here are old message board entries

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[2004-10-15 17:11:20] - hehe, badnarik is on my ballot, but nader isn't -dave

[2004-10-15 16:59:54] - mig: Honestly, I don't think there will be a draft, regardless of which candidate wins. Seems like they just like bandying it about because it strikes such a primal cord with people -dave

[2004-10-15 16:12:04] - Good quote: "If one guy drove me into a ditch and said, 'Don't worry, I know how to get us out of this,' I'd give the keys to a 7-year-old," - aaron

[2004-10-15 16:08:05] - kerry warns of impending draft if bush is re-elected.  and i wonder where the extra troops that kerry repeatadly promised he will send to iraq will come from? - mig

[2004-10-15 15:58:03] - pierce: Hehe, yeah, i almost posted that quote too ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-15 15:57:25] - I like this quote A LOT: "The bias of the media is not liberal. It's lazy and sensationalist." - pierce

[2004-10-15 15:39:21] - Dave: Well, I just know I've heard plenty of quotes from Stewart from graduation speeches and such where he makes fun of both candidates and I also know it's standard comedian practice to mock whoever is currently office. -Paul

[2004-10-15 15:33:36] - Paul: it sounds mostly serious to me -dave

[2004-10-15 15:31:25] - Starbucks to install cd-burners at stores. Let you burn music cd's for about $10 -dave

[2004-10-15 15:30:10] -;jsessionid=DELXDQC23VH0KCRBAEKSFFA?type=peopleNews&storyID=6506962 I wonder if this is a serious endorsement of Kerry by Jon Stewart or just something being played for humor. -Paul

[2004-10-15 15:29:46] - IT salaries on the rise -dave

[2004-10-15 15:25:56] - Halo 2 leaked correct link - pierce

[2004-10-15 15:24:16] - broadband over power lines moves forward -dave

[2004-10-15 15:23:18] - travis: oops ^_^ thanks. -dave

[2004-10-15 15:22:38] - Dell release iPod mini rival -dave

[2004-10-15 15:20:35] - okay, now those are the same link, right? - travis

[2004-10-15 15:17:08] - Halo 2 leaked -dave

[2004-10-15 15:14:17] - Google unveils desktop search -dave

[2004-10-15 14:08:56] - mig: Ok, we can discuss during basketball. -Paul

[2004-10-15 14:01:12] - sounds good to me. - mig

[2004-10-15 13:02:10] - mig: You interested in doing something afterwards? Maybe go somewhere and play pool while watching the ALCS? -Paul

[2004-10-15 12:54:53] - well i'm planning on showing up. - mig

[2004-10-15 12:23:51] - but it gets dark by 7:00 now anyway so it shouldn't be a problem, also letting you guys know i won't be around the rest of the night - travis

[2004-10-15 12:22:58] - paul: i should be able to make it but i'll have to leave around 7:00 to get together with guys from work - travis

[2004-10-15 11:08:06] - So who is showing up for basketball today? -Paul

[2004-10-15 09:51:54] - nba experiments with 3-pointer rules in nbdl - travis

[2004-10-15 07:25:27] - Eminem to debut satellite radio channel on Sirius -dave

[2004-10-15 07:09:37] - West Wing to get republican president? -dave

[2004-10-14 23:22:08] - So when is the majority of the media going to start using her name? -Paul

[2004-10-14 21:53:14] - it makes me feel wonderful that our fearless leader is working to keep us safe from the evil tiger woods. - mig

[2004-10-14 19:45:56] - your tax dollars at work. -mig

[2004-10-14 17:52:08] - Mel: Virginia has some sort of ballot initiative/proposition thing also. I remember last year had a question about borrowing more money for public schools. -Paul

[2004-10-14 17:34:02] - mig: The concept of getting directly to the voters and around the legislature is a good one.  In theory this should be better for the "little guy" by giving him/her more power to decide on the laws.  But in practice the special interest groups just gain in power.  -mel

[2004-10-14 16:56:51] - i'm sure VA has propositions, but i think we call them something else. - mig

[2004-10-14 16:55:36] - mel:  we have a few.  i haven't read them yet.  ~a

[2004-10-14 16:52:57] - programs.  -mel

[2004-10-14 16:52:50] - I finally registered to vote in CA this year.  So I just got a booklet in the mail with all this info on this year's Propositions.  Is CA the only state that has propositions?  I think I'm against the whole structure on principle.  All the propositions seem to be sponsored by special interest groups that want to sell more CA bonds to fund more

