here are old message board entries

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[2004-01-02 15:37:00] - I assumed it was you - aaron

[2004-01-02 15:07:00] - who posted that?  ~a

[2004-01-01 21:06:00] -

[2003-12-31 16:36:00] - SNL strikes a blow for Dean? Or just against Gore... -- Xpovos

[2003-12-30 13:52:00] -,0,5644616.story??coll=sfla-news-sfla Bisexual chic -Paul

[2003-12-30 11:06:00] - I thought the first t-shirt was funny, but others might find the rest funny as well. -Paul

[2003-12-29 19:26:00] - pierce:  i said they had shown some signs of hope that it might actually be a news source, not that they had redeemed themselves. - mig

[2003-12-29 16:20:00] - Pierce: Heh, yes. Sorry. :-[ I even knew when typing that it wasn't clear I was kidding. I honestly have no idea why they are doing this. My best answer is, "That's the government for ya." -Paul

[2003-12-29 15:29:00] - Because I don't think that a twelve-year-old is a man at all.  I'm not saying there should be no culpability for his actions, but to have "life imprisonment" or the permanent branding of "second degree murder ex-con" be possible penalties for someone that young seems ridiculous to me. - pierce

[2003-12-29 15:26:00] - Paul: are you being sarcastic? - pierce

[2003-12-29 15:19:00] - Pierce: Yes, but I think we can all agree that the age that a minor becomes a man is clearly before 12, right? -Paul

[2003-12-29 12:41:00] - Isn't the whole point of separating minors and adults that minors don't have to suffer consequences of their early mistakes? - pierce

[2003-12-29 12:41:00] -,2933,106871,00.html I don't really understand this... he's serving time in prison (he was originally given a life sentence), and is inclined to accept a plea bargain for second-degree murder... but he was twelve years old at the time. - pierce

[2003-12-29 10:20:00] - High occupancy toll lanes -Paul

[2003-12-29 09:11:00] - mig: didn't you sa a while back that WND might have partly redeemed itself and can now be called a "news" source?  Well, eat that!!! - pierce

[2003-12-28 00:22:00] -  whoops wrong article.  here's the one that's putting words into dean's mouth. - mig

[2003-12-27 23:54:00] - Dean says he's not sure Osama bin laden is guilty of anything, except he doesn't say that. - mig

[2003-12-27 00:17:00] - paul:  i think that south park guy is agreeing that south park isn't conservative or liberal.  ~a

[2003-12-24 21:03:00] - Why nerds are unpopular in high school - Xpovos

[2003-12-24 20:59:00] - Saucer people and global warming? - Xpovos

[2003-12-23 15:23:00] -,4057,8243692%255E401,00.html South Park conservatives -Paul

[2003-12-23 13:51:00] - Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them. -Paul

[2003-12-23 08:54:00] - Environmentalism a religion? Crichton thinks so. -Paul

[2003-12-23 08:41:00] - I hope you all find this as deeply ironic as I do... -Paul

[2003-12-22 17:31:00] - I would look at the duplicate picture, but I'm too enthralled by the J-List advertisement... -Paul

[2003-12-22 16:30:00] - heh... look at the pictures, until they fix it (unless it's intentional) - pierce

[2003-12-22 16:23:00] - people gather to support jacko.  Not particularly interesting, but does anyone else find it ironic that they named the party after a song written by R. Kelly? - pierce

[2003-12-22 14:58:00] - Some racy sports stories -Paul

[2003-12-22 14:29:00] - hahaha, that is so Jay-Z - vinnie

[2003-12-22 12:58:00] - hee hee! "Surprisingly def Jay Z-like raps about purpose ("It is purpose that guides us / that drives us / defines us / it is purpose that binds us / we're here because of you"). " - aaron

[2003-12-22 10:48:00] - I also found this to be amusing... -Paul

[2003-12-22 10:38:00] - It starts off a little slow, but give it time. -Paul

[2003-12-22 10:29:00] - I thought some of these are hilarious, even though most of his observations are flat out wrong... -Paul

[2003-12-22 09:55:00] - Ah, those zany PETA folks... -Paul

[2003-12-22 09:52:00] - Defensive ammunition for Rush Limbaugh fans. :-P -Paul

[2003-12-22 09:50:00] - Dammit, that was me again. -Paul

[2003-12-22 09:50:00] - Just another reason to hate Time magazine

[2003-12-20 04:00:00] - linux 2.6 is out!  *jumps up and down*  ~a

[2003-12-19 16:21:00] - also, it's open source so it's not spyware (unlike most p2p software).  ~a

