here are old message board entries

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[2001-02-01 01:12:00] - Mmmmmmmm, excellent. No sleep for me tonight :-) -Paul

[2001-02-01 01:02:00] - yeeeeeees  ~a

[2001-02-01 00:51:00] - Pornographic pictures? -Paul

[2001-02-01 00:51:00] - pictures  ~a

[2001-02-01 00:49:00] - What is in those directories? -Paul

[2001-02-01 00:46:00] - I guess so. It's just that it is almost entirely symbolic. It really doesn't mean anything. In fact, some marriages might keep two people who don't love eachother trapped in a relationship -Paul

[2001-02-01 00:45:00] - who wants a password to new york, maryland, and va tech pictures?  ~a

[2001-02-01 00:44:00] - i don't understand why you don't think marriages are needed anymore.  they are a wonderful way for people to show their comitment to each other . . . the whole divorce problem sucks, but still, the other 50% of them are life long  ~a

[2001-02-01 00:25:00] - I mean, a large part of marriages is largely symbolic or religious in nature. I suppose marriages are a useful way to pool resources to support raising a child, but beyond that... -Paul

[2001-02-01 00:21:00] - This is gonna sound a bit radical... but do we actually need marriages anymore? -Paul

[2001-02-01 00:18:00] - yeah, i don't know we should do about it, but.... when 50% of marriages here end in divorce, that's not a good thing. - mig

[2001-02-01 00:09:00] - I don't know what to make of that one.  Technically no harm is being done there besides a betrayal of trust... I dunno if marriage is something the government should get involved in -Paul

[2001-02-01 00:07:00] - adultery probably shouldn't be something we encourage either - mig

[2001-02-01 00:05:00] - So did I actually.... was shocked at how dated the good 'ole commandments are :-) -Paul

[2001-02-01 00:05:00] - actually 9th would be very important, since it's been broken in politics a gazillion times - mig

[2001-02-01 00:05:00] - Right, must have missed that one.... -Paul

[2001-02-01 00:05:00] - i haven't read the commandments in a very long time, so i thought  there were more that were applicable - mig

[2001-02-01 00:04:00] - 9th i think is applicable as well. - mig

[2001-02-01 00:00:00] - The rest just tell you not to covet stuff and to worship God mostly -Paul

[2001-01-31 23:59:00] - Actually, I think the 6th and 8th are the only ones that I would consider applicable -Paul

[2001-01-31 23:56:00] - once again, the ten commandments makes a good model for what you should not be allowed to do.  minus command #1, and whichever one was the sabbath one - mig

[2001-01-31 23:55:00] - well of course.  we don't let people kill other people. - mig

[2001-01-31 23:55:00] - That's why I am torn on abortion, because to me the real question is "when does the fetus go from being a clump of cells to a human being?" -Paul

[2001-01-31 23:54:00] - Harm me. I guess I should say adverely affect me, since stealing doesn't harm me. Basically, I believe you have the right to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's rights -Paul

[2001-01-31 23:53:00] - i think people should be able to do some things that i don't agree with, but not everything -dave

[2001-01-31 23:52:00] - harm you or harm other people? -dave

[2001-01-31 23:44:00] - Sorry Dave, I am of the belief that people should have the freedom to do things that I don't agree with as long as they don't harm me -paul

[2001-01-31 23:42:00] - bah, then make abortion illegal and my argument can stand =) -dave

[2001-01-31 23:36:00] - I believe that suicide should be legal and I agree that pregnant mothers have extra responsibilities, but if abortion is legal I don't see how you can use that as an arguement against drugs -Paul

[2001-01-31 22:45:00] - and i know it's a very obscure case, but mothers who use drugs pass the addiction on to their  unborn child -dave

[2001-01-31 22:44:00] - if you can do anything to your body....than shouldn't you be able to kill it? -dave

[2001-01-31 22:44:00] - so do you think that suicide should be legal? -dave

[2001-01-31 22:26:00] - And pro-life advocates would argue that abortion does hurt others, like the unborn child... but that is a matter for theologians, philosophers and biologists to debate -Paul

