here are old message board entries

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[2004-08-20 11:38:18] - so we're supposed to call andrew when we're done with bball or something? this sounds like a plan destined for failure - travis

[2004-08-20 11:36:59] - you mean if you don't show up we just simulate your game or something? - travis

[2004-08-20 11:34:22] - haha, in my case, for crystal chronicles, literally - vinnie

[2004-08-20 11:31:51] - Travis: Just out of curiosity, are we going to be strict with everybody showing up (all or nothing) or is it going to be a little like Crystal Chronicles (you snooze you lose)? -Paul

[2004-08-20 11:30:32] - Travis: I talked to him earlier and it sounded like he planned to show up for football but probably not for basketball, which raises a few questions of it's own. -Paul

[2004-08-20 11:28:51] - paul: someone should see if andrew is showing up tonight, otherwise we can't really play football - travis

[2004-08-20 11:15:25] - aaron: I'm interested in doing something tonight after bball. I'll give you a call - vinnie

[2004-08-20 11:12:48] - Aaron: Well, afterwards I think we're going to be playing our football franchises at Travis', but maybe tomorrow? -Paul

[2004-08-20 11:05:45] - paul: I'm out. But if you want to do something afterwards i'm up for it - aaron

[2004-08-20 11:03:45] - So who is showing up for basketball today? -Paul

[2004-08-20 09:55:26] - I'll bet "XP" was carefully chosen as one of the few 2-letter combinations which can't be interpreted as profane in any dialect of any language. - aaron

[2004-08-20 09:54:40] - Admittedly the article does give me a new respect for Microsoft, just as far as how much cultural nonsense they have to put up with... like not calling countries "countries" or not using this word for "woman" in this part of this country... - aaron

[2004-08-20 09:38:30] - mig: ha, the part about using the religious chant is priceless - vinnie

[2004-08-20 09:32:42] - I saw a different article about the same bear. Apparently the bear also opened a few cans of busch, but went back to rainier... - aaron

[2004-08-20 08:58:48] -,12597,1286066,00.html a list of microsoft's international blunders. - mig

[2004-08-19 17:50:02] - Anyone else think this is an odd picture for some reason? -Paul

[2004-08-19 17:25:56] - Travis: So you're claiming that H&K is a movie buff's kind of movie? :-) -Paul

[2004-08-19 17:21:38] - paul: exactly, movie buffs only see movies that don't make any money - travis

[2004-08-19 16:38:53] -|oddlyenough|08-19-2004::08:28|reuters.html Are they sure it wasn't Homer Simpson instead of a bear? :-P -Paul

[2004-08-19 16:35:05] - aborted baby's head left inside woman.  yummy. - mig

[2004-08-19 16:00:58] - Travis: I'll bet you Super Baby Geniuses 2 or whatever makes more money than H&K though. -Paul

[2004-08-19 15:58:58] - or it might've been harold and kumar, in which case i had every right to shake my head in pretenious movie buff attitude :-P - travis

[2004-08-19 15:55:52] - i remember seeing some middle aged woman pointing out the poster for superbabies at cinema de lux one day and saying they should it.  i just shook my head in disappoinment (although most people would do the same thing to me since i think i was seeing catwoman that day) - travis

[2004-08-19 15:38:24] - Vinnie: Oh, so the first movie was called Baby Geniuses? There was a Baby Geniuses 1? :-P -Paul

[2004-08-19 15:32:45] - paul: heh, it is a little weird to list the subtitle first. there's also "Hypercube!: Cube 2" - vinnie

[2004-08-19 15:09:03] - Vinnie: I remember when I first saw the trailer in the theater, I turned to the person sitting next to me and asked "There was a Superbabies 1?" -Paul

[2004-08-19 15:00:29] - why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why?????? - vinnie

[2004-08-19 14:30:16] - I love how the Dutch Auction of the Google IPO is pissing off so many people. :-) -Paul

[2004-08-19 14:17:10] - Mig: Have you seen AvP? Because I didn't really notice the lack of gory deaths too much. Thinking back, the camera usually cut away before showing anything but that's honestly just like how it was done in the Alien movies for the most part. -Paul

[2004-08-19 14:05:50] - paul:  they were still R-rated type deaths, which obviously is not the case in the AvP movie, and that kind of thing would annoy me as well. - mig

[2004-08-19 14:02:12] - It's like how horror movies are always trying to come up with new and painful ways to kill people whereas I never got the impression that the way people died was a particular concern in the predator movies. -Paul

