here are old message board entries

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[2004-10-20 13:58:24] - Paul: I know.  you are exactly right.  the problem here will be that the average consumer doesn't know what what a bugger cache means.  But Intel is out of options here.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:57:34] - Paul: we'll see....  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:57:17] - Mel: I don't think that's going to work too well. People are going to wonder what makes the new chips better since they clock speeds are the same and people don't want to hear about bigger caches because they don't know what that means. :-P -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:57:13] - The cool thing about Merom is that Intel will merge desktop and mobile chips at this point.  No more distinction between desktop (faster, hotter) and laptop (slower, but cooler).  Merom is supposed to be faster and cooler.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:56:19] -  The Inquirer also says 2007.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:55:28] - Paul: yes.  Well their bandaid solution will be to release the same chips with bigger caches.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:54:59] - There seem to be conflicting reports about the 2005/2007 dates.  Some sites say 2005 and some say it was revised to 2007.  2005 is definitely too optimistic (IMHO).  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:54:41] - Mel: I suppose so. But they better come out with something better soon or else people are going to start wondering. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:53:30] - confidence in Intel).  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:53:21] - Paul: yup, it's already been delayed.  But delaying it now doesn't hurt Intel as much as delaying it when it's about to come out (which undermines people

[2004-10-20 13:52:08] - Mel: Ah, so it's already been delayed. Paul 1, Intel 0 -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:51:11] - Paul: Haha.  Good call.  I didn't know it was that far either.  I think it was originally 2005.  But the date was revised to 2007.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:50:18] - Mel: I didn't know it was that far away. Well, maybe it won't be late after all. :-P -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:49:44] -  Merom seems to be slated to come out in 2007.  Damn, that's far  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:47:47] - Paul: That makes sense.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:47:06] - Mel: I don't know what chips they have an oversupply of. Probably the middle of the line chips that most mainstream consumers would be buying that Intel has no trouble making. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:46:03] - Paul: IMHO you are right.  sadly...  Intel has a bad habit of being overly optimistic with its chip release dates.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:45:25] - Mel: Exactly. Intel is only still doing well because the consumer still thinks Intel is #1 and that carries over to vendors who therefore think Intel is #1 and doesn't want to piss them off by making AMD machines. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:44:57] - Paul: I'm wondering exactly what chips they have an oversupply of.  I guess Prescott <3.8 GHz??  I thought they were having trouble fabricating their most recent chips.  So I guess they have an oversupply of slower chips?? -mel

[2004-10-20 13:44:25] - Mel: My humble prediction, that Merom will either suffer from delays, production problems, shortages, instability, or a mixture of them all. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:43:25] - Paul: Intel is good at pressuring computer vendors not to sell AMD chips.  But that power will weaken if consumers voice a preference for AMD.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:43:20] - Fourth paragraph. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:42:18] -  "Merom is also expected to include all the technologies Intel has been touting of late, including HyperThreading, the Vanderpool virtualisation system - allowing the chip to run multiple OSes simultaneously - LaGrande security features and, of course, Intel's 64-bit Extended Memory"

[2004-10-20 13:42:02] - If the public knew more about AMD and trusted them like they trust Intel and if more computer vendors (like Dell) made computers with AMD processors, I think Intel would be in a great deal of trouble. Their working off past glory right now. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:41:23] - Paul: Yes.  That's a long list, huh?  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:41:00] - Paul: So what did they have oversupply in?  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:40:59] - Mel: True enough. I just think that Intel is going to continue being in trouble until they can catch up with AMD in terms of processing power per clock cycle, 64 bit processors AND get back to being the innovator instead of following AMD's lead. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:38:54] - They both had a fairly significant dip about a year ago because of oversupply, but AMD is back up to the value it was at when I bought it whereas Intel hasn't seemed to recover as well. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:38:33] - Paul: Yes they are.  But all their releases from now on should be 64 bit (I am just guessing here).  Because we know Tejas was 64 bit and so (I am assuming) that all the projects after that are 64 bit also.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:37:30] - Paul: that's cool.  I like your perspective.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:37:29] - Mel: I think Intel is going to be in trouble for a little longer than that. They still are lagging behind AMD in terms of 64 bit processors too. I own some AMD stock, no Intel stock. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:36:09] - Mel: Exactly. It really doesn't matter much to me if somebody is a die-hard communist or a fanatical anarchist as long the differences are treated respectfully. In fact, it might even be more fun because they you can tease eachother about things playfully and joke around about the differences. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:35:13] - Paul: ah.  I didn't know.  I haven't been following Intel or AMD stock.  Do you own any?  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:34:49] - Paul: IMHO (don't quote me!) Intel is screwed until Merom (their first dual core chip) comes out.  Which could be a year or more.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:34:01] - It's also interesting if you've been watching Intel and AMD's stock the past year or so. Neither has done particularly well, but AMD has mostly stayed the same while Intel has been dropping a decent amount. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:33:48] - Paul: Exactly, that's another factor.  Processing power per clock cycle.  So Intel can't really promote that as a replacement measuring stick either.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:32:48] - Paul: hey cool.  I think that's a good perspective.  I agree with you on that.  That really goes back to what makes a good relationship, and I think (for me) part of that is the ability to communicate (and have differences) without resorting to yelling/name-calling etc.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:31:33] - Paul: It's true clock speed is only part of the equation.  Intel's chips have such long pipelines (to achieve higher clock speeds) that Intel chips with higher clock speeds sometimes run worse (in terms of overall performance) than chips with slightly slower clock speeds because the pipeline depends on correctly predicting the users next move.- mel

