here are old message board entries

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[2001-02-20 23:53:00] - Famous singer shoots off gun -paul

[2001-02-20 23:50:00] - and you came across the fact that Elton John is gay? what in heaven's name was your search term? :) - vinnie

[2001-02-20 23:39:00] - No, I didn't know.  I found out trying to search for info on Eminem's criminal gun charges. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 23:36:00] - yeah, he's gay.  you didn't know? - mig

[2001-02-20 23:36:00] - ugh. napster has been comercialized - mig

[2001-02-20 23:18:00] - Elton John is gay?!? -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 23:13:00] - Hey, adrian, you're taking Physics, which level? 2305, 06, or other? -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 23:13:00] -  D'oh!!! -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 22:53:00] - I'm not here -paul

[2001-02-20 22:51:00] - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a

[2001-02-20 22:50:00] - i am always here . . . hey, it's my computer :-D  ~a

[2001-02-20 22:46:00] - Bah, no one else is here.  Guess I'll study C++ some more. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 22:37:00] - I'm almost off the list.  But I shall prevail.  I don't mind 4th place. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 21:55:00] - Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to upset anyone -paul

[2001-02-20 21:54:00] -

[2001-02-20 21:32:00] - i'm not number one no more.  :'(    -  aba

[2001-02-20 20:07:00] - myabe i'm just not into the whole free for all capitalism thing - mig

[2001-02-20 20:05:00] - grrr.. this argument's just going on in circles and i do not care to discuss it anymore. - mig

[2001-02-20 20:01:00] - Testing -paul

[2001-02-20 19:57:00] - D'oh -Paul

[2001-02-20 19:57:00] - Why does the government even need to know how much you earned in a year? -Paul

[2001-02-20 19:57:00] - The government shouldn't care if it is proportionally smaller to one person or another -Paul

[2001-02-20 19:56:00] - Not in my opinion. I think everyone should pay an equal amount... -Paul

[2001-02-20 19:53:00] - so it's not the government's problem that they are casuing a finicial burden on the middle class but not the rich? - mig

[2001-02-20 19:51:00] - That's not the government's problem. They aren't singling out the poor people -Paul

[2001-02-20 19:51:00] - the same amount of money means more to the person who has less - mig

[2001-02-20 19:47:00] - by making them pay more in proportion to those who make more pay.  it's more of a finicial burden - mig

[2001-02-20 19:46:00] - It's not punishing them at all. How is it punishing them? -Paul

[2001-02-20 19:40:00] - so we punish people who make less money? - mig

[2001-02-20 18:59:00] - Because they have less money, that is why -Paul

[2001-02-20 18:51:00] - i still don't understand why the less rich have to pay more(in proportion to what they earn) than the rich. - mig

[2001-02-20 18:19:00] - I still don't understand why tax the rich more -paul

[2001-02-20 18:19:00] - Bad Travis, no posting under my name -paul

[2001-02-20 18:19:00] - neither is going to be terribly burdensome to the other - mig

[2001-02-20 18:19:00] - aaron is bad - paul

[2001-02-20 18:19:00] - make it like 5% for middle class and 10% for rich - mig

[2001-02-20 18:18:00] - well it's like drawing the line for a lot of things.  no one really knows but it should be drawn somewhere. - mig

[2001-02-20 18:17:00] - what? - mig

[2001-02-20 18:17:00] - Bad aaron, no posting under my name -paul

[2001-02-20 18:17:00] - Forgery is bad - paul

[2001-02-20 18:16:00] - I just don't see where you draw the line -Paul

[2001-02-20 18:16:00] - paul, really, you know that's not what i mean. - mig

[2001-02-20 18:15:00] - That is certainly within reason, any money earned over 17,000 dollars is only going to be used for luxeries and such, why not give it to the government? -Paul

[2001-02-20 18:13:00] - i mean it's what one should be able to afford within reason. - mig

[2001-02-20 18:13:00] - Since any person can afford to pay any money they make over that amount. 17,000 is plenty for one person to live a decent life with -paul

