here are old message board entries

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[2006-01-11 16:22:47] - paul:  when you "save" money then you're esentually putting money into the real estate market (because banks usually lend money to homeowners)  ~a

[2006-01-11 16:17:53] - if the market is going up smoothly, then the individual is hurt by a limit order because they'll miss out on the upturn.  if the market turns down then goes up, then a stop order hurts the investor because they sell at the low and miss out on the upward turn.  ~a

[2006-01-11 16:16:33] - a: As for limit orders, you're basically saying that not putting money in the stock market is hurting it? I guess that's true but you could then say that saving money hurts the stock market too. -Paul

[2006-01-11 16:15:29] - a: I still don't see how either of those are bad for the individual investor and I'm not sure how it's much worse for the market either. If a stock is going down, people are going to sell it whether there are stop orders or not. -Paul

[2006-01-11 16:08:06] - those are reasons why they hurt the market.  ~a

[2006-01-11 16:07:58] - stop orders mean that when the market starts going down, then the market will start going down even faster.  ~a

[2006-01-11 16:07:37] - limit orders mean that you've committed $X to the market, but nobody can use it.  ~a

[2006-01-11 16:04:11] - a: Wha? I would think the opposite would be true. How do limit and stop orders hurt the market and the investor? -Paul

[2006-01-11 15:52:36] - i think they're dumb because in general they usually hurt the market and hurt the investor.  selling short doesn't do that.  ~a

[2006-01-11 15:51:19] - they have nothing to do with selling short.  ~a

[2006-01-11 15:48:23] - a: Wait, why do you think limit and stop orders are dumb and what do they have to do with selling short? -Paul

[2006-01-11 15:44:46] - i heard of selling short eight years ago and never really looked up the technical aspects until now.  i consider limit and stop orders to be pretty dumb; . . . but selling short sounds very interesting and much more dangerous.  (note to paul, scottrade lets you sell short)  ~a

[2006-01-11 14:24:32] - err FTC -dave

[2006-01-11 14:24:26] - FTS says Netlfix settlement unacceptable -dave

[2006-01-11 14:11:41] - you know, when people walk into my cube to talk to me, I always feel like I have to make conversation until they leave - but then I wonder whether I keep them longer than they want -dave

[2006-01-11 14:08:45] - *** dave wonders how many airplanes flew into mt's becase of bad gps readings

[2006-01-11 14:06:59] - a: i ment analog cable channels -sam

[2006-01-11 14:03:24] - a: so, if i connect wall to VCR, VCR to TV, then maybe i can watch 1 channel (analog) and record another (analog) at the same time? -sam

[2006-01-11 13:55:35] - *** vinnie is bored and just messed up New Zealand's GPS again

[2006-01-11 13:30:59] - *** everybody rolls their eyes

[2006-01-11 13:12:10] - *** a giggles.

[2006-01-11 13:10:24] - *** amy waves to a

[2006-01-11 13:08:39] - ah . . . talking to myself.  ~a

[2006-01-11 13:00:10] - dave:  i guess i should have said "then you'd only be able to watch the channel that you are recording"  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:40:34] - oh i also know that splitters work for everything:  analog cable, digital cable (before and after the box), and cable internet.  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:39:40] - so from that i can guess that paul can just split the cable signal before the digital box, and then put the vcr off the split.  like i said.  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:39:16] - the only two pieces of emperical evidence i have is:  i can watch tv without a cable box even though i have digital cable, and a vcr can work with analog cable.  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:36:59] - dave:  then you'd only be able to watch one channel (afaik)  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:36:37] - i have two tvs and only one cable box.  the tv that's plugged directly into the cable only sees the analog channels.  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:36:06] - the cable box is only necessary if you're watching a digital signal (or a scrambled analog signal like hbo, ppv, etc etc)  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:35:12] - Paul: I probably am just ignorant, but can you split the signal after the cable box? -dave

[2006-01-11 12:35:11] - paul:  all cables have both analog and digital cable.  your vcr can just record the analog cable version of the show.  the tv will get the digital (and hd if available).  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:32:19] - sam:  well since the vcr can only input analog cable, most cable providers don't even have above 100 in analog cable anyways.  ~a

[2006-01-11 12:30:59] - paul: VCR that is. -sam

[2006-01-11 12:30:35] - paul: i think mine has channel range of 1-99  -sam

[2006-01-11 12:29:28] - paul: but still, a lot of VCRs don't have the channels ranges that cable channels have -sam

