here are old message board entries

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[2004-04-07 15:19:00] - someone who believes or implies that members of a certain sex are inharantly and generally worse.  ~a

[2004-04-07 15:17:00] - yes, i suppose you could refuse to answer my question by recursively asking me to define things.  ~a

[2004-04-07 15:17:00] - a: Ok, now define class. -Paul

[2004-04-07 15:12:00] - someone who believes or implies that members of a certain sex are members of a lower (or different) class of society.  ~a

[2004-04-07 15:11:00] - a: Hence why I asked you to define sexist, because by most definitions I am sexist and proud. -Paul

[2004-04-07 15:09:00] - yeah, but back to the point; i don't really like any of those definitions anyways because they paint everybody as a sexist.  who doesn't discriminate on the basis of sex?  ~a

[2004-04-07 15:07:00] - Pienie: What was so disturbing about The Shield? -Paul

[2004-04-07 15:07:00] - a: Yeah, I guess women can't be sexist. -Paul

[2004-04-07 15:05:00] - hahaha.  wordnet's definitions are very funny.  "discriminatory on the basis of sex (usually said of men's attitude toward women)" and "a man with a chauvinistic belief in the inferiority of women"  and "syn:male chauvinist"  i guess women can't be male chauvinists, can they?  ~a

[2004-04-07 15:04:00] - yeah, the shield was a little tough to take yesterday. they did promise an "unforgettable" new episode or some such - vinnie

[2004-04-07 15:03:00] - a: Define sexist. -Paul

[2004-04-07 15:02:00] - paul:  aren't you the pot calling the kettle sexist?  ~a

[2004-04-07 14:46:00] - that espn headline is hilarious.  - mig

[2004-04-07 14:42:00] - "UCONN women clean up after men" That's a headline on ESPN. Isn't that a little sexist? -Paul

[2004-04-07 14:38:00] - Honestly, I found the first half of that article more interesting than the second half. I think all the women who are lamenting the lack of men have mostly themselves to blame. -Paul

[2004-04-07 14:36:00] - Pierce: Since we're talking about short-sighted women, then yes. ;-) -Paul

[2004-04-07 14:17:00] - there we go . . . those are the "good responses" i was talking about :-P  ~a

[2004-04-07 14:16:00] - a: yeah, but it seems like the indirect route.  wouldn't it be more effective to spend that money keeping the women alive? - pierce

[2004-04-07 14:15:00] - pierce:  that much i follow.  to make women happier, you have to keep their boyfriends alive.  ~a

[2004-04-07 14:14:00] - a: I can't find the link where I read it... if I see it again I'll let you know. - pierce

[2004-04-07 14:12:00] - "Given that politicians often trip over each other to woo the woman's vote, one would expect to see a stream of government programs dedicated to helping men to live longer, healthier lives. But oddly, that's not the case."  why would that follow?  It seems like any such programs would be geared to women, not men. - pierce

[2004-04-07 14:12:00] - pierce:  are you serious?  where did you find that out?  ~a

[2004-04-07 14:10:00] - Paul: men suck! - pierce

[2004-04-07 14:09:00] - Paul: you wanna hear something ironic about the girl who posted pictures of herself?  My understanding is that they intend to try her as an adult.  Left hand, meet right hand. - pierce

[2004-04-07 14:09:00] - paul:  i'll let pierce comment on that one.  he seems to always have such good responses to your anti-women rhetoric.  ~a

[2004-04-07 13:54:00] - Where have all the young men gone? -Paul

[2004-04-07 13:53:00] - a: Not to mention understatement of the year. :-P -paul

[2004-04-07 13:46:00] - "It is a very dangerous to pass judgment on women."  even if you ignore the extraneous "a" it's still a funny statement.  ~a

[2004-04-07 13:40:00] - "Man fighting to run for committeewoman" -Paul

[2004-04-07 13:38:00] - "A police report did not say how police learned about the girl" -Paul

[2004-04-07 13:37:00] - Pierce: Update on that Georgia genital mutilation bill. -paul

[2004-04-07 13:06:00] - aaron: I have to imagine that one would get incredibly sick of that job, no matter how much one likes porn. - pierce

[2004-04-07 12:57:00] - aww. why can't my job title be "pornography scourer"? - aaron

