here are old message board entries

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[2004-08-13 11:06:02] - Paul: yeah, I think that's where we differ, and I think where Pierce differs, the page (to me) seemed to make it sound more like an official thing and less like just his own opinion. -dave

[2004-08-13 10:59:12] - Dave: Well, there are the opinions of the Libertarian Party, which could be considered partially official. I just didn't get the impression that that guy was trying to pass off his opinions as anything more than that, opinions. -Paul

[2004-08-13 10:49:01] - Paul: right, I think that was the point. The page was all an opinion, whereas stating the requirements for being part of a party should be less of an opinion and more of a fact. But like I said, since libertarians don't have a set of things, then it makes an opinion necessary -dave

[2004-08-13 10:01:12] - Dave: Right, but I don't really know how you can be objective about your opinions. :-P -Paul

[2004-08-13 09:48:28] - Paul: I suppose that's all you really can do since there's no official party document that lists the beliefs etc, but the guy's article did have a very subjective tone -dave

[2004-08-13 09:47:59] - Paul: I think Pierce's point was more that the guy's basis for saying what is a core belief of libertarians seemed rather subjective as he was mostly basing it off of what he believed himself. -dave

[2004-08-13 09:41:07] -,2933,128784,00.html Funny how Kerry admits that the middle class hardly pays any taxes (comparatively) right now and then goes on to say how they are the ones in most need of tax relief. -Paul

[2004-08-13 09:39:54] - "US says Iraq hostilities not covered by Olympic truce" -Paul

[2004-08-13 09:23:14] - Some interesting information about the Matrix boxed set (see the latest two entries). I'm particularly interested in hearing the commentary track by critics who hated the movies. :-P -Paul

[2004-08-13 09:09:22] - I guess the short story is that I think there are certain beliefs that you simply have to hold in order to be a libertarian. I just don't think it's acceptable to be called a libertarian while also supporting an imperial war or supporting the drug war. It's just TOO contrary to what libertarians stand for. -Paul

[2004-08-13 08:59:49] - For instance, based on discussions we've had, I don't think you are a libertarian. I think you might have some libertarian leanings, but I think idealogically you are closer to a liberal. -Paul

[2004-08-13 08:58:17] - Pierce: And I think it's reasonable to put certain limits on what kind of views you have to hold in order to be a libertarian, although I agree that it would be hard to come up with something that most people would agree to. -Paul

[2004-08-13 08:56:50] - Pierce: I mean, you can always CALL yourself a libertarian, but if you support higher taxes and more spending then I think it's fair to say that you don't really fit the definition. -Paul

[2004-08-13 08:56:05] - Pierce: Well, I didn't necessarily agree with what the guy said (about acceptable differences in libertarianism) but I do think that it makes sense to have some sort of bounds. -Paul

[2004-08-13 08:47:49] - pierce:  unfortunately, it takes a minute to load up the data and there is no clean way to store the data on disk for quick retrieval.  so i had to set up a persistant server that the php scripts could query.  aaron wrote the guts of the chaining, and i did everything else.  it split up pretty cleanly.  ~a

[2004-08-13 08:45:03] - pierce:  every three word "phrase" is counted once (including repeats).  then you start with a two word phrase and pick the third word randomly from the list of three word phrases that start with those two words.  it fits together nicely.  ~a

[2004-08-13 07:54:25] - would you take a drug that would make you a workaholic for 12 weeks? seems like an interesting idea -dave

[2004-08-13 07:54:04] - scientists figure out how to make monkeys workaholics...effect can be limited to 12 weeks. -dave

[2004-08-13 07:52:22] -  Google IPO starts today at 9:00AM, unfortunately, you can't buy any shares unless you've already registered...something that you can no longer do -dave

[2004-08-13 00:01:54] - pierce:  previous entries is a markov chainer that tries to make phrase/sentences off of things we said in the message board history. - mig