[2001-01-31 22:24:00] - Drugs only hurt the people who use them, and I don't think the government should be telling me what I can do to my body and what I can't -Paul

[2001-01-31 22:14:00] - Yay Adrian! Fight against censorship of the message board! :-) -Paul

[2001-01-31 19:24:00] - drugs aren't legal? damn! -dave

[2001-01-31 17:24:00] - it's better than wasting millions of our tax money on this failure called the "war on drugs" - mig

[2001-01-31 17:23:00] - that's why we have laws to deal with people who abuse alcohol, apply them to drugs and there you go. you can use drugs responsilibly, just as you can drink responsibly - mig

[2001-01-31 17:06:00] - @@@/haha.html

[2001-01-31 16:45:00] - if abused, that is  ~a

[2001-01-31 16:45:00] - abortion does not hurt others . . . drugs have a high chance of hurting others  ~a

[2001-01-31 15:33:00] - - mig

[2001-01-31 15:33:00] - i also think abortion should be legal.  the only problem i have is with is the hypocritical democrats are saying that it's alright for a women to do what she wants with her body(which is fine), but it's not alright for people to choose to do drugs.

[2001-01-31 14:41:00] - aparna, i wish you would not limit the discussion on my message board  ~a

[2001-01-31 14:40:00] - aparna, if you don't want to talk about abortion, don't.  ~a

[2001-01-31 09:54:00] - Awww..... but powderkegs are so much fun... Besides, I think abortion should be legal for the most part so I assume I will be on your side Aparna -Paul

[2001-01-31 07:43:00] - anyway . . . i am in yucky class basically from 8 am until 5:30 pm, so i hope that i don't miss too much.  have a good day everybody!  -  aba

[2001-01-31 07:41:00] - my views on the abortion issue are really strong and somehow i have the feeling that most of you guys are going to disagree with me - aba

[2001-01-31 07:40:00] - please don't bring up abortion miguel.  you are going to set off another powderkeg (basically me against everybody else i am guessing)  :\ - aba

[2001-01-31 01:21:00] -      i just decided to just mash everything i had to say here, enjoy. - mig

[2001-01-31 00:43:00] - I definitely wouldn't have agreed with him probably, but I think I would have enjoyed hearing him speak, yes... -Paul

[2001-01-31 00:30:00] - correct me if i am wrong  ~a

[2001-01-31 00:24:00] - paul, i think you would have liked the talk because you are one who thinks government needs to be more capitalistic and the guy there was dissing capitalism left and right  ~a

[2001-01-31 00:11:00] - man . . . i was kicked totally off the list  ~a

[2001-01-30 23:53:00] - Bye, Dave -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:52:00] - well, that's enough of forests for one night. au revoir -dave

[2001-01-30 23:50:00] - but in the other sense, they're letting the forests here have a chance to grow back -dave

[2001-01-30 23:50:00] - Whoops, that was me -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:50:00] - I don't think that is why they are moving, I think it might be because they just ran out of good forests to cut down

[2001-01-30 23:49:00] - I would think so... but I guess they are upset because this way they don't have to worry about replacing the trees they cut down -paul

[2001-01-30 23:49:00] - so they're going somewhere that there are lotsa trees. -dave

[2001-01-30 23:48:00] - i mean, they're moving because they don't want to totally deforest this place right? -dave

[2001-01-30 23:48:00] - in one sense, shouldn't they be happy that they're moving? -dave

[2001-01-30 23:47:00] - Bye, aparna -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:47:00] - How dare they cut down foreign trees! Aren't our trees good enough for them? We should close our borders to good american trees don't lose their jobs to foreign trees willing to be cut down for less :-) -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:47:00] - wow.  lost fo msgs in my absence

[2001-01-30 23:47:00] - i think we should tone them down only as much as we need to in order to make sure that we have an environment to live in -dave

[2001-01-30 23:46:00] - yes, it would be nice if we toned down our little environmental unfriendly ways - mig