[2004-10-14 16:48:22] -  Paralyzed man can send e-mail using his thoughts  -mel

[2004-10-14 16:47:58] - paul: Well I'm willing to believe that the technology exists to make an earpiece that we wouldn't see.  On the other hand, if we didn't see the earpiece, why were "they" sloppy enough to let us see the box?  -mel

[2004-10-14 16:47:01] - Pierce: hah.  thanks.  I'll vote.  It wouldn't surprise me either to hear both Bush and kerry are wired.  This whole race seems (to me) to be bigger than even these two guys.  -mel

[2004-10-14 16:21:47] - Mel: Not sure if he was or not, but if he was wired, wouldn't we have seen an earpiece or something? -Paul

[2004-10-14 16:18:22] - It wouldn't surprise me to find that either of them were wired.  I'm not sure how much it matters, but then again I already dislike Bush just about as much as I possibly could. - pierce

[2004-10-14 16:16:34] - Mel: you can vote your opinion here: - pierce

[2004-10-14 15:58:25] -  -mel

[2004-10-14 15:57:39] - do you think Bush was wired during the debates?  -mel

[2004-10-14 14:23:43] - wow, one of the reviews for the rerelease of Dr. Strangelove uses the word "grok" in a nontechnical context.  I'd really hoped that that word wouldn't achieve any mainstream acceptance. - pierce

[2004-10-14 14:19:17] - ... much like the Catholic Church's positions on slavery and womens' rights. - pierce

[2004-10-14 14:18:37] - I think it will solve itself; a lot of the source of the problem is lack of education, and rigid adherence to societally damaging traditions in certain regions.  If the preference for male children starts causing major gender-balance problems, then the defenders of those traditions will be pressured into updating them for the modern world. - pierce

[2004-10-14 14:15:53] - Paul: as far as I know, I've never said it won't be a problem.  I've simply said that I don't believe the sky-is-falling scenarios of "hoodlum armies" and the subjugation of men without some damn good evidence supporting it. - pierce

[2004-10-14 11:55:56] - Pierce: Didn't you read the last paragraph? That minor problem can be totally solved merely by educating women. :-P I mostly agree with you here, but I find it amusing how you are saying that sex selection might be a problem in the future. -Paul

[2004-10-14 11:20:25] - Paul: I'm not sure that's accurate.  That's essentially what they said about western nations, but they made it pretty explicit that China and India are having problems with it. - pierce

[2004-10-14 11:04:31] - Pierce: The point of the article (and I will stress here that I am not trying to agree or disagree) was that somebody predicted that sex selection will cause major problems in the future and they were trying to debunk that by showing how sex selection is available now but isn't causing any major problems. -Paul

[2004-10-14 11:03:13] - Pierce: /me feigns outrage that you would even suggest that maybe sex selection would create a world without women. :-P -Paul

[2004-10-14 10:02:08] - And besides those examples, there seems to be no attempt to answer the subtitle of the article: "Will sex selection create a violent world without women?" - pierce

[2004-10-14 10:01:21] - Both of those examples seem to deviate from the content of the article in favor of emotionally charged wording (hoodlum army, rape, prostitution, homosexuality) to get people's attention. - pierce

[2004-10-14 10:00:22] - In fact, the only sourced and referenced consequence of a sex imbalance is a book that claims it will create a "hoodlum army" of single men. - pierce

[2004-10-14 09:59:12] - Is it just me, or does the subject article pertain more to the practice of sex selection, and how it would be accepted in different countries, than to unsubstantiated "prophesies" from "left-wing sociologists"? - pierce

[2004-10-14 09:57:46] - More sloppy journalism (IMO), from the sex selection article: ""Sex selection will cause a severe imbalance of the sexes," predicted left-wing sociologist Amitai Etzioni way back in 1968. Etzioni further prophesied that the practice would "soon" condemn millions of men to rape, prostitution, homosexuality, or enforced celibacy."... - pierce

[2004-10-14 08:38:45] - Paul: hehe, quite amusing. Altho Lance Armstrong still won the Tour de France even though he's with Sheryl Crow now -dave

