here are old message board entries
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2005-09-15 15:09:27] -
mig: Pretty funny.
2005-09-15 15:09:03] -
Paul: and your monkey ^_^
2005-09-15 15:07:27] -
Dave: *Nod* I can see that way of thinking. The funny thing is that it's very different from my own political philosophy. I don't care too much what you think, as long as you keep your hands off me.
2005-09-15 15:07:05] - unconstitutional institution requires teaching about the constitution... too much ... irony.
- mig
2005-09-15 15:06:52] -
Paul: like if I wasn't a christian, I wouldn't think there's anything wrong with raping or murdering other people, other than possible societal ramifications for living in a society that allowed that.
2005-09-15 15:05:26] -
Paul: from one point of view, it's kinda ridiculous to try to get non-christians to follow all of the rules of christianity, in many senses it doesn't make any sense for them to follow them
2005-09-15 15:02:34] - ...certain things are wrong
2005-09-15 15:02:28] -
Paul: like, to me, what's important is trying to promote christianity - so it's bothersome that things like homosexuality and abortion are becoming legal, because it's an indicator that people are moving away from what I think is a christian. But I'm not going to rant and rave at the byproduct of people not being christian, although i will say that I think ...
2005-09-15 15:01:46] -
Dave: Ok, makes a certain amount of sense to me.
2005-09-15 15:00:23] -
Paul: yeah, if you want to say it that way.
2005-09-15 14:59:10] -
Paul: well, it concerns me because it shows that most people don't think there's anything wrong with it, but it itself doesn't really concern me I guess
2005-09-15 14:59:08] -
Dave: So changing people's minds is more important than getting people elected?
2005-09-15 14:57:55] -
Paul: and to continue my other thought - I would be more motivated to change what people think than the law, it's what really matters anyways, the law will follow later if it needs to
2005-09-15 14:57:19] -
Dave: Wait, so you're not too concerned abortion is legal in the US?
2005-09-15 14:57:07] -
Paul: I dont' think he's ever said that he doesnt' have a problem with it, just that it's the law, which it most certainly is
2005-09-15 14:56:26] -
Paul: I guess it's because in many respects, although it's nice when the law sides with what you think is morally right, it doesn't bother me that it isn't. Like I more think of it as an indicator of what people in the US are thinking than anything else
2005-09-15 14:54:27] -
Dave: True, but most everything since then has been him basically saying that Roe v Wade is the law and he has no problem with it. He could always change his mind, of course, but it doesn't sound like he's eager to change anything now.
2005-09-15 14:54:10] -
Paul: what's also interesting is that it doesn't seem to bother me one way or another whether Roe v. Wade gets overturned or not
2005-09-15 14:53:51] -
Paul: yeah, definitely, but I don't really know whether you can really say till after he starts doing stuff, he can really just say whatever he wants.
2005-09-15 14:53:10] -
Paul: I think he has talked about some, but not about whether roe v. wade was the correct ruling. But I think sometime in his past there was some memo or something that said he disagreed with the way they ruled, which could mean any number of things though
2005-09-15 14:52:03] -
Dave: Which, I have to say, doesn't sound like somebody who is going to lead the charge to overturn Roe v Wade, and I have to think that's a little disappointing to some social conservatives.
2005-09-15 14:51:55] -
pierce: maybe that's just because they can't "force" him to talk about stuff he doesn't want to, so they decide not to press the issue
2005-09-15 14:51:25] -
Pierce: yeah, I get what you're saying, and dont' find anything wrong with it either, but it definitely seems like it affects it somehow - like no one has challenged him that it's not a valid reason
2005-09-15 14:51:19] - I'm not so sure what the policy is on talking about past court cases. I actually think they're supposed to feel free to comment on those and I think he has been.
2005-09-15 14:50:25] -
Paul: well from what I can tell, what he's said is that he believe Roe v. Wade is definitely a precedent and should be treated as settled law, not that it can't be overturned, but that it has to be handled under stare decisis or whatever the term is
2005-09-15 14:50:24] -
Pierce: Ah, well, your last statement renders mine a bit obsolete.
2005-09-15 14:49:59] -
Pierce: Perhaps, but if a senator asked Roberts what he would do if Wade v Roe came before him and Roberts said he would vote for it, then I think it kinda binds his hands if in the future the case does come before the court.
