here are old message board entries

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[2005-10-12 11:26:25] - a: I guess it's not for white males looking for lovers. -Paul

[2005-10-12 11:26:18] - paul: nevermind. -sam

[2005-10-12 11:23:16] - paul: suicide is a crime? -sam

[2005-10-12 11:07:27] - paul:  "Suicides accounted for more than half of all violent deaths in Virginia in 2003, with the majority committed by white men with marital troubles and a history of depression"  . . . virginia is for lovers :-D  ~a

[2005-10-12 10:23:04] - Va. Violent Deaths Are Mostly Suicides -Paul

[2005-10-12 10:18:46] - Serenity in 2000 Words or Less (major spoilers). -paul

[2005-10-12 09:19:17] - sam:  some of the ibm thinkpads have a finger scanner that works really well.  i don't have one but a bunch of my coworkers do.  they use the finger scanner to log into their computer (and that in turn is used as their "password" to access network resources)  ~a

[2005-10-12 09:18:40] - bush is not a happy person right now. - mig

[2005-10-12 09:17:21] - has anyone used biometric authentication systems like a fingerprint scanner to access a network? -sam

[2005-10-12 09:04:13] - paul:  if that's the case, we'll probably be in phone contact (you with me and me with the orange county people)  ~a

[2005-10-11 23:13:44] - Artest vows to play 'out of control' -Paul

[2005-10-11 23:12:34] - a: Are we meeting even if it's raining that day? -Paul

[2005-10-11 21:35:54] - Kanye West's "Jesus Walks" is a joke.... He makes it sound like he is a Christian, but if you look at the lyrics, you can see that he isn't... -sam

[2005-10-11 21:08:00] - paul:  well, scratch that, weather looks fine via wunderground.  (again, see link)  ~a

[2005-10-11 21:05:05] - paul:  yes.  there is a link above.  as you can see in the link, weather is looking bad.  ~a

[2005-10-11 17:36:16] - check out these videos for XBOX360. Saint's Row is like Grand Theft Auto. -sam

[2005-10-11 17:33:56] - a: Skydiving has been rescheduled for this Sunday? -Paul

[2005-10-11 16:18:02] - ddr_people: I won't be at DDR again this week because of my mom's birthday. next week I should be there though - vinnie

[2005-10-11 16:10:05] - a: Well, it probably reduces how much people get to play each hand, so it might not be the best thing to do for a purely friendly game. -paul

[2005-10-11 15:50:29] - paul:  i agree it's a good strategy (well, maybe not good, but ok at worst).  however, it's also annoying.  and if you do lots of annoying things, people will start to target you.  well i guess targetting isn't really possible in texas hold'em.  hmmm.  ~a

[2005-10-11 15:21:33] - Intel unleashes Dual Core Xeon Processor. -sam

[2005-10-11 15:11:34] - a: Yes, I think that's a good strategy. -Paul

[2005-10-11 15:03:40] - raise before the flop?!  >:o  ~a

[2005-10-11 14:28:50] - I liked this article about 10 risks to take in poker. Maybe some of you will also find it interesting. -Paul

[2005-10-11 13:29:14] - Oh, right. Lunch is unpaid for me too, in case that wasn't clear. -Paul

[2005-10-11 13:27:03] - aaron: ah that is interesting, makes sense. not quite the case for me... -amy

[2005-10-11 13:25:12] - And lunch is unpaid (which i imagine is pretty standard for contractors) - aaron

[2005-10-11 13:24:11] - amy: I bill everything exactly, that's pretty much SAIC's policy. If you stay 15 minutes late one day, or take one-hour-and-fifteen-minutes for lunch the next day, you bill exactly what you work - aaron

[2005-10-11 13:17:28] - mig: i see -amy

[2005-10-11 13:14:02] - s/8x/8 hours/

[2005-10-11 13:13:49] - as long as i end up charging 8x day (no matter how its spread out), they're fine with it. - mig

[2005-10-11 13:02:15] - amy:  my time flucuates a lot but i work on average 8 hours a day, so that's what i put.  if the time difference is signficant (like 9 one day and 7 the other) then i'll probably list it as that. - mig

[2005-10-11 13:00:44] - Paul: Ah, interesting. It is similar here but there is no 8 hr/day requirement. -amy

[2005-10-11 12:55:55] - Amy: I'm supposed to mark down at least 8 hours of stuff each day (because I'm supposed to work at least 8 hours a day) but sometimes those things are just company meetings (which don't get billed to anybody) or other things. -Paul

