here are old message board entries

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[2003-11-11 00:14:00] - </magnanimity> - pierce

[2003-11-11 00:08:00] - It's not untrue, if you think of the fetus as a baby, but it is an oversimplification.  It does use the inflammation of emotions over solid reasoning as a tool of persuasion.  And it is part of the fundamental weakness that (IMO) keeps us, as a society, from evolving to a more enlightened, peaceful, and moral union. - pierce

[2003-11-11 00:06:00] - My beef is with people who abuse those oversimplifications for the purposes of misleading others.  Yes, I have a problem with using the expression "baby-killer" in a debate to refer to a woman who has had an abortion. - pierce

[2003-11-11 00:04:00] - Paul: I won't disagree.  But to some extent, we have to oversimplify, just so that we have time in our lives for anything other than moral debates.  Oversimplification allows us to make judgements on issues that we would never have time to understand completely, and those judgements are necessary to the functioning of society. - pierce

[2003-11-10 22:49:00] - Pierce: Well, I just think that saying anti-choice is just as misleading or simplifying (whichever you prefer) as partial birth abortion. -Paul

[2003-11-10 22:41:00] - pierce:  i LOVE how you added the "[guarantee of the]" to your otherwise perfect analogy.  i guess that was my point.  i guess i would have even called it "[by law guarantee of the]"  This is exactly why anti-choice makes much more sense than anti-life.  i say this as a pro-choicer, yes; but i still don't think my bias changes this.  ~a

[2003-11-10 17:36:00] - Yes, pro-life is against the choice to have an abortion.  Yes, pro-choice is against the [guarantee of the] life of the fetus.  But there's so much into that issue that it cannot be simplified into the equation (pro, anti) x (life, choice). - pierce

[2003-11-10 17:34:00] - Paul: but from a pro-choicer's perspective, pro-lifers are against the specific choice that "pro-choice" refers to.  I don't think any of it is misleading, I just think it all oversimplifies things. - pierce

[2003-11-10 14:41:00] - a: I probably read more pro-choice stuff than you do. In response to your related side note: I think it's misleading because normally pro-lifers aren't against choice. -Paul

[2003-11-10 13:58:00] - doh.  that's what i get for using "links" to post here.  ~a

[2003-11-10 13:58:00] - i've never heard it called anti-choice (except when we were talking about it over lunch one day).  i'll believe you that it happens, although i won't believe it happens on a regular basis.  on an unrelated side note, how is it misleading?  ~a

[2003-11-10 13:58:00] - i've never heard it called anti-choice (except when we were talking about it over lunch one day).  i'll believe you that it happens, although i won't believe it happens on a regular basis.  on an unrelated side note, how is it misleading?  ~a

[2003-11-10 09:45:00] - a: *Shrug* It's the same way that the pro-choice movement calls the pro-life movement "anti-choice". Desiged to mislead or inflame? You betcha. -Paul

[2003-11-09 21:56:00] -

[2003-11-08 18:48:00] -  the term partial birth abortion is not a medical one.  it can't be found in any medical textbook.  was it designed to mislead or inflame?  well based on the wording of the question it seems that my opinion has been stated.    ~a

[2003-11-05 09:01:00] - I just think, like Pierce said, that if you're going to make a list in a widely read paper like that which claims to be the best-sellers list, it seems like you shouldn't be excluding books that you don't think are worthy without a damned good reason. -Paul

[2003-11-05 08:59:00] - Thanks Pierce. Nice to know that someone else is crazy in the same way I am. :-P And just so I'm clear, I really have no problems with the legality of what they're doing because they are perfectly within their right to do it. -Paul

[2003-11-05 00:33:00] - yeah, I doubt I'd have a problem if they mentioned their restrictions. it is their newspaper, but I know I'd be pissed if they left off some type of book I liked - vinnie

[2003-11-04 22:53:00] - just so it doesn't seem like you're being ganged up on, paul, I want to say that I do agree with you.  It's probably the most prestigious list on which your book could appear, I think they have some ethical responsibilities to either be more inclusive, or more clear about their restrictions. - pierce

[2003-11-04 19:17:00] - well i didn't realize that the faces were broken because my browser doesn't display broken images.  fixed now.  ---a

[2003-11-04 16:13:00] - so NY Times doesn't like christian books.  if someone doesn't like it they can make their "christian best sellers books" - mig

[2003-11-04 14:34:00] - a: No, and I understand what you're saying, but I think this is a different case. A phone book is a book in the same way that school textbooks are books. I think religious books are a little different. -Paul

[2003-11-04 14:30:00] - Pierce: Let's not be silly here, I think a simple law would suffice. :-) -Paul

[2003-11-04 10:43:00] - paul:  well let me rephrase, is it misleading that they keep the phone book off of the NY times best sellers list?  ~a

[2003-11-04 09:45:00] - I agree, paul.  I think we need a government program to establish a definition of a "best-seller" </sarcasm> - pierce

[2003-11-04 09:08:00] - a: It would be like if they NY Times decided that only books with white male authors belonged on the list or something. -Paul