[2001-02-20 18:13:00] - and that's why i didn't vote for him - mig

[2001-02-20 18:12:00] - If everyone should give what they can afford, then we should do what Nader proposes and tax 100% of income over say 17,000 dollars. -Paul

[2001-02-20 18:11:00] - I think differently. I believe that taxes are a fee that the government charges for living in the US and using services provided by the government. In that case, everyone should pay the same -Paul

[2001-02-20 18:09:00] - i use the term give very loosly - mig

[2001-02-20 18:08:00] - the idea of taxes is that it's sort of a "tithe" to government.  one should "give" what they should be able to afford - mig

[2001-02-20 18:07:00] - i don't have to buy the most expensive car, but i do have to pay taxes - mig

[2001-02-20 18:07:00] - the middle class gets screwed in all cases and scenarios. the poor doesn't really pay taxes at all.  but the difference between taxes and buying a car is because everyone has to pay them. - mig

[2001-02-20 18:04:00] - 6:15 yes? -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 18:03:00] - miguel, west end food. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 18:02:00] - taxes screw everyone, flat taxes screw everyone the least, bracketed taxes screws the rich and middle class more, ostensibly in the benefit of the poor, but that fails too. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 18:02:00] - Only the government is screwed up enough to think it has to tax the rich more for some obscene reason -Paul

[2001-02-20 18:01:00] - So what if it is 1% for a rich person. Do we sell cars for 10% of a person's income? No, we sell it for a flat fee -Paul

[2001-02-20 18:00:00] - It should be just a thousand dollars. Also, why does it matter how much money someone has? Can someone explain the rationale? -Paul

[2001-02-20 18:00:00] - yes, paul, but you know that's it not going to be "just a thousand dollars" - mig

[2001-02-20 17:59:00] - that makes it even harder for middle class to aspire to be rich - mig

[2001-02-20 17:59:00] - say the flat tax is like 5000 dollars.  to a person that makes 30000, that's like 1/6 of what he makes.  someone who makes 500000 ends up paying only 1%. - mig

[2001-02-20 17:58:00] - I'm not talking about a flat percentage, I mean a flat "everyone pays a One thousand dollar fee" tax -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:57:00] - Flat tax screws nobody. Everybody pays the same amount. How does that screw anybody? -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:57:00] - bracketed tax screws everyone.  Flat taxes screw everyone less. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:56:00] - flat tax screws the middle class. - mig

[2001-02-20 17:55:00] - i figure you're going to say "the rich" and i say "the poor", so as i see it, we will probably never agree - mig

[2001-02-20 17:55:00] - Incorrect. A flat tax on everybody would not be unfair. -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:52:00] - look, either way, any taxing scheme is going to be unfair.  which would you rather have it benefit more, the rich or the poor? - mig

[2001-02-20 17:51:00] - should we charge the rich for being fortunate? -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:49:00] - so we should charge the poor for being unfortunate? - mig

[2001-02-20 17:46:00] - If anything, rich people use less government services then poor people. so if anything, they should pay less then the poor -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:45:00] - Just because they can afford it more should we tax them more? Do we double the price of a hamburger for rich people? -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:45:00] - People will stop making an effort to make the money, the economy and goverment will both collapse spectacularly. -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:44:00] - See, that's the basic flawed argument.  The "what" is that it's not fair. Not fair to the rich, and not fair to the poor aspiring to be rich.  What benefit is to be gained if by making more money we end up losing money.  As soon as there is no reason

[2001-02-20 17:43:00] - so, what if the rich are paying more.  they can afford it. - mig

[2001-02-20 17:41:00] - The richer person is still paying more though... Why not make it a flat fee of 1000 dollars or something? -paul

[2001-02-20 17:41:00] - But paying say, 17% of 20,000 is just as fair as paing 17% of 100,000,000. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:40:00] - That's why people below a certain income don't pay any taxes I'm all for that. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:40:00] - No, we don't pay people less because they have more money, we don't  sell them things for more expensive, so why do we tax them more? -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:40:00] - like aparna said paying 17% of a 5000 is going to hurt a lot more than someone paying 17% of 1000000 - mig

[2001-02-20 17:39:00] - Taxing one person more then another person because they have more money is not fair. Do rich people get a smaller salary because they have more money -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:39:00] - Explain how the poor are hurt more by paying a flat income tax? -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:38:00] - Goodnight aparna :-( -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:38:00] - No, it doesn't.

