here are old message board entries

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[2004-05-18 09:53:00] - aaron: that's my point, is that there are things that are wrong of their own merits (murder, etc), but since we can't agree on what they are we all have to implicitly agree to a contract saying we'll obey some central definition of what is right and wrong.  Breaking that contract, by extension, is therefore wrong, even if the action isn't. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:52:00] - aaron: no, the action of murder is still wrong in and of itself.  that was the point of my "Paul: and presumably" comment. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:51:00] - Paul: yes, it makes a noise. err, I mean it's morally wrong. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:51:00] - pierce: Wait a minute, that's not fair. With that logic I could say killing a person isn't wrong, as long as I make myself subject to the consequences.... - aaron

[2004-05-18 09:50:00] - yay, maybe that means the price of wind waker will finally go down. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:50:00] - Pierce: So how about if you break the law but nobody is around to see it? (I know this sounds silly). -Paul

[2004-05-18 09:49:00] - Travis: That Miyamoto picture is somehow cool despite also being geeky looking. I remember seeing that trailer for the Zelda game and being like "wtf" when I saw Wind Waker, so I can understand that. -Paul

[2004-05-18 09:48:00] - Paul: and presumably, the thing you're doing that's against the law isn't morally wrong either (so civil disobedience of the law against murder is wrong because murder is wrong) - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:47:00] - Paul: civil disobedience is not wrong, largely because you are accepting the social contract.  If you're being civilly disobedient, you are disobeying the law but making yourself subject to the consequences of that action.  You haven't broken the contract at all. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:46:00] - and this:, showing that the darker, more realistic zelda game for gamecube is coming out (trailers for it were shown before they made wind waker, one reason people were so resistant to wind waker before it even came out) - travis

[2004-05-18 09:45:00] - hmmm, i seem to have stumbled into a raging debate, but i have this to show: the lord of video games, miyamoto - travis

[2004-05-18 09:45:00] - Pierce: Ok, and I know you addressed it but I'm still unclear, civil disobedience is or is not wrong? -Paul

[2004-05-18 09:43:00] - a: I see the social contract as more-or-less necessary to the functioning of a society.  Of course, people will try to get out of it when it's not in their favor, but that's why I'm comfortable with police and judicial enforcement of that contract. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:42:00] - a: It's a matter of opinion, but I think it's a much more fundamentally solid one than the issue of whether "underage drinking" or "selling alcohol to a minor" is right or wrong. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:41:00] - Dave: I'll do my best, but it's really a challenge.  I just hate you so much! :) - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:41:00] - Dave: heh, I had the opposite opinion.  It's probably that, since you don't feel the need to state your opinions that agree with mine, all I see are the ones that disagree with mine. :) - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:40:00] - pierce: you should be careful to not let your hate for me as a person to influence whether you think you disagree with my points, HEHE -dave

[2004-05-18 09:40:00] - Dave: I thought that you were saying that the legality of an action inherently reflects upon its moral status, when what I'm saying is that the legality needs to be taken as a separate issue. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:39:00] - pierce: oh? How odd. I had the preconception that we agreed more often than not. At least I find myself often not having to make certain points because you make them -dave

[2004-05-18 09:39:00] - sentence

[2004-05-18 09:39:00] - pierce:  at least the last sententce.  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:38:00] - pierce:  well that's a matter of oppinion also.  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:38:00] - dave: yeah, I misread what you were saying then.  We (uncharacteristically) agree. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:37:00] - a: more or less.  Most of us agree that underage drinking, taken independently of its legality, is not inherently wrong.  But if it's illegal, and you knowingly break the law by doing it, then what you've done is wrong. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:37:00] - pierce: funny, because that was my intended point, and you disagreed with it. That's why I got confused. -dave

