here are old message board entries

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[2001-02-06 16:13:00] -  damn republicans  :(

[2001-02-06 14:40:00] -

[2001-02-06 14:10:00] - and the obvious problem that women and men at the same job are still, even in today's day and age, paid differently  ~a

[2001-02-06 14:10:00] - i think that the main problem is men are discouraged from roles/fields/jobs that are not really big money makers where women are discouraged from roles/fields/jobs that have high salaries  ~a

[2001-02-06 13:19:00] - no, it's not that it appeals to males more, it's because society tells us that it should appeal to males more.  most games and electronic gadgets are marketed toward males.  it's not a very fair society.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 13:16:00] - that's not to say we shouldn't encourage females into cs and eng, though - mig

[2001-02-06 13:16:00] - ation, but rather that it appeals more to males than females - mig

[2001-02-06 13:15:00] - why does it have to be equal 50/50 in order for it to be considered fair?  certain things appeal to men and certain things appeal to women.  there's probably never going to be a 50/50 ratio in fields such as CS or Eng, not because of gender discrimin

[2001-02-06 13:10:00] - i basically think that when society has relatively equal gender roles, then can we truly say that no one is being victimized.  show me an equal number of women in high ranking offices and an equal number of stay at home dads, and i'll be happy. - aba

[2001-02-06 13:07:00] - bye Dave

[2001-02-06 13:07:00] - Solution to a women not being able to support herself and child after divorce -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:06:00] - ack! lunchtime, gotta go. -dave

[2001-02-06 13:06:00] - 55% of college degress go to women btw... -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:06:00] - solution to what would be? -dave

[2001-02-06 13:06:00] - Why doesn't the female get a job then and let the man take care of the kids? Or get a nanny? -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:05:00] - Well, I want to know what the solution to this would be? -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:05:00] - then she would only have herself to support -dave

[2001-02-06 13:04:00] - then maybe the women should give the kids to the dad = ) -dave

[2001-02-06 13:04:00] - 'm sorry, don't answer that -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:04:00] - Oops, I

[2001-02-06 13:04:00] - Let me ask you this, should men have any say in whether or not a woman has an abortion? -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:03:00] - Pish Posh! Skipping class is fine as long as it is only econ -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:03:00] - yeah, but men skip out on child support all the time and usually, child support isn't enough to keep the woman's side running.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 13:03:00] - yeah, i don't have any problem agreeing that there are plenty of differences in the normal roles of men and women. but i think they both have benefits and drawbacks -dave

[2001-02-06 13:03:00] - oh.  . . .    :(  skipping class is bad.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 13:02:00] - I might be able to make it if I skip my 5:30 class.... but I need to go to my 7:00 class... -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:01:00] - But women almost always get custody of the child and the male is always forced to pay for child support -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:01:00] - how about tomorrow we meet at 6:00 at dietrick for dinner before the art of kissing?  -  aba

[2001-02-06 13:01:00] - In my opinion, the problem is that feminists have forced society to always see females as the victims and males and the oppressors -Paul

[2001-02-06 13:00:00] - unless you cal a job like waiteressing supporting yourself.  :\  -  aba

[2001-02-06 13:00:00] - yeah, and i think if there's a divorce, the man's left in a much better position because he can support himself, while the woman can't.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 12:59:00] - Yay Arnold! -Paul

[2001-02-06 12:58:00] -

[2001-02-06 12:57:00] - Exactly, because society tells men to go work and bring home the money -Paul

[2001-02-06 12:56:00] - society tells us that the "manly" thing to do is get a job and support our wives if we have them. just like it tells women they should stay home -dave

[2001-02-06 12:55:00] - exactly. because that's what society says -dave

[2001-02-06 12:55:00] - i don't think that you'd find very many men out there who would stay at home.  it's not a very "manly" thing to do.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 12:54:00] - society doesn't let them do that either. so i guess what i'm trying to say is that, yes, society does dictate a lot of normal roles for men and women, but it does it to both of them, not just to men, or not just to women -dave

[2001-02-06 12:54:00] - paul, you should post that to  -  aba

[2001-02-06 12:54:00] - i mean think about guys. what about the ones who would rather stay home and take care of kids? -dave

