here are old message board entries

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[2006-03-03 12:04:13] - paul:  how many raises have you gotten prior to this?  how recently? - mig

[2006-03-03 11:37:59] - a: I have no idea what percentage people usually get and I also don't know if I'm underpaid by that much. I do think, though, that a 25% raise would bring my salary into about the average of what I think it seems like I should be paid. :-P -Paul

[2006-03-03 11:34:54] - Paul: I don't think so. -amy

[2006-03-03 11:25:11] - paul:  it depends.  what %age do people generally get?  also, do you think that you're underpaid by that much?  ~a

[2006-03-03 11:17:20] - Does anybody think that asking for a 25% increase in salary is unreasonable? -Paul

[2006-03-03 11:16:40] - Sam: I know a little ASP, but not much. -Paul

[2006-03-03 11:09:05] - Fed begin probe of online music pricing -dave

[2006-03-03 10:46:31] - when my server crashed, i was very lucky to have partial access to the "crashed" data.  therefore, i was able to play around with the dump program to be sure everything i was trying to import would work.  mysqldump can give you unimportable data if you don't configure it correctly.  also, importing data from a very old dump doesn't always work.  ~a

[2006-03-03 10:42:30] - vinnie:  make sure to read how to use mysqldump ALSO make sure to test out a dump.  i.e. export a dump, then import the dump on another server to be sure it works.  ~a

[2006-03-03 10:27:39] - paul: you know asp, right? -sam

[2006-03-03 10:22:00] - also, i have the wiki directory backed up (most importantly, LocalSettings.php needs to be backed up at least once)  ~a

[2006-03-03 10:20:55] - vinnie:  i run mysqldump weekly.  (to be specific i put this in a file in /etc/cron.weekly:  mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -A --opt |bzip2 -c >$dir/mysqldump.sql.bz2)  ~a

[2006-03-03 09:57:58] - Toshiba to launch HD-DVD players this month -dave

[2006-03-03 09:50:00] - amy: with the exception I suppose of any kids whose parents want to live there -dave

[2006-03-03 09:49:36] - amy: yeah, I'd imagine they could. it's not like anyone is going to be forced into living there either. -dave

[2006-03-03 09:49:14] - Google buying AMD servers -dave

[2006-03-03 09:36:19] - a: how do you back up your wiki? - vinnie

[2006-03-03 09:33:57] - dave: interesting... but couldn't people like, just go to the next town over? -amy

[2006-03-03 09:32:45] - OMG those crazy Germans made a beat game for accordians... either that or this is just a really funny joke: -amy

[2006-03-03 09:26:58] - Sam: Duke also has Sheldon Williams and some other pretty decent players around Redick. They have still only lost two games so I think they're pretty good. Although I have to point out that they should've lost to VT at Durham early in the season. -Paul

[2006-03-03 09:25:13] - a: If you chose to take it as a rhetorical question, that's fine. -Paul

[2006-03-03 09:11:44] - dave:  i was amused by Jeb Bush's response -> translation:  "I like what you're doing.  But don't forget, I pwn j00, bitch." - mig

[2006-03-03 09:07:14] - glad to see the republicans are fighting the good fight for fiscal responsibility. - mig

[2006-03-03 09:04:54] - " If Domino's Pizza founder Thomas S. Monaghan has his way, a new town being built in Florida will be governed according to strict Roman Catholic principles, with no place to get an abortion, pornography or birth control" -dave

[2006-03-03 08:53:40] - if the power connector is NEMA 5-15P type, then is it always going to be 15amp? -sam

[2006-03-03 08:48:12] - aba: but do you follow or watch duke basketball? -sam

[2006-03-03 08:47:39] - does anyone know how much amp should be for the server rack powerstrip? -sam

[2006-03-03 08:41:40] - sam:  i like being at duke but i don't know anything about basketball.  :-P  -  aba

[2006-03-03 06:36:56] - i wonder what the record is for the most number of missed three pointers in the game (ncaa or nba) -sam

[2006-03-03 06:35:25] - oops, he missed 10 -sam

[2006-03-03 06:31:07] - redick missed 11 three-pointers when they lost to FSU -sam

[2006-03-03 06:30:28] - how good do you think duke is? it seems like when redick is having a bad day, duke just falls apart.  -sam

[2006-03-02 22:02:58] - paul:  rhetorical question?  ~a

[2006-03-02 16:11:03] - Rape or Gang Bang? -Paul

[2006-03-02 16:06:53] - hah.  i just had a mental image of a bowl of pho with little pieces of modem floating on top.  yummmmm.  -  aba