[2004-10-20 13:30:43] - Mel: Agreed. It'll be doubly interesting since AMD already holds an advantage in getting more processing power out of fewer clock cycles so it'll be interesting to see how fast Intel can bridge that gap (if at all). -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:29:33] - Mel: I actually think differences in opinion would be a good thing. As long as we could both discuss things calmly without resorting to yelling or getting upset. Sure, differences of opinion are great. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:29:05] - Paul: I think it's a pretty interesting shift.  And not one they would have made if they didn't have to.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:28:36] - Paul: I think it'

[2004-10-20 13:27:42] - Mel: Yeah, it's pretty funny to see Intel put all of it's stock in clock speed when AMD started to pass them up in performance and now they're pulling a 180 and trying to act like it doesn't matter as much. -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:27:31] - Paul: would you marry (or hell date) someone with substantially different political views from you?  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:24:34] - Intel seems to be backing off the speed race.  They will focus on other performance meaures now.  But it will be a tough sell given all the time/money/advertising they spent promoting the importance of clock speed in the first place.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:21:24] - Paul: I know.  Haha.  I just realized this morning on the way to work that Maria Shriver is a Democrat and Schwarzenegger is a Republican.  It must make for some intesresting family conversations.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:20:27] - GM has been losing money in Europe for a long time.  And in America too.  For the third quarter, I think the only diviosn that made money was their credit division (that gives loans for cars and homes).  Their automotive division posted a loss.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:17:14] - Mel: That explains why Schwarzenegger stopped endorsing Bush. :-P -Paul

[2004-10-20 13:15:16] -  GM announced plans to cut its European workforce by one fifth.  Workers in Bochum, Germany ended their seven day strike (in protest of the job cuts) today.  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:12:44] -  Schwarzenegger says that after endorsing Bush, his wife (Maria Shriver, Democrat) wouldn't have sex with him for 14 days.  :-P  -mel

[2004-10-20 13:11:36] - aaron: you can always clear your cache if yoou are worried about people seeing the stuff you downloaded.  Google's new tool isn't really invasive.  It just lokks through all the files on the computer, including the temp folder.  But its Internet Explorer's fault for leaving stuff lying around.  -mel

[2004-10-20 12:55:09] - Dave: Yes, that's certainly an unusual example... -Paul

[2004-10-20 12:53:27] - Paul: Like the US's policy on assassination ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-20 12:53:11] - Paul: Agreed -dave

[2004-10-20 12:46:59] - Dave: Except in many cases, the president CAN change things overnight. There are a lot of things the president could do to change things. Abortion may not be one of them though. -Paul

[2004-10-20 12:42:19] - Paul: granted, it doesn't seem like 'that' will work quite the same in the 'opposite' direction, but you can't change the world overnight, you take small steps -dave

[2004-10-20 12:41:24] - Paul: yeah, but it's kinda about changing people's minds. Like if you get people thinking one thing is ok, then they'll be more likely to think something close to it is ok too. For example, Roe v Wade (I believe) actually only legalized abortion for the very early stages of pregnancy. But then subsequent rulings etc kept extending it -dave

[2004-10-20 12:38:07] - Paul: an interesting thought - the virtual sameness of the candidates (from your point of view) is somewhat of a testament to the general same-mindedness of the American public. -dave

[2004-10-20 12:36:54] - Dave: Agreed, and it bothers me just as much when people use "rape and incest" as an argument for abortion. Rape and incest is such a small amount of abortions that it doesn't seem to be worth bringing up in a debate about abortion. -Paul

