here are old message board entries
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2004-05-18 15:18:00] - Assuming you're not incompetant and shoot yourself in the foot (literally) or try throwing the gun at the intruder, then I think it would always be safer (for you, not necessarily the burglar) to have a gun.
2004-05-18 15:17:00] - because the fact that you have a gun is more likely to make you do something stupid. from what I gather, that's travis' argument
- vinnie
2004-05-18 15:15:00] -
Travis: I'm not sure how it's NOT safer to have a gun with you when somebody breaks into your house.
2004-05-18 15:11:00] - i guess it's basically what vinnie said. i don't see how keeping a gun in your house prevents people from breaking in and once they're in i don't think it's too safe to try and be a hero by pointing a gun at them
- travis
2004-05-18 15:11:00] - use #13: substitute for laser pointer (at least until laser rifles are more prominent)
- vinnie
2004-05-18 15:09:00] - he's acknowledging it might result in more crime, but that safety would be better
- vinnie
2004-05-18 15:08:00] -
paul: I think he's talking about safety, not crime
- vinnie
2004-05-18 15:07:00] - use #12: or very big gun-shaped cookies
- vinnie
2004-05-18 15:06:00] -
Travis: That would still be the same number of crimes, though, wouldn't it?
2004-05-18 15:04:00] - use #11: Cookie cutter for very small cookies
- aaron
2004-05-18 15:03:00] -
paul: i've been working off your desire to argue dave's guess that letting the robber take stuff is safer than confronting them
- travis
2004-05-18 14:58:00] -
Vinnie: You do if you want to be able to get it in your ear.
2004-05-18 14:58:00] -
cf. i already buy bullets for that purpose, and I don't own a gun
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:57:00] -
ah. but you don't need the gun for that
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:56:00] -
Vinnie: I was thinking of using the bullet.
2004-05-18 14:56:00] -
Travis: Sorry, I'm not sure how me owning a gun would cause crime to decrease less fast then.
2004-05-18 14:56:00] - and you'd need an awfully thin barrel to make a q-tip
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:56:00] -
Pierce: I didn't know we were avoiding it's use as a weapon. That's the main reason I would buy one after all.
2004-05-18 14:55:00] -
pierce: that's use #1!
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:54:00] -
Paul: i didn't claim guns cause crime (the stat i posted has rates falling in both categories)
- travis
2004-05-18 14:54:00] -
paul: I think owning a gun would be fun - tho I think I would be scared (perhaps irrationally) of someone in my potential family being harmed by it
2004-05-18 14:54:00] - oh wait, we're avoiding that one...
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:53:00] - use #11: weapon
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:53:00] - use #10: Q-tip
2004-05-18 14:52:00] - use #9: impromptu one-gun salute at funerals
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:51:00] - use #8: new year's noisemaker
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:50:00] - Either way, I'm not sure how me buying a gun is going to increase crime in my area unless I use said gun to commit a crime.
2004-05-18 14:47:00] - It's like the "women make 75 cents for each dollar a man makes" stat that has been disproven a LOT whereas the "women make 98% of what men make" stat hasn't been yet.
2004-05-18 14:46:00] -
Travis: I know you think that politics is all about making up stats that support your side but I do encourage you to do some research into the topic. Almost always, there is one widely circulated stat which has been widely disproven and another which hasn't been.
2004-05-18 14:45:00] - "Additionally, the robbery rate also fell faster in states with strict carry laws. Our analysis found that between 1992 and 1998, the robbery rate in strict and no issue states fell 44% while the robbery rate for the states that liberalized carry laws prior to 1992 dropped 24%. Nationally, the robbery rate fell 37%."
2004-05-18 14:45:00] - although those were studies done that i've heard of were in england and australia, me thinks.
- mig
2004-05-18 14:45:00] - paul+mig: problem is you guys are gonna ferret out the stats that support less gun control and liberals are gonna ferret out the exact opposite
- travis
2004-05-18 14:44:00] -
Travis: You sure it wasn't the opposite? Because nearly every study has found that less strict gun control laws means less crime.
2004-05-18 14:44:00] -
well, to be more specific, it was talking about "carry laws" not just control in general
- travis
2004-05-18 14:44:00] -
travis: funny i've heard of studies that show the complete opposite.
