here are old message board entries
prev <->
2001-02-20 00:01:00] - run for your life! mad okra!
2001-02-20 00:01:00] - except they are beginning to suspect that mad cow is surfacing in the states.
- aba
2001-02-20 00:00:00] - hehe
2001-02-20 00:00:00] -
same, I vastly prefer chicken over beef
- vinnie
2001-02-20 00:00:00] -
Nope, they have stuff like mad okra
2001-02-20 00:00:00] - Mad cows are in Britain. I don't typically eat brittish beef.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-20 00:00:00] - some plants are poisonous
- mig
2001-02-19 23:59:00] - nothing like mad cow.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:59:00] - And vegetables have no diseases?
2001-02-19 23:58:00] -
heh. i eat them usually in indian food format.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:58:00] - I don't understand the last part of that one
2001-02-19 23:58:00] -
yuck. beef = mad cow disease.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:58:00] - Pumpkin pie is good, never had eggplant or okra
2001-02-19 23:57:00] -
2001-02-19 23:57:00] - If checken were a vegetable I could ostensibly be a vegetarian, I eat beef so rarely nowadays.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:57:00] - my favorite vegetables are pumpkin, okra and eggplant. hehe.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:57:00] - I love asparagus if it is prepared correctly, string beans too... actually mostly all vegetables...
2001-02-19 23:56:00] -
2001-02-19 23:56:00] - Every election year
2001-02-19 23:56:00] -
yeah, asparagus as well. and brussell sprouts, but i'm actually not fond of those
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:56:00] - i like veggies every once and a while
- mig
2001-02-19 23:56:00] - And asparagus
2001-02-19 23:56:00] - hooray for the editing room! I haven't gone there in ages
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:55:00] -
yes, but when has the government actually
done anything to protect privacy from big business
- mig
2001-02-19 23:55:00] - vegetables rock!
- aba
2001-02-19 23:55:00] - I like most foods, except canned asparagus, and then only because the canning process makes it watery and flabby. Fresh asparagus is good stuff.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:55:00] - same with spinich, which I think has an even worse rap
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:55:00] -
2001-02-19 23:54:00] - It's a shame, brocolli is a good vegetable
2001-02-19 23:54:00] - for some reason, although I dislike a lot of foods, I've never disliked broccoli, and actually enjoy it quite a bit
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:54:00] -
No, but people and consumer groups do, and therefore the government occasionally does too
2001-02-19 23:54:00] - I didn't know George W had the same aversion to our leafy friend
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:53:00] - multi-var is
really easy!
- aba
2001-02-19 23:53:00] - big business doesn't care about "trivial matters" such as privacy
- mig
2001-02-19 23:53:00] - how about totally idiotic?
2001-02-19 23:52:00] - i dunno. but i think that's what they're trying to do.
- mig
2001-02-19 23:52:00] - Multi-var is easy!
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:52:00] - where is the argument in hat article? I only skimmed it, but few people think the bible is totally true or totally false
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:51:00] -
Yeah, how would Napster keep tabs on people? Privacy violation?
2001-02-19 23:50:00] - how would they go about doing that though? I've read that some ripping software prevents stuff like that, but how can Napster?
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:50:00] - Whoo! Prove the bible wrong!
2001-02-19 23:50:00] - ha!
2001-02-19 23:49:00] -
Great. Knock the best source of history we have for that time period. Sounds like a plan to me.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:49:00] -
yeah, but i think the way napster is doing it, is that they're actually keeping tabs on what you do with those files, if you mess with them, they'll know
- mig
2001-02-19 23:49:00] -
2001-02-19 23:48:00] - Screwing regular people makes sense?
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:48:00] -
2001-02-19 23:48:00] - I think they are more interested in making money then screwing people
2001-02-19 23:48:00] - that makes sense
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:48:00] - all this does is screw regular people, which has been the RIAA's plan all along
- mig
2001-02-19 23:47:00] - There are devices out there specifically designed to make copies of CDs I know... don't even need a computer
2001-02-19 23:46:00] - As soon as copy protection like that exists people will start to hack it. 3 months later it'll be as useless as DVD encoding is for security.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:46:00] - they've been around long before napster. they just need to buy one copy and they can mass produce from that
- mig
2001-02-19 23:46:00] -
Yes, well. I can assure you that you won't stay that way!
2001-02-19 23:45:00] - Indeed it is!
2001-02-19 23:45:00] - what are the other means?