2005-09-15 14:49:06] -
So, if I were a nominee, I wouldn't answer questions about
upcoming cases... but I would feel free to answer questions about past cases to my heart's content.
- pierce
2005-09-15 14:47:53] - As for not talking about one's own political opinions for fear of it being a source of bias in the future, that logic doesn't work. I could say I disagree with Roe v. Wade and would have voted against it at the time. However, that does not preclude me from analyzing the particular details of a future case (call it Wade v. Roe) by its own merits.
- pierce
2005-09-15 14:45:51] - I can see how it's not necessarily healthy to be using someone's political views to determine whether they're qualified to be a justice... that's not really what it's supposed to be about. However, one should recognize that in practical terms, the president's choice of nominee was itself based on political views to some extent; that can of worms is already open.
- pierce
2005-09-15 14:45:07] -
Dave: It sounds like what he has been saying so far is that he believes that Roe v Wade is the established law of the land and that he has no intention of overturning it. Of course, that's just what I'm guessing based on what he has said.
2005-09-15 14:43:26] - what you want
2005-09-15 14:43:13] -
paul: altho, I suppose there's enough gray area that a lot of times you can just decide what youw and then come up with support later
2005-09-15 14:42:30] -
Paul: yeah, you really can't tell whether he'd overturn roe v wade or not. and interestingly, I wonder whether I'd want him to overturn it if it was done shadily, or not in a strictly legal sense.
2005-09-15 14:41:12] -
a: they also have his entire legal record of opinions (judgemens he's handed down) and a boatload of other documentation on everything he's done up to this point to judge him on
2005-09-15 14:32:58] -
Dave: Yeah, I guess it just comes down to me thinking that a guy is more likely to want to lose his virginity than a woman. That could still be true, and that it's just harder for a man to lose his virginity though.
2005-09-15 14:31:46] -
mig: From everything I've read about Roberts up until the hearing, I could see why a lot of conservatives of all types liked him. After the hearings, I think the social conservatives might have cause to be a little worried.
2005-09-15 14:31:10] -
Paul: yeah, that too - like guys are just looking for sex, whereas sex for a woman probably means more in terms of relationship etc
2005-09-15 14:26:30] -
Dave: That could be it. I guess I mostly just think that virginity seems to mean more to the average woman than the average man (where it's almost considered to be something shameful) and so I figured there would be more female virgins.
2005-09-15 14:25:17] -
a: The theory being that if he makes some statement now (I'll overturn Roe v Wade), then he's not going to be able to objectively consider a court case where somebody wants to overturn Roe v Wade because he's already on record saying he would do it.
2005-09-15 14:24:59] -
a: the judge isn't supposed to make the law, he's supposed to interpret it
2005-09-15 14:24:19] -
a: I understand what you're saying, and I might even agree, but that's just not how it works in our current system. Supreme Court nominees pretty much aren't supposed to answer any questions which might give away how they would rule on any specific cases.
2005-09-15 14:24:16] -
a: looking at it another way, the judge is supposed to interpret the law, not pass down moral judgements. so if the law says that a guy is supposed to go to jail, he does, regardless of whether the judge thinks the law is right/wrong
2005-09-15 14:22:29] -
a: what's supposed to matter is whether the judge feels like precedent is an important thing, whether he thinks that foreign laws / decisions have any impact on US ones, those sort of things
2005-09-15 14:21:37] -
a: but it's not, it's supposed to be something disconnected from the voters
2005-09-15 14:20:39] -
a: in other words, a judge isn't an elected position, if it was, then you would want to vote for the judge who had all the same, or more of the same views as you did
2005-09-15 14:19:59] - how you're going to rule on issues should matter.
2005-09-15 14:19:26] -
paul: probably because it seems like the popular notion is that guys pursue sex a lot more than women do
2005-09-15 14:18:02] -
paul: yeah, that's it exactly. What the judges views aren't supposed to matter, just his qualifications as a judge
2005-09-15 13:56:20] -
a: Granted, the same arguments could be made for the other side. I'm just saying that I always assumed that there were more virgin girls out there than boys (for whatever reason).
2005-09-15 13:55:35] -
a: Assuming that boys ARE more polygamistic, that isn't even necessarily true. You could have a small group of girls who are having sex with a whole bunch of boys. All it would take is a few polygamistic girls to de-virginate a lot of guys.