- mig
2004-05-18 14:43:00] -
mig: Yeah, I've heard that statistic from a lot of sources, Elder included.
2004-05-18 14:43:00] -
mig: i just read a page that said crime rates fell more in states/areas that had stricter gun control laws than in areas that had less strict laws
- travis
2004-05-18 14:43:00] - use #7: high-speed bottle opener
- aaron
2004-05-18 14:41:00] -
paul: wasn't there some study or statstics compiled that privately owned guns actually prevented x amount of crimes each year? think larry elder quoted it but don't remember from where.
- mig
2004-05-18 14:38:00] -
paul: very true, it costs more. Although you have to practice a lot with a handgun I'm told, and ammunition is expensive
2004-05-18 14:38:00] - use #6: you can trade them for toys!
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:36:00] -
Mel: Enjoy your mid-afternoon snack.
2004-05-18 14:35:00] -
Dave: Auto insurance also costs like 1000x more over the course of your life AND it won't save your life, only save you money.
2004-05-18 14:35:00] - gotta go to lunch, see you guys in an hour.
2004-05-18 14:34:00] -
paul: yes would be useful in those cases. But a car crash is probably 1000x more likely to happen than having someone out to murder you. Unless there's something you've been meaning to tell us?
2004-05-18 14:34:00] -
paul: former military is ok. My sister is in the Marine Corps. enlisted.
2004-05-18 14:33:00] -
Dave: Ok, then think of the times when people are out to murder or injure you.
2004-05-18 14:32:00] -
Mel: Must've been horrible for you.
2004-05-18 14:32:00] -
paul: right, but stuff = just money, like getting into a car crash without insurance would just equal money
2004-05-18 14:32:00] -
Dave: I would definitely challenge the validity of that statistic. Besides, you still lose your stuff without the gun.
2004-05-18 14:31:00] -
paul: well... he was a bit crazy. former military. most likely right wing.
2004-05-18 14:30:00] -
paul: statistically, it's probably safer to let the burglars or whatnot take whatever they want and just hide rather than confronting them with a gun
2004-05-18 14:29:00] -
Mel: Was he a crazy, right-wing nut?
2004-05-18 14:29:00] - #5: looking like a more realistic cowboy for a play
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:28:00] -
Dave: Insurance is a helluva lot more expensive than a gun. And a gun could help save your life whereas often insurance won't even do that.
2004-05-18 14:28:00] -
dave: oooh. good point.
2004-05-18 14:27:00] -
paul: quite amusing since you're the one who thinks it would be better for you not to have any insurance
2004-05-18 14:27:00] -
paul: yes, I think so. We talked to him a lot. Actually that whole job was really interesting. You learn a lot about people when they let you into their home to fix things.
2004-05-18 14:26:00] -
dave: yes! definitely. that's #4
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:26:00] - Re: Guns. Think of it like a smoke detector. It sounds crazy to have one since 99.9% of the time it's probably useless, but I would sure like to have one for that 0.1%
2004-05-18 14:26:00] -
vinnie: it will be if you keep on asking questions like that ^_^
2004-05-18 14:26:00] - was the unregistered gun a murder weapon? (only half-joking)
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:25:00] -
vinnie: how about killing groundhogs?
2004-05-18 14:25:00] - "The important thing to remember when using the new Smith & Wesson nutcracker, is to always leave the safety on."
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:25:00] -
mel: He was probabaly lonely.
2004-05-18 14:25:00] - maybe guns are more useful than I thought
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:24:00] - use #3: opening nutshells
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:24:00] -
dave: I let my brother keep it.
2004-05-18 14:24:00] -
pierce: haha!
2004-05-18 14:24:00] -
paul: it was an honest home remodeling business.
really... . This guy was just crazy. It was hard to paint his house because he talked to us so much.
2004-05-18 14:23:00] -
pierce: hehe yeah. everyone at the seminar was like, we'll be sure to answer his questions nicely
2004-05-18 14:23:00] -
paul: lotsa people move as far away from their family as possible, not that that was mel's intention
2004-05-18 14:23:00] -
Dave: it's not important what she did with it. Just don't piss her off.
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:23:00] -
paul: good question. I can't say there is really a simple answer.