[2004-04-07 12:08:00] - anyone catch the shield last night?  disturbing.... - pierce

[2004-04-07 12:01:00] -,0,3004361.story?coll=bal-home-headlines Administration wages war on pornography.  idiots. -kris

[2004-04-07 11:47:00] - a: but... but... it's cool! - pierce

[2004-04-07 10:17:00] - why the hell was one of them a motorcycle?  seems like a pretty silly design to me.  ~a

[2004-04-07 09:59:00] -  it was in the press releases.  ~a

[2004-04-07 09:33:00] - a: Where did you find the list of ways that various teams lost the darpa challenge? - aaron

[2004-04-07 09:23:00] - Mel: It's me, isn't it? :'( -Paul

[2004-04-07 09:05:00] - it wasn't adrian? ooh, now I'm even more peeved - vinnie

[2004-04-07 09:04:00] - Well, he didn't capitalize the 'a' in his name, so it must be Adrian. -Paul

[2004-04-07 08:50:00] - HeHeHeHe, You Have To Admit It Was Pretty Funny, adriaN. -A

[2004-04-07 00:52:00] - the people . . . demand . . . linux 2.7!

[2004-04-06 19:12:00] - (adrian goes back and looks at who posted the april fools joke, and secretly hates them for the rest of his life)

[2004-04-06 19:12:00] - don't you people know that i don't use caps?  ~a

[2004-04-06 19:11:00] - "[4-1-04 9:21am] - guys, I can't afford the bandwidth for anymore.  I'm going to have to take it down in a week or two until I can save up some money.  Just giving fair warning. -a"  hrmm.  i didn't post that.  ~a

[2004-04-06 19:02:00] - i think it's fun to read all of the ways the various teams lost.  "vehicle circled the wrong way in the start area.  Vehicle was removed from the course."  "at mile 0.2, when making its first 90-degree turn, the vehicle flipped."  "vehicle ran into some wire and got totally wrapped up in it."  :-P  ~a

[2004-04-06 18:31:00] - haha  Some of us are quirkier than other.  I won't name any names.  :-)    - Mel

[2004-04-06 18:11:00] - I don't mean to, they're just accidents! - paul

[2004-04-06 17:47:00] - Mel: It's ok, Pierce enjoys commenting on people's journals and pretending it's me. We all have our quirks. -Paul

[2004-04-06 17:37:00] - no I wasn't talking to myself.  Reeealy.  :P  - Mel

[2004-04-06 17:37:00] - mel: just the vision recognition problem is neat.  Then the decision making process of where to drive the car and what obstacles you deem worthy of avoiding.  - Mel

[2004-04-06 17:32:00] - vinnie: No, I don't think I do.  :-)  I'm out in California.  But my company was involved too.  The presentation was so cool, I think this is a really neat problem on all sorts of levels.  - Mel

[2004-04-06 17:18:00] - Mel: I had heard of it just recently. Kinda amusing. -Paul

[2004-04-06 17:02:00] - mel: you don't work for my company, do you? one of my coworkers went to a presentation about this today too. my company tracked the race via satellite - vinnie

[2004-04-06 16:47:00] -    Have you guys heard about this?  Virginia Tech had a team this year.  I just went to a lunch presentation from the guy who organized the Caltech team.  What a cool project!  - Mel

[2004-04-06 12:34:00] - vinnie: I got the pooky error too, when I happened to be debugging another javascript application.  before I noticed that it came from a different site, I was really confused as to why this business application had a variable named pooky. - pierce

[2004-04-06 12:29:00] - Aren't dictionary entries supposed to be ordered by frequency of use? - aaron

[2004-04-06 12:04:00] - gah! now miguel's page is giving me an error. something about pooky - vinnie

[2004-04-06 09:55:00] - a: you missed that conversation.  The incorrect javascript code I had originally given you to autofocus the textbox on this page caused javascript errors for vinnie. - pierce

[2004-04-06 09:39:00] - asking me to debug - vinnie

[2004-04-06 09:39:00] - it was that focus error - vinnie

[2004-04-06 09:24:00] - debug error?  ~a

[2004-04-06 09:11:00] - whoo! no more stupid debug error thingy - vinnie

[2004-04-05 17:44:00] - Goods were not as described. Misleading. Never trust a picture. -Paul