[2005-10-11 12:55:03] - Amy: I do a timesheet, but it's a little different from normal ones. It's more to keep track of what I am working on (so the company can accurately bill the clients). -Paul

[2005-10-11 12:54:09] - xpovos: yeah i was wondering what the regulations were at everyone's companies. it is not clear where i work (actually, i never went through "orientation" when i was hired, so i never learned these policies) but in general i eat my lunch at my desk and stay here 8 hrs total. seems the safest bet. -amy

[2005-10-11 12:53:00] - Paul: Do you do a timesheet? And do you charge it accurately for the fluctuations (as opposed to charging 8 hrs a day regardless, because no one cares). And if so, could you charge 9 hrs one day and 7 the next? -amy

[2005-10-11 12:52:56] - Amy: It would depend on workplace regulations.  Most places give you a half-hour break at lunch-time, but expect that half hour later, so you stay at work 8.5 hours for 8 hours on the clock.  My current job gives me that half hour paid, though, which is nice -- Xpovos

[2005-10-11 12:47:42] - Amy: It varies a lot, but if I'm working an 8 hour day, it usually doesn't count the time I am away for lunch (ie, I end up sticking around longer than 8 hours). -Paul

[2005-10-11 12:46:07] - if you work 8 hours a day, do you count lunch as one of those hours? (7 hours of work + 1 hour of lunch = 8 hours on the timesheet OR 8 hours of work + 1 hour of lunch = 8 hours on the timesheet)?? -amy

[2005-10-11 10:33:45] - hobbits existed! - mig

[2005-10-11 10:27:45] - I guess I should really have learned my lesson after Live's V, shouldn't I... - pierce

[2005-10-11 10:26:09] - vinnie: yeah, lately it's been burning me too.  I won't say You Could Have It So Much Better is shitty by any means... I still think it was worth the $10.  But it was definitely a downgrade from Franz Ferdinand, much like System of a Down's latest compared to their earlier work.  And I actively dislike Cake's Pressure Chief. - pierce

[2005-10-11 09:59:47] - pierce: hehe, I never buy albums blind anymore. been burned by way too many of my "favorite" artists going and making shitty albums. I'll definitely check it out; I'm not sure I would have wanted Franz Ferdinand, part 2 anyway - vinnie

[2005-10-11 09:40:59] - pierce:  yes.  and yes.  but it's looking like rain this weekend :-\  ~a

[2005-10-11 08:13:29] - lori+a: have skydiving reservations been made?  what's the game plan for the day of?  same as last time, but hopefully with more success? - pierce

[2005-10-11 08:07:16] - vinnie: if you've not bought it already, I'd pass on the new Franz Ferdinand album until you've heard a few more songs from it.  Do You Want To is probably the song most like their first album, and the rest is nowhere near as catchy.  It's not bad necessarily, I just wouldn't assume you'd like it just because you liked the first one. - pierce

[2005-10-10 21:22:25] - however you pronounce that... - pierce

[2005-10-10 17:16:33] - they don't have quite the ensemble cast that The Office had, but they make up for it somewhat by having very amusing cameos by established stars like Kate Winslet and Ben Stiller (as themselves). - pierce

[2005-10-10 17:15:16] - to people who liked the british version of The Office, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's new comedy, Extras, is also extremely funny. - pierce

[2005-10-10 15:37:39] - Amy: Yeah, legal threats work really well against companies. :-) -Paul

[2005-10-10 15:36:01] - Paul: yeah, it works that way regardless of who was actually responsible, unfortunately. i have had to use the "small claims court" threat to get an insurance company to pay for a hospital bill that where it was actually the company's fault, but they would not admit to it. -amy

[2005-10-10 15:28:57] - Amy: Yeah, that sounds like how it would work out. Legally, the insurance company might not have had to pay for anything but I'm sure they would rather settle for a small amount of money than go to court and potentially lose a lot more. -Paul

[2005-10-10 15:22:19] - OK i said her ins made her pay for it, that was wrong, actually that makes no sense. her insurance had to pay for it. -amy

[2005-10-10 15:21:45] - premiums went up. but actually i think that was the only real cost she ended up paying, besides all the hassle and annoyance. -amy

[2005-10-10 15:21:19] - Paul: yes i worry about the same thing... it would be terrible. though i think if you are careful, nothing really bad can happen. i think what happened to my sister is that her insurance paid for the thing because it would cost less than the lawsuit they were being threatened with, and since they were paying, she was "liable" for the accident, which means her -amy