[2004-10-14 08:31:25] - O'Reilly hit with a sexual harrasment suit. - mig

[2004-10-14 08:29:25] - is there an easy way to time how long a process takes to execute in cygwin? -dave

[2004-10-13 21:10:31] - Travis: "It’s a Konami code, used in such popular titles as Contra." The hottest part of the interview. ;-) -Paul

[2004-10-13 21:07:55] - Famous girlfriends do not help sports stars. -Paul

[2004-10-13 17:53:30] - holy crap, i knew morgan on G4 was hot but she looks awesome in fhm - travis

[2004-10-13 17:41:50] - congressman who complained about janet jackson streaked while in college - travis

[2004-10-13 12:50:50] - A Reason article on sex selection. -Paul

[2004-10-13 12:36:28] - "Severely ill baby ought to be allowed to die, judge tells parents" -Paul

[2004-10-13 09:10:02] - dave:  those urls are VERY similar.  ~a

[2004-10-13 07:54:20] - Insurer to offer coverage for obesity. Blech -dave

[2004-10-13 07:53:21] - local insurgents beginning to disagree / split with foreign arabs in Fallujah.  Sounds like good news to me ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-12 15:54:06] - I love CNN's "smart" keyword advertising. I read an article about John Edwards and see ads for "Edwards Fire Alarm Parts and Components" and "Edwards Design Group" - aaron

[2004-10-12 14:28:16] - vinnie:  ~a

[2004-10-12 10:51:43] - there's one in williamsburg.  and a huge one at the dole (pineapple) plant in hawaii.  ~a

[2004-10-12 10:22:18] - aaron: yeah, we went to a palace in england that had one. lots of fun - vinnie

[2004-10-12 10:08:23] - vinnie: Ever actually been in one? - aaron

[2004-10-12 09:58:51] - I love hedge mazes - vinnie

[2004-10-11 17:28:43] - This article has a photograph of a really cool ronald reagan corn-field maze - aaron

[2004-10-11 16:54:10] - paul: it would be a lot more than a "couple of days of work" to be good enough to actually win those types of competitions regularly enough to live off it, notice that only one of those guys was over 21 hence they have a lot more free time - travis

[2004-10-11 16:28:08] - a lot of the best magic players get sponsorships, believe it or not - vinnie

[2004-10-11 15:55:05] - Paul: oh I dunno, you have to buy good enough computer hardware to play the computer games ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-11 15:45:11] - Dave: Not as small an investment as becoming a professional gamer. -Paul

[2004-10-11 15:44:47] - Dave: Sirius will do ok. They have the NFL and Stern, two things XM doesn't have. -Paul

[2004-10-11 15:43:09] - Paul: investment? the investment is actually quite small if you think about it as investment -dave

[2004-10-11 15:42:41] - paul: those numbers don't look too good for Sirius -dave

[2004-10-11 15:39:01] - Dave: Yeah, but that requires too much investment in the cards. ;-) -Paul

[2004-10-11 15:38:55] - Paul: and the pool of players that make 'decent money' is larger than 5, I think -dave

[2004-10-11 15:38:42] - "In an ad [...] voted "most sexist ad of the year," Sirius showed buxom "Baywatch" sex symbol Pamela Anderson washing a car by sliding across it in short-shorts and a wet tank top and buffing the chrome with her bottom." -Paul

[2004-10-11 15:38:15] - Paul: Professional MTG players make a decent amount too ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-11 15:30:12] - Aaron: For a couple of days of "work"? I'll take it. :-P -Paul

[2004-10-11 15:23:14] - paul:  if you win every year.  ~a

[2004-10-11 15:14:45] - paul: Yeah, you could be making up to $10k a year if you were one of the best five players in the world - aaron

[2004-10-11 14:42:04] - I should've been a professional gamer. -Paul

[2004-10-11 14:39:16] - taking home -dave

[2004-10-11 14:39:08] - US counter-strike team wins, taking hom $50k -dave

[2004-10-11 14:36:46] - man stages robbery to impress his wife. Apparently his wife got away and called the police, so he's being charged with a 'false report' -dave

[2004-10-11 14:07:46] - other than smart and attractive me, of course.  ~a

[2004-10-11 13:54:05] - mig:  he sent me some more detail, it is actually a non-dot project (it sounds not related to netalyst).  do you mind if i give him your name (as a php/mysql programmer)?  i mean, he already has it, but you're the only one i know that knows php.  ~a