[2004-08-12 21:31:17] - Assuming that the judge believes rape to be a cruel and unusual punishment (which I hope is true), sentencing anyone to be placed in such an environment would seem to clearly violate that constitutional clause. - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:30:50] - Regarding the judge warning a defendent about prison rape, I think that judge should not, in good conscience, be able to sentence anyone to prison time (outside of statuatory minimum sentences). - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:26:44] - Blah blah blah... so can someone tell me what's up with the "previous entries?" link, since people seem to be quoting from it and yet I can't seem to track down when it was first put on the page and someone explained what it is. - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:24:38] - More importantly, it just seems to be very presumptuous to think you can definitively establish the definition (and margin of error) of an ideology that can have so many possible interpretations. - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:22:47] - Now you may disagree with me on any number of the things I've just said, but I think my claims are definitely within reason for any "libertarian" philosophy that accepts any level of the existence of a state. - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:21:31] - And since the existence of a state is not without maintenance cost, there must therefore be mandatory taxation of some sort.  So if you believe that some state is necessary (as I do), then taxation is not theft because it is essential. - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:20:15] - The way I see it, if there's to be any state at all (and since "minarchism" is among the "acceptable" versions of libertarianism, I assume the author accepts that there can be some state), then that states authority must be mandatory. - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:16:46] - But flat claims like "Taxation is theft" which ALL libertarians must ostensibly subscribe to are bogus.  I consider myself a libertarian, and yet I don't believe [all] taxation is theft. - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:13:28] - Its approach to determining the "range" of libertarianism was essentially: "My version of libertarianism is correct.  Those viewpoints that disagree with mine that have more self-described 'libertarians' subscribing to them are within the spectrum of libertarianism." - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:12:11] - Paul: the article you posted ages ago on what idealogical differences were acceptable among libertarians was pretty cruddy, IMO. - pierce

[2004-08-12 21:09:11] - okay, doing some quick msgboard catchup... - pierce

[2004-08-12 19:46:36] - this never gets old: paul: well, I think D.C. probably has the infrastructure to take photos of dead soldiers from Iraq. Now Fox is gonna work out, they already mention that the parents want to puke in his shoes. -Paul

[2004-08-12 13:47:27] - Mind your Madden Manners. -Paul

[2004-08-12 11:16:10] - Not sure if this exact article as been posted, but I do want to say that I think a Peja for Artest trade would be great for both teams. -Paul

[2004-08-12 10:59:38] - Strangely, I found the most interesting part of this article to be the sentence saying that bi-racial kids (from black and white parents) start off white and get darker over time. -Paul

[2004-08-12 10:53:37] - Dave: To something like Dave? :-) -Paul

[2004-08-12 10:53:13] - Interesting connections between Bush/Wal-mart and Kerry/Costco. -Paul

[2004-08-12 10:53:02] - Paul: well there ya go, you need to change your name to be sexy -dave

[2004-08-12 10:51:47] - Paul: yeah, their plan makes sense. Now they just have to pull it off. If they can, then Netflix is gonna have to step up as well -dave

[2004-08-12 10:19:10] - Article about Blockbuster joining the netflix business. Note the talk about turning their stores into distribution centers. ;-) -Paul

[2004-08-12 10:13:06] - The Transhumans are coming! -Paul

[2004-08-12 10:07:01] - A comparison of productivity between America and Europe, although I think the stats about living area is a bit misleading. -Paul

[2004-08-12 09:46:08] - that's hilarious that people at espn are pimping madden. - mig

[2004-08-12 09:25:43] - Can't wait for Madden. -Paul

[2004-08-12 09:15:34] - See 5th paragraph :'( -Paul

[2004-08-12 09:12:28] - Ken Dorsey has an old car. -Paul

[2004-08-12 07:32:04] - Heat add perimeter shooter Person (supposedly second only to Peja) -dave

[2004-08-12 07:29:25] - Nets goin to Brooklyn -dave

[2004-08-12 07:20:52] - Kobe prosecutors asking for delay. Experts say it is prelude to dropping the case -dave

[2004-08-11 16:04:08] - Reminds me a bit about good old Professor Prince. -Paul

[2004-08-11 15:58:28] - ok, mig has all the best ones: My parents just put more emphasis on sex. i hate it when you do - mig - vinnie

[2004-08-11 15:57:48] - paul: nor do I, but the clanking prompted to to procure a window - vinnie

[2004-08-11 15:55:40] - Vinnie: Wow, I don't think it ever hailed here, but I don't have a window office anymore so I don't know. :-( -Paul

[2004-08-11 15:49:26] - hahaha As opposed to marriage which involves deciding which of two Cities, I always saw AA as kind of cookie it is 100% safety precaution. - mig

[2004-08-11 15:49:17] - paul: hailing - vinnie

[2004-08-11 15:42:51] - Vinnie: It's storming near you too? -Paul

[2004-08-11 15:41:34] - holy shit it sounds like god dropped his toolbox outside - vinnie

[2004-08-11 14:37:09] - Some interesting stories about the olympics and sex and nudity. -Paul