[2005-10-10 15:12:34] - Amy: That sucks. There are a lot of crosswalks around Reston and even though I try to keep an eye out for people, I sometimes forget to check (distracted by looking both ways for other cars) and I'm always worried that some day I might accidentally hit some pedestrian. -paul

[2005-10-10 15:07:25] - (btw there were no major injuries, in fact i don't recall there being any injuries at all, but the pedestrian was apparently shaken up and wanted to go to the hospital to make sure) -amy

[2005-10-10 15:06:45] - ... to pay because she could do it, and really, who wants to take responsibility for the hospital bill if it is possible to make someone else do it. -amy

[2005-10-10 15:06:11] - Paul: yes that is true. because the pedestrian is the one who will have damages that need to be paid for. a pedestrian ran out in front of my sister's car (she was not speeding or violating any traffic laws and it was not at a crosswalk iirc). her insurance made her pay for it. as i understand it, the pedestrian was really sticking it to her and trying to get her insurance

[2005-10-10 15:01:01] - Sam: I somewhat agree. I get annoyed when people just start walking across the street without even looking to see if any cars are coming. -Paul

[2005-10-10 15:00:11] - However, the law is considerably different. I think in most cases where a car hits a pedestrian, the driver is considered to be at fault to a certain degree. -Paul

[2005-10-10 14:59:30] - you shouldn't just walk across a road at will, thinking that cars will stop for them.... of course i'm thinking of non-crosswalks -sam

[2005-10-10 14:59:24] - Sam: I've always been of the opinion that it's the pedestrian's job to make sure there are no cars coming and yield to traffic (even in a crosswalk) just because the pedestrian will normally lose a battle with a car. -Paul

[2005-10-10 14:57:40] - as a pedestrian, if you are going to walk across a street, shouldn't you make sure that a car is probably won't hit you by the time you get across?  I mean some old pedestrians don't even look. -sam

[2005-10-10 14:54:59] - and he was not on drugs nor drunk. -sam

[2005-10-10 14:53:13] - aaron: let's say the driver didn't intend to hit the pedestrian with his car. so it was an accident. -sam

[2005-10-10 13:58:24] - (and the driver was not prosecuted) - aaron

[2005-10-10 13:58:13] - There's been at least one time on the VT campus where a student was struck with a car, because they ran out into the road between two parked cars, and the driver was not at fault - aaron

[2005-10-10 13:57:39] - sam: I agree with paul, it totally depends on the situation. I think in general the answer is yes, unless the person really cut out in front of you, or if he wasn't visible to you until the time of the accident - aaron

[2005-10-10 13:47:45] - Sam: It depends on the situation. Did you try to hit the person? Did the person jump out in front of you? Were you asleep at the wheel? High on drugs? -Paul

[2005-10-10 13:42:50] - if you ran over someone walking across a street (not a crosswalk) with a car, and that person dies, should you (the driver) be penalized for it? let's say you were below the speed limit. -sam

[2005-10-10 13:37:56] - Sam: Obviously I would prefer a defense which gives up less points to one that gives up less yards but going by yards allowed is likely more representative of how good the defense is. -Paul

[2005-10-10 13:35:17] - Sam: The AP poll is mostly just for information purposes now I guess. -Paul

[2005-10-10 13:19:05] - Sam: Then Glenn must've had some extra points (and Boldin lost some?). -Paul

[2005-10-10 13:15:21] - dave + busters, white flint mall in md, this friday - aaron

[2005-10-10 13:01:01] - colts defense is 1st in points allowed and 7th in yards allowed

[2005-10-10 12:59:03] - ravens defense is 19th in points allowed and 2nd in yards allowed... -sam

[2005-10-10 12:55:31] - what would you say is the better defense?  lowest yards allowed per game or lowest points allowed per game? -sam

[2005-10-10 12:37:56] - paul: then what's AP poll for? -sam

[2005-10-10 12:36:10] - Harris Poll is in trouble from the start. -sam

[2005-10-10 12:35:41] - paul: 6 points for rec TD, 1 point per 20 yards, we don't count number of receptions -sam

[2005-10-10 12:31:18] - Sam: What kind of scoring system do you have set up for your league? Those seem like odd numbers to me. -Paul

[2005-10-10 12:28:38] - Sam: Yeah, the Harris poll is what the BCS is using now to replace the AP poll, since they were asked to stop using it in their calculations. -Paul

