here are old message board entries

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[2003-01-24 00:24:50] - Anybody want to go to Vegas over Spring Break? -Paul

[2003-01-23 23:25:17] - too many vegetables might be bad for you.  if abortions were mandatory, humans would go extinct.  and dolphins are mammals cause they mammalate -kris

[2003-01-23 23:24:16] - how many days after the sell date is milk usually good? -kris

[2003-01-23 23:17:49] - we need to keep the message board moving! somebody argue with me. vegetables are bad for you. abortions should be mandatory. dolphins are fish. - aaron

[2003-01-22 18:09:01] - all hail wesley wilis!

[2003-01-22 17:41:26] - mcdonalds will make you fat. they serve big macs. they serve quarter pounders. they will put pounds on you.

[2003-01-22 17:36:05] - sanity saves the day with obesity lawsuit. - mig

[2003-01-21 19:46:53] - mlk day = drink more milk

[2003-01-20 23:50:33] - a: mlk day? What's that? I only know of good old Lee-Jackson day :-) -Paul

[2003-01-20 23:49:55] - Yay! Devin has returned to the board! -Paul

[2003-01-20 14:38:13] - oh.  and happy mlk day too.  ~a

[2003-01-20 14:37:34] - happy lee-jackson day, everybody.  ~a

[2003-01-19 23:26:03] - devin:  HI!  ~a

[2003-01-18 12:13:31] - Whoops. -Devin

[2003-01-18 12:13:21] - Yay! I finally have internet again! After a 12 month hiatus!

[2003-01-17 21:58:36] - dirnk drink drunk!

[2003-01-16 21:10:24] -

[2003-01-16 20:55:40] - -kris

[2003-01-16 08:51:21] - The requested URL /pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/ was not found on this server.

[2003-01-16 08:48:37] - some porno is incriminating.  ~a

[2003-01-16 07:47:00] - "law enforcement officers can examine a computer and lift incriminating e-mails or porno images from the hard drive." Why is the law interested in my porno? And why is it incriminating? :-P - aaron

[2003-01-16 07:38:44] - time to buy some hard drives on ebay.  ~a

[2003-01-16 00:26:55] - make sure you clean that hardrive when you sell it  - mig

[2003-01-16 00:17:31] - Nope.  Everybody hates me -message-board

[2003-01-15 22:36:40] - is this thing on? -kris

[2003-01-13 16:12:20] - happy first day of classes

[2003-01-12 12:21:46] - Didn't deltree bypass the whole undeleteing system in DOS? It's been a long time but I thought I remembered something like that - aaron

[2003-01-12 01:21:03] - sounds like it might be tough -kris

[2003-01-10 23:15:28] - kris: That's a problem you can easily avoid. Just don't conspire with vampires. :-P -Paul

[2003-01-10 23:06:47] -  why i'll never get involved with politics -kris

[2003-01-10 22:49:09] - i love my kitty -kris

[2003-01-10 22:24:43] - phil 1204 or phil 1304 if you haven't taken any of those. - mig

[2003-01-10 13:32:55] - a: If you find one, let me know. :-P -Paul

[2003-01-10 13:15:43] - i'm signed up for 7 hours and i can't find anything good to add.  someone help, please!!!  what's a good class?    ~a

[2003-01-10 10:36:33] - Pornographer overwhelmed by school girls' response to job ad -Paul

[2003-01-10 08:49:01] - Luggage bomb hoax lands couple in jail -Paul

[2003-01-10 08:45:36] - a: well, don't empty the recycle bin unless you're sure.  :p  -kris

[2003-01-10 01:57:03] - the fbi was pissed off about that for some reason. - mig

[2003-01-10 01:56:36] - anyways, the only thing i can tell you is just be careful around the recycle bin with windows.  i'm sure there is a way to get the stuff back, though i remember xp touting a feature that stuff you deleted would actually be gone. - mig

[2003-01-10 01:49:13] - meh, i probably could have done it responsibly younger than that.  my sister's been having alcohol since she's been 16. - mig

[2003-01-09 23:13:26] - a: Yeah, but that situation hardly ever arises for me. If there is ever an instance where I would want to 'undelete' something, I would say that 95% of the time I can find that thing in my recycling bin. -Paul