[2004-10-20 12:35:17] - paul: but it's been one of the largest explanations or tools used to support abortion -dave

[2004-10-20 12:34:58] - Paul: (shrug) yeah, it's practical impact may not be very large, but at the same time it moves things in one direction. Just think, most pro-choice advocates make the case by pointing to rape and cases where the mother's life is in danger. Practically, that's probably a statistically insignificant percentage of the abortions -dave

[2004-10-20 12:15:59] - Article on a useful yet invasive tool from Google which lets you index web pages/emails/aim conversations on your own computer. - aaron

[2004-10-20 11:54:58] - Dave: I suppose, but how many abortions have those measures actually prevented? Maybe a dozen or so total? As I understand it, partial birth abortion is fairly rare and recognizing the fetus has legal status only really matters in charging people who kill a fetus that wasn't going to be aborted anyway. -Paul

[2004-10-20 11:46:09] - Paul: He's done the partial birth abortion thing and the recognizing the fetus has a legal status thing. Whether you think those changes are significant is up to you, but they definitely seem in a pro-life direction. -dave

[2004-10-20 10:23:44] - Dave: Right, and I'll admit he hasn't done the opposite there. I guess I'm just wondering what you think the difference will be between a Kerry or Bush presidency. Bush hasn't really done anything about abortion other than talk. Do you think Kerry is going to make things worse somehow? -Paul

[2004-10-20 10:22:08] - Paul: ahhh, yeah. I was just talking about the abortion issue -dave

[2004-10-20 10:08:11] - Dave: But I'm thinking about things like Bush talking about cutting spending and then going out and spending MORE. That's not changing things slowly, that's changing them fast in the wrong direction. -Paul

[2004-10-20 10:07:13] - Dave: I'm conflicted enough that I honestly don't care much either way. I personally dislike abortion because it seems like a huge evasion of personal responsibility but I also am not too keen on the government banning it because of the negative side effects there. Then there is the whole "is it murder?" issue. -Paul

[2004-10-20 10:03:58] - Paul: tho on the abortion issue I believe you don't want him to succeed anyways, neh? -dave

[2004-10-20 10:02:52] - Paul: Yeah, we've been over our diff. in Bush's actions before. I think the crux of the issue is that you can't change anything quickly in our system. It has to be changed slowly, and that's what he's doing -dave

[2004-10-20 10:00:14] - That's the biggest thing I learned from the 2000 election where I slightly favored Bush over Gore because he talked a lot about stuff I believe in and then got elected and did pretty much the exact same thing as Gore would've done. -Paul

[2004-10-20 09:58:53] - Dave: No offense, but the biggest difference I see between Kerry and Bush in terms of abortion is what they say about it. Bush likes to talk against it while Kerry like to talk about being for it being legal. I don't think the actions of either have been particularly different at all. -Paul

[2004-10-20 09:57:40] - mig: so if asked, he might say that he's not necessarily trying to overturn roe v wade, but he's definitely moving towards banning more and more abortions (vs. Kerry who isn't) -dave

[2004-10-20 09:57:36] - Pierce: That was the same position you held before (I believe) and in the interest of saving time, I'll just say I have the exact same objections now as I did then. :-P -Paul

[2004-10-20 09:55:54] - mig: for example, he banned (might have been overturned in court) partial birth abortion, and also passed the law that sort of recognizes the unborn child as a life (if you kill a pregnant woman, charged for two murders) -dave

[2004-10-20 09:54:40] - mig: I think the key diff. between Kerry and Bush is that Bush seeks to ban abortion except for maybe extreme cases. Kerry doesn't seek to ban it at all. Bush probably doesn't say it outright because it's probably too extreme a stance to take right away. Instead, he's moved legislation towards banning more and more abortions -dave

[2004-10-20 09:45:23] - a:  when?  i've only heard him say that he wouldn't, and that was back in 2000 sometime before being elected. - mig

[2004-10-20 09:13:34] - mig:  i didn't know that he wouldn't seek to overturn rvw.  if he did say that, then you're right that he's flip-flopped on it:  he originally said that he would.  ~a

[2004-10-20 09:01:11] - and i don't really see how his stance on the subject really differs from Kerry's. - mig

[2004-10-20 08:44:45] - he's says he's against abortions but he says he won't seek to overturn roe v wade, so he's pretty flip-floppy on the subject. - mig

[2004-10-20 08:16:54] - Both sides marshalling huge legal forces to potentially question the Nov 2nd vote -dave

[2004-10-20 08:05:05] - Hacker breaks into UC Berkley and makes off with 1.4 million people's records -dave