[2004-10-11 13:38:12] - dave:  not to mention fox news.  ~a

[2004-10-11 13:15:22] - I think that's also around when Fahrenheit 9/11 is supposed to come out on DVD -dave

[2004-10-11 13:14:29] - well, there's some 'conservative' media bias for ya -dave

[2004-10-11 13:13:38] - Sinclair also had ordered its subsidiaries to not air the Nightline segment that included the reading of the names of US casualties -dave

[2004-10-11 13:12:21] - documentary supposed to air two weeks before the election -dave

[2004-10-11 13:11:50] - Sinclair Broadcast Group to air anti-Kerry documentary on adverse effects of his vietnam era doings on POWs -dave

[2004-10-11 12:50:55] - a:  actually he hasn't. - mig

[2004-10-11 09:16:31] - mig:  i'll bet chris emailed you about php.  i figure if he's bothering me, you probably already turned him down.  ~a

[2004-10-11 09:11:16] - dave:  that is one method that could work (in theory), yes.  i only understand the theory of pke, so don't hold me to anything.  ~a

[2004-10-11 09:10:34] - a: no =/ -dave

[2004-10-11 09:10:07] - dave:  (or anybody) do you know php (and mysql)?  ~a

[2004-10-11 09:03:15] - so is the harry potter series going to be a reality show from here on out? - pierce

[2004-10-11 09:03:01] - a: so say I have some plaintext, I take each four-bytes, cast it as an integer, and then encrypt it, yes? -dave

[2004-10-11 09:01:07] - (in practice) if you want the encrypted data compressed, then you want to compress the data before encryption; because data after encryption is uncompressable.  ~a

[2004-10-11 08:52:09] - dave:  you want to encrypt each number separately.  if you combine numbers together before encryption, then you won't be able to separate them back out after decryption.  ~a

[2004-10-11 08:07:31] - or do you take 4-byte quantities, cast it as an integer, and then encrypt/decrypt those? -dave

[2004-10-11 08:07:05] - I have an encryption question. So I understand how you can use multiplicative inverses to theoretically encrypt and then decrypt a number, but how does it practically work. Do you take the entire plaintext and try to reduce it to one number and encrypt that? -dave

[2004-10-11 08:03:43] - They musta put energizer batteries in the rovers, cuz they're still goin. NASA to try and drive one rover out of the crater it's in -dave

[2004-10-11 08:01:39] - Google helps ID 1993 hit-and-run victim -dave

[2004-10-11 08:00:01] - Rowling says another character will die in upcoming book -dave

[2004-10-11 07:58:02] - Christopher Reeve dies -dave

[2004-10-08 16:11:21] - Personally, I think this COULD be a good thing if pulled off correctly, but for some reason I have the sneaking suspicion that it won't be pulled off properly and negative publicity (if any at all) will result. -Paul

[2004-10-08 16:10:12] - Travis: I don't see why what you said would be disrespectful, it's the truth and something libertarians are quite aware of. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this arrest doesn't get ANY coverage. -Paul

[2004-10-08 16:09:06] - Travis: There will be some approved non-media people asking questions for the debate tonight. -Paul

[2004-10-08 16:00:07] - no disrespect meant, and i know this is an attempt to gain more mainstream exposure, but the media pretty much belongs to the two big parties - travis

[2004-10-08 15:59:35] - and about badnarik, that's a valiant effort, but like some of the commenters say, how much media coverage will it get outside of libertarian circles? - travis

[2004-10-08 15:58:19] - when's the debate that allows people other than reporters to ask questions? i thought i heard about one like that on WTOP and that seems like a more interesting debate than the standard reporter questioning - travis

[2004-10-08 14:48:41] - mig: Tonight at 8:00 it sounds like. -Paul

[2004-10-08 14:41:33] - wow.  this happening tonight? - mig

[2004-10-08 14:19:52] - This should be interesting. -Paul

[2004-10-08 13:49:37] - Pierce: Wouldn't want to be gay now, eh? -Paul

[2004-10-08 13:43:22] - so it's not just me, then.  *phew*. - pierce

[2004-10-08 13:23:57] - pierce:  given a&f's reputation i wouldn't be surprised if that was intentional. - mig