[2004-08-19 14:01:19] - Mig: I don't recall the first Predator as much as I would like, but I don't seem to remember it being more gory/bloody than any similar action movie. Not notably over-the-top, I guess is what I mean. -Paul

[2004-08-19 14:00:08] - Travis: Which I think is a shame, because I think those people had unrealistic expectations and can't appreciate that the movie wasn't bad and was actually fairly good. -Paul

[2004-08-19 13:50:54] - Paul:  i don't know about Alien but Predator was pretty bloody and gory.  At least the first one was. - mig

[2004-08-19 13:44:31] - i've been reading message boards with people who have strong opinions on both sides (the negative viewpoint has a lot more people) - travis

[2004-08-19 13:40:11] - Vinnie: But, yeah, it doesn't seem like a movie which brings strong feelings on either side. -Paul

[2004-08-19 13:30:48] - Vinnie: Ah, well, I actually really liked the concept and everything a lot but I just felt that it wasn't pulled off too well and so I guess I can kinda see how people could overlook that.... -Paul

[2004-08-19 13:12:35] - paul: yeah, it was more that I thought no one could love it than no one could hate it :) - vinnie

[2004-08-19 12:54:25] - Travis: Movies like Audition, on the other hand... -Paul

[2004-08-19 12:54:01] - Travis: There are definitely times when I go to see a movie expecting to see some gory, bloody and painful looking deaths but I guess AvP just wasn't one of them. Neither of the franchises were particularly known for having excessively violent deaths I don't think so I wasn't too disappointed that this movie didn't have it. -Paul

[2004-08-19 12:29:51] - i can enjoy movies like the others which are more subtle in its scares/horror but with stuff like aliens, predator, freddy, and jason i'm there to see some bloody, violent deaths - travis

[2004-08-19 12:28:46] - paul: my biggest complaint with a lot of horror movies is when they don't show us the deaths.  how many times did the camera pan from a person to an alien then have the alien jump off camea at the person, or the camera stayed on the person and the alien pulled the person off camera - travis

[2004-08-19 12:06:01] - Travis: There were some awkward cuts, but I don't think adding in some more R-rated scenes which have more gore and blood will make the movie much better. -Paul

[2004-08-19 12:01:46] - i didn't think there was anything really wrong with AvP but i do think it suffered greatly from being forced into a pg-13 rating - travis

[2004-08-19 11:38:49] - Vinnie: I agree, it's hard to see how people could have a strong feeling about the movie either way (although I know from experience that hardcore fanatics can hate anything, even if it's good). -Paul

[2004-08-19 11:27:53] - god, one of the most overused cliches evah in that article: "people either loved it or hated it". I don't get that sense at all from this movie, mainly because it seemed more mediocre if anything than horribly wrong (I actually liked the movie) - vinnie

[2004-08-19 09:58:29] - Travis: It's disappointing to me that so many of the hardcore fans seem to hate the movie so much. It wasn't great, but I personally don't see what was so horrible about it. -Paul

[2004-08-19 09:41:19] - director defends/explains AvP's faults (e.g. movie was rated r until three weeks before release!) - travis

[2004-08-19 09:20:18] - when i was driving to camden yesterday, i saw no less than 3 signs that said, "REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY, CALL 1-800-532-TIPS" - mig

[2004-08-19 09:05:18] - children whose parents are in jail are now "tracked" and "targetted" by the british government.  for their own good, of course. - mig

[2004-08-19 07:41:01] - cruise keeping his vote private. -dave

[2004-08-19 00:01:22] - sweet.  ~a

[2004-08-18 23:05:27] - a+mig+etc: New Cake album on October 5th!  Mark your calendars! - pierce

[2004-08-18 22:32:51] - Another one that seems like a real post... "mel: v = sqrt(2GM/r). I have no capacity for abstract thought -dave" - pierce

[2004-08-18 19:03:06] - pierce: hehehehehehe :) good one - aaron

[2004-08-18 18:38:09] - "and how did you find that goat sex thing again, or worse... -paul" hehehehe. - pierce

[2004-08-18 18:36:16] - that way you can keep your personal life personal, and your professional life professional. - pierce

[2004-08-18 18:35:27] - I honestly think that any company that requires you to use a cell phone as part of your job should be required to provide one, with a separate number from your personal number. - pierce

[2004-08-18 18:17:03] - aaron: but I'm actually with you on this, one of the reasons I didn't get a Blackberry when I worked for my brother last summer was that I didn't want to make the barrier to real-time contact with me as low as "send me a one-line email". - pierce

[2004-08-18 18:15:53] - aaron: you can always just turn it off when you want to be inaccessible.  If someone complains, pretend you were going through a tunnel or in an elevator or a library or something. - pierce