[2003-12-19 16:19:00] -  private file sharing.  basically, your peers don't know much about you, therefore sniffers and data mining organizations can't find out anything about you or what you're sharing.  ~a

[2003-12-19 14:50:00] - Paul: not really, when you're talking about polls.  Think about Truman vs. Dewey when you're picturing how inaccurate polling can be. - pierce

[2003-12-19 12:36:00] - Aaron: Heh, I don't know how I completely missed that paragraph describing the margin of error. I guess I read right over it. Isn't 5% a rather large margin of error? -Paul

[2003-12-19 12:00:00] - Maybe it's the "margin of error"... which is probably based on standard deviation of a poll of 400 people - aaron

[2003-12-19 11:53:00] - I think it's amusing that the writer of the article could claim that there was no gender divide but that there was a racial divide. I wonder what the magic number is where the difference in percentages means a divide exists... -Paul

[2003-12-19 11:52:00] - Some interesting statistics about what Americans think about Kobe's innocence or guilt. -Paul

[2003-12-19 10:01:00] - Schwarzeneggar declares California in a fiscal crises. Makes spending cuts over the head of the legislature. -Paul

[2003-12-18 12:39:00] - paul:  well if it was, then i wouldn't be surprised.  but just seems like demos looking for anything to strike at bush with. - mig

[2003-12-18 11:55:00] - Yes.  -saddam

[2003-12-18 09:53:00] - Was Saddam's capture staged? -Paul

[2003-12-18 09:05:00] - Whoops, that was me. -Paul

[2003-12-18 09:05:00] - Top Ten Campus Follies

[2003-12-17 13:52:00] - there was a news story on tv yesterday and someone mentioned who it was supported by, he said " by Americans for Jobs, Health Care & Progressive Values, whoever that is."  very amusing. - mig

[2003-12-17 12:34:00] - France to consider banning headscarves -Paul

[2003-12-17 10:52:00] - I don't necessarily agree with the ad, but I believe it has a point. Putting some person who has little experience in foreign affairs could be very deadly. -Paul

[2003-12-17 10:50:00] - Well, then, I think people need to grow up. The world is a scary place. We're not electing the leader of some bake sale here, we're electing a man who has the power to kill billions of people and the responsibility to protect millions. It's an important decision, and we can't just stick our head in the sand regarding it because it scares us. -Paul

[2003-12-17 10:36:00] - Incidentally, does anyone know what the capitalization rule is for Osama bin Laden's name?  I always see the "bin" lowercased when it's the full name, but does it need to be capitalized if you're just referring to his last name? - pierce

[2003-12-17 10:33:00] - Most people have a stronger reaction to bin Laden's picture than you do, paul.  It scares them, and people don't like to be scared just so some special interest group can get their attention.  I'm not saying it's an inappropriate thing to show for that topic, but it's seen as manipulative and tasteless. - pierce

[2003-12-17 10:20:00] - I still don't get it. I mean, I understand what you're saying, but I don't understand why it upsets them. Bin Laden is a threat to the US. Defense is one of the primary duties of the government. It seems like a reasonable ad to me. -Paul

[2003-12-17 10:13:00] - Yes.  But it's not usually the point of showing bin Laden's picture.  That's what people are annoyed by: the use of that picture for self-interest, not the use of a televised ad for self-interest. - pierce

[2003-12-17 10:08:00] - Ok... isn't that usually the point in a televised ad? Using pictures for self-interest? -Paul

[2003-12-17 10:04:00] - I think it's more an objection to using his picture for blatant self-interest. - pierce

[2003-12-17 09:48:00] - Pierce: So we're not allowed to show his picture on TV or something? Or I guess we're not allowed to show his picture on a political ad? -Paul

[2003-12-17 09:42:00] - paul: People are just sensitive about bin Laden. no more complex than that. - pierce

[2003-12-17 09:28:00] - Ok, so what am I missing here? Can anybody tell me why this ad is so unspeakably horrible? -Paul

[2003-12-17 09:12:00] - paul: yes, and I agree. - pierce

[2003-12-17 09:06:00] - mig: venturesonline - pierce

[2003-12-17 08:34:00] - Did anybody else get an email about from AOL? You would think they would've maybe increased the resolution of their smilie faces before blowing them up so big... -Paul