[2006-01-11 12:24:50] - Sam: I'm not sure if what Adrian is suggesting would work (isn't the point of the cable box that it decodes the signal for you? can't your VCR NOT do that?) but if it did work, I would imagine it would solve that problem. -Paul

[2006-01-11 12:24:10] - Sam: I think that's because you have the output from the cable box attached to your VCR instead of having the signal split BEFORE it reaches the cable box like Adrian is suggesting. -Paul

[2006-01-11 12:07:34] - So, if i want to record something from cable, i have to set the VCR to record from channel 3 (TV channel), and i leave the cable box on the cable channel i want (like channel 56 for ESPN). So, i could NOT watch one cable channel and record another cable channel at the same time. -sam

[2006-01-11 12:07:26] - correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't the VCR only record from the TV channels and not the channels from the cable box?  like my TV gets cable signal through channel 3, and anything other than that comes from air.  i do use VCR to record some TV shows and when i set it up to record automatically, it only records from the TV channels. -sam

[2006-01-11 11:46:50] - you want the signal coming out of the digital cable box to only go to the tv (because afaik, the output of a digital cable box is only one channel).  ~a

[2006-01-11 11:45:52] - err.  have the signal go directly to the vcr and directly to the digital cable box.  ~a

[2006-01-11 11:40:58] - paul:  split the signal.  have the video go directly to the vcr and directly to the tv.  ~a

[2006-01-11 11:28:49] - a: I have a VCR but It would be a royal pain to have the video go through it not to mention make it impossible to still get an HD signal, I think. -Paul

[2006-01-11 11:14:34] - i'd offer myself but i doubt you'd drive all the way from reston just to watch a tv show.  ~a

[2006-01-11 11:14:05] - you can set a vcr to record one while you watch the other.  or you can ask one of your many friends with a dvr to record one or both for you.  ~a

[2006-01-11 11:13:35] - paul:  do you have a vcr?  i know you don't have a dvr.  ~a

[2006-01-11 11:03:44] - Dave: How? -Paul

[2006-01-11 10:57:15] - paul: record one? -dave

[2006-01-11 10:56:11] - Beauty and the Geek and the Office are on at the same time tomorrow? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! -Paul

[2006-01-11 10:33:59] - Computer users wanted in stardust hunt. Heh, my uncle is one of the main manager's or researchers behind the stardust project -dave

[2006-01-11 10:00:37] - it looks like the last 1,000 pixels are still up for auction, with less than 4 hours to go. it's up to $140k -amy

[2006-01-11 09:53:15] - Paul: although honestly, IMO that seems like a poor thing on which to go from two game suspension to kicked off the team. I suppose it was cumulative, but still -dave

[2006-01-11 09:37:30] - Dave: Yeah, that whole thing makes sense now. -Paul

[2006-01-11 09:32:21] - Paul: at least it cleared up the part about them thinking of just suspending him for a few games - that article says that they were going to do that until they learned of his driving with a suspended license -dave

[2006-01-11 09:27:19] - amy: or maybe the newspapers bought ads in it before it got big and then made it big x.0. Or maybe they bought ads and then resold them for a higher price! -dave

[2006-01-11 09:26:51] - "Certainly Virginia Tech deserves no credit for finally cutting the cord with Vick" *Sigh* -Paul

[2006-01-11 09:14:26] - a: maybe the million dollar page guy asked certain papers and websites to write an article or do an interview with him. i can't imagine he'd try to launch such a thing without having some sort of publicity plan. -amy

[2006-01-11 08:49:45] - a: ahh i must have missed the references -dave

[2006-01-11 08:40:41] - i mean, the newspapers are saying isn't this a great idea?! but without the newspapers saying it was a great idea, the site would have been a total flop.  ~a

[2006-01-11 08:38:54] - i think the million dollar webpage was a great idea, but the attention that the media is giving the site is only fulfilling their own prophecies.  right?  ~a

[2006-01-11 08:33:03] - and the webserver has version 1.0  ~a

[2006-01-11 08:32:21] - i apparantly have agp version 3.0!  ~a

[2006-01-11 08:29:24] - in linux you just have to type lspci.  ~a

[2006-01-11 08:28:46] - a: yea i remember seeing it here, but i didn't really pay much attention to it until now. -sam

[2006-01-11 08:27:11] - how do i find out what version of AGP slot my mob has without opening the computer? -sam