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:45:00] - haha! i'm 2nd again!
2001-02-19 23:45:00] -
well, then it's on!
- mig
2001-02-19 23:45:00] - And now I am beating Miguel!
2001-02-19 23:45:00] -
yeah, except people who duplicate cds to sell go through other means
- mig
2001-02-19 23:45:00] -
Cool.... -Paul
2001-02-19 23:44:00] - I don't want anyone messing with my hard drive unless it makes it faster, bigger (hd space), cheaper, or more stable
2001-02-19 23:44:00] - I read the same thing, paul
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:44:00] - I guess they just want to try to stop sales of duplicated cds, which seems fair
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:43:00] -
yeah, but they're fucking with the mp3 format. that's not good.
- mig
2001-02-19 23:43:00] - There is an article in my maximumpc that talks about future hard drives that might include copy protection for stuff like MP3s...
2001-02-19 23:43:00] - How do they plan to do that?
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:42:00] - some software already incorporates stuff like that, but it shouldn't matter too much
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:42:00] - This is why I work better in long paragraph form, didactic. I don't run into typos, speed typing errors, and logic erros caused by thinking too far ahead.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:42:00] - on the ability to burn music files onto CDs." exceprt from napster article
- mig
2001-02-19 23:42:00] - on another subject "The solution the two companies have been working on will maintain the peer to peer structure of Napster, but will allow in the future restrictions to be placed on what can be done with the transferred files, such as limits on the
2001-02-19 23:42:00] - Took me three times to get it straight, though.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:41:00] - that makes sense
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:40:00] - Clarification of clarification: I don't call MDs scientists. I call PhDs in natural sciences scientists. Geez.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:39:00] - If you have the MD you are a Medical Doctor, and hence a doctor of health.
2001-02-19 23:39:00] - i think so
- mig
2001-02-19 23:39:00] - are people with mds technically doctors? just curious
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:39:00] - Mwahaha!
2001-02-19 23:38:00] -
Clarification: I don't call MDs Dr. I call anyone with a PhD in a natural science Dr.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:37:00] -
fuck, you guys are posting fast. you posted seven times in the time it took me to read the last day's worth
- vinnie
2001-02-19 23:37:00] - And I mean with X-rays and junk, not just by talking
2001-02-19 23:37:00] -
No, I don't call doctors scientists.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:37:00] - I think the study of the human brain is a very legitamate science, but I don't think psychiatrists can diagnose someone with a problem without analyzing their brain
2001-02-19 23:37:00] - Psychiatrists and psychologists. There is a difference. One has the ability to give perscription drugs. Making them that much more dangerous.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:37:00] -
no, but do you call doctors, scientists?
- mig
2001-02-19 23:36:00] - Are we talking about psychiatrists? Because I can say with certainty that I don't think they should be considered scientists
2001-02-19 23:36:00] - Damn typos.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:35:00] - That's a very broadstatment, but I've dealt with a lot of psyches in my time.
-- Xpovovs
2001-02-19 23:35:00] - If you are "unstable" you are sent to a psyche, yes, you are not schitzophrenic. But after seeing the psyche you are. They call it diagnosis, I call it cause and effect.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:35:00] - And after browsing the ELF website, I can say I certainly don't care for their methods at all. Perhaps their cause is a worthy one, but their methods are quite childish and barbaric
2001-02-19 23:35:00] -
true, but i wouldn't go as so far to call a science invalid.
- mig
2001-02-19 23:34:00] - I see biology as a science and I think that I would list psych as a science as well, although I can see why Andrew dislikes it, I distrust it as well
2001-02-19 23:32:00] - what i mean is how did psych create schizophrenia
- mig
2001-02-19 23:31:00] - how?
- mig
2001-02-19 23:31:00] - That's anatomy, another useful subset of bio, but still, the fact remains that bio, as a whole unit, is useless.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:30:00] - so what do you think of psych and bio paul?
- mig
2001-02-19 23:30:00] - I'm not saying that, miguel, no. I'm saying Psyche created schizophrenia.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:30:00] - chem+bio equals medicine. but without bio, medicine is set back a ways. it kind of helps to know how the human body functions
- mig
2001-02-19 23:29:00] -
IMHO, If a "science" can predict things a reasonable amount of the time and has a logical way of doing it, I would generally call it a legitamate science
2001-02-19 23:29:00] - psych is also important. are you saying that learning how to identify and treat schizophrenia isn't important
- mig
2001-02-19 23:28:00] -
Also: it could be concluded the medicine is primarily chemistry
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:28:00] -
Yes, I said some subsets are practical didn't I? -- Xpovos.