[2004-05-18 09:36:00] - So just because selling alcohol to a minor is illegal, doesn't make it wrong.  Because if it were legal, it wouldn't necessarily be morally wrong.  But "breaking the law" is wrong on a different level. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:35:00] - pierce:  maybe i understand now, when you said "As far as I know, most of us agree that underage drinking (especially between the ages of 18 and 21) is not morally wrong" you actually meant "As far as I know, most of us agree that underage drinking (in countries/situations where it's legal) is not morally wrong"  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:35:00] - Paul: what I'm saying is that "breaking the law" as a concept is wrong.  That doesn't mean that what you've done is wrong, except as an instance of breaking the law. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:34:00] - pierce: ahh, I guess your statements were just too complex for me to decipher ^_^ -dave

[2004-05-18 09:33:00] - dave: that's what I'm saying too, that it's morally wrong to break the law.  So if there were a law against doing the hokey-pokey, it would be morally wrong to break that law.  But that says absolutely nothing about it being morally wrong to do the hokey-pokey. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:32:00] - paul: pierce doesn't want to clearly answer that question.  he seems to be defending both sides (pretty badly)  :-P  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:32:00] - paul:  no, simply breaking the law is not wrong in of itself.  what is wrong and right depends on your concepts of morality.  - mig

[2004-05-18 09:31:00] - mig: you are aware of the consequences of, say, murder, correct?  You know that, if caught, you could be charged and sentenced (to death, even)?  By enjoying the benefits of living in a society where murder is illegal, you are implicitly agreeing to a contract saying you understand those terms. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:31:00] - Clearly something can be illegal AND be wrong, but I was wondering if just making it illegal makes it wrong. -Paul

[2004-05-18 09:30:00] - Sorry, I kinda asked the question then forgot to follow up. I was mainly asking if breaking the law in itself was wrong. -Paul

[2004-05-18 09:30:00] - pierce: plus you're now talking about the punishment for a law, you stopped talking about the "morality" of the law.  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:30:00] - mig: They had you sign the contract 10 minutes after you were born. They dipped your foot in ink and stamped it onto the contract ^_^ -dave

[2004-05-18 09:30:00] - a: this was the whole theory behind the execution of socrates.  He was imprisoned and sentenced to death for teaching philosophy to the youth of his society.  He had the opportunity to escape while he was imprisoned, but declined because it would be morally wrong to dodge the consequences of his actions, after accepting that contract. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:29:00] - pierce: hmmm. I think it can be morally wrong wrong to break the law. Especially since some religions specifically state that you should adhere to the laws of whatever nation you are under. So by breaking the nation's law, you would also be breaking the moral directive -dave

[2004-05-18 09:29:00] - pierce:  i did not agree to any such thing! - mig

[2004-05-18 09:28:00] - pierce: i prefer neither  :)  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:27:00] - a: it's the social contract theory.  By remaining in the U.S., and enjoying the benefits of its laws, you are implicitly agreeing to a contract stating that you will obey those laws.  If you cannot do so, then you should either leave or accept the consequences for breaking them. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:27:00] - aaron:  i'm eating breakfast as we speak.  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:25:00] - dave: I disagree.  "Breaking the law" as a concept is morally wrong independently of the terms of that law.  It does not lend any inherent credibility to its subject. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:25:00] - a: we totally forgot to eat dinner! i'm soooooo hungry at you :( - aaron

[2004-05-18 09:25:00] - on the other hand, giving alcohol to a minor can be wrong, to varying degrees depending on the motivations. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:23:00] - pierce: in some senses, something can be morally wrong just because of the simple fact that it is illegal -dave

