here are old message board entries

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[2006-03-22 18:27:38] - and they are selling them for $999.99  -sam

[2006-03-22 18:26:26] - BestBuy is taking preorders for the sony blueray disc players --sam

[2006-03-22 18:18:55] - The $146 Linux Computer    -sam

[2006-03-22 18:11:39] - Top 10 Strangest Lego Creations  -sam

[2006-03-22 18:00:17] - OMG... someone made an air craft carrier out of lego...  -sam

[2006-03-22 17:08:34] - a: or if there are more than 1,000,000 account ids, yes there are some very funny ways to cause his code to fail - aaron

[2006-03-22 16:30:54] - aaron:  2. finds the correct line incorrectly because he only checks for the remote address (which means if two users are making requests from the same remote address, their account numbers will get miked up).  things will be messed up if the url has "changereg" somewhere else than the place he's expecting it.  things will be messed up if the url has the account number somewhere else than he's expecting it.  ~a

[2006-03-22 16:29:06] - aaron:  i think what's more interesting is the code itself than the appology.  even if you ignore the thing he's apologizing about (needing to read the "session debugging" file), he also:  1. reads the entire file instead of stopping when he finds the correct line.  he keeps reading the entire file after the line is "found".  ~a

[2006-03-22 16:03:45] - a horrible hack prefaced with a light-hearted apology (or, a "hackpology") - aaron

[2006-03-22 15:57:20] - xpovos: most of my development doesn't rely on hitting a database. the database only needs to be up when i finally deploy code into the real environment to make sure I didn't miss anything - aaron

[2006-03-22 14:50:32] - xpovos:  i think miguel's point was that you can have access to a local copy.  i.e. if you make a local copy of the database, you can modify it all you want at development time.  ~a

[2006-03-22 14:20:08] - mig: The joy is the database is totally hands off.  I'm just a poor grunt on it.  I certainly don't have access to being able to fix it. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-22 13:16:43] - xpovos:  if you have enough access try doing a dump of the database and get a lightweight server (mysql, hsqldb) on your machine.  Assuming of course the datbase isn't terribly complicated (no stored procedures, etc). - mig

[2006-03-22 13:11:36] - xpovos:  well we try to have our development work not depend on a database server being up. - mig

[2006-03-22 13:00:41] - xpovos:  i fix it.  ~a

[2006-03-22 12:58:02] - So.  Our database is down, which means I can do about 0.5% of my work.  What do you guys do when the database is down? -- Xpovos

[2006-03-22 10:59:00] - Adoption: from latin adoptionem the noun of action for adoptare "choose for oneself".  Further c.f. ad- "to" and optare "chose, wish". -- Xpovos

[2006-03-22 10:58:31] - miserable failure

[2006-03-22 10:57:48] - Abortion: from latin abortus, pp "to cause to dissapear" nominative aboriri "dissapear", or "miscarry".  Further c.f. ab- "amiss", oriri "appear, be born, arise" root used in words such as orchestra as well. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-22 10:46:48] - a: No, probably because I never took Greek or Latin. :-P -Paul

[2006-03-22 10:32:24] - it is pretty funny that abort and adopt, in english, are so lexigraphically close to eachother.  "abo" and "ado" anybody remember their greek/latin prefixes?  ~a

[2006-03-22 09:55:07] - Xpovos: I've learned not to underestimate insanity. -Paul

[2006-03-22 08:52:33] - Paul: That's the kind of insanity that is the lynchpin reason why the far-left is doomed.  Likewise the far right on related issues, but those aren't covered in that article. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-21 18:10:11] - Chinese version: -sam

[2006-03-21 18:04:52] - if you have no idea what numa numa song is, read this: -sam

[2006-03-21 17:51:52] - actually, the 2nd japanese video is the music video and the first one is the "making of " video -sam

