here are old message board entries

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[2001-02-12 07:41:00] - snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow ~a

[2001-02-12 01:36:00] - that fellatio thingy is screwed up. there are some thing we're better off not knowing :) - vinnie

[2001-02-11 23:54:00] -

[2001-02-11 23:26:00] - i want to kill your children

[2001-02-11 21:30:00] - music\pinkfloyd\comfortably numb

[2001-02-11 16:36:00] -

[2001-02-11 16:33:00] -

[2001-02-11 16:32:00] - yum

[2001-02-11 16:25:00] -

[2001-02-11 15:41:00] - yum

[2001-02-11 15:18:00] -

[2001-02-11 14:46:00] - hahaha . . . that is messed up

[2001-02-11 14:16:00] -

[2001-02-11 14:14:00] -

[2001-02-11 03:17:00] - since apparently my first posting to this message board killed it off :-) here's an interesting site, with lots of text files on a whole bunch of topics - travis

[2001-02-10 15:05:00] - message board is back  ~a

[2001-02-10 13:57:00] - oh, and i wanted to say that i think we should find a way to go to more club concerts over the summer.  they are sooo much cheaper and smaller than these huge festival thingies.  -  aba

[2001-02-10 13:57:00] - i think my interest in ozzfest is dependent on ticket price and venue.  i'd be interested in going though.  -  aba

[2001-02-10 13:56:00] - it's ok, travis, i'm a big geek too.  i knew what delurked meant.  :P  -  aba

[2001-02-10 13:25:00] - i see. then i too recently delurked - vinnie

[2001-02-10 13:11:00] - welcome  ~a

[2001-02-10 04:12:00] - delurked is a newsgroup term for introducing yourself to the group after reading their posts for a while - travis

[2001-02-10 04:10:00] - I can't find a definition for delurked, but by searching for it on google, I think i figured out its meaning through context - vinnie

[2001-02-10 03:59:00] - sorry, no clue what delurked means, but I will look it up now :) - vinnie

[2001-02-10 03:30:00] - hope everyone knows what delurked means, since apparently paul doesn't, as he laughed at it and said it's not a real word - Travis

[2001-02-10 03:29:00] - i'm definitely interested in going to ozzfest (wow, my first post to this crazy, crazy message board, guess i've delurked now)- Travis

[2001-02-10 03:07:00] - shit forgot, that last msg was mine - mig

[2001-02-10 03:07:00] - anyways, i posted this awhile back but no one answerd:  who would want to go to OZZFEST this summer?

[2001-02-09 19:48:00] - That's pretty funny -Paul

[2001-02-09 19:27:00] - real company

[2001-02-09 19:16:00] - Is that a parody or a real company? -Paul

[2001-02-09 18:56:00] - hehe

[2001-02-09 18:56:00] -

[2001-02-09 16:35:00] - There, I hope netscape can handle jpgs? -Paul

[2001-02-09 15:55:00] - - here's the jist of the report since it's really really long - mig

[2001-02-09 15:51:00] - it isn't just netscape paul, it is any browser that follows the standard  ~a

[2001-02-09 15:51:00] - It shall be changed from a bmp to a jpg shortly -Paul

[2001-02-09 15:50:00] - Ah... I see. So netscape's inferiority is preventing you from seeing my page eh? Normally I would scorn you netscape users as unworthy to view my page, but I shall make an exception this time -Paul

[2001-02-09 15:46:00] - - the bullshit of "protecting the children" has been finally admitted. - mig

[2001-02-09 15:22:00] - bmps on the internet are a nono!!!  ~a

[2001-02-09 14:17:00] - arg.  paul, change it from a bmp.  bmp doesn't follow the standard, so ie supports them while netscape doesn't.  dumb microsoft.  can you change it to a jpg or gif or something?  -  aba

[2001-02-09 13:04:00] - Of course, it says male minority after all. It works for me though... does it work for anyone else? -Paul

[2001-02-09 11:03:00] - remind me not to buy from nike anymore. - mig

[2001-02-09 11:01:00] - gee, this doesn't surprise me at all - mig

[2001-02-09 09:57:00] -

[2001-02-09 09:52:00] - your link doesn't work, paul.  at least not for me . . . is this a discrimination thing?  :P  -  aba

[2001-02-09 02:33:00] - it's actually better if you space it out in between a few meals instead of just one. - mig

[2001-02-09 01:28:00] -

[2001-02-08 23:48:00] - You should really eat more then one meal a day. That isn't healthy and you actually want to eat more when you work out -Paul