[2004-10-08 13:19:19] - is it just me, or is the picture of the gymnast on that shirt vaguely phallic? - pierce

[2004-10-08 13:15:47] - Travis: As long as you control the rules of the game, I think schooling me should be pretty easy. ;-) -Paul

[2004-10-08 13:15:16] - paul: i have to school you in the ways of 21 again 8-) - travis

[2004-10-08 13:14:24] - mig: okay, i was mostly joking but also just checking that you were upset about the penalty for the crime and not about losing jamal - travis

[2004-10-08 12:37:02] - paul:  i'll be there. - mig

[2004-10-08 12:00:46] - well, yes as long as it wasn't something like an actual crime like murder or assault or buglarly.  i mainly steam because what jamal did really should not have been a crime at all. - mig

[2004-10-08 11:59:19] - travis:  yes. - mig

[2004-10-08 11:51:01] - So who is showing up for basketball today? -Paul

[2004-10-08 11:12:17] - Travis: Losers are stupid, throw rocks are them. -Paul

[2004-10-08 10:44:33] - paul: we should all throw rocks at that loser - travis

[2004-10-08 10:25:57] - paul: That shirt is actually pretty funny - aaron

[2004-10-08 10:17:12] - mig: would you hate the government if another team's star offensive player was going to jail? :-P - travis

[2004-10-08 09:59:12] - "Kobe Bryant has not ever been convicted of anything, He is at this moment innocent in the eyes of the law and yet he has been besmirched by being accused of rape." -Paul

[2004-10-08 09:49:27] - I find this amusing on many levels. -Paul

[2004-10-08 09:48:37] - Pierce: Right, I don't disagree. I'm just saying (and I quote) " I think the rationale behind it is fairly sound though." The example given was faulty, but I think the point that person was trying to make is interesting. -Paul

[2004-10-08 09:40:01] - although wouldn't it be funny if slashdot could somehow get slashdotted? - vinnie

[2004-10-08 09:39:15] - a: or the fact that everyone already knows about slashdot? I'll add the smilie next time :) - vinnie

[2004-10-08 09:20:33] - vinnie:  metafilter?  what makes you think metafilter gets more hits than slashdot?  ~a

[2004-10-08 09:11:55] - slashdot must have been linked to by metafilter or something - vinnie

[2004-10-08 00:01:59] - jamal lewis to serve 4 months in prision.  i fucking hate the government. - mig

[2004-10-08 00:01:14] - it was temporarily giving a 500 error for a while. - mig

[2004-10-07 23:41:05] - mig: seems all right to me... just temporary? - pierce

[2004-10-07 22:59:08] - :o slashdot is down! -mig

[2004-10-07 21:05:16] - You may believe that a female teacher spending time alone with a male student would not be met with as much outrage as the same situation with reversed genders, but that was not what the quote described. - pierce

[2004-10-07 21:04:26] - Paul: my point is that the example you just described was not the one given in the article.  The quote compared a boy with a crush on a female teacher to a male teacher "spending an awful lot of time alone" with a female student.  They're very obviously two entirely different scenarios. - pierce

[2004-10-07 18:37:40] - Pierce: I think the rationale behind it is fairly sound though. Few people would worry about a female teacher spending lots of personal time with a male student but if you reverse the genders you would raise a lot of alarm. -Paul

[2004-10-07 17:33:47] - so i agree it was sloppily written - travis

[2004-10-07 17:32:59] - pierce: when i read that part of the article i thought a piece was missing or something because the two parts are so disjointed and on different pages of the article - travis

[2004-10-07 17:27:13] - I know the logistical sloppiness is on the part of Durkin, but the author of the article shouldn't have included such a dumb quote. - pierce

[2004-10-07 17:26:39] - the former describes romantic interest that is solely on the side of the student, and has no explicit reciprocation.  The latter has "an awful lot of time alone with a female student".  It's not even close to comparable, especially given the leading words used by Durkin. - pierce

[2004-10-07 17:25:00] - "'But let me tell you, if there's a male teacher spending an awful lot of time alone with a female student, you can bet there's going to be a lot of people walking by the classroom to make sure nothing inappropriate is going on.'" - pierce