[2006-03-21 17:49:12] - Another Japanese version of the numa numa song  -sam

[2006-03-21 17:29:04] - Japanese version of the numa numa song  -sam

[2006-03-21 17:28:43] - Korean version of the numa numa song  -sam

[2006-03-21 17:28:20] - Numa Numa song must be very popular...  -sam

[2006-03-21 17:18:04] - Is Amazon pro-life? -Paul

[2006-03-21 16:49:59] - aaron: OMG, "i my me mine" was weird... -sam

[2006-03-21 16:40:25] - a: Nope, although I did do a lot of cutting and pasting. :-p -Paul

[2006-03-21 16:33:03] - paul:  how did you solve it?  did you used a stored procedure?  ~a

[2006-03-21 16:32:31] - Hurray for SQL queries being done! -Paul

[2006-03-21 13:58:32] - hmph.  paul said something about the same.  ~a

[2006-03-21 13:58:05] - aaron:  exactly.  if it's just a matter of making money then it makes sense to descriminate on everything (including things that it's not PC to descriminate on).  of course, keeping your customers happy means not descriminating on some things.  ~a

[2006-03-21 13:57:32] - Aaron: I just found it amusing because the whole business of insurance is about how skillfully you can discriminate against people but in order to maintain good PR they need to try to pretend that they're not. -Paul

[2006-03-21 13:53:36] - paul: It's just a practical matter that some types of people get into accidents more... But i can see why that would push people's buttons. Insurance is a difficult business. - aaron

[2006-03-21 13:24:59] - a: Three years in one office?  I've been at three desks in >one year in one job. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-21 12:49:17] - aaron: I know - that little 8-year old girl can dance better than I can and she's like 8 - aaron

[2006-03-21 12:06:15] - I'll study it some.  More languages/more skills makes me a better candidate on the market. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-21 11:59:53] - Xpovos: Yeah, almost exclusively .NET -Paul

[2006-03-21 11:38:50] - Paul: True, you guys are running a lot of .Net stuff, right?  I've never touched .Net. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-21 11:35:47] - one time pad:  smnh.  message:  nipd  ~a

[2006-03-21 11:22:04] - Geico's Risk Criteria Challenged -Paul

[2006-03-21 10:41:44] - sam: I share an office with two other people.  we each have cubes but we can still hear each other.  -mel

[2006-03-21 10:30:49] - aaron:  i wish i could dance.  ~a

[2006-03-21 10:24:19] - Xpovos: Well, they said you knew a lot but they weren't sure how much you overlapped with the stuff we're doing here. -Paul

[2006-03-21 08:39:59] - well, three years this may.  ~a

[2006-03-21 08:39:30] - sam:  i've shared the same office with a guy for the past three years.  ~a

[2006-03-21 08:21:55] - Paul: I can't say it wasn't unexpected.  How's that for enough negatives in a sentence.  But, really, there's no reason for them to hire me.  I'm not a CS guy.  I just do it as a hobby. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-21 08:15:11] - and lyrics - aaron

[2006-03-21 08:14:16] - music video for Polysics - I My Me Mine - aaron

[2006-03-21 08:00:49] - sam: I work in a pretty big room with about 12 other people - aaron

[2006-03-20 23:46:51] - Same: Currently I share an office with another person. -Paul

[2006-03-20 22:25:28] - to_all: do you guys have your own office? or do you guys work in a cube?  or do you guys share an office with others? -sam

[2006-03-20 21:15:07] - Sam: Doesn't look too bad, although I wonder why they couldn't have just kept the Echo around... -Paul

[2006-03-20 20:32:52] - paul: this is the replacement for the toyota echo.  i think it looks really good.  -sam

[2006-03-20 15:37:48] - a: yes.  learn to embrace apathy  -mel

[2006-03-20 15:34:52] - Happy first day of Spring!  -mel

[2006-03-20 15:26:17] - am i the only one outraged by this?  ~a

[2006-03-20 15:24:36] - us debt limit to be raised to $9 trillion.  go fiscal responsibility! - mig

[2006-03-20 15:01:48] - Xpovos: Sorry :-( -paul

[2006-03-20 14:55:17] - Time to paper my walls with rejections slips. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-20 11:56:10] - busy++ -Paul

[2006-03-20 11:12:34] - yo quiero taco bell.  ~a

[2006-03-20 11:07:14] - Quiet Monday.  Everyone must be busy.