[2003-11-04 09:07:00] - a: They have the right to do it, sure. I just think it's a bit misleading on their part to call it a best sellers list when it's really a "Best selling books that fit our criteria list" -Paul

[2003-11-03 18:11:00] - What is considered a book is up to definition.  I don't think a training document for airplane operators to be a book, but it could be bound.  And what about the phone book?  That's a book.  ~a

[2003-11-03 18:10:00] - And what about the Bible, isn't it always on the best sellers list like 24/7?  Should the NY Times put it on their list all the time?  ~a

[2003-11-03 18:09:00] - they set the criteria for what should be considered for their best sellers list.  what if someone was selling a bound copy of the constitiution to school systems and it was bought by the federal government, one for each student in the USA.  Should that "book" be considered a best seller?  ~a

[2003-11-03 15:05:00] - a: I think it's a little unfair and misleading for the NY Times to decide what books should and shouldn't show up on their best sellers list. -Paul

[2003-11-03 12:51:00] - yes.  they said so.  and?  ~a

[2003-11-03 09:07:00] - Does the NY Times purposefully ignore religious books? -Paul

[2003-10-30 15:55:00] - It's missing a librarian and some corpses, but other than that... -Paul

[2003-10-30 15:30:00] - does this seem like a headline that would follow the events of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode to anyone else? - pierce

[2003-10-30 06:36:00] - hi

[2003-10-30 01:38:00] - hello. - mig

[2003-10-28 20:21:00] - ewww.  stupid ' problem again (like for the third time)  ~a

[2003-10-28 15:24:00] - I haven\'t been posting because I\'ve been super busy at work. Sorry. -Paul

[2003-10-28 12:25:00] - Yay i can read it from work again -aaron

[2003-10-27 18:52:00] - =Þ

[2003-10-27 18:52:00] - working?

[2003-10-27 10:54:00] - oops.  fixed now.  ~a

[2003-10-26 10:22:00] - hey, i'm going back to port 80.  i won't have total control over the server, though, so i won't be able to leave a redirect on port 81.  just remember to go to when this page breaks.  ~a

[2003-10-26 10:10:00] - fuck you

[2003-10-25 16:17:00] - how do i feel?  what do i say?

[2003-10-23 15:41:00] - Basketball game shutout -paul

[2003-10-22 17:28:00] -,4057,7641715^13762,00.html Porno Karaoke -Paul

[2003-10-22 09:08:00] - The Caped Crusaders of Justice! -Paul

[2003-10-22 09:06:00] - Pierce: Makes you wonder if this nominee is some big breasted blonde in a bathing suit, huh? -Paul

[2003-10-21 21:17:00] - "... remarked Viet Dinh to Knight Ridder, who previously worked in the Bush administration in the Justice Department screening judicial nominations."... Knight Ridder?  Did they make that up? "Hello, Michael." "Get us out of here, K.I.T.T.!" - pierce

[2003-10-21 18:31:00] - that's what i was hoping you would say.  ~a

[2003-10-21 17:47:00] - a: You're right, homeschooling is the wrong thing to do and it requires a negative reaction. ;-) -Paul

[2003-10-21 16:05:00] - paul:  just because the negative reaction about homeschooling is stupid doesn't make homeschooling the right thing to do.  ~a

[2003-10-21 13:37:00] - Vinnie: Those zany French. :-P -Paul

[2003-10-21 12:24:00] - giving new meaning to the term "all rise!" - vinnie

[2003-10-21 11:14:00] - a: Just because homeschooling might not be the right thing to do doesn't mean that the negative reaction isn't stupid. -Paul

[2003-10-21 09:52:00] - i like vox day's next blog entry better  ~a

[2003-10-21 09:46:00] - paul:  just because the negative reaction about homeschooling is stupid doesn't make homeschooling the right thing to do.  ~a

[2003-10-21 08:54:00] - Valedictorian Flunks Graduation Test. Don't you just love grade inflation? -paul

[2003-10-21 08:52:00] - Black, female judicial nominee might face filibuster because of opposition from all 39 members of Black Caucus. -Paul

[2003-10-21 08:48:00] - Vox Day blog entry about homeschooling and the negative reaction it gets. -Paul

[2003-10-20 15:04:00] - How the same people view different rape cases. -Paul

[2003-10-20 08:18:00] - The Law of 14 -Paul

[2003-10-17 23:53:00] - *yawn*

[2003-10-16 13:16:00] - Update in the Kobe Bryant defense case. -Paul

[2003-10-16 10:19:00] - Sexual Politics -Paul

[2003-10-16 10:12:00] - Amusing -Paul

[2003-10-14 23:05:00] - The Faerie's Closet was brought to the web in December of 2001 in hopes of making fantasy become a reality for all those faeries, elves, goblins, and other fantasy creatures mysteriously born to human form.