[2004-08-18 16:25:22] - "Being white is also often portrayed as being 'cooler' than being Asian" How could this possible be true in modern times? :-P -Paul

[2004-08-18 14:12:36] - a: Well then it sucks for you. ;-) -Paul

[2004-08-18 13:35:17] - paul:  i got my phone because of my company.  ~a

[2004-08-18 13:21:42] - I could see a definite downside if your company had your number, since they would always be calling with problems and such, but I just try not to let that happen. :-) -Paul

[2004-08-18 13:16:15] - aaron: i don't even think about my cell phone, i just put it in my pocket and forget it's there unless it rings/vibrates - travis

[2004-08-18 13:15:11] - a: if the other person keeps replying "no" then they're obviously a liar :-P - travis

[2004-08-18 13:14:46] - i can't even remember the last time i used a landline - travis

[2004-08-18 13:07:30] - Vinnie: Yeah, it's wonderful to not be tied down to land lines anymore and to be able to get in touch with people even when away from home. Or at least SOME people. :-) -Paul

[2004-08-18 13:02:37] - we have a landline too but I forget why - vinnie

[2004-08-18 13:02:12] - cell phones are wonderful. I'm already starting to forget how I operated before having one. same with DVR - vinnie

[2004-08-18 12:42:51] - paul:  ;-)  ~a

[2004-08-18 12:42:18] - paul:  you annoy me.  ~a

[2004-08-18 12:42:01] - aaron:  yeah, it's not like your wallet or keys are going to (all of a sudden) demand your attention.  ~a

[2004-08-18 12:15:35] - Travis: Cell phones always make me nervous. It's like ... . the cell phone of damocles or something. I'm almost positive it's not going to ring but it's always there, inches away, not ringing... It's kind of nice to have a time of day where you don't have to worry about things ringing at you. - aaron

[2004-08-18 11:43:27] - a: People who don't have cell phones annoy me. ;-) -Paul

[2004-08-18 11:16:56] - with that said, i forced myself to buy a cell phone.  ~a

[2004-08-18 11:16:14] - travis:  what paul said.  plus their service SUCKS.  it's like "can you hear me now?"  "no"  "good.  can you hear me now?" "no!" "good."  ~a

[2004-08-18 11:03:22] - Travis: I think it's because they feel like phone calls should be limited to home and they dislike it when people talk on their cell phone while driving or walking on the sidewalk or whatever. -Paul

[2004-08-18 10:59:35] - why do some people hate cell phones but have a regular phone when cell phones are so much more useful to have than a regular phone? - travis

[2004-08-18 10:35:11] - you can't sell your leave.  and you don't get unpaid leave when you change jobs unless you give them advance notice that you are leaving.  ~a

[2004-08-18 09:08:43] - mig: When I quit my previous job, I got paid for all the vacation I had left remaining (although I don't think they paid me for the sick time I had left). -Paul

[2004-08-18 08:54:26] -,3367,1430_A_1300783_1_A,00.html?mpb=en democrats getting pissy over bush's "withdrawal" of troops. - mig

[2004-08-18 07:49:24] - mig: but they only pay for the leave that was xferable -dave

[2004-08-18 07:49:06] - mig: like when you retire or whatnot, I know that some companies will pay you for all the saved up leave that you didn't take -dave

[2004-08-18 07:48:37] - mig: certain types you can "sell back" -dave

[2004-08-18 07:28:23] - i don't see why you can't sell it back to your company if you're not going to use it. - mig

[2004-08-17 18:44:25] - i'm sure mine will :-P  ~a

[2004-08-17 18:30:41] - a: I don't think my company would agree to that. -Paul

[2004-08-17 18:12:19] - it's not that i need the money, it's just that i'm not using it so somebody should.  ~a

[2004-08-17 18:12:05] - i'll sell you some of my leave.  ~a

[2004-08-17 18:02:13] - a: Yes, yes, yes, and it's definitely something I've thought about doing, but school and work usually interfered. -Paul

[2004-08-17 17:52:59] - is she alive (was she the one we met?)?  does she go to japan?  if so, you could go with.  ~a

[2004-08-17 17:51:52] - a: Nope. My grandmother's entire side of the family lives in Japan. It's kinda why I've wanted to go visit there sometime, to see them once in my life. -Paul

[2004-08-17 17:48:34] - ah.  so i should have asked if you had any japanese relatives that lived here during ww2.  ~a

[2004-08-17 17:46:10] - a: The Japanese side of my family was a result of my grandfather marrying a Japanese woman after WW2 (I think my grandmother actually worked for the Japanese building planes during the war) so she didn't come over until after the war. -Paul