[2001-01-30 23:45:00] - so they want the logging industry to stop ? -dave

[2001-01-30 23:45:00] - anyway, i have an 8 am.  i'm going to bed.  goodnight all.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:45:00] - i dunno about that. -dave

[2001-01-30 23:45:00] - not quite.  i think they want things like logging to only exist on a local level.  one of their targets was a logging company that was moving from idaho to chile in order to cut down more trees.  it kind of makes sense. - aba

[2001-01-30 23:44:00] - too bad we can't

[2001-01-30 23:44:00] - yeah, dancin around being eatin alive by mosquitoes! -dave

[2001-01-30 23:44:00] - that wouldn't be such a bad idea. - mig

[2001-01-30 23:44:00] - we talking about the efl thing -dave

[2001-01-30 23:43:00] - So we should go back to our perfect utopia where we dance around naked in the trees, in perfect harmony with nature? :-) -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:42:00] - yeah.  it's about reclaiming the earth from pure capitalism.  i think half of his talk about there ideology was anti-capitalist.  - aba

[2001-01-30 23:41:00] - Oh... so it's not just environmentalism... It has to do with messing with nature in general -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:40:00] - Really? Why? Because of experimentation in biotechnology or something? -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:40:00] - in the past 200 posts i think.  that's why it changes so much. - aba

[2001-01-30 23:40:00] - because they do all kinds of genetic engineering / cloning experiments there.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:40:00] - Does the bar on top represent the amount of posts by each person? -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:40:00] - i think a lot of people can sympathise with what they believe in but not many people will go ahead and commit the acts of terrorism.  my friend said that the fralin biotech center is somewhere on the elf "hitlist". - aba

[2001-01-30 23:39:00] - read all of our posts about it - aba

[2001-01-30 23:37:00] - I still don't get what this whole elf thing was something about environmentalists. - mig

[2001-01-30 23:37:00] - *Nod* That's cool. Probably the best way to go about getting new recruits... -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:35:00] - he actually didn't talk about numbers a lot.  he just talked a little about their ideology and stuff.  he mostly answered a bunch of questions.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:33:00] - Agreed. I would like to have listened to him, but I think I would take everything he says with a grain of salt. Fanatics tend to exaggerate their facts -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:31:00] - i know.  i agree with you.  but what good is paying for college if you don't go hear about stuff that challenges your beliefs?  the guy brought up some interesting points about time constraints and bringing things to the public's eye.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:29:00] - I see. I'm sorry, elf isn't gonna get any new memberships from me. I believe that the best way to get others on your side is by peaceful means -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:28:00] - bye dewey - aba

[2001-01-30 23:27:00] - well, elf does commit acts of arson and property destruction.  the people were there to protest against what elf does and what they believe in.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:27:00] - bye, Dewey -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:25:00] - k, well time for more homework.  ttyl. -dewey

[2001-01-30 23:25:00] - The protest section was there to protest against Elf? What kind of activities do they partake in (ELF)? -paul

[2001-01-30 23:24:00] - they were.  it was really peaceful.  they had a whole lot of cops around though.  i think there were a lot of protesters though.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:24:00] - The tech police seemed to think some big fight was going to break out.  they told the rescue squad to be on alert for lots of trampeling or something.  we thought they were just blowing things out of proportion. -dewey

[2001-01-30 23:23:00] - they do however also encourage gandhi-like protests and civil disobedience.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:23:00] - nope, but there was a protest section of the auditorium with a whole lot of people holding signs.  elf is a pro-environment group that condones actively getting to the end result (which basically sanctions "terrorism").  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:20:00] - did any rioting occur or anything? -dewey

[2001-01-30 23:20:00] - so they are deciding to blow people up, eh? - dewey

[2001-01-30 23:20:00] - So is Elf really an eco-terrorist organization? Because I don't condone terrorism very much -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:20:00] - no, it's so if the fbi catches one group doing something, the whole organization doesn't go down.  like if bin-laden is caught, then his whole group is fucked.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:18:00] - that is so that when one group does a mass suicide, the whole organization won't jump into the fad. -dewey

