here are old message board entries
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2004-03-31 15:19:00] - Given the inherent difficulties of arguing the anarcho-capitalist point of view, it shouldn't be too surprising. I've come to the conclusion that is so utterly reprehensible to the vast majority of people that if you want to argue it, you have to be completely willing to alienate everyone.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-31 15:19:00] - For Vinnie.
2004-03-31 13:09:00] -
Xpovos: No need to apologize. I would be the first to admit my attempts were hastily thought out and not of the highest caliber.
2004-03-31 13:06:00] -
Paul: I doubt whites student-athletes are all that upset because they know they're in the minority and were given their positions and scholarships based on merit, which is something other minorities don't always have a claim to, much to their embarassment.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-31 13:04:00] - I just finished skimming the debate on Miguel's journal. I dunno what to say except that Paul's attempts to argue anarcho-capitalism are not among the best (sorry Paul) but that on the whole, I do of course agree with him.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-31 13:03:00] -
Xpovos: I see your point, but I still think that this should be given a lot more attention. Hell, whites should be offended by that remark. How would blacks like it if somebody said, "we need to get some white players here to increase our graduation rate"?
2004-03-31 13:03:00] -
Pierce: you're right, I forgot about that. I saw the issue on S.C. this morning and was going on that, and had forgotten the rest. Of course, he has a point on both issues, that blacks are for socio-economic reasons both better athletes and less academically inclined.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-31 13:00:00] -
Xpovos: You're missing or ignoring the fact that the offensive implication of the statement was that black people are less academically capable than whites. So if you want black people on your team (which you presumably do because of the stereotype that "blacks are better athletes"), then you have to ease up on academic requirements.
- pierce
2004-03-31 12:54:00] - Never said it did. But would you rather have people say "Essens are as a whole murders, rapists, and souless demons" or "Essens are in general phenominal athletes with 6th sigma potential." Both statements are discriminatory, and so suspect, but the second is much more favorable, and will be censured much more lightly.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-31 12:46:00] - "Notre Dame must ease up on its academic restrictions because 'We gotta get the black athlete,' he said." I can't imagine that goes over well, though.
2004-03-31 12:35:00] -
Paul: re the racism issue, the ex-coach/player was racist in favor of blacks instead of against, so while he's still in trouble, it's going to be much less of a ripple than even Limbaugh's comment, which was fairly innocuous.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-31 12:10:00] - "Allow people to draw up their own private marriage contracts, without government law acting as a third party" *gasp*
- aaron
2004-03-31 12:04:00] - I'm proud to say that one of my predictions has come true. I was so right, that it came true before I even made my prediction.
2004-03-31 11:29:00] -
Pierce: I guess, but it just seems like an incredibly subdued reaction considering what he said.
2004-03-31 11:09:00] - i realize it may not matter anyway, since the pairs don't always form a conversation even in the form of a question
- vinnie
2004-03-31 11:06:00] - how about this one then, that was accepted on the show: "parlez-vous français?" "'can you speak french' to the french"
- vinnie
2004-03-31 10:55:00] - quite a stretch, but I guess that works
- vinnie
2004-03-31 10:52:00] -
vinnie: you could look at it that way, the same way you could say
The Godfather "killed off" Sonny.
- pierce
2004-03-31 10:51:00] - "who framed roger rabbit?" "the movie in which bob hoskins starred with a cartoon rabbit" so the movie framed him?
- vinnie
2004-03-31 10:50:00] - And sometimes not at all; if it's not a person whose opinion people care about, or in an influential forum, they'll usually just chalk it up to the speaker being a bigot, and move on.
- pierce
2004-03-31 10:49:00] -
pierce: yeah, i was joking. aaron: i've seen the situation twice where the answer was a question and they let them off the hook both times. so that would appear to be the rule even though it makes zero sense as a reserve conversation
- vinnie
2004-03-31 10:48:00] - I mean, it was just said yesterday; except in the cases of celebrities (Limbaugh), allegedly racist comments don't get widespread coverage immediately.
- pierce
2004-03-31 10:45:00] - No
specific description of the "hot water", but the mention of it is recognition of the fact that the statement is racist.