[2004-05-18 09:23:00] - and i can't help but disagree.  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:23:00] - but that's my point.  you said that "without looking at anything else, breaking the law is wrong"  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:23:00] - a: that doesn't make it right, but I don't think it's wrong. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:22:00] - a: that's more a matter of opinion.  As far as I know, most of us agree that underage drinking (especially between the ages of 18 and 21) is not morally wrong. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:21:00] - what about underage drinking in general?  ignoring the vick link: underage drinking is illegal (wrong) and there's no right involved.  so it's morally wrong?  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:17:00] - But there wasn't any "right" in this example, as far as I can tell. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:16:00] - Paul: yes, without looking at anything else, breaking the law is wrong.  If you steal a loaf of bread to feed your family, you're still wrong for breaking the law, but right for feeding your family.  Most people would say that the sum total is more right than wrong in that case.  Same with civil disobedience, more right than wrong. - pierce

[2004-05-18 09:12:00] - paul: breaking the law is wrong? since when?! ^_^ -dave

[2004-05-18 09:12:00] - mig:  yes.  ~a

[2004-05-18 09:07:00] - Pierce: So breaking the law is wrong? -Paul

[2004-05-18 08:50:00] - ~a:  you're talking about chris, right? - mig

[2004-05-18 07:48:00] - not quite as cool as going to school with bill gates (which a boss of mine had done)  ~a

[2004-05-18 07:47:00] - yeah, i probably have his signature in my middle school yearbook.  it's probably worth at least $0.  ~a

[2004-05-17 23:21:00] - Freakiness... it's a bit surreal to click a link from fark and see a familiar name pop up:,289142,sid14_gci964983,00.html - pierce

[2004-05-17 22:14:00] - Wasn't there originally a statuatory rape allegation associated with this story, though?  If they were giving alcohol to a minor with the intention of encouraging her to have sex, then (IMO) that is morally wrong. - pierce

[2004-05-17 22:12:00] - I might be able to cut them some slack if they had been intentionally fighting an unjust law by breaking it (civil disobedience), but I gather that that was not their intent. - pierce

[2004-05-17 22:10:00] - Paul: I don't think you're going to stir up any controversy about the arbitrary nature of minimum-drinking-age laws here.  But by remaining residents of the U.S., they acknowledge a social contract to obey its laws.  Breaking the law, in that respect, is wrong. - pierce

[2004-05-17 20:40:00] - I understand that it was illegal, but is what Vick and company did wrong? -Paul

[2004-05-17 18:56:00] - paul:  irock 860.  pierce:  no i don't plan to. - mig

[2004-05-17 16:58:00] - especially since I do, in actuality, like itms. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:57:00] - but since I already have AACs, (all else being equal) I'd like to stick to AAC to minimize the hassle of heterogeneous formats or the lost quality of format conversion. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:55:00] - WMA and AAC are functionally equivalent; they're both licensing policies wrapped around an audio format, controlled by one company and licensed to others.  But WMA does (all else being equal) seem better, simply because MS doesn't manufacture a portable music player and has nothing to gain through format lock-in. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:52:00] - pierce: ah. I didn't know whether the iPod specifically could. but you brought up the point I was trying to make, that some MP3 players play WMAs - vinnie

[2004-05-17 16:49:00] - mig: are you planning to sign up for an online music service? - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:49:00] - mig: What player do you have? -Paul

[2004-05-17 16:48:00] - though honestly, i haven't tried using them yet. - mig

[2004-05-17 16:48:00] - aaron:  my mp3 player supports wmas. - mig

[2004-05-17 16:47:00] - aaron: error on the safe side: 368 hits.  ~a

[2004-05-17 16:47:00] - I didn't think it did. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:47:00] - vinnie: does the iPod play WMAs? - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:46:00] - aaron: there are portable players that play wma, but it's like the iPod... if it's a license-protected file, the player needs some means of being told that it is authorized to play it. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:46:00] - how does the transfer to ipod work for WMAs then? converts the filetype? - vinnie

[2004-05-17 16:44:00] - Whoops, that was me. -Paul

[2004-05-17 16:44:00] - why isn't there such a thing as a neo-lib?

