here are old message board entries
prev <->
2006-01-26 16:01:57] -
a: You have sony stock?
2006-01-26 15:56:14] -
paul: sony: +12% today
2006-01-26 15:50:32] - may be
2006-01-26 15:50:04] - race my be a factor with lung cancer
2006-01-26 15:33:34] -
Shiiit. So do I. Wish I had more.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-26 15:15:43] - I <3 AMD stock.
2006-01-26 14:46:28] -
dave: like. if i designed c, i would have said: (for usage four) instead of saying
static void f() {...}, you could, instead *gasp* create a new keyword:
noexport void f() {...} ~a
2006-01-26 14:45:06] -
a: oh ^_^
2006-01-26 14:40:59] -
dave: i agree it's interesting. i'm just pissed off that there are five different meanings for "static"
2006-01-26 14:40:31] -
vinnie: you have one brother. and his name is nithin (sp?)
2006-01-26 14:34:36] -
a: yeah, thanks, I just had never run across using it before. I ran across it in our programming style document and thought it was interesting
2006-01-26 14:34:15] -
a: I already knew that. you have to guess my sibling situation
- vinnie
2006-01-26 14:28:06] -
dave: static a = 3; (usage FIVE; global variable; means that a's symbol is not exported; VERY simmilar to usage four)
2006-01-26 14:26:50] -
dave: static void f() {...} (usage four; means that the function's (b's) symbol is NOT exported).
2006-01-26 14:26:44] -
dave: class c{static void f();} (usage three: means that the function is not associated with an instance of the class)
2006-01-26 14:26:01] -
dave: class c{static a = 3;} (usage two; means that a is
set when the program starts and deallocated when the program halts; a is not associated with an instance of the class)
2006-01-26 14:25:56] -
dave: void f(){static a = 3;...} (usage one; means that a is
set when code is run in
the function the first time and deallocated when program halts)
2006-01-26 14:18:40] -
errr. one sister. she is graduating from tech this spring.
2006-01-26 14:18:14] -
vinnie: one sister is gratuating from tech this spring.
2006-01-26 14:07:50] - I'm not so sure there is any normal personal information about me that nobody knows.
2006-01-26 13:56:57] -
a: Yeah, thank God I don't actually have to drive it, often.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-26 13:48:20] - a kind of interesting op piece on nfl commish Tagliabue's remarks on the nba and mlb.
- mig
2006-01-26 13:44:22] - there's the article. in all fairness, i just noticed that it's an opinion article, so i guess that kinda explains it
2006-01-26 13:42:57] - the earmarking fact is nice, but the rest seems a tad partisan and unfounded, at least from my point of view
2006-01-26 13:41:25] - "Congress under Republican control has increased earmarks 873 percent in a decade and validated the axiom that the more solicitous government becomes, the more servile it seems and the more scorn it receives. Congress has not been so unpopular since 1994, when Democrats lost their 40-year grip on the House" that from a washpost article
2006-01-26 13:34:36] -
amy: just say you went to both. people claim all asians look alike anyways
2006-01-26 13:20:18] - which of the following schools have i attended: TJ, VT? .D
2006-01-26 13:20:12] -
xpovos: that's a hell of a drive.
2006-01-26 13:01:49] -
vinnie: I can get half of that correct. Unless I can't.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-26 12:56:15] - I like this personal knowledge quiz game. a, how many siblings do I have and what are their names?
- vinnie
2006-01-26 12:50:29] -
a: Vinnie was correct, I am still living at my parent's house, which is in Dale City. I don't even live in the side of Dale City that is convenient to a major highway or Potomac Mills Mall. The armpit of the world. I work in Arlington, close to Ballston.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-26 11:54:48] -
mmm, supercavitation -dave
2006-01-26 11:54:34] - DARPAs next grand challenge - underwater express
2006-01-26 11:54:01] -
a: static in the contect of using static variables and functions, like using the "static" keyword in front of them
2006-01-26 11:48:25] -
dave: it's going to be much easier to dual boot osx and linux since linux already supports efi.
2006-01-26 11:46:04] -
dave: static in which context (i hate it when programming language developers overuse a keyword, like static). static means 3 (or 4 depending on how technical you want to be) different things depending on the context.