[2006-03-02 15:47:05] - touch -d 1/1/2008 file.txt  :-P  ~a

[2006-03-02 15:46:32] - hmmm.  i didn't know you could use touch to set the last-modified-date to future dates (it even works in windows)  ~a

[2006-03-02 15:26:32] - What if I want to send you a phax? -- Xpovos

[2006-03-02 14:30:17] - although you probably could use it as a fax-modem.  ~a

[2006-03-02 14:29:52] - pierce:  no, but that's a good one.  i just spelled faux incorrectly.  ~a

[2006-03-02 14:29:13] - a: pho-modem?  is that a play on faux-modem? - pierce

[2006-03-02 14:08:18] - sam:  my phone did NOT get listed as a removable drive (in windows or linux).  it gets listed as a pho-modem.  ~a

[2006-03-02 13:55:13] - paul: i think the supply is even more limited than the demand. there is only so much land left to build on.  -sam

[2006-03-02 13:52:02] - paul: well, i actually have the cable, but that CD looks good.  I can use them on my phone.  i'm not sure if i need another software to get them transfered to my phone though.  i wonder if the driver  will detect the phone as a removable drive.  -sam

[2006-03-02 12:40:33] - for a reference (it's possible no one will care):  according to the government's assesments, my apartment has appreciated 325% in the past 5 years (27% per year).  the minimum it has appreciated in one year is 21%, the maximum is 31%, and the past year is 25%.  ~a

[2006-03-02 12:22:19] - amy: If demand is rising, then there shouldn't be houses on the market.  I think it might be an issue of market gap.  That is, the demand is rising on lower cost housing, which drives the prices up on them, and which results in little on the market, while higher cost housing is in lower demand and more plentiful on the market. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-02 12:20:42] - Paul: but yeah, obviously there is a limit to how much demand can rise. -amy

[2006-03-02 12:20:23] - Paul: I didn't read the article, but I think the implication is that demand has been rising too as more people (like me! though i haven't bought property) move to the area because of good job market, because of government jobs, etc. ...-amy

[2006-03-02 12:10:15] - Xpovos: It seems to me that by the rules of supply and demand, that housing prices can't continue to go up like this as the supply keeps on continuing to rise. I suspect this trend won't go on much longer. -Paul

[2006-03-02 12:07:15] - dave: That's fascinating, because I keep reading stuff about how all these houses on the market are a sure sign of the bubble starting to burst, but if the prices remain inflated... -- Xpovos

[2006-03-02 11:09:16] - number of homes on the market is highest since 1998, but prices still appreciating. in NoVA area, 24% in last year -dave

[2006-03-02 09:41:51] - Sam: Do you need that USB cable and CD stuff? -Paul

[2006-03-02 09:05:16] - pentagon wants to train sharks to be stealth spies. - mig

[2006-03-02 08:55:31] - which would also encourage people to stay. - mig

[2006-03-02 08:55:06] - xpovos:  while there was an evacuation call, there was also confidence from the gov. that the levees wouldn't break. - mig

[2006-03-02 08:46:56] - (Bush declared four days after the storm, “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees” that gushed deadly floodwaters into New Orleans. But the transcripts and video show there was plenty of talk about that possibility — and Bush was worried too.)  -sam

[2006-03-02 08:42:00] - sam: I think the entirety of the country was pretty well warned about a massive hurricane about to hit New Orleans.  IIRC correctly it was the main story for close to a week before it hit.  The issue isn't warning.  It's that people completely disregard the warning.  Partially a 'cry wolf' effect.  Partially a stuborness regarding their homes and lives. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-02 08:16:26] - Video shows Bush got explicit Katrina warning, President, Chertoff were clearly told of storm’s dangers numerous times    -sam

[2006-03-02 07:41:15] - ars article about "dance dance email" - a also posted a news-flash on this -dave

[2006-03-02 07:10:21] - for $3.98 + shipping and handling, they give you a USB cable, a CD with Applications, USB Drivers, 10000 Ringtone, 4000 Wallpapers, Get it Now Games, software utilities    -sam

[2006-03-02 07:07:59] - should i buy this?  "Motorola V220 V180 V3 Razr USB Data Cable CD rings pics"  -sam

[2006-03-01 21:41:58] - Penut better jellly dance from family guy:    -sam

[2006-03-01 15:28:29] - vinnie: yessssssssssss put me down for 1 annie - aaron

[2006-03-01 14:43:46] - a: But AMD is up 4%, so you picked the right stock. :-) -Paul

[2006-03-01 14:35:11] - paul:  yeah, but the thing i sold to buy to the amd went up 2% today :(  ~a

