here are old message board entries

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[2004-06-17 20:09:35] - dear god, i just got my renewed visa card in the mail and the thing won't expire until 2009!  that's quite a jump from having to renew every year to every five years - travis

[2004-06-17 18:01:16] - all: hey so I started a journal on livejournal (mexicanmel).  Feel free to read and post.  I thought it was about time and sometimes I have stuff to say that doesn't fit on the message board.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:56:32] - Paul: ok, bye Paul.  hey I'll probably write something about this and post in on my journal.  Its pretty new.  I have it up on livejournal.  My username is mexicanmel.  Feel free to check it out later/tomorrow/whatever.  ok, bye Paul.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:55:40] - Paul: Well it needs to fit better with the private sector because a lot of valuable contribution can be generated that way.  The comission also chose JPL as a model for how all the NASA centers should be.  JPL is currently the only NASA Center operated by a private institution (Caltech).  And this seems to work extremely well (Mars Rovers, cassini)

[2004-06-17 17:54:52] - Anyway, it's time for me to go home now. Talk to you all tomorrow. -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:53:25] - Mel: I guess. It just seems like the commission is saying "Yeah, NASA doesn't need to exist." :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:50:37] - and to what extent.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:50:26] - Paul: everyone aknowledges that increased particpation by the private sector is good.  Its just a matter of how this will take place.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:49:26] - Paul: NASA is a department that works for the president.  This comission was organized by the president to determine what changes need to be made in NASA.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:48:28] - Paul: I wouldn't say campaigning.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:47:37] -  X Prize.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:47:27] - Mel: So this commission is effectively campaigning against NASA? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:47:11] -  NASA Report -mel

[2004-06-17 17:44:17] - Paul:    -mel

[2004-06-17 17:43:58] - Paul: The president.  Or I guess the taxpayers.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:42:45] - Mel: That's somewhat strange, who funds this commission? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:40:17] - Paul: so the comission supports more contests like the X Prize.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:39:54] - Paul: One of the neat things they pointed out is that the X-Prize money (1 million for reaching a few miles out from the ground and repeating the trip within a short time) has already generated 40 miilion worth of research/investment.  A 40:1 return on investment (in the private sector)  And the X Prize hasn't even been won yet.  cool. -mel

[2004-06-17 17:37:59] - Paul: Well the Aldridge commission seems to think so too.  :-)  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:37:41] - Paul: I don't work in anything shuttle related. I just read the Columbia report and the latest Aldridge Report to try to figure out where NASA is going in the future.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:36:48] - Mel: I think space exploration should be left to the private sector. :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:34:50] - Paul: what do you think?  in general about all this.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:34:19] - Paul: hmm.  good question.  I'm not qualified to answer that.  I'd have to do some research.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:33:16] - Mel: Do you think a reliable reusable shuttle can be designed now? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:33:00] - Paul: Lofty goals with a negligible increase in budget scare me.  They force NASA into a corner.  Either fail to deliver on the goals or try to come up with miracle ways to cut costs, which raises risk.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:31:53] - Paul: I don't think the shuttle should have been made reusable.  That would have simplified a lot of things.  And required waaay less maintanance.  There were other problems that contributed to Columbia.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:29:19] - Paul: I know this is a bised opinion, but I thought the Columbia Report was extremely well written and revealing.  I recommend it to anyone interested in tech.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:28:18] - Mel: So you think making the shuttle reusable was too great a risk at the time it was designed? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:27:57] - It ended up being more expensive and more dangerous for the shuttle to be reusable.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:27:21] - Paul: The shuttle's use and even the compromise in its construction (the fact that it was constructed to be reusable).  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:26:14] - Paul: In fact one of the big conclusions of the Columbia Report and the Columbia accident (AND the Challenger report) too was that in order to perform well, NASA needs a) a consistent vision and b) adequate funding for their goals.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:25:30] - Mel: Just how the shuttle was used recently is misguided, or the entire project? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:24:48] - Paul: Thats my opnion based on the Columbia Report.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:24:01] - Paul: (IMHO) The entire concept of the shuttle was misguided to begin with.  It was never meant to be what it was, but the changes in administration and funding led to it being used to support work on the International Space station.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:21:04] - Mel: How so? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:19:43] - are=our.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:19:23] - Paul: but (IMHO) this type of approach to budgeting was exactly what caused are previous problems.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:18:47] - Mel: Well, does NASA even have an idea of how they are going to go about doing it? I would think it would HAVE to involve some sort of faster form of space travel or else the risks to the humans on board would be too high. -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:17:40] - Mel: That doesn't sound so bad. -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:17:15] - Paul: back to the budget issue for a sec, the problem is that the costs of goign to mars are largely unknown (although we know the costs are large).  So the commission decided on this 'go as you pay' idea.  But these projects take years and years to plan.  How can you expect to readjust funding annually?  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:15:40] - Paul: From the Report, "the vision is a 'go as you pay' plan where we achieve periodic technological advances and discoveries based on what we can afford annually."  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:13:04] - Paul: ok lets assume there was enough funding.  That will make the question more interesting.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:12:51] - Mel: What exactly does "pay as you go" mean? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:12:14] - Paul: ...philosophy and that is likely to lead to more corner cutting , increased risk, and potentially more accident.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:11:39] - Paul: One of the main problems I see in NASA recently is a lack of coherent vision.  So its good that people are talking about what to do now.  Does it make sense to go to Mars?  Does it make sense to go to the moon first?  Those are good questions to be talking about.  The new report states that teh economics will follow a "pay as you go" .. -mel