2006-01-26 11:44:23] - $6000 to Anyone Who Can Dual Boot OSX and Windows XP on New Intel-Macs
2006-01-26 11:12:43] - MS agrees to license Windows source in EU
2006-01-26 09:36:53] -
incidentally, I never knew how useful "static" can be in C++
2006-01-26 09:35:51] -
a: But then I would lose the convenience of having my car at my apartment... Same problem, different place.
2006-01-26 09:35:26] -
yeah, i work for grumman
2006-01-26 09:32:37] -
paul: so leave your car at work
2006-01-26 09:31:51] -
vinnie: i always do the same thing. for some reason LM and NG seem like the same company to me.
2006-01-26 09:23:57] -
a: If I walked to work, it would mean I couldn't drive to lunch and I would have to walk home if it started raining or snowing and I couldn't stop by the grocery store after work, etc.
2006-01-26 09:23:26] -
a: No, I don't walk to work, although I've thought about it many times. I think the biggest thing holding me back is losing the flexibility of having a car at work.
2006-01-26 09:19:48] -
a: my mom must be younger than me then, for all the energy she has and i don't have -_-;
2006-01-26 09:15:26] -
mig: oops, I bet you're right. I get those companies mixed up all the time
- vinnie
2006-01-26 09:14:36] - doesn't dave work for northrup gruuman?
- mig
2006-01-26 09:12:56] - sam lives with parents in annandale and works for same company as me. travis' company... you've stumped me
- vinnie
2006-01-26 09:12:31] - pierce lives across the street from vinnie.
- pierce
2006-01-26 09:12:13] - pierce - same complex different apt. dave - somewhere in ellicott city. andrew - still in dale city. dave works for L0ckh33d, amy for c4c1, me for 5R4, gurk for 4MS. I think I got those all right
- vinnie
2006-01-26 09:09:18] - . . . where sam lives, travis's company, sam's company.
2006-01-26 08:39:51] - added on to the things i don't know: where dave lives, where andrew lives (still near woodbridge?), name of dave's company, name of amy's company, name of vinnie's company, name of gurkie's company.
2006-01-26 08:18:44] -
paul: do you walk to work?
2006-01-26 08:09:27] - i just realized that i have no idea where pierce lives. where does pierce live?
2006-01-26 07:52:25] - michael on marcus
2006-01-26 06:59:03] - my parents are elderly and they're only 54. you're only as old as you feel and they feel old.
2006-01-26 06:57:16] - according to
wikipedia, "people are generally considered to be middle aged between the ages of about 40-65" also, people are
elderly "when they reach the ages of 60-65".
2006-01-25 16:58:18] -
Amy: I can't wait until I'm middle-aged. Maybe then I will stop being carded for rated R movies and stop having people think I'm a high school student.
2006-01-25 16:54:49] -
Paul: Hmm I think I like 57 being middle aged more than 30s. It's more optimistic. I don't want to be middle-aged in 10 years .(
2006-01-25 16:42:22] -
Pierce: When they said middle-aged, I was actually thinking of somebody in their 30s...
2006-01-25 16:41:59] -
Pierce: I'm not entirely sure. I probably wouldn't use an adjective at all. I actually consider 57 to be closer to elderly than middle-aged, though.
2006-01-25 16:39:21] -
paul: what word would you use to describe 57? it's not elderly yet, as far as I'm concerned.
- pierce
2006-01-25 16:33:39] -
amy_dying_at_work: I assumed as much.
2006-01-25 16:21:16] - did i really type think? i meant thank, obviously
2006-01-25 16:20:58] - Stewie to get his own talk show?
2006-01-25 16:17:19] -
amy_dying_at_work: I have to admit, I was tempted...
2006-01-25 16:13:07] -
paul: i still think you very much for not saying "someting interesting" .)
2006-01-25 16:02:26] - Since when is 57 considered middle aged?
2006-01-25 15:57:53] -
dying_at_work: Sorry, I've got nothing.
2006-01-25 15:43:44] - omg somebody please say something interesting
2006-01-25 13:27:15] - millhouse whooo. millhouse whoooooo.