[2004-05-17 16:41:00] - pierce: I'm not even sure if you can listen to WMAs without an internet connection. It's a really awful idea. - aaron

[2004-05-17 16:40:00] - paul:  the ipod is nice.  but it's too fucking expenssive.  Well the mini-ipod is outrageously expensive considering how much storage they put in it anyway. - mig

[2004-05-17 16:40:00] - err on the safe side: 3,290 hits. air on the safe side: 9 hits. Google wins again. - aaron

[2004-05-17 16:36:00] - aaron: thanks.  although given the problem I'm currently having with AAC lock-in, I'd rather not also get locked into another format. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:34:00] - Paul: it doesn't seem so great for the money, but I'm not strictly speaking against it. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:34:00] - pierce: BestBuy has a service called "MusicNow". It's $1.00 a song and they're licensed WMA files. They have anything popular, and a few unpopular songs, although nothing nearly as unpopular as my musical tastes :-p i use it mostly for the hot in herres of my music library - aaron

[2004-05-17 16:34:00] - everybody's doing it

[2004-05-17 16:33:00] - Pierce: What's wrong with the iPod? Everyone else seems so in love with it. -Paul

[2004-05-17 16:29:00] - a: it's also because I've tried it, and I notice the flaws from using two lossy compression methods. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:25:00] - a: oh, thanks, but no... I'm not looking to convert all existing and future aac files to mp3 just so I can use them with a player.  thanks though. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:24:00] - but who knows, maybe not.  ~a

[2004-05-17 16:24:00] - pierce: i know what you mean . . . but what you want is AAC->MP3 (without the AAC->WAV->MP3) and i thought one of these might help.  ~a

[2004-05-17 16:22:00] - a: not "portable" like I can port it between OSs, "portable" like I can carry it around with me. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:21:00] - a: hmm, that wasn't particularly helpful.  how would that command help me, even if I had a debian system on which to execute it? - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:20:00] - hits are:  libvorbis-perl, faad, libfaad2-0, libfaad2-dev  ~a

[2004-05-17 16:19:00] - pierce:  apt-cache search aac  ~a

[2004-05-17 16:16:00] - but thanks for the help anyway. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:16:00] - thing is, I'm pretty much set on iTunes.  I'm not really in the market for another service, especially since I've already spent money in iTunes.  I'm just looking for a portable player that will support AAC, and I'm not too hot about the iPod. - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:14:00] - pierce: this may help - vinnie

[2004-05-17 16:12:00] - Paul: I like iTunes, I don't like the way Napster2 is set up (monthly fee), and I refuse to support Real Networks (Rhapsody).  Are there any other major ones (I don't want to use some small podunk service that doesn't have any songs nor enough clout to not get screwed by the RIAA) - pierce

[2004-05-17 16:12:00] - It's moot anyways because it's a check card. I don't even receive a monthly bill, so why does the address matter? Well whatever, it's their policy, they just don't get the $x extra profit from selling me the pad directly - aaron

[2004-05-17 16:11:00] - paul: that's a different issue - vinnie

[2004-05-17 16:10:00] - a: I believe it does, actually - vinnie

[2004-05-17 16:10:00] - a: Often times for the first purchase at a particular online retailer, they require the billing and shipping address to be the same to make sure the card isn't stolen or some such. -Paul

[2004-05-17 16:01:00] - correct me if i'm wrong, but your billing address doesn't need to be the address on your credit card.  ~a

[2004-05-17 16:01:00] - i noticed the new pad.  i was thinking of trying it out, but decided to wait until you got home.  ~a

[2004-05-17 16:00:00] - a: I found a (weird location) GameStop selling a RedOctane pad (new, the good kind) for $80 because nobody was buying it. I'm going to try to find another one tonight. The online store isn't selling to me because my billing address doesn't match my shipping address - aaron

[2004-05-17 15:59:00] - a: double yay! We'll have to celebrate nite. - aaron

[2004-05-17 15:53:00] - aaron: Yeah, that's what I was going to ask Pierce about. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-17 15:51:00] - aaron: i'm home!  yay.  ~a