[2001-02-20 17:38:00] - fairness means making things equal for all.  making taxes the same rate for everyone is unequal because it causes a burden on those that are less fortunate. - mig

[2001-02-20 17:38:00] - debating with you guys just isn't on my list of priorities right now.  maybe someother time.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:37:00] - But, paul, if anything the poor benefit more from the government. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:37:00] - i'm going to bed.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:37:00] - No, the rich are getting back what has been stolen from them for years.  -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:37:00] - I just think since everyone benefits the same from government (or at least that's how it should be) then everyone should pay the same -paul

[2001-02-20 17:37:00] - ah, fuck it.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:37:00] - I worked for all my money.  And I have a substantial sum of it, I will admit.  Diminished now, because of college, but enough to make me know that I don't want to be supporting free-loafers. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:36:00] - lowering taxes still isn't fair because then the rich people are still getting off easy.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:36:00] - of course, we can also reduce the government's size enough so that it function with the revenue generated from tariffs, and there wouldn't be any taxes. - mig

[2001-02-20 17:36:00] - Very very few people inherit riches, those that do, the riches are typically gone in a generation or too.  Do you know any rich rockefellers, or Carnegies?  The same will eventually be true of Gates. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:36:00] - almost every single republican who supports the flat tax didn't work for his money.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:35:00] - Lower taxes then, there is no reason we should pay half of what we make to the government -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:34:00] - aye.  and many people live off stealing the work of others (bill gates, and the entire music industry) - mig

[2001-02-20 17:34:00] - heh.  not everyone does a good job of arguing things they don't believe in, paul.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:33:00] - many people inherit their riches.  you can't expect the poor to be able to contribute as much as the rich.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:32:00] - because it makes it impossible for the poor man to attain any better status - mig

[2001-02-20 17:32:00] - and it is fair because it's a matter of need.  people who work hard in janatorial jobs never earn much money or advance, but they can't afford to pay flat taxes like rich people can.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:32:00] - Well that ended quickly. Sorry Aparna, I can't argue your side very eloquently :-( -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:31:00] -

[2001-02-20 17:31:00] - Bracketed taxes are not good, fair, or any other wholesome word. -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:30:00] - with some rare exceptions the rich man worked hard for his money.  What did the poor man do to deserve anything?  He may well have worked hard, but typically we will reward hard work with the money required. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:30:00] - i agree, bracketed tax is good. right now it penalizes you more for being middle class, which is not good. - mig

[2001-02-20 17:30:00] - that was supposed to be 20,000 and 20,000,000  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:30:00] - conservatives never tend to compromise, and keep pushing for what they want until they get it. - mig

[2001-02-20 17:29:00] - All right, I will play devil's advocate here... How is letting someone starve while a rich man dines on fine food fair? -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:29:00] - ha.  the stupid board got rid of my dollar signs.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:28:00] - liberals are good, but the problem with liberal politicians is they compromise too much.  that's why our government is so conservative now. - mig

[2001-02-20 17:28:00] - Yes, it does mean a lot more.  But how is that fair? -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:27:00] - bracketed tax schemes are a good idea.  17% of $20,000 means a lot more to that person than 17% of $20,000,000 does to someone who is rich.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:27:00] - We just disagree on which social reforms need to be done. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:25:00] - I don't think you are dumb for believing in social reform. Umm... what kind of social reform? -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:25:00] - No, I think social reform is a good thing.  It needs to be done. -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:24:00] - All I know is that more women are liberals then conservatives so liberals can't be good :-) -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:24:00] - we should rid the world of traditional conservatives.  if europe can live without them, so can we - mig