[2001-02-06 12:53:00] - yes well, i don't think it is just women who tend to do what society tells them to -dave

[2001-02-06 12:53:00] - yes, but she also could have chosen to work part time and have a nanny take care of us, but that really wasn't a given option by society in her time.  it's getting better for us, but very slowly.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 12:52:00] - yeah, you're right about raising kids i suppose.  but she did choose to have kids. -dave

[2001-02-06 12:52:00] - women just kind of do what society tells them to do without really knowing the consequences.  sitting around at home getting taken care of might be fun for a bit, but it sure is demeaning. how many men would do that for the rest of their lives? - aba

[2001-02-06 12:50:00] - my mom once said that if she had known how far behind in her career she would have been when she went back to work, she never would have totally stopped everything to take care of my brother and i.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 12:49:00] -

[2001-02-06 12:39:00] - I have a really good quote about Atheism that once I find it I will put in my profile or something -Paul

[2001-02-06 12:38:00] - it's just that to me, christianity tells me what better is, and also gives me ways of making this world a better place -dave

[2001-02-06 12:37:00] - i agree with you that we should worry about making this world better -dave

[2001-02-06 12:37:00] - and changing to paul's statements about religion and worrying about this world instead of the next... -dave

[2001-02-06 12:36:00] - but the same goes for guys who want to do things that not many guys do -dave

[2001-02-06 12:36:00] - so yeah, i think for the most part women can do what they want. like anything, when a woman wants to do something that not many women do, it's going to be more difficult -dave

[2001-02-06 12:34:00] - besides, i think it'd be kinda fun to have someone else have to worry about making the money, and being able to just go around spending it = ) -dave

[2001-02-06 12:34:00] - but quite a few of them probably wanted to be just what they are now anyways -dave

[2001-02-06 12:33:00] - in response to women being stuck at home a's true that there are still quite a few housewives -dave

[2001-02-06 12:33:00] - but the same goes for a guy who wants to go into something that traditionally women take -dave

[2001-02-06 12:32:00] - i mean, aparna has a point that, say if a woman wanted to be an electrical engineer, she is going to have a class full of guys and that might be discourating.. -dave

[2001-02-06 12:32:00] - i think that for the large part, women can do what they want -dave

[2001-02-06 12:31:00] - i didn't read all of the feminism thread, but from what i read, i agree with paul to an extent -dave

[2001-02-06 12:17:00] - i just haven't defined myself that far yet  :)  ~a

[2001-02-06 12:17:00] - i agree that it makes no sense to worry about it . . . i am not worrying about it . . . it think humanism is a subset of agnosticism  ~a

[2001-02-06 12:07:00] - It seems more logical to me to work hard to make this life better then to worry about pleasing some God who seems to be rather fickle and may not even exist -Paul

[2001-02-06 12:00:00] - Adrian, I can't prove to you that God doesn't exist.  All I can do is say that I personally find it easier to worry about this life instead of an afterlife that may or may not exist. -Paul

[2001-02-06 11:12:00] - you guys had a bunch of really good points . . . sorry i wasn't here ~a

[2001-02-06 11:00:00] - i have updated @@@/notes/religion.txt if anyone cares  ~a

[2001-02-06 10:55:00] - i assume that last message was from aaron since we were talking about it . . . i agree that that method would work . . . there are actually web pages designed for that though ( ~a

[2001-02-06 07:24:00] - I wonder if I can post to this message board with Babelfish. I forget the html code for posting here though.