2005-09-15 13:54:25] -
why ie ui designer switched to firefox (cached website) (and some things he hates about firefox)
2005-09-15 13:53:30] -
a: Well, because the hearings aren't really supposed to be about whether or not the judge agrees with your positions on certain things. I think it's more supposed to be just about whether he/she is qualified.
2005-09-15 13:42:43] -
paul: (well assuming heterosexuality is the majority, and a fairly even ratio of males to females, and a fairly even age of partners (lots of assumptions not all probably true)) boys are more polygamistic, then the obvious conclusion is there are more male virgins. it's simple math.
2005-09-15 13:18:05] - the more and more i hear about roberts the more puzzled i am as to why the right is so excited about him.
- mig
2005-09-15 13:14:25] -
dave: why would you even HAVE the hearings if you can't talk about issues that will come before the court?!
2005-09-15 13:10:34] -
paul: I dunno about the PS3, I think sometime "early" next year is all I've heard
2005-09-15 13:09:54] -
a: in other words, he's tiptoed around abortion
2005-09-15 13:09:42] -
a: I would've guessed that more women would've been virgins than guys at that age so that's why I think it's a little interesting.
2005-09-15 13:09:38] -
a: and he has declined to comment on issues that he thinks will come before the court, like he hasn't said like, "I will work to further pro-choice legislation" or anything like that
2005-09-15 13:09:05] -
a: well, like he won't directly say what his personal views are, because he says personal views should not come into play in what you do as a justice
2005-09-15 13:04:35] - although the fact it was "slightly" means it probably shouldn't be news.
2005-09-15 13:04:08] -
paul: it doesn't surprise me in the least.
2005-09-15 12:55:35] -
a: The age didn't surprise me as much as the statement that more girls than boys were having intercourse before turning 20. That seems to imply to me that there are more male virgins than female virgins around that age, which I thought was interesting.
2005-09-15 12:53:00] -
paul: 20 is pretty old. who cares about 20 year olds?
2005-09-15 12:51:44] - i'm still undecided on the first one. ... in fact upon further introspection, i think i disagree with the quote from the article, i think oral should count.
2005-09-15 12:48:00] - still symantics. but imo, all but the first one.
2005-09-15 12:42:41] -
a: That's probably what it boils down to, but I find it interesting nonetheless. When does a male lose his virginity? Receiving a blow job? Giving anal sex? Receiving anal sex? Vaginal sex?
2005-09-15 12:40:47] -
paul: symantics?
2005-09-15 12:37:07] - "one in four virgin teens has engaged in oral sex" So does that mean oral sex doesn't take away a person's virginity?
2005-09-15 12:35:28] - "A release by the center six months ago, based on the same survey results, showed that slightly more girls than boys have intercourse before they turn 20."
2005-09-15 12:20:48] -
Dave: I wonder when the PS3 is launching...
2005-09-15 12:17:32] -
dave: what questions isn't he answering?
2005-09-15 12:10:35] -
Dave: I've read some people's opinions on the hearings and it sounds like the Democratic senators are not coming across very well at all. I've even heard some people who claim to be liberal saying that they are being rude and arrogant.
2005-09-15 12:07:32] - Xbox 360 launching on Nov 22
2005-09-15 11:58:21] - "Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, said that Judge Roberts's refusal to answer many questions had rendered the hearings absurd. Mr. Schumer suggested that Judge Roberts would not even name his favorite movies. Judge Roberts named two: "Doctor Zhivago" and "North by Northwest."" heh heh
2005-09-15 11:42:42] -
Paul: that could be it, it'd be interesting to see what % of the population actually has an MP3 player - because, although it may be quite relevant to our specific demographic, it might not be that widespread
2005-09-15 11:40:55] -
wow... there is a city called Happy in Texas... -sam
2005-09-15 11:39:58] -
Vinnie: It's possible. I just think they figure not enough people would use it.
2005-09-15 11:30:38] - I wonder if the line-in jack's slow acceptance is something of a safety concern, like car companies thinking their drivers will get in more accidents? that wouldn't expl why they haven't jumped on the ball now, what with losing business to fm tuners and the like
- vinnie
2005-09-15 10:45:46] -
Dave: And started putting them in after I bought one.