[2006-03-19 20:07:33] - pierce: the trailer plays at the bottom - aaron

[2006-03-19 16:11:24] - mason beats unc

[2006-03-18 17:13:57] - Owens signs with the Cowboys  -sam

[2006-03-18 11:45:24] - damn!  "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation." - pierce

[2006-03-18 10:53:29] - wow.  i guess billy packer can now officially be told he's a total moron. bradley also beat kansas.  - mig

[2006-03-17 21:06:18] - george mason won!

[2006-03-17 18:08:13] - trailer for Snakes on a Plane. - pierce

[2006-03-17 16:47:27] - Vinnie: Still better than being a politician.  At least you're only an ass one day of the month. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-17 16:42:17] - Trailer for the Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift  -sam

[2006-03-17 13:17:42] - *** vinnie has been bitten by a were-donkey

[2006-03-17 13:11:40] - *** paul is dead

[2006-03-17 13:08:50] - the suspense is KILLING ME!  did everybody make it to cosi on time?!  did anybody get lost?  was the food good?  i need details, people!  ~a

[2006-03-17 10:05:13] - paul: cosi sounds good, I didn't realize there was one here. I'll meet you there at 12:05 (call me if that doesn't work, I won't be able to check internet until 12) - vinnie

[2006-03-17 09:39:15] - Vinnie: I've never been to wrapworks so I don't know how fast it is. I think Cosi can also be fast, though. I'm going to be in a meeting for the next hour, so I'll let you pick the time and place. Sound good? -Paul

[2006-03-17 08:46:35] - a:  /shrug. i agree about ejbs.  they suck.  not sure what problems you're referring to with the other j2ee type stuff. - mig

[2006-03-17 08:17:23] - paul: yes. except now it is today. where do you want to meet? a place like Uno might be too slow; the faster places I know of in Reston Town Center are Panera and Wrapworks - vinnie

[2006-03-17 07:27:33] - anon:  however . . . i will admit that i'm not an expert in all of the things i'm denouncing.  ~a

[2006-03-17 07:25:33] - anon:  i wasn't referring to the netbeans ide, i was referring to the netbeans platform.  ~a

[2006-03-17 07:08:54] - a: How does "netbeans" fit in that list?

[2006-03-16 16:51:39] - a: You should work for Intwine! Oh, wait... -Paul

[2006-03-16 16:26:32] - i hate application servers, and netbeans, and servlets, and enterprise server beans ...  they all suck.  oh and .net sucks too.  they all create more problems than they solve.  ~a

[2006-03-16 15:54:33] - vinnie:  lazy  -title

[2006-03-16 14:56:23] - Vinnie: Did you want to meet for lunch tomorrow? -Paul

[2006-03-16 13:49:06] - one of the other instructors at this facility has a voice identical to David Cross. he even looks like him except that he's asian (but he has the glasses) - vinnie

[2006-03-16 12:10:17] - one thing to consider is that it is hard to stop someone from talking on the phone in the middle of the movie without disrupting everyone else. but I don't think jamming cell phones is really the answer. the fine idea makes sense to me, it would deter almost everyone. I think I've only been bothered by cell phones like twice during a movie though - vinnie

[2006-03-16 11:45:02] - i'd rather they implement a fine for people who talk on their phones (a la NYC) than jam all phones.  bad behaviour on the part of a few people shouldn't end up in a penalty for everyone.  i'm also not sure they will be allowed to jam signals because then people can't call 911 in an emergency.  -  aba

[2006-03-16 11:44:53] - It's far too passive aggressive.  If they really want to make an impact on how people use cell phones in theatres, they need to kick out patrons who are distrubing the film.  -- Xpovos

[2006-03-16 11:29:42] - you'd be pissed because you can't send text messages during a movie.  on the other hand, won't you be pleased that some annoying $*%*@ isn't talking his/her head off right next to you?  i think it's almost worth it.  "almost" because i haven't been annoyed by people in a theater ALL that often.  it's only happend a few times the past decade.  ~a