[2004-04-05 17:27:00] - SLOW DELIVERY, GOODS WERE DAMAGED. D---  DO NOT RECOMMEND  - aaron

[2004-04-05 17:25:00] - Aaron: Or the feedback score. :-P -Paul

[2004-04-05 17:07:00] - I'd love to see the buyer's comments on those auctions - aaron

[2004-04-05 16:21:00] - Virtual Girlfriends on e-bay -Paul

[2004-04-05 16:06:00] - a: Yeah, everything has been relatively quiet today. Must be a heavy work day. -Paul

[2004-04-05 16:06:00] - Woman lies about abduction. -Paul

[2004-04-05 16:00:00] - man, nobody feels like talking.  ~a

[2004-04-05 15:09:00] - none of this stuff has been tested in windows.  i have no idea how named sockets work in windows.  ~a

[2004-04-05 14:57:00] - if there is any part (or parts) that you think needs to be better commented, let me know.  ~a

[2004-04-05 14:57:00] - basically, the client daemon gets messages from the web page, then passes it on to a perl script to do all of the aim stuff.  ~a

[2004-04-05 14:57:00] - pierce: is the message board. is the aim client daemon.  the aim client daemon has the message board communication in php and the aim communication in perl.  ~a

[2004-04-05 14:38:00] - or alternatively, you could just put it on your site and I could download it from here at my convenience. - pierce

[2004-04-05 14:38:00] - a: if you sent that email I haven't gotten it yet. - pierce

[2004-04-05 14:37:00] - Paul: I think you're right; it's a filter that says "my phone is in Do-Not-Disturb mode for everyone except my boss". - pierce

[2004-04-05 14:25:00] - a: Some kind of test to make sure only the boss can interrupt your sales trip or whatever? I'm not sure. -Paul

[2004-04-05 14:20:00] - paul:  what is a "bosses-only interruption test" ?  ~a

[2004-04-05 13:40:00] - Some interesting stuff about the future of IMing, but I just thought the last line of the opening paragraph was amusing. -Paul

[2004-04-05 12:49:00] - pierce:  writing an irc wrapper would actually be quite easy since i've already written an aim wrapper.  i'll email you the message board source so you can write the client daemon.  ~a

[2004-04-05 12:48:00] - apierce: As far as I know, it just means comments that aren't admissible on the form (has nothing to do with judicial hearings). -Paul

[2004-04-05 12:33:00] - pierce:  i must have missed that focus request.  well it's done now and it seems to work in mozilla.  ~a

[2004-04-05 12:27:00] - and I'm still awaiting the IRC wrapper. :-P - pierce

[2004-04-05 12:27:00] - I notice you haven't changed the body onLoad function to be focus() instead of focus = true. - pierce

[2004-04-05 12:26:00] - a: so now that that's done, how are the other mboard enhancements going? - pierce

[2004-04-05 12:09:00] - linux advanced my time because of dst, then i rebooted into windows.  and since the bios doesn't store what timezone you're in, windows advanced my time again.  i was like, 'wow, time for lunch already?'  :-P  ~a

[2004-04-05 11:43:00] - </guess> - pierce

[2004-04-05 11:40:00] - a: it may refer to comments that are inadmissible in a judicial or congressional hearing. - pierce

[2004-04-05 11:39:00] - wow, i butchered that word.  what is an inadmissible comment?  ~a

[2004-04-05 11:38:00] - what is an idamissible comment?

[2004-04-05 10:51:00] - "Inadmissible comments are not authorized" Stupidest thing I've seen on a government document today. -Paul

[2004-04-05 10:23:00] - anon:  i sent vinnie an email about that already.  ~a

[2004-04-05 10:23:00] - vinnnie:  i sent you an email.  ~a

[2004-04-05 10:10:00] - An interview with libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik -Paul

[2004-04-05 10:01:00] - Some interesting musings about Iraq and imperialism. -Paul

[2004-04-05 09:54:00] - Vinnie: could not be found on Adrian's server.  He needs to fix that before your journal will accept comments.