[2004-05-17 15:49:00] - paul: The problem with most of them is, to enforce that the purchased songs aren't traded freely, they use some annoying format which is difficult/illegal to convert to mp3 - aaron

[2004-05-17 15:47:00] - Pierce: Like some service where you pay money and download songs off the internet, legally. Something like the new Napster or whatnot. -Paul

[2004-05-17 15:47:00] - Paul: what do you mean? like, looking at other online music services? - pierce

[2004-05-17 15:24:00] - ...on the internet. -Paul

[2004-05-17 15:23:00] - paul: have you done much research into shutting the hell up?  :-P  ~a

[2004-05-17 15:13:00] - Pierce: Have you done much research into legally purchasing songs? -Paul

[2004-05-17 15:10:00] - mig: besides, I don't want to have to do that for every song I ever buy off itunes in the future. - pierce

[2004-05-17 15:09:00] - mig: I don't have the best ear for sound quality, but for some reason I really notice the double-lossy flaws in AAC --> MP3 conversion. - pierce

[2004-05-17 15:08:00] - Pierce: Sorry. -Paul

[2004-05-17 15:05:00] - Pierce: I don't recall reading any reviews of players that I was looking at which supported iTunes but then again, it wasn't something I was looking for at all. -Paul

[2004-05-17 15:00:00] - pierce:  just record them into .wav and then just encode them into mp3 or whatever. -mig

[2004-05-17 14:56:00] - Paul: you were doing portable music player research, I have a question... did you come across any decent players that supported iTunes music store files, other than the iPod variants? - pierce

[2004-05-17 14:47:00] - Mig: At least they won't have to put up with us much longer. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-17 14:40:00] - USGov now says it will accept an Islamic Theocratic governemnt.  What was that about them being better off without sadaam hussein? - mig

[2004-05-17 13:48:00] - travis:  ok it should go through once the pending time passes now.  odd that i can't seem to just push it through. - mig

[2004-05-17 13:41:00] - mig: i guess i did whatever i was supposed to, i moved the guy off the dl - travis

[2004-05-17 13:41:00] - mig: Although it's really no worse than the "Links" folder which is constantly recreated and repopulated with random crap in IE - aaron

[2004-05-17 13:39:00] - aaron:  yeah i noticed it sometimes.  i'm really annoyed you can't delete the bookmark toolbar folder from the bookmark menu. - mig

[2004-05-17 13:35:00] - travis:  you're going to have to drop somebody else on your team or else your trade with tim will fail again. - mig

[2004-05-17 13:20:00] - mig: Have you noticed that every time you bookmark a page, Firefox places it in a random bookmark folder? Sometimes it's "Quick Searches" or "Firefox & Mozilla Information", and then just now it bookmarked one into "Bookmarks Toolbar Folder" so it showed up on the toolbar - aaron

[2004-05-17 13:14:00] - Why would I want to pay money to download the Univers font? -Paul

[2004-05-17 12:43:00] - paul: Hee hee. I think I remember him saying that. - aaron

[2004-05-17 12:40:00] - Aaron: You also have to remember that his highest rating was like a 3/10. -Paul

[2004-05-17 12:28:00] - travis: He liked some movies though. Wasn't there one called "The Teacosy" he liked? - aaron

[2004-05-17 12:28:00] - mel:  it's where "i'm off like a prom dress" comes from. - mig

[2004-05-17 12:26:00] - What a Duketastrophy! -Paul

[2004-05-17 12:23:00] - mel: "Jay Sherman is a TV movie critic who is forced to review the most pathetic films to which is he always says "It stinks" for his reviews. In addition to the film parodies, the show also deals with his personal life working his tyrannical media mogul boss and his love-life and family." - travis

[2004-05-17 12:21:00] - I don't think we should allow somebody who doesn't know what The Critic is to be posting on this board. :-P -Paul