[2006-03-16 11:21:20] - i've sent text messages with my phone on silent in the theatre before.  i think i'd be pissed off if they just started jamming all cell phones.  -  aba

[2006-03-16 10:33:29] - mig:  you say "plain old apache" like it's a bad thing :-P  plain old apache == security, stability, and kick ass performance.  ~a

[2006-03-16 10:31:53] - mig: also, it's march. pirate costumes in march? .) -amy

[2006-03-16 10:31:33] - mig: i was looking at my inbox at the time i saw the ad. no open email. -amy

[2006-03-16 10:31:17] - mig: apache -amy

[2006-03-16 10:30:03] - amy:  gmail takes into account the current email that you are reading.  did the email mention pirates? - mig

[2006-03-16 10:26:44] - i really do not understand the logic behind this.  i really find it hard to believe that cell phone use during movies is this much of an issue (i certainly have not had any issues with it during movies i've gone to see).  - mig

[2006-03-16 10:25:20] - theaters want to try to jam cell phones during movie viewings. - mig

[2006-03-16 10:21:11] - amy:  what platform is this going to be used on?  plain old apache, tomcat, weblogic? - mig

[2006-03-16 10:16:39] - xpovos: thanks, awesome. i mean, you don't have to spend too long on this, if i can just see an example and get the basic idea of how it works, i can probably modify it and finish it up. -amy

[2006-03-16 10:11:11] - amy: Ok, then I can definitely put some stuff together for you. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-16 10:08:44] - as urgently as before mother's day, i'd say .) (something i want to do for mom, not work-related) -amy

[2006-03-16 09:56:48] - amy: Let me see if I can transfer you some code.  How urgently do you need it? -- Xpovos

[2006-03-16 09:46:05] - my parents have been trying to rent their house in fairfax since the end of january with no luck so far.  -  aba

[2006-03-16 09:30:48] - how does gmail come up with these ads. pirate costumes? i don't think i've been talking about pirates OR costumes in my gmail. maybe in my gsleep and i just don't remember. -amy

[2006-03-16 09:17:04] - heh, i didn't see it either. thanks a. -amy

[2006-03-16 09:14:32] - title: I just want to bang on the drum all day - vinnie

[2006-03-16 09:13:12] - oh huh, that list wasn't there a second ago. it appears as if I qualify and you don't. well now I feel dumb :P - vinnie

[2006-03-16 09:13:00] - vinnie: what does "compact" mean, then? 'cause i'm surrounded by like SUVs here i'm thinking in comparison i'm pretty compact .) -amy

[2006-03-16 09:12:40] - -amy

[2006-03-16 09:12:37] - it needs to be relatively secure because the db entries that the user can modify are going to affect what shows up on their webpage

[2006-03-16 09:12:15] - also php/web people: i need to design an interface for a user to log in, and basically view, add, edit, and remove entries from a database. (possibly change their password too, would be a good feature.) i can probably figure out the db stuff but does anyone either know how to create the login stuff, or know of a piece of code i could copy and modify? -amy

[2006-03-16 09:12:08] - amy: I don't think you qualify as a compact, but you can probably fit in the spot. I've had the same dilemma as you before :-/ - vinnie

[2006-03-16 09:11:47] - list of some compact cars  ~a

[2006-03-16 09:10:28] - "Compact car is a largely North American term denoting an automobile smaller than a midsize car, but larger than a subcompact car. Compact cars usually have wheelbases between 2.54 metres (100 inches) and 2.67 metres (105 inches). Another definition specifies between 100 ft³ (2800 L) and 109 ft³ (3000 L) of interior volume."  -wikipedia

[2006-03-16 09:09:24] - what qualifies as a "compact car"? i feel very dumb because this morning, i pulled into a parking spot, saw a "compact cars only" sign, and then didn't know if i had to move or not ;_; i moved just to be safe. i still feel dumb though. -amy

[2006-03-16 09:08:48] - the point is that it's impossible to predict the influx of new potential home buyers.  ~a

[2006-03-16 09:06:47] - or maybe not :-P  ~a

[2006-03-16 09:00:19] - a: yeah, prices haven't really gone down yet, it's just that the current number of houses on the market is at like the highest point in 5(?) years, so it's takin months to sell a house. Eventually people will realize they dont' like that and start lowering prices (maybe) -dave