2006-01-25 11:15:57] -
anon: hee hee -also anon
2006-01-25 11:11:14] - cry cry again.
2006-01-25 10:43:12] -
a: I know, I had bought the shares at around $10 and then sold it when it reached $16.74. I think it even went down a bit after that so I was proud of myself. Unfortunately then it started going back up.
2006-01-25 10:37:56] -
paul: it could be worse. their 52 week low is half of that.
2006-01-25 10:34:42] -
ouch. ~a
2006-01-25 10:20:42] -
a: Yup, and I sold my shares for $16.74
2006-01-25 10:15:56] -
paul: netflix. wow.
2006-01-25 09:20:39] -
Dave: Thanks Dave.
2006-01-25 09:15:04] -
dave: are you trying to pump paul's portfolio?
2006-01-25 09:03:56] - ATI hard launches vid card that outperforms nvidia
2006-01-25 09:00:25] - AMD marketshare for x86 tops 20%
2006-01-25 07:56:29] - artest for peja deal called off
2006-01-24 17:45:37] - thanks in advance.
2006-01-24 17:45:30] -
aaron/vinnie: on thursday (if you're coming to ddr) can one of you drive me
from work? (it's ~2 mile from sfm)
2006-01-24 17:41:33] - i got a 77 on the quiz. :o
- aba
2006-01-24 17:08:53] - google execs make $1 per year again (i didn't know that in the first place)
slashdot links ~a
2006-01-24 16:29:27] -
dave: haha. that's delicious. "The MPAA's decision to make copies of the film without the copyright-holder's permission reinforces the documentary's message that the MPAA's actions often reek of self-interest and hypocrisy."
2006-01-24 16:25:46] -
a: That's because id doesn't generally make games, they make engines.
2006-01-24 16:25:31] -
a: I don't dual-boot, so I'm sure that hurt me.
2006-01-24 16:18:33] -
omg. i didn't realize how cool idsoftware was. 17 games released by (mostly) four guys between 1991 and 1993 (a bunch of which were revolutionary).
2006-01-24 16:15:34] -
paul: i admitted that i was doing the test on a windows machine, and that i use windows, and that i have dual/boot windows machines.
2006-01-24 14:22:35] -
Xpovos: Probably because I didn't say anything bad about Microsoft or Windows.
2006-01-24 14:09:42] - yahoo throws in search towel (will attempt to maintain marketshare, but not aggressively go after Google's spot)
2006-01-24 14:00:42] - mpaa admits to unauthorized movie copying
2006-01-24 13:57:46] -
Paul: How the hell am I more computer-nerdy than you? I could understand a small jump, but 20 points?
-- Xpovos
2006-01-24 13:56:58] -
amy: Or ask how long it took and expect people to answer honestly. They do that with other questions as is.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-24 13:44:17] - when pizza's on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime.
2006-01-24 13:33:51] - oh wow. it's actually a thing:
second breakfast.
2006-01-24 13:33:18] -
Dave: Wow, that's pretty surprising. I didn't think they would ever merge the two networks together like that.
2006-01-24 13:32:25] - I think I got 66.
2006-01-24 13:28:41] -
79. Bout what I expected.
- pierce
2006-01-24 13:24:16] - UPN and WB merging
2006-01-24 13:24:05] -
xpovos: it would be difficult for an online test to measure the distinction. i guess if it were timed or something, but that creates other problems.
2006-01-24 13:23:10] -
a/amy: I agree, I just don't think I deserve as many points as, say Adrian, who could probably do it off the top of his head. Certainly I got more points than "OMFG What is that???"
-- Xpovos
2006-01-24 13:06:08] -
xpovos: i imagine they'd give you points if you even knew what rot13 was, as opposed to answering the "omfg what is that???" answer
2006-01-24 13:01:07] -
xpovos: i think the whole point is that you CAN convert the ascii/rot13.
2006-01-24 12:58:19] - I scored 88, but some of that I probably don't deserve because I really don't know how to translate ASCII, I can just spot obvious answers, and I had to count ROT13.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-24 12:29:42] -
a: yeah it's not a very scientific (for lack of better word) test. i'm actually surprised i scored as high as i did.