[2001-01-30 23:18:00] - not quite a looney.  he has nothing to do with elf activities.  they just send him information anonomously and he makes the info into press releases. - aba

[2001-01-30 23:17:00] - elf seems to be a cool set up for an organization.  no one cell knows anything about any other cell.  so basically you could have two completely different groupd of people doing stuff in the same city, and they're both parts of elf.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:17:00] - Ok.... from what I read about on the flyers, he seemed like quite the looney but I would have stayed and listened a bit if I could've gotten in -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:16:00] - Paul is a terrorist!  We have finally figured it out - dewey

[2001-01-30 23:15:00] - no, i think that you would have found it interesting.  he gave a very thought provoking talk.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:15:00] - since we know how much adrian likes to get physical with Pierce ;-) -dewey

[2001-01-30 23:15:00] - channel 10 and 7 were there.  my friend just told me that the story was on the news, but we weren't in the shots that they showed.  he said it was a pretty boring blurb considering the content of the talk.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:15:00] - Wait, why should I have listened to this speaker? Are you saying that I said become an eco-terrorist? -paul

[2001-01-30 23:15:00] - I think adrian would give the kissy face to pierce... -dewey

[2001-01-30 23:14:00] - so have they been on the news yet?  I missed the first five minutes, but the news 10 truck was out there. -Dewey

[2001-01-30 23:13:00] - otherwise i should be the kissy face!  :-D  - aba

[2001-01-30 23:13:00] - the faces go in order - aba

[2001-01-30 23:13:00] - hehe, this is fun.  I should have been told about it sooner. - dewey

[2001-01-30 23:12:00] - we were sitting in the second row.  it was a pretty cool talk.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 23:12:00] - I get a sticking tounge? :-p - dewey

[2001-01-30 23:11:00] - I see people are reading my journal. - dewey

[2001-01-30 23:11:00] - Were you there? Because I was. You can even ask Dewey and Dave. We tried to get in but the room was full, we ended up standing outside. -Paul

[2001-01-30 23:05:00] - i must say, though, i am impressed that your site is the most active one on the virginia tech web ring  ~a

[2001-01-30 22:57:00] - oh, and dewey, i have a journal.  i've had one for a while now.  i don't really know whether i want to reveal it's url.  i'm thinking about it.  but i mean, if you ever visited my links page, you would know that i have one.  ;)  -  aba

[2001-01-30 22:54:00] - dewey, you never use my message board; why would i use your journal program?  ~a

[2001-01-30 22:41:00] -  <-  heehee

[2001-01-30 22:39:00] -  <- this semester's job fair on february 20th

[2001-01-30 22:09:00] - heh.

[2001-01-30 21:56:00] - the guy talked about how the elf takes a stand against big business by committing acts of eco-terrorism.  he wasn't part of the organization, but they send him letters when they do stuff.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 21:53:00] - and paul, you should have come to the earth liberation front speaker at litton reeves at 7 pm today - aba

[2001-01-30 21:51:00] - everyone should listen to special k by placebo!

[2001-01-30 21:49:00] - many studies have shown that a three/four year old shown a film of a person committing a violent act on or with a toy is more likely to commit acts of violence when placed in a similar situation than a child who has never seen the film. - aba

[2001-01-30 21:48:00] - i think the other mistake that you are making is that violence in the media has no real correlation with violence in children.  you are in fact wrong.  - aba

[2001-01-30 21:45:00] - miguel, i think that your problem is that you are looking at things from only your perspective.  you may have the self control to change the channel, but i think most 14 year olds wouldn't.  - aba

[2001-01-30 21:30:00] - shit!  ~a

[2001-01-30 18:55:00] - very well! - mig

[2001-01-30 18:54:00] - and it's time for dinner! see you there! -dave

[2001-01-30 18:54:00] - there are restrictions, just not very tight ones right now -dave