[2001-02-06 02:13:00] - Goodnight -Paul

[2001-02-06 02:13:00] - Very well. Then I can say the victimization of males is something society quietly tells men and that females can't understand and we can call it even? -Paul

[2001-02-06 02:12:00] - anyway, i need to go to bed.  it's late.  goodnight paul.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 02:12:00] - yes, but it doesn't happen when it needs to.  when girls are young they are encouraged to play with barbies and dress nicely and act like dumb blondes.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 02:11:00] - you don't see it because you are male . . . it's not something that is out in the open.  it's something society quietly tells women . . . i don't think you're going to understand.  :'(  -  aba

[2001-02-06 02:11:00] - There are speakers and clubs and meetings and all sorts of things that encourage females to enter these fields -Paul

[2001-02-06 02:10:00] - There are lots of scholarships out there for females entering the fields of science and math and computers that males don't have -Paul

[2001-02-06 02:09:00] - As far as I can tell, females are given the exact same opportunites as males and are actually encouraged more to go into these fields -Paul

[2001-02-06 02:08:00] - I'm sorry, it's just that I don't see this massive conspiracy to keep females out of the fields of math and science -Paul

[2001-02-06 02:06:00] - some really successful mathematicians, scientists and programmers have been female, yet so few women go out for these fields because they are pretty much discouraged by the system.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 02:05:00] - i think it's hard for me to listen to you say that women have equality when so many women are stuck at home and never even get a chance to prove themselves to the world.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 01:55:00] - What kind of equality are you talking about? I think for the most part women have equality in most things today -Paul

[2001-02-06 01:51:00] - how so?  women are still fighting for equality in much more serious ways than men are.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 01:51:00] - Agreed. But I think that in many ways, men have more problems then women these days -Paul

[2001-02-06 01:48:00] - some of them.  some of them actively worked to gain women their rights.  i don't think you can compare the current "victimization" of men with not allowing women to vote or work proper jobs.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 01:45:00] - What about feminists then? Aren't they doing the same thing? -Paul

[2001-02-06 01:44:00] - sure they can be victims, but the guy in the article just seems like he's trying to milk the public for what it's worth.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 01:43:00] - :-( You don't think that men can be victims just as much as women, if not more, in today's society? -Paul

[2001-02-06 01:42:00] - i think the whole thing's pretty dumb  -  aba

[2001-02-06 01:30:00] - What do you think of everything else he has to say? -Paul

[2001-02-06 01:28:00] - people make up stuff because it sells - aba

[2001-02-06 01:27:00] - That's even worse, what twisted logic made him think that is true? -Paul

[2001-02-06 01:26:00] - "he claims" doesn't really mean that the statistic is a true statistic.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 01:22:00] - I don't want to know where he got that statistic.... :-( -Paul

[2001-02-06 01:22:00] - "He even claims that girls raised by single fathers have more orgasms than those raised by single mothers"

[2001-02-06 01:19:00] - We've been oppressed by the feminists :-( -Paul

[2001-02-06 01:14:00] - i think i do a decent job of knowing what guys are like.  ;)  -  aba

[2001-02-06 01:11:00] -

[2001-02-06 01:06:00] -

[2001-02-06 01:04:00] - Damn, I was hoping someone else would post something so I wouldn't have to chose -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:57:00] - ha ha ha - vinnie

[2001-02-06 00:56:00] - Well now I've dug myself into a hole... Either I'm misogynistic or hate Christians... -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:54:00] - aw . . . .  :'(  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:53:00] - Don't be silly, I don't hate Christians that much :-P -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:52:00] - whoops.  that should be a ? not a !  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:52:00] - hey, are you trying to draw parallels between christians and women!  >:o  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:50:00] - Beware a Christian scorned :-) -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:49:00] - dave kicked our collective butts  :'(  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:48:00] - I don't know :'( -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:48:00] - paul!  you are 3rd! what happened? - mig

[2001-02-06 00:46:00] - i thought it was.... they must have changed it. - mig

[2001-02-06 00:46:00] - Nader is tomorrow, Lieberman was tonight -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:45:00] - i thought you all said it was supposed to be nader?  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:43:00] - yeah, i'm having problems with iagreewith as well - vinnie

[2001-02-06 00:42:00] - still clinging to the "protecting the children" bullshit.  *sigh* - mig

[2001-02-06 00:40:00] - He wasn't doing too bad either until they mentioned Hollywood -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:39:00] - boo!  lieberman is still evil! - mig

[2001-02-06 00:39:00] - Maybe they shut it down when they realized that no one agreed with Dave :-) -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:37:00] - the message board for isn't loading for me  :\  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:36:00] - Sorry, can't do that. Big Brother already knows too much about me -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:32:00] - i don't think so.  i think you have to join the announcements list.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:31:00] -