[2001-02-08 16:57:00] - yes it was

[2001-02-08 16:44:00] - btw, whose journal was that? Is it Aparna's? -Paul

[2001-02-08 16:41:00] - I think the difference in thinking is that Aparna thinks that a gun without a gun lock is a fault in the design of the gun, whereas we think otherwise -Paul

[2001-02-08 16:39:00] - clitoris cabbage

[2001-02-08 16:38:00] - breast bread

[2001-02-08 16:34:00] - penis pie

[2001-02-08 16:31:00] - Actually, you can take out a helluva lot more people with a gun methinks, but cars do kill many more people then guns do in America -Paul

[2001-02-08 16:30:00] - not sure though -dave

[2001-02-08 16:30:00] - and incidentally, i think it is probably easier to get a car then a gun -dave

[2001-02-08 16:29:00] - i bet you could take out quite a few more people with a car then a gun = ) -dave

[2001-02-08 16:28:00] - and i yes, i think paul is explaining it well when he says that a faulty gun would be analogous to a faulty tire -dave

[2001-02-08 16:28:00] - And why just guns? Let's force companies to put handprint recognition on anything dangerous. At least that would be consistent -Paul

[2001-02-08 16:28:00] - the car and gun isn't that bad of an analogy actually. there are probably quite a few more deaths caused by cars then there are by guns. i'm almost certain of it -dave

[2001-02-08 16:28:00] - Going by your logic, a knife without a knife lock or drain-o without a drain-o lock would be faulty and the government should force companies to put them on the products -Paul

[2001-02-08 16:27:00] - and i agree that a handprint recognition device for a gun would be rather expensive -dave

[2001-02-08 16:27:00] - A lack of gun locks does not imply a faulty gun. If the gun had a 50% chance of blowing up every time it was used, then it would be a faulty gun -Paul

[2001-02-08 16:26:00] - i don't think any of us are saying that safety mechanisms for guns are bad, just that we're not sure how many of them the government should force on us -dave

[2001-02-08 14:58:00] - faulty guns would be dangerous....  normal tires and normal guns are not.

[2001-02-08 13:31:00] -  <-- in case anyone's interested.  :-[  -  aba

[2001-02-08 13:28:00] - you guys seem to have faulty logic to me . . .  maybe i am just not understanding what you are saying . . .  -  aba

[2001-02-08 13:27:00] - but then you could say that if people want to buy cars with faulty tires then that's their prerogative.  faulty tires by themselves aren't dangerous.  they're only dangerous when someone decides to start driving while other people are around.  -  aba

[2001-02-08 12:19:00] - If people want to buy gun locks, then good for them. But if people don't, then that is their perogative -Paul

[2001-02-08 12:19:00] - I don't think safety mechanisms are a bad idea but I don't think the government should force them upon us or the manufacturers -Paul

[2001-02-08 12:15:00] - yuck.  dumb graphical smilies.  -  aba

[2001-02-08 12:15:00] - you can throw "guns don't kill people; people kill people" at me all you want, but i still don't understand why you all seem to think that safety mechanisms on guns are a bad idea.  -  aba

[2001-02-08 12:12:00] - i agree that personal responsibility is the most important factor, but i don't understand why you guys are saying that there should be no other safety mechanisms in place.  that seems to me to be the height of personal irresponsibility.  - aba

[2001-02-08 11:19:00] - I mean, what kind of parent leaves a kid home alone long enough to find a gun and shoot it? Doesn't that strike anyone as a bad idea? -Paul

[2001-02-08 11:18:00] - The best gun safety method out there is not the handprint mechanism, it's being personally responsible and making sure you know how to use it and you keep your kids from using it -Paul

[2001-02-08 10:41:00] - but guns by themselves are not dangerous.  there's gun by itself is not dangerous, while faulty tires and e. coli are. - mig

[2001-02-08 10:19:00] - probably because it would be very expensive - dewey

[2001-02-08 09:36:00] - personally, i think the best gun safety method out there is the handprint mechanism.  that prevents anyone but the owner from using the gun in any way shape or form if it is properly implemented.  i don't see why people aren't pushing for it.  -  aba

[2001-02-08 09:35:00] - in that same vein, why do we have laws regulating the manufacture of cars and the production of food?  shouldn't the consumer we responsible?  you guys don't think that it is in the least convenient for the govt to do this stuff?  -  aba

[2001-02-08 07:14:00] - not that i think the government shouldn't have laws on it, but isn't this another instance of the government extending its regulation to an area that the individual should have responsibility for? -dave