[2004-08-11 13:59:29] - Some interesting stats near the middle of the article about people's tolerance for free speech. -Paul

[2004-08-11 13:50:10] - An article which talks a little bit more about the differences between sex and gender (from a previous discussion). -paul

[2004-08-11 13:44:08] - I wonder if the judge tells female criminals the same thing. -Paul

[2004-08-11 12:50:14] - Dave: I think the left picture is from the movie and the right picture is from the poster, but I'm not sure. -paul

[2004-08-11 12:49:58] - Dave: Well, have some ideas. -Paul

[2004-08-11 12:46:03] - Paul: did they do that for the movie? -dave

[2004-08-11 12:45:44] - Paul: whatever, it really doesn't matter that much to me -dave

[2004-08-11 12:37:33] - Ah, the wonderful things computers can do. -Paul

[2004-08-11 12:08:57] - Dave: So what do you want to do this coming Saturday? -Paul

[2004-08-11 11:51:05] - hmmm, I take that back, I'm not sure that the number I was looking at actually means that -dave

[2004-08-11 11:48:35] - interesting note, even with the stocks as sucky as they are now, they still are +4.29% from 10 years ago. -dave

[2004-08-11 11:46:55] - Paul: Well, personally I would rather you have talk a bunch and get upset every now and then vs you not talking much -dave

[2004-08-11 11:34:45] - Dave: Heh, it's not your fault for getting upset. It's probably my fault. Hence why I stopped talking as much, :-P -Paul

[2004-08-11 11:21:17] - Paul: I apologize for any untoward upsettedness -dave

[2004-08-11 11:20:41] - Paul: and you shouldn't necessarily stop doin things just cuz I get upset, I get upset at all sorts of stupid things -dave

[2004-08-11 11:20:16] - Paul: yeah, well I suppose it is all about a happy medium. Knowing when the debate isn't moving forward is good, but not moving it forward at all isn't very constructive either. -dave

[2004-08-11 11:10:34] - Dave: I would think you wouldn't be complaining, after all, you were the one who seemed to get most upset when I kept arguing stuff with you. -Paul

[2004-08-11 11:09:21] - Dave: I like to think of it as less stubborn. -Paul

[2004-08-11 10:57:23] - Paul: or discuss what you think is wrong about other views -dave

[2004-08-11 10:56:58] - Paul: I don't know, it just doesn't seem you really present your views as much. -dave

[2004-08-11 10:50:01] - Dave: Isn't that what I've been doing the past day and a half? :-P -Paul

[2004-08-11 10:38:35] - Paul: y'know, it's not half as much fun when you don't discuss things. -dave

[2004-08-11 10:29:10] - Dave: I guess you're right. -Paul

[2004-08-11 10:25:52] - Paul: or you could say that the added cost of paying people more to voluntarily sell their homes / businesses is worth it to avoid having something like eminent domain -dave

[2004-08-11 10:24:50] - Paul: or you could say that really the benefits of whatever structure you want to build really isn't worth displacing the people -dave

[2004-08-11 10:23:51] - Paul: like you could debate that eminent domain isn't necessary because you will always be able to find an alternate location to build whatever structure you are trying to build (not that i necessarily think this) -dave

[2004-08-11 10:22:33] - Paul: well, I'm not sure for this particular issue, but just because you're discussing the practical issue doesn't mean there has to be any less debate on the matter -dave

[2004-08-11 10:22:28] - South Korea to move it's capital. -Paul

[2004-08-11 09:54:45] - Dave: Ok, I guess I understand what you are saying now but I'm still not sure why what the point is in discussing the practical in this case. I think we all know that practically eminent domain IS legal and it's going to happen no matter what we think of it. -Paul

[2004-08-11 09:47:30] - Paul: not to say that that the idealistic and practical planes don't influence each other or maybe even overlap at points, but they are distinct planes with their own rules, dynamics etc. -dave

[2004-08-11 09:46:43] - Paul: I wasn't trying to argue both sides. I was pointing out that there were two separate issues / planes of argument. You could argue about the idealistic issue (sort of on the idealistic plane) in which the action is theft, or you can talk about the practical issue (on the practical plane) in which it isn't exactly theft. -dave

[2004-08-11 09:44:03] - Paul: take whatever consequences the system gives for not agreeing with its allocation of rights, or leave the system -dave

[2004-08-11 09:43:34] - Paul: so it is fine as long as the rights that the society gives doesn't conflict with the rights you believe you inherently have from somewhere else (e.g. something like the right to have a soul, etc). However, when the rights granted by the society conflict, you are forced to either change the societal system... -dave