[2004-10-20 07:59:29] - mig: hasn't he been generally against abortion? -dave

[2004-10-20 07:58:03] - mig: including Bush? 0_o -dave

[2004-10-20 07:57:02] - Athlon 64 4000+ blazingly fast, but you pay for it. Runs Doom 3 at slightly over 100 fps while Intel's best offering is mid 80s -dave

[2004-10-20 07:48:11] - oh right, bush isn't catholic.  well every catholic politican then. - mig

[2004-10-20 07:47:46] - pierce:  yeah, if they excommunicated kerry, they would have to excommunicate every politician around the world who supports abortion, including bush. - mig

[2004-10-20 05:39:45] - Pierce: not that I'm trying to bring up the whole debate on whether it is 'murder' or not, but that that would be what it would seem like to catholics who I believe officially hold that belief -dave

[2004-10-20 05:38:10] - Pierce: Like if someone claimed that holding human sacrifices was their form of free speech, I still don't think that would be allowed -dave

[2004-10-20 05:37:05] - Pierce: so it's probably not a perfect analogy to say it's like he's supporting free speech -dave

[2004-10-20 05:36:15] - pierce: I don't really think kerry should be excommicated either, but from one perspective, he is supportive of a law that allows something the Catholic church (I believe) labels as murder. -dave

[2004-10-20 00:47:21] - To believe otherwise would require that you also consider "politicians who support free speech" sinners, because they're associatively guilty of the pornography that's published under its protection. - pierce

[2004-10-20 00:45:54] - Nevermind that I think that it's a bastardization of Catholic doctrine that being a pro-choice politician is considered a sin.  Kerry is pro-life in his personal beliefs, he's never actively encouraged an abortion as far as I know, and I think that's all that should matter. - pierce

[2004-10-20 00:44:01] - Something as drastic as excommunicating Kerry would alienate far too many Catholics, while opening the Church up to claims of hypocrisy any time they didn't excommunicate a "sinning" politician. - pierce

[2004-10-20 00:42:56] - Mig: I'm amazed that even WND would buy into that without serious confirmation (no pun intended).  The Catholic church may have some antiquated ideas, but they're not stupid.  There are many Catholics who appreciate the separation between their spiritual lives and their political beliefs. - pierce

[2004-10-20 00:39:34] - If voting citizens who oppose the incumbent administration have any accountability for its actions, then so do nonvoters who implicitly concede the social contract of the U.S. in order to enjoy its advantages. - pierce

[2004-10-20 00:38:20] - Paul: regarding the article on, I reiterate what my position was at the time (or if it wasn't, it is now): nonvoters may not have actively participated in the political process that they see as "exploiting them", but they are still beneficiaries of the society it fosters. - pierce

[2004-10-19 20:45:32] - yes, they seem to be reverting back to their old ways... - mig

[2004-10-19 20:36:30] - Mig: So pretty good reporting by WND then. :-) -Paul

[2004-10-19 20:20:26] - paul:  yeah, the went and put the link on their front page sometime in the last few hours. - mig

[2004-10-19 19:38:57] - mig: It was circulated in the media awhile back (tv, newspapers etc) that the Pope or whoever decided not to excommunicate him even though he was pro-choice etc. -dave

[2004-10-19 18:50:26] - Mig: And will you let us know if WND does post a retraction? ;-) -Paul

[2004-10-19 18:49:33] - Mig: Does WND claim to be unbiased? -Paul

[2004-10-19 18:04:24] - well that was quick.  kerry's supposed excommunication turned out to be a hoax.  i wonder if the unbiased and completely objective wnd will post a retraction? - mig