2001-02-19 23:27:00] - bio is the study of biological processes, some of which is undeniable. bio is linked to medicine, which has
many pratical uses.
- mig
2001-02-19 23:26:00] - Says all of us, and I know I for one am skipping homework at this moment.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:26:00] - Do homwork and studying first adrian, more important
2001-02-19 23:25:00] -
Math, Physics, Chemistry, all have underlying, undeniable proofs, reasons for their existance and seperation from the other sciences. In addition they also have a clear defenition of what they're studying. Bearing that in mind: define life. xpovos
2001-02-19 23:25:00] - First of all, it's a UN report... Secondly, I could do a study saying that 80% of people who have cancer have chewed bubble-gum. That doesn't mean bubble-gum causes cancer
2001-02-19 23:25:00] - i really really really want to work on this
new cool message board program but i have homework and a test tomorrow . . . i think you guys understand
2001-02-19 23:24:00] -
explain. i hate bio, but i know it's still a valid science
- mig
2001-02-19 23:23:00] - Psyche is far far worse, its seriously damaging modern society.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:23:00] - Biology is a poor excuse for a science. There are sub-sets of it which can be practical, but on the whole it is a useless subject, or at best, a waste of time.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:23:00] - same with psyche. both of them are valid sciences.
- mig
2001-02-19 23:22:00] - How it -can- be linked. And even if it is, it's no business of the US going in and enforcing rules on China like that.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:22:00] - biology "pseudo-science"? sorry that doesn't add up.
- mig
2001-02-19 23:22:00] -
brb. shower.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:21:00] - elf doesn't seem to realize that blowing stuff up is not going to solve anything
- mig
2001-02-19 23:21:00] - did you read the article paul? it said they created a 1000 page report detailing how it
was linked to all that crappy stuff.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:21:00] - Well I think the plan was to do it again on Friday anyway, so maybe more people can join us then
2001-02-19 23:21:00] - Re: lab science, Physics is better and will have more real world applications than bio-chem. but bear in mind I'm biased agaisnt Psychology, and biology as pseudo-sciences.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 23:20:00] - How horrible racist
2001-02-19 23:20:00] - Ping pong is a no go for me at 1:30, I have Multi-var then.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 23:20:00] - they're so little and cute
2001-02-19 23:19:00] - because chinese people are cool!
2001-02-19 23:19:00] - As a side note, there never has been scientific proof of global warming being linked to pollution, in fact there are other geological explanations that have more evidence supporting it
2001-02-19 23:18:00] - I agree that it is a worthy cause, I just don't think blowing stuff up is the best way to do it. Besides, why don't they go to China and blow stuff up since they are worse polluters then we are?
2001-02-19 23:17:00] - it's a worthy cause, but they don't need to resort to terrorism to do it.
- mig
2001-02-19 23:17:00] -
oh, and i know i said i'd play ping pong with you guys, but i just realized that it might conflict with the career fair upstairs in squires. maybe i can do both. we'll see.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:15:00] - to me, it's a worthy cause. not sure if they're going about the whole business in the right manner though.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:15:00] - that's what the elf is fighting, paul.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:15:00] -
2001-02-19 23:14:00] - damn stringent stat requirements. we have to take all these really dumb extra classes.
- aba
2001-02-19 23:13:00] - i'd take astronomy or geology but i'm not allowed to
- aba
2001-02-19 23:13:00] - which lab science should i take? bio chem or physics?
- aba
2001-02-19 23:11:00] - don't you have your lab report saved on your computer?
2001-02-19 22:49:00] - I have no choice, Physics 2305 and 06 are required for Chem majors.
-- Xpovovs
2001-02-19 22:38:00] -
man, that sucks andrew. my simpathies
- mig
2001-02-19 22:32:00] - Not for long Miguel!
2001-02-19 22:32:00] - You should've taken Geology
2001-02-19 22:32:00] -
haha. no posts since this morning and still 2nd!
- mig
2001-02-19 22:28:00] - Curse my Physics TA for loosing my lab report. I had enough to do tonight already without him adding more
That I'd already done! -- Xpovos
2001-02-19 22:21:00] -
2001-02-19 22:19:00] -
Dammit, I give up. I just can't type tonight.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 22:19:00] -
Err, <i> I'm <i> still in last
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 22:18:00] - I don't think it mattered. I'm still in last.