[2006-01-11 08:26:49] - the million dollar page has been discussed here at least twice before.  maybe thrice, but i can't find the third time.  ~a

[2006-01-11 08:23:48] - dave: actually, there are already copy cats. -sam

[2006-01-11 08:21:08] - dave: i wonder if other people will try to copy that idea... or have they already? -sam

[2006-01-11 08:14:49] - the last 1000 pixels sold on ebay 10 days ago for $152k -dave

[2006-01-11 08:13:29] - 21 year old makes over 1 mil by creating webpage of blank pixels, selling blocks to advertising, and then calling it the million dollar homepage -dave

[2006-01-11 07:06:04] - Finally FM radio available for iPod.  -sam

[2006-01-11 07:02:21] - Apple Computer's historic shift to Intel microprocessors came months earlier than expected as CEO Steve Jobs on Tuesday debuted personal computers based on new two-brained chips from the world's largest semiconductor company.    -sam

[2006-01-11 07:00:16] - Conceding that value pricing hasn't worked, General Motors Corp. announced Tuesday that it will lower sticker prices on 57 of its 76 models--80 percent of its lineup--by an average of $1,300, effective Wednesday.,1,2103717.story?coll=chi-business-hed    -sam

[2006-01-10 18:59:37] - check this out.  the name of this video game is "Word of Chaos."  I think the game makers mispelled the name.  Wouldn't it make more sense if it was "World of Chaos?"  -sam

[2006-01-10 18:03:26] - a: hehe ;-) guess paul's not the only geek with AMD stock then. cha-ching! - aaron

[2006-01-10 17:30:56] - aaron:  intel and amd are both on slashdot often.  ~a

[2006-01-10 17:29:12] - amd just made /., weird timing! - aaron

[2006-01-10 16:33:26] - a: Sorry, only 400 shares. -Paul

[2006-01-10 16:26:14] - paul:  omg.  ~a

[2006-01-10 16:24:36] - a: I think 450 shares bought when it was $18.22 a share. -Paul

[2006-01-10 16:07:06] - heh.  hell, i don't know!  god i wish i owned amd.  how much amd do you have?  ~a

[2006-01-10 16:05:32] - a: What do you think, should I sell my shares of FCX, AMD and ATYT? -Paul

[2006-01-10 15:29:19] - a: Ah, ok. Not bad then. Maybe I should ask you when I should sell my stocks. :-) -Paul

[2006-01-10 15:16:38] - paul:  bought 20@289, sold 10@403, sold 5@455.  still have 5 shares.  ~a

[2006-01-10 15:15:24] - a: What did you sell your google stocks at? ;-) -Paul

[2006-01-10 15:07:38] - a: hehe nice ^_^ -dave

[2006-01-10 15:05:12] - dave:  regarding apple:  i sold at 81.5 :-P  chart  ~a

[2006-01-10 15:03:07] - ultimate showdown (flash, and resizes screen)  ~a

[2006-01-10 14:53:14] - Sam: I don't think I have a wireless mouse or keyboard. I do have an extra wired mouse, though. -Paul

[2006-01-10 14:45:48] - Apple to sell SNL skits for iPod use -dave

[2006-01-10 14:42:25] - Paul: Yeah, he definitely controls his team differently, but I think he's shown that given the right people, his system works extremely well -dave

[2006-01-10 14:41:17] - paul: if you are selling them, can i buy them from you? -sam

[2006-01-10 14:40:43] - paul: awhile ago, did you say that you wanted to sell the wireless mouse and keyboard? -sam

[2006-01-10 14:31:04] - Dave: I suppose you're right. It just seems like sometimes Gibbs doesn't have as much control over the team as he should. -Paul

[2006-01-10 14:30:26] - Sam: All I can say is that I bought my HDTV from Best Buy and was fairly happy with everything. Probably not the cheapest way to go, though. -Paul

[2006-01-10 14:15:21] - do you guys have any suggestions on where to buy a cheap 32" LCD HDTV? -sam

[2006-01-10 12:39:49] - A new strongbad email after like a month's inactivity.  Pretty funny. - pierce

[2006-01-10 11:24:40] - a: if I'm not mistaken, the incident in the fifth paragraph is what led to her losing the home movies gig. it happened around the same time anyway. anyway that's why the character's name is Paula (since they like naming the characters on that show after the voice actors) - vinnie