[2001-02-06 00:29:00] - Is there a link on the page that says when the meetings are? -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:28:00] - yes.  josh is a member.  he asked me to post the link.  :)  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:23:00] - Do these free-thinkers have meetings? -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:12:00] - I'll make a transcript of the discussion then! -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:11:00] - i can't because my roommate went to bed.  :(  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:11:00] -

[2001-02-06 00:10:00] - Fine then, at least watch Politically Incorrect on ABC now! Lieberman is on! -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:08:00] - i just don't want you overtaking me.  :P  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:08:00] - How come whenever I say something the conversation ends? -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:06:00] - Aww..... :-(

[2001-02-06 00:06:00] - ;)

[2001-02-06 00:06:00] - sleep  -_-

[2001-02-06 00:04:00] - Hmmmm, I guess he left. Now what do we talk about? -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:01:00] - yeah, you can't leave my first real discussion - vinnie

[2001-02-06 00:00:00] - didn't you see the :P ?  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:00:00] - No Dave! Don't go! Who will we argue with? -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:00:00] - aw, no, dave, i was just kidding.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 00:00:00] - Yeah! I used to be the king of posts, now I am just the whipping boy or court jester :-( -Paul

[2001-02-06 00:00:00] - i'll go 'way now -dave

[2001-02-06 00:00:00] - :) - vinnie

[2001-02-06 00:00:00] - i'm sorry = / -dave

[2001-02-05 23:59:00] - i think we need to kill dave and reclaim our rightful spots  :P  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:58:00] - *bowing profusely* -dave

[2001-02-05 23:58:00] - paul is just better at saying things = ) -dave

[2001-02-05 23:58:00] - Mwahahaha! Bow down to the master Dave :-) -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:58:00] - hey! he said exactly what i said in different words! = ) -dave

[2001-02-05 23:56:00] - oh.  ok.  that sucks.  i guess i should have known that.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:56:00] - that's a good point, paul, had never really thought of that - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:55:00] - That's why most Christians are so fanatical in their desire to convert people. They see it as the equivalent as saving someone's life, only better since the soul is immortal -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:54:00] - Boo vinnie :-( -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:54:00] - Yeah, speaking as a Catholic, I can tell you that the basic thinking is that Catholocism (and Christianity) is a way to save people because everyone is born with sin and is going to hell -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:53:00] - ha ha, i'm beating paul ;) - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:52:00] - i guess not :( - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:52:00] - so we're not condemning everyone to hell....but trying to save people from going there -dave

[2001-02-05 23:52:00] - he said it before we started talking about probability.  he repeated it afterwards.  :)  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:52:00] - i know you won't like this statement aparna....but christianity believes that everyone is born a sinner and going to hell. christianity is a way for us to redeem our sin -dave

[2001-02-05 23:52:00] - yeah, but i assumed he meant probability wise - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:51:00] - well, dave did say that he had found christianity to be more correct than any other religion  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:51:00] - i think :) - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:50:00] - how is christianity "good" or "correct" if it condemns over half the population of the world to hell?  doesn't that seem a little illogical to you?  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:50:00] - dave isn't arguing whether the religion itself is "good" or "correct". we're talking about probability wise - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:50:00] - Atheists are evil! Humanists rule! :-) -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:49:00] - don't understand how what is correct or good? -dave

[2001-02-05 23:48:00] - and, by the way aparna, i do consider myself an atheist now :) - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:48:00] - there's logic for ya = ) -dave

[2001-02-05 23:48:00] - sorry. the last part of that sentence should have read "because it will punish you the most if it is correct and you aren't a believer - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:48:00] - i don't see how that is "correct" or "good"  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:48:00] - i understand, vinnie  :)  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:47:00] - by condemning the majority of the people on the earth?  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:47:00] - and besides, if i'm a christian, hindus believe i still am good. but christianity does not believe hindues are ok -dave

