here are old message board entries

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[2003-04-11 01:14:00] - Thanks for assuming something completely different than what has been stated -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:13:00] - No fucking shit -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:13:00] - but getting into college is not a god-given right. - mig

[2003-04-11 01:13:00] - I'm talking way before college -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:13:00] - well, you can apply to any college you want.  everyone does have the opportunity to get into college. - mig

[2003-04-11 01:12:00] - Probably, I define equal opportunity as the opportunity to equal education -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:11:00] - Why are urban areas so segregated? -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:10:00] - cryptic:  we probably have a different definition of "equal opportunity".  - mig

[2003-04-11 01:10:00] -

[2003-04-11 01:09:00] - Are wealthy people going to pay money to educate poor people so they can "be all they can be" ? -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:08:00] - Are wealthy people going to move to poor areas to infuse their economy, and subsequently increase the tax base, and better the schools? -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:07:00] - perhaps we should provide all children with equal opportunity to a good education?  Something the government (in it's current state) should strive for -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:06:00] - how is the disparity between the races going to be solved? -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:05:00] - cryptic:  i do not believe it is the job of the government to solve this particular problem. - mig

[2003-04-11 01:04:00] - mig: how can you judge a solution before it's even described? before it's even thought out? -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:00:00] - mig:  merely removing a broken solution does _NOT_ solve the problem -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 00:59:00] - mig:  removing affirmative action will..... ensure a more equal opportunity for all? -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 00:58:00] - .... change of thought process....

[2003-04-11 00:56:00] - The solution is a program that attempts to give equal opportunity to all.  But what do you do with those who have been disadvantaged from the get-go?  Clearly the answer is not as simple as: "remove affirmative action", nor "make equal opportunity" -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 00:53:00] - I'll make the assumption you'll agree to that statement -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 00:51:00] - Should not everyone be entitled to equal opportunity (ideally)?  -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 00:50:00] - To say society in general is past ignorant beliefs and beyond treating people different based on race... one must close one's eye and ears -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 00:48:00] - It's an easy task to go look through history and find laws treating people different based on race.  To say the effects of those laws are gone, is ignorant -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 00:46:00] - mig: The issue lies in the fact that while created equal, we are not all treated equal -Cryptic

[2003-04-10 21:51:00] - looting tips for people in syria and iran. - mig

[2003-04-10 16:37:00] - draconian  :-P  ~a

[2003-04-10 13:57:00] - protesters light up cigarretes in front of a nyc mayor's house. - mig

[2003-04-09 22:04:00] - especially when that "something" will probably not produce better results than affirimitive action has. - mig

[2003-04-09 22:03:00] - cryptic:  i support the removal of affirmitive action, but i don't see why "something" has to take its place. - mig

[2003-04-09 21:36:00] - Cryptic: I support equal opportunity too, that's why I don't like affirmative action -Paul

[2003-04-09 21:00:00] - But then you still have those who were disadvantaged by the system already -Cryptic

[2003-04-09 20:59:00] - Affirmative action is not the solution, it is a treatment to a symptom.  The solution is equal opportunity (or close to) for all -Cryptic

[2003-04-09 20:58:00] - and with the correspondance between status and race (especially as seen in cities), it is hard not to think "something must be done" -Cryptic

[2003-04-09 20:57:00] - Clearly, absolute equality is impossible, but the vast disparity between races cannot be ignored -Cryptic

[2003-04-09 20:55:00] - I support removal of affirmative action as soon as some semblance of equality in opportunity exists -Cryptic

[2003-04-09 20:53:00] - it is better than not having anything in place - Cryptic

[2003-04-09 20:53:00] - While I think affirmative action is ass-backwards... in that it's trying to solve the symptoms as opposed to the root problem - Cryptic

[2003-04-09 20:51:00] - As a state university, Virginia Tech is limited in the rules that it is allowed to make -Cryptic

[2003-04-09 18:54:00] - i offered you a snack, not the whole kitchen

[2003-04-09 16:20:00] - yeah, i just got reminded of it too. - mig

[2003-04-09 16:15:00] - science and tech job fair april 11th! don't miss it - aaron