[2006-03-16 08:53:15] - a: Oh, I didn't mean to imply that housing prices have gone down (although I realize that's what I did). I was just wondering why they had to sell your place for less. -Paul

[2006-03-16 08:50:28] - if you want my opinion, i don't think housing prices have gone down in any area, although obviously the market has changed.  right now my boss has had his house on the market for a few weeks and things aren't looking good.  ~a

[2006-03-16 08:48:42] - paul:  there's no way to know without analyzing housing prices in the area.  all i know is housing prices in my area have only gone up (although not by much)  ~a

[2006-03-16 08:44:24] - a: I'm surprised, were they really overpricing your places that much or have housing prices gone down that much? Or a little bit of both? -Paul

[2006-03-16 08:32:47] - paul_aaron:  yes, they were saying that 380 WAS a lower price.  imo, they just didn't know the market had changed.  ~a

[2006-03-16 08:21:18] - Sam: Well, I was at work for about 12 hours. -Paul

[2006-03-16 08:06:43] - American Inventor, an exciting series from Simon Cowell and the producers of American Idol about the biggest search ever for America's best new invention, premieres with a two-hour special, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, from 8:00-10:00 p.m., ET  -sam

[2006-03-16 07:44:09] - paul: how many hours did you work on wednesday? -sam

[2006-03-15 21:58:53] - Sam: In answer to your IM, yes I am. -Paul

[2006-03-15 21:30:18] - Mercedes-Benz SLK is the cheaper and the weaker version of the SLR.  personally i think the $42,900 SLK280 looks better than the $450,000 SLR.  -sam

[2006-03-15 21:25:06] - 2006 Mercedes-Benz SLR.  $450,000 :-o  -sam

[2006-03-15 20:56:06] - LOL! hilarious VW commericial!  -sam

[2006-03-15 20:35:44] - pierce: yes, but three stories seems low for a 3 OP day. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-15 20:28:09] - Aaron: I'm not sure about the logic behind it, but I was under the impression that current occupants got discounted rates when their apartments got turned into condos. I could be wrong, though. -Paul

[2006-03-15 19:49:19] - paul: I don't know - that doesn't make sense. I think they should charge more - aaron

[2006-03-15 19:07:17] - Aaron: Don't current occupants usually receive a lower price, though? -Paul

[2006-03-15 18:50:25] - paul: Or they were trying to overcharge us, because of the convenience factor - aaron

[2006-03-15 18:24:54] - - pierce

[2006-03-15 18:24:51] - xpovos: can't it be both?

[2006-03-15 18:24:17] - a: Housing bubble? -Paul

[2006-03-15 17:49:49] - that's a 12% drop.  =-O  ~a

[2006-03-15 17:41:02] - aaron:  our old apt sold (recently) for 336k.  they were trying to sell it to us (in late 2004) for 380k.  ~a

[2006-03-15 17:02:13] - Piece: Is that stories or O.P. 3? -- Xpovos

[2006-03-15 16:55:27] - summary psp:  there will be a new upgrades for the psp to support:  emulation of ps1 games and support for flash in the psp web browser.  ~a

[2006-03-15 16:52:58] - summary ps3:  sony's online service (like xbox-live for the ps3) will be free.  the ps3 will be backwards compatible with the ps1 and ps2 games.  all ps3 games will be on bluray discs.  sony plans to sell 6million units in 6 months (oct06-apr07).  when the ps3 comes out, the ps2 price will NOT drop any.  ~a

[2006-03-15 16:37:03] - information about the ps2, psp, and ps3  ~a

[2006-03-15 16:36:57] - Sam: I guess I'm just not really a car kind of guy. :-P -Paul

[2006-03-15 16:31:29] - paul: the new camry's interior and the exterior designs are totally different from last year's, and the V6 engine is more powerful. -sam

[2006-03-15 15:23:42] - besides being very creeped out and having a "3" of a day?  yeah. :) - pierce