2004-05-18 14:22:00] -
Mel: And what kind of seedy home remodeling business were you and your brother working in?
2004-05-18 14:22:00] -
mel: HEHE, what did you do with the handgun? pawn it?
2004-05-18 14:22:00] -
Mel: Then why are you working in California?
2004-05-18 14:22:00] - they can be collector's items as well. I have a relative who lives in another country who collects firearms. He's got everything from handguns to Uzis to M16s
2004-05-18 14:22:00] - It's not so much coming up with reasons to own a gun because people who own a gun really hope to never have to use it. It's kinda like insurance that way.
2004-05-18 14:21:00] -
paul: my whole family is in virginia.
2004-05-18 14:21:00] -
pierce: haha. oh, my brother and I used to work in home remodeling. We painted this guy's house and not only did he pay us several thousand dollars in only $1 bills, but he "tipped" us by giving us an unregistered handgun.
2004-05-18 14:20:00] -
Pierce: Now you're thinking.
2004-05-18 14:20:00] -
paul: cheaper than an alligator for sure, but a harpoon?
2004-05-18 14:20:00] - I went shooting a few times when I lived in Texas. Shot some pistols and shotguns at skree. It was interesting, but I doubt I'd buy a gun for real.
2004-05-18 14:19:00] -
Mel: Why?
2004-05-18 14:19:00] -
Dave: it could still be used to scare off potential bfs or gfs for himself. And actually, that would aid him in his plan to not get married or have kids.
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:19:00] -
mel: at least I think they can, never looked it up actually
2004-05-18 14:19:00] -
Pierce: A gun is cheaper.
2004-05-18 14:19:00] -
mel: yeah, you need a concealed handgun permit - tho any citizen can get one of those as well
2004-05-18 14:18:00] - it would be useful in scaring off potential bf's or gf's for you children. But on second thought, paul isn't planning on getting married or having kids ^_^
2004-05-18 14:18:00] -
paul: well I come to virginia as often as I can, actually.
2004-05-18 14:18:00] -
dave: so it wasn't concealed right? you need a special permit for that, right?
2004-05-18 14:17:00] -
Paul: couldn't you just get a harpoon or an alligator, instead?
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:17:00] -
Mel: Of course you being in California, I don't think you have to worry about hanging out with us in person.
2004-05-18 14:17:00] -
vinnie: hehe yeah. I went to this seminar a week ago, and this tech grad student had a pistol with him. Like everyone at the place asked me if I knew him and whether I knew why he carried a pistol around
2004-05-18 14:16:00] -
Mig: yeah, but the joke is from simpsons, and refers to the fact that the right to bear arms was established in response to the tyranny of King George. (I'll leave the King George W. references to the readers' imaginations).
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:15:00] -
actually, I guess a gun is a point of conversation too. so, two uses
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:15:00] - Holding up liquor stores.
2004-05-18 14:15:00] -
Mel: and if you're hanging out with us in person, it also helps to know Kids in the Hall and Aqua Teen Hunger Force references.
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:15:00] - well more accurately, paul should be more worried about the queen of england, since i don't think there's actually a king right now.
- mig
2004-05-18 14:15:00] -
paul: you're thinking of a knife
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:15:00] -
vinnie: I am increasingly starting to realize that. Like I missed that that prom dress reference from the critic the other day by miguel.
2004-05-18 14:14:00] -
Paul: like what, turning on the TV?
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:14:00] -
paul: like what though??
2004-05-18 14:14:00] -
mel: yeah, if you're on this board, really you should a rudimentary basis in simpsons, critic, family guy, futurama and probably some other stuff
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:14:00] -
Pierce: A gun is useful in a whole bunch of situations beyond just scaring away burglars.
2004-05-18 14:13:00] -
damn, I need to watch more simpsons.
2004-05-18 14:12:00] -
vinnie: are you concerned about the king of england?
2004-05-18 14:12:00] - Of course, a King SHOULD be able to get a fairly attractive woman, you would think.
2004-05-18 14:12:00] -
haha, simpsons ref AND topical
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:12:00] -
Vinnie: dammit!
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:12:00] -
Paul: oh, is it that you don't want the King of England busting in and messing up the place?