[2006-03-01 14:21:34] - a: Looks like your AMD purchase was a good move, if today was any indication. -Paul

[2006-03-01 14:19:17] - xpovos: understood. -amy

[2006-03-01 14:16:57] - sam: in fact, she's already come to DC before, back in October - vinnie

[2006-03-01 14:15:35] - sam: she's been around for a couple years in Norway. but she's just starting to become more popular here - vinnie

[2006-03-01 14:02:15] - amy: "my way" is too difficult to explain here if you don't know me.  Sounds like the perfect topic for my next rant, though... -- Xpovos

[2006-03-01 13:59:01] - usgov trying to revitalize efforts to tax broadband internet service. - mig

[2006-03-01 13:42:05] - vinnie: i heard of like 1 song from her -sam

[2006-03-01 13:39:34] - vinnie: isn't she a new artist? she already has a concert? -sam

[2006-03-01 13:39:03] - a: i think Annie is a singer -sam

[2006-03-01 13:37:35] - oh, neither.  ~a

[2006-03-01 13:37:11] - vinnie:  the movie or the musical?  ~a

[2006-03-01 13:33:59] - i tried disconnecting and re-mapping the network drive and it still shares the same name as the flash drive-sam

[2006-03-01 13:32:04] - then i mapped that network drive again to W:.  now the E: and W: are automatically being named the same.  i change one, and it changes the other to same -sam

[2006-03-01 13:30:53] - i'm seeing a weird glitch with windows explorer.  i mapped a network drive to E:.  then i plugged in my flash drive and it automatically disconnected my connection to the network drive and had the flash drive as the E: drive.  -sam

[2006-03-01 13:24:45] - a: I'll probably sell all of it, but I might keep some. I'll have to see if I find anything else I want to buy at that time. -paul

[2006-03-01 13:15:34] - aaron: (clarification) norwegian pop star, not musical ,) -amy

[2006-03-01 13:03:57] - aaron: interested in seeing Annie on March 26th? I'm buying tickets so far for me, Amy, and Stephen - vinnie

[2006-03-01 12:56:58] - a: i saw that, it wasn't specific enough to be interesting to me though.... although it did get me thinking how to type with your feet - aaron

[2006-03-01 12:33:50] - amy/vinnie/paul/aaron:  stamp out spam with ddr  ~a

[2006-03-01 12:29:18] - paul:  if i were you, after one year, i'd at least sell some of my amd.  ~a

[2006-03-01 11:53:52] - a: Heh, and I'm thinking of selling my shares of AMD as soon as I've held it for over a year. I recently bought some shares of Sirius, Symantec, Valueclick and Vitesse Semiconductor. -Paul

[2006-03-01 11:52:58] - Xpovos: I've pretty much given up trying to get people to come around to my way of thinking because it tends to go against human nature too much I think. -Paul

[2006-03-01 11:51:49] - Amy: Yeah, the articles seem somewhat similar in their tone, but their aims are different. -Paul

[2006-03-01 11:50:28] - paul:  i bought amd last night.  :-D  ~a

[2006-03-01 11:29:10] - xpovos: (ooc, "my way of doing things" = ? ) -amy

[2006-03-01 11:25:59] - Paul: I don't think I have a whole lot of ground to stand on whne trying to convince people to my way of doing things.  It's hard, hasn't worked too well for me, and tends to put you at a disadvantage to those playing by other rules. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-01 11:24:28] - xpovos: yeah, another good point. maybe it's not so much the belief of inherent difference in the sexes, so much as the belief that you must relate to potential mates quite differently than you would other people. -amy

[2006-03-01 11:23:29] - Paul: that's a good point. i guess your kind of articles are discussing how to pick up girls in the first place, before you get a chance to be honest or not. but the thing i was reading was sort of more relationship-focused, like what to do on a date or in the relationship to make sure the relationship keeps going. -amy

[2006-03-01 11:18:16] - Xpovos: I'm not say you're wrong and that honesty isn't important or that my articles are very insightful. I'm just saying that for what it's trying to teach, I think the "tricks" they talk about are more useful than honesty. -Paul

[2006-03-01 11:17:17] - Xpovos: Well, the articles are usually about how to pick up the girl and get her interested in you after you've found them but before you've talked to them. -Paul

[2006-03-01 11:15:33] - Paul: Aha!  The problem there is in meeting women in the first place.  Where do people meet SOs.  It's usually a pretty limited number of places, and tricks don't seem to increase the odds any at a location other than those. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-01 11:08:21] - And it's not just male/female differences.  All I have to do is ask John about his 'love-life' and I know homosexuals have it at least as bad as the rest of us. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-01 11:08:01] - Xpovos: I don't know if the "honesty is better than tricks" thing really applies to the kind of articles I read, though. Being honest doesn't really help in picking up girls and getting their attention whereas "tricks" do. -Paul