[2003-04-09 11:28:00] -

[2003-04-09 09:26:00] - mbmb  nbm

[2003-04-09 01:39:00] - I think if it weren't for pressure from the government, VT would have a couple different rules in place. -Paul

[2003-04-08 21:18:00] - mig: maybe he meant that you can't make an argument that they're not under pressure! :-) -kris

[2003-04-08 14:37:00] - ... which also apply to completely private companies and institutions. - mig

[2003-04-08 14:36:00] - a:  if they aren't under pressure, then why have affirmitve action laws? - mig

[2003-04-08 02:18:00] - i think that it could not be argued  ~a

[2003-04-08 00:49:00] - a: It could be argued that it is under pressure from the government to make these decisions. -Paul

[2003-04-07 21:53:00] - mig:  in the case of virginia tech, there is no force; it is a company (vt is almost a company) making a decision on its own.  ~a

[2003-04-07 19:26:00] - a:  i am against using force to get companies/colleges to admit/hire people. - mig

[2003-04-07 18:18:00] - It's probably between the two extremes of choosing between equals and totally based on quotas. Otherwise we would have a student body that more represented the population of Virginia and people couldn't complain about diversity as much. -Paul

[2003-04-07 18:15:00] - I can tell you how the University of Michigan does it, but I don't know about Tech. My guess is that it goes beyond choosing between equals though. -Paul

[2003-04-07 18:14:00] - BAH!  ~a

[2003-04-07 18:14:00] - where's paul when you need him?  ~a

[2003-04-07 18:14:00] - I believe you know my stance. I stand firmly for negative action :-) -Paul

[2003-04-07 18:13:00] - hmmm.  i'm not sure how vt does their affirmative action either.  however, i didn't think that's how affirmative action worked.  i thought it was more of a quota system.  ie. if 50% of the population (i dunno how population is defined) is mexican, then 50% of your acceptances must be mexican.  am i wrong here?  ~a

[2003-04-07 17:12:00] - err.. somewhat.. as in when choosing between otherwise equals, yes.  i'm not sure how vt does their affirmative action.  -kris

[2003-04-07 15:49:00] - not particularly - aaron

[2003-04-07 14:18:00] - does anyone who reads this message board agree with affirmative action (in the context of college acceptance and/or employee hiring)?  ~a

[2003-04-07 09:49:00] - VT restores affirmative action -Paul

[2003-04-06 22:25:00] - aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[2003-04-04 09:51:00] - No way I could pull something like that off alone, maybe if the VT Libertarians were still in existence... -Paul

[2003-04-04 07:16:00] - yeah, c'mon paul - aaron

[2003-04-03 07:27:00] - TJHSST in the news - dewey

[2003-04-03 02:43:00] - paul:  you should do it here.  ~a

[2003-04-03 01:43:00] - This is awesome -Paul

[2003-04-02 13:19:00] - Looks like they took down all the silly content though :( - aaron

[2003-04-02 11:22:00] - Here\'s the homestar runner april fool main page if you missed it - aaron

[2003-04-01 21:51:00] - mmmmmmm igrill - aaron

[2003-04-01 21:40:00] - Happy April Fools Day everybody - aaron

[2003-04-01 02:26:00] -  .  .  .  new pics  ~a

[2003-03-31 21:23:00] -  <-- in case anyone w/o a job yet wants temp work at least - aba

[2003-03-31 20:25:00] - you guys are very weird.

[2003-03-31 12:08:00] - 30515

[2003-03-31 10:41:00] - virus patcher

[2003-03-31 10:41:00] - patcher

[2003-03-30 21:24:00] - i moved the message board and mysteriouswhispr to the slow ass p133 (the computer that serves dewey's, miguel's, and paul's web pages).  does everybody like my super fast code?  :-P  ~a

[2003-03-30 19:17:00] - someone wrote "Paul's Bitch" on my arm.  i wonder who.  ~a

[2003-03-30 19:10:00] - google never lies.  ~a

[2003-03-30 18:28:00] - Why is this a phrase? Bippy isn't even a word. I always hated this expression - aaron

[2003-03-30 18:08:00] - You guys are weird -Paul

[2003-03-30 17:14:00] - nice try. - mig

[2003-03-30 15:21:00] - He he he. You said it in real life :-P - aaron

[2003-03-30 14:11:00] - DIS IS MIGGUEL!