[2003-01-09 21:58:06] - Alcohol brings me nothing but enjoyment.  I really believe that I could have enjoyed alcohol responsibly as an 18 year-old.  ---

[2003-01-09 18:10:04] - kris:  but what if a program bypasses the recycle bin.  or what if you empty the recycle bin.  then, without an undelete program, it's gone forever.  ~a

[2003-01-09 17:48:51] - a: if it gets sent to the recycle bin it's still sitting on your hard drive waiting to be found too.  ?? -kris

[2003-01-09 16:39:59] - paul:  if something gets deleted (really deleted, not sent to a recycle bin) then it's still sitting on your hard drive waiting to be found.  ~a

[2003-01-09 16:38:37] - paul

[2003-01-09 14:26:17] - Err... actually, that's the Ford Foundation. My mistake. :-P -Paul

[2003-01-09 14:25:40] - Interesting fact for anybody thinking of buying a new car: Ford has given the ACLU more than $14 million -Paul

[2003-01-09 14:21:41] - It seems like Einstein was right about gravity moving at the speed of light... I didn't know gravity moved at all. :-P -Paul

[2003-01-09 14:13:00] - Group pays drug users and alcoholics money in order to get them sterilized. -Paul

[2003-01-09 13:44:55] - I'm glad they decided to spoof the incredibly stupid War on Drugs ads, but I think it's kinda ironic that they're also spoofing their own ads in the process... -Paul

[2003-01-09 11:20:34] -  -kris

[2003-01-09 10:58:59] - Walter Williams on exploiting people in third world countries and stimulus packages -Paul

[2003-01-09 10:56:26] - a: True, recycle bin isn't undelete, but in most cases it works out to be the same so what's the problem? -Paul

[2003-01-09 10:53:54] - Tennessee debates law outlawing discrimination against homosexuals -Paul

[2003-01-09 10:50:26] - German faces jail time for "ironic" remark -Paul

[2003-01-09 10:36:52] - what does come with an undelete program? -kris

[2003-01-08 20:18:02] - no.  gui would be fine also . . . you do understand that the recycle bin is not an undelete . . . right?  ~a

[2003-01-08 19:59:02] - so you want a command line version of undelete

[2003-01-08 19:56:19] - i'm talking about undelete.  which windows does not have.  ~a

[2003-01-08 19:55:58] - ~a

[2003-01-08 19:55:55] - miguel:  that's what aaron said.  however, the recycle bin is not what i'm talking about.

[2003-01-08 19:40:25] - a:  it's called the recycle bin. - mig

[2002-12-29 19:28:45] - I guess they thought having a recycle bin was enough - aaron

[2002-12-29 18:54:27] - why the FUCK doesn't windows come with an undelete program?  >:o  ~a

[2002-12-24 16:07:34] - new jersey requires gun's to use "smart gun" technology even though the technology isn't ready yet. - mig

[2002-12-24 15:35:11] - the spherical pc. - mig

[2002-12-23 17:33:40] - Harry Browne on the Trent Lott controversy -Paul

[2002-12-23 12:17:15] -

[2002-12-20 03:05:14] - -Paul

[2002-12-20 00:37:22] - this chicken roller coaster looks both dangerous and funny

[2002-12-19 16:21:46] - sounds like an excellent conquest.

[2002-12-19 05:51:13] - canada == amsterdam                        an industrial center and the nominal capital of the Netherlands; center of the diamond-cutting industry; seat of an important stock exchange; known for its canals and art museum

[2002-12-19 01:39:34] - mig: and take it over with military force? :) - dewey

[2002-12-18 14:02:58] - testing -kris

[2002-12-18 13:35:35] - i think we should take a trip to canada in the future. - mig

[2002-12-18 12:44:45] - ###/pics/download/155.gif

[2002-12-18 12:17:48] -

[2002-12-18 12:10:44] - the truth is less interesting than the facts.  hahaha  ~a

[2002-12-18 12:07:32] - 421 == 156 - mig

[2002-12-18 10:26:03] - maybe

[2002-12-18 07:11:05] - no

[2002-12-17 16:59:23] - -kris

[2002-12-17 14:21:17] - i know who my incestors were.