[2001-02-20 17:24:00] - you guys think i am dumb for believing what in social reform.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:22:00] - No, those are free-thought liberals. -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:20:00] - Who is crying and why!? -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:20:00] - :'(

[2001-02-20 17:20:00] - :;(

[2001-02-20 17:19:00] - Are you sure? I thought social liberals just wanted equal rights for gays and minorities and stuff... -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:17:00] - Those are the social liberals, Paul, they seek social changes, such as bracketed tax schemes to penalize the hard-working in favor of the poor. -- Xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:16:00] - Social liberals are fine, it the economic *cough* communist *cough* liberals that I dislike -paul

[2001-02-20 17:16:00] - Ah, the social liberals.  Those are no fun.  Liberals in the idea of free thought are good , though. -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:15:00] - The liberals that make places like Canada and France such *cough* wonderful places to live -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:14:00] - I have re-surpased Vinnie. Hah! -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:13:00] - Which liberals are we talking about? -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:13:00] - Liberals are *gag* cool... -paul

[2001-02-20 17:12:00] - liberals are cool  :P  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:12:00] - I will -not- be knocked off the message board! -- xpovos

[2001-02-20 17:11:00] - Fine, fine. I change it to: "Move to Canda, it is a wonderful place with a *gag* wonderful liberal government" -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:11:00] - still even so, japanese people are in general more free than we are - mig

[2001-02-20 17:07:00] - yes!  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:04:00] - Would I mock you? -paul

[2001-02-20 17:03:00] - ;)

[2001-02-20 17:03:00] - don't mock me paul  >:0  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:02:00] - Move to Canada, they have the perfect stagnate welfare state -Paul

[2001-02-20 17:02:00] - i'd love to live in some liberal european country (like the netherlands).  -  aba

[2001-02-20 17:00:00] - i wouldn't mind living in japan if they respected women more - mig

[2001-02-20 16:59:00] - Japan has a very liberal government, I think you would actually enjoy it there... except for the fact that it is a male dominated society... I wanna live there :-( -Paul

[2001-02-20 16:59:00] - ;)

[2001-02-20 16:59:00] - and i don't.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 16:58:00] - I want to live in Tokyo :-( -paul

[2001-02-20 16:58:00] - heh.  the comments are not mine, but you need an account to view the ny times, so i just posted the e-quill version.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 16:57:00] -

[2001-02-20 16:57:00] - Capitalist pigs? -Paul

[2001-02-20 16:56:00] -

[2001-02-20 16:53:00] -

[2001-02-20 16:53:00] - he really doesn't sound sarcastic.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 16:53:00] - william mercer.  we'll see.  at least i hope i will get the job.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 16:51:00] - What company do you think you got a job with btw? -Paul

[2001-02-20 16:51:00] - You sure he wasn't being sarcastic? -Paul

[2001-02-20 16:49:00] - josh sent me that link.  isn't that such a load of bs?  -  aba

[2001-02-20 16:49:00] -

[2001-02-20 16:49:00] - heh.  i wish i could have gone, but i think i might possibly have nailed down a job for the summer.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 16:46:00] - And it is good exercise -paul

[2001-02-20 16:39:00] - yes, ping pong is good.  helped get rid of my frustrations for the day. - mig

[2001-02-20 16:23:00] - Ping pong is fun, we should do it twice a week! -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:05:00] - i'll meet you guys at owens?  i might be late now.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 12:05:00] - Need to find myself a pig :-) Bye everyone! -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:05:00] - i lost track of the time.

[2001-02-20 12:05:00] - yuck.  i need to shower.