[2004-08-11 09:40:37] - Paul: I agree that the govt isn't necessarily the ultimate granter of rights, but within the legal system of a given society, the rights that the society grants are the only ones that make any difference in the legal system. -dave

[2004-08-11 09:08:16] - a: So you're saying there are a number of reasons to buy an SUV already? -Paul

[2004-08-11 09:06:38] - And I understand that you were arguing how eminent domain is valid, but you were also arguing how it was theft, which is why I was confused. I understand how you can see both sides (which is what I think you were trying to say) but it really sounded like you were trying to argue both at the same time. -Paul

[2004-08-11 09:05:23] - Dave: Then I guess we agree to disagree, since I don't think the government is the ultimate granter of rights. -Paul

[2004-08-11 09:05:11] - a: yeah, definitely seems like a lot of things would have to be hammered out / improved / resolved -dave

[2004-08-11 08:57:53] - hmph.  maybe i should go to work.  ~a

[2004-08-11 08:57:13] - "Oregon official Whitty said that issue has been debated in his state, but not resolved. One possibility, he said, is to vary the fee depending upon the weight or fuel efficiency of the vehicle, to reward people who buy lighter, more fuel-efficient cars."  so what is the point.  we're back to charging for gas per gallon.  ~a

[2004-08-11 08:53:57] - plus none of this counts for the time you spend driving on private roads.  ~a

[2004-08-11 08:53:49] - (it probably meant to say 1.22 cents per mile)  ~a

[2004-08-11 08:53:30] - dave:  and it is way way not cost effective.  $100 for the computer unit and it seems like they were implying that the $100 price didn't include the gps unit.  so it would take them the life of the car to pay off the stupid tax charging unit although i'm basing this on the incorrect numbers they listed in the article ~a

[2004-08-11 08:52:26] - mig: personally, i don't see that tax getting much support from the public, and hence not being passed -dave

[2004-08-11 08:52:03] - mig: although, with gas tax being 18 cents, you probably still come out far ahead by getting a more efficient car, just not as much if they change the tax. -dave

[2004-08-11 08:51:03] - mig: seems like it would hurt "good" things like encouraging people to buy cars like hybrids etc that are more efficient -dave

[2004-08-11 08:50:04] - mig:  so you have to tell the government how much money you make .... that's like ... none of their fucking business.  ~a

[2004-08-11 08:42:08] - So i have to tell the government how much i drive now .... that's like ... none of their fucking business. - mig

[2004-08-11 08:40:46] - dave:  yeah, all americans need is another reason to buy an suv.  ~a

[2004-08-11 08:36:06] - hmpf, it seems now that civil suits are a way to get around double jeporday protection. - mig

[2004-08-11 08:34:22] - tax on mileage instead of gas? -dave

[2004-08-11 08:05:38] - haha, Google charges for its ads based on how many clicks are made on some companies have devised ways to click an inordinate number of times on competitor's ads. Pretty dang funny -dave

[2004-08-11 07:47:23] - the article also says that Viacom is in the process of selling off its 81% stake in Blockbuster. Somehow that doesn't sound too good -dave

[2004-08-11 07:46:28] - article about blockbuster's new "netflix" offering. The interesting comment is at the bottom...apparently Netflix offers adult content? -dave

[2004-08-11 07:35:13] - should the Kings get rid of Webber? -dave

[2004-08-11 07:25:38] - Kobe accuser files civil suit -dave

[2004-08-11 07:22:58] - err, are the ones -dave

[2004-08-11 07:22:40] - Paul: if you want to argue that you have the inherent right, then where does that right come from? In our current system, the only rights you have are the owns that everyone has agreed on and have made into law. -dave

[2004-08-11 07:21:43] - Paul: you can argue that you have some inherent basic right to own the land, but IMO that argument does not hold too much weight. -dave

[2004-08-11 07:20:36] - Paul: at present, legally you don't really "own" the land at all but are buying rights to it, so it isn't theft under the country's laws -dave

[2004-08-11 07:19:53] - Paul: I was arguing the side of eminent domain being valid, or justifiable. -dave

[2004-08-10 23:57:11] - but their excuse of "expectations for a 1.0 release would be too high" seems like B.S. to me.  How are they ever going to know what the expectations are unless they actually make the release?! - pierce

[2004-08-10 23:36:36] - seriously, gaim needs to release a 1.0 version.  I know it's arbitrary, but it's hard to get people to give credibility to something that's been in development for five years and is still on version 0.81. - pierce

