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2005-05-11 13:49:47] -
Pierce: I'll totally grant you the first point (that she isn't known as a comedian and that makes a big difference) but I think I disagree with the second point. I think she is being serious, but she is also trying to be funny.
2005-05-11 13:49:13] -
Nevermind, scratch that comment because you beat me to both parts of it. In any event, even if people occasionally find her funny (which I don't think is as often as you claim), if she's not known for jokemaking then people will tend to take her seriously. Taking her disagreeable opinions seriously = controversy.
- pierce
2005-05-11 13:47:45] - When you think about it, it's really not all that different from Franken and Maher's humor except her targets are far less PC.
2005-05-11 13:47:32] -
Paul: but importantly, she's not known as a comedienne. Moreover, if she
is trying to be funny, you have to admit that she fails miserably because I don't think even her supporters think she's joking in most of the instances you've mentioned. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
- pierce
2005-05-11 13:47:01] - I know that I only read Coulter's columns for their humor (which I'm almost positive is intentional) and I've heard plenty of people describe her writings as witty and funny.
2005-05-11 13:45:50] -
Pierce: I agree that Coulter isn't known as a comedian and Franken and Maher are, but I think that's just because she is a little more serious than they are, not because she is totally different.
2005-05-11 13:45:40] -
a: I'm not saying that humor can't be controversial, but rather that it adds a protective layer that makes disagreeable opinions easier to swallow.
- pierce
2005-05-11 13:45:38] -
definitely. god will i ever learn how to spell that word?
2005-05-11 13:45:18] -
pierce: humor is definately a lot funnier.
2005-05-11 13:43:51] -
Pierce: I actually think Coulter IS trying to be funny most of the times. Maybe not as often as Maher and Franken, but I think it's a similar brand of humor where you make fun of a political group.
2005-05-11 13:43:42] -
mig: has Maher claimed to be aligned with the principles of the Libertarian Party? I think there are quite a few people, myself included, who think that the Party's interpretation of (uncapitalized) libertarian philosophy is incorrect. Thus, we can label ourselves libertarian but not Libertarian.
- pierce
2005-05-11 13:42:20] -
Aaron: I thought that was funny too. Not sure if it was supposed to insulting or not.
2005-05-11 13:42:01] -
pierce: i really don't think so. i think humor is harder to fight against, but beneath humor there is still a message (i.e. southpark or john stuart)
2005-05-11 13:41:06] - So she's controversial because no one can brush her opinions off as "well, she was just joking".
- pierce
2005-05-11 13:40:36] - has
2005-05-11 13:40:32] - affair hos nothing to do with marital status.
2005-05-11 13:40:15] -
paul: affair is the right word.
2005-05-11 13:39:56] - Sorry I'm coming into this so late, but couldn't part of the distinction be that Maher and Fraken are professional
comedians who do political commentary (or at least, that's what they're famous for), whereas Coulter is not funny (and not trying to be)?
- pierce
2005-05-11 13:38:53] -
mig: I don't know. I guess affair is the wrong word. Sexual relations?
2005-05-11 13:36:53] -
paul: As a female hero?!?! ouch to females
- aaron
2005-05-11 13:35:54] - just because you say it, doesn't make it true . . .
2005-05-11 13:34:25] -
paul: wait, is coulter, married? i know maher isn't.
- mig
2005-05-11 13:33:45] -
a: And all I was saying is that if they label her as controversial, then they should do the same to people who are roughly as controversial, like Franken and Maher.
2005-05-11 13:33:44] -
paul: really? i guess it wouldn't surprise me though.
- mig
2005-05-11 13:32:51] -
a: and he can call himself whatever he wants. i don't have to believe him. bush calls himself the defender of freedom. that doesn't make it so.
- mig
2005-05-11 13:32:20] - Jennifer action doll for sale
2005-05-11 13:31:06] - i'm not giving odds.
2005-05-11 13:30:48] -
paul: i'm just betting on ann "winning" . . . i never said how close it would be.
2005-05-11 13:30:03] -
basically. ann coulter says crazy stuff off the cuff. the tv people need to CYA, so they thought about labeling her as "bat-shit-insane" . . . then they were like "what's nicer than bat-shit-insane" and controvercial came to mind.