[2003-10-14 23:01:00] - me!  more stupid than creepy though.  ~a

[2003-10-14 15:24:00] - Does anybody else think this is creepy? -Paul

[2003-10-14 14:47:00] - Pierce: Whoa, I think you're right. It's almost like a different article now... I guess they decided the old one wasn't good enough. :-P -Paul

[2003-10-14 13:31:00] - People seem to be mostly concerned with making sure the government doesn't establish a different religion than theirs, than in making sure it doesn't establish a religion at all. - pierce

[2003-10-14 13:30:00] - And indeed, if he's successful and it's taken out of the pledge, I don't think anyone will miss it for more than a few weeks.  The real success, in my mind, is that Newdow has reminded a LOT of people that we are supposed to separate church and state.  It's just too bad more people don't seem to agree with that. - pierce

[2003-10-14 13:28:00] - Anyway, as I see it, the pledge thing is not really the real issue.  Newdow may think it is, but honestly, having "under god" in the pledge is almost certainly not going to affect his daughter's beliefs in the future, nor her social standing now (not that I think its presence is justified)... - pierce

[2003-10-14 13:25:00] - Did they change that article?  I thought I read it when you first posted it, but now it seems different (I don't remember the stuff about Scalia, and I remember quotes from the school administration) - pierce

[2003-10-14 11:48:00] - Supreme Court to hear case of whether "under God" should be allowed in the pledge of allegiance. -Paul

[2003-10-13 02:35:00] - What a boring Sunday

[2003-10-10 16:14:00] - rush admits being addicted to painkillers. - mig

[2003-10-10 13:21:00] - Why a broken heart hurts so much. -Paul

[2003-10-10 13:19:00] -,2106,2686688a11,00.html I dunno, I just think that this person is a bit weird. -Paul

[2003-10-10 11:39:00] - Family sues the NFL for car crash caused by druken football fan. -Paul

[2003-10-09 23:10:00] - csm does not focus solely on matters invovling christianity, despite its name. - mig

[2003-10-09 22:34:00] - was there any mention of religion?  why was it in the christian science monitor?  i'm not saying that it has to do with christianity; i'm just curious.  ~a

[2003-10-09 10:59:00] - If I ever start my own business, I'm going to make sure I NEVER use union workers -Paul

[2003-10-09 09:51:00] - And despite the simply delicious timing, the choosing of this topic wasn't done to offend anybody. :-) -Paul

[2003-10-09 09:51:00] - I find the writer's debunking the the third myth to be the most interesting. Is it possible that women entering the workplace has been a bad thing? -Paul

[2003-10-09 09:29:00] - Huh?  How am I ignoring him?  He didn't pose a question. - pierce

[2003-10-09 09:18:00] - Paul:  pierce is ignoring you

[2003-10-08 12:50:00] - Pierce: Then we are agreed. I'm an antagonizing, belittling bastard and you are free to be offended by it. :-) -Paul

[2003-10-08 12:36:00] - Paul: I'm saying there are more effective ways of expressing protest than just antagonizing people; ways that don't involve belittling the suffering of others (even if it's a joke).  You're free to wear whatever shirt you want, as far as I'm concerned, but I reserve the right to think (and say) that it's a shitty thing to do. - pierce

[2003-10-08 12:21:00] - Pierce: Well, then you can look at my potentially wearing the t-shirt as my way of communicating my outrage. Almost like satire. I'm protesting their shirts with a mockery shirt of my own. -Paul

[2003-10-08 12:07:00] - so I encourage them to express their outrage at the idea of increasing your score by running over pedestrians and stealing police cars.  I don't necessarily agree with them, but I want them to be able to say it for me to disagree with. - pierce

[2003-10-08 12:05:00] - lots of people who have never played Grand Theft Auto find its concept offensive.  They did all that could be reasonably expected of "avoiding the offending thing", but you just can't avoid exposure sometimes, unless you lock yourself up in a bunker. - pierce

[2003-10-08 12:03:00] - how about doing both?  again, the important thing about what I'm saying is that you tell people that what they're doing is offensive, but you don't make it illegal. - pierce

[2003-10-08 11:15:00] - Pierce: Because I would rather not criticize somebody for doing something that I find offensive. If something offends me then I tend to think it's my job to just avoid the offending thing rather than criticize the offender... -Paul

[2003-10-08 10:34:00] - Instead, why don't we criticise everybody who does something tasteless and offensive, instead of doing tasteless and offensive things that contradict theirs? - pierce

[2003-10-08 10:01:00] - Now, I know that website is being sarcastic (but so is the consent t-shirt, eh?) but I've seen plenty of like-minded buttons and t-shirts being worn by women who I think actually take them seriously. I think those are the people you have to worry about. -Paul

[2003-10-08 09:59:00] - Pierce: I know this comes from the "two wrongs don't make a right" category, but I see the consent t-shirt as somewhat of a male counter-argument to all the radical feminist stuff like this: -Paul

[2003-10-08 09:54:00] - oh, and vinnie's a pinko commie leftist.  and sensitive.  all hail governator Schwarzeneggar! - pierce

[2003-10-08 09:53:00] - That maryland has total sovereignty over the Potomac - pierce

[2003-10-08 09:50:00] - What can everybody agree with? That Vinnie is pink? Or that he is sensitive? -Paul