[2001-02-08 07:12:00] - besides, if someone has a gun, isn't it their problem to make sure their kids don't shoot themselves? -dave

[2001-02-08 07:10:00] - granted, i don't think you should keep an unlocked, loaded gun out in the open, but i don't think you want to make it too terribly hard to get to -dave

[2001-02-08 07:09:00] - it'd be kinda funny if someone broke in, and you had to sit there looking for bullets and fumbling with the loading mechanism -dave

[2001-02-08 07:08:00] - not that i don't think gun locks, keeping the gun unloaded, or keeping it in a locked drawer are bad ideas, but isn't the point of having a gun having a ready weapon in case a robber comes by or something? -dave

[2001-02-08 01:56:00] - God and Pizza. Thursday, February 8th. 8:00 AJ.

[2001-02-08 01:32:00] - I think the plan is 8:00 AJ, Goodnight -Paul

[2001-02-08 01:31:00] - night night - mig

[2001-02-08 01:31:00] - It's not wrong, just seems kind of silly to me that we think of guns as so dangerous when there are many other objects that are just as dangerous to kids -Paul

[2001-02-08 01:30:00] - that's why you need to educate people.  things don't happen by magic.  gnight.  -  aba

[2001-02-08 01:29:00] - not really, there going to think that these gun locks are the quick solution to their problems, unfortunately they don't seem to work. - mig

[2001-02-08 01:29:00] - anyway, i'm going to bed.  someone send me an im about going to god and pizza.  goodnight all.  -  aba

[2001-02-08 01:28:00] - that's true, but will people take both precautions? - mig

[2001-02-08 01:28:00] - i think that it's better to take both precautions rather than just take one.  how can you say that's wrong?  -  aba

[2001-02-08 01:26:00] - personally i think a locked drawer is much safer to keep a gun in - mig

[2001-02-08 01:25:00] - Also, why not just keep the gun un-loaded? Is that too hard to do? 8:00 AJ sounds good to me -Paul

[2001-02-08 01:25:00] - I just don't see why people scream about gun locks but ignore the fact that there are hundreds of other more dangerous objects in a house -Paul

[2001-02-08 01:24:00] - 8:00 AJ tomorrow? - mig

[2001-02-08 01:24:00] - that's true.  it does encourage parents to just leave their guns where kids can get them, because they think that it is 100% safety precaution. - mig

[2001-02-08 01:22:00] - You can't sanitize the whole world like some people want -Paul

[2001-02-08 01:21:00] - I don't think gun locks are a bad idea, but I think it gives the parents a false sense of security and I still don't think kids should be allowed to get to dangerous objects at all -Paul

[2001-02-08 01:03:00] - sure whichever one you want to go to  -  aba

[2001-02-08 01:02:00] - yeah, but i am sure that guns in kids hands have a much higher fatality rate than knives in kids hands.  are you saying that gun locks are a bad idea?  i think they are good in that they stop anyone but the owner from using the gun.  -  aba

[2001-02-08 01:01:00] - So are there any plans to go to a god and pizza meeting? -Paul

[2001-02-08 01:00:00] - Glad to see the Democrats are still proposing laws in Virginia -Paul

[2001-02-08 00:59:00] - So where are knife safety locks? It seems to me that knives are more widespread and easier to access -Paul

[2001-02-08 00:55:00] - does anyone know if these are going to continue through next week?  -  aba

[2001-02-08 00:54:00] - there's one at newman, main egg and aj (dunno which one)  -  aba

[2001-02-08 00:47:00] - wouldn't you want a safeguard in place in case kids get into places that they are not supposed to get into?  most people can't watch their kids 24/7.  -  aba

[2001-02-08 00:46:00] - Is anyone going to "God and Pizza" tomorrow? -Paul

[2001-02-08 00:34:00] - agreed - mig

[2001-02-07 23:55:00] - Here's a better idea, why not make sure kids aren't playing around with guns in the first place? -Paul

[2001-02-07 23:46:00] -

[2001-02-07 17:35:00] -

[2001-02-07 17:27:00] -

[2001-02-07 17:15:00] - they'll help you look over your resume and find jobs and stuff  -  aba

[2001-02-07 17:15:00] -  <-- good place to start finding out about jobs  -  aba

[2001-02-07 17:06:00] - there's an internship / co-op fair feb 20 or thereabouts -dave

[2001-02-07 16:58:00] - speaking of getting paid, does anyone know of good places to search for a decent job this summer? - mig