2005-05-11 13:29:22] -
mig: Wasn't there a rumor that they were having an affair?
2005-05-11 13:28:44] -
a: Again, I don't know for sure what you think, but I *suspect*.
2005-05-11 13:28:41] - i thought bill maher "is close friends with conservative pundit Ann Coulter" was even funnier since we were putting them up against eachother.
2005-05-11 13:28:29] -
a: I just think you would be surprised if you took a poll of people and asked them who was more controversial. Ann might still beat out Franken and/or Maher, but I think it would be closer than you think.
2005-05-11 13:27:58] -
paul: i represent everybody in america except your grandfather. (i don't really like the label)
2005-05-11 13:26:47] -
mig: i guess i should have said "bill maher calls himself a libertarian" instead of "bill maher is a libertarian" i guess i'm too trusting.
2005-05-11 13:26:34] -
a: Right, my grandfather represents one person, but I think there are plenty of like-minded people.
2005-05-11 13:25:49] -
mig: He was on Leno a couple of weeks (months?) ago and it doesn't seem like he's changed much as far as I could tell.
2005-05-11 13:25:17] -
paul: if you were to have understood her level of crazyness, you might have been able to immagine a world where lots of people hate her.
2005-05-11 13:25:16] -
2005-05-11 13:24:23] -
a: Agreed, you didn't try to refute it. But when you kept on trying to convince me that Ann was crazier I was under the impression you were misunderstanding my point, that's why I kept restating it.
2005-05-11 13:24:14] -
paul: people don't have to vote for lp candidates to be lp. if the lp puts forth a crappy candidate, no lp member is going to vote for him.
2005-05-11 13:23:33] -
a: although to be honest, i'm basing this on stuff he has said a few years back. its certainly possible he's changed his views on certain issues.
- mig
2005-05-11 13:23:25] - As for Maher calling himself a libertarian.... People can call themselves whatever they want but the opinions that he expresses (in addition to the people he has claimed to vote for) really seem at odds with what libertarianism stands for.
2005-05-11 13:23:16] - i think your grandfather represents one person.
2005-05-11 13:22:53] -
paul: ok. then i grant your point: that we have no way of knowing for sure. not like i ever tried to refute that though.
2005-05-11 13:21:55] -
a: In fact, I know my grandfather enjoys her and probably thinks Franken/Maher are more controversial than she is, and I think he represents a sizeable majority of the population.
2005-05-11 13:21:16] -
mig: not many people would vote for me. technically i can't win. so why would people vote for me?
2005-05-11 13:21:12] -
a: Right, I think we were trying to convince each other of different things. Ann might have said things which I personally consider more controversial, I'll give you that, but I am also pretty sure that me and my friends are not representative enough of America as a whole to say she is more controversial.
2005-05-11 13:20:13] -
a: I'm not sure what you're saying here. I am not sure I agree that Ann is more controversial. In fact, my point this entire time is that she isn't significantly more controversial (in the sense that I think). Crazier, maybe (but irrelevant). More controversial? Maybe, but my point is that she is not significantly more than Franken/Maher.
2005-05-11 13:19:58] -
paul: and i was trying to show that more people think she is crazy than people who think franken/maher are crazy . . . by showing her crazyness. sorry.
2005-05-11 13:17:51] -
paul: ok. if you had agreed that she was being more controversial, then you'd be convinced. it's all i could think of at the time.
2005-05-11 13:16:36] -
a: somehow i doubt that.
- mig
2005-05-11 13:16:23] -
a: I felt that all you were trying to do was convince me that Ann was crazier (which I might agree with) whereas that has very little bearing on my point, which is whether or not more people think she is crazy than people who think Franken/Maher is crazy.
2005-05-11 13:16:02] - because he thought he would make a better president? if i was running as the democratic presidential nominee for 2008, a lot of dems would vote republican.
2005-05-11 13:15:07] -
a: Understood, but simply quoting Ann and saying she is full of hate and ignorance and whatever isn't doing ANYTHING to convince me that she is more controversial than somebody else. All it proves to me is that you disagree with her more.
2005-05-11 13:14:40] -
a: how does that justify a vote for the greens, then, who are opposed to the lp on a fairly signficant amount of issues?
- mig
2005-05-11 13:12:42] -
paul: no, i stopped quoting her hours ago.