2006-01-24 12:21:21] -
amy: i got lucky, a ton of the questions just happened to ask stuff that i knew about. basically i'm saying they COULD have asked a bunch of geek questions that i wouldn't have known about.
2006-01-24 12:11:58] -
a: haha i saw that coming .)
2006-01-24 12:01:29] -
95. ~a
2006-01-24 11:41:32] - who is the geekiest of us all? (why am i asking when i prob already know the answer?) my score was 62
2006-01-24 10:42:52] -
a: heh awesome, maybe vinnie has this whole internet cult following we never knew about .)
2006-01-24 10:27:32] -
amy: actually i have no reason to believe that this
is a recent development. i just never checked. miguel and i only used a few hundred mb in january.
2006-01-24 10:25:03] -
a: oh wow cool
2006-01-24 10:24:47] -
a: that's very interesting -- i'm assuming this is a recent development, if you're making mention of it now (2.3gb is a lot of mp3s!); i wonder why all of a sudden?
2006-01-24 10:24:20] -
amy: 51% balladmoonstruck. 5% hallofmirrors. 5% 4000 miles. 5% raspberryice . . .
2006-01-24 10:19:59] -
amy: mp3s. i don't actually care, just letting you know.
2006-01-24 09:49:03] -
a: do you know what all that bandwidth has been used for? -vinnie, but really amy
2006-01-24 09:48:47] -
a: huh, I wonder why
- vinnie
2006-01-24 09:37:46] - No E3 love for booth babes this year?
2006-01-24 07:37:26] - i'm upset because there is a principle, a bedrock principle that doesn't change, and now i'm supposed to hand over these things. i'm supposed to hand over these things that are ours.
- message_board
2006-01-23 18:28:48] -
vinnie: youch. 2.3gb bandwidth used on in january.
2006-01-23 15:13:54] - - vinnie
2006-01-23 15:13:50] -
a: I noticed that too
2006-01-23 15:03:21] -
hmmm. the url says devo20. but the name says dev20.
2006-01-23 14:28:25] -
aaron: it's like kidsbop + devo but not quite that funny
- vinnie
2006-01-23 13:29:12] - From a friend's blog: It was discovered by Paul Pan that the Pledge of Allegiance is an anagram of "Epicede to pall indigence: I salute the fair dollar of the free capitalist economy, and the biotic need which it funds: a big gold ingot glittering, with a job, fuel, assets, land and revenue for all."' Haven't checked the anagram myself *shrug*
2006-01-23 09:26:00] -
Sam: Poor Toronto.
2006-01-23 06:42:22] -
wow, kobe? 81 points?
2006-01-21 10:20:23] -
oh, very much agreed.
2006-01-20 18:35:48] -
a: It's been a very violent week for stocks.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-20 18:19:17] -
xpovos: what?
2006-01-20 17:22:54] -
Wow, who wants to slam-dance with the stock market?
-- Xpovos
2006-01-20 16:48:15] -
mig: I should be free for doing something tonight. Just let me know when and where.
2006-01-20 16:27:22] - can't; sorry.
2006-01-20 16:24:04] - who wants to play pool or go bowling tonight?
- mig
2006-01-20 16:16:51] -
mig: cross site scripting is bad. so no.
2006-01-20 16:10:28] - "What eventually led LiveJournal to discover and patch our first vulnerability is that McAfee's full [computer security] suite actually has some preliminary protection against cross-site scripting attacks," Isn't cross site scripting supposed to be not permitted in browsers by default?
- mig
2006-01-20 16:05:54] -
a: look what you did, you just started a market crash!
- mig
2006-01-20 15:56:46] -
a: Paul still has his AMD stock, which has been on quite the rollercoaster lately.
2006-01-20 15:56:19] -
google: -8.5% today. apple -3%. (right after adrian sold off most of his google and apple)
2006-01-20 15:52:19] -
heh. ~a
2006-01-20 15:52:10] -
a: Lynx.
2006-01-20 15:48:50] -
dave: "recent changes to a popular browser" which popular browser?!