2005-09-15 10:40:32] - MS musing buying stake in AOL
2005-09-15 10:32:46] -
Paul: what would be even funnier is if when you started wanting to buy another car, they stopped putting them in again ^_^
2005-09-15 10:28:33] -
Dave: Well, it's not like I'm planning on buying a new car soon so they can go ahead and do it and likely annoy me more since my car doesn't have what new cars do.
2005-09-15 10:19:01] -
paul: yeah, that's what I thought too (about absolving ramsey)
2005-09-15 10:18:43] -
paul: because everyone knows you want one, so they're deliberately attempting to annoy you ^_^
2005-09-15 10:04:19] -
Dave: Regarding the line-in jack, I'm still waiting for it to become a standard thing for all car stereos. I still haven't been able to find a good reason as to why they're not.
2005-09-15 10:03:12] -
Dave: So if it was one of those kinds of routes, I think it would be hard to place much of the blame on Ramsey at all.
2005-09-15 10:02:37] -
Dave: Depending on the route, it could actually absolve Ramsey of a lot. Oftentimes quarterbacks have to throw the ball to a spot on the field where they expect the receiver to move to and just have faith that they'll be there.
2005-09-15 09:51:15] -
a: yeah, who knows
2005-09-15 09:45:13] - i wondered why it never caught on. line-in jacks have existed AND are something that people have been trying to get around since at least the 80s.
2005-09-15 09:43:25] -
dave: i drove a mazda in 2003 that had a line-in jack.
2005-09-15 09:33:46] -
paul: also 197 Hp, 6-speed close-ratio shifter, 17 or 18" tires ^_^
2005-09-15 09:32:44] -
paul: the new honda civic Si has a line-in jack for mp3 players
2005-09-15 08:37:29] -
obviously, that doesn't absolve him of any fault, but stil...
2005-09-15 08:37:03] - on how Ramsey is taking the demotion. The interesting info in the article to me was that supposedly, on the play that Ramsey threw the interception, the receiver ran the wrong route
2005-09-15 08:16:00] - Bush expected to request 200 bil for hurricane related aid, more than the total spent on iraq.
2005-09-15 08:07:38] - Delta and Northwest (numbers 3 and 4 respectively) file for bankruptcy.
2005-09-14 18:02:21] -
*** Paul moves to washington
2005-09-14 17:35:48] -
paul: in washington sex with animals is _not_ illegal? Gwah.
- lori
2005-09-14 17:04:30] -
paul: omg.
2005-09-14 14:56:41] - The New Microsoft Office User Interface Overview -sam
2005-09-14 14:51:29] - Bill Gates Keynote at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2005 -sam
2005-09-14 14:45:26] -
vinnie: i don't think they keyboard listener thing will be very useful when all it gathers is "control-v"
2005-09-14 14:43:00] -
a: to be really secure, you should have your browser remember passwords, like I do. that way there are no keystrokes when you're entering your password
- vinnie
2005-09-14 14:33:41] - Seattle man dies after sex with horse.
2005-09-14 14:29:19] -
dave: i think paul wasn't being serious.
2005-09-14 14:20:37] - or slow, since there haven't been all that many posts
2005-09-14 13:57:39] -
yeah, 80 some hits. yikes.
2005-09-14 13:41:33] - Busy day on the message board...
2005-09-14 07:58:33] -
amy: give me a call sometime today about tomorrow? thanks
- lori
2005-09-13 16:49:32] -
yeah. all of my internet passwords are long, unique, and randomly generated. i'm not memorizing all of that crap.
2005-09-13 16:46:06] -
a: Really? I guess I haven't tried it a lot but I was pretty sure that I had tried it once or twice and it didn't work (not necessarily on an internet browser).
2005-09-13 16:44:02] -
paul: "most" ? maybe not system passwords, but browser passwords surely do (i do it all the time)
2005-09-13 16:40:22] -
mig: Assuming you can do it. I'm not even sure if most password boxes will allow you to paste things in them.
2005-09-13 16:32:17] -
mig: it's as secure as any other thing in your OS.
2005-09-13 16:31:39] -
paul: ah yes, because there is nothing more secure for sensitive information than your os's clipboard.
- mig
2005-09-13 16:30:40] -
a: the point is that they
could click back and backspace, if they were worried about keyvsdroppers (what an awful word... everyone ignore that I made that up).