[2003-10-08 09:30:00] - Now there's something everybody can agree with. - pierce

[2003-10-08 08:49:00] - Does Maryland have total sovereignty over the Potomac? -Paul

[2003-10-07 13:35:00] - I'm pink therefore I'm sensitive. qed - vinnie

[2003-10-07 13:35:00] - no - vinnie

[2003-10-07 13:21:00] - Besides, I don't see what the disagreement is all about. I'm the one making the concession of not wearing a particular shirt because I'm worried it will offend somebody. Isn't that good enough for all you sensitive types out there? -Paul

[2003-10-07 13:16:00] - Pierce: I'll agree that my freedom isn't being restricted (I'm free to make the decision, I just choose not to wear the shirt) but I disagree that wearing the shirt somehow makes me a "bad person". -Paul

[2003-10-07 12:26:00] - to clarify: "when people are willing to limit the ways in which they exercise that freedom".  It doesn't always have to be making something illegal as restriction of freedom.  It can be self-restraint as well, which was what I was primarily referring to. - pierce

[2003-10-07 12:22:00] - and "freedom" is only a bearable state of society when people are willing to limit the ways in which (and the reasons behind the ways) that freedom is exercised - pierce

[2003-10-07 12:18:00] - Paul: "free" doesn't mean that one is justified in any objectionable act simply because it is allowed.  You should be concerned about a shirt like that not because your freedom is restricted, but because part of being a "good person" is not belittling the suffering of others. - pierce

[2003-10-07 11:03:00] - Pierce: I never said I wasn't good enough for the shirt. What I said is that I would be worried about offending people if I wore the shirt. If anything is sad about that, it's about the fact that I have to be concerned about wearing a shirt in what we like to think is a free country. -Paul

[2003-10-07 09:04:00] - Pierce: Like I said, I don't expect others to share my irreverent sense of humor. That's the biggest reason I wouldn't wear the shirt. Not because I'm above it, but because I would be worried that people would take offense. -Paul

[2003-10-07 08:56:00] - mostly in general, the "girls cause divorce" article and the shirt were the most specific things I objected to. - pierce

[2003-10-07 08:54:00] - Pierce: Is it just me being negative (against this and against that) in general or against certain things? -Paul

[2003-10-07 08:54:00] - And (IMO) it's pretty misguided of you to not wear a shirt like that because you're too much of a wuss for it.  To imply that you're not "good enough" for that shirt is pretty sad... I would hope that if anything, you considered yourself above something like that. - pierce

[2003-10-07 08:54:00] - And by "could you tell me?" I mean "could you tell me exactly what you didn't like?" :-P -Paul

[2003-10-07 08:53:00] - I wasn't just talking about anti-women sentiment... more of a general anti-x vibe I'd been getting lately. - pierce

[2003-10-07 08:46:00] - Pierce: The problem is that both entries you mentioned jump around so much to lots of totally different topics so it's hard for me to figure out which exactly you didn't like. The  "end part of mixing pot" alone covers like three totally different topics. If you don't mind, could you tell me? If you do mind, feel free to drop the topic. -Paul

[2003-10-07 08:40:00] - I can understand being offended by the Consent t-shirt and it's something I expect. Very few people share my morbid, dark and irreverent sense of humor. Whether I would want it or not... I'm kinda like Adrian. If I wasn't such a wuss I would want to wear it but since I am a wuss... -Paul

[2003-10-07 08:37:00] - Pierce: I'll admit to being totally confused right now. I've looked over both Mixing Pot and Vertical Horizon and I can't find anything that really seems to be disparaging to women or anything. Was it because I said that women aren't more mature than men? Or the comment about men being considered guilty before innocent in rape cases? -Paul

[2003-10-07 00:57:00] - pierce:  i think it's a cool idea for a shirt.  i would be too much of a wuss to wear it though.  ~a

[2003-10-06 23:10:00] - again, I overreacted, and focused my disagreement on the wrong target... but those were some of the things that were part of my mindset. - pierce

[2003-10-06 23:08:00] - also, though you never specifically said you wanted the shirt, I interpreted your search for the "Help stop rape... consent" shirt as a desire to have it, though I may be wrong.  In the event that it was a shirt you want, I thought that it was a pretty tasteless thing to be encouraging. "vertical horizon" was much like "mixing pot" - pierce

[2003-10-06 23:06:00] - paul: some instances that kind of stuck in my mind... your question about wet t-shirt contests, which wasn't necessarily wrong as it was disparaging a fine institution :) ; the whole end part of "mixing pot" kind of stuck with me, although I know you were just letting off some steam at things you thought (some validly) were overrated;  ... - pierce

[2003-10-06 23:02:00] - you said testy.  ~a

[2003-10-06 23:01:00] - no need to get testy... it was just a guess.  - pierce

[2003-10-06 22:53:00] - pierce:  fuck you.  i didn't check the ip.  ~a

[2003-10-06 22:44:00] - adrian probably saw my IP at work reading the board, and decided that anonymity is an antiquated concept. - pierce

[2003-10-06 22:34:00] - no, i had, but i was at work and it's easier to pretend to work by reading the board than by writing responses. - pierce

[2003-10-06 16:39:00] - I think it's more likely that he hasn't checked the message board since I have posted my question. -Paul

[2003-10-06 16:34:00] - paul:  pierce is ignoring you.