2006-01-20 15:40:03] - account hijackings prompt livejournal changes
2006-01-20 15:34:35] - 25 words that hurt your resume
2006-01-20 15:25:21] - "Man dies after dog falls onto car from overpass"
2006-01-20 15:24:15] -
mig: Despite Google's seemingly commendable stand here, I always wondered why they didn't receive more heat for collecting all this information in the first place. After all, there wouldn't be an issue here if google didn't keep all this information about people.
2006-01-20 15:17:36] - usgov wants google data. Google clearly states, NO.
- mig
2006-01-20 14:38:51] -
mig: there also appears to be java.awt.Image, although creating a java.awt.Image from a file seems less obvious than using ImageIcon.
2006-01-20 14:34:50] -
mig: javax.swing.ImageIcon ?
2006-01-20 14:29:02] -
Xpovos: Maybe
2006-01-20 14:25:50] -
java_people: is there a quick way to get meta-data on an image file (resolution, format, etc) in java?
- mig
2006-01-20 14:15:36] -
a: I plead the 5th.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-20 14:15:29] -
Paul: I see you've been studying tantrics.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-20 14:15:15] -
a: Good point.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-20 14:02:08] -
xpovos: so, what is your full name for the record?
2006-01-20 14:00:48] -
oops. i meant to say: xpovos: that's online time, not idle time
2006-01-20 14:00:19] -
Xpovos: Hey, you read the message. It wasn't just a shower...
2006-01-20 14:00:19] -
xpovos: that's online time, not idle time :-
2006-01-20 14:00:01] -
a: There are probably worse away messages that I've had.
2006-01-20 13:38:24] -
sam: yeah probably copyright infringement; it even looks like the panels were scanned in manually.
2006-01-20 13:31:01] -
Paul: A 5-hour shower?!
-- Xpovos
2006-01-20 13:30:25] - My favorite is that there's a British violin-maker with my name. However searching under my most common handles turns up some incriminating evidence if you dig deep enough. For me, though it's all the more reason to use my handle online and my real name in RL only, and never the twain shall meet.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-20 13:24:05] -
amy: the garfield randomizer is awesome! however, isn't that a copyright infrigement? it seems like someone from washington university is doing for fun or as a project.
2006-01-20 13:19:11] -
a: LOL! i don't even want to know...
2006-01-20 13:00:56] -
paul: i found something scandalous that google should cache . . . ~a
2006-01-20 12:00:13] - iran moves assets out of west. also contemplates cutting OPEC oil output
2006-01-20 11:35:18] -
amy: the aliens musta gotten her
2006-01-20 11:23:06] -
dave: yeah the first hit of my name used to be a scientologist. she's gone now, i don't see her come up in the first three pages or so anymore. actually, that's kind of creepy.
2006-01-20 11:17:52] -
interestingly, there's quite a few references to me, and like almost none of them are actually me. Looks like they do interesting things though, hehe
2006-01-20 11:15:32] - one time an interviewer told me he did a search on my name and discovered that i enjoy writing... i was terrified that he had somehow found my terrible sci-fi/fantasy fanfics but when i did a search all i could find was some writing i had done for classes... unsure how that would lead one to conclude i have an interest in writing though O_o
2006-01-20 11:13:57] -
*** amy note to self, change name and don't tell dave new one ,)
2006-01-20 11:09:50] -
*** dave note to self, take down bad references to amy
2006-01-20 11:06:10] - Looks like I'm pretty safe. Doesn't appear to be any pictures of me and only a few non-harmful references.
2006-01-20 10:57:51] - i guess sometimes it's good not having a name that you can google (because it's too popular of a name)
2006-01-20 10:46:40] - Anybody see the entire Kings vs Lakers game last night? It was hella exciting.
2006-01-20 10:46:13] -
Dave: All the more reason to try to make as few enemies as possible.
2006-01-20 10:46:08] -
dave: yeah sometimes i fear my enemies are going to pull something dumb like that on me. so i google and my name frequently .p
2006-01-20 10:24:44] -
paul: what's kinda lame is that means you could probably trash someone's chances of getting a job without them knowing it by posting lotsa junk as them
2006-01-20 09:44:30] - Related a bit to what Vinnie was talking about, how stuff you've written/posted online can come back to bite you.