- pierce
2004-03-31 10:44:00] -
Paul: ummm, it's at the beginning of the article. "Former Notre Dame great Paul Hornung may have landed in some hot water when discussing how the Irish can improve their football fortunes."
- pierce
2004-03-31 10:43:00] - Ok, so isn't this racist? Where's the outrage?
2004-03-31 10:42:00] -
Vinnie: I think that was an interesting end result of Jeopardy!'s success, but I think the social experiment probably went the other way; they wanted to see how often people gave the traditional "answer" response that they would have on another trivia show.
- pierce
2004-03-31 10:40:00] - I think the rule is, if the last name was said in the question or is part of the clue category ("This man was Marie Curie's husband..."; or from the category "I think 'Edison' hallucinogenic drugs"), you can't just use the last name.
- pierce
2004-03-31 10:39:00] - I think Jeopardy implemented the rule as a social experiment. it seems like with every other trivia show now, someone will accidentally answer in the form of a question. i've seen it on beat the geeks, ben stein, and I think a few other shows. i've even done it in trivial pursuit myself, inexplicably
- vinnie
2004-03-31 10:29:00] -
Travis: Yeah, there have been many times when Alex has taken a single, possibly ambiguous last name as an answer but has been picky about other things.
2004-03-31 10:24:00] - don't think so, and it's also silly how sometimes they allow just a last name to be correct and sometimes they require more (i can understand not accepting something like "who is smith?" but sometimes it seems very arbitrary)
- travis
2004-03-31 10:21:00] - Is there actually a non-gimmicky point to Jeopardy!'s adherence to the "phrase as a question" rule? Have they ever used it as anything other than a technicality to cancel peoples' answers even if they're correct?
- pierce
2004-03-31 10:14:00] -
Oh, and the "Why don't you make cartoon T-shirts that read 'Tie girls up and rape them'?" quote? Priceless.
2004-03-31 10:14:00] - I'm not a huge fan of people complaining about what should be free-speech issues (like the T-shirts), but I love a lot of the other work that Glenn Sacks does.
2004-03-31 10:08:00] - Mostly, I found it interesting that Virginia Tech was mentioned, but there are some other good facts here too IMHO.
2004-03-31 10:04:00] - Hehe i remember a controversy over a contestant who responded "Who framed Roger Rabbit?" instead of "What is who framed Roger Rabbit?"
- aaron
2004-03-31 10:00:00] - Somewhat unrelated, but I remember a Jeopardy question when as question was asked about what the other name for Leningrad was named after and they wouldn't take Peter, it had to be St. Peter.
2004-03-31 09:58:00] - Beer taster wins compensation over alcoholism
2004-03-31 09:54:00] - "who was the main character on Starsky and Hutch? was it a) Starsky b) Hutch c) Huggy Bear or d) Xpovos?"
- vinnie
2004-03-31 09:47:00] - But yeah, bad question.
- pierce
2004-03-31 09:47:00] - I'd say pig. Charlotte was a major character, but the movie (book?) wasn't about her, despite the name.
- pierce
2004-03-31 09:41:00] -
travis: That's a terrible question! I guess.... a pig? The pig gets more screen time anyway
- aaron
2004-03-31 09:38:00] - this has been a question on who wants to be a millionaire and was on the radio this morning: what animal is the main character in "charlotte's web"? a pig or a spider (the other choice are irrelevant because the debate is between Charlotte and Wilbur)
- travis
2004-03-30 17:05:00] -
Oh, yeah. So I've been there many times.
2004-03-30 17:04:00] -
Mel: My father's entire side of the family lives in Cincinnati (not the city, the suburbs). It's a real nice place, I think. But I know others disagree.
2004-03-30 16:55:00] -
Paul, have you been to Ohio? I haven't
- Mel
2004-03-30 16:54:00] -
Mel: Cleveland rocks!
2004-03-30 16:50:00] -
Paul: I thought you were all about Ohio That's not east Coast.
- Mel
2004-03-30 16:50:00] - ack! i didn't see the price. nevermind
- vinnie
2004-03-30 16:50:00] -
Mel: East Coast rules!