2001-02-19 22:16:00] - Stop trying to inflate your bar dave
2001-02-19 22:14:00] - apparently it does!
2001-02-19 22:14:00] - let's see
2001-02-19 22:14:00] - does the message board recognize your name regardless of whether you put a dash or tilda in front of it?
2001-02-19 22:11:00] - D'oh :-o =
2001-02-19 22:10:00] -
Wow, Adrian laying the smacketh down. And he's off the bar too :-o
2001-02-19 22:08:00] -
andrew, we will be required to punish double posters if you feel like being annoying
2001-02-19 22:04:00] - Hurray! Ping Pong!
2001-02-19 22:04:00] -
Btw, the plans for tomorrow is for lunch at 12:45 at Owens, followed by Ping pong at 1:30 at Squires
2001-02-19 22:02:00] - Watch it, you best not pass me up, boy
2001-02-19 22:01:00] - Easy inflation of stats.
-- Xpovos
2001-02-19 22:00:00] - Until we are back in the running!
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 22:00:00] - and post
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 22:00:00] - and post
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 22:00:00] - we must post
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 22:00:00] - agreed
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 21:56:00] - Something has gone horribly wrong, Andrew
2001-02-19 21:44:00] - Bah! Last palce? And Paul is in second to last? What gives? This is just wrong.
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 19:17:00] -
aw, everyone left.
- aba
2001-02-19 19:09:00] -
oh, and just so you guys know. it's the last 350 posts, and you only need 15 to get a bar. it's 1.5 pixels per post.
- aba
2001-02-19 19:08:00] - people have the right to do a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that you should actually do them.
- aba
2001-02-19 18:48:00] -
oh, but only if it doesn't harm other people = )
2001-02-19 18:36:00] - Why not? People should have the freedom to wear whatever ugly clothes they want to wear.
2001-02-19 18:34:00] - neon pink and purple shirts shouldn't be worn
2001-02-19 18:27:00] - What shouldn't be worn? Fur coats?
2001-02-19 18:27:00] - i like most of the clothes i pick out for myself
2001-02-19 17:28:00] - dinner! 5:30 dietrick.
- aba
2001-02-19 17:27:00] - my pen!
- aba
2001-02-19 17:27:00] - fuck each and every one of you
- vinnie
2001-02-19 17:27:00] - my bar!
2001-02-19 17:23:00] - i don't really care that much about what i wear, but there are a lot of things out there that really
shouldn't be worn.
- aba
2001-02-19 17:23:00] - i pick out almost all my clothes. i still don't like most of them.
- aba
2001-02-19 17:21:00] - There is an exception for my black shirts (mostly star trek ones). Those are ones I picked out, I like those
2001-02-19 17:19:00] - I just might
2001-02-19 17:18:00] -
hehe, maybe you should wear the red vest thing then = ) if you really don't care
2001-02-19 17:18:00] - that's more like the paul i know! i don't care what i wear!
2001-02-19 17:18:00] - There is that too
2001-02-19 17:17:00] - I suppose hate is the wrong word. I am apathetic. It doesn't matter what clothes I wear...
2001-02-19 17:17:00] -
hehe, he can't say no to his parents = )
2001-02-19 17:16:00] - if you hate most of them then why do you let her buy them?
- aba
2001-02-19 17:16:00] - so now she just buys me stuff whenever i'm there and say like it
2001-02-19 17:15:00] - my mom used to buy me clothes, but i usually didn't like most of it.
2001-02-19 17:15:00] - I hate most of them too, I'll have to show you my bright red vest
2001-02-19 17:12:00] -
wow. i would really hate almost all the clothes that my parents would pick out for me.
- aba
2001-02-19 17:09:00] - No preferences beyond the fact that I ony wear short-sleeved shirts...
2001-02-19 17:06:00] -
yeah. do you have preferences or is it just like whatever?
- aba
2001-02-19 17:06:00] - You mean do I have a say in what she picks out?
2001-02-19 17:00:00] - do you say anything ever about what she picks out?