[2005-10-10 12:28:08] - Sam: I think there's a good chance Ricky will start for the Dolphins, but I think they're going to split carries pretty evenly . Maybe alternate drives or make Brown the third down back or something. -Paul

[2005-10-10 12:27:30] - for college football -sam

[2005-10-10 12:27:12] - did you know that there are now AP poll, ESPN/USA today poll, and Harris poll?  What's Harris poll? -sam

[2005-10-10 12:26:54] - Sam: Not starting Vick sucks, though, because I'm not even sure if there was a way for you to know that he wasn't going to play. He was scratched at the last minute I think. -Paul

[2005-10-10 12:26:06] - Sam: Yeah, Andrew and I both dropped the ball with Jimmy Smith. That's fantasy football for you, though. You never know when some good player will do badly and when an average player will do great. -Paul

[2005-10-10 12:20:30] - do you think ricky williams will start for the dolphins now? -sam

[2005-10-10 12:19:23] - paul: i had brunel and vick and started vick... that was dumb... of course, i didn't know he was gonna be out for that game... -sam

[2005-10-10 12:17:23] - paul: i had TB's kicker and he made 4 field goals :) -sam

[2005-10-10 12:16:41] - paul: in my league, glenn scored 17 and boldin scored 11.  I should have listened to you and started glenn....  i also started jimmy smith and he only scored 2 points -sam

[2005-10-10 12:15:21] - just have been busy -sam

[2005-10-10 12:15:14] - i'm working today. -sam

[2005-10-10 11:55:15] - Driverless VW wins automated robot race - aaron

[2005-10-10 11:46:14] - Hmmm, I guess most people are off today. :-) -Paul

[2005-10-10 11:27:41] - UNICEF ad drops bomb on Smurfs -Paul

[2005-10-10 10:58:12] - Serenity plummets to 9th place this past weekend. -Paul

[2005-10-10 10:58:01] - Pierce: I'm not terribly interested, sorry. -Paul

[2005-10-10 04:09:08] - do you guys have any interest in seeing Good Night, and Good Luck?  It's coming to the cinema arts theatre, and maybe others, and it's been very well received by critics. - pierce

[2005-10-10 01:11:54] - mig: I guess that's true, if you count receptions... -Paul

[2005-10-10 01:00:40] - but just barely. - mig

[2005-10-10 01:00:00] - in our system last year, i'd say boldin would have had more points. - mig

[2005-10-10 00:32:24] - Sam: I would say so by most accounts. -Paul

[2005-10-10 00:14:04] - sam:  depends on your scoring system. - mig

[2005-10-09 20:01:07] - Boldin - 10 catches, 158 yards, 1TD....  glenn - 7 catches, 118 yards, 2 TDs...    would you say glenn had better stats?  -sam

[2005-10-09 18:05:13] - Warcraft: Board Game Expansion Set. -sam

[2005-10-09 18:03:47] - World of Warcraft - The Boardgame. Coming soon Fall 2005.  -sam

[2005-10-08 18:13:00] - Last year Matt Wong ran and passed for 3,262 yards and 40 touchdowns. -sam

[2005-10-08 18:06:11] - Anyone heard of Matt Wong from Thomas Jefferson?  He is one of the top QBs in the Washington DC area.  -sam

[2005-10-08 05:13:18] - newsreader from the fine folks at google.  seems to work pretty well.  now adrian just needs to add an rss feed to the message board.  oh, and dewey and miguel need to add rss to their journal programs. - pierce

[2005-10-07 14:57:18] - sam:  many girls and guys like mike hunt.

[2005-10-07 13:43:16] - many girls like Mike Hawk -sam

[2005-10-07 13:13:23] - who is mike hawk and why does he rule? - mig

[2005-10-07 12:32:24] - Interesting Washington Post article about how news stories will often change over time. -Paul

[2005-10-07 11:22:28] - sam: i get the day off, though i didn't know that until just now. - mig

[2005-10-07 10:58:24] - sam: late. - pierce

[2005-10-07 10:05:50] - Sam: And I don't get Columbus Day off. -Paul

[2005-10-07 10:05:42] - Sam: I'll say the Jets score 10 points. -Paul

[2005-10-07 10:04:56] - Pierce: A lot of people will buy an unproven $700 console. :-) -Paul