[2004-04-05 09:54:00] - another failed joke - vinnie

[2004-04-05 09:53:00] - ha, I suppose I am - vinnie

[2004-04-05 09:37:00] - breadthening?  that's not a word.  are you looking for "broadening"? - pierce

[2004-04-05 09:28:00] - burgeoning my loquacity or breadthening my lexicon might behoove me - vinnie

[2004-04-05 09:25:00] - Bwahaha... eat it, Travis! - pierce

[2004-04-05 09:23:00] - sheesh, i didn't realize I was so low on that list - vinnie

[2004-04-05 09:21:00] - Xander, though, always seemed to have a rather mean side to him though, going all the way back to how he acted towards Angel. -Paul

[2004-04-05 09:20:00] - Vinnie: I think I agree with you a little bit in Buffy, how some of the things that the characters did occasionally seemed out of character or too sudden. -Paul

[2004-04-05 03:01:00] -  ~a

[2004-04-05 02:56:00] - well pierce, i implemented your thing and it proves that you wished to prove.  i post the shortest of everybody and you post the longest of everybody.  ~a

[2004-04-04 05:23:00] - paul:  sorry, i moved your webpage.  i hope you're not mad at me . . . it just made my life much easier.  who would have guessed that the suexecusergroup is not valid in the directory context.  ~a

[2004-04-02 15:22:00] - pierce:  i'm going to wait on that one until i put the message board back in my room . . . which will possibly be this weekend.  ~a

[2004-04-02 15:22:00] - i should say that joss did an excellent job with spike's development though. his transition I largely felt was very gradual and realistic - vinnie

[2004-04-02 15:21:00] - pierce

[2004-04-02 15:21:00] - maybe I'm too picky about how TV should be. for some reason, I expect gradual change when TV is just not well-suited for that - vinnie

[2004-04-02 15:20:00] - what other problems had willow avoided prior to that season? they made her shirk her duties only during that season as far as I recall. i suppose you could blame it on the magic like how drugs change people, but I just felt it sprang up too quickly - vinnie

[2004-04-02 15:16:00] - the breakup itself I actually felt was out-of-character - vinnie

[2004-04-02 15:14:00] - he can get unbelievably caustic (usually towards Buffy) on occasion, but even those moments were few enough that it seemed he only went there when he was really upset. season 6 felt like he had one of the moments every episode - vinnie

[2004-04-02 15:13:00] - well, I can try to offer support. xander certainly felt neglected around that time and I can understand him feeling down, but he started lashing out in ways I didn't think were possible - vinnie

[2004-04-02 15:13:00] - I'd say Willow's relationship with the potential slayer in S7 was off-character though.  That's the only other example I can think of. - pierce

[2004-04-02 15:11:00] - Xander was coming off the disasterous breakup with Anya in S6; Willow had consistently indicated that she preferred avoiding problems rather than dealing with them head-on; and Spike's relationship with Buffy had always been a sex/violence mesh (*looks in Travis's direction*).  I think Joss did okay. - pierce

[2004-04-02 15:07:00] - Vinnie: I'll give you Cordelia+Xander, but I thought the other things, if extreme, were reasonably consistent with those characters at those times... - pierce

[2004-04-02 14:54:00] - i guess my real problem is the character consistency, not the characters themselves, because Joss does make very compelling characters most of the time - vinnie

[2004-04-02 14:53:00] - xander becoming very bitter in season 6, willow using her magic to keep tara there, cordelia going out with xander, spike raping buffy. all of these things I feel went against the character's personalities and were done just to keep the show interesting - vinnie

[2004-04-02 14:37:00] - - pierce

[2004-04-02 14:37:00] - Vinnie: "i don't think the things he makes his characters do fall within their personalities at times" ...example?

[2004-04-02 14:35:00] - I think Joss is better with dialogue and story ideas than characters, to be honest. i don't think the things he makes his characters do fall within their personalities at times - vinnie

[2004-04-02 14:32:00] - Pierce: heh, I end up having to shorten my posts all the time because I hate breaking up posts mid-sentence. I've gotten into the habit of just putting the next sentence in a new post - vinnie

[2004-04-02 14:25:00] - Yeah, I guess I misworded what I was trying to say... Buffy was a pretty creative idea.  Maybe I should've said that his characters are simplistic. - pierce

[2004-04-02 14:16:00] - hehe, if you listen to joss, "ditzy blonde superhero" was creative cause he created buffy after getting tired of the standard damsel in distress in horror movies - travis