[2004-10-19 17:28:19] - Mel: I'll try. ;-) -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:27:46] - Mel: I should be here. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:27:43] - Paul: ps.  go home soon, its 5:30 (for you)  :-p  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:26:30] - Paul: I only have one meeting a week and it start in 5 min.  So I better go.  Catch you tomorrow  if you're around for some more discussion of the chip industry.  :-D  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:26:00] - Mel: Same, enjoy your meeting. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:25:36] - Paul: That is, I wish I did.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:25:19] - Paul: I wich I did.  hey, I have a meeting to go to now.  It was fun talking to you about this.  :-)  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:24:30] - Paul: I don't know what the solution is.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:24:13] - Paul: yes, I know I understand that.  I see why Craig Barret is doing what he is doing.  And I don't think the solution is to try to legislate the jobs into staying here either.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:23:55] - Mel: Probably, I found some information about how much cash they had and how much inventory, but those aren't very good indicators either. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:23:17] - Mel: Well, from a business perspective it makes a lot more sense to shift a company's emphasis to other areas if the labor is cheaper and there is more room for growth. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:22:37] - Paul: That's cool.  It's probably hard to make a valuation unless they are actually sold.  right?  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:21:17] - Bah, I can only find info on nVidia and ATI's revenues, not how much they are worth. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:21:11] - we get screwed.  and then we can't go buy new PCs either.  So Intel compains that there is no growth in America.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:19:40] - Paul: Outsourcing tends to be good for the top dogs (CEOS and all that) and for the stockholders.  but what about the American computer programmers like us?  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:18:34] - Paul: It probably doesn't matter to the stockholders  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:18:02] - Paul: well it matters to me.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:17:04] - Mel: Does it matter much if it's an American company or not? -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:16:26] - Paul: yeah, you're probably right.  They are a very big company.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:15:35] - Mel: I don't know the exact numbers, but I'm fairly positive Intel would be able to buy one of them if they really wanted to. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:15:02] - Paul: Shifting design and fabrication overseas has the secondary advantage that the overseas markets still have growth (because not everyone owns a PC yet).  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:13:41] - Paul: They ahve cancelled their Prescott 4 GHz chip (which was US), canceleld Tejas (which was in Austin) and are shifting to dual core (which is being design in Haifa, Israel).  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:12:42] - Paul: Yes, Intel will survive, but I'm not sure they will survive as an American company.  There is no incentive for them to keep their jobs in America.  They mught as well keep hiring in India and Malaysia, where people work more for less money.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:11:22] - paul: yes, it's a matter of convincing people that they need and want to do it.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:11:16] - I'm sure Intel will find a way to survive. Maybe they won't be as prosperous as before, but they'll be fine. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:10:38] - Paul: How much are those companies worth?  I have no idea.  Could Intel afford to buy them?  If so, that would work really well.  Thats an awesome idea.  I could totally see that happening.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:09:22] - There are plenty of things people can do with music and video which can be improved with a faster processor. It's just a matter of convincing people to do it. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:09:14] - Maybe the car industry could save the chip industry.  That is if the American car industry weren't having its own problems with margins.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:08:41] - Mel: Intel probably wouldn't have to merge, they could just buy them outright. They could also convince people that they need to do more audio/video/image manipulation with their computers. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:08:07] -  The classic example of a killer app, was the first spreadsheet program.  If Intel or AMD could come up with some new program that simplified peoples lives and made them need their chips, then, they couls save themselves.  For awhile Intel was thinking cell phones or PDAs but the margins are too low.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:06:17] - Paul: If Intel could come up with some new killer ap that requires lots of processor speed (and preferably an Intel processor), they could save themselves.  Of course the obvious question is what killer ap?  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:05:11] - Paul: Intel is always promoting game development/image software/music, etc.  Beasically anything that makes people have to upgrade.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:04:20] - Paul: hmm, apo is better because "p" and "o" are closer together.  :-)  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:03:46] - Paul: yes, very good suggestion.  Gamers still care about processor speeds.  I like that idea, Paul!  I could see Intel merging with a graphic cards company.  Not snytime soon (they still have too much pride) but yeah, I could definitely see it.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:03:39] - Mel: I just type 'apo' and then press down and enter. Almost as fast.:-P -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:03:00] - Mel: Well, there was a period in time when you were gone for a couple of weeks (possibly over a month) and you likely don't post much on the weekend. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:02:35] - Paul: I have a keywork set up with Firefox so whenever I type msg it goes to the message board (conveniently).  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:01:53] - Maybe we'll see Intel and company start to gobble up companies like ATI and nVidia. The graphics card market is still fairly robust. -Paul

[2004-10-19 17:01:40] - Paul: I know, it seems like a lot until I worked out the numbers.  I feel like at one point I definitely posted more than 4 times a day.  But then there were weeks where I didn't post at all, so my average is probably a lot lower.  I don't know because I don't remember when I discovered the message board.  -mel

[2004-10-19 17:00:24] - Paul:  The scary thing (that is if you work in the chip industry, thank God I don't anymore) is that I don't see a good solution.  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:59:43] - Mel: Now see, when you put it that way, it seems like such a low number. :-P I feel like I post more than four times a day. I guess there have been a lot of times when I haven't posted at all. -Paul

[2004-10-19 16:59:21] - Paul: me too!  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:58:03] - Mel: I'm surprised this hadn't happened sooner, considering that there really hasn't been a good reason for the average person to have such powerful processors. -Paul