[2005-10-07 10:03:16] - Sam: I thought it was Taylor Behl. -Paul

[2005-10-07 09:13:06] - is anyone getting a day off on columbus' day? -sam

[2005-10-07 08:44:24] - sam: -3. - mig

[2005-10-07 07:59:27] - so vinny testaverde is starting for the Jets this weekend against the Bucs.  how many points will the Jets score? -sam

[2005-10-07 07:43:43] - pierce: xbox360 preorder is also sold out at and -sam

[2005-10-07 07:30:39] - a: what time do you go to sleep?  your last post was at 2:45am. -sam

[2005-10-07 07:29:31] - pierce: what time do you go to sleep?  your last post was at 2:49am. -sam

[2005-10-07 07:26:07] - pierce: the xbox360 bundle preorders are sold out at EBgames. -sam

[2005-10-07 07:21:57] - Paul: jessica behl has been all over the news for about a month.... the vcu student... they finally found her body.  -sam

[2005-10-07 02:49:00] - a: I have no idea what you were saying with the re: slashdot comment. - pierce

[2005-10-07 02:45:29] - lol.  regarding why c designers designed the case statements to fallthrough into eachother: "This code forms some sort of argument in that debate, but I'm not sure whether it's for or against."  :-P  ~a

[2005-10-07 02:40:44] - pierce:  re: slashdot.  i don't love it OR hate it.  so slashdot is wrong.  now, due to some logical falacy, all of slashdot is wrong.  ~a

[2005-10-07 02:30:53] - holy crap, trying to read the C code for Duff's Device made my brain start to leak out of my ears. - pierce

[2005-10-07 01:06:05] - sam: I was being somewhat facetious, I didn't literally think microsoft had bribed them.  But I wonder who is putting down $700 on an unproven gaming console right off the bat. - pierce

[2005-10-07 00:58:47] - a: It's entirely possible she's also afraid of being assaulted by animal rights activists, but I don't think that's the main reason. -Paul

[2005-10-07 00:49:29] - paul:  are you sure that's the real reason she doesn't (often) wear it?  ~a

[2005-10-07 00:19:59] - Sam: Who is Jessica Behl? -Paul

[2005-10-07 00:19:03] - My mom has a fur coat and she says it's actually very warm. Usually too warm to wear. -Paul

[2005-10-07 00:18:24] - Pierce: It also annoyingly only seems to display in full screen. -Paul

[2005-10-06 22:03:49] - did you know jessica behl went to madison high school in vienna? -sam

[2005-10-06 21:51:40] - actually, some fur coats are like over $10,000... i wonder how warm they are :-P -sam

[2005-10-06 21:13:40] - i think that's the most expensive men's apparell i've ever seen... -sam

[2005-10-06 21:12:12] - $2400 coat for men -sam

[2005-10-06 20:18:37] - i heard PS3 will be super expensive if it include blue-ray disk drive.... -sam

[2005-10-06 20:17:25] - pierce: i don't think MS bribed the vendors... I think the vendors are just marking up with bundles. forcing you to buy stuff that you might not want... -sam

[2005-10-06 20:14:38] - pierce: 20GB iPod is $299 -sam

[2005-10-06 20:12:20] - pierce: well, i think PSP was like $299 w/o bundle when it came out...    -sam

[2005-10-06 19:55:02] - because personally, $300 is the maximum I'd pay for any one system, and it would have to be the bee's knees (and also not be a crippled version of the "real" system). - pierce

[2005-10-06 19:53:39] - d'ya think mircosoft bribed all the retailers to offer ridiculously expensive bundles, so that when they announced the slightly-less-ridiculous price of the core system it would seem reasonable? - pierce

[2005-10-06 19:26:05] - who is buying? -sam

[2005-10-06 19:19:43] - that's super cheap, compared to the cheapest XBOX360 bundle at gamestop $699 -sam

[2005-10-06 19:18:53] - wow... has XBOX360 w/o the bundle for $349!  -sam

[2005-10-06 19:08:30] - bleh... I'd have to install a special viewer applet?  What the hell is wrong with mpeg, qt, or wmv, which most computers already play?  not chancing it. - pierce

[2005-10-06 18:47:51] - Watch these gameplay footages of "Saint's Row." It's like Grand Theft Auto for XBOX360, and it looks awesome! -sam

[2005-10-06 17:37:44] - The first 9 minutes or so of Serenity on the internet as a trailer. -Paul

[2005-10-06 17:18:00] - Pierce: Wow, I was bored out of my mind by the seventh paragraph. Nice reminder as to why he lost the election. :-P -Paul

[2005-10-06 17:04:34] - very interesting and insightful speech by Al Gore.  nice to see prominent democrats grow a spine now and again, even if he's not very prominent anymore. - pierce

[2005-10-06 17:03:18] - *** pierce sighs.  We're such nerds.