[2004-06-17 17:10:15] - Mel: Assuming he increased funding adequately, do you think he is being overly ambitious? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:09:30] - Paul: I have a lot more to say about it though.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:09:02] - Paul: well I was just writing about it right now.  Right off the bat I'd say I'm worried that his vision doesn't correspond with a lack of increase in funding.  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:07:19] - Mel: So what do you think about Bush's NASA proposals? -Paul

[2004-06-17 17:02:56] - pierce: nice way of phrasing it.  :-)  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:02:31] -  Aldridge Committee release report of NASA  -mel

[2004-06-17 17:01:14] - mel: yeah, and that's actually exactly what I do.  Still, I'd like to keep the one keyword : one site ratio as much as possible. - pierce

[2004-06-17 16:54:57] - wiki wiki wek wiki wiki wek </cartman> - vinnie

[2004-06-17 16:49:47] - pierce: you could always set up a slightly different alias.  Like "w" could go directly to the wiki main page for example.  -mel

[2004-06-17 16:34:36] - Vinnie: it looks like the father's day sales frequently include big screen TVs... maybe we want to think about that purchase tootsweet? - pierce

[2004-06-17 16:29:02] - Mel: if you browse multiple sites enough to bookmark them, and you usually read them all together (such as during a lull in the workday), I highly suggest opening them each in a tab, then "Bookmark This Group of Tabs...".  That way, you click on one bookmark, and while you're reading the first page the others load in the background. - pierce

[2004-06-17 16:24:22] - whereas I'd rather "wiki" by itself simply go to - pierce

[2004-06-17 16:23:54] - one problem is that you can't make the keyword without text go to a different page... so just typing "wiki" tries to go to , which results in an error from wikipedia's site. - pierce

[2004-06-17 16:23:26] - pierce: excellent, thanks.  what a neat feature!  I like th look and feel of firefox too.  I don't know exactly what it is, but it feels like it has softer edges.  -mel

[2004-06-17 16:21:02] - Yes.  Create a bookmark with the URL "" (quotes are for clarity), and keyword "wiki".  Then type "wiki 9/11 Commission" (quotes are for charity), for example. - pierce

[2004-06-17 16:18:23] -  have you guys seen this?  Excellent flash, but weird concept.  It felt like a cult.  -mel

[2004-06-17 15:52:40] - aaron: yes!  I really like it.  Especially at work.  :-P  I'm just starting to learn about.  I like the keyword feature for the bookmarks too.  And I saw that you can get more complicated with your keywords, like Pierce did.  Like you can set it up so if you type "wiki blah" Firefox goes to the wikipedia page about blah.  I think.  -mel