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:12:00] -
vinnie: wow! that's a pretty good picture!
2004-05-18 14:12:00] - the king of england
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:11:00] - what else are you concerned about?
2004-05-18 14:11:00] -
Pierce: If I was solely concerned about securing my house from burglars, then you might be right.
2004-05-18 14:11:00] -
Paul: isn't that the plot of "Coming To America"?
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:10:00] -
travis: yes, the fact that she's a queen sets my initial expectations to be low.
2004-05-18 14:10:00] - But you can find apartments and stuff for rent that have security systems.
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:10:00] -
Travis: Yeah, now that I think about it, I do recall it being a story when the King married her since she lived in America and was young and beautiful. So I guess it is kinda old news.
2004-05-18 14:10:00] -
pierce: yes, i think you're right. ok.
2004-05-18 14:10:00] -
Mig: Yeah, I'm just curious though. It seems like a more formal security system would be more effective (if more expensive).
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:09:00] - No special reason other than the normal ones.
2004-05-18 14:09:00] -
paul: you can probably afford a bigger place than a gun to live in
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:09:00] -
Mel: I think Paul's dodging the question. Hence the winky face.
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:08:00] -
Paul: that's mainly what surprised me, the queen of jordan is not what i think of when i think of a queen so her looks automatically get upgraded
- travis
2004-05-18 14:08:00] -
pierce: probably for piece of mind? why does one get any sort of security system?
- mig
2004-05-18 14:08:00] -
Vinnie: That was kinda my point, though. That I usually think of old women when I think of Queens. Therefore I don't usually associate Queens with hotness.
2004-05-18 14:07:00] -
mel: there. happy? - vinnie
2004-05-18 14:07:00] -
no, a gun
2004-05-18 14:07:00] -
Pierce: Because I need a place to live in.
2004-05-18 14:06:00] -
sorry, the queen of england has been old for a while. I think she'd even admit she's a bit past her prime
- vinnie
2004-05-18 14:06:00] -
Paul: but why are you getting one at all?
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:05:00] -
vinnie: awww, that was mean!! I was expecting a better picture.
2004-05-18 14:05:00] - doesn't take much to be hot for a queen - vinnie
2004-05-18 14:03:00] - I'm not planning on getting one now, but I plan on getting one when I buy my house.
2004-05-18 14:03:00] - haha! No, not quite It's hard to beat Natalie Portman.
2004-05-18 14:03:00] -
Mel: Not quite up to Queen Amidala standard though.
2004-05-18 14:03:00] - self defense??
2004-05-18 14:02:00] -
paul: yeah, I was wondering that too.
2004-05-18 14:02:00] -
Paul: why are you getting a gun?
- pierce
2004-05-18 14:00:00] -
paul: haha. yes, I agree. I vote that she's hot for a queen.
2004-05-18 14:00:00] - I guess for a queen, she's pretty hot though.
2004-05-18 13:58:00] -
Dave: Huh, ok, nevermind. Guess I don't know what I'm talking about.
2004-05-18 13:57:00] -
Ok, I guess it was just the pictures I saw then. She looks a lot better there. Still, I would call her attractive, not hot.
2004-05-18 13:57:00] -
paul: actually no. They are less penetrating, but cause more dmg inside a person apparently.
2004-05-18 13:56:00] - is that the right, Queen? anyway that photo makes her look pretty good.
2004-05-18 13:55:00] - "This is a considerable factor in defensive ammunition; a hollowpoint is considered to have a higher "stopping power" than a common round-nose bullet of equal caliber and velocity."
2004-05-18 13:55:00] - "Hollowpoint bullets are generally more blunt than round-nose bullets, and have a hole or "hollow" scooped out of the tip, as seen at right. A hollowpoint bullet is designed to expand or "mushroom" rapidly on impact with a solid object. This means it will penetrate less, but will transfer more energy to a solid target."
2004-05-18 13:54:00] -
paul: what about this photo of The Queen of Jordan? -mel
2004-05-18 13:53:00] -
Dave: Oh, I know why. It's because they are armor piercing to an extent, isn't that it?