[2003-12-17 01:11:00] - pierce:  just out of curiousity what is your hosting? - mig

[2003-12-16 13:24:00] - This is where your computer goes when you throw it away. -Paul

[2003-12-15 15:07:00] - Pierce: As for the design, it's not my cup of tea, but I can see nothing asthetically wrong with it, so I say go for it. :-) -Paul

[2003-12-15 15:06:00] - Pierce: I swear there is some sort of optical illusion (or bug) with the border of your menu on the left. It seems like the border changes when you move the mouse over the options at a decent speed. Is it just me? -Paul

[2003-12-15 14:20:00] - yummy.  Now how long until IE users aren't even sure where their pop-up ads are coming from. - Xpovos

[2003-12-15 00:48:00] -  "bug in Internet Explorer shows that it is possible to craft html which causes Internet Explorer to display an incorrect URL in its address and status bars"  wow.  ~a

[2003-12-14 00:28:00] - design good. more content! - mig

[2003-12-13 22:10:00] - too verbose!

[2003-12-13 21:41:00] - i fucking hate guard dogs!  . . . i mean i fucking hate broken links.

[2003-12-13 21:35:00] - pierce:  as long as you fix the broken links

[2003-12-13 14:16:00] - cannot

[2003-12-13 01:00:00] - does this look okay for everybody?  The only two pages written are the main page and "about", but the style will be consistent across all the pages.  you likes? - pierce

[2003-12-11 15:35:00] - he can not...

[2003-12-11 15:17:00] - a: a man, can dream, can he not? - mig

[2003-12-11 15:08:00] - mig:  that won't happen during our lifetime.  face it.  ~a

[2003-12-11 14:28:00] - kill the source of the problem!  repeal the federal income tax! - mig

[2003-12-11 14:19:00] - Bush defends restrictions on Iraq contracts. Hate to admit it, but I think I see Bush's point in this matter. I also think it's funny how he seems so proud of being ignorant of international law. :-P -Paul

[2003-12-11 14:13:00] - Pierce: True, but I wonder how long it will take before the candidates find a way around these restrictions. I hear Bush is already quite a master at collecting money within the restrictions of the new laws. -Paul

[2003-12-11 13:55:00] - unforutanately it won't do any good.  the sc justices who wrote the majority opinion admitted as much. - mig

[2003-12-11 13:30:00] - paul: presumably, you're not the only one donating to the candidate.  100 people donating $2000 means that there are at least 100 people who back a $200,000 commercial spot.  100 people are a lot less likely to be single-issue or self serving than one person (or organization/corporation) donating $200,000 by him/her/itself. - pierce

[2003-12-11 13:06:00] - I think limited is almost as bad as making it illegal. After all, what can you possibly do to make your voice heard with only $2,000? -Paul

[2003-12-11 12:11:00] - They're not saying it's illegal, just that it's limited.  You can still make donations, but the National Organization For Ambiguously Positive Organization Names can't just be a legal way for party candidates to raise $500,000,000 anonymous dollars - pierce

[2003-12-11 10:33:00] - Bush campaign HQ in Arlington, VA. -Paul

[2003-12-11 10:14:00] - Pierce: If not speech (and I can see that reasoning and might even agree) then they are saying that it is illegal to spend money to promote an idea. It seems kinda funny to me. We have the "right" to free speech as long as we don't spend any money on it so that more people can hear the idea. -Paul

[2003-12-11 09:58:00] - Though I think the stuff like restrictions on pre-election campaign commercials, while well-intentioned, was over the line. - pierce

[2003-12-11 09:57:00] - hehe... "I guestion" --> "I guess the question".  Funny typo.  Anyway, the way I see it, speech is speech.  Money can be support of speech or encouragement of speech, but I don't see it as speech itself. - pierce

[2003-12-11 09:56:00] - I guestion comes down to whether you consider financial contributions "speech".  I think that's the distinction.  5-4, the scotus seems to believe that it is not speech, and while I think it's a dangerously fine line, I'm hard-pressed to disagree. - pierce

[2003-12-11 09:01:00] - Mig: What I find amusing is that the 4 generally liberal justices (and O'Connor) are the ones that voted against free speech. How does it make sense that of all the speech that the Supreme Court gives congress permission to regulate, it's political speech. Shouldn't that be the ONE kind of speech that they should especially protect? -Paul