[2001-01-30 18:53:00] - don't know what they're doing about it though -dave

[2001-01-30 18:53:00] - yeah, i think that's actually a big law issue -dave

[2001-01-30 18:53:00] - people really are excessive with them sometimes though -dave

[2001-01-30 18:53:00] - well, okay, maybe not abolish completely, there must be definiately be certain restrictions on what you can sue for - mig

[2001-01-30 18:52:00] - i don't know about that. i think that there is a time and place for them -dave

[2001-01-30 18:52:00] - i don't mean to say in any of this that i think you're wrong or that i don't see your point. just that that's what other people could argue -dave

[2001-01-30 18:51:00] - doh

[2001-01-30 18:51:00] - personally i think civil suits should be abolished. - miog

[2001-01-30 18:51:00] - it is. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:50:00] - hehe, people sue anyone and eveyrone these days. isn't that sad? -dave

[2001-01-30 18:50:00] - if they can't face reality then that's too bad. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:50:00] - they could sue the town for being neglibile in enforcing the laws. -dave

[2001-01-30 18:49:00] - well, too bad.  maybe they should sue god for making sure that person didn't come there. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:49:00] - so they say the same thing about hearing swear words on tv or the radio -dave

[2001-01-30 18:49:00] - and they would say that they shouldn't even have to see the person and turn around and walk away -dave

[2001-01-30 18:48:00] - and then the cops would take them away anyway - mig

[2001-01-30 18:48:00] - that's the argument other people would make -dave

[2001-01-30 18:48:00] - and i would - mig

[2001-01-30 18:47:00] - yeah, well if you see someonen walking around outside naked....just turn around and go somewhere else...-dave

[2001-01-30 18:47:00] - well, i'm not saying i think it is necessarily violating it, just that some people think it is -dave

[2001-01-30 18:47:00] - you don't like it, change the channel.  every single channel can't make it content to suit your every whim - mig

[2001-01-30 18:46:00] - yeah, everyone has different points at which they think the line should be drawn. -dave

[2001-01-30 18:46:00] - explain how it violates their freedom - mig

[2001-01-30 18:46:00] - bullshit - mig

[2001-01-30 18:46:00] - that's definitely something that probably isn't for public display - mig

[2001-01-30 18:46:00] - i don't really have an opinion one way or another, but the issue is that some people think that having those words on tv and radio violates their freedom -dave

[2001-01-30 18:45:00] - i would maybe draw the line at porn i guess - mig

[2001-01-30 18:45:00] - hehe -dave

[2001-01-30 18:44:00] - minus the 1st one of course - mig

[2001-01-30 18:44:00] - yeah, but where do you draw the lines? isnt' that the whole point? -dave

[2001-01-30 18:43:00] - ten commandments form a good base for laws pretty much no one should have a problem with - mig

[2001-01-30 18:43:00] - well, once that freedom violates someone else's freedom, then you have a problem - mig

[2001-01-30 18:43:00] - i mean, some people think that going out and shooting someone should be a right to them because that is how they express themselves -dave

[2001-01-30 18:42:00] - i just didn't feel like writing it out - mig

[2001-01-30 18:42:00] - well all laws kinda restrain our freedom. and most people agree that some laws are necessary -dave

[2001-01-30 18:42:00] - freedom of expression, yes. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:41:00] - something along the lines that it shouldn't be a law that restrains our freedom, right? -dave

[2001-01-30 18:41:00] - i actually don't know if mtv is doing this by themselves, but I'm very sure they are doing this because of pressure from pro-censorship people, mostly after the whole columbine fiasco. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:41:00] - well, it says what exactly? -dave

[2001-01-30 18:40:00] - and even if mtv is doing it by themselves, arguably, you could just "switch" the channel to some other station you like better -dave

[2001-01-30 18:40:00] - yes, and what does the first amendment say .... congress shall make no f-u-c-k-i-n-g law ... yadda yadda yadda - mig

[2001-01-30 18:39:00] - or is mtv doing this by themselves? -dave

[2001-01-30 18:39:00] - besides, censorship laws are made by congress right? -dave