2004-05-18 13:53:00] -
paul: hmm, I guess I take it back, looks like hollowpoints may be legal. that webpage I posted says .357 JHP (jacketed hollowpoint) is best (Shrug)
2004-05-18 13:49:00] -
paul: the military uses hollowpoint bullets btw
2004-05-18 13:49:00] -
paul: not positive, but I think because they are too dangerous, which is rather amusing considering. I suppose you could say it's kinda the same reason automatic weapons are illegal (shrug)
2004-05-18 13:48:00] - Maybe it's the pictures I found, but she seems a bit old to be considered hot.
2004-05-18 13:46:00] -
Dave: Why are they illegal?
2004-05-18 13:45:00] -
Travis: The Queen of Jordan being the actual monarch of the country called Jordan? Because I've never heard of her (unless she is that american that married the King of some Middle Eastern country)
2004-05-18 13:44:00] - i just saw her in the time 100 people list in the office kitchen, and i bet paul hates her for all her work advancing women
- travis
2004-05-18 13:44:00] -
paul: an interesting site that seems to have good info: -dave
2004-05-18 13:44:00] -
paul: the bullet you want really are hollowpoints, but those are illegal for private use.
2004-05-18 13:43:00] - i'm probably really late to the party, but the queen of jordan is hot
- travis
2004-05-18 13:43:00] - but the events happened in real time, though
- travis
2004-05-18 13:42:00] -
Travis: Are you implying that Kite wasn't a documentary?
2004-05-18 13:40:00] -
Paul: and if the real world taught you anything, it's that "exploding bullets" doesn't mean the bullets from kite that act like bombs
- travis
2004-05-18 13:32:00] -
Vinnie: If Kite taught me anything, it's that explosive bullets are 10 times better than normal ones.
2004-05-18 13:31:00] -
paul: For fightning off nature's modern super-animals, like the flying squirrel and the electric eel
- aaron
2004-05-18 13:30:00] -
paul: you *need* those
- vinnie
2004-05-18 13:28:00] -
Dave: Ooohhhh, explosive bullets.
2004-05-18 13:28:00] -
Dave: Basically I was just looking for somebody who could answer my gun questions and suggest a couple to me based on my needs.
2004-05-18 13:28:00] - magnum - Of or relating to a cartridge containing a larger explosive charge than other cartridges of the same size.
2004-05-18 13:22:00] -
Travis: "Nekkid and near-nekkid women and guns from Hollywood and beyond… with a lot of bad gun-handling." From the website you posted.
2004-05-18 13:19:00] -
Travis: That's the one I've been using (W&M email). You think it might be worthwhile to find an indoor place just in case?
2004-05-18 13:18:00] -
Travis: That website looks like it is more concerned with correcting the media than doing gun reviews.
2004-05-18 13:18:00] - it's getting close to summer, you pretty much have a chance of rain every afternoon/evening
- travis
2004-05-18 13:18:00] - does tim still use the same w&m email address?
- travis
2004-05-18 13:17:00] - It's also annoying to see scattered/isolated T-storms predicted for an entire week.
2004-05-18 13:16:00] -
Travis: Did you get my email? It sounds like we might have 8 people coming this Friday.
2004-05-18 13:15:00] - a google result for gun research
- travis
2004-05-18 13:15:00] -
Travis: Seems wrong to put a scope on a gun like that.
2004-05-18 13:15:00] - but it's also just a brand, i think - travis
2004-05-18 13:15:00] -
Travis: Let's see you rebound when I tell you to put your hands in the air! Wait a sec..
2004-05-18 13:14:00] - there's what most people think of when they say "magnum"
- travis
2004-05-18 13:12:00] -
pierce: we should be on different teams so we can fight for position under the basket, aaron was too easy to move out of the way
- travis
2004-05-18 13:11:00] -
aaron: jeez, how stupid can you be?
2004-05-18 13:11:00] -
paul: wait wait, dave said you need to toughen up but getting a gun is kinda overkill
- travis
2004-05-18 13:10:00] - tee hee!
- aaron
2004-05-18 13:10:00] -
paul: I'm not positive, but I believe it is a different bullet technology
2004-05-18 13:10:00] -
paul: no clue about a good website unfortunately
2004-05-18 13:10:00] -
Dave: What makes the magnums more powerful?