[2003-12-11 08:59:00] - Frankly, I don't know what the big deal with Pho is. I've had it, and while it wasn't bad, it did seem fairly tasteless to me. Kinda like just dumping meat, vegetables and noodles into boiling water. Some people swear by it, though, and act like it's the greatest thing in the world. I think it's one of those trendy hippie things. -Paul

[2003-12-10 19:25:00] - paul:  not often that i agree with scalia but i think his comments hit the nail on the head. - mig

[2003-12-10 19:23:00] - the last time i had pho it smelled and tasted like puke

[2003-12-10 16:52:00] - a: unsurprisingly, I don't.  If you don't want to do it, it's not a huge deal at all, so don't worry about it. - pierce

[2003-12-10 16:22:00] - pierce:  re: "I'd request that the autobreaking of long words be set to a larger number of characters, and also that it aim for natural breaks.  so "main.html" would become "main. html", instead of "main.htm l".  Just a minor eyesore."  i'll send you the source if you want to write a patch.  ~a

[2003-12-10 12:48:00] -

[2003-12-10 10:59:00] - Pierce: There are lots of types, but generally the soup has noodles, vegetables and some type of meat with lots of optional sauces and condiments to add as well. -Paul

[2003-12-10 10:57:00] - Pierce: Pho (technically it needs a little ^ accent mark over the 'o' I think) is the word for a type of Vietnamese soup that has become somewhat popular in America. It's pretty easy to find a Pho restaurant (almost always simply called 'Pho') in any decent sized town/city. -Paul

[2003-12-10 10:55:00] - off = of

[2003-12-10 10:49:00] - I don't partake off too much vietnamese cuisine... mind explaining? - pierce

[2003-12-10 10:42:00] - Pierce: When I read ph0, the first thing I think of is Vietnamese Soup. -Paul

[2003-12-10 10:38:00] - The other thing I like about is that it's three characters.  Short to type, easy enough to remember.  I'm probably not going to play up the battery acid thing, it's not that interesting now that it's not 1am anymore. - pierce

[2003-12-10 10:38:00] - Supreme Court issues campaign finance ruling -Paul

[2003-12-10 10:37:00] - Pierce: I don't remember that one... -Paul

[2003-12-10 10:37:00] - Paul: ummm, Donatangelo. - pierce

[2003-12-10 10:36:00] - Pierce: Who sings it? -Paul

[2003-12-10 09:08:00] - Paul: did I neglect to mention that "ph0" was the name of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles song?  It's... uh... off the "white" album.  Import only.  You probably haven't heard it.  But it's really real. - pierce

[2003-12-10 09:02:00] - Pierce: That name sucks. :-P -Paul

[2003-12-10 01:16:00] - thanks for the help and suggestions, everyone - pierce

[2003-12-10 01:15:00] - I'm now the proud owner of  Kind of personalized (ph), with a geek-related gimmick (pH 0 is the acidity of battery acid) - pierce

[2003-12-09 22:09:00] - too much talk--i don't check the board often enough to see responses almost now.  pierce's is at the bottom. i will just guess nobody else said anything -kris

[2003-12-09 17:41:00] - pierce:  you could always buy both.  domains are almost free.  ~a

[2003-12-09 17:20:00] - Pierce: Yeah, well, I suppose the mystique is ruined now that I've explained it. That's why you should pick something obscure and never mention where it's from. ;-) -Paul

[2003-12-09 17:17:00] - Hmmm... not a bad idea.  I'll have to break out my copy of Microserfs tonight, that had a lot of catchy, made-up expressions to describe geek life. - pierce

[2003-12-09 17:16:00] - Paul: I would stick to the "fond memories of skipping stones as a kid" story.  You're not likely to get much support for the "deep and introspective ninja turtles song".  Everyone knows that the only deep and introspective music related to TMNT was Vanilla Ice's "Ninja Rap" - pierce

[2003-12-09 17:14:00] - So I guess my suggestion would be to find some piece of media (song, book, movie) that you like and find some phrase from it that has meaning for you and use that. -paul

[2003-12-09 17:14:00] - I want to set this up with an email address that I'll have around for a while to come, and I'd like to start migrating over to it before VT starts getting stingy about the budgetary costs of maintaining alumni email addresses past the six-months-after-graduation mark. - pierce