[2004-08-17 17:13:52] - in c++, why didn't they get polymorphism to work with references?  ~a

[2004-08-17 17:13:25] - some of your relatives are japanese, right?  did they have many problems?  like were they forced into camps or something?  ~a

[2004-08-17 17:04:16] - a: Lived in America? Yeah, a bunch. Why? -Paul

[2004-08-17 16:58:37] - paul:  do you have any relatives that lived here during ww2?  ~a

[2004-08-17 15:13:03] - Somehow, equating courage with the use of an a-bomb strike in WW2 seems like comparing a rabbit to a bear. -Paul

[2004-08-17 15:11:45] - "If you choose Admiral Nimitz, for instance, you can benefit from the powers of Espionage or Courage or use an A-bomb strike against your enemies" !!! -Paul

[2004-08-17 14:50:31] - Dave: Basically. When you or Pierce or somebody asks me to explain how a theoretical system would adequately handle a given situation, I really have no choice BUT to be idealistic. -Paul

[2004-08-17 14:37:21] - Paul: and if so, wouldn't it be a correct observation that you were being idealistic? -dave

[2004-08-17 14:36:40] - Paul: You mean you get accused of being idealistic because the govt. your'e defending hasn't been implemented / is just a model? -dave

[2004-08-17 14:25:55] - Dave: Which is why I always get accused of being idealistic when you guys ask me to defend a relatively unknowne system of "government" :-P -Paul

[2004-08-17 14:25:50] - mig: I don't see the part where it says he was trying to defend his home from looters? It just says he was trying to get home?  -dave

[2004-08-17 14:23:53] - Hence the problems that arise when talking about idealistic viewpoints or ideals, you inevitably have problems with the areas that the ideal / model doesn't cover -dave

[2004-08-17 14:21:45] - And inevitably, for a given ideal / model, there will be modeling errors, or aspects that the model doesn't cover -dave

[2004-08-17 14:20:28] - A very interesting viewpoint (IMO) that came out of it is that ideals and idealistic views are just attempts at modeling the actual situation -dave

[2004-08-17 14:19:36] - police tazor man trying to defend his home from looters. - mig

[2004-08-17 14:19:26] - I had an interesting conversation with my dad the other day about ideals and idealistic views -dave

[2004-08-17 14:17:04] - a: I'm not sure I think that's a solid calculation of how often a windows machine would be compromised. If nothing else, I would think it's decently common for a user to install antivirus software before connecting to the internet -dave

[2004-08-17 14:15:48] - a: hmm, it appears that the statistic is based on the avg. time that any given IP is probed? It looks like it assumes that since you don't have any patches etc, that the probe will be successful -dave

[2004-08-17 14:11:53] - a: that's if you don't download any of the updates / patches, right? -dave

[2004-08-17 13:37:29] - a: I never said it was just as likely as a shark attack, I was referring to the fact that it was something that got more attention than it was worth. -Paul

[2004-08-17 13:21:17] - paul:  if you take a newly installed windows system, connect it to the internet (without updating it any) it will take 20 minutes (ON AVERAGE) for it to become compromised:  still think it's like getting bit by a shark (re: likelihood)?  ~a

[2004-08-17 12:49:29] - Iverson breaks thumb, still wants to play -dave

[2004-08-17 12:47:03] - bizarre...Costco testing out selling coffins -dave

[2004-08-17 12:44:37] - Paul: yup yup, exactly what I was trying to say -dave

[2004-08-17 11:14:08] - Dave: That's why we'll never have any sort of tax where the burden is spread evenly. Because then the majority would finally realize just how much money the government has been leeching from the rich all these years. -Paul

[2004-08-17 10:25:22] - mig: where that outrageousness is only a by-product of how skewed the current tax system is at present -dave

[2004-08-17 10:24:39] - mig: in fact, the reason why going to a flat sales tax on everything seems so ridiculous and unachievable is because it would normalize the tax burden, and since the tax burden is so skewed now, the increase in the amount the middle and low classes would have to pay seem outrageous -dave

[2004-08-17 10:22:23] - mig: not that I think the rich shouldn't necessarily pay more, just that I think it's rather ridiculous when people decry the tax system and say that it is taxing the middle and low classes too much. -dave

[2004-08-17 10:20:32] - mig: hmmm, that article made good points about tax on houses etc. Though that raises the issue that Americans like "unfair" taxes in that we like having the rich pay for everything. Just think, rich people buy high-dollar items all the time and pay that same tax that we are looking at and saying is outrageous -dave