[2004-05-17 12:09:00] - mig: nope, I don't.  What is The Critic about?  -mel

[2004-05-17 12:08:00] - "Michelob contains 4.9% alcohol, so a keg contains 97 ounces of alcohol. This is enough alcohol to bring 41 men over the legal driving limit in California. A little more and you could probably get them to sing and dance" - aaron

[2004-05-17 12:07:00] - how many noodles in a pack of ramen? how much beer in a keg? etc... some pretty funny commentary and "useful" information - aaron

[2004-05-17 11:42:00] - just when it seemed things coudln't get worse for rumsfeld. - mig

[2004-05-17 10:51:00] - haven't seen one yet - vinnie

[2004-05-17 10:14:00] - One flew into me as I was getting into my car this morning, and they're all over my house. - pierce

[2004-05-17 09:32:00] - i saw a few cicadas and a few shells lying around yesterday. - mig

[2004-05-17 09:30:00] - I'm getting pretty excited about the cicadas. The background noise is getting steadily louder and yesterday I visited an open house in the woods where they were REAL loud and flying all over the place. -Paul

[2004-05-17 09:29:00] - *monday morning silence noise* - cicadas

[2004-05-17 09:03:00] - horray. - mig

[2004-05-17 08:54:00] - It's ok, I'm back. You can all rejoice. :-) -Paul

[2004-05-16 02:29:00] - *weekend silence noise* - crickets

[2004-05-15 00:00:00] - aaron:  - crickets

[2004-05-14 16:45:00] - mel:  you don't watch much of the critic, do you? - mig

[2004-05-14 16:38:00] - 10 minutes left before 3 day weekend......... - mig

[2004-05-14 16:24:00] - not surprised. I had never seen that joke before though - vinnie

[2004-05-14 16:22:00] - vinnie: People try to do that all the time in "gunbound" - aaron

[2004-05-14 16:21:00] - password fun - vinnie

[2004-05-14 16:19:00] - i still can't stop giggling at france. i may need to leave work early - aaron

[2004-05-14 16:17:00] - 30% chance means there is a 70% chance that there is a 0% chance - aaron

[2004-05-14 16:15:00] - 30%?  i laugh at that probability. - mig

[2004-05-14 16:13:00] - says 30% chance of storms tonight - vinnie

[2004-05-14 16:12:00] - haha!  off like a prom dress??  -mel

[2004-05-14 16:12:00] - oh nmind, those stupid day by day forecasts sure are misleading. - mig

[2004-05-14 16:11:00] - man no making me crack up when i'm at work - aaron

[2004-05-14 16:11:00] - ah-hahahaha. So much great stuff. - aaron

[2004-05-14 16:10:00] - vinnie:  weather report says no.  says we might have a thunder storm tomorrow though. - mig

[2004-05-14 16:09:00] - oh for god's sake, it is. grrrrrrrrrr - vinnie

[2004-05-14 16:08:00] - is it supposed to rain? - vinnie

[2004-05-14 16:08:00] - this site is too much - vinnie

[2004-05-14 16:06:00] - but with that, i'm off like a prom dress, hopefully basketball doesn't get rained out again - travis

[2004-05-14 16:05:00] - vinnie: yeah, well, i got it out and handed it to you when came over last time, you're the one who left it on the floor O:-) - travis

[2004-05-14 16:04:00] - ah, video game references - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:59:00] - this is so great - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:58:00] - and don't let me forget to borrow unforgiven! :) - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:58:00] - certainly. i actually think it's in my car right now - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:54:00] - vinnie: if you stop at your house before you come over, could you bring any ludacris cds you have? - travis

[2004-05-14 15:54:00] - - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:52:00] - i think that one should have ended with "you gave your girlfriend a potato?" - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:51:00] - interesting perspective on love.  :-)  -mel

[2004-05-14 15:48:00] - good one-liner - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:47:00] - This site is awesome!  -mel