[2004-08-10 17:15:23] - Aaron: Well, I think this is different because I'm not terribly concerned about what Dave personally believes (with all due respect) I'm just trying to figure out which side he is arguing. -Paul

[2004-08-10 17:13:57] - paul: (usually you're the one being accused of taking a side of an argument without revealing anything about your personal feelings on the subject, so it's funny seeing you on the other side of the... ... ... *noun*) - aaron

[2004-08-10 17:11:19] - paul: irony! - aaron

[2004-08-10 16:59:50] - Paul: eh, dont' worry about it, my point probably sucks anyways -dave

[2004-08-10 15:59:47] - Dave: I dunno, maybe it's just me. I just can't figure out what point you're trying to make. -Paul

[2004-08-10 15:57:25] - Dave: I don't want to sound insulting or anything, but it really does sound like you're basically taking both sides which is admirable, but not really very telling. :-P -Paul

[2004-08-10 15:56:44] - Dave: Well, no. It's just that if it's logically impossible to disagree with what you say, then I'm not sure what you're saying is worth saying. -Paul

[2004-08-10 15:51:06] - Paul: or you could try to say the distinction doesn't make any sense in this case -dave

[2004-08-10 15:50:48] - Paul: but yeah, I think there is. You could say that ideally it isn't theft. Or you could say that practically it is still theft. Tho I suppose the latter would be more difficult to do -dave

[2004-08-10 15:50:08] - Paul: is your sole goal to find a way to disagree with me? ^_^ -dave

[2004-08-10 15:44:55] - Dave: So, is there any real way to disagree with you? I'm not trying to be difficult here, but it seems like no matter what stance we take, you're going to say that you agree with us. -Paul

[2004-08-10 15:32:07] - Paul: So I was saying, idealistically, yes it is theft, practically, it isn't necessarily theft -dave

[2004-08-10 15:31:15] - Paul: or like idealistically / theoretically, your company owns a laptop they give you to do work on, but practically it ends up being yours -dave

[2004-08-10 15:29:07] - Paul: oops, I meant theoretically / idealistically they help, but practically it's hard to say -dave

[2004-08-10 15:28:51] - Paul: or like practically, both cutting the budget and reducing taxes help the economy, but practically, it's difficult to say what exactly each do -dave

[2004-08-10 15:27:34] - Paul: for example, practically, you own the land you buy. Technically, you don't own the land, but you own certain rights to the land -dave

[2004-08-10 15:24:08] - Paul: My statements weren't contradictory (tho I can see how it might seem so). I was trying to differentiate between how you can talk about the issue on two different levels, a idealistic/literal level and a practical level. -dave

[2004-08-10 14:29:46] - Travis: Strangely, I don't remember the scene you describe at all. -Paul

[2004-08-10 14:28:38] - Travis: You probably did and I just didn't hear you. I know sometimes people will say something to me in a theater and since they are whispering and the music is loud, I have no idea what they said. :-) -Paul

[2004-08-10 14:21:06] - Paul: i swear i pointed that out at least one of the times we've seen the trailer in theaters, there's a really fast cut of a girl ripped her shirt off or something to show it's true :-) - travis

[2004-08-10 13:54:22] - From an article I read "Hero has been rated PG-13 for stylized martial arts violence and a scene of sensuality." Scene of sensuality? :-P -Paul

[2004-08-10 13:25:53] - Dave: It depends on whether or not you think your rights come from the state or from something else. -Paul

[2004-08-10 13:24:11] - Dave: I think the confusion is that you agree in one short statement and then write out a couple more posts which goes entirely contrary to what you just agreed to. -Paul

[2004-08-10 13:18:40] - mig: although technically, eminent domain isn't theft since the state never gives you full rights in the first place -dave

[2004-08-10 13:17:43] - mig: that's exactly what I just said, twice -dave

[2004-08-10 12:44:58] - dave:  it's still theft, even if you give him money for taking it. - mig

[2004-08-10 12:41:12] - paul: it would be much more agreeable if he gave you a check for $20k and then took your car as opposed to just taking it -dave

[2004-08-10 12:40:39] - Paul: think about it this way, say a policeman stopped you in your car and said he had to take ur car. -dave

[2004-08-10 12:39:21] - paul: but if you look at it from one perspective, you're not "forcing" them to sell if you're giving them enough money that they would have sold of their own volition for the money anyways -dave

[2004-08-10 12:38:40] - paul: yes, in my other statement I said that I agreed with you that in an idealistic sense, there is nothing that you can do to "right the wrong" of forcing someone to sell. -dave