[2004-06-17 15:48:36] - mel: Isn't the tabbed browsing neat? You can middle-click a tab to close it in a hurry. I'm always learning weird new features. - aaron

[2004-06-17 15:43:27] - Pierce: I just started using Firefox (Finally no more IE.  yay!).  Its really neat.  Your recent comment feature on your blog is way cooler than I thought.  :-)  -mel

[2004-06-17 15:40:18] -  town named f*king keeps gettings its signs stolen -mel

[2004-06-17 15:35:44] - Travis: Choke Artists! :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 15:33:35] - paul: they left out how the freakin' punk pushed a knick to the ground in order to steal that inbounds pass >:O - travis

[2004-06-17 15:15:49] - this is a bit freaky... stories of aviation safety in "learn from my mistakes" format. - pierce

[2004-06-17 14:48:32] - i find it interesting that K&R C was the newest C back when "C with classes" was created.  ~a

[2004-06-17 14:43:35] -    ~a

[2004-06-17 13:11:06] - Ugh, doesn't it seem rather silly how they edited out Kobe's accuser's name in this too? -Paul

[2004-06-17 13:08:16] - "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it." A quote from Bob Knight. :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 13:04:22] - Travis: This is why you hate Reggie Miller, isn't it? :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 12:54:00] - Travis: Brilliant! -Paul

[2004-06-17 12:44:27] - paul: see, already it forces people to learn english 8-) - travis

[2004-06-17 12:32:51] - Travis: Because obviously people would listen to orders given in English. :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 12:30:21] - enh, just make the rest of the world listen to that'll fix everything - travis

[2004-06-17 12:27:45] - Vinnie: Yeah, I imagine I could be a lock for a government job if I had a security clearance and was fluent in arabic. :-) -Paul

[2004-06-17 12:22:20] - I mean, having a clearance on top of that, not comparing the two. I think there's a bigger shortage of arabic speakers than people with clearances - vinnie

[2004-06-17 12:21:06] - arabic is a VERY useful language to learn right now. having a clearance probably helps even more - vinnie

[2004-06-17 12:15:15] - Travis: If I was only interested in flirting with women, there are definitely different languages I would learn first. ;-) -Paul

[2004-06-17 12:15:13] - typo "now that he's got" - travis

[2004-06-17 12:14:10] - mig: more likely he wants to be able to hit on middle eastern women now that's got japanese covered :-P - travis

[2004-06-17 12:13:22] - mig: No, but I'm interested in learning languages which may prove to be useful in the future. -Paul

[2004-06-17 12:10:51] - paul:  arabic?  you undergoing terroritst training? - mig

[2004-06-17 12:10:39] - -paul

[2004-06-17 12:10:36] - a: Will this end up punishing me?

[2004-06-17 12:08:19] - paul:  can i disable (the old link).  i like punishing people who never update their links.  ~a

[2004-06-17 12:07:22] - a: ahh ok. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly -dave

[2004-06-17 11:59:10] - dave:  i think historically, indexes only go up 10% per year (averaged over like a century)  ~a

[2004-06-17 11:58:56] - Paul: apparently not ^_^ -dave

[2004-06-17 11:58:25] - think that -dave

[2004-06-17 11:58:22] - Dave: 5 stocks aren't enough diversity? :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 11:58:21] - (i'm only up about 6% in that time, so i'm jealous)  ~a

[2004-06-17 11:58:07] - a: I think the typically they gain 15% a year -dave

[2004-06-17 11:57:38] - a: it's a type of mutual fund -dave

[2004-06-17 11:57:17] - dave:  how do you buy index funds?  are they usually through like vanguard or something?  or is it something that brokers usually handle?  ~a

[2004-06-17 11:51:39] - Paul: as a gauge, my index funds are up 8.8% in around the same amt of time so looks like you just didn't have enough diversity -dave