[2003-03-30 14:09:00] - i didn't say that :-[  ~a

[2003-03-30 04:34:00] - off my pants go ~a

[2003-03-29 23:44:00] - polygamy

[2003-03-29 14:54:00] - lie bot.  hehe.  ~a

[2003-03-29 14:29:00] - A silly guest comic by the author of wigu (but it's not wigu) - aaron

[2003-03-29 14:29:00] - - aaron

[2003-03-29 13:09:00] - well they're very violent, and have strange morals - aaron

[2003-03-29 12:48:00] - they look mean to me. -kris

[2003-03-28 16:08:00] - a few short comics I thought were awesome awesome - aaron

[2003-03-28 15:31:00] - witch's brew

[2003-03-28 10:48:00] - feidel castro

[2003-03-27 17:53:00] - mig: ha ha ha. i read that in someone's livejournal and posted it here... i didn't see you had posted it earlier! - aaron

[2003-03-27 17:10:00] - "national guard member" had changed his name to optimus PRIME  ~a

[2003-03-27 13:17:00] - aaron:  deja vu! - mig

[2003-03-27 02:26:00] -  ~a

[2003-03-26 23:17:00] - Will someone tell me:  What is the significance -- or source -- of "The crow flies at midnight"

[2003-03-26 12:36:00] - national guardman changed has name to "optimus prime" - aaron

[2003-03-25 08:40:00] - you're right it would be a big project worth a mere few minutes of entertainment, so you probably shouldn't do it. i was just shouting out a silly idea, i didn't really expect you to take it seriously - aaron

[2003-03-25 08:38:00] - don't do it if you don't want to :-P i have probably spent 300-400 hours writing my collection of DWI files and people probably play a mere handful of them once every two weeks or so.  not everything you put your time into is rationalizable - aaron

[2003-03-25 01:02:00] - a: And yet you reprogrammed this anyway. :-P -Paul

[2003-03-24 23:53:00] - aaron:  i would, but it seems like no one uses the message board.  at least not like they did before.  it would be a waste of time.  i mean, how much time do you think it takes to do a rewrite on something like this message board?  ~a

[2003-03-23 20:59:00] - dan

[2003-03-23 13:54:00] - aaron: That's a mean thing to do :-P -Paul

[2003-03-23 10:03:00] - With that project and this project combined we could embarass strangers (instead of only friends) - aaron

[2003-03-23 10:03:00] - Okay adrian here's your next project - get mysteriouswhispr to run eliza, and advertise the screen name at personals sites :) - aaron

[2003-03-23 05:59:00] - TELL US!!! :-D -Paul

[2003-03-23 01:15:00] - no i'd rather not. - mig

[2003-03-22 23:22:00] - yes, do tell  ~a

[2003-03-22 12:21:00] - "that time in High School" eh? Tell me more :-) -Paul

[2003-03-22 03:38:00] - i thought i couldn't have topped embarrasing myself since that time in high school - mig

[2003-03-22 03:37:00] - dammit.  - mig

[2003-03-22 01:20:00] - Good job, Miguel :-P -Paul

[2003-03-22 00:53:00] - DIS IS MIGGUEL

[2003-03-22 00:52:00] - BECAUSE I AM !

[2003-03-22 00:52:00] - ARE YOU FUCKinG DRUNK!