[2004-04-02 14:14:00] - a: because you obviously have tons of time for adding mboard functionality lately, one cool feature you could add would be to figure out everyones' average number of characters per post.  See who gives one-word answers, and who repeatedly has to go back and use smaller words just to make a complete thought in one post. - pierce

[2004-04-02 14:12:00] - Travis: Joss's character aren't all that creative (hooker w/ a heart of gold, ditzy blonde superhero, and many variations of the "geek" theme), but what really makes them compelling is that none of them are one-dimensional. There's no character that Joss creates that he can't later use as the focus of a plotline. Do that, and you're set. - pierce

[2004-04-02 12:30:00] - and don't forget witty dialog! - pierce

[2004-04-02 12:28:00] - so all i  have to do is create characters as compelling as joss whedon does, greeeat :-P - travis

[2004-04-02 10:57:00] - So I also say go for it. - pierce

[2004-04-02 10:57:00] - Travis: sci-fi western would have a ton of cliches too, and we all know how shitty Firefly turned out... </sarcasm> - pierce

[2004-04-02 10:50:00] - no, I say go for it. i haven't seen or read anything in that style before so it could be interesting - vinnie

[2004-04-02 10:44:00] - but i'm not really looking for stuff to read/watch, i'm was just seeing if there was much stuff there already, because it seems like an interesting genre to me, although it could be full of cliches - travis

[2004-04-02 10:44:00] - yeah, that too, some sites also list "the missing" as western horror but it didn't like much of either from the ads - travis

[2004-04-02 10:43:00] - i thought imdb should have a genre search but i couldn't fint it.  i had thought of ravenous but cannibals isn't as horrorish as vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc. - travis

[2004-04-02 10:42:00] - travis: Ravenous isn't really a western, if you're looking for gunslinging and stuff. - pierce

[2004-04-02 10:33:00] - that URL obviously needs a .com in there - vinnie

[2004-04-02 10:31:00] - serious answer: from dusk till dawn 3 or ravenous. i went here http://imdb/list and searched for horror AND western genres, and those were the only movies I recognized - vinnie

[2004-04-02 10:29:00] - yes yes, billy the kid versus dracula turned up on the first page of google results i tried :-) - travis

[2004-04-02 10:27:00] - or maybe this movie *snicker* - vinnie

[2004-04-02 10:26:00] - travis: they did a horror-western type thing on the simpsons, but that was a pretty shitty episode - vinnie

[2004-04-02 10:22:00] - Honk Kong? So even the Hong Kong ripoffs have their own ripoffs? :) - vinnie

[2004-04-02 10:14:00] - Vinnie: No clue, sorry. Only import CDs I've bought were a Honk Kong rip off of a Cowboy Bebop OST (1) at Technicon (vendor was available for returns, but his own sources may not have been) and when I bought Honor2003 off Ebay.  Ebay importing has all the issues Ebay has, only expounded.  The guy I got was very good, decent price,etc. -- Xpovos

[2004-04-02 09:47:00] - whoa, anyone tried this? I've already found some really hard to find import CDs for good prices, through I have no clue how trustworthy any of the sites it returns are - vinnie

[2004-04-02 09:43:00] - they had that dumb "bau, ba-bau, bau, bau, bau, bau, bau" song on malcolm. I don't remember the name but it's on "no!' - vinnie

[2004-04-02 03:12:00] - And by "end of the email" i mean - the end of the strongbad email now says, "lyrics by TMBG" - i don't remember that before. Is it possibly TMBG bullied them into adding it? TMBG doesn't seem like bullies! ...... i think they would be nice! - aaron

[2004-04-02 02:30:00] - No i'm serious - i just got an email from them. Do you really think it was an april fool? It's written at the end of the email too - aaron

[2004-04-02 02:17:00] - har har har ~A

[2004-04-01 22:27:00] - Apparently TMBG wrote a song for this Homestar Runner? - aaron

[2004-04-01 19:36:00] - closest i can think of is stephen king's dark tower series, but i've only read the first book "the gunslinger" - travis

[2004-04-01 19:35:00] - does anyone know of existing horror-westerns?  all i get from google are people claiming stuff like "the missing" and "john carpenter's vampires" are horror-westerns, but they're not very western, if you ask me - travis

[2004-04-01 17:17:00] - Aaron: Oh man, I love his sense of humor though. I'm always trying to emulate it. If you ever hear me say something rude to you, it was probably because I was trying to make a Chandler joke. :-P -Paul