[2006-01-10 11:23:08] - Apparently it happened a little before 5:00 am, so it was fairly dark - aaron

[2006-01-10 11:22:54] -,1,7965726.story?coll=bal-local-howard here's the story about the body on 95 - aaron

[2006-01-10 11:22:27] - Paul: I'm sure Gibbs chastised him to a certain extent when they talked - or at least Gibbs' had to have emphasized the importance of keeping a cool enough head in those circumstances -dave

[2006-01-10 11:21:42] - Paul: yeah, I agree, it could potentially have been a turning point for the game - but still, if he didn't do it, would be kinda ridiculous. And even if he did do it, I'm not sure publically humiliating him would be the best route, especially when he says he didn't do it -dave

[2006-01-10 11:12:35] - Dave: I suppose so. I just remember it seeming like quite a momentum turner at the time since it came on a (I think) third and long. -Paul

[2006-01-10 10:51:50] - aaron: oops, i meant people thought it was, not didn't think it was -dave

[2006-01-10 10:51:18] - aaron: well, no one really knows how the body appeared there, and people are saying that they don't think most people who hit it (or pieces of it) probably thought it was a deer or some animal -dave

[2006-01-10 10:46:05] - dave: I'm surprised people wouldn't see that, and brake or swerve, in broad daylight - aaron

[2006-01-10 09:54:50] - paul: and besides, the gibbs way of handling things is usually to just talk to the player, not publicly punish them - i think that was in some earlier washpost article - and they did say that Gibbs talked to him one-on-one about it afterwards -dave

[2006-01-10 09:52:54] - aaron: no, it was during morning rush hour - took some people 2 hours to get to work that normally takes 20 mins apparently -dave

[2006-01-10 09:52:35] - and the -dave

[2006-01-10 09:52:25] - Paul: but if it didn't happen then it would be ridiculous to punish him - at the official Gibbs line is that the film was inconclusive -dave

[2006-01-10 09:51:05] - dave: Whoa, that's gross... was it at night? - aaron

[2006-01-10 09:47:46] - (i mean like drug/alcohol problems) -amy

[2006-01-10 09:46:29] - a: i think after season 1. they implied in the commentary that there were problems with the original voice actor. -amy

[2006-01-10 09:31:06] - Dave: I would think that the team would also want to punish him some since his actions (whether it happened or not) resulted in a penalty which kept alive a Tampa Bay drive. -Paul

[2006-01-10 09:29:20] - Paul: I don't know what I think about the Sean Taylor thing - assuming he actually did spit intentionally, i suppose he should be fined more than for not dressing correctly -dave

[2006-01-10 09:28:16] - Paul: yeah, i took umbrage at that comment as well. I didn't really have a problem with what VA Tech did, i mean, i thought it was worth tryin to give him a second chance after suspending him a year. -dave

[2006-01-10 09:26:35] - you know, it's kinda interesting that washpost didn't have anything on the body dumped on 95 that apparently was hit (by cars) so much that they couldn't find enough body parts to identify it - i mean, they closed down 95 to try to collect pieces -dave

[2006-01-10 09:25:47] - Dave: "there's way too much trouble involving the football players on that campus" I keep wondering exactly what Wilbon is referring to when he says stuff like this. -Paul

[2006-01-10 07:59:22] - Separate Beds, Better Sleep -dave

[2006-01-10 07:53:38] - Wilbon thinks Sean Taylor should have been fined at least $100k (he compares the 17k to the 20k portis was fined for his outfit). Also thinks Marcus Vick should have been kicked off much earlier -dave

[2006-01-10 07:45:04] - Sean Taylor fined $17k (equal to the playoff game bonus check he got) for spitting at another player. Gibbs says review of tape inconclusive -dave

[2006-01-10 07:41:48] - Marcus Vick arrested for pulling gun on teenagers -dave

[2006-01-10 00:07:18] - hmmm.  when did they change the voice of brandon's mother on home movies?  i hate it when they do that.  ~a

[2006-01-09 18:36:02] - the aargh page - aaron

[2006-01-09 17:31:26] - ...anyway I'm not sure this law will really have any effect on anything since it is so vague (as worded in the article, that is) - vinnie

[2006-01-09 17:30:25] - pierce: yeah I looked through the text and couldn't find anything either. one of the links off of the article refers to some text from a previous law about telephone harassment in which they use the world "annoy". the cyberstalking part of the bill on the LoC website was garbage to me - maybe it updates the telephone law for the internet without considering the differences

[2006-01-09 17:08:04] - it's a game that i played a lot of senior year (but haven't touched since then).  unreal tournament 2003.  ~a

[2006-01-09 17:07:25] - a: what's ut2k3? -sam

[2006-01-09 17:06:29] - There's an interesting side note. An earlier version that the House approved in September had radically different wording. It was reasonable by comparison, and criminalized only using an "interactive computer service" to cause someone "substantial emotional harm."