[2002-12-17 14:20:53] -  (too big) -kris

[2002-12-17 05:22:06] - yes

[2002-12-17 02:13:43] - was that intentional or a typo? - dewey

[2002-12-17 01:59:14] - Who are your incestors?

[2002-12-16 22:10:33] - oooooh wow.  i should go there and rate all the quotes!

[2002-12-16 18:54:41] - RIGHT HERE - - description below

[2002-12-16 18:54:22] - One of the best new quote databases on the net GUARANTEED NO ADVERTISEMENTS - NO POP-UPS!

[2002-12-15 21:51:56] -

[2002-12-15 11:11:07] - alias cat2="perl -pe 'while(s/\\t/\" \"x(-(\$-[0]+1)%4+1)/e){}'"

[2002-12-14 18:00:15] - sure, go ahead  ~a

[2002-12-14 17:46:32] - a: should i start posting anonymous advertisements so you can say it's a regular occurance? -kris

[2002-12-14 03:37:34] - wow.  never had an anonymous advertisement like that.  ~a

[2002-12-14 00:56:05] -  -kris

[2002-12-13 21:07:51] - Tee hee :-p -Paul

[2002-12-13 21:01:21] - RIGHT HERE - - description below

[2002-12-13 21:00:35] - One of the best new porn forums on the net GUARANTEED NO ADVERTISMENTS - NO POP-UPS!

[2002-12-13 12:51:01] -

[2002-12-13 12:31:13] -  ~a

[2002-12-13 10:21:18] - shouldn't there be a 3 somewhere in there?

[2002-12-13 09:21:08] - 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510

[2002-12-11 09:52:52] - new mad max movie coming out. - mig

[2002-12-11 03:57:00] - i'm having trouble getting to sleep tonight.  must be the "too many things to do" syndrome -kris

[2002-12-11 03:56:29] - a: they're perrfect for you :P -kris

[2002-12-11 03:26:21] - i prefer dresses.  ~a

[2002-12-11 02:57:09] - a: i put one leg in and then the other.  well, not the whole leg.  i mean, eventually the whole leg goes in.  both of them.  but at the beginning, part of one leg, part of another and then pull them up.  gee its fun to wear pants. -kris

[2002-12-11 02:33:31] - don't you think the average internet user would get worried if a button professing that it could take administrative action on their computer (scan now) popped up in the middle of a random webpage?  ~a

[2002-12-11 02:28:25] - " 'Talking with these men and women is a pleasure,' said Gage of her role as a PFLAG spokesperson on Capitol Hill. 'They put their pants on one leg at a time just like you and me.' "  am i the only one that puts my pants on both legs at the same time?  ~a

[2002-12-11 01:59:07] - oops, more like 3000ish, give or take a hundred. - mig

[2002-12-11 01:58:45] - about $3500ish, maybe. - mig

[2002-12-11 01:42:51] - how much is £2,000  ~a

[2002-12-10 23:35:49] - -kris

[2002-12-10 21:04:22] - so ugly it deserves two g's.

[2002-12-10 21:04:11] - your system could be infected by an uggly moving thing.

[2002-12-10 17:09:20] - Is pay a function of gender bias? -Paul

[2002-12-10 11:25:52] - shoe you stupid moving thing!

[2002-12-10 10:38:05] - ###/pics/download/154.gif

[2002-12-09 23:59:12] - kris:  i thought it was interesting too.  ~a

[2002-12-09 19:08:44] - (this is about *german* shirts, just so you know adrian) -kris

[2002-12-09 17:24:49] - i didn't realize i had to "fit" -kris

[2002-12-09 17:24:37] - a: i just thought it was interesting -kris

[2002-12-09 16:46:35] - kris:  although the message fits, i don't think the specifics do.  it keeps referring to some british law and uses british units of money.  ~a

[2002-12-09 12:04:12] - -kris

[2002-12-09 10:50:47] - just because i can't remember the statistic doesn't make it any less useful.  i guess you could say that it's me that's unuseful  ~a

[2002-12-09 10:17:03] - very very useful statistic then :p -kris

[2002-12-09 09:22:04] - n% of married people knew their spouse in college.  i've heard this statistic before, but i don't remember what the value of n was.  ~a

[2002-12-09 08:04:29] - is where the oekaki is... sorry about that.  i was moving stuff around and didn't realized i had renamed the directory.  if i change it again i'll leave a link to the new location.- wolf

[2002-12-09 08:00:31] - barf is a new word!