[2004-04-01 17:16:00] - paul: Chandler's a dick. If any of my friends said stuff like that to me in real life i'd probably punch them! - aaron

[2004-04-01 17:08:00] - I don't understand why Chandler can deliver a line that sounds funny on Friends, but when I say it, it just sounds rude and insulting. Do you know why, anon?  -Paul

[2004-04-01 17:06:00] - paul: yes

[2004-04-01 17:03:00] - Man, I really need to change my sense of humor. -Paul

[2004-04-01 16:53:00] - paul:  yes

[2004-04-01 16:18:00] - Aaron: What do you think? Is it because I didn't put a ':-P' at the end of my stereotypical white male comment? -Paul

[2004-04-01 16:16:00] - blaaaaaarg i hate your feet - aaron

[2004-04-01 16:08:00] - Oh man, I hate it when I'm the last person to post something and there is a long pause before the next post. :-/ -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:45:00] - And even though you're probably gone, it's not a matter of naivete. America used to operate much like an anarcho capitalist society and it was far from the fascist, chaotic place that some have predicted would happen. -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:44:00] - Pierce: For the record, I don't think you're naive, I just think you attribute magical powers to the government that it doesn't have. -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:43:00] - Pierce: Fine, fine. Only the filthy rich can vote. Happy now? Do I fit into your nice stereotype of evil wealthy white male who wants to oppress the poor? -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:42:00] - On that note, I've got to log off both this discussion and the one on angrypeons... I have work to do and I can't devote the time to my responses that I'd like.  Paulovos: for the record, I think you're both startlingly naive about human behavior, and you're welcome to think the same about me. - pierce

[2004-04-01 15:42:00] - Pierce: I was saying that to refute a point that I think Travis made where I suggested that it wouldn't be the end of the world if not everyone could vote. I didn't mean to advocate that only the wealthy's opinion mattered. -paul

[2004-04-01 15:41:00] - You're saying that the presence or absence of money validates or invalidates someone's political opinion; even if that was or was not the "point" of the fee. - pierce

[2004-04-01 15:40:00] - Paul: you have suggested how to "fix" it, though.  Your statement regarding the voting fee, "do we really want people who can't afford $2 to be voting? what meaningful contribution can they make" (or words to that effect) represented a "solution" to the "problem" of people with views you see as inferior getting to vote. - pierce

[2004-04-01 15:39:00] - no.  but it's often pointless.  ~a

[2004-04-01 15:35:00] - Pierce: Is it inconsistent to say that something seems wrong but not suggest how to fix it? -paul

[2004-04-01 15:34:00] - a: No, I didn't admit that at all. I just can't think of an alternative with no flaws. -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:34:00] - Pierce: I just said it didn't seem right, I'm not saying that only I should be able to vote or anything. -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:33:00] - so without a proposed alternative, you admit that democracy is the best that we have to speak of.  ~a

[2004-04-01 15:31:00] - a: I don't propose an alternative so much as to say that I believe that Democracy is not the way to go. -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:30:00] - Paul: your previous two posts are inconsistent.  You ask who can honestly determine the value of an opinion, then you presume that your criteria (an ill-defined concept of "knowing all there is to know" about the candidates) is sufficient to determine whether a vote seems "right" or "wrong". - pierce

[2004-04-01 15:30:00] - paul:  what alternative do you propose?  ~a

[2004-04-01 15:25:00] - Pierce: All I'm saying is that it doesn't seem right that somebody who, doesn't know anything about either candidate, has the same voting power as somebody who knows almost all there is to know about them. -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:24:00] - Pierce: Well, that's always been the issue. Who's to say what constitutes a more valuable opinion or not? -Paul

[2004-04-01 15:04:00] - That's just for example.  How can you say, from an absolute standpoint, whose ideas to value, and whose to disregard? - pierce

[2004-04-01 15:03:00] - You probably consider yourself very politically aware, but one might say that you're an armchair academic: your opinions are not based on significant real experience in the world.  Contrastingly, a homeless person has seen the worst of the worst, and could easily have a clearer understanding of society than you do. - pierce

[2004-04-01 15:03:00] - Paul: who determines "politically aware"? - pierce

[2004-04-01 14:49:00] - Travis: The exact same thing could happen (but worse) if said person got elected president. And don't say it can't happen, because that's how Hitler got elected. -Paul