[2006-01-09 17:04:21] - mig: pretty sure... I got to it from , which seems to be a chronological list of the bill's forms. - pierce

[2006-01-09 17:02:44] - pierce:  are you sure that this is the most recent copy.... the article does seem to site the amendment directly... - mig

[2006-01-09 16:54:50] - okay, I'm looking at what I think is the text of the act as signed, ... people seem to be upset because this makes "annoying" others on the internet a crime, but the "annoying" part wasn't part of the new amendment.  Am I missing something here? - pierce

[2006-01-09 16:35:27] - corrector rounding - aaron

[2006-01-09 16:28:24] - oh yeah, the series was garbage - vinnie

[2006-01-09 16:23:23] - a: Yeah... I didn't think the clerks animated series was very good either. Personally i think it was worse than J+SBSB... which is why i said I was being a little optimistic to expect more out of this new clerks movie than J+SBSB - aaron

[2006-01-09 16:13:33] - aaron:  yes.  i didn't like it very much.  although, it had a few good jokes per episode.  i usually wouldn't turn the tv off when it came on . . . and ut2k3 usually had most of my focus anyways.  ~a

[2006-01-09 16:05:34] - a: i don't know.... did you see the clerks animated series? - aaron

[2006-01-09 15:57:38] - aaron:  that wouldn't take much.  ~a

[2006-01-09 14:09:01] - vinnie: i'll be optimistic and guess, "better than jay and silent bob" - aaron

[2006-01-09 13:19:10] - so any guesses on how bad this will be (haha, yet I will probably be there opening day) - vinnie

[2006-01-09 13:08:41] - the anti-troll act? - vinnie

[2006-01-09 11:52:06] - paul: I was wondering that too! - aaron

[2006-01-09 11:30:46] - aaron: "No was hurt inside" What about the mouse? -Paul

[2006-01-09 10:40:05] - vengeful mouse sets house ablaze - aaron

[2006-01-09 10:36:30] - vinnie: Wow it crashed? On my computer it just ignored the brushes... - aaron

[2006-01-09 10:35:27] - a: Some of the problems seem to trace back to the GTK too so it's possible that's just not very portable to windows for whatever reason - aaron

[2006-01-09 10:31:18] - Makes me glad I use MS Paint. I've never had a problem with it crashing on me. :-) -Paul

[2006-01-09 10:21:31] - twice! I guess I installed something new that GIMP doesn't get along with :( - vinnie

[2006-01-09 10:19:51] - jesus christ, I just opened up GIMP in order to test the thing Aaron said and it crashed *puts foot in mouth* - vinnie

[2006-01-09 10:18:29] - I haven't had any problems with GIMP for Windows, but I probably do less complex stuff with it than Aaron - vinnie

[2006-01-09 10:10:45] - aaron:  i also should mention that i've never used gimp in windows.  until recently the windows-version of gaim really sucked; mostly because i think the developers test the software more on their own platform.  ~a

[2006-01-09 10:05:54] - a: Of course two years ago when I tried the tool, I found more severe bug, where saving in any windows directory with a space caused the program to crash.... so i guess they're making progress - aaron

[2006-01-09 10:04:46] - a: Well i tried Gimp about two weeks ago for the first time in about two years, and found two bugs almost immediately. One is that file->save always thinks there's an existing file, and one is that brushes don't work in layers with locked alpha channels. They're both pretty huge bugs and I found them in my first, like, half-an-hour of using the tool - aaron

[2006-01-09 10:02:33] - paul:  :(  ~a

[2006-01-09 10:02:12] - aaron:  openoffice i haven't tried.  ~a

[2006-01-09 10:01:38] - aaron:  i agreed with gimp until recently.  gimp has gotten a lot better in the last two years.  ~a

[2006-01-09 09:43:58] - I guess I don't entirely understand what it's supposed to be a list of... "open source web sites where users can change the content" is untrue for a few entries - aaron