[2001-02-07 16:58:00] - True, but that is a matter of capitalism, it has nothing to do with discrimination against women. -Paul

[2001-02-07 16:53:00] - that may be true, but there are some inequalities.  teachers(traditionally a female occupation) get paid squat. - mig

[2001-02-07 16:36:00] - Actually, according to most studies being done, the reason men and women are being paid different is primarily a difference in experience and seniority -Paul

[2001-02-07 16:14:00] - i updated some of the message board code . . . it should run better now  ~a

[2001-02-07 14:35:00] - that way genetic and physical differences between men and women will not affect the average amount they are paid  ~a

[2001-02-07 14:34:00] - no, but we should try to equalize the average amount men are paid as the average amount women are paid  ~a

[2001-02-07 13:40:00] - The point I was trying to make is that since it has been scientifically proven that men are more attracted to certain jobs then women, should we try to equalize the ratio of men to women for that occupation? -Paul

[2001-02-07 07:40:00] - i think everyone would agree that women are treated unjustly in some situations. the question is, are they being treated unjustly more than men or some other group -dave

[2001-02-07 07:39:00] - the problem just  pops up when a big group of people think that they are being judged unjustly by other people -dave

[2001-02-07 07:38:00] - the thing is, it's not just a "between the sexes" thing. people are always going to treat people differently based on who they are. -dave

[2001-02-07 07:36:00] - of course we let the genetic differences in the sexes affect how we treat each other! I sure as heck treat gorgeous females very differently! -dave

[2001-02-07 03:37:00] - i like your last comment, paul - vinnie

[2001-02-07 03:36:00] - ha ha ha! :) - vinnie

[2001-02-07 02:46:00] - 5297 - 2-7 1:38a - also, in regards to your little gender roles discussion (which i missed [pic]), i agree with dave in that i doubt that gender roles will ever be fully equal in everything, simply because males are genetically different from females - vinnie  ~a

[2001-02-07 02:43:00] - vinnie!  in message 5297, you said "i agree with dave"!!!  ~a

[2001-02-07 02:17:00] - well, that's mainly where society comes in, though i have to agree it's starting to become a society where women are encouraged to branch out, and men are supposed to "stay in their place" - mig

[2001-02-07 02:09:00] - I think the real question when it comes to gender roles is whether or not we let the genetic differences in the sexes to affect how we treat eachother -Paul

[2001-02-07 01:48:00] - f any religion per se, since religion tends to limit what you can and can't believe. - mig

[2001-02-07 01:48:00] - (con't) I also like long walks on the beach. I like to ride horses, and I am available. My phone number is 232-2162. Yay God! :) - vinnie

[2001-02-07 01:48:00] - as do i.  i sort of believe there is a god, i guess because the universe had to start somewhere.  maybe he was bored and decided to have an experiment by making a universe to see what would happen.  i dunno, but i don't like to consider myself part o

[2001-02-07 01:48:00] - heres a very light-hearted quote i found on iagreewith: I've often wondered if the Lord is just as we are. Does He love hot chocolate as much as I do? Because I love hot chocolate. I drink it everyday. Does He drink hot chocolate everyday? - vinnie

[2001-02-07 01:43:00] - I treat the two statements as I do my belief in unicorns (unicorns again :)): the difference between the statements "i think unicorns don't exist" and "i don't know if unicorns exist" is negligable

[2001-02-07 01:41:00] - and finally, in regards to the agnosticism vs. atheism debate, i treat the two as nearly the same, and could easily call myself an atheist or an agnostic - vinnie

[2001-02-07 01:38:00] - also, in regards to your little gender roles discussion (which I missed :(), I agree with dave in that i doubt that gender roles will ever be fully equal in everything, simply because males are genetically different from females - vinnie

[2001-02-07 01:26:00] - islam has about 1.2 billion, but are expected to outnumber Christians within the next century - vinnie

[2001-02-07 01:26:00] - mmmmmmm.... miniwheats on the floor - mig

[2001-02-07 01:25:00] - i was wrong :( - vinnie

[2001-02-07 01:25:00] - by the way, in regards to our little discussion yesterday, christianity is actually the biggest religion, with close to 2 billion followers - vinnie

[2001-02-07 00:10:00] - channel 13  michael moore and ralph nader and some other people  :)

[2001-02-07 00:10:00] - politically incorrect is on now

[2001-02-07 00:10:00] - any one :)

[2001-02-07 00:07:00] - Any conversation in particular you want me to post to?