- aba
2001-02-19 17:00:00] - I think my mom likes picking out clothes for me, I'm kind of her little dress-up doll
2001-02-19 16:59:00] - really? aw . . . my mom hasn't bought me clothes in forever. she always just pays for them.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:57:00] - So I don't feel bad about being fat
2001-02-19 16:56:00] - My mom buys all my clothes
2001-02-19 16:56:00] - i guess it's the "incentive" to lose weight or something.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:56:00] - i don't understand how they sell them since most girls i know are larger than that.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:56:00] -
yeah. it makes you feel crappy when you go to buy clothes and all the sizes in stock are way smalled than what a normal person wears.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:53:00] - That's kind of sad how they are so focused on how they look and having sex....
2001-02-19 16:53:00] - i think guys' clothes sizes make a lot more sense. like pants are actually the length in inches and stuff
2001-02-19 16:52:00] - i didn't know there was a size 0 = )
2001-02-19 16:51:00] -
yeah, like in high school. 15-16 year olds.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:50:00] - it's kind of depressing to think how fast kids are growing up now and how isolated i must have been at that age. i was so clueless.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:50:00] - the people they talked about in the article were 15?
2001-02-19 16:50:00] - I learned what sex was in 6th grade!
2001-02-19 16:49:00] - at 15 i was thinking about what book to check out of the library.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:46:00] - as long as there isn't a huge conversation going on.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:46:00] - it's not that hard to get 15 posts in the last like 250(?)
- aba
2001-02-19 16:43:00] - it does posts by signature first and then ip. so if you post a link, it credits it to you.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:43:00] - like he'll post a single message and then his bar will pop up
2001-02-19 16:43:00] -
2001-02-19 16:43:00] - what i don't understand is how adrian has a bar when never posts, hehe.
2001-02-19 16:42:00] - Sticky for the feathers!
2001-02-19 16:42:00] - ackpth! tar is sticky!
2001-02-19 16:42:00] - he's the real master behind the scenes it seems
2001-02-19 16:41:00] -
incidentally, i think miguel is on top longer than either paul or aparna
2001-02-19 16:40:00] - No! Dave is back, we must take him down! Tar and feather him!
2001-02-19 16:39:00] -
dang, the board is multicolored again.
2001-02-19 16:37:00] - Good lord, a female dictator in charge of the message board. Adrian help!
2001-02-19 16:36:00] - i like going on a power trip.
it's fun.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:36:00] - i am invincible. no assassinating can occur while i am in power.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:34:00] - blah
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 16:33:00] - Sounds like a plan to me, I'm willing to take second for now (so I can assassinate you and claim #1 later)
2001-02-19 16:30:00] - if we keep talking to each other, we could be in the top two spots again.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:30:00] -
haha. woo. i rule all!
- aba
2001-02-19 16:29:00] - Yes ma'am, I'm sorry
2001-02-19 16:22:00] -
2001-02-19 16:22:00] -
paul, i could so take you in a fight. don't even try.
- aba
2001-02-19 16:19:00] - Now who is delusional? A mere
woman could never be #1 !
2001-02-19 16:15:00] -
ha. paul, stop having your delusions of grandeur. you
know that i'm number one!
- aba
2001-02-19 16:04:00] - The turnover rate should be 0, with me on the throne!
2001-02-19 14:34:00] - the turnover rate is lower
2001-02-19 13:50:00] - It wasn't an insult
2001-02-19 13:21:00] -
Adrian, paul just insulted the decor of your message board =P
2001-02-19 13:21:00] - haha
2001-02-19 12:08:00] -
Dunno, it was here when I took over. I decided to leave it since it goes so well with the decor
2001-02-19 12:08:00] - i suppose the skeleton sitting on it would explain the cobwebs seeing as no one else is going to sit on it
2001-02-19 12:07:00] - skeleton sitting on it eh? did the person die from the poison spikes?
2001-02-19 12:04:00] - Or the skeleton that was sitting on it?
2001-02-19 12:04:00] - Explain the what? The poison spikes or the cobwebs?
2001-02-19 12:03:00] - queen's chair eh? that would explain it
2001-02-19 12:02:00] - mwahahaha!
2001-02-19 11:52:00] - Augh! What happened here? I look away for a few hours and I'm in last all of a sudden!
-- xpovos
2001-02-19 11:48:00] - yes!
- mig
2001-02-19 11:47:00] - Keep posting with nobody else to oppose us?
2001-02-19 11:46:00] -
oooo. we might be the only 3 on the board if we keep this up
- mig
2001-02-19 11:19:00] - Hence the poisoned spikes on it
2001-02-19 11:18:00] - No one is suppose to sit there
2001-02-19 11:18:00] - You are sitting in the Queen's chair is why
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