[2004-04-01 14:48:00] - Travis: Secondly, if a crazy/stupid/sadistic person gets lots of money, good for him. Now he doesn't have to work. -Paul

[2004-04-01 14:47:00] - Travis: Well, first of all, you're distorting the truth by saying that money determines your value. It's a bartering system. You give somebody something they want and they give you something you want. -Paul

[2004-04-01 14:28:00] - Paul: but your main solution to democracy is anarchy where how much money you have determines your value.  so what happens when a stupid/sadistic/crazy/whatever person inherits all the money his saint of a father earned? - travis

[2004-04-01 14:24:00] - travis: yeah, there wasn't a playlist, per se. i meant that I checked a few of the "now playing"s - vinnie

[2004-04-01 14:16:00] - Travis: But that goes more to my problems with democracy than anything else. -Paul

[2004-04-01 14:16:00] - Travis: I'm fairly ambivalent about the group. As long as they don't bias the homeless people, they seem relatively harmless. It bothers me a bit that somebody who potentially has no idea what's going on counts as much as the most politically aware person in the country. -Paul

[2004-04-01 14:14:00] - Travis: I didn't mean to give the impression that I was for the land-owner system, just using it as an example of how there isn't some God-given right where everybody has to be able to vote. -Paul

[2004-04-01 13:58:00] - Paul: are you against those groups?  homeless people don't own land, so your land-owner system is ruined.  they probably don't have jobs and very little education, yet their votes count just as much as yours, which seems against your philosophy - travis

[2004-04-01 13:42:00] - Some people who followed the discussion on Miguel's journal might find this interesting. -Paul

[2004-04-01 13:26:00] - i can never find a playlist besides the "currently playing".  and they've already switched back to their normal stuff so they can have an interview with tesla - travis

[2004-04-01 13:17:00] - list = the website's playlist - vinnie

[2004-04-01 13:17:00] - I can see "fighter", because it's basically a rock song, but "oops..."? I like most of the stuff i saw on the list and even I don't like that song :) - vinnie

[2004-04-01 12:45:00] - if the manager is truly dumb and refuses to let me go and I feel that he can physically overwhelm me, I'll insist on being 'detained' until a police officer can arrive to perform the activity himself. -- Xpovos

[2004-04-01 12:44:00] - Travis's link has some interesting things.  1) Where do they get these idiot fast food resteraunt managers? 2) The customers aren't blameless here either.  If the manager of Wendy's comes out and tells me he's going to perform a strip search on me because a police officer says so I will leave immediately, or at the worst,  ... -- Xpovos

[2004-04-01 12:39:00] - Travis: Not "Beautiful" by Christina? :-P -Paul

[2004-04-01 12:23:00] - oh, before i responded they played "beautiful" but i think most people know i like snoop dogg already - travis

[2004-04-01 12:22:00] - it's if you wanna listen, normally they play lots of cool rock/metal - travis

[2004-04-01 12:22:00] - unfortunately, it seems like they don't have a very long playlist, they're already replaying "oops..." - travis

[2004-04-01 12:21:00] - well, people should already know i like "fighter" by christina, but i actually also have to admit that i enjoy "oops i did it again", and i don't know the names of most of the other stuff, though i know one song was tupac - travis

[2004-04-01 11:28:00] - i wanna be surprised - vinnie

[2004-04-01 11:28:00] - list some stuff, t - vinnie

[2004-04-01 11:27:00] - "i'm waiting for that final moment you / say the words "april fool's day" :( - vinnie

[2004-04-01 11:25:00] - hurray for eclectic musical taste, my internet rock radio station is playing pop/r&b for april fool's, but i've liked everything i've heard (and i think some of the stuff i've liked would surprise people) - travis

[2004-04-01 11:23:00] - "it's no problem of mine but it's a problem i'll find / missing the office that i left behind" - aaron

[2004-04-01 11:16:00] - "i feel fine and i feel good/ i'm feeling like I just got moved" - vinnie

[2004-04-01 11:15:00] - if by love, you mean windowless, yes - vinnie

[2004-04-01 11:11:00] - Is it a bizarre love triangle room? - aaron

[2004-04-01 10:53:00] - yeah, one whole wall was glass. it's like they just took that wall away 'cause now I'm in some bizarre triangular room. my desk is a lot smaller now too - vinnie