2004-03-30 16:47:00] - sounds interesting to me. i'd be willing to go
- vinnie
2004-03-30 16:43:00] - the lecture sounds interesting, I'd go if it were on the west coast.
- Mel
2004-03-30 16:42:00] - I also invented "Dig Dug". I didn't invent "Frogger", although I did come up with the name for it. - Shigeru Yagamoto
2004-03-30 16:26:00] -
Travis: Yeah, I'm impressed by the guests they got. Not terribly interested in going, though.
2004-03-30 16:23:00] - if that's anything like a lecture i went to at tech, they won't say much of anything, although those are higher caliber guests than tech had
- travis
2004-03-30 16:21:00] - anybody here interested in this?
- pierce
2004-03-30 14:36:00] -
bah, stupid browser.
- mig
2004-03-30 14:35:00] - The PS2 is going down in price in a few months i believe.
- mig
2004-03-30 14:35:00] - The PS2 is going down in price in a few months i believe.
- mig
2004-03-30 14:05:00] -
Xpovos: Clearly you've never met a woman before. I can actually think of quite a few women I know who I am pretty sure would find that offensive, even though (or perhaps because) I'm joking.
2004-03-30 13:25:00] -
Paul: I don't think anyone can read that as offensive because it's too off-the-wall and too unclear.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-30 13:24:00] -
aaron: Gamecube has been $99 for a while. X-box just got a reduction, but it's not that low yet. I think it's around $150.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-30 13:24:00] -
Aaron: The cost of a new X-Box has just been reduced to $149.99 I believe.
2004-03-30 13:24:00] -
Mel: Yeah, I amused myself for 15 minutes or so by checking out some maps and seeing where the candidates draw their support from.
2004-03-30 13:23:00] -
Xpovos: "Technically I like to consider it murdering female babies in the womb so that they don't have the chance to become abortionees later in life"
2004-03-30 13:18:00] -
xpovos: I don't know. I was surprised a PS2 still cost 179.77 when I bought it. Gamecubes and XBoxen are like $100 aren't they?
- aaron
2004-03-30 13:10:00] -
Erm, that was me.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-30 13:10:00] - Why is a new PS2 179.99 (reasonable, but too expensive for me to buy still) and a -used- 159.99. That's not even 10% off!
2004-03-30 13:00:00] -
Paul: wow, really cool site. I was amused by looking at the breakdown of republican/democrat contributions in the city of LA.
- Mel
2004-03-30 12:58:00] - Which comment?
-- Xpovos
2004-03-30 12:43:00] - I wonder how many people would find my comment about murder/abortion to be offensive...
2004-03-30 12:34:00] -
Xpovos: I was amused by doing a search on the last name of Kennedy and seeing all of the max $2k donations.
2004-03-30 12:30:00] -
Paul: Awesome site. Clearly an abuse of privacy and very useful for arguing the Libertarian position on campaign fiance reform. Also a lot of fun to see all the donations to G.W.Bush at the max $2k.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-30 11:29:00] - This can be fun to play around with for those who care.
2004-03-30 11:28:00] -
Vinnie: Technically I like to consider it murdering female babies in the womb so that they don't have the chance to become abortionees later in life.
2004-03-30 11:24:00] - correct me if I'm wrong, paul
- vinnie
2004-03-30 11:23:00] - aborting murderers in the womb rather than having to give them the death penalty later in life
- vinnie
2004-03-30 11:05:00] -
Xpovos: What's my position on the two then?
2004-03-30 10:36:00] - I think I lost track of the abortion/death penalty debate. Luckily I know you all well enough to actually tell what your beliefs are, even if the posts are unclear.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-30 10:35:00] - The team names lead me to believe this is a joke.
2004-03-30 10:22:00] -
Pierce: No idea, the article was very non-informative.
2004-03-30 10:17:00] - Is "The World Gay Football Championship" something that already exists, or something that they hope will exist as a result of the creation of this team?
- pierce
2004-03-30 10:11:00] - Is it just me, or does it seem like there would be a LOT of sexual harasment going on here? Also, would straight players be allowed to join?