[2004-05-14 15:44:00] - - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:44:00] -

[2004-05-14 15:41:00] - the hp one, that is - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:41:00] - haha, that one was great, too long to post, I felt - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:41:00] -  hahaha.  such a great idea.  -mel

[2004-05-14 15:40:00] - did you read the harry potter one? ""Oh, move over," Hermione snarled. She grabbed Harry's wang, tapped the lock, and whispered, 'Alohomora!"" - travis

[2004-05-14 15:39:00] - the guy's sister was masturbating in his room? woah, where's a sister when i needed one - travis

[2004-05-14 15:38:00] - speaking of funny, i downloaded one of lil jon's older songs and it's exactly like listening to chapelle's skit, i laughed so hard at it - travis

[2004-05-14 15:37:00] - i don't care :-P - travis

[2004-05-14 15:24:00] - - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:23:00] - tell me if you're bored of me posting - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:21:00] - indeed - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:19:00] - vinnie: well, i can see i filled the rest of your lazy friday :-) - travis

[2004-05-14 15:19:00] - hahaha, what a bad pun - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:19:00] - * oh, my laughing's gonna get me in trouble - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:18:00] - "Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre" - travis

[2004-05-14 15:18:00] - oh, my laughing  - vinnies gonna get me in trouble

[2004-05-14 15:16:00] - - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:15:00] - the dance makes that one. :) i was disappointed that a lot of the most highly rated ones weren't that great IMO - vinnie

[2004-05-14 15:14:00] - - travis

[2004-05-14 15:14:00] - "i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet" - travis

[2004-05-14 15:12:00] - yeah, i saw the unzipping one. i think i've been there before, or at least a very similar site, so i was afraid everyone was gonna tell me how old news it is - travis

[2004-05-14 15:12:00] - ahahahahahaha - that's so great - aaron

[2004-05-14 15:03:00] - hahaha, this site rules - vinnie

[2004-05-14 14:49:00] - - vinnie

[2004-05-14 14:48:00] - wow, cool site. never heard of it - vinnie

[2004-05-14 14:46:00] - haha - travis

[2004-05-14 14:43:00] - for those concerned about the hitchhiker's guide movie - travis

[2004-05-14 14:22:00] - mig: Back at the SAIC office for now. I actually came here to download Oracle 9I so it wouldn't take all day - but now they have some stuff over here for me to do - aaron

[2004-05-14 14:10:00] - no soup for you, tim duncan! - travis

[2004-05-14 13:59:00] - aaron:  where are you? - mig

[2004-05-14 13:49:00] - vinnie: It certainly sounds National Lampoon's Big Book Of Etc Etcworthy. - aaron

[2004-05-14 13:46:00] - I can understand that, but conflicting signs are the worst. you'd think if they put one sign up they could at least take the others down. especially two signs at the same place on the road! I wish I'd had a camera - vinnie

[2004-05-14 13:45:00] - If i see a cone, I swerve to avoid it, but it seems like construction crews are just reckless in their distribution of unnecessary signs, and they don't always seem to take them down when construction is done - aaron

[2004-05-14 13:44:00] - vinnie: After 6 months of passing by those pointless "merge" signs on the toll road, I've just started ignoring all construction signs completely - aaron

[2004-05-14 13:25:00] - then 50 feet down two more signs: the one on the left has the "\ |" symbol and the right has the "/ |" symbol. turns out all this is code for "turn lane having nothing to do with either main lane closed" - vinnie

[2004-05-14 13:24:00] - vinnie: HAHA, that's hilarious -dave

[2004-05-14 13:24:00] - travis:  i sent you a trade.  answer it! - mig

[2004-05-14 13:24:00] - this is so dumb: driving to my work today two work signs on the road, one on either side. the one on the left says "lane closed merge right", the right says "keep left" - vinnie