[2004-04-01 10:35:00] - - travis

[2004-04-01 10:00:00] - Pierce: I'm sure there is somewhere on the internet. Just a note, though, that the article wasn't talking about women in the military. "placing women in physically demanding jobs in the military, as for example combat" -Paul

[2004-04-01 09:58:00] - Paul: are there any stats on what percentage of military jobs strictly require use of physical strength? - pierce

[2004-04-01 09:49:00] - Google practical joke. -Paul

[2004-04-01 09:46:00] - Interesting stats. And that's all I'm going to say about it. -Paul

[2004-04-01 09:45:00] - vinnie: Aww. Did it have a window and everything? - aaron

[2004-04-01 09:42:00] - yep. i was told when I got here that this would be the nicest office I might have for years. goodbye sweet office :( - vinnie

[2004-04-01 09:39:00] - sorry to hear that, vinnie. - pierce

[2004-04-01 09:39:00] - d'oh

[2004-04-01 09:39:00] - so not everything on april 1st is a prank - vinnie

[2004-04-01 09:38:00] - i'm getting kicked out of my supernice office today but when I laughed at the people moving my computer they just shrugged and took it - vinnie

[2004-04-01 09:37:00] - so well done, hopefully that'll be the only one I fall for today - vinnie

[2004-04-01 09:37:00] - gah! I just read went to a website that had a really ridiculous april fools joke (magic the gathering getting sued by the orlando magic) and then realized: hmm, has anyone else pulled a prank on me today - vinnie

[2004-04-01 09:32:00] - Oh, wait, I just found a bunch of spare change under the bed, I can just use that. -a[pril fools]

[2004-04-01 09:30:00] - yeah, neither have you for mine. but I mean beyond that even, like your the use of this page which seems like a communal thing - vinnie

[2004-04-01 09:29:00] - :)

[2004-04-01 09:28:00] - a: Yeah, I know you still haven't collected for hosting my site. -Paul

[2004-04-01 09:24:00] - how much is the cost? I wouldn't mind contributing - vinnie

[2004-04-01 09:24:00] - a: awwww. okay - aaron

[2004-04-01 09:21:00] - guys, I can't afford the bandwidth for anymore.  I'm going to have to take it down in a week or two until I can save up some money.  Just giving fair warning. -a

[2004-04-01 09:17:00] - This new penalty pisses me off because I disagree that the sharpie incident and pom-pom incident are wildly different. -Paul

[2004-04-01 09:04:00] - Xpovos: Well, I can guess what the difference is in theory, but in practice I imagine both turn out pretty similar. -paul

[2004-03-31 21:54:00] - Paul: You advocate that Vinnie read TMiaHM and you can't tell the dfference between a rational anarchist and an anarcho-capitalist? For shame. :-P -- Xpovos

[2004-03-31 19:16:00] -  i feel better now.  ~a

[2004-03-31 17:18:00] - I feel better now. -Paul

[2004-03-31 17:02:00] - Xpovos: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a soccer score. God only knows how a soccer score could be 29-0... -Paul

[2004-03-31 17:01:00] - Xpovos: 1) Is there really that big of a difference? -Paul

[2004-03-31 17:00:00] - Hmm, the graphic makes me think it's soccer football not American football... which makes the loss all that much worse. -- Xpovos

[2004-03-31 16:58:00] - Paul: 1) Because I'm a rational anarchist, not an anarcho-capitalist. and 2) I was in class. :-P -- Xpovos

[2004-03-31 15:46:00] - or, I guess, below - vinnie

[2004-03-31 15:46:00] - all of the above - vinnie

[2004-03-31 15:29:00] - Pierce: It could be the threats to egg his house and slash his tires too. :-P -Paul

[2004-03-31 15:29:00] - Tech students are clumsy when drunk. -Paul

[2004-03-31 15:25:00] - were they more upset about buying the vote, or offering beer to an eighteen-year-old? - pierce

[2004-03-31 15:24:00] - Xpovos: So why didn't you try to explain it? ;-) -Paul

[2004-03-31 15:23:00] - Newspaper has been banned from reporting on junior football matches after describing a 29-0 defeat as a "trouncing". -Paul

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