[2004-08-10 12:37:54] - mig: very true -dave

[2004-08-10 12:31:29] -  upgrade to a new aim version:  version gaim point zero.  ~a

[2004-08-10 11:56:50] - dave:  it might work with individuals, but forcing some business to move can cause drastic consequences to them that can't just be resolved by giving them a lump sum of money. - mig

[2004-08-10 11:45:08] - mig: yeah, late last night and it made me laugh a little. some vocal black leaders do want me to think that the "towel heads" were being associated with big breasts or butt. - bizarro_aba

[2004-08-10 10:35:19] -,3604,1279710,00.html Beware the tidal wave disaster. -Paul

[2004-08-10 10:02:35] - Dave: Hmmm, ok. I guess I just don't see how giving money to somebody makes it more right. I'll remember that the next time I commit a crime. ;-) -Paul

[2004-08-10 09:53:57] - Paul: In an idealistic sense, you can argue that nothing changes the fact that you are forcing them to sell, but practically, people will generally be fine with it as long as they get enough money -dave

[2004-08-10 09:52:58] - Paul: well yeah. in some senses it does make it more "right." Almost everyone will agree to sell their house given the right amount of money, so by increasing the amount of money you're giving them, you get closer to the point where everyone would agree to sell -dave

[2004-08-10 09:43:58] - Dave: Are you trying to say that it makes it more "right" as long as you give them money? -Paul

[2004-08-10 09:43:34] - Dave: But it's so much cheaper to just give them nothing. I guess I'm kinda confused. If you're just going to take it from them, then what's the point of giving them money? -Paul

[2004-08-10 09:37:12] - Paul: so you try to give some compensation to the person for what they are giving up. IMO, you should probably give them more than what they would normally sell their house for, since they will have to go through all the pain of moving, hence my suggestion of 110% of market value -dave

[2004-08-10 09:35:18] - Paul: The obvious difference in this case is that you are inconveniencing one person in specific (person who has to sell their house) vs. sharing the negative impact among everyone. -dave

[2004-08-10 09:34:35] - Paul: it's kinda like any social program or building, like say public libraries. It inconveniences people to have to pay taxes to support them, but people generally are willing to deal with the negatives to get the positive of a public library. -dave

[2004-08-10 09:33:23] - Paul: well, it definitely seems wrong to just take their stuff. No matter what the reasons are etc, forcing someone to sell their house isn't very it becomes (IMO) a balancing act between the inconvenience you are causing them and the benefit whatever you want to build will give. -dave

[2004-08-10 09:31:27] - Paul: yeah, 6 weeks premature. -dave

[2004-08-10 09:25:11] - Dave: You were born prematurely? -Paul

[2004-08-10 09:24:19] - Dave: I'm just wondering, why bother paying them at all? -Paul

[2004-08-10 09:19:42] - anyone care to make a pass at this? Assuming that life begins at conception, should embryonic stem cell research be allowed? -dave

[2004-08-10 09:18:38] - preemie boys more affected by early birth...smaller brains. Aha! No wonder I'm so dense ^_^ (6 weeks early) -dave

[2004-08-10 09:11:43] - mig: which is why I was wondering what the number actually is -dave

[2004-08-10 09:11:30] - mig: I'm not sure what a good solution to the problem is, but I don't think setting a given price, say 10% above market value, for forcing someone to sell would be such a bad thing -dave

[2004-08-10 09:10:24] - mig: I think that your opinion definitely seem correct theoretically, but I think in not forcing the owners to sell, you raise the problem of people being greedy and just holding out for huge sums of money...which inevitably just increases the taxes on everyone else...since that's where the money is coming from -dave

[2004-08-10 09:02:24] - dave:  i'm off the opinion that if the state wants land, it should convince the owners to sell willingly just like everyone else who wants land for development does. - mig

[2004-08-10 08:59:14] - also, 80% are current or former members of the military, another interesting correlation -dave

[2004-08-10 08:58:42] - interestingly, it said most of the loyal members are republicans. I would have thought member would be more democratic / liberal leaning -dave

[2004-08-10 08:58:13] - nudists fight law requiring parents sending children to nudist camp to accompany them -dave

[2004-08-10 08:54:13] - mig: anyone know what the law required the state to pay for property that it acquires using eminent domain? market value? -dave

[2004-08-10 08:53:32] - mig: the eminent domain thing is a tricky issue. I can understand how it seems reprehensible to force a sale onto someone who doesn't want to sell, but at the same time I also understand the reasoning behind having eminent domain to enable large public works projects -dave