[2006-01-09 09:41:10] - I guess I don

[2006-01-09 09:40:41] - a: I'm still not impressed with OpenOffice or Gimp... Both tools surprisingly problem-ridden considering their age. I'm a bit surprised Ant and Eclipse didn't  make the list. - aaron

[2006-01-09 09:23:58] - a: I'm surprised you even knew who Marcus Vick was. :-P -Paul

[2006-01-09 08:38:55] -  top 10 open source projects.  mostly what you'd expect, but a few projects that i hadn't heard of.  ~a

[2006-01-07 20:58:17] - paul: oops, you got it before me! -sam

[2006-01-07 20:56:21] - congratulations to the redskins for setting the record for the least offensive yards in a playoff victory!  -sam

[2006-01-07 20:53:30] - and that's probably because he is "permanently dismissed from the Hokie football program."  -sam

[2006-01-07 20:51:31] - For those who don't know. Marcus Vick is entering the NFL draft.  -sam

[2006-01-07 16:36:27] - paul:  i knew.  :-D  ~a

[2006-01-07 01:17:24] - For those who don't know, Marcus Vick was dismissed from the Virginia Tech football team. -Paul

[2006-01-06 16:43:40] - a: I've had great success doing complex things with SVN. Right now I have two parallel baselines for a project. One works against one web server and the toher works against another web server. I constantly want to make changes to both baselines, and SVN can handle that very well - aaron

[2006-01-06 16:37:15] - aaron:  cvs is really old and imo really well designed.  svn is its successor and i like it too.  they're both free and open source.  ~a

[2006-01-06 16:06:50] - Paul: Unfortunately I can't really say, I didn't really follow what happened with him. In retrospect you can say that he didn't get injured so he didn't really lose all that much. He's also probably gonna go in the top 3 so he's not losing much there either. -dave

[2006-01-06 16:05:20] - but then i read this... i've never used CVS before so i didn't realize that kind of terminology was real!! it still makes me laugh - aaron

[2006-01-06 16:05:00] - the latest WTF is very good - especially that last one.... i thought it must have been fudged or something - aaron

[2006-01-06 15:36:27] - Dave: What do you think of Leinhart? He could've gone pro last year but came back and ended up only taking one class (ballroom dancing) this year because he already had enough credits to graduate. -Paul

[2006-01-06 15:29:39] - Dave: Me to, and I agree.  Reggie Bush the same way.  They're both Juniors, I believe.  But Reggie and Vince have each won a national title now (Reggie two, and the Heisman on top) and the reasons for college are so mitigated by being an athlete of that caliber. -- Xpovos

[2006-01-06 15:20:09] - of course I really haven't followed him at all other than reading articles for the past few weeks -dave

[2006-01-06 15:19:42] - I'm usually a proponent of college football players staying longer in college, but I do have to say that I think V. Young should enter the draft -dave

[2006-01-06 15:02:51] - Pierce: I will try to show up, but I might be late. -Paul

[2006-01-06 15:02:32] - Dave: I figured you would understand at least. :-) -Paul

[2006-01-06 15:02:18] - a: I'm not sure whether she was right or not is the issue, but he claims to have a wife (or girlfriend, I can't remember) and a number of people who claim to be women post approving comments in his blog. -Paul

[2006-01-06 15:01:22] - Xpovos: Basically he wrote some criticisms of feminism and this woman disagreed with him by calling him names and now it's ironic because she is upset that others are disagreeing with her by calling her names. -Paul

[2006-01-06 14:37:09] - pool tonight... 7pm at bungalow. - pierce

[2006-01-06 13:57:38] - paul: hehe, that VD entry is pretty funny -dave

[2006-01-06 13:50:20] - America's fittest city is...Baltimore? -dave

[2006-01-06 13:30:28] - paul: Thanks. That was my first guess - aaron

[2006-01-06 13:08:25] - paul:  yeah, i kind of care and no i don't understand what's going on.  . . . i don't know if the chick was right.  does vox day have any female friends?  ~a

[2006-01-06 13:06:28] - Paul: nail on the head.  No clue, but I think I'll have to start reading that blog now. -- Xpovos

[2006-01-06 12:09:14] - marcus vick will be suspended  -sam

[2006-01-06 11:54:18] - Most of you probably don't care and those few that do probably won't understand what's going on, but I couldn't help but post this Vox Day entry. It's too perfect. -Paul