- pierce
2005-09-13 16:29:42] -
oops, jeez, my typing is awful at the moment... better switch back to using my fingers...
2005-09-13 16:29:19] - a
2005-09-13 16:29:15] -
aaon: I assume they could extrapolate the character sequence from the amount of time between the keydownsound and the keyupsound, combined with windows' defaults for character repeating. And I don't think it matters what you hit the key with... it's the clicking they're distinguishing. as far as I could tell, at least.
- pierce
2005-09-13 16:27:12] -
Aaron: Or just copy and paste your password everywhere.
2005-09-13 16:20:33] -
pierce: but nobody does that. NOBODY.
2005-09-13 16:20:22] -
pierce: Or rely on holding a key down, or do something that wouldn't produce a traditional sound (press the p key with your tongue)
- aaron
2005-09-13 16:15:47] -
amy: - aaron
2005-09-13 16:13:35] -
a: yeah, but if you click somewhere else in the string then they won't know
what you backspaced.
- pierce
2005-09-13 16:02:58] -
pierce: they know when you're hitting backspace because it makes a distinct sound. same with shift maybe.
2005-09-13 15:38:49] - but I assume the recording has to be *very* clear to pick up the distinctions between keys flawlessly enough to categorize them properly. I'm probably safe in a noisy office with a server running behind me.
- pierce
2005-09-13 15:37:08] - easy solution to the password problem (in GUI environments): always type a disjointed part of your password, like "pard", and then click to the omitted part and type the missing text "sswo". Or even, type a random char at one point and then click back and backspace over it. Oh yeah, this only works when the password field generates markers like asterisks.
- pierce
2005-09-13 15:28:41] - Dolph Lundgren's bio is probably a lot more impressive than you would think.
2005-09-13 15:16:33] -
a: That's pretty cool, I've often wondered if people can tell when I'm typing my password because it always sounds the same when I type it.
2005-09-13 14:24:27] - I can't believe I'm saying this, but that has given me the slightest shred of respect for the man. For once, if only this once, he admitted when he had failed as a leader.
- pierce
2005-09-13 14:22:56] - holy crap! I am genuinely shocked to see this headline: "
Bush: 'I take responsibility'"
- pierce
2005-09-13 14:18:44] - you can tell what a person is typing by just listening (with a computer) ~a
2005-09-13 13:01:52] -
paul: correct.
2005-09-13 12:20:47] -
a: How do you define succeed? You mean making the person think that the test did a good job?
2005-09-13 12:19:41] - s/suceed/succeed
2005-09-13 12:19:11] -
paul: i wonder how well a test would "suceed" if it was actually TRYING to provide incorrect (but still very vague) results.
2005-09-13 12:18:02] -
right. that's a less obvious point of the forer effect . . . the first obvious point is that completely false tests "succeed" . . . the second less obvious point is that all tests will "succeed" better than they should.
2005-09-13 12:12:48] -
a: Well, I didn't mean to pull it into this as an example similar to astrology because I do believe that the test is a valid way of getting some insight into people. I was just saying that I felt like sometimes I thought it was more accurate than it really was.
2005-09-13 12:02:47] -
paul: thanks for pulling the meyer's briggs into this because i totally agree. that's another great example of the forer effect. i wonder if there is a way to actually test a test like that.
2005-09-13 11:48:48] -
mig: They have Jason Campbell.
2005-09-13 11:47:05] - ramsey is probably a broken man now and I don't see how he can realistically play with any sort of confidence for joe gibbs now.
- mig
2005-09-13 11:46:58] - For instance, I would think that I would prefer a libertarian girl as a match but there have actually been plenty of liberal and conservative girls that I have had crushes on and I suspect that I might actually find myself drawn to somebody different like that.
2005-09-13 11:46:32] - *shrug* maybe brunell is the right guy for qb but the way it was handled they have no backup qb now.
- mig
2005-09-13 11:45:06] -
a: I actually question the matching ability of OkCupid more just based on the fact that I don't know if people really know what they want. I leave a lot of options labeled as "irrelevant" because I can easily see myself liking somebody who thinks either way on something.
2005-09-13 11:43:53] -
a: I think it can also apply to the Meyer's Briggs personality test. I remember when reading about INTJs, I wondered whether it was really as accurate as I thought it was or if I was just kinda falsely seeing accuracy where it didn't really exist.