[2004-08-10 07:54:14] - this decision is too late for the people in poletown but hopefully will help out the people fighting off the ny times. - mig

[2004-08-10 00:16:49] - was last night the first night that the daily show had an xpresident on?  ~a

[2004-08-09 19:20:23] - Some weird scholarships. -Paul

[2004-08-09 16:51:07] - Aaron: Remember we were talking about Atlas Shrugged yesterday? I think you were right about your description (at least in the respect that it deals with a large class of people going on strike). -Paul

[2004-08-09 16:32:25] - Dave: That's another way to look at it. :-) -Paul

[2004-08-09 15:50:20] - Paul: from another point of view, it seems like it would be slightly discriminating if a channel would only show ads that it wanted. Like say all the tv channels decided to show only republican ads... -dave

[2004-08-09 15:48:59] - Paul: so the theatre would be more liable for the content -dave

[2004-08-09 15:48:39] - Paul: yeah...I might agree with you on the issue...but as for the theatre analogy, the theatre is the one who pays to be able to show the movies. In the other case, the TV station is selling the ability to show an ad. -dave

[2004-08-09 15:31:02] - $3,500-a-month child-support!? -Paul

[2004-08-09 15:21:23] - Dave: I can see both sides. If a drive-in theater started showing porn all day long, lots of people would tend to hold the theater responsible over the makers of the film. -Paul

[2004-08-09 14:58:58] - Teenage girls catching up with bad driving. -dave

[2004-08-09 14:51:41] - Paul: that seems kinda messed up, so any media outlet is responsible for the content in any ads that they sell? that seems rather ridiculous, doesn't it? -dave

[2004-08-09 14:26:45] - Dave: I think they probably could, since they are the ones who aired the advertisement (whether they checked the validity of the facts or not). -Paul

[2004-08-09 14:23:27] - Paul: interesting article on the ads. I wonder if the networks could really be held responsible for selling ad space to some people who then stated incorrect facts (not saying the veteran's statements are correct or incorrect) -dave

[2004-08-09 14:22:37] - Paul: very true, but this is his first win in almost a year -dave

[2004-08-09 14:13:11] - Dave: Agassi has so many more though. :-P -Paul

[2004-08-09 14:12:55] - Democrats Threaten Networks Over Anti-Kerry Ads -Paul

[2004-08-09 13:56:26] - Paul: I like Roddick, but I would rather have Agassi win. Roddick has plenty of wins already -dave

[2004-08-09 13:03:40] - Dave: Not a fan of Roddick? -Paul

[2004-08-09 12:54:16] - yay, agassi wins tournament -dave

[2004-08-09 12:53:22] - instant replay being tested in Big Ten, yay! -dave

[2004-08-09 12:53:06] - a: the thing that seems bizarre to me is that the stuff that was stolen couldn't have been more than a coupla hundred dollars to round up a posse and beat 4-5 people to death with baseball bats because of it? sheesh -dave

[2004-08-09 12:52:19] - vinnie: yeah, and that's what was in the title of the article -dave

[2004-08-09 10:01:36] - it's a much more interesting story if it seems spurred by the x-box though - vinnie

[2004-08-09 09:21:31] - dave:  i saw that on the news last night.  at first the news made it sound like video game violence drove this guy to beat them up.  then once it was clear that wasn't true, they also reported that stolen clothes were involved.  so it really had little to do with an xbox and much more to do with this guys stuff getting jacked.  ~a

[2004-08-09 08:18:13] - jeez, beating a buncha people to death with a baseball bat because you think they stole your Xbox? -dave

[2004-08-08 22:37:33] - (sorry, that was actually me posting as aparna for a silly reason) - aaron

[2004-08-08 22:14:17] - IE is finally going to get  the features that other browsers have already had for years. - mig

[2004-08-08 22:10:44] - aba:  i think just about everyone here uses firefox now. -mig

[2004-08-08 20:51:29] - Pierce: I'm a bit confused. What are you disagreeing with me on? -Paul

[2004-08-08 20:50:37] - a: I'm not saying that people don't think that SUVs are safer, I'm just saying that I don't think that's the primary reason people buy them. -Paul

[2004-08-08 04:18:22] - "speaking of penis pie, does anyone besides miguel use netscape ) - aba"