[2006-03-01 11:06:38] - amy: Havn't tried one of those yet.  I'll get back to you. ;-) -- Xpovos

[2006-03-01 11:00:07] - xpovos: (also, not to be nitpicky, but i think that completely honest relationships often fail due to a fundamental personality conflict.) -amy

[2006-03-01 10:59:10] - or that using "tricks" you read will be more effective in "catching" a potential mate than communicating with him/her directly. -amy

[2006-03-01 10:58:34] - Xpovos: I basically agree. I think there is some widespread belief that since women and men are fundamentally different, reading a book or magazine article will tell you more about your SO than just talking to him/her openly and honestly. -amy

[2006-03-01 10:54:07] - pamy: Those things are usually worthless, IMO.  From personal experience I can tell you that pretty much every relationship that fails does so because of a lack of fundamental honesty, not anything any member of that relationship does, or doesn't do. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-01 10:37:17] - Amy: Yup, that sounds exactly like the stuff that I sometimes read. :-) -paul

[2006-03-01 10:20:24] - Paul: oh yeah, that's what this one was like. In fact, TO THIS DAY you still have the feeling that YOU may have done something wrong, and that you may have CAUSED some of the problems in the first place... Unfortunately, the bad news is that you're probably right. Chances are you DID have something to do with it... -amy

[2006-03-01 10:08:31] - Amy: Yeah, nearly all the stuff I had read for single guys was the same way except they would say that everything that you think you know about women is wrong and actively harmful in your attempts to get a woman. -Paul

[2006-03-01 10:06:03] - sam: most of the links on that page are way outdated. a shame - vinnie

[2006-03-01 10:05:50] - paul:  well you can factor in that perhaps soldiers would be afraid to speak against their superiors, even if it was anonymous, in which case i'm surprised it's as high as it is. - mig

[2006-03-01 10:04:41] - Paul: yeah this one is interesting and i can see a bit of truth in it, but the approach is quite condescending.  it sort of assumes the reader is desperate and tells the reader that she knows nothing about men and relationships. but i guess that's how you convince the reader to buy the book. -amy

[2006-03-01 10:00:06] - Hurray! -Paul

[2006-03-01 09:57:02] - sam: well yeah i wasn't going to pay for anything .p -amy

[2006-03-01 09:56:24] - losers on the internet  -sam

[2006-03-01 09:53:04] - Amy: Men aren't easy to understand? :-P I guess that depends on your perspective... -Paul

[2006-03-01 09:52:54] - aaron: i don't think windows+L works on windows 2000 -sam

[2006-03-01 09:52:15] - amy: yea, don't sign up for it.    i'm sure you can find related info somewhere else  -sam

[2006-03-01 09:50:15] - I have no will power. The main PROBLEM here, and the thing that stood in your way, is that men aren't easy to understand.....  Most women don't "get" men. -amy

[2006-03-01 09:38:00] - Amy: I've seen similar-ish things for single guys trying to attract women. I've never spent any money on it, but I've read some free ones on the internet. They're usually pretty amusing and sometimes also informative (IMHO). -Paul

[2006-03-01 09:36:46] - mig: I'm also surprised it's not higher. Not because I think the war is necessarily unpopular with the troops, but because if I was in their position, I would want to get out of Iraq as quickly as possible. -Paul

[2006-03-01 09:31:23] - i almost want to sign up for this thing out of sheer curiosity. (and also because i need a website to tell me what vinnie is thinking! obviously) must resist temptation... this is exactly what they want! -amy

[2006-03-01 09:28:59] - sam: interesting article. also interesting is the ad on the side: "Inside a Boyfriend's Mind:" 10 Free secrets on men & commitment... ... -amy

[2006-03-01 09:09:54] -    -sam

[2006-02-28 22:01:50] - i'm not sure if this was mentioned on here before but there were rumours of a girl who offered cyber sessions for in-game gold. - mig

[2006-02-28 19:48:29] - that's it?  ~a

[2006-02-28 18:56:10] - 72% of american troops want to get out of iraq. - mig

[2006-02-28 17:43:59] - Pierce: I'm not entirely sure how Bin Laden could've been expected to know that Spain would do one thing in response to some stimulus and the United States would essentially do the exact opposite. I don't remember the tape incident too clearly, but I remember there being some debate as to whether a terrorist attack prior to the election would help Bush or not. -Paul