2005-09-13 11:36:39] -
forer effect is why i hated (remember back to college), why i hate , why i hate , why i hate , why i hate horiscopes, why i hate (if you haven't been there recently, they've moved in the that direction).
2005-09-13 11:07:59] -
paul: <nod nod>
2005-09-13 10:14:57] -
Dave: I mostly agree. I think the thing is that Gibbs has always wanted Brunell to be the starter but had to switch last year because Brunell was doing so bad and he was just waiting for any chance to switch Brunell back in this year.
2005-09-13 10:09:44] - Ballmer tosses chair in frustration over 10-year-vet defecting to Google
2005-09-13 10:05:26] -
Paul: Like I didn't have a problem with his first switch from brunell to ramsey
2005-09-13 10:04:53] -
Paul: <nod> I just think that you should give whatever qb you go with a little more time to establish himself. Like if ramsey is still doin bad after 2-3 entire games, then yeah, a switch would be in order. But this switching back and forth every other play?
2005-09-13 10:00:17] -
Dave: I think Gibbs was upset over the turnovers that Ramsey had and feels like Brunell will be more careful with the ball, even though he may not move the chains as much as Ramsey.
2005-09-13 09:38:14] -
aaron: i saw DC UNTD on the way to work today! .D
2005-09-13 09:21:29] -
*** mig crosses fingers and hopes ramsey gets traded to the ravens.
2005-09-13 08:20:43] - XM gets rights to broadcast NHL. In 2007 the rights will become exclusive (presently Sirius also has rights to broadcast)
2005-09-13 08:13:10] -
a: i love being the scapegoat
- lori
2005-09-13 08:13:04] - amusing commentary on the switch from ramsey to brunell
2005-09-12 16:17:14] -
a: Indeed.
2005-09-12 15:20:05] -
i.e. it menas * all points to the same place.
2005-09-12 15:19:48] -
paul: basically it means i don't have to f*** with the dns servers if all i want is to be usable.
2005-09-12 14:37:48] -
a: Alrighty then.
2005-09-12 14:33:41] -
paul: it's short for wildcard (it's a wildcard dns entry).
2005-09-12 14:29:16] -
amy: yes.
2005-09-12 14:26:26] -
a: so you really meant to sign that message "~o"? .)
2005-09-12 14:22:25] -
yes, yes, yes. the "s" is near the "a". i have qwerty at home. it's lori's fault. yes, yes yes. i am home on a workday. it's taco bell's fault (don't ask).
2005-09-12 14:21:34] -
paul: yes. ...
2005-09-12 14:21:27] -
paul: yes.
2005-09-12 14:17:12] -
a: Is the 'w' in the URL a tribute to your favorite president?
2005-09-12 14:12:39] -
a: awesome thanks!
2005-09-12 14:03:56] -
vamy: temporary url: . . . username is arinsband (all the keys you both have will work on this user name).
2005-09-12 13:39:31] - yay is mine!
2005-09-12 13:00:18] -
a: thank you ^_^
2005-09-12 12:59:17] -
a: you name a high price but the service is definitely worth it! it's gonna be, so i guess i'm gonna try to get the domain tonight, and vinnie and i are going to start working on the site soon. yay
2005-09-12 12:39:01] - plus $0.00 additional per month. oh ... plus 5.0% tax in virginia.
2005-09-12 12:38:03] -
vamy: yes. it costs $0.00 for each additional website.
2005-09-12 12:07:26] -
a: can i ask you to host another website on your server? 0.) -(v)amy
2005-09-12 10:33:28] -
dave: hmmm, well i'm a bit steemed about the nano's durability. i can speak from personal experience that my ipod's lcd screen is quite fragile.
- mig
2005-09-12 10:29:05] - how bizarre, heh heh
2005-09-12 10:28:57] - "The ethnically divided Bosnian city of Mostar has agreed to erect a new symbol of unity -- a statue of kung fu legend Bruce Lee, worshipped by Muslims, Serbs and Croats."
2005-09-12 10:27:15] -
Dave: I've read some articles like that on Toms Hardware where they tried messing up the Muvo (the mp3 player I have). They didn't go to such extremes, but just tried dropping it from various reasonable heights to see if it could withstand it.