[2004-10-07 17:24:37] - regarding the article about varying sex offender outrage, this is sloppy journalism, IMO: "'When a boy develops a crush on his female teacher, there's a certain amount of laughter. 'Ha, ha, ha. Look who has a secret crush' kind of thing,' said Keith Durkin, associate professor of sociology at Ohio Northern University." ... - pierce

[2004-10-07 14:06:30] - travis:  they might be trackable, but i don't think the government might have the capability of tracking them right now. - mig

[2004-10-07 12:49:58] - hey! we made that joke about the "we put cheese in places you wouldn't believe" ads ages ago :-) - travis

[2004-10-07 12:05:07] - to poster of fy05 title: my company's weird, our fiscal year starts in february - travis

[2004-10-07 11:56:16] - if you combine miguel's and aaron's articles, we're getting closer to johnny-cabs and the cars in minority report - travis

[2004-10-07 11:54:34] - s/behind/beyond - travis

[2004-10-07 11:54:20] - "They'll know you're due for a transmission repair and that you've neglected to fix the ever-widening crack that resulted from a pebble dinging your windshield." that seems to go way behind simply tracking location - travis

[2004-10-07 11:53:55] - mig: hmmm, how do the current GPS mapping systems in cars work? i'd imagine those people could/are already be tracked, i wonder how people realize that and how of those actually care - travis

[2004-10-07 11:53:41] - car that can read/alert driver about road signs - aaron

[2004-10-07 11:46:48] - paul: i saw that headline on the front page and wondered how long until you posted the article here :-P - travis

[2004-10-07 11:46:04] - A federal judge has ruled that the woman accusing Kobe Bryant of rape must disclose her identity in her civil lawsuit against the NBA star -Paul

[2004-10-07 11:32:34] - a: definitely amusing but also interesting I think. I mean it sounds ridiculous but isn't it kind of a logical extension from tax everyone for things only a few need? that's what I found interesting - vinnie

[2004-10-07 09:37:53] - usgov working to track everyone's movement while driving. - mig

[2004-10-07 09:28:04] - mig: You make it sound like acting violent is typical for men. ;-) -Paul

[2004-10-07 09:27:29] - Dave: I think the article was supposed to be mostly a joke, talking about how some sports stars are boring or some such. -Paul

[2004-10-07 09:26:14] - Dave: Oh, it's definitely a big jump, but I usually think of a rally having to come after some down period as opposed to a huge jump while it's already going up. -Paul

[2004-10-07 09:25:21] - vinnie:  if by interesting, you mean amusing, then i agree.  ~a

[2004-10-07 09:09:30] - mig: we should only tax the men that commit the violence. or better still, let the men enter into a contract with the women they abuse for the damages. but seriously, a very interesting article - vinnie

[2004-10-07 09:01:27] - sweden proproses tax on men for being men. - mig

[2004-10-07 07:26:26] - and you'd think you wouldn't be in the right state of mind to have a cogent conversation if you were sitting with Anna Kournikova anyways -dave

[2004-10-07 07:25:05] - I mean, would you really want to have a beer with someone like John McEnroe who you might be scared of doing something extremely violent to you or people around you? -dave

[2004-10-07 07:24:36] - I don't quite get this. He's saying that nice, calm people aren't fun to have a beer with? Somehow my opinion seems reversed from his -dave

[2004-10-07 07:18:24] - Paul: 15% in one day? That kind of change usually only happens in response to some news or financial release -dave

[2004-10-06 16:13:02] - Dave: I don't know if I would call it a rally since Sirius had been moving up before the Stern deal anyway. -Paul

[2004-10-06 16:06:50] - Go Paul! Sirius stocks rally 15% at Stern news -dave

[2004-10-06 15:25:55] - LeBron James becomes a father. -Paul

[2004-10-06 14:09:08] - Paul: hmmm, I see. Most amusing -dave

[2004-10-06 14:04:51] - Dave: I think they mean dominate in a bad way. Like dominating discussions because we are so overbearing. :-) -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:58:27] - Paul: are the female students inferior or something? -dave

[2004-10-06 13:58:13] - Paul: re: wells college: haha, they're worried the male students will dominate the classroom -dave