[2006-01-06 11:27:58] - Aaron: This is an article about what Miguel posted. -Paul

[2006-01-06 11:07:22] - 0 to 60 in under 3s. 987hp and 922lb-ft of torque -dave

[2006-01-06 10:35:13] - DirecTV and Microsoft make love connection -dave

[2006-01-06 09:24:22] - mig: I don't see a "similar items", what did it used to say? - aaron

[2006-01-06 00:59:56] - Woo!  Futurama! - pierce

[2006-01-05 18:36:20] - How to Follow a Defense in Football by Watching the Safeties    -sam

[2006-01-05 18:09:20] - mig: wow... i think that might be insulting to some people... -sam

[2006-01-05 17:21:00] - Mig: Huh, Brent Spiner was in 'Introducing Dorothy Dandridge'? Who knew? -Paul

[2006-01-05 17:20:05] - Mel: I agree about Vince Young, though. He certainly seemed unstoppable last night. -Paul

[2006-01-05 17:19:36] - Mel: I'm not sure Pete Carroll had much to do with allowing the penalties and he seemed to be just as mad over that last wasted time out as anybody. -Paul

[2006-01-05 17:10:56] - look at "similar items" - mig

[2006-01-05 16:58:48] - aaron:  i guess, instead of saying self-sustaining, i should have said cyclical.  you can get cycles if you have an enclosed basin that's filling up with lighted oil.  the fire doesn't propigate down unless it's got static oil below it.  ~a

[2006-01-05 16:42:30] - The Longhorns deserved it, I thought.    I was mad at Pete Carroll for wasting timeouts and allowing too many penalities.  -mel

[2006-01-05 16:41:29] - damn the game last night was quite a game.  I really thought USC would win until the very end.  Vince Young played an incredible game though.  The man simply could not be stopped.  -mel

[2006-01-05 16:34:30] - Dave: And our mascot is (at best), a giant turkey. :-) -Paul

[2006-01-05 16:34:08] - Sam: Those are all qualities I would like to associate with my football team. -Paul

[2006-01-05 16:33:49] - Jon Stewart Slated to Host Academy Awards -Paul

[2006-01-05 15:49:32] - futurama execs reportedly in talks to bring fox back from the dead - aaron

[2006-01-05 14:52:40] - Matsushita shows 103-inch plasma tv -dave

[2006-01-05 14:41:39] - Paul: I agree, there was probably a certain amount of respect for them. Then again, some community college just named their team the "Fighting Artichokes" -dave

[2006-01-05 14:38:19] - paul: i think the atlanta braves's mascot is also an american indian.  notice how they named it  the "braves?"    there must have been some of sterotype that portrayed american indians as brave, strong, and intimidating. -sam

[2006-01-05 14:32:47] - That doesn't mean it isn't negative or insulting or anything, just that I can't imagine anybody intended that when the name was chosen. -Paul

[2006-01-05 14:31:50] - In other words, at some point in time the majority of people in the Washington D.C. area probably had to have thought that the name "Redskins" was a proud and honorable name for a team or else they wouldn't have picked it. -Paul

[2006-01-05 14:31:02] - Aba: Oh, I don't mean to imply that it's a compliment. I just think that when most of these names were chosen, there must not have been too much of a negative stereotype regarding the name in society or else the name probably wouldn't have been chosen in the first place. -Paul

[2006-01-05 14:24:12] - i dont necessarily think that your tribe name having an intimidating connotation is a compliment.  many tribes were peaceful by nature and only fought when provoked.  it doesnt seem fair to be associated with the idea of being fierce and blood thirsty if that goes against the teachings of the tribe.  -  aba

[2006-01-05 14:24:00] - Dave: After all, you don't hear teams being called "the terrorists" or "serial killers" or "rapists" or anything like that. It's usually an association with something that the fans can be proud of. -Paul

[2006-01-05 14:22:57] - Dave: Well, I just had never really thought about why anybody would name their teams after native american tribes before. Being intimidating probably has something to do with it but I think it also has to contain a certain amount of respect also. -Paul

[2006-01-05 14:13:02] - a: cool game. there's a link on the website to a thread that has some fun things to try - vinnie

[2006-01-05 14:10:18] - Paul: oh, right. so you're assuming that native american tribes/names like redskins, seminoles, etc aren't/weren't intimidating? -dave

[2006-01-05 13:44:34] - Dave: Oh, definitely true. It just makes me wonder why so many people would name their teams after native americans like that. -Paul