[2004-08-17 10:16:35] - mig: I think the conditional draft pick thing might have to do with how high a draft pick they get etc. They also mentioned potential / conditional cash exchange, so there are probably some conditional statements in there saying, if we get this high draft pick, we pay this much, etc etc -dave

[2004-08-17 10:15:02] - Paul: hehe wow, top 10% pay 65% of all fed income tax and top 1% pay 33% -dave

[2004-08-17 10:12:19] - New York trying to deal with all the permits for protesting during the Republican Convention -dave

[2004-08-17 10:00:59] - I never realized so many people don't pay income taxes. -Paul

[2004-08-17 09:33:44] - what the hell is a conditional draft pick? - mig

[2004-08-17 09:31:59] - the problems with a national sales tax. - mig

[2004-08-17 09:29:08] - Travis: Yeah, I read that article too. I'm kinda torn. I don't want GP playing for the Celtics but I also think that it would've been nice had they gotten SOMETHING for all those players they traded away. -Paul

[2004-08-17 09:26:25] - religious group cries 'discrimination' after google pulls down their ads. - mig

[2004-08-17 09:24:02] - except, of course, boston would be a total sucker: "If Payton quits, with Fox reportedly considering retirement, the trade would leave Boston with only the draft pick and cash." - travis

[2004-08-17 09:23:09] - paul can rest easy, he doesn't want payton on the celtics and payton doesn't want the celtics - travis

[2004-08-17 08:22:39] - Dell posts 20% increased revenue from same quarter last year, and 29% increase in earnings per share. -dave

[2004-08-17 08:04:09] - Real offering music downloads for 49c or 4.99 an album for a limited time -dave

[2004-08-17 07:53:56] - what's even funnier is that the US went so far as to state that the pulling of troops out of Germany was not retribution for Germany not participating in the Iraq war. So it's actually viewed as a benefit to keep the troops there -dave

[2004-08-17 07:52:43] - it's an interesting counter-point to the stance that most countries want US troops to leave -dave

[2004-08-17 07:51:56] - Kinda amusing. US pulling troops out of Germany...and the Germans don't really want them to go, because the Americans are such good consumers, heh heh. -dave

[2004-08-16 17:19:34] - dictionary: I'm not talking to you. :-P -Paul

[2004-08-16 17:18:18] - paul: "The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, excluding humans" - dictionary

[2004-08-16 16:54:45] - travis: hmmm, I guess I normally think of being in heat as involving pheromones and things like that. Like will a male dog try to copulate with a female one when she isn't in heat? -dave

[2004-08-16 16:24:48] - Travis: Why are humans excluded? And are we sure that humans are excluded? -Paul

[2004-08-16 16:24:31] - Dave: I think it counts for just one, yes. -Paul

[2004-08-16 16:09:28] - defintion of estrus: "The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, excluding humans, that immediately precedes ovulation and during which the female is most receptive to mating; heat" - dictionary

[2004-08-16 16:08:24] - dave: i believe almost any female mammal (although humans are excluded) can go into heat since i think it's just the period of time right around ovulation - travis

[2004-08-16 16:03:37] - Paul: I didn't mean to comment on the stupidity or non-stupidity of her actions overall -dave

[2004-08-16 16:03:00] - Paul: well, I only said she was stupid because I thought she had posted it on Wonkette herself, but then going back and looking, she didn't, as I said right afterwards. And the stupid comment was more geared to her thinking that it wouldn't get out, but again, I only said that because I thought she had posted it somewhere more public -dave

[2004-08-16 16:00:38] - when they do metal tallies for the olympics, what does a team medal count for? Just one? -dave

[2004-08-16 16:00:32] - Dave: Well, either way, I find it hard to characterize her actions as stupid when she is the ones who becomes a celebrity and gets lots of money with no real major hit on her reputation while everyone else is feeling the heat. -Paul

[2004-08-16 15:49:15] - Paul: no, the question is mostly unrelated -dave

[2004-08-16 15:48:41] - Paul: well, she didn't want anyone but her friends to read her blog, like she didn't want everyone to find out about it. But now that everyone knows, she's making the best of her situation -dave

[2004-08-16 15:43:31] - Dave: Does your question have anything to do with the current line of conversation? :-) (I don't know the answer to your question, btw). -Paul

[2004-08-16 15:40:27] - Dave: I'm failing to see how you think her actions have been stupid. :-P Seems to me like she knew exactly what she was doing. -Paul

[2004-08-16 15:29:46] - what other, if any animals go into heat, like dogs? -dave