[2004-06-17 11:45:19] - a: Actually, I do, but they're government bonds. -Paul

[2004-06-17 11:45:08] - a: I don't have any bonds. -Paul

[2004-06-17 11:39:10] - chappelle's show - vinnie

[2004-06-17 11:37:32] - wtf? - pierce

[2004-06-17 11:31:19] - paul:  you need to diversify your bonds, nigger.  ~a

[2004-06-17 11:27:35] - a: About 8 months. -Paul

[2004-06-17 11:25:10] - paul:  how much time has passed?  ~a

[2004-06-17 11:20:15] - a: So far I've put $4000 into my stocks and they are worth ~$3700 now. :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 11:17:49] - paul:  on average, what percentage per year?  ~a

[2004-06-17 11:12:18] - Vinnie: My stocks are certainly not gangbusters OR stellar. :'( -Paul

[2004-06-17 11:11:50] - Just out of curiosity, is anybody here interested in taking either Japanese or Arabic language classes in the evening? -Paul

[2004-06-17 11:09:13] - gangbusters - outstandingly excellent or successful - vinnie

[2004-06-17 11:03:23] - quit your whining.  ~a

[2004-06-17 11:03:10] - ah! my eyes! - vinnie

[2004-06-17 10:59:06] - Vinnie: Hmmm, that's ok. I actually think my mom has a copy of the book from the library or something. Thanks for the offer though. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:57:31] - paul: there's basically the one book, "The South Beach Diet", since the diet is copyrighted or trademarked or patented or something. I can let you borrow it if you want, since we only use the cookbook nowadays, if at all - vinnie

[2004-06-17 10:54:36] - Vinnie: Any particular book you recommend? -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:54:22] - Vinnie: Too bad none of us have any filming skills. We need to find somebody to pitch the idea to. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:53:31] - Vinnie: That's basically what I want to know. What kinds of breads are good to eat and what kind of pasta, etc. It's not so much from a losing weight standpoint, but just that I've heard so much about how white bread is bad for you and wheat/rye bread is good, etc. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:52:24] - I think the book is about $20. if you just want to learn, definitely borrow the book. it's a quick read - vinnie

[2004-06-17 10:50:51] - paul: honestly, I think the movie would be a blast to make. there's probably enough weird hippies out there to film for an entertaining movie - vinnie

[2004-06-17 10:50:08] - paul: you probably don't need the book for that, but it helps. net carbs are basically what you want to look for (total carbs - carbs of dietary fiber) but there's some other factors to take into account. they have a table that indicates how good a LOT of common foods are for you - vinnie

[2004-06-17 10:46:51] - Paul: and honestly, from a legal standpoint the latter is more significant than the former. - pierce

[2004-06-17 10:44:24] - Pierce: I see what you're saying. It just seems to me that standing up to fight something on your daughter's behalf (ie, she agrees with what you are doing) is a lot different than fighting for something in your daughter's name (she could care less). -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:42:54] - I.e. the decision that there is one, and only one god. - pierce

[2004-06-17 10:42:15] - Paul: you can make that argument regardless of her opinion, because her opinion holds no legal weight.  On the other hand, you could argue that he's attacking a decision that's being forced (with a very small amount of force, admittedly) upon his daughter. - pierce

[2004-06-17 10:40:30] - Not in terms of actually following the diet, but in learning stuff about which carbs are good and which are bad. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:40:10] - Vinnie: Do you happen to know how much they cost, and how useful they are? -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:39:46] - Vinnie: So what do you say? Up for making a movie called 'Veganize Me'? :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:39:11] - Pierce: Also true. But if she truly doesn't care about the pledge, then the argument could be made that he's just using his daughter to attack something that only he doesn't like. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:35:49] - i'm trying to think of examples of movies where a culture is highlighted by also criticized. word wars, perhaps (if it's anything like word freak)? - vinnie

[2004-06-17 10:34:59] - Paul: but Newdow could easily claim (with arguable validity) that the fact that his daughter doesn't object to the pledge is evidence that she's being influenced by its religious message.  More importantly, her opinion of the pledge is irrelevant to the court's decision. - pierce

[2004-06-17 10:34:49] - paul: my dad bought the main book and the cookbook - vinnie