[2001-02-07 00:06:00] -  <  go and post!  >:o

[2001-02-07 00:02:00] - there is nothing right outside my door

[2001-02-07 00:00:00] - now testify

[2001-02-07 00:00:00] - it's right outside your door

[2001-02-06 23:46:00] - Monique is hot

[2001-02-06 23:44:00] - the dragon is the best.  he rocks the world.

[2001-02-06 23:44:00] - Sinfest? What about it? It is funny...

[2001-02-06 23:42:00] - sinfest . . . ?

[2001-02-06 23:39:00] - Spread the good word...

[2001-02-06 23:38:00] - Yeah... testify....

[2001-02-06 23:37:00] - testify?

[2001-02-06 23:36:00] - Testify!

[2001-02-06 23:35:00] - Baby got back!  >:0

[2001-02-06 23:35:00] - Dial 1-900-mixalot and kick them nasty thoughts

[2001-02-06 23:35:00] - And you wanna triple X throw down

[2001-02-06 23:34:00] - So ladies if the butt is round

[2001-02-06 23:34:00] - And pulled up quick to get with 'em

[2001-02-06 23:34:00] - He had game but he chose to hit 'em

[2001-02-06 23:33:00] - Cuz his girls were on my list

[2001-02-06 23:33:00] - Some knucklehead tried to dis

[2001-02-06 23:32:00] - Red beans and rice did miss her

[2001-02-06 23:31:00] - Give me a sista I can't resist her

[2001-02-06 23:31:00] - You aint it miss thing

[2001-02-06 23:30:00] - To the beanpole dames in the magazines

[2001-02-06 23:30:00] - And I'm thinkin bout stickin

[2001-02-06 23:29:00] - Cuz your waist is small and your curves are kickin'

[2001-02-06 23:28:00] - So cosmo says you're fat Well I ain't down with that

[2001-02-06 23:27:00] - And I pull up quick to retrieve it

[2001-02-06 23:27:00] - heh

[2001-02-06 23:27:00] -

[2001-02-06 23:25:00] -

[2001-02-06 23:25:00] - So they toss it and leave it

[2001-02-06 23:24:00] - "And tell you that the butt ain't gold"  :)

[2001-02-06 23:23:00] - And tell you that the butt and gold

[2001-02-06 23:21:00] - some brothers wanna play that hard role

[2001-02-06 23:18:00] - You can do side bends or sit-ups, but please don't lose that butt

[2001-02-06 23:15:00] - my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hon

[2001-02-06 23:07:00] - Wanna pull up front

[2001-02-06 23:07:00] - i get sprung

[2001-02-06 23:03:00] - when you see a girl with an itty bitty waist

[2001-02-06 22:55:00] - those other brothers can deny

[2001-02-06 22:27:00] - and I cannot lie

[2001-02-06 22:21:00] - i like big butts

[2001-02-06 18:11:00] - blarg.  i'm gonna go eat.  talk to you guys later.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 18:09:00] - no, i think it is the responsibility of both the individual and the media to get rid of the gender gap.  i'm lucky since my family always encouraged me to do what i wanted instead of blindly being like all other girls my age.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 18:02:00] - they should make computer games about romance novels! -dave

[2001-02-06 18:00:00] - What kind of people should change to what? Are you saying that men should start liking romance novels and women should start liking computer games? -paul

[2001-02-06 17:52:00] - they need to stop looking at people as stereotypes and people for who they really are.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 17:51:00] - i'm not saying that you guys are stupid.  i am just saying that society *does* condition us to believe certain things.  i don't think that there should be laws or anything.  people just need to change.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 17:49:00] - hehe.  i actually started reading something else and forgot to read this page.  :)  -  aba

[2001-02-06 17:19:00] - because i don't think society can be changed....or even sure that it really should be -dave

[2001-02-06 17:19:00] - i guess what i'm trying to say is i don't see exactly what you think should be done -dave

[2001-02-06 17:18:00] - which btw i think you are correct about -dave

[2001-02-06 17:18:00] - and then you go and say stuff about society impressing ways of life on people -dave

[2001-02-06 17:17:00] - on one hand, i think you are arguing that we need laws or somesuch to help women in the workplace -dave