[2004-10-19 16:57:36] - Paul: so something like 10K posts a year.  So that works out to something like 22 posts a day.  ok, that makes sense.  With Paul posting an average of 4 posts a day.  :-)  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:55:50] - Paul: IMHO the chip industry got lazy because they could sell at such high margins.  As chips become a commodity product (with even design being outsourced), plus heat dissipation problems kick in, the chip industry will need a new business model.  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:54:03] - Paul: Granted, Motorola is doing the worst.  they spun off their chip division because it was doing so badly.  Intel is next, and AMD is doing the best (they hit 64 bits first).  but regardless, prices of computers are dropping like crazy, which will soon cause problems for the entire chip industry unless they find a new high margin product.  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:52:58] - Mel: I'm probably a little confused too. I thought somewhere along the line that Adrian had cleared some of the stats but I'm beginning to think I'm just lying there. I think ~50,000 is the real number. The board has been up for at least 6 years as far as I know. -Paul

[2004-10-19 16:51:47] - Mel: I only really know about AMD's PC CPUs and all I know is that (IMHO) they've been the superior processor for awhile now. Especially considering that they are usually cheaper. -Paul

[2004-10-19 16:51:41] - aaron: how can you post on the previous entries? board?  I thought those were automated?  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:50:32] - Paul: I'm confused by all the numbers.  so there were 100,000 posts?  wow.  how long has this board been running?  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:50:20] - Mel: Well, it looks like I alone have over 9,000 assuming that it's counting all the posts from the inception of the message board on and like Vinnie said, the board has over 50,000 total... -Paul

[2004-10-19 16:49:09] - Paul: about amd, I don't know too much about them, but its a small semiconductor worls out there and a lot of the same folks have gone back and forth between Intel, amd, and Motorola.  So (IMHO) the chip industry as a whole is facing some serious problems.  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:47:11] - Paul: really, how many posts?? roughly?  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:36:37] - Wait, maybe those stats are all of them. I thought Adrian had reset them at some point but 9,000 posts seems about right. -Paul

[2004-10-19 16:28:21] - Yeah those guys posting on the "previous entries?" board are well over 100,000 posts - aaron

[2004-10-19 16:25:29] - Mel: And I just want to say 'Go AMD', it's about time everybody started realizing that they've been kicking Intel's ass. -Paul

[2004-10-19 16:24:45] - mel: there's been over 50000 in total - not so strange... :) - vinnie

[2004-10-19 16:24:34] - Mel: 10,000 is NOTHING. You should've seen how many posts I had before Adrian reset the stats. :-P -paul

[2004-10-19 16:23:37] -  New HIV test delivers results in 20 minutes.  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:20:59] - vinnie: shit 10,000??  that's a lot of posts.  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:20:27] -  From Google News Top hits right now.  "Intel Having a Tough Time Competing with AMD"  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:20:24] - mel: last 10000 posts - vinnie

[2004-10-19 16:18:46] - aaron: what does 10k mean in the stats board?  -mel

[2004-10-19 16:13:05] - a: Are there new criteria for what it takes to make the stats board? - aaron

[2004-10-19 16:05:57] - mig: heh you've typoed enough that your misspelled name has its own stats :) - vinnie

[2004-10-19 16:02:12] - "it would seem to me the people who don’t vote are precisely the ones who should be complaining; after all, they’re the ones who never gave anyone permission to exploit them" -Paul

[2004-10-19 16:01:37] - Going back a long time ago about whether or not voting increases or decreases your responsibility for the government's actions, see the last paragraph. -Paul

[2004-10-19 13:56:33] - dave: yes, great nonanswer.  -mel

[2004-10-19 13:08:47] - Travis: Finally. I've been waiting for some sort of announcement regarding the whole series on DVD. -Paul

[2004-10-19 12:55:40] - Zim box set? That's like 20 episodes right? - aaron

[2004-10-19 12:37:13] - if this what i think it is, the wait for me to get zim dvds will be over come january 8-) - travis

[2004-10-19 12:08:37] - has kerry been excommunicated from the catholic church? - mig

[2004-10-19 11:00:38] - Strangely enough i see hardly any bush or kerry signs anywhere it seems. - mig

[2004-10-19 10:54:10] - a: Cool I don't do a lot of driving in Alexandria which is probably why I didn't see them. -Paul

[2004-10-19 10:47:38] - now that i think about it, i actually haven't seen a whole lot of signs for any candidate in my area.  Kind of refreshing. - img

[2004-10-19 10:45:18] - paul:  i saw a few in alexandria (very north alexandria and very south alexandria).  ~a