[2003-03-21 16:16:00] - aaron:  i wonder if a 10x10 solution is even possible? - mig

[2003-03-20 23:58:00] - national guard member had name changed to Optimus Prime. - mig

[2003-03-20 19:02:00] - hence, the attack on iraq is viewed as another atrocity committed by the "Great Satan" - mig

[2003-03-20 19:01:00] - aaron:  most other people in other countries do not view iraq as some sort of threat and do not believe we have the right to invade it, and most people in muslim countries view the U.S. as an aggresor that is imposing its own will on their region. - mig

[2003-03-20 17:12:00] - Entire scrabble game played within an 11x11 square... This is the smallest possible, I think, considering there are 100 tiles in scrabble... a 10x10 would be very very very very hard - aaron

[2003-03-20 17:11:00] - "But wouldn't a pre-emptive war against Iraq ignite radical muslim sentiment against us?" I don't understand this exactly can someone educate me a little - aaron

[2003-03-20 10:22:00] - Cleverly written to make the war-monger look stupid, but funny nontheless :-) -Paul

[2003-03-19 23:01:00] - Hehe :) funny link - aaron

[2003-03-19 18:19:00] - a pretty amsuing comment on k5 - mig

[2003-03-19 11:04:00] - Well, that failed to strike up debate, everyone is agreeing with me. :-P -Paul

[2003-03-19 01:42:00] - paul:  i agree, however i find most of the liberal arguments irrelevant and distracting from what is really wrong about this war. - mig

[2003-03-19 01:41:00] - someone was really mad that denmark is endorsing the bush crusade. - mig

[2003-03-18 23:25:00] - interesting =Þ -Cryptic

[2003-03-18 23:25:00] - test - Cryptic

[2003-03-18 23:17:00] - neat

[2003-03-18 21:29:00] - paul:  i agree!

[2003-03-18 17:25:00] - But I'll do my best to start off a good debate: Most of the reasons that Bush is giving for invading Iraq are hypocritical considering the past of the United States -Paul

[2003-03-18 17:21:00] - a: Well, it's hard to consistently use it when it is down so often. -Paul

[2003-03-18 16:55:00] - I'm sorry I didn't use your message board yet adrian - aaron

[2003-03-18 14:39:00] - wow.  for some reason, i thought peoeple would use this.  my bad.  :-\  ~a

[2003-03-18 07:29:00] - too early in the morning for typing my name :p -kris

[2003-03-18 07:29:00] - yay messages :) -kirs

[2003-03-18 06:46:00] - i haven't really tested it any, but i think you can send an aim message to "mysteriouswhispr" and he should post it for you, to his profile and here.  don't forget to sign your posts :-P  ~a

[2003-03-09 16:58:00] - i did a rewrite on the message board.  it's still not fully implemented . . . but i'm getting there.  ~a

[2003-02-28 23:22:11] - a: good article! Thanks for posting it - aaron

[2003-02-28 23:12:51] - collegiate times front page article thursday on marijuana.  ~a

[2003-02-28 15:21:04] - aaron: HAHAHAHA!!! That article was hilarious. I thought normal feminists were funny but they are nothing compared to Harvard educated feminists. :-P -Paul

[2003-02-28 14:25:13] - "As a feminist, pornography is degrading to women and creates a violent atmosphere" ....Feminists say the funniest things. - aaron

[2003-02-28 14:22:39] - Giant snow penis - aaron

[2003-02-27 21:53:35] -

[2003-02-26 07:17:10] - fun fun flash multiplayer game - aaron

[2003-02-25 22:51:31] - happy = healthy

[2003-02-25 16:30:46] - "Companies market their meals as healthy"  that's odd.  i don't remember the commercial telling me that a happy meal was part of a balanced breakfast. - mig

[2003-02-25 14:44:26] - Vets of tobacco wars take aim at fast food -Paul

[2003-02-25 00:40:53] - stupid police man.  ~a

[2003-02-25 00:00:57] - i lose a turn.  do not collect go, do not pass $200 -kris

[2003-02-24 22:44:50] - you lose what?  ~a

[2003-02-24 22:39:09] - i lose! -kris

[2003-02-24 22:34:18] - good

[2003-02-24 10:19:50] - oh, I guess that's aaron's

[2003-02-24 10:19:28] - mine is pierce's

[2003-02-24 10:19:17] - he's a light green

[2003-02-24 10:19:08] - he is on mine

[2003-02-24 09:38:55] - How come Adrian isn't on the statistics bar on the left? He has to have enough posts to warrant being on there. -Paul

[2003-02-24 00:01:43] - hiss!  ~a

[2003-02-23 00:16:07] - rawr! -kris

[2003-02-22 01:33:53] - Hehe yeah, "steven's home page".... funny stuff :) - aaron