[2005-10-06 16:46:47] - Amy: I guess we're trying to see who has the biggest negative modifier to str? :-P -Paul

[2005-10-06 16:43:56] - Oh yeah? I can benchpress 20 ounces! Wait, what are we arguing over? -amy

[2005-10-06 16:12:22] - I can benchpress 150... ounces! -Paul

[2005-10-06 16:08:49] - *** aaron can benchpress 20

[2005-10-06 16:05:58] - paul can benchpress 150.  :-P

[2005-10-06 15:36:41] - xpovos:  well the reason for that is that they're moving while basically getting ready to throw the ball.  you're going to be slower if you're moving like that. - mig

[2005-10-06 15:35:31] - Amy: You would be insulted to wear that shirt? I'm probably a -1 str and -6 cha so I think I have you beat. ;-) -Paul

[2005-10-06 15:34:02] - Paul: LOL I'd be insulted, but honestly I think I'm at least a -3 str .p (yeah and only +1 cha? what? ,) jk)-amy

[2005-10-06 15:32:29] - a: Probably. But I am envious of women for a variety of reasons, that t-shirt being one of them. :-) -Paul

[2005-10-06 15:26:00] - paul:  you lie.  ~a

[2005-10-06 15:20:57] - Damn I wish I was a woman. :-P -Paul

[2005-10-06 14:58:15] - Another problem I have is that momentum often doesn't seem to work right. For instance, if I have a guy dive through the air, it seems like he will hit something and lose all momentum entirely too easily. -Paul

[2005-10-06 14:56:47] - Aaron: I agree, there are still plenty of moments when my running back is "stuck" on an offensive lineman and just can't go around him even though it should be something that is easy to do. -Paul

[2005-10-06 14:51:58] - I think football games suffer from speed issues too.  Quarterbacks are slow, unless they're programmed to be fast, like Vick always is.  They have a speed rating, I understand, but behind the line, that's not the same factor it is past the line. -- Xpovos

[2005-10-06 14:46:26] - paul: That's good news. Well, bumping into other players (standing up) even looks pretty clumsy in most games. Any running plays with the QB usually look like 4 seconds of him moonwalking into his own players. It's just an impossibly complex problem, that many collisions, I guess - aaron

[2005-10-06 14:23:37] - ah ok. - mig

[2005-10-06 14:23:22] - Mig: Oh, right. I was using that as a positive example. You don't get stuck on players on the ground anymore. -Paul

[2005-10-06 14:21:09] - paul:  that's actually intended by design and better than '04.  In '04 if you wanted to hurdle over somebody you had to manually do it by pressing triangle while going over him. - mig

[2005-10-06 14:07:18] - At least in Madden 2005, I can't remember the last time I had a major issue with some clipping problems. If you run into a player on the ground, your guy will automatically try to jump over him. -Paul

[2005-10-06 14:07:03] - a: yay.  the wiki article on dasani says that the U.S. version didn't have calcium chloride in it, so it's safe (though still overpriced).  I used to drink dasani because it was like the only "bottled" water you could get in a can, and there was something appealing about that.  but eventually I decided it wasn't appealing enough to spend that much money on it. - pierce

[2005-10-06 14:05:42] - Aaron: Yeah, that's a problem that even the newest football games seem to have, although I think they've gotten a lot better at it. -Paul

[2005-10-06 14:04:49] - Pierce: And you likely won't even get that resolution in a lot of instances from what I understand. -Paul

[2005-10-06 14:01:58] - Clipping problems are a big problem in every recent football game I've seen. It's not even an inevitable problem like the "shooting after dribbling" problem basketball games have... it's just a laziness/computing power problem - aaron

[2005-10-06 14:00:32] - paul: That's a really big deal in football games for me. I don't care how great the game looks if the players are always running into invisible walls. I hate where there's a downed player on the field, and the ball-carrier runs in place  because he doesn't want to intersect the downed player's polygons - aaron

[2005-10-06 14:00:16] - So they'll probably release it with support for the Halos, and all the platinum games, but other games might come later as downloadable profiles if they support them at all. - pierce

[2005-10-06 13:59:30] - mig: they've announced that certain xbox games will be compatible, the words they used were "the most popular games".  the speculation is that all backwards-compatibility is achieved through emulation, but because the hardware is so different they have to manually tweak an emulation profile for each game they want to support... - pierce