[2004-05-14 13:14:00] - something that just -dave

[2004-05-14 13:14:00] - yeah, I think the "errors" in basketball like the clock and fouls are something to just have to be accepted. -dave

[2004-05-14 13:12:00] - i think some laker fans are countering with the complaint that the clock stopped too late after duncan's shot so that in theory it all cancels out. - mig

[2004-05-14 13:03:00] - thank heavens I didn't watch that game, I think I woulda died. -dave

[2004-05-14 13:03:00] - yeah, they're trying to file a complaint or something. that sort of stuff happens an awful lot though, it's almost something you have to accept as part of the game - vinnie

[2004-05-14 12:46:00] - heh.  all the spurs fans on the sports message board i'm reading are crying about how there's a conspiracy because they claim the clock started late. - mig

[2004-05-14 12:45:00] - oh yeah. incredible game. i really couldn't believe either shot - vinnie

[2004-05-14 12:25:00] - i would say i can't believe i'm rooting for the lakers, but i did it last year when they faced the spurs, too - travis

[2004-05-14 12:24:00] - i couldn't believe duncan made that shot, and then fisher goes and makes his shot =-O - travis

[2004-05-14 12:10:00] - who saw the lakers-spurs game last night.  unbefuckinglievable. - mig

[2004-05-14 11:47:00] - haha, then I'll feel stupid. there was rumor going around my company that one of the sasser patches they were holding on their servers was infected, but I doubt that was true - vinnie

[2004-05-14 11:46:00] - vinnie: I'm waiting for the first virus which spreads through Microsoft Update... that would be so cool! - aaron

[2004-05-14 11:42:00] - downloading the critical stuff every few months wasn't good enough - vinnie

[2004-05-14 11:41:00] - to be honest, I was one of those people, basically because I was pretty good about installing the critical stuff when it was released. but this worm opened my eyes and I happily found out I can choose what updates to install after they are automatically downloaded - vinnie

[2004-05-14 11:40:00] - because who knows what evil things microsoft might install! i'll take my chances with sasser, thanks :) - vinnie

[2004-05-14 11:37:00] - yeah, i know some people who refuse to turn the auto update feature on for some reason - travis

[2004-05-14 11:29:00] - i guess that's why they have the automatic update feature (which I now have turned on) - vinnie

[2004-05-14 11:29:00] - yeah, ok. so not really microsoft's fault for making a vulnerable system as it is their fault for not getting the word out to more people - vinnie

[2004-05-14 11:20:00] - vinnie: I was under the impression that the developer of the Sasser worm found out about the hole from Microsoft's web page - aaron

[2004-05-14 11:15:00] - i thought microsoft at least noticed the hole before sasset struck, right? - vinnie

[2004-05-14 11:01:00] -,3367,1446_A_1201704_1_A,00.html sasser programmer was kid trying to create anti-virus program (d'oh!) and some groups bring up blaming microsoft for making systems vulnerable to worms in the first place - travis

[2004-05-14 09:20:00] - ah, another charming palahniuk story :) - vinnie

[2004-05-14 08:54:00] - RIAA misleading about sales -dave

[2004-05-14 08:43:00] - <i>"Honolulu has the lowest number of lingerie shops per capita, probably because no one's wearing much clothing to begin with"</a> :-p - aaron

[2004-05-14 08:38:00] - Going to move? The best and worst cities for dating: -dave

[2004-05-14 08:13:00] - a: Crickets should have a name. Some shade of brown. - aaron

[2004-05-13 23:28:00] - vinnie: also, according to it is his style to start every novel at the ending, just like we thought when you read survivor and i read invisible monsters - travis

[2004-05-13 23:08:00] - in = it - travis

[2004-05-13 23:08:00] - it's the story that supposedly has people throwing up when he reads in live - travis

[2004-05-13 23:08:00] - it's chuck palahniuk, so be careful with this at work (it's just text, but still, if you're paranoid) - travis

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