[2004-08-16 15:23:59] - she's been fired, but posed for playboy and has inked a book deal that will pay her 6 figures -dave

[2004-08-16 15:23:25] - blog talked about her 6 current partners, one of which is a Bush admin official who is married. Apparently she didn't list names, but did initials, tho that's probably not much protection -dave

[2004-08-16 15:21:42] - here's the article, tho it's washpost so you probably have to be registered -dave

[2004-08-16 15:21:18] - paul: I take it back, it was a personal blog that someone found and posted on Wonkette -dave

[2004-08-16 15:19:56] - paul: it wasn't just like her own personal webpage somewhere -dave

[2004-08-16 15:19:40] - paul: I don't get how she could have been so stupid, she actually posted it on a blogger service that she knew one of the guys she had slept with read stuff on -dave

[2004-08-16 15:18:57] - paul: I don't think it was a congressman, just like 6 different aides or something like that. -dave

[2004-08-16 14:46:27] - paul: I didn't hear about that. That's very weird. - aaron

[2004-08-16 14:11:11] - Dave: Is she the one who had sex with some congressmen and wrote about it online? -paul

[2004-08-16 13:47:40] - Jeez, just read an article on Jessica Cutler. Be careful what you blog... -dave

[2004-08-16 12:15:14] - Travis: I'm still waiting for the Alien vs Predator vs Terminator movie. :-) -Paul

[2004-08-16 12:12:27] - "Aaron: I would tend to drink -paul" ... ok that's enough for now - aaron

[2004-08-16 12:09:42] - Wow this totally sounds like a real one. "Mig: What's ironic is that public opinion still tends towards "guilty until proven innocent. -Paul".... isn't that scary? it's an amalgam of 5 different posts but it sounds like just one - aaron

[2004-08-16 12:08:48] - a: i just started my 41st character on Firefly, actually. joss did an excellent actor to be in another sense no. he just has to be pale, go figure -dave - aaron

[2004-08-16 12:05:58] - You know, Kevin McCallister vs. Air Bud or something. One of them loses, and never makes another movie ever again - aaron

[2004-08-16 12:05:27] - travis: I think it would be cooler if instead of using it as a way to perk up interest in dead franchises, if they used it as a way to kill off dead franchises - aaron

[2004-08-16 12:02:55] - i'm surprised the freddy vs jason vs ash rumor is still alive and i hadn't heard about the michael myers vs pinhead idea - travis

[2004-08-16 09:59:26] - Paul: ahhh interesting. -dave

[2004-08-16 09:04:57] - Dave: Well, I guess they're not forced to go public, it's just heavily encouraged by the government. :-P -Paul

[2004-08-16 08:20:03] - "Natalie Portman wasn't in the best fungus on the cover? I am at 70 mPh - aaron" - aaron

[2004-08-16 08:05:08] - Paul: Tho, it makes sense for them to go public after awhile, so that all their investors / CEOs can cash in on their hard work (through their stocks) and so that the company can get a huge infusion of cash -dave

[2004-08-16 08:03:18] - Paul: as far as I know, a company can't be forced to go public, no matter how big it is -dave

[2004-08-15 16:12:20] - a:  i guess it was just something very minor they had to fix right away? - mig

[2004-08-15 04:47:01] - miguerce:  (re kernel version).  wtf?  ~a

[2004-08-15 04:46:02] - Hahahaha. "Girl are achieving their physical peak younger and younger, but their strike through font makes it harder to explain!" That's such a good point - aaron

[2004-08-14 17:56:38] - Topless women are paid as the majority. For any reason. - dewey

[2004-08-14 17:44:30] - logan hit the nail right on paul, we just have to work or ojn your own opinion is that, biologically, girl are achieving their physical peak younger and younger, but their strike-through font makes it harder to explain for miguel, paul, and ironically swimming can help the rest of the choices for custom plate designs, and I don't think work is

[2004-08-14 12:01:15] - Best magic card ever. I'm going to construct that penny deck now. - aaron

[2004-08-14 12:00:55] - "who said that he really was just seeing the liberals on economic matters and social acceptability comes into play tapped, WWUUBBRRGG, Sac Door to permitting other types of pennies as examples of bugs. -- Xpovos" - aaron

[2004-08-14 11:57:52] - paul: No, it's just shakespearian language which doesn't say anything. You've seen how markov chainers look, it's something like "What light through yonder window, then runneth through the green eyes of a lusty maiden bestowed - paul" - aaron

[2004-08-13 16:46:20] - vinnie:  i'm glad you like it.  ~a

[2004-08-13 15:50:19] - Vinnie: Your first sentence reminds me of I'm Ron Burgundy? -Paul