[2001-02-05 23:47:00] - but let's say there is a religion that punishes you severely if you don't believe in anything but it. you would want to be that, but it will punish you the most if it correct - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:47:00] - yes, what you say is correct about hinduism being more broad and accepting that christianity aparna. i'm just saying that in my experience, i have found christianity to be more correct than hinduism -dave

[2001-02-05 23:46:00] - let's say i was a hindu and I am right. I have nothing to gain because i could have believed in any religion without negative consequence for not believing in hinduism - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:45:00] - why?  if you're a hindu, then you would think as long as there was a god, then you were ok.  whereas christians limit themselves to a very strict definition of god.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:44:00] - wow, i've gained the ability to double post somehow -dave

[2001-02-05 23:44:00] - because it will most likely have the worst consequences if you're wrong - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:44:00] - i said that i try to look at religions because if they are correct, then i would be in trouble by not believing in them. given that i need to believe in a religion, i found that christianity was the one that has proven the most correct to me -dave

[2001-02-05 23:44:00] - i said that i try to look at religions because if they are correct, then i would be in trouble by not believing in them. given that i need to believe in a religion, i found that christianity was the one that has proven the most correct to me -dave

[2001-02-05 23:44:00] - on a side note, there's been a fair bit of activity on the message board.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:43:00] - strangely, if you want to go probability wise, you should go with the strictest religion - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:43:00] - yeah, i know about colons making smiley's. i just like my smiley's = ) -dave

[2001-02-05 23:43:00] - Measly Third place!? I guess I better start ragging on Dave as well in order to preserve my standings :-) -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:42:00] - ahhh, i see what you are saying.  but if you read all my posts i addressed that issue -dave

[2001-02-05 23:42:00] - make them with colons - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:42:00] - i never use his smiley's somehow = ) -dave

[2001-02-05 23:42:00] - well, christianity seems kind of limiting like that.  wouldn't it be better to believe in a more open religion in order to increase your probabilty of being correct?  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:41:00] - off the topic, do you not like using adrian's smileys, dave? ;) - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:40:00] - and i don't get what you're saying about christianity and increasing favor in god's eyes probability wise aparna -dave

[2001-02-05 23:39:00] - davedavedave.  you keep missing posts.  ;)  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:39:00] - ack, i meant i am genuinely confused -dave

[2001-02-05 23:39:00] - i'm not genuinely confused = ) unicorns...going to hell? are the two related? -dave

[2001-02-05 23:38:00] - if it is a belief shared by only you, i agree it would probably constitute insanity :) - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:37:00] - you don't have to go to hell :). read my earlier post. of course, this is assuming it is a belief shared by many like christianity - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:37:00] - how does believing in christianity preserve your image of saneness anymore?  :P  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:36:00] - yeah, hinduism was the one that came to mind when i said there are exceptions -dave

[2001-02-05 23:36:00] - i was just trying to say that christianity isn't exactly conducive to increasing your favor in "god"'s eyes if you're thinking probability wise.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:36:00] - it's true that i have nothing to lose by believing in unicorns vinnie = ) except maybe my image if saneness. but what would i have to gain by believing in them? -dave

[2001-02-05 23:35:00] - neither does hinduism, but i think dave's statement is correct - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:35:00] - hehe

[2001-02-05 23:35:00] - hinduism doesn't.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:35:00] - buddhism doesn't. - mig

[2001-02-05 23:34:00] - most religions believe they are right and the other are wrong....there are exceptions, but most do -dave

[2001-02-05 23:33:00] - well, i'm not sure how that relates to anything i've said aparna....that's what i meant. and yes, christianity believes that it is correct and that people who believe in other religions are believing in false ones -dave

[2001-02-05 23:33:00] - i thought the same, aparna - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:32:00] - which, incidentally, has often gotten me into trouble with my parents = ) -dave

[2001-02-05 23:32:00] - well i thought that christianity found all non-christians to be sinners of an equal level even if they believe in some other fictitious account of a god.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:32:00] - it is something i have found to be correct. it's true, a lot of the explanation comes from things my parents have explained to me. but i definitely do not hesitate to disagree with my parents if i think they are wrong -dave