[2003-10-06 08:22:00] - socks!

[2003-10-06 08:02:00] - Pierce: Curious, though. You mentioned my jornal had taken a different tone as of late. Looking over the past month or so of entries, I actually see LESS comments about women than normal for me. Could you explain more what you meant? -paul

[2003-10-06 07:56:00] - Pierce: As for the girls causing divorce article, I probably should've posted some of my thoughts instead of just the subtitle. I just thought the correlation between girls and divorce was an interesting one, I wasn't particularly interested in his theories as to WHY there was a correlation... -Paul

[2003-10-06 07:55:00] - Pierce: No need to apologize, you may be more correct than you think. Most of the articles I have posted in the past few months have barely generated any interest at all, let alone interesting discussion. I was blaming it on a lack of traffic to the message board, but maybe it's simply because I've been picking the wrong articles... -Paul

[2003-10-05 23:21:00] - I regret taking out my frustration on the fallacious (or should I say phallacious) reasoning of the article on you, though.  You happen to have expressed a lot of opinions lately that I disagree with, and instead of forming a reasonable foundation of argument, I just decided to insult you.  Pot, meet kettle.  So I apologize again. - pierce

[2003-10-05 23:18:00] - and neglected to explore any alternative sociological or economic explanations.  The author had a foregone conclusion, and the link between the numbers and his explanation was true, whether or not it was true. - pierce

[2003-10-05 23:16:00] - The abandonment of reasonable argument was specifically in that article.  I mean, that was an obnoxiously blatant use of statistics to push an agenda.  It repeatedly leapt to the conclusion that boys "hold marriages together" while girls "break them apart", simply by citing numbers that correlate those facts... - pierce

[2003-10-05 22:56:00] - Pierce: I wasn't aware I was arguing anything here, just posting articles that I find interesting. If that constitutes abandoning reasonable argument then I started around freshman year of college. -Paul

[2003-10-05 22:55:00] - Pierce: I don't see where I "completely abondoned reasonable argument in favor of people substitutin causation for correlation in order to push a misogynist agenda" -Paul

[2003-10-05 22:53:00] - Pierce: And I see no problem with the article I posted. I read it. Found it interesting. Decided to post it with a catchy tagline that I tried to make as unbiased and yet descriptive as possible. -Paul

[2003-10-05 22:52:00] - Pierce: I haven't noticed any kind of shift in journal postings or message postings that you are referring to. -Paul

[2003-10-05 21:30:00] - I didn't mean for either of those comments to come across as caustically as they did, though.  I apologize.  Nevertheless, that is an observation I have had recently, and I am wondering whether you have had a shift in your personal beliefs that you are aware of.  Care to comment? - pierce

[2003-10-05 21:04:00] - I know that came across very harshly, but it seems lately (in my humble opinion) that your journal entries and mboard posts have ceased to inspire intelligent discussion of a topic, and have served more to enunciate a decidedly lopsided view of our social landscape, is that me, or something you're consciously doing? - pierce

[2003-10-05 21:02:00] - Paul: regarding "Do girls cause divorce": since you didn't provide any development of that question, you simply left the article to speak for itself, I have to ask... when did you completely abandon reasonable argument in favor of people substituting causation for correlation in order to push a misogynist agenda? - pierce

[2003-10-05 20:53:00] - Do people who go into politics have some predilection towards dishonesty and abuse of power, or do the politics do that to them? - pierce

[2003-10-05 20:49:00] - Rush was right -Paul

[2003-10-05 20:49:00] -  Do girls cause divorce? -Paul

[2003-10-05 16:43:00] - arnold isn't the only one that has had problems with women. - mig

[2003-10-05 12:49:00] - "a: But you're comparing jobs to college. I don't think you can do that for this particular analogy. It would be like saying that whites should also get free sun tan lotion because they burn easier... -Paul"  ~a

[2003-10-05 11:53:00] - incidentally, what was the 35,000th post? - pierce

[2003-10-04 15:52:00] - and by the way, everybody, we broke 35 thousand posts.  ~a

[2003-10-04 13:07:00] - re:  doesn't whitify anymore though.  ~a

[2003-10-04 00:50:00] - pierce:  what you're asking is non-trivial.  you're asking for a fairly complicated special case for gradiented names (remove the prefix and suffix of the name, then do the gradientting, then add the prefix and suffix back in)  ~a

[2003-10-04 00:41:00] - pierce:  i try to resolve ambiguities (whether to add a face or not add a face) but every rule i come up with (whitespace on at least one side of the face?) it seems like they are always popping up when people don't want them.  any suggestions? (whitespace on both sides of the face?  nose requirement?)  ~a