2004-03-29 16:44:00] -
Pierce: Well then, I think you have your answer. Against the death penalty and for abortion.
2004-03-29 16:39:00] -
Paul: No, because then he'd lose two good ways to argue against a prominent liberal.
- pierce
2004-03-29 16:33:00] -
Pierce: I think he would be happiest if Kerry was for the death penalty but against abortion.
2004-03-29 16:32:00] -
Aaron: In 1904, the #1 leading cause of death was cattle.
2004-03-29 16:30:00] -
Paul: And the beef industry was created to save ourselves the trouble of dealing with cattle
- aaron
2004-03-29 16:29:00] - Kerry being consistent and
supporting both abortion and the death penalty (since he'd still be supporting abortion); Kerry being consistent and
opposing both abortion and the death penalty (since he'd still be opposing the death penalty), or Kerry being inconsistent (since it makes him easier to argue against)
- pierce
2004-03-29 16:28:00] -
Paul: ironically, I can't even really tell which Rush would want more:
- pierce
2004-03-29 16:11:00] - Although I could probably argue the other side, that the death penalty is used to save ourselves the trouble of dealing with criminals and abortion is used to save ourselves the trouble of dealing with babies.
2004-03-29 16:10:00] -
Pierce: I know, it was just confusing because it could be taken as mocking Kerry's statement OR it could be taken as mocking Rush.
2004-03-29 15:44:00] - Because strictly speaking, even if you consider abortion murder, it wouldn't be the death "penalty" because you're not penalizing them for anything. You're just killing them. So under those guidelines, you can oppose the death penalty but support abortion if you say that you're only opposed to murder if it's for the purposes of punishment.
- pierce
2004-03-29 15:42:00] -
Paul: if you're referring to the statement in the <sarcasm> tags, then that wasn't supposed to be reflective of
my position at all. I was playing that argument as if I had Limbaugh's beliefs on abortion but was defending Kerry.
- pierce
2004-03-29 15:34:00] -
Pierce: It's so hard to tell what position you're mocking and what position you hold from that statement.
2004-03-29 15:30:00] - You know, HTML tags are a very useful conversational structure. It's too bad that they're impossible to verbalize.
- pierce
2004-03-29 15:29:00] - <sarcasm>Hey, it's not inconsistent; he's only against killing people
as punishment. He doesn't mind killing people if they've done nothing wrong!</sarcasm>
- pierce
2004-03-29 15:18:00] - I hope limbaugh was being facetious when he said that - it really made me laugh out loud
- aaron
2004-03-29 15:17:00] - John Kerry claims he is a firm opponent of the death penalty, but he's not! He supports abortion
- Limbaugh
2004-03-29 12:56:00] -
Pierce: An incompatibility not related to being the wrong gender.
2004-03-29 12:51:00] -
Aaron: I agree. It's not like the problem finding a partner is related to there not being
enough potential partners within either polar sexual orientation. Bisexuality would just increase the number of people you can find an incompatibility with.
- pierce
2004-03-29 12:50:00] -
Meh... none of the numbers for salary or price are put in context of inflation since that time. The stuff about roads and phones are based on the fact that those were still new technologies. A hundred years is really just a long time. I'd be more interested in a comparison between 1804 and 1904.
- pierce
2004-03-29 12:33:00] - Differences between 1904 and 2004.
2004-03-29 12:31:00] -
Aaron: It doubles your chances of unrequited love.
2004-03-29 12:30:00] - Sega should release Super Monkey Ball on ColecoVision. It would double their sales
- aaron
2004-03-29 12:30:00] - PS2 to last until 2010?
2004-03-29 12:27:00] -
Hehe. Switching to bisexual doubles your chances of finding a partner? I think someone needs to brush up on their statistics
- aaron
2004-03-29 12:02:00] - I thought some of these situations were amusing.
2004-03-29 11:28:00] - This is what I feel like.
2004-03-29 11:14:00] -
Vinnie: Oh, ok, that makes more sense then.
2004-03-29 10:51:00] - he's saying the older one has more zombies in the mall, I think
- vinnie
2004-03-29 10:47:00] -
Travis: I thought only like two zombies started off in the mall in the new one.