[2003-12-09 17:14:00] - a: that kind of presumes that the people are going to let it expire in the first place.  Besides, I'm not sure I want to wait that long. - pierce

[2003-12-09 17:13:00] - It's supposed to be sung by Splinter and I always thought that the song sounded deep and introspectful. Plus, it's a reminder to me of some memories I have regarding the actual activity of skipping stones on a lake. -Paul

[2003-12-09 17:11:00] - Pierce: Well, I got the name for my journal from a (don't laugh) song off the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Coming out of their Shells album (whew). -Paul

[2003-12-09 17:06:00] - expires in one month.  keep in mind though, pierce, that there is usually a cooling off period. was unowned for a month or two before the man would let me register it.  ~a

[2003-12-09 17:04:00] - a phrase works... I don't mind if my name's in it, but I'd like it to be marginally more anonymous than - pierce

[2003-12-09 16:56:00] - Pierce: So are you looking for a phrase like "Angry Peons" or "Skipping Stones" or "Rilian Rants"? If so, do you want your name to be a part of it or rather it not be? -Paul

[2003-12-09 16:50:00] - although i guess adrian doesn't make the mboard archives available online anymore, so if we scroll the link off the screen, he'll never know - pierce

[2003-12-09 16:48:00] - heh.  I bet the guy who owns will wonder why his google pagerank quadrupled all of a sudden.  To that guy, if he reads this: I gave your site a hard time, but really I wouldn't be getting much more use out of it than you are; mostly I'm just griping. - pierce

[2003-12-09 16:45:00] - site is going to be for my personal stuff at first, maybe reinstate my journal and put up photos and stuff.  no plans for the future yet, but I'd rather not limit it (so not - pierce

[2003-12-09 16:44:00] - no, none of the main boing.___'s are available.  I could get, like,, but I'd rather stick to top-level domains that non-tech people might actually have heard of. - pierce

[2003-12-09 16:39:00] - -Paul

[2003-12-09 16:19:00] - At least if it was an evil corporation's web page, I could blame some faceless beurocratic-type.  - pierce

[2003-12-09 16:17:00] - Hell, I wish was available.  That jerk has had it for like eight years, and it's never varied from pictures of him and his dumb car. - pierce

[2003-12-09 16:16:00] - I wish it was available

[2003-12-09 15:52:00] -! - Xpovos

[2003-12-09 15:39:00] - Pierce: Well, it depends, what is this site going to be for? -Paul

[2003-12-09 15:20:00] - Okay, I'm going to register a domain name (serious this time), but I really don't have any creative ideas on the matter.  Does anyone have any suggestions? - pierce

[2003-12-09 13:50:00] -,0,4464996.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines 8 year old to be in sex offender program. -paul

[2003-12-09 11:00:00] - I'm sorry, I was reading the message board as you were posting and I just couldn't help myself. :-[ -Paul

[2003-12-09 11:00:00] - Yes. :-) -paul

[2003-12-09 10:59:00] - Break: you proud of yourself? - pierce

[2003-12-09 10:58:00] - But in actuality, they were pointing out how ridiculous it is to focus so heavily on the offensiveness of a word, without paying attention to its context or meaning. - pierce

[2003-12-09 10:58:00] - Break again!

[2003-12-09 10:57:00] - everyone in the south park universe got all offended and/or hyped up about it, and then it turned out to be an anticlimactic moment.  Now, at first glance, the south park episode was stupid because it was capitalising on the scandalousness of saying "shit" some ungodly number of times... (cntd again) - pierce

[2003-12-09 10:57:00] - Break!

[2003-12-09 10:55:00] - kris: I understand how you feel, but a lot of the "stupidity" of it is actually pointing out stupid things about the real world.  Example: in the episode where they said "shit" over and over, the plot was related to a tv show (NYPD blue or something) within the South Park universe saying "shit" on-air... (cntd) - pierce

[2003-12-09 10:08:00] - a: enh, i think i'd rather watch the blankness of a tv turned off :) the fact that they made a movie out of something so stupid still gives me chills.  -kris

[2003-12-09 10:07:00] - paul: i don't think i know who tom green is.  -kris

[2003-12-09 09:23:00] - Of course it will be Dean and Bush.  The democrats need someone with a single-syllable name to attract the kinds of voters who would support Bush </cynicism> - pierce

[2003-12-09 09:18:00] - Gore to endore Dean. Looking more and more like Dean v. Bush in 2004. -Paul