[2006-03-15 14:15:22] - pierce: yeah, pierce are you okay? .) -amy

[2006-03-15 13:55:48] - amy: I definitely read that as "writing on the pavement in your own blood", which is far, far creepier. - pierce

[2006-03-15 13:46:42] - maybe it's not under his control (i don't know how advertisements are decided upon when you're nationally syndicated), but i still find it funny. - mig

[2006-03-15 13:44:05] - daily dose of irony:  apparently one of Bill O'Reilly's advertisers for his radio show is Wicked Pictures (for those who don't know is a porn video distributor). - mig

[2006-03-15 13:08:15] - Xpovos: Eh, that's ok. Thanks for trying. -Paul

[2006-03-15 13:05:19] - Ah, government at work.  Also, Paul, I said I was referred to Scottrade, but it never asked me for a name, so I don't think you're getting credit. :-( -- Xpovos

[2006-03-15 13:00:05] - Congress wants to know if your iPod is making you deaf -Paul

[2006-03-15 12:42:58] - amy: Wow, that's some impressively high winds. -Paul

[2006-03-15 12:19:01] - i just got an email from my company that the high winds have broken the front door glass and the broken glass has created a wind tunnel in the lobby, so you may have to force the elevator doors closed when you use the elevators. dear god am i glad we had leftovers last night for me to bring for lunch today. -amy

[2006-03-15 12:10:06] - paul: ok, just let me know on here or on phone - vinnie

[2006-03-15 11:15:56] - Paul: IMO, job satisfaction is much more than a one-day reading.  Otherwise, I'd be much happier every other Friday than would be warranted by my tasks. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-15 10:58:57] - Xpovos: Ah, I thought it was just used for the current day and was independent of other days. -paul

[2006-03-15 10:45:50] - Paul: It's an average over time type of thing.  So on day 1, it's fine, so 0, then day 2, it's bad, so 3, but then you get some more fine days, and suddenly you're running 0.66 eyes per day. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-15 10:43:40] - Xpovos: How does a fractional O.P. work? You only gouge one eye out? -Paul

[2006-03-15 10:42:09] - Paul: conceivably.  But I think fractions are more likely.  It takes some pretty tough conceiving to get to negative O.P. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-15 10:33:36] - ...mean you want to be put out of your misery instantly, but numbers in between mean absolute torture and you'd rather be writhing on the pavement in your own blood, still conscious and not quite dead, than go to work. -amy

[2006-03-15 10:32:51] - xpovos: omg LOL. my friend/coworker a few years ago came up with the "how many stories" scale -- how many stories you want to throw yourself off of, of course. it got to the point where we'd just look at each other and one of us would say, "6". (he even based his lj handle off of this.) it's very funny because low numbers mean it's not that bad, very high numbers... -amy

[2006-03-15 10:30:55] - Vinnie: I won't be able to meet for lunch tomorrow but I might be able to do it on Friday. -Paul

[2006-03-15 10:30:39] - Xpovos: Can there be a negative O.P. value? -Paul

[2006-03-15 10:22:35] - sorry that "might" should not be in there. I CAN eat lunch if it's under those specifications :)

[2006-03-15 10:21:27] - paul: yes. if you're interested in doing lunch tomorrow or Friday I might be able to do it, but it'd have to be someplace in Reston Town Center (but you work in the Town Center, right?) and some place where we can finish eating between 12 and 1. this goes for Pierce too - vinnie

[2006-03-15 10:20:58] - I've invented a new scale for job satisfaction.  I call it O.P. for occular piercing.  It is how many times a day, on average, while at work, you feel the need to gouge your eyes out.  I'm running about a 7 right now. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-15 10:06:31] - Sam: What's so different from the previous Camry that makes you like the new one so much? -Paul

[2006-03-15 10:04:06] - Vinnie: You'll be in Reston, eh? -Paul

[2006-03-15 09:51:58] - sam:  i used to work a lot.  my billable hours worked/potential hours was always way over 100% even though i took holidays, vacation and sick time.  -  aba

[2006-03-15 09:18:01] - sam: yeah i also do lunch at desk when possible. i aim for 9-5 but it often ends up being 9.30-5.30 -amy