[2001-01-30 18:39:00] - actually, mtv and vh1 expand their censorship to any phrase or word that has anything to do with drugs or violence, such as "gun" or "pot" - mig

[2001-01-30 18:39:00] - so mtv is just protecting itself against blameshifting parents -dave

[2001-01-30 18:38:00] - true, but they also end up suing other people cuz they're upset and irrational. -dave

[2001-01-30 18:38:00] - parents scapegoat lyrics because they don't want to hold themselves accountable. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:37:00] - only thing they censor are those 7 words anyways, right?  not sure if they do anything else -dave

[2001-01-30 18:37:00] - if kids do bad things, the parents can only blame themselves. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:37:00] - sue them for having objectionable stuff on their shows -dave

[2001-01-30 18:36:00] - in one sense, it's our own faul that it is censored because "we" sue them for it when kids do bad things -dave

[2001-01-30 18:35:00] - sue them for what? - mig

[2001-01-30 18:35:00] - i mean, they do show a lot of videos that "should" be censored according to some people -dave

[2001-01-30 18:35:00] - i dont' think they're trying to make us believe the words aren't there....just save themselve from mad parents suing them -dave

[2001-01-30 18:34:00] - MTV is trying to make us believe that the words aren't there, but they are.

[2001-01-30 18:33:00] - insulting our intelligence? -dave

[2001-01-30 18:33:00] - you can listen to different stations, and they will definitely have differing lvls of "censorship" -dave

[2001-01-30 18:33:00] - it's the principal of the thing dave.  they;re basically insulting our intelligence.  - mig

[2001-01-30 18:33:00] - but that's true now to a certain extent. about the radio i mean. -dave

[2001-01-30 18:32:00] - like anything, you have to have a balance like you said -dave

[2001-01-30 18:32:00] - i think you're right that censorship shouldn't go very far, but some things i think it might be a good idea to keep some tabs on -dave

[2001-01-30 18:32:00] - If people object then they can just switch to their censored stations. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:31:00] - personally i think radio should be uncensored.  at the very least their should be "uncensored" stations and censored stations. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:31:00] - are you really losing something from not hearing the words "gun" or "pot" though? -Dave

[2001-01-30 18:30:00] - It started with the "naught 7" words.  Now look at MTV.  MTV now censors any references to violence or drugs, solely on the basis that if "impressionable children"  hear the word "gun" or "pot" they start doing drugs or commit violent acts - mig

[2001-01-30 18:28:00] - were = we're - mig

[2001-01-30 18:27:00] - Once that line is drawn, the pro-censorship want to push it more and more, until only they have their free speech and were left with duct tape over our mouths

[2001-01-30 18:25:00] - personally, i think censorship should never be tolerated.  from observations I've seen one uniform thing about censorship:  censorship inevitably leads to more censorship. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:24:00] - If the networks censor themselves, that's fine(unless it's coming from pressure from the outside).  But the government has no right to use organizations such as the FCC to regulate content. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:22:00] - I really think kids should see dogma.  That movie had a really great message. - mig

[2001-01-30 18:12:00] - I think tv channels themselves could just set clear standards of what sort of content they will show, and as long as they stick to those standards, everyone will be happy.  -asg

[2001-01-30 18:11:00] - I think that there should be someone who does some regulation of what can be shown on what channels.  However, I don't know if the government is the best choice for who should do this.  -asg

[2001-01-30 16:59:00] - Bye -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:58:00] - Ok. I think that the government should play no role in censoring things at all. Despite the fact that I may violently disagree with it, I think the networks have the right to censor whatever they want. -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:58:00] - ugh.  i have to go.  i won't be back for a while tonight, so i'll have to respond to you much later.  i hope there aren't too many posts while i am gone. - aba

[2001-01-30 16:56:00] - it's the responsibility of both.  the government should say that there should be regulations, while an independent third party should be set up to create those regulations. - aba