[2003-12-08 13:37:00] - a: I think (but I'm not sure here), that I have always liked the politics of South Park because they tend to be rather libertarian in their views. The underpants gnomes are a good example. I can't think of any liberal episodes of South Park right now, but I'm sure there are some. All I ask for is a good balance, though, and that's fine.-Paul

[2003-12-08 13:34:00] - My turn to gong in about Tom Green. I don't find him offensive necessarily, I just find him incredibly annoying and that's it. I really don't see what's so funny about annoying other people for no reason. It seems dumb to me. -Paul

[2003-12-08 13:33:00] - Pierce: #3 - Friendship Before All and #5 - Friends Do Everything Together. Although not so much the second one I think. -Paul

[2003-12-08 13:00:00] - kris:  i agree that very early episodes of southpark were crude and non-funny.  however, more of the later episodes (ones that came out after the movie) tend to base more of their plot on politics.  if you're willing to see past the crudeness that still remains, there can be a pretty interesting message.  ~a

[2003-12-08 12:57:00] - paul:  i kind of figured that you'd dislike the politics of southpark (i vaguely remember you saying that you did).  i just saw a very non-liberal episode of southpark and figured that you probably would have liked it.  ~a

[2003-12-08 12:48:00] - Oh, and to finish chastising Tom Green, even if he mended his ways and became funny, I'm not sure I could ever forgive him for making a movie in which Rip Torn shows his ass.  I mean, there's offensive, and there's ideas that could only have come from the boiling-brimstone layers of hell. - pierce

[2003-12-08 12:44:00] - paul: which two fallacies do you think you're a victim of, if you don't mind my asking? - pierce

[2003-12-08 12:43:00] - I guess that wasn't much a "chime"... more of a long, drawn-out "gong". - pierce

[2003-12-08 12:42:00] - Whereas, Phil Hartman's character was arguably more bizarre, but far, far funnier because it was based on the (realistic) archetype of the arrogant, vain prima donna. - pierce

[2003-12-08 12:41:00] - Similarly, Andy Dick's character on Newsradio was my least favorite part of that show.  He wasn't even offensive on it, despite his subsequent Tom-Green-Clone show.  But his character was bizarre, and the bizarre behavior wasn't funny for me because it wasn't grounded in some sort of realistic social interaction. - pierce

[2003-12-08 12:39:00] - For example: the Tom Green parts of Road Trip were the worst parts of that movie for me, and I loved the rest of the movie.  It was all about equally offensive, but everybody else seemed to deliver it with at least the pretense that the offensive things were somehow related to normal behavior. Tom Green gave no such pretense. - pierce

[2003-12-08 12:36:00] - In the traditiion of chiming in when one hasn't been asked, I find Tom Green to be dull, even when he's trying to be offensive.  I mean, being offensive can have its intrinsic humor, but there has to be more to it than offensiveness for offensiveness's sake. - pierce

[2003-12-08 12:06:00] - Kris: What do you think about people like Tom Green? -Paul

[2003-12-08 12:06:00] - a: I don't dislike South Park. I enjoyed the movie and usually find the episodes to be fairly funny. It's just not my favorite animated comedy and it's also on cable so I pretty much never get to watch it. -Paul

[2003-12-08 10:04:00] - (not that you asked me.. i just thought i'd chime in)

[2003-12-08 10:04:00] - a: i don't like southpark either.  i find almost all the humor pretty crude and non-funny.  sometimes i find it offensive.  -kris

[2003-12-08 01:39:00] - paul:  unrelated question.  why is it you don't like southpark?  ~a

[2003-12-07 23:22:00] - Pierce: I think/hope that I only fall victim to two of those fallacies... -Paul

[2003-12-06 20:00:00] - Officials deem "master" and "slave" terms offensive - aaron

[2003-12-06 19:06:00] - i think michael is thinking to hard.  ~a

[2003-12-06 16:09:00] - Five Geek Social Fallacies. thoughts? - pierce

[2003-12-05 16:28:00] - pierce:  i only broke up long urls because long urls are something people can post unintentionally.  if there's a long non-url word, it is usually someone intentionally being a dumbass.  i thought about splitting up long (non url) words too, but never got around to it.  ~a

[2003-12-05 12:58:00] - wow, yeah.  interesting that you can choose to search -only- from the people with special needs

[2003-12-04 17:28:00] - I find this ad (particularly some of the advanced matrimonial search options) amusing. -Paul