[2002-12-08 17:27:02] - today is mother's day in panama  ~a

[2002-12-06 11:11:47] - a:  i hate you. - mig

[2002-12-06 06:47:56] - i beat the unreal final level on my first try :-P  ~a

[2002-12-05 23:21:24] - my pants are wet.  ~a

[2002-12-05 20:51:09] - i hope you're not waiting for our permission -kris

[2002-12-05 04:52:57] - i need to pee.  ~a

[2002-12-04 22:26:50] - a: -Paul

[2002-12-04 15:32:41] -  oh my! -kris

[2002-12-04 15:26:21] - what's Adjusted Gross Income?  ~a

[2002-12-04 15:15:01] - Who pays taxes -Paul

[2002-12-04 14:06:47] - court case on constitutionality of campaign finance reform law. - mig

[2002-12-04 13:31:12] - i do the same thing.  it's an irc thing.  ~a

[2002-12-04 13:08:08] - i keep reading that line backwards as something you said to me instead of something i said to you -kris

[2002-12-04 01:31:21] - a: actually, i didn't realize that's what the pictures were of. i was just looking for a raccoon -kris

[2002-12-04 01:31:01] - better? -kris

[2002-12-04 01:29:37] - mig: that's horrid -kris

[2002-12-04 01:28:48] - a: i didn't realize we were joking -kris

[2002-12-03 22:31:34] - what the fuck? - mig

[2002-12-03 21:45:20] - kris:  hahaha.  why didn't you post one of the pictures where they're drinking tea?  ~a

[2002-12-03 21:41:26] - kris:  that's the joke.  aaron:  i didn't know that.  ~a

[2002-12-03 21:12:27] - i think the raccoon's head could be racially motivated because "coon" is a derogatory term for a black person - aaron

[2002-12-03 18:32:05] - -kris

[2002-12-03 18:30:12] - a: they're not normally black. or is this some subspecies of raccoon that i don't know?  -kris

[2002-12-03 16:16:17] -  look at my number of posts!  ~a

[2002-12-03 13:22:10] - "I'm with aaron on that one."  are you implying someone was against aaron?  ~a

[2002-12-03 13:19:54] - kris:  the raccoon was black.  ~a

[2002-12-03 13:10:46] - does mailing a raccoon head make a racial crime? -kris

[2002-12-03 12:56:43] - dewey: here you are studying "science", that seems more like a technical school to me.  which is good if that's what you want *shrug* -kris

[2002-12-03 12:55:40] - "only 14 women in the entire school"  i should count my blessings here -kris

[2002-12-03 12:05:42] - coca-cola's income statement

[2002-12-03 11:20:14] - wasn't that one of the tenets of newspeak in 1984, that you could eliminate words that had antonyms, since you could just place "un" in front of its opposite?  I'm with aaron on that one. - boing

[2002-12-03 11:17:45] - game design is like advertising and acting in that respect; so many people want to do it, that you have to really love it and work really hard for little money for a long time in order to succeed in it. - boing

[2002-12-03 11:15:36] - you didn't apply there because you wouldn't be able to use that education to get a job in any other sector of ANYTHING.  Plus, their statistics are a tad misleading, in that many game designers do make fifty grand out of college, but the vast majority struggle for a few years at less than that, then drop out. - boing

[2002-12-03 10:38:11] -  Why didn't I apply here? - dewey

[2002-12-03 01:30:20] - aaron:  esp. when they aren't the only two choices?  i do understand.  i was just making a statement of fact or something.  ~a

[2002-12-03 01:05:18] - Aaron: You are also in need? of question marks I'll trade you one for a comma? -Paul

[2002-12-03 00:53:41] - by the way, i have way too many commas, does anybody, perhaps, need to borrow some - aaron