[2003-10-03 17:03:00] - pierce:  at first i thought bush's statements were about the espn thing, but his wording seemed way too weird to relate to that. - mig

[2003-10-03 15:10:00] - grr.... that smilie was supposed to be a : )

[2003-10-03 15:09:00] - a: if you're bored and want to make an aesthetic change to the board, may I recommend ignoring the dash in the computation of gradient signatures?  for example, in mig's signature, start the full-red color on the dash, and end it after the "m". Right now the signatures and the addressed names (mig:) are inconsistent. - pierce

[2003-10-03 15:05:00] - mig: I understand a little better now.  I thought that that report was really two stories: one about Bush waxing poetic about Rush in regards to the ESPN thing, and then a follow-up about Rush's painkiller thing.  I didn't realize they were the same story.  Still seems like meaningless politicking, not any attempt to look like a comp-con - pierce

[2003-10-03 14:43:00] - pierce:  bush's statements seem to ask for sympathy for rush's supposed problems with drugs, while in the meantime, other people would probably end up in jail for doing what he supposadly did.  - mig

[2003-10-03 12:54:00] - mig: I didn't see the connection between the article and your caption... care to elaborate? - pierce

[2003-10-03 11:44:00] - compasionate conservatism means you only get compassion if you're conservative. - mig

[2003-10-02 09:08:00] - mig: Compared to others, yes. But it was never really enough to warrant all the media attention he got IMHO. -Paul

[2003-10-01 19:06:00] - paul:  well, nader did do comparatively well in the polls as compared to indenpendant candidates for presidents in recent years. - mig

[2003-10-01 16:22:00] - Paul: probably because they can't even pretend to take Flynt or Carey seriously (they don't want people to think their newspapers are a joke, now do they?), and they probably don't think the Libertarian is interesting enough to the average person. - pierce

[2003-10-01 16:17:00] - You could probably chalk it up to the fact that Huffington has said a lot more interesting things than McClintock, but then that raises the question of why the media isn't covering Larry Flynt or the porn star or the libertarian candidate as much. -Paul

[2003-10-01 16:15:00] - We've heard a lot more about Huffington during the recall than we have from McClintock (or however you spell it) even though he is polling much better than Huffington has been. -Paul

[2003-10-01 16:14:00] - Pierce: Arnold is different because he is polling well (in the lead last I heard). I have no problem with the media covering people who are polling well when it comes to elections. What annoys me is when they showcase people who are polling badly (<5%) only because they are media darlings. -Paul

[2003-10-01 16:02:00] - Paul: ummm, how is that different from arnold?  I mean, I guess most people had at least heard of arnold prior to political coverage, but he got this much coverage because an action star who doesn't speak english clearly running for office makes for great headlines.  media likey --> media coverage - pierce

[2003-10-01 15:47:00] - Vinnie: Yeah, I guess that's what annoys me. It seems like Nader and Huffington only get all the media attention because they are people the media liked before the election. It doesn't seemed to be based on any sort of polling success at all. -Paul

[2003-10-01 15:36:00] - re: huffington - she was relatively famous before the election and at least somewhat serious about the election unlike people like that porn star. if you think about it, she's a bit like ralph nader - vinnie

[2003-10-01 12:19:00] - well i think huffenpuff just proved the point in this article. - mig

[2003-10-01 12:17:00] - selecting new hampshire doesn't surpise me.  there's no income tax there already, so half the battle is pretty much done there. - mig

[2003-10-01 11:48:00] - I wish there was a video for this -paul

[2003-10-01 10:29:00] - Finally, we start to hear about the reasons WHY women make less than men in the workplace. And the ways in which men are lagging behind instead of women. -Paul

[2003-10-01 10:26:00] - Widespread, intentional, systematic discrimination against blacks? Or is there some reason that they don't get the better car loans? -Paul

[2003-10-01 09:44:00] - They do raise an interesting point in the article though, why does Huffington continue to get so much media coverage even though she hasn't been polling well and isn't even running for either of the two major parties? -Paul

[2003-10-01 09:43:00] - Huffington backs out of Recall and instead decides to dedicate herself to trying to get Schwarzenegger to lose. Anybody else think she is taking this a little personally? :-P -Paul

[2003-10-01 09:39:00] -,12271,1053062,00.html FSP chooses New Hampshire. Does anybody else think that the person that wrote this article doesn't approve of the FSP? -Paul

[2003-10-01 09:38:00] - *** Paul sings a jaunty tune

[2003-10-01 09:22:00] - -kris

[2003-09-30 13:57:00] - I'm sure I'm not the first person to have noticed this, but does anyone else find the "Crimson Tide" to be a very menstrual expression?  The flowing of red liquid corresponding to the behavior of the moon? - pierce

[2003-09-30 13:53:00] - "This is a university becoming a bawdy house with taxpayers' money"... a bawdy house?!  wtf?  Well then, we best send these whippersnappers down to the apothecary to buy some prophylactics.  this type of misfittery shant be allowed to besmirch the temperance of our god-fearing society. - pierce

[2003-09-30 13:10:00] - father almost kills son after bama loses a football game. - mig