[2004-08-08 01:50:28] - pierce: Well my tornado is safer than your SUV - aaron

[2004-08-08 00:50:21] - paul: I'm with adrian.  SUVs are safer, but only for the people in the SUV.  Everyone else is boned. - pierce

[2004-08-07 23:47:00] - >:o >:o

[2004-08-07 22:36:05] - paul:  i have heard lots of people tell me that suvs are safer.  ~a

[2004-08-07 19:00:08] - mel: "I definitely don't think I would buy an SUV anymore" You were once considering buying an SUV? -Paul

[2004-08-07 18:58:20] - mel: I don't think I've ever known anybody who bought an SUV because they felt it was safer. Everybody I know who has an SUV has one because they need to transport lots of people or lots of stuff on a consistent basis. -paul

[2004-08-07 12:41:05] - aaron: wow, you weren't kidding. I cut the worst looking flake ever and it was so pretty - vinnie

[2004-08-07 12:35:00] - Make your own snowflake! I love how you can do this completely half-assedly and it still comes out looking great. - aaron

[2004-08-06 18:22:00] - a: I know.  I definitely don't think I would buy an SUV anymore.  -mel

[2004-08-06 18:16:37] - or the requirements on safety and efficiency that are not required for suvs or trucks.  you would think that it would be the other way around.  ~a

[2004-08-06 18:15:05] - a: I didn't realize that there was a fundemetal difference in their construction from regular cars.  -mel

[2004-08-06 18:07:17] - very good suv article, mel.  ~a

[2004-08-06 18:00:41] - i hate suvs.  ~a

[2004-08-06 17:41:10] - That seems like a slimy thing for your Dad to do.  he is basically her pimp.  -mel

[2004-08-06 17:40:31] -    haha.  Are these quotes for real??  Bush and Jessica Simpson trade gaffes.  Did you guys know that Jessica Simpson's dad produces the Newlyweds show?  Jessica's dad tapes her being stupid and plays it on TV to make money.  -mel

[2004-08-06 17:20:41] -  analysis of how safe SUVs truly are and why people buy them.  -mel

[2004-08-06 16:49:35] - he should remix the ballad of bilbo baggins as an homage to the new LOTR films - aaron

[2004-08-06 16:43:51] - Travis: I guess that's true. The good GMs are the ones who aren't making news with big trades so we don't hear about them as much. -Paul

[2004-08-06 16:43:00] - the spurs haven't done anything stupid (yet) and the pistons are being smart, they only took coleman to free up future cap space - travis

[2004-08-06 16:28:26] - William Shatner releases his second album. -Paul

[2004-08-06 16:17:39] - Mig: Only some are. Although, to be honest, it's hard to find a good example of a smart GM in the NBA right now... -Paul

[2004-08-06 16:12:48] - Why are GMs in the NBA so stupid? - mig

[2004-08-06 16:05:23] - Paul: haha, man, what a mess. -dave

[2004-08-06 16:04:11] - -dave

[2004-08-06 15:39:04] - Oh, god no. -Paul

[2004-08-06 15:38:26] - Vinnie: But in order to get those followers, you need to be confident. Which is why we need an awesome music video. -Paul

[2004-08-06 15:35:32] - RIP rick james (bitch!) - vinnie

[2004-08-06 15:30:10] - paul: it's easy when you have legions of self-loathing followers - vinnie

[2004-08-06 15:25:39] - Vinnie: It must be pretty nice to have confidence like that. -Paul

[2004-08-06 15:21:19] - paul: no, just from the ads, I think that's what he talks like - vinnie

[2004-08-06 15:16:24] - Or at least that's what I imagine he would say, since I never watch his show and don't really know how he acts except that he yells at people. :-P -Paul

[2004-08-06 15:15:50] - Tony: You. Are. A. Moron! -Dr. Phil

[2004-08-06 15:15:18] - "I think, uh, her prawblem might be, uh, her own lack of control, ya get me?" - tony

[2004-08-06 15:10:48] - Vinnie: Although it would be interesting to see Tony Danza on Dr. Phil. :-) -Paul

[2004-08-06 15:03:28] - obv that refers to tony danza's new show - vinnie

[2004-08-06 15:03:01] - lemme guess: his character's name on the show will be "tony" :) - vinnie

[2004-08-06 15:02:52] - Crazy man sues Dr. Phil :-P -Paul

[2004-08-06 15:01:36] - Tony Danza to host talk show. -Paul

[2004-08-06 14:46:44] - Dave: Yeah, I had to read what you wrote a couple of times before I realized what my mistake was, and even now I don't quite remember what it was. :-P -Paul

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