[2004-10-06 13:51:27] - Students at all-women Wells College in N.Y. protest decision to admit men -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:48:05] - Dave: Given the choice between Schwarzenegger and Davis, I would've picked Schwarzenegger but that's not necessarily because I support him. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:47:06] - Dave: I understand how it could hurt Colorado in terms of lessening their impact, but to say that doing this would cause radical third parties to take over seems a bit out there to me. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:46:08] - Why Female Sex Offenders Generate So Much Less Outrage Than Males -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:45:40] - mig: thanks, I'm amazed no one has come up with a solution to that problem yet; it seems like so many places must encounter it.  Question two: is it standard practice to include libraries (jar files, in this case) in the CVS repository, or are they usually kept external? - pierce

[2004-10-06 13:43:42] - Paul: re doctor being sued: even if they could have aborted the boy, is the doctor supposed to be responsible for telling them to get all kinds of tests done to make sure the kid is ok? sheesh. Least its in Singapore -dave

[2004-10-06 13:41:49] - Paul: I forget, were you for, against, or indifferent to Schwarzenegger becoming governor? -dave

[2004-10-06 13:41:25] - Paul: wow, that's cool about the CA law -dave

[2004-10-06 13:39:23] - Paul: ahhh. well, I thought he made an interesting and maybe even decent case for his paranoia -dave

[2004-10-06 13:38:33] - Doctor being sued for not aborting boy. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:37:51] - Maybe Schwarzenegger is doing some good after all. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:35:52] - Dave: Not you, but people like the guy who wrote the column who was predicting doom if the law passed because radical third parties would take over or some nonsense. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:34:54] - The URL says it all... -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:31:34] - Paul: well, I don't think it's the end of the world, but I'm sure I amused you anyways =P -dave

[2004-10-06 13:30:51] - Dave: Probably not right now since I already am invested heavily in it and there are other things I might want to consider. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:30:26] - Dave: I guess. I just feel almost exactly the opposite. I don't find the possibility of such a thing happening disturbing at all, but am rather amused by people who think it would be the end of the world. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:25:48] - paul: so you're gonna buy more of their stock? ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-06 13:22:43] - Paul: and moreover, with most of the people voting probably not taking that factor into account at all in their vote -dave

[2004-10-06 13:22:03] - paul: yeah, you're right, it's not some key linchpin. Just saying that the idea was disturbing, to have selective states change their method while others hadn't / won't -dave

[2004-10-06 13:21:26] - Dave: I'm getting fairly bullish on Sirius right now. They seem to be lining up a bunch of good content AND they have a deal with the NFL, which should rake in a lot of customers. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:19:29] - mig: it's kinda like saying, 'I will legalize marijuana if I am president' yeah, that'll convince some people to vote for you, but also convince a bunch to not vote for you - not exactly a bribe -dave

[2004-10-06 13:17:38] - Paul: yeah, you're the reason I posted it ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-06 13:17:21] - mig: well, I'm using myself as an example. Like people saying they are going to increase welfare or social programs is not so clear-cut-positive for the candidate as, say, a 'monetary gift' -dave

[2004-10-06 13:16:42] - Dave: I'm sure it's being hotly contested, but that just means that it's fairly evenly split. I don't think either Bush or Kerry is going to lose any sleep wondering which way Colorado is going. Florida, yes. Colorado, no. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:15:27] - dave:  i don't see why that matters whether you'd personally vote for that person or not.  it doesn't change the fact that politicians are essentially bribing people to vote for them. - mig

[2004-10-06 13:15:16] - Dave: Sirius radio! Whoo! -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:10:59] - mig: yeah, but see, on those issues, if they promised that, it would make me want to vote against that candidate (welfare, social security) -dave

[2004-10-06 13:09:57] - Paul: it's actually on the list of hotly contested states here -dave

[2004-10-06 13:09:37] - something like, if you're an old and poor person you should vote for me, because i'll make sure the government gives you more money. - mig

[2004-10-06 13:08:32] - dave:  just about any government program (welfare, social security, etc.). - mig

[2004-10-06 13:08:22] - Stern jumping to Sirius Radio when his contract is up in 15 months -dave

[2004-10-06 13:04:49] - Dave: It really depends but I would say no. I mean, it's probably more than a lot of states have, but I can't imagine any presidential candidates ever worry about which way Colorado goes. There are plenty of other more important states out there. -Paul