[2001-02-20 12:04:00] - I would lvoe to continue this arguement (especially since I am in 2nd) but I gotta get ready for lunch at 12:45 -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:04:00] - no, ie just has specialized tags that only they support because they are nonstandard.  i have never had any real problems coding stuff for netscape.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 12:04:00] - there are a lot of ways you can convert images.  doesn't ms paint let you do it?  -  aba

[2001-02-20 12:04:00] - bmps suck.  they are incredibly inefficient in storing images. - mig

[2001-02-20 12:03:00] - Netscape requires web-page designers to bend over backwards to get stuff to work right on it, IE is so much easier to work with -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:03:00] - because they should be using proper image formats such as jpg and gif.  those are formats supported by pretty much every browser out there.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 12:03:00] - i don't have much problems with formatting in netscape - mig

[2001-02-20 12:02:00] - Maybe they don't know how to convert bitmaps to other formats and can only show the bitmap -paul

[2001-02-20 12:02:00] - far from incorrectly.  my code is all done by hand, and almost all w3 compatible.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 12:02:00] - Why is it really dumb? -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:02:00] - Travis and I have done a lot of web-page design, and it has been a major head-ache to get stuff to show up right in netscape -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:01:00] - some of those features are terrible.  there are people out there with bitmaps all over their webpages, and that's really dumb.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 12:01:00] - Because netscape formats it differently, most of the time totally incorrectly -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:01:00] - But they do stick to it, they support everything that W3 asks them to, they just added more stuff, how is that wrong? -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:01:00] - because at least i know when i create my pages and look at them in netscape, i know that for the most part everyone out there will be able to see what i see.  with ie that's totally not true.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 12:00:00] - Right, but they DO follow the standard, is adding more features so bad? -Paul

[2001-02-20 12:00:00] - they create a standard but never force you to stick to it.  it just makes common sense to want to stick to it.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:59:00] - According to you, IE is bad because it doesn't follow the W3 standard, so if there is nothing wrong with not following it, why do you hate IE? -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:59:00] - paul, you're the one who is all about supporting consumer groups and such.  w3 was created for the specific purpose of making sure that everyone would follow the same standard so you wouldn't have incompatible web pages.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:59:00] - And for consumers to decide which browser they want to use -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:59:00] - why?  w3 doesn't regulate stuff like that.  i was under the impression that they only dealt with the interpretive side of browsers.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:59:00] - W3 can go fuck themselves, you can't have a comittee make rules for what can and cannot be allowed in browsers, that's a decision for the company to make -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:58:00] - Also, I don't think calling something gay is an insult because I don't think there is anything wrong with being a homosexual :-) -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:58:00] - new standards should be made by the w3.  they are an organization created by the industry for that specific purpose.  ie shouldn't be doing the things that they are doing.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:57:00] - How about netscape? I'm sure integrating AIM into it is against W3 standards, that's pretty bad... -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:57:00] - what is so great about bmps anyway.  they're  a very inefficient format.  - mig

[2001-02-20 11:57:00] - What is wrong with supporting non-standard stuff? How else are new standards created? If new stuff was never done, nothing would ever advance -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:56:00] - ie is possibly the worst browser out there at following w3 standards.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:56:00] - no i hate ie because it crashes all the time and it supports all kinds of gay non-standard tags and stuff.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:55:00] - But they are following the standard, they just added some more features. Since when have new features been a bad thing? -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:55:00] - Well, I don't have netscape on my machine or else it would possibly be the worse piece of software on my machine -paul

[2001-02-20 11:55:00] - no, the w3 was created so that there would be a standard for everyone to follow.  microsoft is acting really gay by not following the standards.  netscape does a much better job than ie in that respect.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:54:00] - It seems to me that you hate Ie simply because it is IE and for no other reason -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:54:00] - every time ie crashes it takes my whole computer down.  not only does the system tray disappear, it never ever reappears.  ie is possibly the worst piece of software on my machine.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:54:00] - That doesn't make any sense. You are saying the W3 was created to try to screw microsoft? -paul

[2001-02-20 11:53:00] - supporting bitmaps is bad because the w3 was created so that we wouldn't have to deal with fucking fags like the people who created ie.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:53:00] - and every time it crashes.  poof goes the system tray - mig

[2001-02-20 11:53:00] - I haven't had IE crash this semester yet -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:53:00] - IE is much more stable then netscape -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:53:00] - that's craptacular for you.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:52:00] - even in win 2k it crashes more than i'd like it too! - mig