2005-05-11 13:12:16] -
paul: people can call whoever they want controversial. it may or MAY NOT be because of their biases.
2005-05-11 13:11:41] -
a: I think that was the point that was lost on you. You keep repeating Ann's quotes to me as if you're trying to convince me that she is more insane. Whether or not I agree is irrelevant.
2005-05-11 13:11:10] -
mig: maybe (maybe) for whatever reason, maher thinks browne would have made a bad president
2005-05-11 13:09:58] -
a: I might think that Alan Greenspan is totally insane but that doesn't make him controversial in my book.
2005-05-11 13:09:19] -
a: Right, but it doesn't matter which you think. It matters what the american population thinks.
2005-05-11 13:09:12] - i have a hard time thinking that someone who voted for nader over harry browne could possibly be a libertarian.
- mig
2005-05-11 13:07:17] -
mig: he calls himself a libertarian. and so do you . . . which one of you two should i believe?
2005-05-11 13:00:05] -
a: ummmm, not really. he shares some libertarian beliefs but that's about it.
- mig
2005-05-11 12:59:38] - why I like Duncan
2005-05-11 12:57:47] -
hahahahaha. bill maher "is close friends with conservative pundit Ann Coulter" (wiki)
2005-05-11 12:56:37] - bill maher is a libertarian
2005-05-11 12:45:12] -
ack, now I'm talking to myself
2005-05-11 12:45:02] -
dave: I mean, food stamps maybe, but health insurance?
2005-05-11 12:43:52] -
a: I think we should abandon it, but I dont' think that's going to happen. Almost every form of social security reform that has been proposed costs more money in the short term, so I guess that's more what I was referring to
2005-05-11 12:42:54] - to me, it's kinda like, hey, you came into our country and are staying against all of our laws. What do we do? Give them health insurance. *shaking head*
2005-05-11 12:42:46] -
dave: you don't think we should abandon social security?
2005-05-11 12:41:28] - like propping up social security
2005-05-11 12:41:01] - health care for illegal aliens. Not a bad idea...if we had money to spare. As it is, I think that money would be better spent doing something else.
2005-05-11 12:37:09] - where crazy-bat-shit-insane = don't think logically
2005-05-11 12:36:07] -
paul: i understanded all of that. your point wasn't lost on me. "labeling one side as controversial but not the other is unfair because they both are like that" is the part i'm having trouble with. it isn't unfair if one chick is crazy-bat-shit-insane and the other person is just a little freaky.
2005-05-11 12:24:48] -
Paul: Yeah, you're right
2005-05-11 12:24:46] - Where crazy = don't think logically
2005-05-11 12:24:38] -
Dave: Otherwise you can fall in the trap of saying that Ann Coulter isn't controversial because liberals are crazy, or that Franken isn't controversial because conservatives are crazy.
2005-05-11 12:21:13] -
So, a perfectly sane guy would be controversial in an insane asylum.
2005-05-11 12:20:26] -
Dave: No, I heavily disagree. It may not make any sense to me that somebody is controversial but I think you can really only label somebody as controversial based on what people who know of him think, even if the majority of people are crazy (IMHO).
2005-05-11 12:19:05] -
Paul: true, although you should probably separate out most of the American public since they don't think logically at all
2005-05-11 12:17:42] - Even if Coulter said "Kill the babies!" and Maher just said "I like bunnies". It really doesn't matter what I think, it matters what everybody thinks.
2005-05-11 12:17:36] -
a: this will be your most favorite person in the whole world.
- mig
2005-05-11 12:17:08] -
Dave: Well, to me, it's fairly irrelevant what I think (or what anybody here thinks) of what they say. It's more a matter of what the American population thinks. If 50% of the population hates everything Coulter says and 50% of the population hates what Maher says, then I would say it's only fair to call them both controversial.
2005-05-11 12:14:00] - d'oh, too many unfortunatelies
2005-05-11 12:13:44] -
Paul: Unfortunately, I'm ashamed to say I don't know much about any of those three people, so I can't really comment on their respective lvls of controversialness, hehe
2005-05-11 12:13:05] -
Paul: Unfortunately, I'm the resident conservative, so an agreement by me won't mean much, hehe
2005-05-11 12:09:43] -
Dave: Yes, yes, yes. I'm glad at least somebody understood what I was saying.
