms 64 and higher last night, for some reason - aaron

[2002-06-06 09:39:44] - a: You changed my name from logan2 to paul... -Paul

[2002-06-06 05:23:36] - i wonder if i'll be at work in five hours.  probably not.  ~a

[2002-06-06 05:23:18] - i can see the sun rising!!!  ~a

[2002-06-06 03:22:57] - ahhh.  finnaly back home to my happy dvorak keyboard.  i missed you, baby!  ~a

[2002-06-06 00:08:29] - okay, i pity the foolio

[2002-06-05 22:30:23] - foolio

[2002-06-05 21:20:49] - i pity the fool

[2002-06-05 19:30:32] - - wolf

[2002-06-05 18:21:46] - a lot of my family in india smokes.  most of them started before there was information about the adverse effects of smoking available to them and now they are completely and totally addicted.  -  aba

[2002-06-05 15:38:39] - be careful what you wish for - mig

[2002-06-05 15:17:05] - I'm just saying that if you don't try something before 21, it's probably just because you don't want to. Not because 21 is some sort of magic number, or because people are more addictable before 21 - aaron

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