[2005-10-06 13:57:27] - and the maximum resolution we can expect from it will be 1920x1080... which is a lot, and looks great even on a big screen, but won't be that crisp. - pierce

[2005-10-06 13:57:21] - Also, for a basketball game, I think a large part of what makes it look good (or bad) is the animation. Those pictures are good and all, but the game still won't look good to me if the players move stiffly and robotically. -Paul

[2005-10-06 13:54:57] - sam: I understand that they're not prerendered, but they're obviously not "playable" moments either... they're probably the "instant-replay" moments where the game focuses all its power on looking good because it temporarily doesn't have to think about AI or user input. - pierce

[2005-10-06 13:43:34] - Hmmm, that somehow came out wrong... -Paul

[2005-10-06 13:43:14] - a: Yeah, I think you mispelled it more than you spelled it correctly so I wanted to make sure the correct spelling wasn't a mistake. -Paul :-p

[2005-10-06 13:32:08] - paul:  oh, i see.  i had a typo in the last post too.  ~a

[2005-10-06 13:31:33] - paul:  i had it right at least one place in that post "paul:  the guy that vandalized it also enjoys" so i at least know how it's spelled (and had a typo the second time using the word)  ~a

[2005-10-06 13:15:01] - a: btw, I think the word is 'vandalize' -Paul

[2005-10-06 12:32:01] - a: I still like his browncoat article change better. :-) -Paul

[2005-10-06 11:23:43] - very old article about dasani  ~a

[2005-10-06 11:12:56] - paul:  the guy that vandalized it also enjoys vadalizing many other pages, like family guy ...  ~a

[2005-10-06 11:09:29] - bush and cheney may have been involved in plamegate. - mig

[2005-10-06 11:09:14] -

[2005-10-06 10:54:42] - sam:  do you know if original xbox games will play on the 360? - mig

[2005-10-06 08:09:51] - pierce: they will look great on HDTVs.  -sam

[2005-10-06 08:00:19] - pierce: those are not pre-rendered. also i've seen gameplay video clips and they really look good. -sam

[2005-10-06 03:55:32] - also, while those images look very crisp and detailed, think of what they'd look like with that resolution stretched over a big-screen tv. - pierce

[2005-10-06 03:54:43] - sam: maybe they're in-game screenshots, but they're obviously cinematic moments.  which can be cool, but I want to see how it looks when you're actually trying to play. - pierce

[2005-10-05 22:39:12] - Sam: Hard to say just based on screen shots. -Paul

[2005-10-05 22:38:00] - a: Aw... I liked the old version better. :-) -paul

[2005-10-05 22:29:06] - and yes... these are in-game screenshots. -sam

[2005-10-05 22:26:59] - Madden 06 for XBOX360. -sam

[2005-10-05 22:25:34] - Which one do you think looks better? NBA Live 06 or NBA 2K6  -sam

[2005-10-05 22:25:07] - oops, that was for XBOX360 -sam

[2005-10-05 22:24:51] - NBA Live 06 for XBOX -sam

[2005-10-05 22:24:02] - NBA 2K6 for XBOX360 -sam

[2005-10-05 18:29:00] - paul:  that vadalism was already removed.  here is the version you're referring to.  ~a

[2005-10-05 18:01:11] - "Many have made comparisons between browncoats and trekkies, in the sense they are deluded and insane." HAHAHA. That makes my day. :-D -Paul

[2005-10-05 17:29:31] - “Let’s just say I am working on having something to tell everyone about Buffy and those characters” A Buffy movie? -Paul

[2005-10-05 16:37:54] - Xpovos: I might agree with that. Glenn seems to be the more consistent performer. I think I would rather take the safe points than roll the dice on Boldin, though. -Paul

[2005-10-05 16:37:20] - Mig: It's possible. I just think that the Dallas offense is going to score more TDs against Philly than Arizona is going to score against Carolina. Arizona struggles mightily in the red zone. -Paul

[2005-10-05 16:34:36] - Paul: I take your point.  So perhaps Glen might be better than Boldin. I think with Boldin you're taking a gamble, could be 2-3 points, could be 20+. With Glen you're gonna get 5-8, maybe 10 if he catches a TD, which I doubt he will.  So low-average, but no explosive possibility. -- Xpovos

[2005-10-05 16:32:57] - paul:  regardless i like boldin's chances of doing something on the panthers's D over glenn doing anything on the Eagles's D. - mig