2004-05-18 13:09:00] -
paul: interestingly enough, I'm not positive where the 9mm falls
2004-05-18 13:08:00] -
paul: caliber for handguns ranges from the extremely small .22 to the more normal .38 and .45 to the powerful .357 and .44 magnums
2004-05-18 13:07:00] -
Dave: Do you know any websites that do reviews and stuff for beginners kinda like a TomsHardware dealie?
2004-05-18 13:07:00] -
paul: and I think price starts at around a few hundred to over a thousand in general for handguns
2004-05-18 13:05:00] -
paul: stopping power has to do with just how much power you need. The more power you have the more recoil and potentially the harder to aim. Capacity / magazine size ranges from like 6 to slightly above 13 I believe for handguns
2004-05-18 13:04:00] -
paul: well it all just depends. Some have more of a reputation of being reliable and some unreliable. I believe this varies from gun to gun and not just by brand. Ease of use like I said is a personal thing, what weight you like, recoil, etc.
2004-05-18 13:03:00] -
paul: I think the best way would be to see if you could try out a bunch at a shooting range. I believe that many people have different preferences on how they like the gun to feel etc
2004-05-18 13:02:00] -
Dave: Now the big question is do you know what are good values for each of those?
2004-05-18 13:01:00] -
paul: hmmm, I'm not an expert, but I would say reliability, ease of use (weight, etc), stopping power (caliber etc), and magazine capacity would be the things to look / decide on.
2004-05-18 12:58:00] -
mig: Yeah, I'm lucky that my company had a good policy with 401(k) benefits. I've been in it for awhile and they match a pretty decent percentage and it's vested immediately.
2004-05-18 12:57:00] -
Dave: Like what things to look for in a good gun and what brands to avoid, etc.
2004-05-18 12:57:00] -
mig: do it!
- aaron
2004-05-18 12:55:00] - wow i just realized i'm now eligble for 401k benefits.
- mig
2004-05-18 12:55:00] -
paul: only random stuff. what about them?
2004-05-18 12:52:00] -
Dave: I don't suppose you know anything about guns, do you?
2004-05-18 12:48:00] -
paul: yeah, just put it in mutual funds and have done with it, hehe
2004-05-18 12:47:00] -
Dave: After nearly a year of watching my investments go up and down with no reason that I can decipher, I'm tempted to just pull it out and leave it to the "experts".
2004-05-18 12:43:00] -
paul: yeah I agree, they have to go up sometime. I don't get much of the fickleness of the market
2004-05-18 12:38:00] -
Dave:They can't keep interest rates low forever though. And I can see how you are too physical in sports, you're a competitor.
2004-05-18 12:36:00] -
paul: most amusing. people accuse me of being too physical a lot of times in sports
2004-05-18 12:36:00] -
paul: the rationale given was that investors welcomed it because it might prompt the Fed to keep the interest rates low longer
2004-05-18 12:35:00] -
Dave: It's possible that I'm the least physical player in the group.
2004-05-18 12:35:00] -
Dave: The stock market is a very backwards thing. Although it's nice to hear that the housing market is cooling. Maybe that means housing prices will go down a bit here.
2004-05-18 12:33:00] -
pierce: I think you should charge even harder at paul. He needs to toughen up, HEHE
2004-05-18 12:33:00] -
Dave: Initially, I think the divorce rate for gay couples would be lower, but I imagine it would eventually even out to be about the same.
2004-05-18 12:33:00] - "Stocks rebounded Tuesday after lower-than-expected housing figures indicated the economy might be cooling, leading at least some buyers back into the market. " this just seems backwards somehow
2004-05-18 12:33:00] -
Pierce: I wouldn't necessarily say ease up on the charge because to be honest, we're all a bunch of pansies in terms of how physical we play so it might be nice to have some more physical players.
2004-05-18 12:31:00] - Is that about right?
- pierce
2004-05-18 12:31:00] - I wonder, do you think there would be a difference in divorce rates among gay couples as opposed to hetero couples?
2004-05-18 12:31:00] - So mental notes: ease up on the charge, and underestimate the basket height (or better yet,
correctly estimate the basket height).