[2003-12-04 15:23:00] - weirdly enough, it didn't break up your long word, miguel.  does it include the (not visible) link href in the calculation? - pierce

[2003-12-04 15:03:00] - it's the same rationale as disabling the ability to use html tags in these msgs.  many people may not abuse it, but if someone can, you assume that they probably will. - mig

[2003-12-04 15:02:00] - paul:  the modus operandi of a web site maintainer is to assume the worst.  one jackass is enough.  - mig

[2003-12-04 14:00:00] - Is that really a problem? How many people use such long words? -Paul

[2003-12-04 13:46:00] - it's so that someone can't just put a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long word to fuck up the word wrap. - mig

[2003-12-04 13:36:00] - Just curious, why does the message board break up long words anyway? I always thought it was just a bug, I didn't know it was a feature. :-P -Paul

[2003-12-04 10:49:00] - close enough to make it something I'll check tonight.  thanks, guinea pigs. - pierce

[2003-12-04 10:18:00] - Pierce: It's not a website that I would view from work, but there isn't anything particularly NSFWish about it, just a little more skin than I would be comfortable with on my screen. :-P -Paul

[2003-12-04 10:12:00] - I work for Bush's campaign team. :)  No, but the criteria for NSFW would probably be nudity or violent images, or tons of sexual or profane content. - pierce

[2003-12-04 10:10:00] - pierce, probably depends on who you work for.  ~a

[2003-12-04 10:04:00] - oops.  is babesagainstbush safe for work? - pierce

[2003-12-04 10:04:00] - is

[2003-12-04 10:03:00] - adrian, if you're bored, I'd request that the autobreaking of long words be set to a larger number of characters, and also that it aim for natural breaks.  so "main.html" would become "main. html", instead of "main.htm l".  Just a minor eyesore. - pierce

[2003-12-04 10:01:00] - jesus... I hadn't heard of "Presque Isle", so at first I thought it was some backwards country that still had a divine emperor or something. Then I read on, and I was like "wow, that's a coincidence, their 'first amendment' is for free speech, too." But it's in MAINE! MAINE!!! How the hell did a curriculum like this get approval? - pierce

[2003-12-04 09:58:00] -

[2003-12-04 09:55:00] -  Teacher sues over limits on history curriculum -kris

[2003-12-04 09:46:00] - unrelated battery charge earlier the same night?  so he beat up two guys in the same night?  how are they unrelated now?  ~a

[2003-12-04 09:45:00] - Mig: We can't have people trying to defend themselves. That's what the government is here to do. If everyone tried to be responsible for their own defense, we would have vigilante justice. :-P -Paul

[2003-12-04 00:35:00] - call 911?  what a fucking crock.  like they they have transporters that send them instantly to help someone.  man what a fucking retard. - mig

[2003-12-03 20:40:00] - Wow, I havn't been here in a while.  Shows you the things I can come up with to keep from doing Inorganic homework. - xpovos

[2003-12-03 12:58:00] - Since we don't know his intentions, I just thought the cop's reaction was funny. Calling 911 has to be the most useless suggestion in that instance. -Paul

[2003-12-03 11:11:00] - my reaction to the shooting story depends on whether the 71-year old intended to hit the guy in the arm, kill him, or miss completely and be firing a warning shot.  I mean, obviously killing the attacker would be too much, but shooting him in the arm seems like an fairly appropriate response - pierce

[2003-12-03 10:43:00] -,0,222260.story Elderly man arrested for shooting at people beating up his friend. -Paul

[2003-12-03 09:52:00] - Big ass picture. -Paul

[2003-12-03 09:37:00] - Pierce: Neither. It's the taxing part that is illegal. :-P -Paul

[2003-12-03 09:13:00] - "Metro is using taxpayer facilities to promote illegal activity"... which exactly is illegal?  having better sex or legalizing marijuana? - pierce

[2003-12-03 09:11:00] - Big ass prime number found. -Paul

[2003-12-03 09:05:00] - Plans for a Dulles Metrorail station fall apart -paul

[2003-12-03 09:04:00] - Metro ad infuriates lawmaker. -Paul

[2003-12-02 23:13:00] - "Boy punished for talking about gay mom"  -kris

[2003-12-02 18:25:00] - Pierce: An interesting compromise. It manages to inconvenience both sexes while pleasing neither. Somehow, I think there must be a better solution. :-) -Paul

[2003-12-02 16:14:00] - Paul: 45 degree angle - pierce

[2003-12-02 16:08:00] - Pierce: Really? Are the toilet seats up or down? :-) -Paul

[2003-12-02 13:28:00] - I'm way ahead of them.  All the bathrooms at my house are gender-neutral. :) - pierce

[2003-12-02 13:12:00] - Gender neutral bathrooms? -Paul

[2003-12-02 11:24:00] - Freedom of religion or freedom from religion? -Paul

[2003-12-02 10:58:00] - Hello.