[2006-02-28 17:39:54] - Paul: there are pretty clear and predictable differences between the behavior of public opinion in spain (and many other european countries) and the behavior of public opinion in the U.S.  As far as I recall, there was little doubt immediately following the madrid bombings or the release of the bin Laden tape regarding how those events would influence people. - pierce

[2006-02-28 17:21:06] - Pierce: I'm not sure there is any way to know how that tape would've been interpretted. When there were attacks in Spain just days before an elected, the party that was in power lost instead of getting a boost. -Paul

[2006-02-28 17:20:49] - pierce: this could just be cynical of me, but for some reason i get the feeling that the masses don't think to give partial credit to villains. if somebody is evil, then that person is also stupid, cruel, feelingless, irrational, etc. and completely stands for everything we stand against. it's impossible for somebody who does a bad thing to also have good ideas... -amy

[2006-02-28 17:16:45] - "if bin Laden doesn't want Bush to be the president, something must be right with Bush"... ugh, no one has ever claimed that bin Laden is an idiot.  He would probably understand that this would be how his tape would be interpreted, thus it's much more logical to assume that he released it in order to boost Bush's numbers. - pierce

[2006-02-28 16:12:52] - Ringling Circus Hired Private Eye To Infiltrate PETA, Fairfax Jury Told -Paul

[2006-02-28 15:57:39] - aaron:  iyo:  is that a good thing or a bad thing?  ~a

[2006-02-28 15:41:08] - "Bush said his 2004 re-election victory over Sen. John Kerry was inadvertently aided by Osama bin Laden"  cnn  ~a

[2006-02-28 15:13:53] - public smoking ban in virginia snuffed out - aaron

[2006-02-28 15:08:39] - sam:  well it looks like you're trying to parse an xml file that is not there .....  i don't think that's really a wsdl problem as much as maybe a configuration problem. - mig

[2006-02-28 14:59:56] - sam: I think WSDL is a way of describing what services a web service provides in XML - aaron

[2006-02-28 13:58:50] - Whoring meets WoW (topic on forum has been taken down). -Paul

[2006-02-28 13:45:39] - i dunno, dude.  i've never used wsdl.  in fact, i don't even know what it is.  ~a

[2006-02-28 13:41:41] - -sam

[2006-02-28 13:41:38] - a: we can log into the server and access it. -sm

[2006-02-28 13:24:43] - sam:  msdn support says:  "Please check whether the WSDL file is accessible on your machine."  ~a

[2006-02-28 13:23:53] - sam:  google groups  ~a

[2006-02-28 13:20:20] - oops i meant WSDL -sam

[2006-02-28 13:19:33] - Error Number:5 (0x5) Description: WSDLReader:Loading of the WSDL file failed HRESULT=0x80070057 - WSDLReader:XML Parser failed at linenumber 0, lineposition 0, reason is: The system cannot locate the resource specified.

[2006-02-28 13:17:37] - is anyone familiar with WDSL? -sam

[2006-02-28 12:07:57] - Blu-Ray launch date, May 23 -dave

[2006-02-28 11:16:54] - a: i guess my description of the article was misleading. I understood what torque and horsepower were, I didn't understand the ins and outs of torque and horsepower specs for a car and how they affected overall performance -dave

[2006-02-28 11:09:31] - a: i'd always wondered because people say acceleration is all about torque, but then you see higher horsepower cars with lower torque, and that article explains why the latter is usually better -dave

[2006-02-28 11:08:17] - a: so a higher horsepower car with lower torque is still "better" most of the time than a lower horsepower car with higher torque, because the higher horsepower car can probably generate more torque at the wheels -dave

[2006-02-28 11:07:25] - a: you seem to have missed the point. the point is comparing cars - seeing some cars with higher torque but lower rpm ranges vs cars with lower torque but higher rpm ranges. The punchline is that the torque that is listed for cars is at the engine, so through gearing the torque at the wheels is different -dave

[2006-02-28 09:54:28] - a: It seems to me that the friction between the wheels and the ground would have too much of an effect on your experiment. -Paul

[2006-02-28 09:05:24] - putting the engine on a pully is pretty dumb.  all you have to do is put the engine in a car (where it belongs).  throw the rope over a cliff, attach the car to one end, and add the weight to the other end, like they had.  use wheel size of 1 ft radius, like they had, ignore kinetic friction and the mass of the car and the rest of the numbers will still work out.  ~a

[2006-02-28 08:50:44] - dave:  heh, i thought you were an engineer.  horsepower is a unit of power.  torque is rotational force.  power = force * distance / time.  or, more specifically in this case:  power = force * maximum_velocity.  ~a