2004-03-29 10:27:00] - i think rewatching the old version was more entertaining this time because i got to see how it was reworked in the new version. they did a pretty good job of keeping the movies basically the same, with some dramatic differences to separate them (such as fewer characters, and more zombies start off in the mall which makes more sense to me)
- travis
2004-03-29 10:25:00] - i remembered those, the problem was that was all i really remembered. the line about the zombies returning to the mall out of routine is almost exactly the same in both versions
- travis
2004-03-29 10:12:00] -
Travis: I figured you would've liked it, since it's supposed to have all these crazy metaphors for consumerism.
2004-03-29 10:11:00] -
yeah, can't always trust those reviews of old movies, look at citizen kane
- travis
2004-03-29 09:39:00] -
travis: yeah, i'd read nothing but good things about it, honestly. so many of the reviews for the new one said it was worse than the original and I liked the new one a lot (but then, reviewers almost always like the original more)
- vinnie
2004-03-29 09:24:00] - i have to take back all the negative things i said about the original dawn of the dead, i must've been ADD when i watched it in high school cause it's a good movie
- travis
2004-03-28 12:15:00] - dammit! I forgot to mock vinnie yesterday!
- pierce
2004-03-26 20:11:00] - they left out the critic on their cancelled shows list
- mig
2004-03-26 17:32:00] -
aww, you left before you could mark them.
- pierce
2004-03-26 17:18:00] -
haha, but I shall mock you before the weekend is through, mark my words!
- pierce
2004-03-26 17:17:00] -
ah. now I feel foolish. but i shall slip away into the weekend before anyone can mock me
- vinnie
2004-03-26 17:15:00] -
Vinnie: 10 Grand?
2004-03-26 17:14:00] - i'm still trying to puzzle out how 10G is ironically 10K
- vinnie
2004-03-26 17:13:00] -
Pierce: Or Minbari.
2004-03-26 17:09:00] -
Paul: or Klingon
- pierce
2004-03-26 17:08:00] -
Pierce: Or Russian.
2004-03-26 17:05:00] -
Paul: or base pi
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:59:00] -
Pierce: At least he didn't use hexadecimal
2004-03-26 16:55:00] -
xpovos: i have completely lost track of what you're talking about
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:55:00] -
Xpovos: is "ten million" or "10 million" or "10,000,000" so hard?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:54:00] - Pierce 10 M or 10 G which is ironically also 10 K.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 16:51:00] -
paul: precisely
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:51:00] - it was a way more popular show even if it came earlier. jetsons is unintentionally fucking hilarious though, in a way flintstones isn't
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:51:00] -
Vinnie: It was better than the vomit and bile that my parents fed me.
2004-03-26 16:50:00] -
Ugh, how much you wanna bet there's going to be a jetsons live-action movie in the works at some point in the near future?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:50:00] - My guess would be Flintstones.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:49:00] - Here's a question: which are kids more likely to know about these days, Flintstones or Jetsons?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:49:00] -
paul: what a traumatic childhood you must have had to enjoy the taste of flintstones vitamins. my condolences
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:49:00] -
Vinnie: that's just my guess, I don't really know why a poorly animated, not-very-funny show that's now 44 years old is still well known.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:47:00] -
Pierce: I remember liking the "aftertaste"
2004-03-26 16:47:00] -
pierce: i thought that was for adults who wanted to see a movie about characters they grew up with without feeling embarrassed. i figured the kids just sat in the theater bored to tears
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:46:00] -
Xpovos: don't make me do exponentiation just to figure out what the hell you're talking about.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:45:00] -
Xpovos: your scientific notation is an affront to god.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:44:00] -
vinnie: yes, I would assume they do because of all the crappy remakes and live-action movies and still-active merchandising.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:44:00] - They did have an odd after-taste... and I'm pretty sure it was 10x10^6 as well... but it might have been 1x10^4. Either seems about as likely.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 16:44:00] -
paulie: the idea of tasteable, chewable vitamins is just not a fundamentally solid one. vitamins should either be disguised by real food, or be tasteless.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:43:00] - for a long-since-cancelled show, the flintstones lived surprisingly long. i don't remember thinking it was an older show as a kid, so our generation kind of grew up with it as well. do kids nowadays know what it is?