2005-05-11 12:08:28] -
a: in other words, he thinks its great that the TV people called her controversial, he just thinks they should have called the liberals controversial as well
2005-05-11 12:08:06] -
a: and that labeling one side as controversial but not the other is unfair because they both are like that
2005-05-11 12:08:01] -
Dave: Yes, thank you.
2005-05-11 12:07:35] -
a: I'm not positive, but I believe what Paul is frustrated with is the fact that you keep trying to show that Coulter is controversial, and that you think some of the things she has said are horrible. He's not trying to dispute that, he's just saying that he thinks both liberals and conservatives are like that
2005-05-11 12:06:20] -
mig: I watched the first couple minutes of her interview on Leno and it was horrible, I don't know if it was the editing or she was just a terrible interview, but her answers didn't seem to match up with the questions Leno asked and they kept cutting abruptly between her and him and you could tell that stuff had been cut out.
2005-05-11 12:06:12] -
mig: haha
2005-05-11 12:03:55] - you know for as controversial as ann is, i've found her to be quite a boring personality on tv.
- mig
2005-05-11 12:03:21] - Not to mention that I really didn't want to get into a debate anyway.
2005-05-11 12:03:17] - sigh
2005-05-11 12:02:44] -
a: Arg. Forget it. I've already stated it a number of times and I honestly can't think of any other way of phrasing it. For whatever reason, I just can't communicate my point to you.
2005-05-11 12:01:56] -
a: Right, but the same things are said by conservatives when people talk about how America might have some blame for 9/11. They say liberals hate America. It's fairly relative and we could argue THAT point but that's not the point I'm trying to argue now.
2005-05-11 12:01:16] - so what's your point?
2005-05-11 12:00:58] -
a: All you're focusing on is what she said though. That really isn't relevant to what I'm saying and I don't seem to be able to get that point across to you.
2005-05-11 12:00:34] -
paul: i was referring to "This isn't about what she said and how angry it makes you feel."
2005-05-11 11:59:46] -
a: *Sigh* That is so highly irrelevant that I don't think we're even on the same wavelength anymore.
2005-05-11 11:59:41] -
paul: you do?
2005-05-11 11:59:14] -
heh. i'm acting fairly unbiased. she talks seriously of genocide. i call that hate with an unbiased heart and mind.
2005-05-11 11:59:01] -
a: Yes, she has said horrible things. So have Franken and Maher. For the record, I probably agree with more of the "horrible" things that liberals say than horrible things that conservatives say.
2005-05-11 11:58:28] - i didn't spit on anyone. i'm a liberal.
2005-05-11 11:57:49] - This is about whether or not she is more controversial to the american population than somebody like Franken or Maher. I think she is not significantly more controversial than Franken/Maher to the American populace as a whole.
2005-05-11 11:56:42] - This isn't about what she said and how angry it makes you feel.
2005-05-11 11:56:16] -
a: So which is worse? Calling them names or spitting on them?
2005-05-11 11:56:03] -
a: Yeah, and liberals used to gather around and spit on the vets when they got home from the war.
2005-05-11 11:55:24] -
a: Heh, you're not exactly filling me with confidence that you can view Coulter neutrally in terms of whether or not it's biased to call her controversial.
2005-05-11 11:54:57] -
paul: she at least knew he was a vet.
2005-05-11 11:54:42] - to vietnam vet: "no wonder you guys lost."
2005-05-11 11:53:43] -
yeah, i'd buy her book. a person that is able to spill out such huge amounts of ignorence and hate was able to put enough thoughts together to fill a book. that amazes me.
2005-05-11 11:53:37] - Toyota posts record sales.
2005-05-11 11:53:00] - Just like I don't think Moore-haters were waiting in line to see F911.
2005-05-11 11:52:37] -
a: well, I don't know what I think about coulter, even after reading those quotes. Some I agree with, others I don't, and a lot depends on exactly what situation they were delivered in, and in what manner etc
2005-05-11 11:52:30] -
a: HUH!? Wait, are you saying you would buy her book? I'm sorry, I really don't think people who hate Coulter are going to buy her book.
2005-05-11 11:52:19] -
paul: fair enough, that is what i think.