[2003-12-01 22:00:00] - hi?

[2003-11-25 17:14:00] - If you're going to accuse a football player of rape, at least make sure he has sex with you first... -Paul

[2003-11-25 11:45:00] - I just like the clever acronym. -Paul

[2003-11-25 00:37:00] - if among other things, you agree with that one student.  ~a

[2003-11-24 21:54:00] - I'm wondering... if the Sons of Liberty are bigots and racists because of the bake sale like that one student said, doesn't that mean that all colleges with affirmative action programs are also bigots and racists? -Paul

[2003-11-24 21:26:00] - another anti-AA bake sale at W&M gets libertarian group in trouble. - mig

[2003-11-24 16:23:00] - Students publish list of professors who they feel are too politicized. -Paul

[2003-11-21 09:39:00] - Adult audio books for the blind. -Paul

[2003-11-21 09:36:00] - I don't know who is right about this, but I find the entire debate to be very silly. Doesn't the Islamic Defamation League have bigger fish to fry? -Paul

[2003-11-21 09:30:00] - "We're finally at that point where we're tired of putting up with them not taking other people's opinions and views into consideration and we're going to do something about it" HAHAHA. They're going to do something about it by not taking conservative's views into consideration. :-P -Paul

[2003-11-20 15:21:00] - another anti-affirmitive action bake sale pops up at Texas A&M. -mig

[2003-11-18 13:25:00] - Mig: Yeah, we better try to control what females do with their bodies... -Paul

[2003-11-18 12:58:00] - paul:  i think it's funnier how they refuse to believe the female perfomance artist did what she did out of her own free will.  they claim she has 'internalized her oppression'. - mig

[2003-11-18 12:54:00] - paul:  as i said earlier, a pox on 'diversity'. - mig

[2003-11-18 11:46:00] - A rather non-PC look at affirmative action. -Paul

[2003-11-18 11:37:00] - I just think it's funny to see feminists fighting against female performance artists. :-P -Paul

[2003-11-18 11:26:00] - Some interesting thoughts about the Jessica Lynch book -Paul

[2003-11-17 22:04:00] - hahaha.  what happens if "The Man" reads that webpage?  ~a

[2003-11-17 18:33:00] -

[2003-11-17 15:48:00] - Vinnie: =-o -Paul

[2003-11-17 15:19:00] - yes, much more often, I'm hoping for at least once a day - vinnie

[2003-11-17 12:11:00] - A somewhat long article, but one that I think perfectly illustrates a point that I have done a poor job of explaining over the years about bias in the media. -Paul

[2003-11-17 12:10:00] - Vinnie: So are you going to be updating your journal more often now? -Paul

[2003-11-17 11:53:00] - with adrian's and dewey's help my new website has launched - vinnie

[2003-11-16 15:33:00] - a

[2003-11-15 17:26:00] - clown penis fart

[2003-11-13 09:56:00] - Mock the Vote -Paul

[2003-11-13 09:49:00] - "Girl Scouts hunt beavers and fur flies" why does it seem like there is some joke hidden in that title? -Paul

[2003-11-13 09:46:00] - Student gets an 'A' in school she never attended. -Paul

[2003-11-12 14:46:00] - - er, vinnie

[2003-11-12 14:45:00] - *** /me would use /me if it were implemented

[2003-11-11 19:46:00] - and the idiotic name-calling games continue... - mig

[2003-11-11 17:27:00] - *** me uses me

[2003-11-11 17:17:00] - i guess that i had decided no one ever uses /me  :)  ~a

[2003-11-11 17:17:00] - whoah.  i thought i had reimplemented that . . .  guess not.  ~a

[2003-11-11 17:16:00] - *** a looks up magnanimity

[2003-11-11 14:58:00] - Pierce: Well, now that magnanimity has ended... You suck. :-P -Paul

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