2006-01-20 09:21:12] -
a: well, i don't think this is what i was thinking of, but companies can, and do, wiretap all their own phones, while the govt can't
2006-01-20 09:12:33] - not the other way around as dave suggests.
2006-01-20 09:10:38] - in fact, when it comes to wiretapping, the government CAN do it (through the courts) and companies CANNOT.
2006-01-20 09:06:49] -
mig: there might be, it might have been some other sort of electronic surveillance that was at issue during the discussion. I mean, clearly, there are laws against the govt collecting all the information Google does
2006-01-20 09:05:44] -
a: beats me
2006-01-20 08:58:53] -
dave: hmmm. is the cia/nsa considered military?
2006-01-20 08:58:33] -
mig: there certainly are.
2006-01-20 08:53:36] -
dave: actually aren't there wiretapping laws for civilians as well? i think there are.
- mig
2006-01-20 08:52:05] -
a: you think that the military can eavesdrop better than the CIA/NSA?
2006-01-20 08:50:57] -
a: only if someone brings a case
2006-01-20 08:50:30] -
a: if you've looked at the decisions of the supreme court regarding the limitation of government powers .... i think you'll have your answer.
- mig
2006-01-20 08:48:36] -
mig: if it's unconstitutional, isn't the supreme court supposed to do something?
2006-01-20 08:47:48] -
dave: regular people aren't allowed to eavesdrop either.
2006-01-20 08:47:28] - likewise saying that a resolution != a declartion of war, at least according to the constitution ... but again, wasting my breath...
- mig
2006-01-20 08:46:44] - i guess i would point out that the piece of legislation that congress passed giving the president wartime powers without a declaration of war was unconstitutional ... but i would be wasting my breath.
- mig
2006-01-20 08:44:48] -
dave: i wasn't referring to civilian people. i was referring to the military (what i called the military government) vs. the rest of the government (what i called the civilian government)
2006-01-20 08:27:48] -
a: actually, you've got it backwards, there are all sorts of restrictions on what govt entities can do (eavesdrop etc) but very few on what civilians can do. In fact there are several commercial companies that do info gathering and then sell it to the govt, because the govt is restricted and they aren't. quite stupid really
2006-01-20 08:26:14] -
a: no, it's being done by CIA or NSA, can't remember which
2006-01-20 08:25:49] -
a: beats me, sounds like it - the "opposing" legislation that supposedly tried to protect against stuff was passed in 1978
2006-01-20 08:20:04] - s/democrats/democratic politicians/
- mig
2006-01-20 08:19:40] -
dave: forever?
2006-01-20 08:19:07] -
a: "Congress passed a resolution in October 2001 that authorized the president to use military force against al Qaeda and to deter future terrorist attacks"
2006-01-20 08:18:56] -
dave: well democrats really are more about sucking it up to the united nations than any actual principles. they'd be for burning children alive if the united nations gave their approval for that.
- mig
2006-01-20 08:17:29] - well i'm glad to see that hilary clinton is aspiring to be just as bloodthirsty as bush is.
- mig
2006-01-20 08:15:30] -
dave: plus there's a big difference between what the military can do and what the civilian government can do. i think the phone survaliance is being done by the civilian government, right?
2006-01-20 08:14:26] - "Leaders of states who would use terrorist means against us, just like anyone who would envisage using, in one way or another, arms of mass destruction, must understand that they would expose themselves to a firm and fitting response from us"
2006-01-20 08:14:18] - Chirac warns of nuclear retaliation
2006-01-20 08:13:26] -
a: the article says they also passed some law that also tried to limit those abilities just given, so who knows exactly what state we're in
2006-01-20 08:12:57] -
a: except congress did pass some law that gave the president wartime-like abilities to combat terrorism. I don't know all the details
2006-01-20 08:10:16] -
dave: technically we're not at war. wartime powers don't apply when it's not wartime, right?
2006-01-20 07:48:20] - d'oh, the article is -dave
2006-01-20 07:48:00] - Kansas City Chiefs offensive coordinator Al Saunders Redskins hire Kansas City Chiefs offensive coordinator Al Saunders
2006-01-20 07:44:59] -
although, i guess she's only supporting sanctions, not military action
2006-01-20 07:44:37] - i mean, hasn't the public been saying we jumped the gun way too quickly with Iraq and WMD?