[2006-02-28 07:32:37] - article explaining torque vs. horsepower. I'd always wondered about this -dave

[2006-02-27 20:07:31] - paul:  lol... iShirt almost looked like iShit -sam

[2006-02-27 17:03:23] - plus, 75gb is a lot!  it's all compressed.  think, most movies can get compressed down to .5gb without noticable loss.  ~a

[2006-02-27 17:02:28] - vinnie:  the english wiki without the content is 75gb (including thumbnails)  ~a

[2006-02-27 16:47:37] - and now the mboard knows way more than they ever wanted to about my shirt habit! .D -amy

[2006-02-27 16:47:19] - aba: i always wear a tank top or t shirt under the dress shirts i wear to work. i wash those after wearing once. i wash the dress shirts after wearing 2-3x, but i only wear them at work (i change when i come home) and i'd wash more often if ironing weren't such a pain. -amy

[2006-02-27 16:46:26] - aba: I can't answer your shirt poll .( I wear shirts for irregular amounts of time and wash shirts with different frequency depending on what kind of shirt it is. -amy

[2006-02-27 16:46:22] - a: wikipedia as in all their content? it's only 75gb of images? - vinnie

[2006-02-27 16:20:23] - also, there is no compression available for the stable releases of mysql's innodb storage method.  ~a

[2006-02-27 16:19:30] - vinnie:  i've been playing with wikimedia a lot recently.  getting wikipedia on a dvd has a whole host of technical problems.  first of all, you have to get wikimedia working without a webserver and without a database daemon.  then you have to get 6gb of content and 75gb of images on a 4gb or 8gb dvd.  ~a

[2006-02-27 16:09:57] - yay I set up a wiki at work - vinnie

[2006-02-27 15:13:32] - aba: Heh, I don't look at the labels on my clothes too often because it usually only causes problems. So far I haven't caused any Major Problems by just washing most of my stuff in warm water with like colors. -Paul

[2006-02-27 15:05:00] - paul:  well, the label on the pants says "dry clean only" so i think that washing them in water would be a Bad Idea.  -  aba

[2006-02-27 13:50:23] - aba: I don't think I had ever dry cleaned anything until I started wearing a suit to work and I don't know how often I would dry clean stuff if I didn't have to wear a suit to work. -Paul

[2006-02-27 13:45:38] - paul:  not really.  just for job interviews or if my family is going to someones house for dinner.  hence the dry cleaning them on an irregular basis.  -  aba

[2006-02-27 13:44:35] - a:  -  aba

[2006-02-27 13:39:18] - aba: Do you wear your dress pants often? When I was in school, I remember only wearing my dress pants a couple of times a year and almost never while I was down in Blacksburg. :-P -Paul

[2006-02-27 13:27:26] - paul: i generally wear my jeans twice before washing them.  i dry clean my dress pants on an irregular basis because i tend not to wear them for whole days at a time.  -  aba

[2006-02-27 13:05:11] - a: I suppose, but it's so frustrating to see so much of the money that I was excited about getting taken away. :-/ -Paul

[2006-02-27 12:33:29] - paul:  well you just owe so much because you're so successful in the market.  i wish i could pay half the capital gains you do!  :)  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:30:29] - a: Yeah, selling stocks before a year is up sucks. I just did my taxes last night and I owe around $1500 total because of damned capital gains. -Paul

[2006-02-27 12:29:41] - it's so annoying to share a computer with somebody who keeps logging you out of livejournal.  *grumble*  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:28:41] - re:  poll.  oh, i probably have to be logged in, don't i?  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:27:13] - god, nevermind, that's in june.  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:26:17] - i might sell cisco once it has been one year since i bought it.  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:24:34] - paul:  in other words, i don't have anything i want to sell now to buy sbux.  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:24:18] - paul:  once i get the moneys.  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:24:06] - the poll is broken for two reasons (unless i'm dumb).  1. i can't vote for some reason. 2. the 0% section (i don't wash my pants) has a bar that is way too long for 0 votes.  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:23:33] - a: So are you going to buy any? -Paul

[2006-02-27 12:21:41] - aba:  how does 1.5 times round?  do i round to 2 or do i round to 1?  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:20:50] - interesting article about marcus vick in the nfl draft, namely, that he will probably go a lot higher than people are thinking... - mig

[2006-02-27 12:20:47] - paul:  starbucks (sbux) is the craziest stock i've ever seen.  crazy because they're so damn consistent.  about 31% per year EVERY year for 13 years!  ~a