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:42:00] - the aftertaste reminded me of the stuff they put on your teeth at the dentist. that's how (i realize there are many other reasons)
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:42:00] - I remember eating Flintstones vitamins. Betty was delicious.
2004-03-26 16:40:00] -
vinnie: but, but, they were in the shape of long-since-cancelled cartoon characters! how could it miss?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:40:00] - ten million? a little ambitious for a crappy vitamin
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:39:00] -
adrian: do as I command! I command it!
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:38:00] -
vinnie: it was "ten million strong, and growing"
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:38:00] - adrian should make an IRC wrapper for the message board. Like, write an IRC server that actively sends mboard posts, and transforms chat via IRC into signed posts.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:38:00] -
Pierce: Your loss.
2004-03-26 16:37:00] - i thought it was "where millions grow, and growing" but that makes little sense thinking about it
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:36:00] - just so you all know, because YOU ALL CARE.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:36:00] - it didn't really come across, but my "175 strong, and growing" comment was a reference to the old flintstones vitamins jingle.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:34:00] - futurama is ideal to borrow though, because I've already seen most of the episodes and I don't know which ones I haven't
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:34:00] - without knowing exactly what you have, I'll say no. netflix makes things you have quite easy to see anyway, even if I don't see you too often
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:34:00] -
Paul: interested enough that I would watch it, uninterested enough that I'll have to run out of other things first (and remember, my netflix queue is 175 strong, and grooowing).
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:33:00] -
haha, finish watching it first. I can borrow it some other time. i didn't realize you just got it
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:32:00] -
Pierce: Are you interested in ever watching B5? You might enjoy it if you ever run out of things to watch.
2004-03-26 16:32:00] - But what I was more specifically asking was whether you wanted any others of my movies or series.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:32:00] - I can bring it if people want to watch it there, but I'm still watching it for myself and not lending it at the moment.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:31:00] - Can't I have it for a little while before you mooch it?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:31:00] - - pierce
2004-03-26 16:31:00] -
Vinnie: dammit, I just got S3 like five days ago!
2004-03-26 16:28:00] - re: futurama, of course
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:28:00] -
oh, there's a S3? d'oh. bring that too please, if you have it
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:28:00] -
vinnie: O.K! I'll just buy a PS2 then.
- aaron
2004-03-26 16:26:00] - and I've got Alias for Travis, and 28 days later.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:26:00] - I agree with Vinnie, Fox always seems to come out with the best shows but then proceeds to either move them around every other week or cancel them for being too expensive. WB is in danger of starting to do that too, what with Buffy and Angel.
2004-03-26 16:26:00] -
vinnie: did I have all the dvds I'm supposed to bring tomorrow correct? You just wanted Futurama S1/2?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:21:00] -
aaron: you still there? don't buy amplitude! i'll sell you my copy
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:21:00] - Including the honorable mentions: Fox 8, Abc 4, Nbc 3, FX 1, HBO 1. Interesting how skewed the four major networks are (hbo not being a major network, and not included because it's so significantly different in format from the others)
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:19:00] - twin peaks was abc, I believe
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:18:00] - :-0 I guess you missed all my raves about nip/tuck last summer. excellent show
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:17:00] - what network was twin peaks on?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:16:00] -
Vinnie: lucky, shield, and ____?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:16:00] -
yeah, the shfiting thing was in reference to fox
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:16:00] -
yeah, i definitely don't blame hbo for mr. show or fx for lucky (that got a mention too). both networks have taken enough other risks that I think have paid off. personally I think FX is three for three right now on original shows
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:15:00] -
vinnie: you still talking about fox?