[2006-03-15 09:13:24] - a: san francisco! -amy

[2006-03-15 09:12:19] - where is your trip?  ~a

[2006-03-15 08:40:21] - ddr_people: sorry once again, but I almost certainly can't come tomorrow. I have training in reston until 5 and I have to pack for my trip. if training lets out early there's a chance I can come, but just assume I'm not coming - vinnie

[2006-03-15 08:38:55] - happy birthday migule - vinnie

[2006-03-15 08:18:32] - PS3 to be released worldwide the beginning of november -dave

[2006-03-15 07:37:13] - i work 8 hours without lunch break.  i just eat at my desk and only take like 15 minutes -sam

[2006-03-15 07:35:52] - aba: i mean when you worked before you went back to school -sam

[2006-03-15 07:34:41] - aba: 9 to 7?  you work 10 hours!?  or do you work 9 hours and have 1 hour lunch break? -sam

[2006-03-15 07:32:52] - paul: well, i'm talking about everything (looks, performance, etc.)  I love everything about the new camry SE V6 -sam

[2006-03-15 07:29:40] - Patten's reaction to the new signings. I'm impressed with his response. Makes me like him more -dave

[2006-03-15 00:18:58] - before i went back to school, my hours were usually 9-7.  sometimes i worked later.  -  aba

[2006-03-14 22:45:32] - Sam: I usually work from around 9am to around 6pm but it varies a lot. -Paul

[2006-03-14 22:44:15] - Sam: I think people tend to post mostly from work and so they don't post as much after work. -paul

[2006-03-14 22:43:46] - Sam: Are you talking about the look or the engine specifications? Either way, I guess I really don't have much of an opinion on the new Camry. Seems a lot like the old Camry to me. -paul

[2006-03-14 22:16:17] - a: i can actually start later but i just go early because of the traffic and parking problems... -sam

[2006-03-14 22:13:30] - omg.  6:30am?  that sucks.  i usually work from about 10 till about 6.  ~a

[2006-03-14 21:48:09] - to_all: what are your working hours?  mine is from 6:30am to 2:30pm (that's if i don't have to do overtime) -sam

[2006-03-14 21:41:13] - sam:  traffic after work and on the weekend tends to be much lower.  ~a

[2006-03-14 21:40:12] - a: what time do you get home from work? -sam

[2006-03-14 21:39:23] - *** sam wonders why no one is posting messages after work...

[2006-03-14 21:36:11] - paul: gamefly doesn't do PC games.  -sam

[2006-03-14 21:34:14] - Mac Mini inside a NES    -sam

[2006-03-14 21:03:41] - what do you guys think about the new camry?  i really like the SE V6. (with 268 horse power V6 engine that gets 22mpg in the city and 31mpg in the highway).  -sam.

[2006-03-14 19:30:12] - not likely though.  ~a

[2006-03-14 19:27:18] - pierce:  maybe they didn't know he was a scientologist?  ~a

[2006-03-14 18:44:01] - accoring to this A.V. club blog entry, Isaac Hayes didn't know the details of the Scientology episode until it was done.  If true, kinda bad form on the part of Stone and Parker; they don't have to appease him, but at least give a heads-up. - pierce

[2006-03-14 18:43:56] - i guess i'm lucky to be in cox's area -sam

[2006-03-14 18:43:22] - but i hadn't had any problems with cox though. -sam

[2006-03-14 18:41:32] - if comcast has no competition in your area, then unfortunately they probably wouldn't care about customer satisfaction  -sam

[2006-03-14 18:38:12] - dave: do you really want to keep your cable tv service? -sam

[2006-03-14 18:36:08] - sam: i don't have a land line. -dave

[2006-03-14 18:35:49] - sam: only cable provider i believe -dave

[2006-03-14 18:31:57] - a: what about land line phone? -sam

[2006-03-14 18:30:36] - sam:  there's only one cable tv provider in any area (afaik)  ~a

[2006-03-14 18:29:35] - dave: is comcast the only cable tv provider in your area? -sam