[2004-08-13 15:49:40] - vinnie:  haha.  I have those two modes too.  -mel

[2004-08-13 15:48:02] - oops, obv that should be "were" not "weren't" - vinnie

[2004-08-13 15:47:28] - i loooooooove previous entries? if I weren't in "do nothing" mode instead of "really busy" mode at work, I'd read it all day - vinnie

[2004-08-13 15:46:31] - Aaron: So it's indistinguishable from the real Shakespeare? =-o -Paul

[2004-08-13 15:44:46] - travis: that's pretty a tough slam.  No concept a scientific question means you are a bad scientist.  :-P

[2004-08-13 15:43:36] - aaron: I can imagine.  neat.  :-) -mel

[2004-08-13 15:36:15] - mel: Yeah, the common markov chaining example is to use things like, all of shakespeare's plays... and then the markov chainer will give you good shakesperian gibberish which doesn't make a lot of sense, but sounds beautiful - aaron

[2004-08-13 15:33:28] - aaron: cool.  well it might be interesting to see chains that are put together only from the words that a specific person says.  Like just what Paul says.  I think that would be neat.  because the style that different people use in their language would probably beecome obvious.  -mel

[2004-08-13 15:32:09] - paul: Yes, that's just what it is.  Haha.  -mel

[2004-08-13 15:15:11] - Travis: That's how scientists trash talk. ;-) -Paul

[2004-08-13 15:13:07] - mel: this chaining idea with english words seems like the old "thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters" - travis

[2004-08-13 15:11:03] - mel: "Anybody who would do that doesn't have a good concept of a scientific question." ooooh, diss :-) - travis

[2004-08-13 14:48:07] - So in other words, for my last sentence, "Not. - aaron" is considered one three-word phrase. - aaron

[2004-08-13 14:47:38] - mel: Signatures and punctuation are all just treated as words. When determining whether two phrases are equal, case is ignored but punctuation is not. - aaron

[2004-08-13 14:30:46] - travis: gotta go to lunch.  back in 45.  -mel

[2004-08-13 14:30:07] - travis: sorry for the wait, someone came to my office to ask me something.  Bottom of page 1, paragram that start with "The last time" and then there is more detail on the bottom of page 3.  -mel

[2004-08-13 14:20:15] - Travis: Yeah, you would think your muscles would atrophy or something. -Paul

[2004-08-13 14:18:13] - "she had been on the couch anywhere from 2 to 5 years" i'm amazed people can live like that for that long, i saw a guy like that on jerry springer once - travis

[2004-08-13 14:09:34] - mig: Sounds like something you read in tabloids. -Paul

[2004-08-13 14:08:19] - Dave: Wasn't google forced to go public because it had grown too big? -Paul

[2004-08-13 14:04:24] - freaky, freaky story. - mig

[2004-08-13 13:56:49] - mel: just for reference, Google's IPO may make them 3.3 - 3.5 billion -dave

[2004-08-13 13:53:12] - mel: the company then gets all the money made from selling those shares -dave

[2004-08-13 13:52:55] - mel: an IPO is when a company desides to sell shares for its company. They decide how many shares to sell and what kinda price-range they want to sell at (tho that is partically dictated by market forces). So basically, they show up one day and say you can now buy shares of stock in our company. -dave

[2004-08-13 13:51:39] - mel: well google set up its IPO so that anyone who wanted to could bid on shares. The only catch is that you had to get yourself registered with them. The closed registration a coupla weeks ago I think -dave

[2004-08-13 13:50:25] - blue-ray 1.0 spec approved. Expect drives / media late 2005. Single layer to be 25 gigs and dual-layer 50 gigs -dave

[2004-08-13 13:50:01] - travis: hold on, I'll get the page reference... -mel

[2004-08-13 13:49:47] - dave: I see, that makes sense.  I don't really know how an IPO works.  How come you can't buy google shares anymore?  What does "going public" really mean?  -mel

[2004-08-13 13:49:19] - mel: that's a long article, i read the first page, what did you want me to look for? - travis

[2004-08-13 13:48:43] - mel: so I would guess the regulation is there so that the company has less of a chance to artificially inflate that perception -dave

[2004-08-13 13:48:43] - travis: There is a surreal quality to the sentences.  -mel

[2004-08-13 13:47:52] - mel: because the company gets directly gets all the money from the first time all the shares sell, the perception of the company at that time is really critical -dave