[2003-09-30 13:03:00] - conservative delegate tries to get some pr before election time. - mig

[2003-09-30 09:16:00] - Virginia Tech Sophomore dies from fall. -Paul

[2003-09-30 09:09:00] - A Kenyan's perspective on WTO protesters. -Paul

[2003-09-30 08:48:00] - This is why I don't go to concerts. -Paul

[2003-09-30 08:37:00] - a: As for Coulter, I'll bet she is just as popular with Christians and Republicans as Jesse Jackson is to Blacks and Democrats. -paul

[2003-09-30 08:37:00] - It might be true, but it's irrelevant to the discussion -Paul

[2003-09-30 08:36:00] - a: But you're comparing jobs to college. I don't think you can do that for this particular analogy. It would be like saying that whites should also get free sun tan lotion because they burn easier... -Paul

[2003-09-30 02:40:00] - i wasn't being sarcastic about coulter.  and should i buy one of those silk things?  it's only 20 bucks.  ~a

[2003-09-30 02:38:00] - affirmitive action makes it harder for whites to get a job, cookies cost more for whites; white people get more money, white people get more cookie.  ~a

[2003-09-29 16:00:00] - Just to piss Adrian off... :-P -Paul

[2003-09-29 09:27:00] - Is foreign aid sometimes the same thing as a bribe? -Paul

[2003-09-29 08:40:00] - a: As for your Ann Coulter comment, I can't tell whether you are being sarcastic or not. :-P -Paul

[2003-09-29 08:40:00] - a: I don't understand what white people making tons more money on average has to do with anything. -Paul

[2003-09-27 13:04:00] - paul:  most people (esp. christians and republicans) hate ann coulter.  ~a

[2003-09-26 22:53:00] - mig:  it's pretty simple, white people make tons more money on average.  ~a

[2003-09-26 12:56:00] - as for coulter i'll give her credit for saying smart things ocassionaly, but for everytime she says something smart, she'll say something else that is unbelievably stupid. - mig

[2003-09-26 12:48:00] - and i think it would probably be hypocritical since they would probably allow the same sort of bake sale if it was in favor of affirmitve action. - mig

[2003-09-26 12:47:00] - vinnie:  i don't know enough of the details of what went on to disagree or agree with the legality of shutting down the bake sale.  as far as i'm concerned though, it seem so to be another example of the thought police silencing people who dare speak out against "the man". - mig

[2003-09-26 12:43:00] - a: i fail to see how that kind of sale is a rebuttal. what's the point of that? - mig

[2003-09-26 10:00:00] - And, I must admit, I sometimes get some guilty enjoyment out of seeing her spew her hate at liberals. I don't want to condone the mindless stereotyping that she does, but it's nice seeing the liberals get a taste of their own medicine once in awhile and seeing how outraged they get. -Paul

[2003-09-26 09:59:00] - a: I wouldn't say I "like" Ann Coulter. I think she is a lot smarter than people give her credit and I think people have a simplistic view of her which isn't accurate (which she likely deserves considering what she does) -Paul

[2003-09-26 09:57:00] - a: Just because I happen to stand for things YOU hate doesn't mean that I attach myself to things that EVERYBODY hates... -Paul

[2003-09-26 09:55:00] - a: Ask your dad why the white people get bigger cookies. I don't quite get that anology... -Paul

[2003-09-26 08:43:00] - paul:  i think you like ann coulter because:  1. you're a extremist conservative.  2. you like attaching yourself to things other people hate.  ~a

[2003-09-26 08:41:00] - paul:  my dad said there should be a rebuttal.  the white people pay $1 for their cookies, but they get bigger cookies.  the minorities pay less, but their cookies are smaller.  ~a

[2003-09-26 08:33:00] - Yeah, I posted about the bake sale awhile back. I'm a huge supporter of it because I think it's such a perfect parody of Affirmative Action. Does it create a hostile environment for minorities? No more than affirmative action creates a hostile environment for white males. -Paul

[2003-09-26 08:32:00] - Vinnie: Yeah, I posted that Coulter article because it's an example of something she wrote that I didn't find annoying at all. Call me insensitive, but I thought the remark about Ground Zero was actually somewhat darkly amusing, if not necessarily true. -Paul

[2003-09-25 20:16:00] - yes yes.  i was right.  " This is awesome -Paul"  ~a

[2003-09-25 20:15:00] - hasn't someone (probably paul) already posted something about that bake sale?  ~a

[2003-09-25 19:32:00] - re: bake sale: do you guys have a problem with them cancelling it? i'm kinda split on whether on not it should've been cancelled - vinnie

[2003-09-25 19:29:00] - but like every Coulter article she peppers it with things that annoy the fuck out of me (like Ground Zero being a monument to Islam). it only strengthens my belief she is a really smart computer with a few unbelievably wrong suppositions - vinnie

[2003-09-25 19:25:00] - I don't really have a problem with that Coulter article - I'm guessing you didn't either? some of the things she pointed out seem unfair (throwing away Bibles??) and she's definitely right that if Christianity isn't allowed Kwanzaa and Islam shouldn't be allowed - vinnie