[2001-01-30 16:55:00] - I may be confused though, let me ask you this: Do you think the government should be involved with censoring stuff or should it be the responsibility of the networks? -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:53:00] - Even with the violence and language taken out, Dogma would never be shown on network TV because the Religious right would spazz out -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:51:00] - if you ever see the network tv version of mallrats, you will know what i am talking about.  kevin smith is a brilliant filmmaker, but his films are meant for a certain audience.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 16:51:00] - i think we won't see it on network tv because of the violence and the language.  they are part of the movie, and it wouldn't be the same without them.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 16:50:00] - i think the violence in that movie would have traumatized most children.  especially the idea of "evil angels". - aba

[2001-01-30 16:49:00] - Will we ever see Dogma on network TV? I don't think so. Why not? Because people find it objectionable. I think that is a real shame. -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:49:00] - i am only saying that restrictions need to be placed.  dogma was rated r so that only people who were mature enough to deal with the issues in it could go see it.  - aba

[2001-01-30 16:49:00] - i think you are confusing censoring and banning.  i am not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to express themselves.  -  aba

[2001-01-30 16:48:00] - I think it's too dangerous to start censoring things because it's a slippery slope. When do you stop? With porn? Cursing? Showing drug use? Expressing atheistic ideas? Do we censor the movie Dogma? -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:45:00] - i think in something as broad reaching as this, you really have no choice but go almost on a case by case basis  :(  - aba

[2001-01-30 16:44:00] - well, you see, i have no objection to viewing them, but i think parents would object to little kids watching them - aba

[2001-01-30 16:44:00] - Because there is a lot more "objectionable" stuff out there then nudity... where do we draw the line? -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:43:00] - Ok... So should we restrict all "objectionable" content to HBO and playboy? -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:42:00] - even things like hbo (which plays r rated movies) are extra - aba

[2001-01-30 16:40:00] - Are there any channels like that right now? Are you talking about premium channels? I've never had cable before so I am unfamiliar as to how it works -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:40:00] - anyone can order cable, but not anyone can order the playboy channel - aba

[2001-01-30 16:39:00] - not really, no.  there are channels where you have to prove that you are a certain age in order to obtain access to them - aba

[2001-01-30 16:38:00] - What is a more appropriate medium anyway? Any channel you put stuff on will be accessable to kids... -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:36:00] - what stops them from breaking the rules?  -  aba

[2001-01-30 16:35:00] - Dolphin sex is great! And there are certain guidelines that the networks are suppose to follow. For example, I don't think any show that has blood is allowed to be rated G -Paul

[2001-01-30 16:31:00] -  <- in case anyone is interested - aba

[2001-01-30 16:23:00] - banning the product is not what i am advocating.  i am saying it needs to be moved to a more appropriate medium.  - aba

[2001-01-30 16:22:00] - and why would anyone in their right mind think having sex with a dolphin is ok? - aba

[2001-01-30 16:21:00] - it seems kind of like there are no checks in place - aba

[2001-01-30 16:20:00] - if networks are the ones rating stuff, then what's to stop them from rating porn as g? - aba

[2001-01-30 15:38:00] - testing! -dave

[2001-01-30 15:32:00] - how do i change my color to blue? -dave

[2001-01-30 15:32:00] - i dunno bout kids opening childproof bottles with ease. maybe they just put a lot more time into it -dave

[2001-01-30 15:12:00] -

[2001-01-30 15:10:00] - you can change your color if you want  ~a

[2001-01-30 14:54:00] - It's like the child proof caps on aspirin. Adults have trouble opening them but children seem to be able to open them with ease. -paul

[2001-01-30 14:51:00] - eh? i don't get that last one -Dave

[2001-01-30 14:50:00] - Yeah, tops that adults can't open, only children can.... -Paul

[2001-01-30 14:48:00] - i guess that's why we have complicated tops on windex bottles = ) -Dave

[2001-01-30 14:47:00] - The same thing that is wrong with watching porn on tv -Paul

[2001-01-30 14:46:00] - awwww,  i don't get pretty colors -Dave

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