[2004-08-13 13:46:51] - mel: I think some of the rationale behind the "quiet time" is that they don't want the companies releasing a whole bunch of positive data right beforehand to try to jack up their profit from the IPO -dave

[2004-08-13 13:46:46] - travis: well, not all of them, but its pretty good.  It would be interesting to play with the phrase length.  -mel

[2004-08-13 13:46:15] - a lot of them aren't grammatically correct, though... - travis

[2004-08-13 13:45:11] - travis:  -mel

[2004-08-13 13:45:04] - travis: One similar problem: DNA sequencing now is done by smashing a bunch of strands of DNA into "phrases" and then trying to line up the sequences (by looking for overlap).  The algorithm sounds like a Markov chain.  I didn't do such a great job of explaining it, but its described in this month's Wired.  -mel

[2004-08-13 13:41:43] - a: I'd like to hear more about how you wrote it.  are all past three word phrases stored and then the first word is selected randomly?  How do you determine whose name to sign?  Are the sentences selected from phrases that particular person uses?  -mel

[2004-08-13 13:39:14] - travis: I think its insightful that three word chains are long enough to make grammatically correct sentences.  That's revealing about the English language.  -mel

[2004-08-13 13:37:57] - travis: well, yeah, I bet a Markov chainer could have other applications.  I think its a neat idea in general.  -mel

[2004-08-13 13:29:08] - Travis: Good to know I'm not the only one :-) -Paul

[2004-08-13 13:22:06] - paul: i'm unimpressed with random sentences, too, seems like that programming knowledge could've been put to better use - travis

[2004-08-13 12:44:41] - Paul: ok, I can see how the politicians could be worried about slander.  -mel

[2004-08-13 12:30:22] - Actually, I lied, the reasons (I think) are that politicians are afraid of negative ads being aired right before an election that doesn't give the other person enough time to refute. -Paul

[2004-08-13 12:29:40] - Mel: I've no idea what the reasons behind the law are, so that's why I couldn't be more specific. :-P -Paul

[2004-08-13 12:27:00] - paul: ah. ok.  I didn't know about that law.  Interesting.  That doesn't seem to make sense either.  I guess the government is worried that otherwise thee ads could out of control?  -mel

[2004-08-13 12:25:34] - Mel: I mean whatever reasons there are for not being able to air political ads 30 days before an election (or whatever the law is) are probably the same reasons for this quiet time. -Paul

[2004-08-13 12:24:46] - So am I the only one who doesn't find random phrases thrown together to be very funny? -Paul

[2004-08-13 12:24:41] - paul: what do you mean?  -mel

[2004-08-13 12:23:23] - Travis: Same reason we can talk about politics 30 days before an election. -Paul

[2004-08-13 12:23:15] - travis: weird.  I don't get the concept of the quiet time either.  It's funny the way its written in quotes though.  It seems like some sort of official term.  -mel

[2004-08-13 12:21:53] - haha.  yeah, previous entries? is funny.  -mel

[2004-08-13 12:21:52] - Aaron: Yeah, it sounds like a really interesting idea, surprised more DVDs haven't done it. -paul

[2004-08-13 12:21:38] - why do we really need this "quiet time" before offering stocks? shouldn't people be allowed to know as much as possible about the stocks they're buying? - travis

[2004-08-13 12:20:37] - previous entries is cool.  I like the chaining concept.  The sentences end up being grammatically correct.  cool.  -mel

[2004-08-13 12:14:17] - paul: According to Andy Wachowski, "It's the best idea we've ever had. It's hilarious. They just sit there and rip the shit out of us for six hours." tee hee. - aaron

[2004-08-13 11:43:01] - Dave: Ok, I guess I'm just confused how you guys can think the article is bad because the guy is expressing his opinion on some things. :-P -paul

[2004-08-13 11:36:53] - Paul: I'm just trying to separate shades of grey, really -dave

[2004-08-13 11:36:35] - Paul: but I agree, he didn't try to pass it off as anything official -dave

[2004-08-13 11:31:54] - Paul: yeah I know, I just mean that's what the article felt like to me when I was reading it (shrug) -dave

[2004-08-13 11:20:16] - "But these are at least my two cents on the acceptable and unacceptable deviations in libertarianism. I'm curious to hear from any readers who think I'm right or wrong, or who think I'm not a libertarian because I don't embrace Randian esthetics or I fail on some other criteria." -Paul

[2004-08-13 11:16:20] - Dave: "I thought I'd offer my two cents on acceptable vs. unacceptable deviations and differences among libertarians" ? -Paul

[2004-08-13 11:06:44] - Paul: not as official as say a party opinion, but more official than a personal opinion -dave

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