2005-05-11 11:51:59] -
a: However, I don't *know* how many people you think she is loved/hated by. I admit that.
2005-05-11 11:51:53] -
paul: people who hate coulter ARE going to buy her book.
2005-05-11 11:51:31] -
a: That's true, that's why I said I *suspect*. It seems to me that you think Coulter is hated by a lot more people than Franken/Maher and I don't think that's necessarily true.
2005-05-11 11:50:32] -
a: Good point, I was wrong about it being a measure of being less controversial. I guess my point is that people who hate Coulter aren't going to buy her book so if she sold more books than Franken or Maher, I think it would greatly blunt your claim that she is hated by a lot of conservatives.
2005-05-11 11:49:28] -
paul: that's ludicrous. you can't possibly know how many people *i* think she is loved by.
2005-05-11 11:49:14] -
a: Yes it is, even if she was serious about invading their countries.
2005-05-11 11:48:49] - she's serious.
2005-05-11 11:48:47] - There's no doubt that Coulter is hated by a ton of people. Possibly even hated by a majority of people. But I also think she is loved but a ton of people and I suspect she is loved by a lot more people than Adrian suspects.
2005-05-11 11:48:44] -
dave: it's not a joke.
2005-05-11 11:48:21] -
Paul: or perhaps an indication of the numbers of conservatives vs. liberals? I guess if there was a big enough difference in sales mebbe you could tell
2005-05-11 11:48:17] -
paul: i agree with dave. controversy INCREASES book sales (not decreases).
2005-05-11 11:47:50] - ""To The People Of Islam: Just think: If we'd invaded your countries, killed your leaders and converted you to Christianity YOU'D ALL BE OPENING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS RIGHT ABOUT NOW! Merry Christmas." " haha, that's hilarious
2005-05-11 11:47:48] -
Dave: It's certainly not an ideal metric, but I think Coulter is about as well known as Maher and Franken, so if her book sold better than either of theirs, I think it would imply that she is not hated more than either of them.
2005-05-11 11:46:59] - Reason I ask (about the book sales) is because I suspect Coulter has sold a lot more books than most people suspect.
2005-05-11 11:46:29] - "honestly, i think both are about equally hated and liked by the same number of people" i would have a hard time believing that.
2005-05-11 11:46:15] -
Paul: Do you really think that's a good metric? Don't controversial things sell well? Think about Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11
2005-05-11 11:45:26] - "a medium-sized backpack, women are too vicious.""
2005-05-11 11:45:12] - Can anybody find any comparison between who has sold more books, Coulter or Franken (or Maher)? That might be a rough way of telling which is more popular/less controversial
2005-05-11 11:45:03] - I like this Coulter quote: ""I think the other point that no one is making about the abuse photos is just the disproportionate number of women involved, including a girl general running the entire operation. I mean, this is lesson, you know, number 1,000,047 on why women shouldn't be in the military. In addition to not being able to carry..."
2005-05-11 11:44:02] -
dave: right. well rush (although i disagree with him because i'm a liberal with a liberal bias) is
far more down to earth than ann.
2005-05-11 11:43:53] -
a: I do know that that quote (to the vietnam vet) is a little misleading because supposedly Coulter did not know he was disabled (she was talking to him over tv or something).
2005-05-11 11:43:07] -
a: You could be right. I think liberals probably also hate Franken and Maher. Honestly, I think both are about equally hated and liked by the same number of people. The people who hate Coulter are just louder.
2005-05-11 11:43:06] - i wish wikipedia would label which were jokes and which weren't (since it's not always obvious). like the "no wonder you guys lost" thing could have been a (tasteless) joke.
2005-05-11 11:43:04] -
a: I don't know much about ann coulter, but I do know that other highly-visible controversial / biased conservative commentators, like Rush Limbaugh (sp?), are embraced by the conservative community
2005-05-11 11:42:07] - "Was World War II worth it?" I'm impressed with Buchanan here, he makes a lot of good points.
2005-05-11 11:41:59] -
dave: who do you think is more controversial?
ann coulter or
bill maher ~a
2005-05-11 11:40:42] -
a: besides, that metric to label someone "controversial" or not is entirely subjective, so naturally people's biases are going to come into play.