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:15:00] - hbo really just wasn't a "show" network until SatC and Sopranos, to be perfectly honest.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:14:00] - they shift things around more than anyone else, which is such an annoyance, because I generally like their shows best
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:14:00] - I think the problem is that Fox takes risks but doesn't know how to stay with a risky show for the long haul; abc and nbc are too entrenched with their more formulaic shows, and hbo made a mistake back in the day before "the sopranos" and "sex and the city" were even sparkles in someone's eye.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:13:00] - FOX is the worst. there are more shows than that they mishandle thanks to their haphazard programming. i missed a "special wednesday episode" of arrested development and the next one didn't make much sense
- vinnie
2004-03-26 16:06:00] - It's interesting where the blame lay; fox had 5/11 entries on the list, nbc had 3/11, abc had 2/11, and hbo had 1/11. I'd say cbs is obviously the superior network, but I think the reality is that they just don't get good shows in the first place.
- pierce
2004-03-26 16:01:00] -
no, I think it changed in tone as well because I didn't think it was nearly as good as the cartoon. or else, my tastes changed
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:58:00] -
Pierce: Live action can make a cartoon better. Just look at the He-Man movie.
2004-03-26 15:57:00] -
vinnie: wrt the live-action tick, I think the reason I was uninterested is that there was no
reason for it to be live-action. The cartoon format served its purposes just fine, so it didn't seem like there was anything to be gained by watching the live-action version.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:53:00] -
Vinnie: I loved the cartoon, and I wonder when it's coming out on DVD...
2004-03-26 15:52:00] - the live-action tick was kind of lame. silly and quirky but not in a funny way. I even liked the cartoon too, so I'm not sure what changed
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:50:00] -
ha, I just realized that too when I went to see the source code
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:50:00] - The Tick, Firefly and Freaks and Geeks intrigue me the most out of all those series, and I own Firefly but I just haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
2004-03-26 15:49:00] -
vinnie: heh, I think the error you're getting is related to the incorrect code I gave adrian so long ago.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:47:00] -
Vinnie: I agree, I think maybe the list was unordered. Mr. Show is great, but too much of it is abstract to a fault.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:44:00] - on line 7
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:43:00] -
a: i keep forgetting to mention this, but every time your page loads, I get a "object doesn't support this property or method" error. probably has to do with my browser here being out-of-date. i tried debugging but it didn't work for some reason
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:40:00] -
a: I know this is a very stale conversation, but I think I misspoke when I originally told you how to automatically focus on the message board text field. It should be "document.forms[0].post.focus();".
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:38:00] - well then, mr. show definitely shouldn't be at the top.
I like the show, but it can't hold a candle to some of the other shows on there. and it certainly didn't deserve a fifth season more than freaks and geeks deserved a second or my so-called life a full first
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:37:00] - My netflix queue has contained four of those series (one seen, three pending), and I'm borrowing one from vinnie.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:36:00] - maybe angel wasn't mentioned because it hasn't stopped yet. i know there was at least rumors of it moving to UPN a la Buffy, unlikely as they might be at this point
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:35:00] -
Vinnie: I think the list ranked in order of how good the show that got canceled was, not necessarily how much it fought with the network.
2004-03-26 15:34:00] - when the hell is newsradio going to get DVD release? It pisses me off that they originally scheduled it for february, and now it's undefined.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:34:00] -
yeah, I was a bit surprised to see mr. show topping the list. I had never heard about that show really fighting with the network it was on, apart from an unfair move from friday nights to monday nights. firefly on the other hand...
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:34:00] - There were a couple shows on that list that sounded intriguing that I might want to see. I'm embarassed to say that I hadn't seen most of them.
2004-03-26 15:33:00] - andy richter on the mention list! i completely forgot about that terribly funny show, and it's only like two years old
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:33:00] - In other words, Firefly should've been at the top of the list.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:32:00] -
Also, I think the rankings should've reflected whether, and to what extent, the shows were mishandled by their respective networks.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:32:00] - Futurama should've been on there, too.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:31:00] - good list. the tick is the only one on there that I outright felt deserved cancellation, maybe post-hartman newsradio too
- vinnie
2004-03-26 15:31:00] - Weird that he mentioned Angel at the beginning of the article, but it's not on the list.
- pierce
2004-03-26 15:17:00] - Top 10 cancelled TV shows.