[2006-01-05 13:36:14] - Paul: but at the same time, even if it is a compliment of sorts, I could still see how some people wouldn't want their name associated with certain things.  Like I don't think I would want a football team named after me, or a stadium, etc -dave

[2006-01-05 12:51:07] - Sam: That's actually an interesting point. You would think that if a school or professional organization named their team after something, it would be something they respect or think it intimidating and not something that they think is offensive or insulting. -Paul

[2006-01-05 12:47:57] - Dave: I have a coworker (who as far as I can tell has absolutely no ties to native americans at all) who hates the name "Redskins" and says she refuses to cheer for the team at all until they change the name. -Paul

[2006-01-05 12:37:45] - aaron:  it worked roughly for me..... it bases it on your ISP location so it isnt totally exact (and i would suppose the potential for inaccuracy is much greater when surfing from work vs home).  -  aba

[2006-01-05 12:22:39] - i wonder why some college and pro mascots are named after american indian  tribes...  american indians mascots are supposed to be intimidating? -sam

[2006-01-05 12:19:46] - "One of America's booming businesses is the indignation industry, which manufactures the synthetic outrage needed to fuel identity politics" -dave

[2006-01-05 12:19:16] - "The University of North Dakota's Fighting Sioux may have to find another nickname because the various Sioux tribes cannot agree about whether they are insulted." -dave

[2006-01-05 12:19:05] - Chief Among the Silliness -dave

[2006-01-05 12:11:52] - a: Hehe. Reinventing the sandbox game. It's pretty cool, i'll have to play it more later. Oil + fire is not self-sustaining... it burns up right away! - aaron

[2006-01-05 11:56:29] - Xbox360 to get external HD-DVD player -dave

[2006-01-05 11:54:32] -  $1,500 Apple iBook G4 laptops a mandatory requirement for elementary students -dave

[2006-01-05 11:51:42] - sam: yeah, i don't think it's a particularly great deal. more like average -dave

[2006-01-05 11:51:14] - Creator of Python joins Google -dave

[2006-01-05 11:35:30] - Sam: It looks like a decent price, but I don't think it's anything particularly special either. I found a similar hard drive online for about $3 more without trying too hard. -Paul

[2006-01-05 11:32:26] - very very very fun game.  i like the spout+plant+fire and the oil+fire and the cera+fire combinations the best because they can be mostly self sustaining.  and the slug (namekuji in japanese) is pretty dumb.  i usually switch it to vanish.  ~a

[2006-01-05 11:04:23] - do you guys think this is a good deal? western digital 80GB external hard drive 7200RPM for $90    -sam

[2006-01-05 10:28:31] - Massively Multiplayer Orgies? -Paul

[2006-01-05 10:18:34] - Aaron: The map didn't work for me either. It says I'm not located in the United States and therefore cannot be found. -Paul

[2006-01-05 10:16:21] - aaron: worked for me. thanks for the link, aba - vinnie

[2006-01-05 10:13:13] - Sam: Well, we ended up 7th in the final AP poll. That's higher than I expected. -Paul

[2006-01-05 08:50:12] - aba: the "you" map didn't work for me! did it work for you? - aaron

[2006-01-05 06:57:59] - i felt sorry for USC defense... -sam

[2006-01-05 06:55:10] - wow, vince young is good. i think he is better than michael vick when michael vick was in college -sam

[2006-01-05 01:55:24] - vinnie:  interesting link about net presence -  aba

[2006-01-04 17:29:55] - maryland judge says it's ok to moon people - aaron

[2006-01-04 17:23:11] - vinnie: i think it's weird to imagine 300 years from now when we're long dead, we'll potentially have these information ghosts floating around, telling everyone how much the newest harry potter movie sucked, or whatever - aaron

[2006-01-04 16:20:23] - dave: yeah I've thought about that angle before. but I never plan on doing that, so I never gave it much thought. but kids! yikes - vinnie

[2006-01-04 16:04:11] - (and one of the pictures is not very cute at all) - aaron

[2006-01-04 16:01:36] - dave: one of those pictures is very cute! - aaron

[2006-01-04 15:54:34] - vinnie: it has to be even more frightening for future politicians. I would think the best policy for someone who knew they were going to be in politics would be to not have a big net presence, hehe -dave

[2006-01-04 15:50:46] - puppy boom in katrina's ruins -dave

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