2005-05-11 11:39:54] -
paul: i'm trying to take an unbiased view here. i think conservatives and christians around the world hate ann coulter. they hate her because she's a little to extreme for their liking.
2005-05-11 11:39:37] -
a: I agree. But if you only use the label "controversial" with conservatives and never with liberals, then you are basically implying that conservative viewpoints are more radical and controversial than liberal ones. That might be something you agree with, but I think you also have to admit it's biased.
2005-05-11 11:39:17] -
a: doing the world a disservice? 0_o
2005-05-11 11:38:23] - I just think that a lot of people have trouble distinguishing their agreement with something from whether or not it's controversial to people. We live in a fairly liberal environment so I don't think we realize how controversial some statements are to other parts of America.
2005-05-11 11:37:21] - you don't have to label all controversial people as "controversial". you ask yourself "if i have this person on and i don't label them as controversial, will i be doing the world (liberal or otherwise) a disservice?"
2005-05-11 11:37:13] -
a: Personally, I agree with that more than most of Coulter's quotes, but I also realize that it's just as controversial to conservatives as Coulter's quotes are to liberals.
2005-05-11 11:36:42] -
a: Bill Maher has said some horrible things too. His comment about the military being cowards and the terrorists being brave is considered QUITE horrible to many conservatives.
2005-05-11 11:36:00] -
Honestly, I have no problem labeling Ann Coulter as controversial (and I actually stopped watching the show when she came on because she seemed to be a TERRIBLE interview) but I think that if you don't use the term "controversial" for all of the controversial liberals that come on the show then I think it shows a little bias.
2005-05-11 11:34:48] -
paul: i know. my point isn't that bill maher isn't controversial because he is. my point is that ann coulter has said some very horrible things (even when taken from other points of view (most christians will agree that we shouldn't be converting muslims by force or raping the earth)). so i don't blame tv producers from labeling her as such
2005-05-11 11:34:39] -
a: Also, I would say that in some ways Coulter is probably less of a crackpot than that performance artist simply because all she does it talk. Other than that she lives a relatively normal life. The performance artist doesn't appear to be living a normal life by anybody's definition.
2005-05-11 11:34:29] -
a: Like Paul said, I'm not saying at all that the conservative people aren't just as biased or controversial, but I think both sides are equally so
2005-05-11 11:33:26] -
a: From what I can tell, he wasn't joking that that was really a quote Churchill said, except he altered the quote to make the liberal adjective positive, or at least neutral, instead of negative like the conservative one was
2005-05-11 11:32:46] -
a: It's the same thing as when the media labels republicans as hardcore conservatives (which they may be) but almost never refers to democrats as hardcore liberals (which they are just as likely to be).
2005-05-11 11:31:33] -
dave: was he joking?
2005-05-11 11:31:19] -
a: Right, my point isn't that Ann Coulter isn't controversial because she is. My point is that Al Franken and Bill Maher are also controversial but aren't labeled as such.
2005-05-11 11:31:02] - all of
bill maher's quotes are funny: "women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them."
2005-05-11 11:27:50] - Apparently Franken said on TV "Winston Churchill once said, ‘Show me a young man who’s a conservative, I’ll show you a man with no heart. Show me an old man who’s a liberal, I’ll show you a man with no money." Except the real quote said the liberals have no brains
2005-05-11 11:27:27] - i love you wikipedia: "being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of christianity (as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of 'kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name mohammed')"
2005-05-11 11:23:43] - "i think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."
2005-05-11 11:22:41] - to disabled vietnam vet bobby muller: "no wonder you guys lost."
2005-05-11 11:22:06] - "God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'" god, what a crackpot.
2005-05-11 11:20:51] -
paul: that's because al franken hasn't labeled outsiders as "savages" and bill maher has never said anything like "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
2005-05-11 11:07:38] - I don't say that to start a debate, but I know lots of you are always asking me for concrete examples of why I think there is a liberal bias and I figure it's easier if I call it when I see examples of it.
2005-05-11 11:06:40] -
btw, and I know most of you don't care, but I think they introduce Ann Coulter on the Tonight show as "controversial" when they didn't append the same adjective to Al Franken or Bill Maher.
2005-05-11 11:05:32] -
Dave: Out of being polite, I probably wouldn't label her a crackpot, but I really don't see who they WOULD label as a crackpot if not her.