[2006-03-14 18:01:39] - Dave: Being a pain is the best path towards satisfaction. :-) -Paul

[2006-03-14 17:59:44] - paul: poor lady, i think i got the same rep all 5 times, and she had to pretend like she was having technical difficulties every time. the final lady was a different one, hehe, maybe some sort  of manager -dave

[2006-03-14 17:57:33] - Dave: What took me 30 days to get fixed, you accomplished in 30 minutes. I bow down to your superior skills of persuasion. :-) -Paul

[2006-03-14 17:57:07] - paul: the lady was like, we've changed it now, so you can stop calling us, hehe -dave

[2006-03-14 17:56:37] - Paul: woot, after 5 calls in like 30 mins and telling them that I loved their service up till this point, but that I was getting the run-around and just wanted this one thing changed - they said, we'll call you back when the "database comes back up". 15 mins later they give me a call and say that it will be changed. hehe -dave

[2006-03-14 16:53:51] - Dave: Well, I ended up asking the people at the customer service center that I went to and they hooked me up. -Paul

[2006-03-14 16:33:45] - Paul: how do i ask to talk to management? can I do that through customer service? -dave

[2006-03-14 16:32:09] - Dave: Yup, don't expect to have the problem fixed until you futilely go through their normal channels for about a month until you get fed up enough to ask to talk to management. -Paul

[2006-03-14 16:29:37] - hey, the next time i call back they take down all my information and then tell me that their program crashed -dave

[2006-03-14 16:21:26] - Dave: Hehehe, good old comcast... -Paul

[2006-03-14 16:21:24] - haha, and now they tell me their billing system is down -dave

[2006-03-14 16:19:30] - and then when you call back for customer service, they don't pick up -dave

[2006-03-14 16:18:10] - sureal. i call up comcast because they signed me up for more service than I asked for and charged me for it, then when they realize they have to refund money, they xfer me to a diff. customer service rep with a ton of background noise, then pretend the connection is breaking up, and then cut me off -dave

[2006-03-14 15:40:08] - Sam: I don't have a console. Do they do PC games too? Regardless, the answer is 'no'. -Paul

[2006-03-14 15:35:32] - doea anyone rent games from gamefly? -sam

[2006-03-14 15:33:03] - *** ralph fails english?

[2006-03-14 15:26:24] - *** sam feels stupid

[2006-03-14 15:25:52] - /me -sam

[2006-03-14 15:25:44] - LOL

[2006-03-14 15:25:39] - "/me -sam"

[2006-03-14 15:24:37] - `

[2006-03-14 15:24:33] - sam:  in case you're curious, this is what most other people are using:  "/me knows how to use irc commands  -sam"  ~a

[2006-03-14 15:24:00] - \hi

[2006-03-14 15:23:53] - /me

[2006-03-14 15:22:22] - *** sam feels sympathy and puts the cap back on...

[2006-03-14 15:21:32] - *** Xpovos puts the red in ***sam

[2006-03-14 15:19:42] - ***sam removes the cap from Xpovos' ass....  Ha!

[2006-03-14 15:15:54] - God, that was annoying, how many times do I have to type my name?  But the dirty deed is done. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 15:15:31] - S'ok, I was only with you until magicquotes anyway. ;-) -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 15:05:53] - i'm confusing languages again.  ~a

[2006-03-14 15:05:32] - hmmm . . . by preg_replace("s/.../.../e") i actually meant preg_replace("/.../e","...",...)  ~a

[2006-03-14 15:02:45] - xpovos:  i prefer magic_quotes_gpc to be off on the server.  however, even when magic_quotes_gpc is off, preg_replace("s/.../.../e") adds slashes to each of the variables $1 $2 $3 ... (i understand why, but it's annoying anyways)  ~a

[2006-03-14 14:59:56] - I had similar difficulty with some stuff I was doing, I finally hacked up a fix that involved substituting every ' with `.  Ugly, but it worked. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 14:55:23] - *** a finally fixes the problem with single quotes (\') and the /me command.

[2006-03-14 14:35:16] - Then I don't need it. :-P -- Xpovos

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