[2004-10-19 10:38:36] - aaron: i got it last week, haven't been able to play it much because my ps2 is getting disc read errors almost every time now, i have to go buy a new one so i can play katamari and gta - travis

[2004-10-19 10:12:19] - travis: btw i picked up katamari damacy and it is really fun and addictive. if you haven't gotten a copy yet i really recommend it - aaron

[2004-10-19 09:51:31] - Paul: I agree, but that's just me -dave

[2004-10-19 09:47:25] - travis: ahh ok. I missed that -dave

[2004-10-19 09:46:05] - more on kerry's hypocricy on taxes. - mig

[2004-10-19 09:45:26] - a + travis: Yeah, I've seen a ton on the fairfax county parkway but not many outside of that. -Paul

[2004-10-19 09:44:37] - Dave: I do, it just doesn't seem like it would be comparable. -Paul

[2004-10-19 09:43:47] - dave: it says $1100 for the week and they appear in one televised match a day - travis

[2004-10-19 09:40:29] - 14000 people (brits) signed up to write a single letter(email mebbe?) to a person in Clark county, that has 143k people in it -dave

[2004-10-19 09:40:19] - they must've put all the badnarik signs up in fairfax county because when i was down in prince william i didn't see a single one.  i was going to mention it to miguel and paul on sunday but they said they saw a lot up here - travis

[2004-10-19 09:39:17] - "Real Americans aren't interested in your pansy-ass, tea-sipping opinions. If you want to save the world, begin with you own worthless corner of it" -dave

[2004-10-19 09:37:44] - fun quotes: "...mind your own business. We don't need weenie-spined Limeys meddling in our presidential election" -dave

[2004-10-19 09:37:12] - People from a leftist group in Britain mail people in Ohio (swing state) to vote for Kerry -dave

[2004-10-19 09:23:40] - Every memory worth keeping? Experimental pill eases / lessens the effects of traumatic memory(s) if taken immediately afterwards -dave

[2004-10-19 09:20:18] - Gateway now selling AMD powered products -dave

[2004-10-19 08:48:50] - Half Life 2 gone gold -dave

[2004-10-19 08:22:26] - $1100 each match for the models -dave

[2004-10-19 08:21:38] - a: you gotta wonder how much a sign with just the names of the candidates helps. -dave

[2004-10-19 08:20:51] - models replace ball kids(tennis) in Madrid -dave

[2004-10-19 08:20:03] - re: the title:  i've seen tons of badnarik signs on the side of the road all over.  ~a

[2004-10-19 08:09:50] - anyone want gmail? have 6 invitations -dave

[2004-10-19 07:13:10] - paul: so you don't put much stock in the spontaneous eh? ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-18 21:11:37] - Mel: I was just kidding with the prostitute theory. Personally, I would think that sex with somebody you know and love (and don't pay) would be more enjoyable. -Paul

[2004-10-18 19:42:05] - mel: great non-answer eh? ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-18 19:41:43] - mel: it probably depends. From a purely physical standpoint it probably doesn't matter if you've known the person awhile or not. As far as mentally goes, some people would probably find it more exciting with someone they'd never met before and others would find it more exciting with someone who they've been attracted to for a long time -dave

[2004-10-18 19:32:36] - feel free to stereotype, please...  :-)  -mel

[2004-10-18 19:32:23] - maybe there's a male/female difference there.  do you think it would be better in general with someone you know or don't know?  -mel

[2004-10-18 19:30:34] - Paul: haha.  I don't know about the prostitute theory though...  then we start to get into what makes a "better" sex life.  -mel

[2004-10-18 19:29:47] - Paul: good shot with the stereotyping.  :-)  -mel

[2004-10-18 16:51:20] - it's supposedly the first in a trilogy -dave

[2004-10-18 16:49:42] - great movie.  What's amusing is that my family has the DVD because it was released in Hong Kong awhile back. -dave

[2004-10-18 16:41:12] - man i hate mail in rebates.  ~a

[2004-10-18 16:17:00] - 80Gb, 7200 rpm Western Digital drive for ~$30 after $60 of mail in rebates -dave

[2004-10-18 16:02:14] - Dave: The NY Times or Washington Times? :-P -Paul

[2004-10-18 16:00:09] - Paul: really? I guess I'm behind the times ^_^ -dave

[2004-10-18 15:59:29] - Dave: A lot of newspapers openly endorse candidates. -Paul

[2004-10-18 15:58:40] - For those who have seen Team America. It's funny to read how they try to get around saying curse words while talking about the movie, substituting sissy, jerk and psycho for you-know-what. -Paul