[2004-06-17 10:34:29] - I think the vegan diet movie thing could be even more popular potentially, as long as it isn't too one-sided. that's the weird thing - that the mcdonald's documentary can be one-sided and popular but the vegan thing probably not - vinnie

[2004-06-17 10:33:58] - Vinnie: Did you end up buying any books for the South Beach Diet or just renting them from the library or something? -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:25:08] - mig: I say let the teams exist for as long as the owners can afford to keep them around. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:22:34] - paul:  well, the rays are bad AND they don't make money.  I don't really know if the rockies make money or not but i know interest in the team has waned because they just never win, so they will probably start losing money if they haven't already. - mig

[2004-06-17 10:20:31] - paul: I agree, especially if they're speaking to the press... - aaron

[2004-06-17 10:19:22] - Aaron: For the record, I believe that the daughter has no problem with the pledge, but in many cases I'm sure kids are coached by their parents on what to say, regardless of what they think. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:18:23] - mig: Just because those two teams are bad? What about teams that just can't make money? -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:17:54] - paul: "she and her mother do not object to your pledge." Just in case it mattered, I guess the girl herself doesn't care whether she has to say the pledge or not - aaron

[2004-06-17 10:17:43] - Train late every day for 16 years. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:17:34] - paul:  a few years ago I would say yes, mlb needs a salary cap, but now i think just better revenue sharing is enough to keep things interesting.  and mlb could probably stand to lose the devil rays and the rockies.  - mig

[2004-06-17 10:16:37] - I'm not sure I actively dislike garfield.  I don't dislike him enough that I didn't consider seeing the movie, since I like Bill Murray and Breckin Meyer. - pierce

[2004-06-17 10:16:30] -,4057,9869233%255E401,00.html New stun gun. Last paragraph is a little odd. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:14:57] - Aaron: If I wasn't absolutely sure that it would get ignored by everybody, I would say we should make one of those movies. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:14:06] - How the pledge case ruling has broader implications. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:13:42] - paul: I like the vegan diet idea. I also like the story about the girl who went on a mcdonalds diet and lost 10 pounds, and her cholestorol level dropped. That should be a movie! - aaron

[2004-06-17 10:12:50] - vinnie: check again... it would probably help if I didn't just try sending it to "vprabhu".  Too bad my webmail program invisibly saves messages with no valid recipients to the "Drafts" folder, never to be seen again. - pierce

[2004-06-17 10:09:24] - Does baseball need a salary cap? -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:05:45] - I would actually love to see somebody make a film about them eating an irresponsible vegan diet for 30 days and seeing what kind of health problems THEY develop, and whether the media pays it any attention at all. -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:04:46] - If you want to ignore the political stuff, the 8th paragraph has the interesting stuff (for me at least). -Paul

[2004-06-17 10:01:55] - Just like Manchu Wok. ;-) -paul

[2004-06-17 09:58:13] - since pierce isn't responding, I think he actively dislikes garfield too - vinnie

[2004-06-17 09:56:40] - Travis: I guess I can see that. He doesn't want to get too popular or else he will become a lightning rod for all the goths and hippies and communists. :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:55:51] - pierce:  well looks like it doesn't matter since I just realized i could have putty send keepalive packets every often enough to keep my session from timing out now. - mig

[2004-06-17 09:55:34] - Mig: Ok, cool. Just wondering, because I just played through an awesome part last night and I want to talk it over with you when you reach it. -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:55:24] - and besides vinnie i haven't met anybody that actively hates garfield, either they're indifferent or like it - travis

[2004-06-17 09:54:40] - i think pierce is right, though, people just use mickey as the symbol of disney, which is the entity people actually hate, so i don't think that many people actually hate mickey - travis

[2004-06-17 09:54:31] - Paul:  well i haven't really played for a day or 2, so I'm still where I was (inside the sith base on taris). - mig

[2004-06-17 09:48:18] - mig: How far are you on KotOR, if I may ask? -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:47:50] - Vinnie: Glad to see somebody agree with me. :-) -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:46:28] - paul: oh no, I think a sizable minority hate both, probably even more for garfield - vinnie