[2001-02-06 17:17:00] - i just get confused when you argue feminism -dave

[2001-02-06 17:16:00] - sorry aparna -dave

[2001-02-06 17:16:00] - did she really? -dave

[2001-02-06 17:10:00] - Bad Dave, you made Aparna stop posting :-( -Paul

[2001-02-06 17:07:00] - hehe -dave

[2001-02-06 17:07:00] - *mumbling about asian discrimination* -dave

[2001-02-06 17:06:00] - hey! how did paul's bar get to the front?! -dave

[2001-02-06 17:04:00] - *raising kevlar barricade* -dave

[2001-02-06 17:03:00] - *Gulp* Duck and cover! -Paul

[2001-02-06 17:02:00] - and i would appreciate it if you would stop casting other people as not seeing where they are coming from as if they were stupid -dave

[2001-02-06 16:59:00] - and besides, there's almost no way you can really say whether something is genetics or society. it's been debated for along time and no one has ever been able to figure out which -dave

[2001-02-06 16:59:00] - i just thought that you were trying to argue something more feasible. something that you can really change -dave

[2001-02-06 16:58:00] - so the long and short of it is, i don't think we're arguing that society has something to do with making people who they are -dave

[2001-02-06 16:58:00] - why? probably because i was raised with two sisters -dave

[2001-02-06 16:57:00] - incidentally, i like a lot of movies traditionally pegged as "girl" movies -dave

[2001-02-06 16:57:00] - and i'm speaking in general terms. yes i know that some girls like action movies and some guys like romantic ones -dave

[2001-02-06 16:57:00] - you can't make a law saying that girls should now like action movies and guys should now like romantic ones -dave

[2001-02-06 16:56:00] - but you can't change society. it's the way it is...and the way it is going to be for quite awhile. -dave

[2001-02-06 16:56:00] - i thought you were more trying to make the point of what people should do to try to help women do more of what they want to -dave

[2001-02-06 16:56:00] - regardless of whether the divisions are made by society or genetics, they're not going to change anytime soon. -dave

[2001-02-06 16:52:00] - Oops, that was me -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:52:00] - Actually, I should say most of them, there are a lot of divisions from society as well

[2001-02-06 16:51:00] - I acknowledge that there are divisions, but I think they stem from genetics rather then society -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:48:00] - you guys are just reinforcing my belief that society is the cause of the gender division.  both of you don't even seem to realize that your points don't stem from real differences, just ones that society tells you exist.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 16:47:00] - I am who I am regardless of what society tells me. -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:46:00] - Going by your rationale, I should be the pope by now, but I am not because society doesn't have that big of an effect on who I am -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:46:00] - I was raised a Catholic with Catholic parents. Went to a Catholic school until High School. Was voted most likely to be a priest by my 8th grade class -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:45:00] - I disagree. I believe that women don't like romance novels because society tells them to, but because they actually like it -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:43:00] - I see no reason to defend my quote, it seems like it is being defended adequately by my brethren :-) -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:43:00] - why do women like romantic movies and guys like action movies?  because that's what society tells them is right.  many women enjoyed movies like charlie's angels and crouching tiger, hidden dragon and those had lots of action in them.  -  aba

[2001-02-06 16:35:00] - paul, you need to defend your quote: ~a

[2001-02-06 16:35:00] - Believe me, if I was given the choice, I would absolutely love to stay at home and raise kids as opposed to working to support the family -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:30:00] - And the reason why there aren't any stay at home dads? Because society frowns on it! Men are still told they are suppose to work hard to support the family, not stay at home and raise the kids -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:28:00] - The reason we don't have many females in office is because most female politicians are democrats and hence have crazy ideas :-) -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:26:00] - The reason why more games are marketed towards guys is because more guys buy it, it's just a fact. There is absolutely nothing stopping women from buying computer games except they just don't -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:25:00] - Women have more estrogen, meaning they are better at talking and caring -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:24:00] - Men and women are different. It has nothing to do with society. Males have more testosterone, which means they like competition and violence more -Paul

[2001-02-06 16:18:00] - and besides, in a society where there are more guys in the workforce than girls, it's bound to take awhile for the thing to equalize. -dave

[2001-02-06 16:18:00] - i agree that there are not an equal number of women in high paying managerial positions as guys. but it is changing. -dave

[2001-02-06 16:17:00] - it's just like movies. movies that have tech gadgets and stuff blowing up are guys movies. romantic relational movies are girl movies. -dave

[2001-02-06 16:16:00] - i know that it's sorta circular, in that you can say that girls don't like them because they aren't being marketed to, but i do think that guys tend to like that kinda stuff more -dave

[2001-02-06 16:15:00] - if there was a market for them among girls, then they would be marketed towards them also -dave

[2001-02-06 16:15:00] - most games and electronics are marketed towards males in part because they buy more of them -dave

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