- pierce
2004-05-18 12:30:00] -
paul: maybe you should this time, just so you can get the complete experience, HEHE
2004-05-18 12:22:00] -
Pierce: I didn't hate having you around, but I also didn't have to take your charge or chase after each shot over the backboard.
2004-05-18 12:19:00] -
Paul: if you guys didn't completely hate having me around, then sure. I'll try to keep better control of my motor functions this time, though. Oh, and I'll also try to have more endurance than a tissue. And I'll bring my own water.
- pierce
2004-05-18 12:11:00] - I guess because they are a minority first and wealthy second.
2004-05-18 12:08:00] - why do Jews support Dems in general? It seems like they fall into the republican support-base of the wealthy
2004-05-18 12:05:00] - I also wonder whether you would have to memorize your number too - like sometimes your credit card won't swipe well and they have to punch it in. What happens if your chip gets damaged, you can't buy anything until you get it fixed?
2004-05-18 11:31:00] -,,2-2004223099,00.html John Kerry's daughter wore a see-through dress to the Cannes Film Festival. Definitely NOT safe for work.
2004-05-18 11:17:00] -
dave: There's more or less the same problem with "speedpass" and "smarttag" kinds of technology also - it's just a matter of trusting total strangers with anonymous access to your financial accounts
- aaron
2004-05-18 10:54:00] -
yeah, a lot of that stuff would fall under fraud
- vinnie
2004-05-18 10:45:00] -
Dave: Yeah, there are some major problems that need to be addressed before this can work well.
2004-05-18 10:43:00] -
paul: I suppose all that sort of falls under credit fraud to a certain extent though
2004-05-18 10:42:00] -
paul: or if it became widespread, you could have like an "area" that you charged for people to enter, except have the notice that you have to pay really small, so that people would unknowingly walk around there and get charged ^_^
2004-05-18 10:41:00] -
paul: I wonder. Do they have to sign something? Otherwise, you could create something that would just make a charge to the persons account and walk around finding these people and charging them
2004-05-18 10:38:00] -,2933,120175,00.html Transexuals cleared for the Olympics.
2004-05-18 10:37:00] - A Spanish nightclub is giving guests the chance to pay for drinks and admission using a tiny microchip implanted under the skin.
2004-05-18 10:36:00] - This is a logical fallacy that I see far too often. We need the state or else something bad might happen!
2004-05-18 10:34:00] - Long list of the facts you normally don't hear about the wars the US has fought.
2004-05-18 10:24:00] -
pierce: 1040. 315. 15. 1121. It's actually really nice when it comes up near the top - because moving the currently playing item to the top of the playlist is a very arduous task. I have to manually drag it to the top which can take forever with a long playlist
- aaron
2004-05-18 10:21:00] -
Pierce: Are you going to join us for basketball again this week?
2004-05-18 10:17:00] -
hey, are you making fun of me for working?
2004-05-18 10:17:00] - hmmm?
2004-05-18 10:03:00] -
aaron: are you sure that's not the normal behavior of the randomizer? Do it a bunch more times and see what happens.
- pierce
2004-05-18 10:01:00] - I just randomized a 1,122 element playlist and the currently playing song came up #1. I should win something.
- aaron
2004-05-18 09:59:00] -
a: damn straight.
- pierce
2004-05-18 09:57:00] -
aaron: thank you. a: who's arguing badly
- pierce
2004-05-18 09:57:00] -
aaron: it's breaking the law with the intention of avoiding accountability for the action. Basically, breaking the law for any other reason
besides subjecting yourself to the legal process as a means of policy change (civil disobedience).
- pierce
2004-05-18 09:56:00] -
pierce: Okay. I think i agree with that actually, so good job.
- aaron
2004-05-18 09:55:00] -
pierce: But does 'breaking that contract' imply breaking the law, or does it mean trying to get away with breaking the law?
- aaron
2004-05-18 09:55:00] -
Paul: correct. Though the actual thing that you've
done may or may not be wrong.
- pierce
2004-05-18 09:55:00] -
aaron: but if you break an unjust law (a law against something that's not morally wrong), and you subject yourself to the applicable consequences of that illegality, then you haven't done anything morally wrong.
- pierce
2004-05-18 09:54:00] -
Pierce: Ok, I think I see what you are saying then. Basically doing something illegal is 'wrong' almost by definition.
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