[2004-06-17 09:44:57] - pierce: I never got the e-mail you purported sending... - vinnie

[2004-06-17 09:44:32] - Pierce: Well, I meant it more as a note to something the article mentioned. They said that a sizeable minority hates Mickey but such a group doesn't exist for Garfield and I just thought that it did. -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:42:36] - Paul: do "many" people "hate" Mickey?  I'm sure there are some, but I would say they're largely statistically insignificant.  And most of them hate Disney, not Mickey.  And a lot of them probably just have a mild distaste for the character, as opposed to hatred. - pierce

[2004-06-17 09:41:15] - Does it drive anyone else nuts to see people applying makeup while they're driving? - pierce

[2004-06-17 09:39:45] - also, syndicated comics are probably the most conservative of the media outlets. it's an incredibly tough field to break into, and when you're established, tough to fall out of - vinnie

[2004-06-17 09:38:56] - Travis: Well, yes, but by that rationale not many people hate Mickey either. :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:38:34] - i'd guess most people are just indifferent to garfield. I haven't met anyone in years that still really enjoys the strip - vinnie

[2004-06-17 09:38:34] - mig: She started off with almost shoulder length hair and by the end it was shorter, I think. Actually, it got a little longer at the very end. -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:38:10] - Paul: "$750 million and $1 billion each year" seems to indicate enough people don't hate garfield - travis

[2004-06-17 09:38:02] - mig: look up a package called autolog, was what one of the google results told me.  But it was talking about it back when Red Hat 7.2 was new, so I'm not so sure. - pierce

[2004-06-17 09:33:53] - travis: Hee hee. The less someone tries, the harder it is to hate them for it :-p I actually didn't know garfield was intended as a marketing thing from the beginning though. That's very strange. - aaron

[2004-06-17 09:33:52] - Paul:  I forget, which one was which? - mig

[2004-06-17 09:33:13] - pierce:  yeah i tried using that and it doesn't work for me.  maybe my firewall is killing idle connections, so i'll try checking that. - mig

[2004-06-17 09:32:05] - Mig: Early DS9 Kira short? Or later DS9 Kira short? :-P -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:31:46] - mig: I'm not sure I ever knew the answer to that, but a quick google search suggested TMOUT.  But it wasn't too sure; I saw someone saying that that variable didn't work for them. - pierce

[2004-06-17 09:29:32] - Travis: Except don't a lot of people hate Garfield? -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:28:14] - mig: I was thinking shorter than usual for a girl. Like 6" or something. - aaron

[2004-06-17 09:22:03] - paul:  yeah, what kind of short we talking about, just shorter than usual for a girl, or as short as your hair or aaron's. - mig

[2004-06-17 09:21:15] - this explains a lot about garfield - travis

[2004-06-17 09:20:42] - Pierce: I think his original premise was accurate at least, that women too often don't think about what MEN find attractive and instead act and dress how THEY think is attractive. -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:17:59] - pierce:  do you remember what variable i have to set in bash to keep my ssh sessions from timing out? - mig

[2004-06-17 09:12:54] - I think the problem is that he oversimplifies the spectrum of what people find attractive.  Sure, he may not care about personality, and only wants big hair and big boobs, but that doesn't mean that those are every other guy's criteria too. - pierce

[2004-06-17 09:08:13] - Aaron: Me neither. In fact, depending on what they mean by short hair, I might consider it more attractive than long hair. *Shrug* -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:07:14] - paul: I agree. I didn't really know short hair was unattractive? I guess it just depends on how it's done. - aaron

[2004-06-17 09:01:00] - Aaron: Journalists just don't know how to appropriately end an article. ;-) -Paul

[2004-06-17 09:00:29] - Here is a case where I actually nearly 100% DISAGREE with Vox. His early comments about what men find attractive are (to me at least) totally off the mark. I do, however, agree with what he has to say about men in the second-to-last paragraph. -Paul

[2004-06-17 08:57:41] - Is it tradition for the last sentence in every news article to be completely stupid? It's an unusual trend I've been noticing - aaron