[2003-02-21 15:56:56] - that dell link is funny because the ALT tags on the images still have "Steven's ____" in them :) - boing

[2003-02-21 15:55:13] - boing = pierce - pierce

[2003-02-21 15:05:31] - pierce: what happened to boing?  ~a

[2003-02-21 13:09:06] - the "dude merchandise" link at dell doesn't take me to dude stuff anymore :( - aaron

[2003-02-21 10:44:38] - i hope that's the next show, pierce! maybe it can be called something like, "leslie female" - aaron

[2003-02-21 09:42:51] - if he had picked sara, they might've been like "surprise, watch her foot fetish and bondage movies that she made!" - pierce

[2003-02-21 09:39:39] - if it turned out that all the women were actually men, so no matter what he'd pick one - pierce

[2003-02-21 09:39:06] - that would have been the greatest moment in tv history

[2003-02-21 07:31:21] - pfft of course he knew he was going to get money, what else was the big surprise going to be? "surprise joe, zora is a man" - aaron

[2003-02-21 01:13:21] - kris: That's sounds like a lot of fun for me ;-) -Paul

[2003-02-20 22:51:07] - i'm sitting on top of paul -kris

[2003-02-20 14:50:05] - a: that's what i thought too.  -kris

[2003-02-20 10:39:35] - except there wasn't a lie.  the lie was all a big lie.  i'm sure joe knew he was going to get paid for being on this show, don't you think?  ~a

[2003-02-20 10:16:50] - Frankly, I have little sympathy for any of the people who agreed to go on that show. They knew it was a fox show and they knew the producers were gonna make them look like gold-diggers. It's not like they were innocent victims. They volunteered for this. -Paul

[2003-02-20 09:33:12] - and, in a convenient fairytale way, if the woman was "shallow" and denied him, she would be punished for it.  sucks for her though if she didn't want to be with him because of the lie, but could care less about the money - pierce

[2003-02-20 08:03:24] - a:  well i think the whole point of millionaire was whether the woman would stay with him after lying.  the reward was more for the woman than it was for joe. - mig

[2003-02-19 01:06:09] - like as a friend?

[2003-02-18 21:02:16] - i like you messageboard, oh yes i dooooo...  i like you messageboard, oh it is truuueeeee -kris

[2003-02-18 14:41:50] - is that a yes or a no?  ~a

[2003-02-18 08:52:04] - :(  - aaron

[2003-02-18 02:20:17] - man, oh man.  no one ever uses this message board anymore.  should i take it down?  ~a

[2003-02-17 23:06:48] - i was wondering how much they were paying that guy (while watching the stupid commercials).  i was thinking it would be more than a million which would defeat the point of calling it a big lie.  ~a

[2003-02-17 21:59:37] - the big surprise at the end of "joe millioniare" was a million dollars? that doesn't seem like a big surprise to me... or to the female contestants for that matter - aaron

[2003-02-17 21:56:40] - "new words: zora and sara"... does that answer your question? - boing

[2003-02-17 20:48:29] - zora or sara? zora or sara!

[2003-02-16 13:09:43] - kris: lalala

[2003-02-16 11:17:42] - lalala -kris

[2003-02-13 08:49:32] -

[2003-02-10 17:39:10] - memoization!

[2003-02-10 11:54:11] -

[2003-02-07 11:31:43] - aaron: :-P -Paul

[2003-02-07 00:54:34] - ehay sounds like a good place to auction farm equipment - aaron

[2003-02-07 00:41:45] - aaronway:  ellway ehay ightmay, utbay itway ertainlycay ouldnway'tay ebay eryvay ibertarianlay ofway imhay. - igmay

[2003-02-04 20:59:52] - aaron:  well he might, but it certainly wouldn't be very libertarian of him. - mig

[2003-02-04 11:05:22] - I was just being silly :) harry browne was pointing out how an incident would benefit bush, and i was pointing out how an incident would benefit harry browne - aaron

[2003-02-04 10:28:10] - i thought he was against the staging of the incident. or was that arcasm? -kris