2005-05-11 11:03:36] -
Paul: I personally would probably label her as an extremist but not a crackpot.
2005-05-11 11:02:19] -
Paul: it probably just depends on your perspective on what you normally think of as crackpots and extremists. I think what they're trying to say is that her reasons for doing this thing are more reasonable than a lot of other people's who do those kind of things
2005-05-11 10:54:19] - Two "extreme" vulnerabilities found in Firefox
2005-05-11 10:50:46] -
Or, for that matter, an extremist.
2005-05-11 10:50:26] - "But it turns out she's neither a crackpot nor an extremist in a town that can sometimes bend toward both." I think I very much disagree. If she's not a crackpot, then what is?
2005-05-11 07:49:32] - Discussion on the possible affects of "unpegging" the yuan from the dollar
2005-05-10 15:25:33] -
Amy: Good point, I can't believe I forgot Lori Loughlin.
2005-05-10 15:14:29] -
paul: potentially not but then there was always aunt becky .p
2005-05-10 15:13:41] - I watched it because of the Olsen twins. I mean.... Stephanie. Where any of the daughters on that show of legal age?
2005-05-10 15:04:04] - not that i ever watched that show... of course...
2005-05-10 15:03:55] -
a: oh, it's "a light"? does this mean you watched even more full house than me??
2005-05-10 14:05:13] -
whoever_set_the_title: somebody's waiting to carry you home? why do i remember this?? ^_^;
2005-05-10 14:03:26] - a light is waiting to carry you home.
2005-05-10 12:46:01] - lucky for me, the patent office is oppening up a new building in alexandria. that should help combat a potential exodus.
2005-05-10 12:36:15] -
dave: "I think the [base realignment] process is about to drop an economic bombshell on Northern Virginia. It's probably the greatest threat to our economy since the real estate recession of the late 1980s," doh.
2005-05-10 12:34:27] - Sony and Toshiba agree on Blu-Ray DVDs over HD DVDs
2005-05-10 12:33:16] - Motorola builds carbon-nano tube display prototype
2005-05-10 12:30:09] - East Asian hackers targeting Japan
2005-05-10 12:27:32] - DoD may have to move 50k jobs out of Northern VA
2005-05-10 12:26:08] - officials give in to prisoners' hostage demands...and deilver 15 pizzas
2005-05-10 12:22:38] -
a: a nice juicy hamburger.
- mig
2005-05-10 12:05:46] -
a: Sushi.
2005-05-10 11:59:37] -
oh_message_board: what should i eat for lunch?
2005-05-10 11:46:46] -
aaron: well there's that, but I was mostly referring to the irony of the RIAA's relationship with radio and her statements regarding the apple and the ipod.
- mig
2005-05-10 11:36:33] -
yeah, that's hard to control because you need one keymaster. it's hard to manage that across companies.
2005-05-10 11:34:22] - oh you mean, like if the riaa decided to make their own format?
2005-05-10 11:23:18] -
a: I mean an encrypted music format, like WMA and whatever the iTunes music store uses
- aaron
2005-05-10 11:04:12] -
link to ccrypt ~a
2005-05-10 11:02:09] -
aaron: file format? there's ccrypt (which works in cygwin and linux among other things). if you're talking about a protocol format, there's ssl, ssh, and https.
2005-05-10 11:01:41] - hmmm
2005-05-10 10:57:50] - is there any such thing as an encrypted format which no company holds the rights to? there's not yet is there?
- aaron
2005-05-10 10:56:29] -
mig: The irony that apple supports multiple open formats such as MP3 and OGG, and she complains about them restricting what goes on the player because they don't support microsoft's proprietary file format.. . . . heheh
- aaron
2005-05-10 10:47:25] - riaa exec complains about ipod only working with itunes service. apparently she was the only one who hasn't realized the irony of her statements.
- mig
2005-05-10 10:45:04] - "danny the dog?!?!" oh my god france is lame
- aaron
2005-05-10 09:28:55] -
lori: you should tell her that you've become a satan worshiper.
2005-05-10 09:28:01] -
yeah, system is easier to use, but there's lots you can't do with it. exec is more featureful.