[2003-09-25 15:53:00] - Mig: I remember reading about that about the University of Michigan during the big Affirmative Action fiasco and then reading an article a few days later where it was used an example of the intolerance and hate that the minorities have to put up with when they go to colleges. -Paul

[2003-09-25 15:43:00] -,0,5768770,print.story?coll=sns-ap-nation-headlines smu halts aa protest bake sale because it creates a "hostile enviornment" - mig

[2003-09-25 14:40:00] - A test, if you will, who here finds this Ann Coulter article insulting and annoying? -Paul

[2003-09-25 12:47:00] - Interesting story about a guy who's house was raided for writing a book. -Paul

[2003-09-25 09:31:00] - The lack of coverage of Virginia Tech in the Washington Post annoys me. Especially when they have an article about the visiting team from Connecticut with hardly a mention of the team they are playing. -Paul

[2003-09-25 09:31:00] - a: Are you saying that his point was wrong then? Because I think that just kinda supports what he is saying. The women who vote Democratic are looking to the government to be their husbands instead of looking for a husband of their own. -Paul

[2003-09-24 20:42:00] - paul:  women who vote democratic tend to stay single women, especially single women with children.  those who vote republican tend to become married women, especially married women with children.  ~a

[2003-09-24 14:56:00] - Walter Williams on the right to NOT associate -Paul

[2003-09-24 14:49:00] - Ok, ignore most of this article and focus on the one good point that this guy has (IMHO). Is the government taking the place of husbands for some women? -Paul

[2003-09-24 09:00:00] - Interesting point that many African Americans are closer to conservatives on some social issues. -Paul

[2003-09-23 11:09:00] - "What we are worried about is chains like McDonald's, where kids eat every day." Somehow I don't think the problem is McDonalds, but maybe the fact that they are EATING THERE EVERY DAY! -Paul

[2003-09-23 11:08:00] - Mmmmmm, banana.... -Paul

[2003-09-22 22:48:00] - fyi, is back on my computer since the port 80 thing probably won't be fixed any time soon.  i hope when i move, my new isp will let 80 in.  ~a

[2003-09-22 15:38:00] - The top 11 80s cartoon villians! -Paul

[2003-09-22 12:16:00] - "I have many children so that the Palestinian people will have more than the Israelis" :-P -Paul

[2003-09-17 22:02:00] - There's a host of other problems caused by aborting female fetuses. there was some article (that I thought was even posted on msg) awhile back talking about this happening in China - vinnie

[2003-09-17 09:30:00] - Oh that zany Playboy... -Paul

[2003-09-17 08:59:00] - Mmmmmm, Olsen Twins.... -Paul

[2003-09-16 15:19:00] - Pierce: I think it would be damned funny to see them try to start a revolution. :-P -Paul

[2003-09-16 14:31:00] - Since it doesn't look like there's any official government contribution, I'm more concerned with the fact that they're trying to open a military school that's not affiliated with the U.S. armed forces. - pierce

[2003-09-16 13:46:00] - There are plans to open to open an all-male school in the South -Paul

[2003-09-15 09:45:00] - I find the lack of knowledge of geography amongst the people tested to be pathetic -Paul

[2003-09-14 21:28:00] - Mig: Heh, I actually saw that picture from off of your website already. :-) -Paul

[2003-09-13 01:20:00] - no!  this mall is WAY too small to have a macy's, a sears, and a jc penny.  ~a

[2003-09-13 01:13:00] - you should like this one paul. - mig

[2003-09-12 15:26:00] - besides, there would probably be some loophole around the taxes, like they found for cigarettes. - mig

[2003-09-12 13:23:00] - grr... I just encountered a popup ad that traps the right-click and makes it pop-up ANOTHER ad.  so not only can I not use mozilla's "block pop-ups from this site" feature, but I get more advertisements for trying! - pierce

[2003-09-12 13:21:00] - it's the same concept as in the alcohol article. the primary effect of higher beer taxes is a decrease in alcohol consumption among drinking-age adults.  A secondary and indirect effect is the decrease in underage drinking.  Everybody needs to stop finding roundabout, ineffective "solutions" to problems just because they can't do it right. - pierce

[2003-09-12 13:18:00] - Well, let's see.  It's wrong to treat one gender as a subclass simply to uphold tradition, IMO.  Aborting fetuses because of their gender perpetuates the original problem.  So yes, it is wrong.  But the money spent to keep clinics from determining the gender in the first place would be better placed in enforcement of the dowry law. - pierce

[2003-09-12 12:51:00] - Is it wrong to abort a fetus because of it's gender? -paul

[2003-09-12 12:50:00] - Should we try to prevent alcohol companies from targeting children? -Paul

[2003-09-12 10:31:00] - Pierce: Yeah, why can't the metro just keep trying to extort money from the NFL instead of charging me more? :-P -Paul

[2003-09-12 09:41:00] - Paul: Bet you wish you hadn't made fun of the metro trying to charge extra to the redskins game. - pierce

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