[2003-02-04 08:34:14] - oh no, harry browne is going to stage an incident to rally support for libertarianism - aaron

[2003-02-03 23:39:35] - Will an incident happen to rally support for war against Iraq? -Paul

[2003-02-03 19:42:38] - private schools, and home schooling, still have to be governmnet approved. - mig

[2003-02-03 18:03:13] - unsigned:  "If a parent fails to send his child to a government-approved institution (i.e., public schools)"  what about private schools?  ~a

[2003-02-03 16:45:24] -

[2003-01-31 20:13:56] -

[2003-01-30 11:33:08] - Yes that's what i do. port 3128 - aaron

[2003-01-30 02:28:05] - i hear you can access some acm stuff if you go through the vt lib proxy.

[2003-01-29 21:40:59] - ????

[2003-01-29 21:40:52] - how

[2003-01-29 21:40:43] - i want to log in

[2003-01-29 21:40:32] - im a student

[2003-01-29 21:40:21] - acm website

[2003-01-29 16:28:40] - perl -le 'print rand while true'

[2003-01-29 16:16:02] - - boing

[2003-01-29 07:17:01] - sounds like my kind of party. - aaron

[2003-01-29 01:01:04] - Aaron: Lots of spokespeople for the Libertarian Party are fond of making puns like that it seems. -Paul

[2003-01-28 21:28:47] - "We think Weprin and Vann are all wet for going after our kids' Super Soakers..." Ha ha ha. I can't believe they quoted him saying that. - aaron

[2003-01-28 14:49:35] - Guns for Tots! -Paul

[2003-01-28 00:53:35] - i want candy.  ~a

[2003-01-28 00:33:58] - me too - aaron

[2003-01-27 21:51:39] - so i was right  ~a

[2003-01-27 19:35:19] - I think Boondocks sums it up best :-) -Paul

[2003-01-26 06:21:15] - if you support the government, then you support anti-terrorism - aaron

[2003-01-26 01:38:26] - if you support the government, then you support terrorism.  ~a

[2003-01-25 17:31:02] - Oh yeah, and 'out' = 'our' :-p -Paul

[2003-01-25 17:27:30] - I can tell you why smoking isn't stupid, because if you buy cigarettes, you are helping to fund out government, which obviously is a good thing, right? -Paul

[2003-01-25 15:35:20] - smoking is pretty stupid though. -kris

[2003-01-25 15:35:08] - neverheardofem. don'tbelieveinem -kris

[2003-01-25 14:37:24] - kris:  the ones that say "can anyone tell us why smoking isn't stupid?"  ~a

[2003-01-25 14:33:47] - i could imagine it's very easy to prevent a way to write a script to take over the map.  ~a

[2003-01-25 11:53:57] - kris:  i could imagine it's very easy to write a script to take over the map. - mig

[2003-01-24 23:26:20] - Because they are created by the ad council, which is funded by the government, which is never stupid. -Paul

[2003-01-24 21:25:09] - that map changes often! -kris

[2003-01-24 19:20:49] - which? -kris

[2003-01-24 17:28:58] - can anyone tell us why those smoking ads aren't stupid?  ~a

[2003-01-24 17:05:00] - ###/pics/download/156.gif - aaron

[2003-01-24 15:32:36] - and..... it's offline. hmm i wonder if slashdot found out about it - aaron

[2003-01-24 15:12:04] - this is fun. it reminds me of that old "punch the monkey"-oriented web site, where you had to click the tree over and over to win money - aaron

[2003-01-24 15:12:04] - wolf: heh, looks like filebox has most of it.

[2003-01-24 10:44:54] -

[2003-01-24 10:44:39] - play referer risk for the filebox team! - wolf

[2003-01-24 09:34:17] - I like vegetables -Paul

[2003-01-24 09:19:37] - a: it was sposed to.  vegetebales don't all taste bad.  dolphins have sex -kris

[2003-01-24 03:21:48] - vegetables are not bad for you but they taste bad.  abortions are bad.  dolphins are sex.  ~a

[2003-01-24 03:20:33] - suckle

[2003-01-24 03:20:04] - mammalate sounds like lactate.  ~a

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