2005-05-10 08:36:09] - I just got a completely random email from someone I went to elementary and middle school with - she found me on the tj site...wierd
- lori
2005-05-10 08:24:24] - Unleashed, Jet Li and Morgan Freeman
2005-05-10 08:16:36] -
a: ahhh thanks. the system cmd looks like it's much easier to use than the execX commands. Although apparently you can use the exec commands in windows
2005-05-09 17:51:58] - yay! 5/17 Scrubs (season 1); 5/24 Newsradio (seasons 1 and 2)!
- pierce
2005-05-09 17:12:22] -
mig: in either case, it's not exec("cmd") . . . it's exec
2005-05-09 16:44:35] -
dave: - mig
2005-05-09 16:27:32] -
a: no i'm pretty sure you can use it on win32 as well.
- mig
2005-05-09 16:24:00] -
mig: i think exec if for linux only. i think system("cmd") is for anything.
2005-05-09 16:22:53] -
dave: system
2005-05-09 16:10:51] -
mig: thx
2005-05-09 16:00:36] - exec("cmd"); i don't remember what libraries you have to include though.
- mig
2005-05-09 15:55:21] - some sort of system call?
2005-05-09 15:55:09] - does anyone know how to make a "DOS" command call from C ?
2005-05-09 15:28:01] -
vinnie: (jk)
2005-05-09 15:27:54] -
vinnie: hmm funny, my elec is 3x as much as usual...
2005-05-09 15:19:01] -
pierce: yeah, I rarely change th thermostat, so the temperature outside must be close to what we have it set at
- vinnie
2005-05-09 15:13:40] -
pierce: as opposed to forwardslashdot?
2005-05-09 14:51:14] -
a: backslashdot?
- pierce
2005-05-09 14:20:49] -
pierce: if you point to the unstable tree that's not much of a problem.
- mig
2005-05-09 14:07:08] -
pierce: alot of people on \. were giving reasons for why the study wasn't very scientific (i.e. the polled population wasn't random)
2005-05-09 13:58:19] - Ouch indeed, but that might be the curse of debian's conservative package inclusion policy. If there's a new release, people jump on it, but then when they want updated packages they start looking elsewhere. Just speculation.
- pierce
2005-05-09 13:42:17] - I'm going to assume it's because we didn't need to heat or air condition our place much at all this month.
- pierce
2005-05-09 13:36:14] -
vinnie: Woo! I don't know what we did differently, but we used one-third as much electricity this month as we did last month.
- pierce
2005-05-09 11:54:17] - winning bidder for runaway bride toast reneges. imho the likeness on the toast is remarkable
- aaron
2005-05-09 10:48:49] -
ouch to debian ~a
2005-05-09 09:48:24] -
Aaron: I did not, but I saw some scenes from it (from a commercial or something).
2005-05-09 09:43:57] -
paul: Hehe. Jennifer Aniston made the list. Did you see that episode?
- aaron
2005-05-09 09:38:30] - "Top 10 Babes We Want to See in the Return of the Jedi Slave Leia Outfit"
2005-05-07 18:46:02] - $102 on a $2 bet at the kentucky derby.
2005-05-07 10:48:51] - and if someone cheats and doesn't raise the cow according to the strict new rules, they can be sent to jail for two years
2005-05-07 10:48:28] - and every cow will be radio tracked. You'll be able to go onto the internet and find a picture of the place your beef was raised, hehehe
2005-05-07 10:48:01] -
apparently, the beef will be raised humanely, butchered, packaged etc all within S.D. walling it off from mad cows disease etc.
2005-05-07 10:47:18] - South Dakota attempting to remake itself as a luxury beef producer
2005-05-06 19:17:58] - s/impossible/too difficult/
2005-05-06 19:17:47] -
pierce: because it's impossible to tell the difference between internal text and internal smilies.
2005-05-06 17:39:47] -
Paul: contextually, yes.
- pierce
2005-05-06 16:44:58] -
Pierce: You're going on a vacation?
2005-05-06 16:34:31] -
interesting... any smilies in the middle don't get translated into images.
- pierce
2005-05-06 16:34:06] - Woohoo! Caribbean vacation plan set: seven nights at :):)
- pierce
2005-05-06 16:27:26] -
a: I'm not sure they knew at the time. I think that's why it fell through. They found out it was Mother's Day.
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