2006-01-20 07:43:17] - isn't the "international support" thing what bush opponents keep on saying that he should do?
2006-01-20 07:42:35] - that seems rather odd to me, i wouldn't have said bush was reluctant at all in trying to stop Iran - and I would have thought she would have embraced a more diplomatic approach, like they're taking
2006-01-20 07:41:24] - "She criticized the White House for turning the problem over to European nations and said Iran must never be permitted to acquire nuclear weapons."
2006-01-20 07:41:04] - Senator Clinton "accused the Bush administration of playing down the threat of a nuclear Iran and called for swift action at the United Nations to impose sanctions on the Iranian government"
2006-01-20 07:36:58] - I'll admit that the reasoning may be a separate issue from whether it was actually legal or not
2006-01-20 07:35:32] - that being said, I will readily admit that terrorism is a funny sort of thing since it differs from normal "wartime" enemies. However, I would think that because of its nature, electronic surveillance would need to be a more integral part of fighting it instead of less
2006-01-20 07:33:53] - what's curious to me is that I would think electronic surveillance would be an integral part of the military force thing. I mean, if not, you're supposed to launch a military strike without using electronic surveillance to verify things? Or you're not supposed to used electronic surveillance to figure out where you're supposed to launch strikes?
2006-01-20 07:31:19] - the context being that the administration is saying that the sureillance is covered in the use of military force / wartime powers
2006-01-20 07:30:36] - I'm not sure what all the legal arguments are, for and against the recent surveillance issue, but I found this quote interesting from an article "You could review the entire legislative history in the authorization to use military force and I guarantee you won't find one word about electronic surveillance"
2006-01-19 23:17:25] -
amy: haha! some are very funny when combined. grr i want to share them!
- aaron
2006-01-19 22:29:35] -
paul: it depresses me that so many people are learning csharp. it's such a limiting language.
2006-01-19 21:59:40] -
sam: C#, ASP.NET and SQL mostly.
2006-01-19 21:59:33] -
sam: vx7000 (but most of the lg phones will work with bitpim)
2006-01-19 21:59:03] -
sam: c++, java, and perl at work. (c, c++, php, and perl at home)
2006-01-19 20:46:46] -
sam: java
- aaron
2006-01-19 19:45:01] -
sam: java.
- mig
2006-01-19 18:54:10] - to all you programmers: what programming language are you using at work?
2006-01-19 18:53:12] -
dave: so you should buy a house now! it's the buyer's market now!
2006-01-19 18:52:43] -
a: what LG model do you have?
2006-01-19 17:04:22] -
*** a will be there anyways.
2006-01-19 17:04:16] -
*** a cries.
2006-01-19 16:42:12] -
ddr_people: i will be late or absent from DDR
- aaron
2006-01-19 16:25:55] -
pierce: exactly what my friend wrote in his blog where i got the link .)
2006-01-19 16:20:02] -
amy: it's still more interesting than the current garfield, where you basically figure out the any of the three panels if you have the other two
- vinnie
2006-01-19 16:19:44] - it should let you get a link to a generated combination. then you could share them.
- pierce
2006-01-19 15:37:16] - Hmm possibly because I got a very funny combination to start. The next few weren't as good.
2006-01-19 15:35:17] - Garfield becomes funny again, with the "Garfield Randomizer!" This really amused me .)
2006-01-19 15:35:07] - housing prices gone down 5% in last 4 months. Average time on market now 6-8 weeks vs. 2-3 days
2006-01-19 15:24:25] -
a: firebird? do you mean thunderbird, or does it have some sort of database connectivity?
- pierce
2006-01-19 15:21:02] -
a: CDMA is an encryption method used in cell phones.
-- Xpovos
2006-01-19 14:59:09] - if you want to use bitpim to do more complex things (like interfacing with contact lists, synching with firebird, etc etc) then your phone needs to be one of a few LG and samsung and toshiba phones.
2006-01-19 14:57:44] -
pierce: to just (merely) view the filesystem on your phone using bitpim, your phone MUST support CDMA (whatever that is).
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