2005-09-12 08:58:35] - what's even more amusing is that it didn't break (lcd displayed incorrectly but music still played fine) in all the planned tests. Then they ran it over with a car several times, but it still worked. They finally chucked it way up in the air and let it drop onto concrete to finally break it
2005-09-12 08:57:40] - "Sitting on the iPod nano,Dropping it while jogging, Dropping at various speeds: 8-10mph (slow bicycle), 15-20mph (fast bicycle), 30mph (slow car), and 50mph (fast car), Dropping the nano from various heights. "
2005-09-12 08:57:33] - what's amusing is that they did stress testing on it to see how much it could take before it broke
2005-09-12 08:57:20] - review of the ipod nano
2005-09-12 08:45:40] - going to be 7 versions of Windows Vista
2005-09-11 20:48:06] -
Virginia Tech Football #4 in both polls -sam
2005-09-10 15:29:40] -
bored. -person
2005-09-10 13:58:03] - "Go F$%K yourself Mr. Cheney!" gets out on CNN during a live interview with Dick Cheney. -sam
2005-09-10 10:45:50] -
sam: Cool. We'll have to play it when you get it.
- aaron
2005-09-09 18:07:06] - Here is a flash demo of the board game "Monsters Menace America." -sam
2005-09-09 17:57:25] - Madden 06 for XBOX 360
Gameplay video clip! It looks amazing!-sam
2005-09-09 17:42:52] - Is iPod mini replaced by iPod nano now?
2005-09-09 17:34:21] -
Aaron: War. What is it good for?
2005-09-09 17:31:58] - IBM launches printer capable of 300 pages per minute.... can churn out Tolstoy's "War and Peace" in less than a minute
- aaron
2005-09-09 14:55:34] -
Paul: hmmm, apparently
2005-09-09 14:53:13] -
Dave: Did you forget the URL? -Paul
2005-09-09 14:47:57] -
T.O. auctioning NFC ring for Katrina relief
2005-09-09 14:45:45] -
a: So I've got to ask about the amy link. I thought you only linked to people's journals up there. Wasn't there some bruhaha over that?
2005-09-09 14:40:31] - liar!
2005-09-09 14:27:15] -
a: You are a freethinker.
2005-09-09 14:24:54] -
pauldave: you two are very creative independent thinkers.
2005-09-09 14:12:19] -
*** Paul fist pumps
2005-09-09 14:03:11] -
paul: bah!
2005-09-09 14:02:45] - more security holes in firefox, netscape
2005-09-09 13:54:25] - Hunter S Thompson killed himself because football season was over.
2005-09-09 13:53:21] - Firefox flaws discovered. No patches available yet.
2005-09-09 13:24:00] - Civ IV coming in October
2005-09-09 13:19:51] -
sam: I saw it mentioned in Games Magazine. I'll read more carefully about it.
- aaron
2005-09-09 13:12:45] -
Sam: Tough call, but I would go with Justin. Rogers hasn't done much of anything since getting into the league and I'm still not sold on Harrington.
2005-09-09 13:02:16] - Has anyone played "Monsters Menace America" the board game? I ordered it online yesterday and it looks pretty good. It's like Godzilla in America. -sam
2005-09-09 12:57:50] - Should I start C. Rogers or J. McCareins for WR?
2005-09-09 11:47:35] - in other words, once the combo is going, they have no way to stop it
- vinnie
2005-09-09 11:47:06] -
dave: the fog is one mana, the splice is two, the creature is one, and the sacrifice ability is two. so six mana, but the deck that plays it has a lot of acceleration, and a lot of the best decks right now are weenie decks that have to kill with creatures
- vinnie
2005-09-09 11:25:13] -
Paul: ahhh <nod nod>
2005-09-09 11:19:24] -
Dave: It's because he doesn't like black people.
2005-09-09 11:12:02] -
Paul: <nod> yeah, I can understand that. I'm half-surprised myself that he didn't
2005-09-09 11:06:28] -
Dave: There would be some who would frown upon that, but I think on the whole people would've been a lot more pleased with that response over the more by-the-book response.
2005-09-09 11:05:49] -
Dave: Yeah, I agree, but I think what people wanted to see was Bush basically saying "screw the rules, I'm going to do whatever it takes to help save these people" and order the guard to go in and do whatever was necessary.