[2002-12-03 00:51:25] - I think it's silly to claim, that you don't need a word, because its opposite is already defined - aaron

[2002-12-02 22:46:37] - kris:  BAAAAH! BAAAAAH! BAAAAAH!  ~a

[2002-12-02 22:05:10] - a: most yes or no questions can be answered with a yes or no....  ?  -kris

[2002-12-02 21:27:14] - aaron:  that question works both ways.  i mean, it can be answered with a yes or no.  ~a

[2002-12-02 18:16:04] - aaron: do you find yourself asking that a lot? -kris

[2002-12-02 17:09:54] - Well yeah but if you want to know if someone's datable you might need to ask a friend, "Hey is she straight?" so it helps to have a word - aaron

[2002-12-02 12:15:05] - word

[2002-12-02 01:08:37] - who needs a word?  i never hear about what's new on the heterosexual scene.  ~a

[2002-12-02 01:06:41] - Going from one to five syllables was bad enough, now we're up to... thirteen? Homosexuality's never going to become popular unless they can come up with a more concise word for it - aaron

[2002-12-02 01:04:36] - Geez gimme a break, first "gay" is offensive, so now it's "homosexual" and now "orientation towards people of the same sex"? - aaron

[2002-12-01 19:02:22] - booooooooooooooooooo

[2002-12-01 01:11:46] - Do you know what would be a cool idea?  Being able to do software development stuff on your own operating system.  Wouldn't that be cool?

[2002-11-30 19:40:33] - If this banner is flashing, you've WON!  click here

[2002-11-29 21:39:37] - i don't see what's wrong with playing a mutual feel good game :p -kris

[2002-11-28 23:58:49] - If they need your help to feel good about themselves, they should find another game. -logan

[2002-11-28 23:19:43] - i dunno, i think it's mean to not try and make your opponent feel good.  -kris

[2002-11-28 00:30:45] - boing:  heh.  this is what you were trying to do.  except he got past chapter one.  ~a

[2002-11-27 23:03:08] -,,2-2002550490,00.html using the word 'homosexual' is now hate speech in UK. - mig

[2002-11-27 04:01:03] - one major upgrade - security when people post comments about what HTML tags they can use. - dewey

[2002-11-27 04:00:35] - for those who use it, new journal version out. - dewey

[2002-11-25 23:40:31] - "later rulings guaranteed students the right to sit during the pledge"    what bullshit  ~a

[2002-11-25 15:57:29] - pledge to be required in both public and private schools. - mig

[2002-11-25 14:59:01] - if terrorists know of this "tool" then it is useless.  terrorists could purchase things out of the country or in markets that don't report statistics to the database.  ~a

[2002-11-24 22:34:52] -,3566,70992,00.html pentagon wants to track what you buy. - mig

[2002-11-24 16:03:46] - yes, it is abnormal.  do you want to see it?  ~a

[2002-11-24 10:23:32] - Sounds like they could've done better. -logan

[2002-11-24 01:54:45] - i think the 115 to 2 was their best.  ~a

[2002-11-23 20:47:32] - You're not there to make the opponent feel good. :P -logan

[2002-11-22 21:39:29] - a: I think Logan means: What's the point of playing if you aren't going to play your best? -Paul

[2002-11-22 15:49:09] - this reminds me of starcraft and warcraft players who would always say "NR 20 mins" and then whine when people rush them. - mig

[2002-11-22 12:31:57] - at the first ddr competition i went to, i knew i was going to get my ass beaten.  i went anyways because i liked the game and liked competing.  ~a

[2002-11-22 06:55:12] - I bet the loser that scored the 2 is feeling really good about herself. -logan

[2002-11-22 06:54:17] - What's the point of playing if not to do well?  "Sportsmanship" is one of the dumbest words I know. -logan

[2002-11-22 00:10:47] - mig:  no one wants to be at a high school girls basketball game that ends up 115 to 2.  what do you expect from a high school that makes my elementary school look huge?  ~a

[2002-11-21 17:39:40] - loser whine about getting beat really badly. - mig

[2002-11-21 12:17:08] - It has a song called Paranoia Survivor which gradually accelerates from something like 150 to 270 beats per minute - aaron

[2002-11-21 01:41:38] - ###/pics/download/153.gif  yay.  ~a

[2002-11-20 17:04:01] - ###/pics/download/152.gif

[2002-11-20 15:10:06] -  hahaha    ~a

[2002-11-20 14:53:32] - moo, moo for brown socks

[2002-11-20 14:08:45] - It is not your father's marijuana

[2002-11-20 13:19:13] - acting like a cat was so 90s.  :-P

[2002-11-19 19:40:46] - i say again, rawr!