[2001-02-20 11:52:00] - ie crashes almost every time i use it on my machine.  netscape hasn't crashed in months.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:52:00] - What's wrong with displaying bitmaps? There is absolutely nothing wrong with it at all, you are trying to pass off the better features of IE as bad things -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:52:00] - IE IS NOT FUCKING STABLE! - mig

[2001-02-20 11:52:00] - unlike ie which is trying to make everyone just use their browser instead of helping to standardize things.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:52:00] - D'oh, Well Linux is a different beast altogether. Nothing crashed on Linux :-) -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:51:00] - ha.  hardly minor errors.  bitmaps are not a supported standard of the w3, so netscape doesn't let you use them.  they are trying to make the browsing experience the same for everybody.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:51:00] - I prefer to have the versatile and stable IE then the crap-tacular netscape <i>-paul<i/>

[2001-02-20 11:51:00] - netscape ran perfectly fine in all the computers at school at tj.  it ran perfectly on all the linux machines - mig

[2001-02-20 11:50:00] - SO netscape is better because it plain refuses to load any pages that have minor errors in it? What a great feature! -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:50:00] - you're wrong paul - mig

[2001-02-20 11:50:00] - Lies, lies. Netscape is quite possible more unstable then Blitz, and certainly more so then Win98 -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:49:00] - no netscape won't display most non-standard pages.  ie is bad because it promotes the usage of non-standard tags.  the w3 was created for a reason.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:49:00] - netscape also handles java better - mig

[2001-02-20 11:48:00] - ie crahes more than netscape - mig

[2001-02-20 11:48:00] - Hell no, Netscape has problems displaying like every page, IE very rarely has problems and is faster too -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:48:00] - ha.  i started out using mozilla.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:48:00] - i say the oppoiste is true - mig

[2001-02-20 11:48:00] - netscape is so much better.  netscape has a slower load time, but it is so much better than ie.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:48:00] - Netscape has crashed so much more then IE, and I have used IE for much longer then netscape -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:47:00] - netscape displays pages better than ie. - mig

[2001-02-20 11:47:00] - In fact, netscape is dead. So Ie has been raping netscapes decaying corpse for quite some time! -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:47:00] - ie sucks.  ie crashes all the time and takes the whole system tray with it.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:47:00] - netscape is better! - mig

[2001-02-20 11:46:00] -

[2001-02-20 11:46:00] - 98 is so much better then 95 and ie rapes netscape on a daily basis -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:45:00] - netscape could rape ie any day.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:45:00] - at least when netscape crahes it doesn't take the system tray with it. - mig

[2001-02-20 11:45:00] -    ha!

[2001-02-20 11:45:00] - NETSCAPE IS BETTER! - mig

[2001-02-20 11:44:00] - 98 didn't improve on 95 at all.  and me just made everything worse - mig

[2001-02-20 11:44:00] - Much in the same way that netscape is better then ie? -paul

[2001-02-20 11:44:00] - i'll give them that win 2k is good, but ok, 95 to 98?  98 to ME?

[2001-02-20 11:44:00] - win2k is a lot better than 98.  well, pe is.  not me.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:43:00] - Like from win98 to win2k? I dunno -paul

[2001-02-20 11:43:00] - heh.  when 95 first came out, i liked 3.1 so much better.  maybe it'll just take getting used to.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:42:00] - why do they always insist on "downgrading" their products -  mig

[2001-02-20 11:41:00] - I don't see why they need to change the windows interface when they got one that works already -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:41:00] - win xp looks even worse than 95.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:40:00] - so i can manage my images better.  i have paint shop pro for that.  - mig

[2001-02-20 11:40:00] - I'm fine with win98, I don't need an upgrade for awhile -Paul

[2001-02-20 11:40:00] - it looks like "windows" for kids - mig

[2001-02-20 11:39:00] - it looks really bad.  and supposedly it's not going to be skinnable either.  -  aba

[2001-02-20 11:39:00] -

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