[2006-02-27 12:07:08] - The URL says it all. -Paul

[2006-02-27 11:39:30] - Amy: Yeah, for the record, I don't actually like, but it's the only one I know and it's good enough that I don't feel the need to find another one. -Paul

[2006-02-27 11:25:00] - sam: at the moment. yahoo weather in 2nd. i hate -amy

[2006-02-27 11:18:27] - aba: What's your answer? -Paul

[2006-02-27 11:16:20] - Sam: -Paul

[2006-02-27 10:55:30] - for those who didnt see it or havent filled it out yet:  :)  thanks!  -  aba

[2006-02-27 10:00:28] - oh, nevermind.  the article states that fact, but only in the very last sentence.  ~a

[2006-02-27 09:58:54] - mig:  their stock dropped 10% thursday night.  fyi, that's a lot more like $2/share.  although it could just be investors are affraid the bad press will hurt their bottom line.  ~a

[2006-02-27 09:55:11] - wunderground.  ~a

[2006-02-27 09:15:31] - to_all: what is your favorite website for getting local weather info? -sam

[2006-02-27 09:10:17] -  your daily dose of irony:  tax company goofed in doing its own taxes. - mig

[2006-02-26 14:59:03] -

[2006-02-26 11:06:25] - sam: Yep, not to mention you can read news articles adjacent to flash ads again - aaron

[2006-02-25 23:57:19] - sam:  i'm glad you like it.  i've recently been trying out noscript too.  they (flashblock and noscript) seem to conflict sometimes, but we'll see if it's worth it.  noscript seems like it will add a very large amount of security.  ~a

[2006-02-25 18:41:48] - a: flashbock has to be the best firefox extension ever! -sam

[2006-02-25 18:40:51] - a: man, flashblock is so awesome. no more CPU power comsuming flash ads! -sam

[2006-02-25 13:21:42] - I just got a new cell phone from Cingular.  My family did the family plan for 700 shared minutes.  Cingular has the "roll over" minutes which means that unused minutes get carried over to the next month for a year.  After one year it resets.  The reception seems to be good., and i'm happy with it so far.  Here is my new phone number: 571-265-3366 -sam

[2006-02-24 17:22:05] - a: I think I have had firefox crash three times. Once was really bad, and required me to reinstall firefox in order to get it working properly again (it crashed in the middle of updating itself). -Paul

[2006-02-24 17:03:46] - paul:  it really depends on the computer i think.  my computer at home never had explorer.exe crash.  my work computer though . . . boy does it crash a lot.  and it your case, it sounds like you have firefox crash a bunch.  and in my case i don't think i've ever seen firefox crash.  ~a

[2006-02-24 17:02:04] - a: Since I started using firefox on my home computer, I think I've actually had firefox crash on me more than explorer.exe. -Paul

[2006-02-24 16:53:39] - heh.  except explorer.exe goes wrong all the time.  ~a

[2006-02-24 15:44:32] - a: An excellent counter point. There's no problem if nothing goes wrong... -Paul

[2006-02-24 15:43:29] - paul:  the problem with microsoft windows is when you lose your explorer.exe, you lose everything.  ~a

[2006-02-24 15:43:10] - paul:  which isn't really a problem if you don't lose windows.  ~a

[2006-02-24 15:35:24] - Xpovos: Yeah, the problem with Firefox is that when you lose one window, you basically lose everything. -Paul

[2006-02-24 15:30:44] - Paul: Ironically I find that's the drawback to Opera for me too.  It has this memory leak, which I fix by restarting it, but restarting it is itself annoying because I lose -all- my windows, instead of just one, like with IE.  Opera at least has an auto-reload option, but sometimes that's not good enough. -- Xpovos

[2006-02-24 15:23:44] - mig: Restarting the browser would be so incredibly annoying since at any given time, I have half a dozen tabs open. -Paul

[2006-02-24 15:08:01] - mig: No.  I swear to God, I am using the mail merge feature in Word.  Yes, that uses Access, but I can't.  Not directly.  -- Xpovos

[2006-02-24 14:58:59] - paul:  i've had that happen to me everyone once in a while.  I just restart the browser and it goes away. - mig

[2006-02-24 14:58:40] - paul:  not me.  while we're on the subject, my two new favorite ff extensions are flashblock (blocks flash that isn't whitlisted) and noscript (blocks javascript that isn't whitelisted)  ~a

[2006-02-24 14:57:56] - and even better is when you're adding multiple files, it decides instead of the sensible thing and doing checkout directory -> add all your files -> check in directory.  It decides to repeat checkout directory -> add 1 file -> checkin directory over and over and over again. - mig