[2002-11-19 15:52:54] - rawr!

[2002-11-19 11:23:00] - beh.  all false!  and spoilers if you haven't read the book -kris

[2002-11-19 11:08:43] - - mig

[2002-11-19 08:39:32] - so now my abusive drunk hick stereotype is getting mixed up with my bible belt christian stereotype.  whatever shall i do?  ~a

[2002-11-19 08:38:13] - thanks to southpark, whenever i think of alabama, i think of alabama man.  ~a

[2002-11-19 00:51:54] - - boing

[2002-11-18 23:02:46] - a: Guess ;-) -Paul

[2002-11-18 22:55:33] - - warning, Engineering jokes inside. - dewey

[2002-11-18 14:56:19] - paul:  don't you?  ~a

[2002-11-18 14:55:28] - and assuming tiger isn't a misogynist, i agree.  ~a

[2002-11-18 14:08:03] - New York Times suggests that Tiger Woods should skip Masters because of lack of females. -Paul

[2002-11-18 13:40:13] - yay -kris

[2002-11-17 22:28:47] - kris:  both.  ~a

[2002-11-17 21:04:25] - a: yay, i'm cool.  or at least, i was at a cool party. -kris

[2002-11-16 20:58:22] - rawwwwwr!

[2002-11-15 22:53:24] - -kris

[2002-11-15 22:53:16] - paul: :)

[2002-11-15 14:56:13] - kris: No, I just didn't want to be left out. ;-) -Paul

[2002-11-15 10:08:58] - paul: hmm.. but would you have called using somebody's stolen cc#?  i wouldn't -kris

[2002-11-15 10:08:31] - a: i just don't wanna be left out :) -kris

[2002-11-15 01:13:36] - kris: Same here, one of my friends once stole somebody's credit card number and used it to call phone sex lines and he shared the number with other people but not me because he thought I was too much of a goody-goody :-/ -Paul

[2002-11-15 00:39:14] - CujoPH is bored

[2002-11-15 00:22:44] - kris:  do you want to be bad?  ~a

[2002-11-14 21:57:01] -

[2002-11-14 19:43:33] - nobody ever tells me when they have sex.  all my friends all thought i was too good and never invited me to anything bad :( -kris

[2002-11-14 19:41:01] - a: Glad I went to a Catholic school. :-) -Paul

[2002-11-14 19:26:20] - paul:  some kids in my 8th grade class were talking about the last time they had sex.  ~a

[2002-11-14 13:15:32] - Jademonkey1024 is bored

[2002-11-14 12:41:36] - congress gives itself a pay raise. - mig

[2002-11-14 12:40:19] - what gov knew before 9/11. - mig

[2002-11-14 07:46:49] - wow -kris

[2002-11-14 01:48:20] - 7th grade!? Holy crap. I can't even imagine thinking about sex while in 7th grade. Hell, I know some kids in my class thought being a virgin meant you had had sex before :-P -Paul

[2002-11-14 01:45:46] - Democrats poised to drift further to the left -Paul

[2002-11-14 00:52:23] - from the who really gives a shit dept. - mig

[2002-11-14 00:39:32] - a: I don't get your point :-P -Paul

[2002-11-13 16:48:00] - a:  correct.  no difference at all. - mig

[2002-11-13 16:15:14] - paul:  i don't see how allowing women is any different than allowing homosexuals or atheists.  ~a

[2002-11-13 16:04:38] - women suck, they shouldn't be admitted anywhere outside the kitchen.

[2002-11-13 14:20:00] - Debate over whether private clubs should be forced to admit women. -Paul

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