[2005-10-05 16:20:49] - Mig: Agreed, but with Kris Jenkins out, I think the Panthers defensive line is probably better at pass rushing than run stopping (or at least just as good at it). -Paul

[2005-10-05 16:17:24] - paul:  not necessarily true .. it's one thing to clog up holes to stop an RB and quite another to actually put pressure on the QB. - mig

[2005-10-05 15:57:26] - Mel: There is an episode list there. Looks like yesterday was the third episode of the second season. -Paul

[2005-10-05 15:56:35] - Xpovos: True, their defensive line is pretty good, but that also carries over to their passing defense. Pressure on the QB means a bad fantasy day for WRs. -Paul

[2005-10-05 15:55:52] - Mel: I'm actually not sure myself. It's one of the early episodes of the second season, I think. I saw most of the first season and was planning on watching all of the second season but I think I missed a couple. -Paul

[2005-10-05 15:55:07] - Sam: Because I don't have an urgent need to get it. If they sell out when it comes out, I can wait. -Paul

[2005-10-05 15:32:41] - Paul: hey cool.  so what number episode aired last night?  It's the first one I saw.  With the paper clip gold medal.  -mel

[2005-10-05 15:29:23] - Paul: I disagree, their strength is still the defensive line.  The secondary is OK, but I think Minter is probably over-rated.  Not by much, but--enough -- Xpovos

[2005-10-05 15:03:27] - ***sam tries to use jedi mind trick over IP.  "paul must preorder xbox360" -sam

[2005-10-05 14:59:11] - paul: why won't you preorder xbox360? what if it gets sold out as soon as it comes out? -sam

[2005-10-05 14:50:17] - paul: lol, strained groin muscle... i wonder how he hurt it. -sam

[2005-10-05 14:48:03] - Sam: I believe he has a strained groin muscle or something. -Paul

[2005-10-05 14:47:06] - btw, what happend to kurt warner? did he get hurt or is he just benched? -sam

[2005-10-05 14:41:08] - Sam: Possibly, that doesn't mean that Boldin is going to put up good numbers, though. In fact, I could make the argument that he would put up better numbers if Arizona was able to run the ball. There is something to be said for having a balanced attack which can move down the field. -Paul

[2005-10-05 14:37:08] - paul: but Ari has no running game... they are gonna throw it everytime. -sam

[2005-10-05 14:27:44] - Xpovos: Mainly. I just envision Carolina playing a lot of ball control offense and I think their secondary has become a strength of the team. I'm just not sure Boldin is going to have many chances to get a TD catch or lots of receiving yards in that game. -Paul

[2005-10-05 14:24:34] - Paul: Like Larry Fitzgerald, Kurt Warner, McNown and the Carolina Defense? -- Xpovos

[2005-10-05 14:23:12] - Sam: I'm not going to pre-order it, but I think I might buy it soon after it comes out. -Paul

[2005-10-05 14:17:05] - is anyone planning to preorder xbox360? it's coming out on 11/22 -sam

[2005-10-05 13:56:04] - Mel: I've been trying to catch as many episodes as I can. -Paul

[2005-10-05 13:55:46] - Sam: I do tend to talk to myself a lot. -Paul

[2005-10-05 13:55:43] - so has anyone seen The Office?  I watched last night and I was very amused.  -mel

[2005-10-05 13:55:34] - Sam: I don't think he'll do terrible, but I think he is the weakest out of the four you mentioned because of a variety of things. -Paul

[2005-10-05 13:51:47] - aaron: i don't know if there were any profanities in wonder shozen -sam

[2005-10-05 13:51:02] - paul: that was funny... like you were talking to yourself. :) -sam

[2005-10-05 13:50:24] - paul: so you think anquan boldin won't do well this week? -sam

[2005-10-05 13:46:41] - Dammit, clearly that was supposed to be directed at Sam and not myself. :-P -Paul

[2005-10-05 13:43:12] - Paul: Ah, three. Don't know how I missed that. I guess throw in Ferguson for the reasons that Andrew gave. -Paul

[2005-10-05 13:41:15] - sam:  they had the episode of south park where they said "shit" like 100 times. - mig

[2005-10-05 13:40:25] - sam: Don't they swear on wonder showzen? That's MTV2.... - aaron

[2005-10-05 13:38:16] - a: wow. i did not know...    -sam

[2005-10-05 13:37:19] - sam:  shit (as a joke) on southpark.  ~a

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