[2001-02-05 23:31:00] - sorry, I meant to say by believing in them - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:31:00] - i'm not sure i understand your question aparna -dave

[2001-02-05 23:30:00] - haha

[2001-02-05 23:30:00] - well, is it something that you have found or something that your parents and/or family taught you was correct?  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:30:00] - you have nothing to lose by not believing in them - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:30:00] - i freely admit that being christian has a lot to do with me being raised as one. but if you said that i was only a christian because my parents were, you would be wrong -dave

[2001-02-05 23:30:00] - i thought christianity considered all non-believers the same (even if they do believe in a god).  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:29:00] - but then if I say not beliving in unicorns will make you go to hell, would you believe in them? - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:29:00] - i happen to believe that christianity is the most believable one. the one that i have found to be correct. -dave

[2001-02-05 23:28:00] - ;)

[2001-02-05 23:28:00] - how do you think i feel paul?  measly third place . . . *grumblegrumble*  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:28:00] - if a religion (generalizing here) is true, than by not believing in it, or one of them, i'm not in a good position -dave

[2001-02-05 23:27:00] - Crap, all this talk about religion has put Dave in first and me in second... I feel so inferior now :-( -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:27:00] - maybe i should rephrase what i meant to say -dave

[2001-02-05 23:27:00] - yay, I have a bar! - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:26:00] - I am planning on writing a journal entry tonight on dave, and possibly religion - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:25:00] - that was me there - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:25:00] - and yes, islam is the biggest religion

[2001-02-05 23:25:00] - i was just pointing out the fallacy of his statement.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:25:00] - well, he gave one justification of being christianity as "playing it safe".  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:24:00] - yeah, people are posting right now! - vinnie

[2001-02-05 23:23:00] - Well the difference is that Dave believes in his religion whereas I was talking about joining one just to be safe -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:21:00] - doh.  i just realized that i wasn't signing any of my posts.  sorry.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:21:00] - yeah sorry, dave, you don't force your beliefs on me, i was just making the point that people shouldn't. - mig

[2001-02-05 23:21:00] - On a bit of a tanget, everyone should watch Politically Incorrect tonight at 12:00 on ABC, Lieberman is suppose to be on. Should be a good show -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:21:00] - wouldn't that make the most sense?

[2001-02-05 23:21:00] - so then why aren't you muslim dave?

[2001-02-05 23:20:00] - Vinnie said it was Islam now and I think he is right -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:19:00] - is christianity really the most popular religion?  i would figure it would be buddhism or something.

[2001-02-05 23:18:00] - As for Aparna's page, I like it. All you need now is a menu like Miguel's :-) -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:17:00] - That's a good way to look at it. Taken logically, it's probably best to be a member of whatever religion is the most popular, just in case they are right -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:16:00] - well, you could use that logic on any of the hundreds of religions out there.  that's not a very good argument, dave.

[2001-02-05 23:14:00] - i figure, if i don't think about christianity, and it turns out to be right, then i'm not in the best of positions -dave

[2001-02-05 23:11:00] - and besides, if i am wrong, what am i losing anyways? -dave

[2001-02-05 23:09:00] - but it's one thing to stretch something yourself, and quite another to try to figure out what something is trying to say and how it could fit -dave

[2001-02-05 23:09:00] - You haven't to me, and don't worry, if you had I would smack you around :-) -Paul

[2001-02-05 23:09:00] - and i definitely see your point of view. if you stretch something to fit something you want it to be, then it is no longer what it was -dave

[2001-02-05 23:08:00] -    <--  they're going out of business, so everything's on sale, in case anyone's interested.  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:08:00] - don't plan to i mean -dave

[2001-02-05 23:07:00] - have i ever tried to force my views on you guys? i sure hope not. and i don't tend on starting now -dave

[2001-02-05 23:04:00] - i am trying to go the minimalist way . . .    :)  -  aba

[2001-02-05 23:03:00] - nothing sucks so far.... i like the fish - mig

[2001-02-05 23:03:00] - hmmm... bad choice of words.... but you get what i mean - mig

[2001-02-05 23:02:00] -    <--  tell me what sucks  -  aba

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