[2004-10-18 15:56:37] - Paul: yeah, I love how he comes across as a very unpretentious guy. very willing to roll with the jokes about him etc -dave

[2004-10-18 15:55:58] - newspapers endorse candidates. o_0 I didn't know that media outlets could openly do that -dave

[2004-10-18 15:53:22] - William Shatner seems like a really interesting guy to me. I can't tell if he is completely insane, really cool, or some odd mixture. All I know is that he seems strangely a lot more real and honest than a lot of other actors and celebrities. -Paul

[2004-10-18 15:52:16] - Putin urges people to vote for Bush 0_o Incidentally, he also says that Russia disagrees with the US on Iraq -dave

[2004-10-18 15:49:23] - Dave: People who can afford prostitutes have better sex lives. ;-) -Paul

[2004-10-18 15:49:17] - Shatner releases cd -dave

[2004-10-18 15:46:48] - mig: which would tend to support that theory -dave

[2004-10-18 15:46:25] - mig: I remember some article in the past that I read, maybe posted, said that people with BMWs or some other high-end car have 'better sex lives' than others -dave

[2004-10-18 15:45:39] - mig: the article is taking awhile to load for me, but to make gross stereotypes, people with more money probably have 'better sex lives.' And since people with more money tend to be Republican... -dave

[2004-10-18 15:43:55] - Kinda bizarre. Bush's favorability ratings went up after debates even tho people say he lost. -dave

[2004-10-18 15:40:14] - Mel: Now who's stereotyping? ;-) -Paul

[2004-10-18 15:38:53] - women are more likely to fake orgasms then men.  now there's a shocker. - mig

[2004-10-18 15:36:36] - mig: haha.  I wouldn't have predicated that.  -mel

[2004-10-18 15:33:56] - republicans have better sex lives than democrats. - mig

[2004-10-18 14:46:01] - Mel: Oh, I probably am. It's just like how I would be surprised if a porn star was also a computer geek. It just doesn't fit my preconceived notions of what a porn star is. Not pregnant and not geeky. :-P -Paul

[2004-10-18 14:32:55] - Paul: That's what I was wondering.  specifically why.  It seems to me you are stereotyping.  Not to use any labels or anything...  :-)  -mel

[2004-10-18 13:44:11] - Mel: I just normally don't associate pregnancy with porn stars for whatever reason. Can't really specify why. -Paul

[2004-10-18 13:42:40] - s://

[2004-10-18 13:40:38] - Paul: why are you surprised she's pregnant?  -mel

[2004-10-18 13:40:23] -    Intel cancels release of 4 GHz Prescott chip  -mel

[2004-10-18 09:59:00] - Travis: I'm surprised she's pregnant. -Paul

[2004-10-18 09:58:42] - -Paul

[2004-10-18 09:51:30] - "Porn actress Asia Carrera reports on her Web site that she has turned down a role in the live-action "Dragonball Z" movie because she's pregnant." 1) surprised a DBZ movie is still being made 2) surprised they'd ask a porn star to be in such a high profile movie - travis

[2004-10-17 22:27:45] - Some good deals on Fox television boxed sets at Amazon. -Paul

[2004-10-16 10:30:48] - a: I've heard of it, but was too lazy to put one together since I've never done it before.  In any event, I actually have to take it down because it's using a lot of disk space, so use aaron's link. - pierce

[2004-10-16 08:53:31] - pierce:  have you ever heard of robots.txt ?  ~a

[2004-10-16 02:07:21] - I've put it up in WMV format here (take out the "dontlink."; I don't want google linking to it on my site and sucking down all my bandwidth): - pierce

[2004-10-16 02:00:04] - Jon Stewart on Crossfire - he really roasts the two hosts of this show, so it's a very strange episode to watch. The whole episode is on Windows Media here - aaron

[2004-10-15 17:23:10] - Anyway, I gotta go. So don't expect any more answers to political questions from me tonight. :-P Sorry. -Paul

[2004-10-15 17:20:22] - Dave: Hard to say. This year he seems to be polling roughly the same, but he also has the support of a political party behind him while Nader doesn't (the Greens nominated somebody else this year). -Paul

[2004-10-15 17:15:47] - Paul: so does that mean that Badnarik has more supporters than Nader? -dave

[2004-10-15 17:13:19] - Dave: That's because Nader is only on like 38 ballots while Badnarik is on (I think 48). And yet Nader STILL gets tons more publicity. -Paul

[2004-10-15 17:12:44] - Dave: I wouldn't be surprised either way, but I do agree that the draft will be made into a bigger issue than it probably should be because it's a good motivation for young people to vote. -Paul

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