[2004-10-06 13:00:39] - mig: government goodies? like what? -dave

[2004-10-06 12:59:42] - paul: 9 electoral votes? isn't that a decent number? -dave

[2004-10-06 12:59:22] - pierce:  dunno.  i know subversion has the same problem, so it's just one of those things you just can't do anything about.  Just remember to not check in that particular file i guess, that's what we do. - mig

[2004-10-06 12:58:04] - Dave: I'm not entirely sure it would upset the national balance really. All it would do is lessen Colorado's impact in the election as whole. Since Colorado's electoral votes are small already, I don't think it would end of changing much. -Paul

[2004-10-06 12:58:00] - dave:  i don't see any difference morally between what moore is doing and politicians who promise government goodies to get people to vote for them. - mig

[2004-10-06 12:55:30] - all: need some advice for anyone who's used CVS.  We have a configuration file ( which must have different settings depending on the system it's installed on.  Is there an "official" way of being able to specify local configuration, while keeping a default version in CVS so a checkout-from-scratch will be able to build? - pierce

[2004-10-06 12:55:07] - mig: it'd be interesting to see what would happen if they did allow 'gifts' though. On one hand you'd have all the conservative rich people, but on the other you'd have most of hollywood -dave

[2004-10-06 12:53:35] - mig: hmmm, I guess promises aren't exactly bribes since the campaign promise isn't exactly universal. Meaning, some people vote for them because of the promises they make, but then other people vote against them for those same promises -dave

[2004-10-06 12:51:14] - mig: so you think we should be able to give out bribes for votes? -dave

[2004-10-06 12:23:31] - re:  Michael Moore, aren't most of the political candidates promises essentially bribery, anyway? - mig

[2004-10-06 12:09:13] - Paul: but that's just it, it might be 'fair' in the sense that their state would be doing the 'fair' thing. But it wouldn't be 'fair' in the sense that it would upset the national balance -dave

[2004-10-06 12:08:39] - dave: remove the ending ) the message board appened to the link and it should work - travis

[2004-10-06 12:07:38] - dave: I agree. I think it would be cool if dems and repubs did a mutual disarmament kind of thing - "you can have california but we get the whole midwest" - aaron

[2004-10-06 12:02:32] - Dave: I understand, I just think it's funny that you think it's disturbing that people might vote for something because it might not be in their best interest but it's probably more fair. -Paul

[2004-10-06 11:58:36] - Paul: I guess what I've been trying to say it that the system should be taken as a whole, not as piecemeal 'this state this or this state that' sorta thing -dave

[2004-10-06 11:57:32] - Paul: but it obviously wouldnt' be fair if they changed the method in all democratic states to the proportional and kept all the repub states the old method -dave

[2004-10-06 11:57:04] - Paul: in some funky balanced way, the old electoral method kinda worked, with enough slightly dem states balancing out the slightly repub states. -dave

[2004-10-06 11:56:19] - Paul: and the other thing is that I'm not sure how actually 'fair' it would be, given that all the other states still use the old method -dave

[2004-10-06 11:55:44] - Paul: well, the simple part of people accidentally voting for anything is disturbing for one -dave

[2004-10-06 11:54:24] - Paul: re: fleeing villagers:  silly romanians ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-06 11:53:17] - Dave: So it's disturbing because people might accidentally be voting to make things more fair instead of selfishly trying to make their state more important than it probably should be? :-P -Paul

[2004-10-06 11:53:06] - travis: your ricky williams link brings up 'file not found' -dave

[2004-10-06 11:52:14] - Paul: in other words, they will understand the local effect of the changing their electoral vote policy, but probably not the effect in a national context -dave

[2004-10-06 11:51:15] - Paul: like they will probably be voting thinking the effect would be the same as if all the states cast electoral votes proportionally, which wouldn't be true -dave

[2004-10-06 11:50:15] - Paul: well, I mean that most people will vote with purely the thought that, well, it seems good to give a proportional number of electoral votes to each candidate. What they probably wont' think about is that since all the other states don't do it the same way, it will effectively negate any 'say' the state has in the election -dave

[2004-10-06 11:42:57] - this must be the part of the new metal gear solid where snake eats the bad mushrooms :-P - travis

[2004-10-06 11:09:56] - Travis: If I were a GM, coach or player, I wouldn't want him on my team. -Paul

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