[2006-02-24 14:57:36] - pierce:  i think miguel is ignoring you.  ~a

[2006-02-24 14:56:54] - btw, does anybody else occasionally have serious problems with the address bar in firefox? Most of the time, these problems are in the form of being unable to copy and paste. -Paul

[2006-02-24 14:56:09] - As much as I agree with the freedom of speech stance that many European newspapers have taken, I think the Muslims described here make a very good point also. -Paul

[2006-02-24 14:55:45] - oh and the best part is the wonderful way it decides you add files in clearcase.  You technically have to checkout the parent directory of the file you're adding and check that in for adding a file to actually be successful. - mig

[2006-02-24 14:54:16] - xpovos:  don't you mean access? - mig

[2006-02-24 14:53:24] - god knows how much they paid for this pos source control. - mig

[2006-02-24 14:52:09] - mig: when you get married, I'm totally going to accuse your wife of migamy. - pierce

[2006-02-24 14:50:20] - migamy: My current task is to sort through 120 SQL statements and rewrite them to contain the proper WHERE clause because Word, the only database accessing tool I'm allowed to use for the task (which says more than enough right there) is too stupid to remember the changes between saves. -- Xpovos

[2006-02-24 14:47:26] - mig: that sounds like what i do every week with cvs. you have my empathy/commisseration .( -amy

[2006-02-24 14:30:27] - i'm gonna have fun for the next hour. - mig

[2006-02-24 14:29:59] - reason #354 to hate clearcase:  the interface does not let you recurse into subdirectories for checking in or adding files to source, so at best you can only add/check in one directory level at a time.  FANTASTIC - mig

[2006-02-24 14:28:00] - sam: as I recall, flash drives are pretty good about long term storage but the locations in it fail after a certain number of writes.  so if you're erasing the whole thing and redoing the backup each time, you're wearing it down pretty fast.  No idea how fast, though. - pierce

[2006-02-24 14:25:37] - which is likely to fail first?  an internal ATA hard drive or a flash drive? -sam

[2006-02-24 14:23:47] - how likely is it that a flash drive will fail?  I've been keeping backups on my 2GB flash drive and i was wondering how safe it is... -sam

[2006-02-24 14:23:07] - a: we'll see who i get switched to .p but yeah, i think so. -amy

[2006-02-24 14:05:53] - amy:  so it sounds like it's a happy ending?  ~a

[2006-02-24 14:01:35] - where "most of us" == wikipedia.  ~a

[2006-02-24 14:01:10] - vinnie:  fyi, most of us call that Flunitrazepam nowadays.  ~a

[2006-02-24 14:00:07] - vinnie:  closer.  ~a

[2006-02-24 13:39:14] - a: is it rohypnol? - vinnie

[2006-02-24 13:32:01] - a: he wasn't surprised at all. actually, before i even said anything, he asked me if i was having problems with the tech lead. when i said yes, he said, he had a feeling that was going to happen. i didn't even get into any details of what happened. he just said he'd switch me. -amy

[2006-02-24 13:29:15] - b/c maybe your project manager wasn't surprised you wanted to switch to a different project :-P  ~a

[2006-02-24 13:28:51] - a curious question:  did this tech lead have problems with software engineers in the past?  ~a

[2006-02-24 13:28:14] - yay!  ~a

[2006-02-24 13:24:52] - btw I talked to  my mgr and it looks like i'll probably be moved onto another project (w/a diff tech lead) -amy

[2006-02-24 13:24:23] - Paul: Yup, I can totally see that happening with Documentum -amy

[2006-02-24 13:23:32] - Amy: Yeah, I think it was overkill in our case. Everybody hated using it because it seemed like most of it's functionality was unnecessary. -Paul

[2006-02-24 13:17:30] - aaron:  nope.  ~a

[2006-02-24 13:01:48] - a: is it a sleeping pill? - aaron

[2006-02-24 12:31:46] - vinnie: Wow, I only scored a 9. :-\ -- Xpovos

[2006-02-24 12:26:58] - vinnie:  i have a magic time-travel drug if you want to use it.  however, it really only lets you go forward in time by a couple hours.  ~a

[2006-02-24 12:12:32] - -amy

[2006-02-24 12:12:30] - Paul: i ask because it can really be overkill if it's not used that extensively

[2006-02-24 12:11:10] - a: as Amy pointed out to me, it might be hard to fix not having started dating by age 17. at least, until time-travel or age-reversal - vinnie

[2006-02-24 12:10:18] - amy?: We pretty much used it for what you would expect us to use it for, managing a bunch of documents (in this case, mostly government forms which a variety of people needed differing access to). -Paul

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