[2004-06-17 08:54:42] - I actually feel kinda sorry for the "jerk". And doesn't it seem like everybody is overcompensating a little bit? -Paul

[2004-06-17 08:46:37] - mel: Interesting article. Didn't tell me much that I didn't already know/suspect, but it was interesting to see the statistics. -Paul

[2004-06-16 22:42:51] - ok, almost no spam.  ~a

[2004-06-16 22:42:25] - not even at you weirdo! - aaron

[2004-06-16 22:03:55] - and maybe that's why i get like no spam.  ~a

[2004-06-16 22:02:33] - a: tee hee! That's like those spam emails i always get that have a picture with a complex tracking ID. That way they can figure out who is reading their spam, and whom they are wasting their time on - aaron

[2004-06-16 21:11:05] - pierce:  yeah.  ~a

[2004-06-16 21:07:10] - or use an html reader that doesn't allow external image links. - pierce

[2004-06-16 20:26:23] - in other words, don't use html readers unless you want your privacy invaded.  ~a

[2004-06-16 20:25:35] - "If someone uses a plain text email reader instead of one that uses HTML, will DidTheyReadIt still work?"  answer:  no.  ~a

[2004-06-16 20:24:44] - mel:  ~a

[2004-06-16 19:00:32] -  Did the e-mail you sent get read or not?  -mel

[2004-06-16 18:38:02] -  Cheney's "secret" bunker disclosed -mel

[2004-06-16 18:27:04] - Paul: you might be interested.  Study of media biases.  -mel

[2004-06-16 15:54:23] -  -kris

[2004-06-16 15:43:51] - mig: I would expect nothing less from the state. :-) -Paul

[2004-06-16 15:32:14] - Pierce: Yeah, I guess you're right. I basically repeated what she said. :-P Sorry. -Paul

[2004-06-16 15:24:46] - vinnie: haha, I like the list.  I'll have to try some of this stuff, its funny.  -mel

[2004-06-16 15:23:39] - Paul: isn't that exactly what Mel just said?  Of course he didn't "owe" them anything in the context of a legal obligation, but it would generally have been the right thing to do given that a lot of people "depend" on his service (inasfar as one can depend on one's own blog). - pierce

[2004-06-16 15:18:42] - first time home buyers are treated as potential terrorists ... have fun paul. - mig

[2004-06-16 15:17:59] - Mel: I know, it would be nice for him to have warned people but I don't think he OWES it to them necessarily. -Paul

[2004-06-16 15:00:01] - aaron: I liked the treasure map one too. I might do that before I move out - vinnie

[2004-06-16 14:54:00] - Paul: He didn't HAVe to warn people, but in most scenarios it seems like 24 hours notice would not be too difficult and everyone who cared could do something about it then.  -mel

[2004-06-16 14:50:35] - "hide something in the house and leave a treasure map in the refrigerator" sounds like it could be funny if you were planning a vacation. Otherwise the other person would probably just ask you what the map was. - aaron

[2004-06-16 14:49:12] - ideas for things to do. Some of these are kind of cutely realistic, like the spotlight one. A lot of them require being pretty extroverted though. - aaron

[2004-06-16 14:42:23] - paul:  well of course he didn't have too, but the point is that he probably should have. - mig

[2004-06-16 14:23:36] - Vinnie: It certainly would've been nice of him to give some warning but I don't think it was something that he HAD to do. -Paul

[2004-06-16 14:14:54] - I think there's a good reason. I don't think there's that many situations where he desperately needed to shut down his service without giving a warning. did he suddenly find himself in financial trouble or something? - vinnie

[2004-06-16 14:04:31] - Mel: This is another case of where I can understand why people are upset, but I don't think there is a good reason for them to be upset. -Paul

[2004-06-16 13:57:55] - Pierce: I knew it was a joke, but like Vinnie said, it could be a joke which is also disagreement and so I was responding to that. -paul

[2004-06-16 13:42:33] - on the other hand, if the material in your blog is that important to you, shouldn't you be backing it up anyway?  - travis