2004-03-26 14:51:00] - "Al-Mutawah ended the show with a detailed explanation of wife-beating and how to deal with Western criticism of such activity."
2004-03-26 14:43:00] - Very civilized. Not like those evil third world immigrants.
2004-03-26 14:38:00] -
Paul: I don't know where people get the idea that hockey is violent... I mean, they're always courteous and hand the eyes back afterwards.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 14:38:00] -
Xpovos: So it's not as violent as hockey?
2004-03-26 14:32:00] - Or talkin' wise about other players' mamas.
- pierce
2004-03-26 14:28:00] -
Paul: having played many a game of street ball, I can assure you it's not "anything goes"... Merely anything but broken bones and gouged eyes.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 14:27:00] -
Vinnie: I think that's what is called street ball. Anything goes.
2004-03-26 14:27:00] -
Xpovos: No problem, it was mainly for Pierce's benefit.
2004-03-26 14:26:00] - Though also decidely NSFW the story of Er and Onan illustrated is quite hillarious as well.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 14:22:00] -
yeah, how do people play basketball in real life without a ref? I'd be willing to try anyway
- vinnie
2004-03-26 14:20:00] -
Hrmm, hadn't thought of that. Sorry.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 14:19:00] -
Xpovos: Debatably not safe for work, FYI.
2004-03-26 14:15:00] -
Paul: Get a completely arbitrary referee, shouldn't be too hard out of this group.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 14:14:00] - Bring on the Pain
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 14:14:00] -
Vinnie: The problem, I think, would be finding a set of rules that we could all live by AND find an enforcer to enforce them. We already have enough disagreement regarding fouls on TV. Can you imagine what it would be like if we were playing?
2004-03-26 14:09:00] - I think basketball would work because we're all probably awful at it. lord knows I can't shoot the ball for my life. but maybe it would still be fun
- vinnie
2004-03-26 13:56:00] -
a: Neato!
- aaron
2004-03-26 13:55:00] - Every time I've played basketball, I've been more of a Doug Christie than anything else (not saying I'm a good defender, just that it's light years better than my shooting ability).
2004-03-26 13:53:00] -
Meh, don't mind me complaining about basketball. It's instinctual at this point. Assuming I could get together with you guys, I could play it. Just don't expect me to get any points, rebounds, or blocks. I might manage a few steals, assists and fouls, though.
2004-03-26 13:52:00] -
a: I agree with paul... I think the key should be whether it's equipment
you have to bring. For basketball, that just means a ball. For baseball (as an example), it's bats, gloves, balls, helmets, etc.
- pierce
2004-03-26 13:50:00] -
aaron: ~a
2004-03-26 13:47:00] -
a: Not nearly as much equipment as, like, football. A lot of it is also commonly available.
2004-03-26 13:46:00] - basketball has tons of equipment. most sports require far less equipment.
2004-03-26 13:40:00] -
Xpovos: Because I think basketball is one of the few sports you can play with a few people and not much equipment.
2004-03-26 13:35:00] - i'm sure we could find six people.
2004-03-26 13:33:00] - ultimate frisbee would be fine with me if we had the 6 people necessary for it
- vinnie
2004-03-26 13:33:00] - basketball was just what came to mind. but a lot of the other good sports aren't as fun to play as a group imo, like football and baseball
- vinnie
2004-03-26 13:31:00] - so are we doing something tonight or is it tomorrow?
- vinnie
2004-03-26 13:29:00] -
Why, oh why, of all the fun sports available for a group to play are you guys fixating on basketball? Wah. Not that my voice in this matters as I can't join you for months anyway, but-- still. Oh well.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-26 12:52:00] -
Travis: Was I left out of the loop?
2004-03-26 12:48:00] - now everyone else is jealous because they are left out of the loop, mwahaha
- travis
2004-03-26 12:47:00] -
a: and i replied
- travis
2004-03-26 12:29:00] -
travis: i sent you an email.
2004-03-26 12:22:00] - i like how mexico's version started and evolved
- travis
2004-03-26 12:17:00] -
Travis: Well, you should look around for some community center or something because I'm sure there has to be one somewhere nearby.
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