2005-09-09 11:03:44] -
paul: yeah, I wouldn't mind so much, except so many people are making a big deal about the Fed. not sending troups and all this stuff, except at least the troop part was held up because of the governor. And then the governor still goes around moaning and wailing and saying that they're not getting enough help? <rollling eyes>
2005-09-09 10:57:35] -
vinnie: so three card combo? how much mana all of it cost?
2005-09-09 10:30:01] -
dave: yeah. one of the best decks right now is this deck that casts a fog-type spell, splices a raise dead-type spell on it to get a creature that allows you to sacrifice it to bring the fog spell back to your hand and do it over again!
- vinnie
2005-09-09 10:18:54] -
Dave: The more I hear about the situation in New Orleans and what happened, the more I blame the local government (especially the governor).
2005-09-09 10:18:18] -
Vinnie: That's ok, it turns out I will be able to make it to basketball (but sadly, still not to the magic draft).
2005-09-09 10:11:54] -
vinnie: dang, that's nutso. No wonder all the splice costs are high, you can just keep on casting it. Talk about messing with card advantage
2005-09-09 09:47:40] - also I won't be making it to basketball today (and so it begins again...)
- vinnie
2005-09-09 09:46:03] -
dave: it's a little like buyback
- vinnie
2005-09-09 09:45:31] -
dave: splice doesn't use up the spell you are splicing onto it. I actually was confused in exactly the same way as you, at first
- vinnie
2005-09-09 09:08:16] - not that I don't think the Federal govt could still be at fault for a lot of things, but that seems to shed light on the matter and put things in perspective
2005-09-09 09:06:17] - and the President didn't want to forcibly take cmd away from the dem. governor, which would have raised a ruckus (even according to the governor)
2005-09-09 09:05:32] -
so, the democratic governor was hollaring for help, but wasn't willing to give up command of the troops, which she legally had to do before they could send in the active troops.
2005-09-09 09:04:21] - "Aides to Ms. Blanco said she was prepared to accept the deployment of active-duty military officials in her state. But she and other state officials balked at giving up control of the Guard as Justice Department officials said would have been required by the Insurrection Act if those combat troops were to be sent in before order was restored."
2005-09-09 09:02:52] - also of some debate was whether active troops would be more desirable than National Guard troops
2005-09-09 09:02:22] - citing something called the Insurrection Act ^_^
2005-09-09 09:02:01] - apparently Bush would have had to wrest control from the governor to send in active troops, which the governor would have resisted
2005-09-09 09:01:23] - explanation of why troop response was not faster
2005-09-09 08:03:06] - Google hires Vint Cerf ( helped design/develop TCP/IP stack) away from MCI
2005-09-08 17:24:04] -
ddr_people: no ddr for me at sfm until further notice. (sorry i didn't post that earlier today.) have fun, kids.
2005-09-08 17:15:21] -
ddr_folks: be thar around 545ish. peace.
2005-09-08 16:01:35] -
Vinnie: That was one of the logical reasons I was thinking of. Still, I'm not entirely sure if the people who voted it down (I think that's how it works, OKCupid members vote on questions) would've necessarily known about the other question that had been submitted.
2005-09-08 15:53:58] - I don't normally post ILM threads but this one made me lose my shit yesterday - which is the most retarded-looking barenaked ladies member on this album cover? - vinnie
2005-09-08 15:51:59] -
paul: when did you submit? if it just got approved I wonder if someone asked it a while ago and theirs just got approved recently
- vinnie
2005-09-08 14:34:11] -
a: oh wow, an amy link. thanks! i'll be working on updating my website this month, so i'll def. add a link to you soon
2005-09-08 14:05:50] -
amy: Yeah, I can actually think of some logical reasons why they would've rejected mine but it still irks me.
2005-09-08 13:55:26] -
Paul: Hmm, I suspected that. Maybe they are inundated with suggestions and can only look at a certain number? Or give precedence to long-time members or contributors? Still it's dumb they rejected yours.
2005-09-08 13:49:45] - Interesting that he thinks the matter should be settled by the courts. Traditionally republicans are not a fan of courts legislating this kind of thing.
2005-09-08 13:49:05] - California Governor to Veto Bill Authorizing Same-Sex Marriage, thinks the matter should be decided by California's courts or its voters.
2005-09-08 13:46:36] -
amy: I submitted virtually the same question before and it was turned down.
2005-09-08 13:44:12] -
paul: why? i don't get it
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