[2004-06-16 13:32:52] - vinnie: seriously, if I had been keeping a blog for years, I'd be upset if all of a sudden all the content disappeared.  -mel

[2004-06-16 13:28:39] - i'd be pissed in that situation too. at least it looks like he's gonna give people their posts back - vinnie

[2004-06-16 13:24:05] -,1284,63856,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_8  Thousands of blogs fall silent  -mel

[2004-06-16 13:23:31] - yeah, but there's agreeing-with-paul joke and disagreeing-with-paul joke - vinnie

[2004-06-16 13:18:32] - Just in case it didn't come across, winky face = joke. - pierce

[2004-06-16 12:15:32] - Pierce: Hey, I'm not reaching for anything. I'm just posting articles I find interesting and labeling them with their headlines. -paul

[2004-06-16 12:08:47] - Men who kidnap women get headlines... think about Scott Peterson!  You're reaching for prejudice that isn't there, Paul. ;-) - pierce

[2004-06-16 12:04:50] - Missing Women Grab Headlines, but What About the Men? -Paul

[2004-06-16 11:44:24] - Vinnie: It's surprising how much "common knowledge" is actually discredited research. That's science for ya. ;-) -Paul

[2004-06-16 11:43:36] - A list of the Pistons players that used to play for D.C. I didn't know the Celtics had Ben Wallace. -Paul

[2004-06-16 11:28:12] - *sigh* i'm so childish. it is interesting that the research was discredited yet is so well known and assumed - vinnie

[2004-06-16 11:27:31] - "sexuality is a very slippery... issue" hehehe - vinnie

[2004-06-16 11:15:11] - Probably not a reliable survey, but it's interesting to find out that the "10% of the population is gay" statistic was from a zoologist. -Paul

[2004-06-16 10:22:35] - Who are the great presidents? -Paul

[2004-06-16 09:24:32] - mig: Yeah, late last night I was able to connect. -Paul

[2004-06-16 09:23:20] - paul:  did yahoo mail ever get back up for you? - mig

[2004-06-16 08:16:45] - Travis: So what's green's problem? -Paul

[2004-06-15 22:04:17] - who are you? (hopefully people recognize the reference to the current gameboy ad slogan) - travis

[2004-06-15 18:10:26] - same with me. four swords adventures, ho! - vinnie

[2004-06-15 18:09:31] - and now that i'm down doing the security check and i've dispensed all my writing knowledge, i'm off! - travis

[2004-06-15 18:08:55] - vinnie: you could always write down the notes like in that episode of mr. show :-) - travis

[2004-06-15 18:07:40] - i used to carry a notepad and pen around with me in my pocket but i was rarely using it, although boring anime at VTAS meetings gave some inspiration to come up with stuff - travis

[2004-06-15 18:07:33] - mel: I put into a music tracking program. I do all music by ear - vinnie

[2004-06-15 18:06:31] - and if i'm in my den i just use the computer or go to another room - travis

[2004-06-15 18:06:05] - vinnie: haha.  Thats tough. wow.  and then how do you write it down?  i always wondered how people compose songs.  -mel

[2004-06-15 18:05:50] - vinnie: i have a comp book that i carry around (used to be a lyrics notebook but those all suck so i started using it as a story notes book), i have a spiral notebook that i keep next to my bed, and i have a notebook on the table at the end of my couch (which isn't used much so it's just ideas left over from running RPGs) - travis

[2004-06-15 18:01:55] - oh! I'm guessing none of you all make songs, but that's the worst. if I come up with melody I have to hum it to myself like thirty times lest I forget it. I don't know notes so I can't write it down! - vinnie

[2004-06-15 17:59:32] - my ideas are mostly stolen/tweaked too. especially songs - vinnie

[2004-06-15 17:56:29] - travis: hmm.  ok now that I think about it, I only really have two rooms and one bathroom too.  -mel

[2004-06-15 17:56:13] - travis: you seriously keep different notebooks like that? shouldn't you just carry one in your big pants? :) - vinnie

[2004-06-15 17:55:00] - hopefully i never get inspiration while i'm in the bathroom - travis

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