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[2006-03-14 14:34:39] - Xpovos: Not entirely sure. -Paul

[2006-03-14 14:31:51] - What is Stock Power at Scottrade? -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 14:31:39] - Xpovos: So it would seem. -Paul

[2006-03-14 14:27:39] - Hehe.  It's more complicate than it looks.  I am apparantly immortal. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 14:27:02] - Close enough. -Paul

[2006-03-14 14:26:53] - *** Paul puts a cap in Xpovos' ass

[2006-03-14 14:26:42] - D'oh! -Paul

[2006-03-14 14:26:33] - /e puts a cap in Xpovos' ass -Paul

[2006-03-14 14:24:41] - Will someone please put a cap in my ass? -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 12:53:01] - xpovos:  more times  ~a

[2006-03-14 12:51:20] - interesting that the extra .8k increased my split by 6 seconds.  must have been a tired day.  ~a

[2006-03-14 12:50:31] - and 45minutes: 10.8k - 2:04.8 split  ~a

[2006-03-14 12:43:38] - and 2k: 7:26 - 1:51.7 split  ~a

[2006-03-14 12:41:32] - xpovos:  i found one of my high school times:  10k: 39:30 - 1:58.5 split  ~a

[2006-03-14 12:29:14] - aaron:  god i hope not.  ~a

[2006-03-14 12:27:53] - (although it didn't mention what kind of racing boat.  an eight person boat handles very differently than a single)  ~a

[2006-03-14 12:27:26] - xpovos:  i did see it.  i was going to respond too, but then considered against it.  model c is very good.  also, you might try nocking down the fan setting.  level 10 is actually not as much like being on a racing boat as you might think.  i read somewhere recently, that a racing boat is more like a fan setting of 5.  ~a

[2006-03-14 12:20:15] - pierce: I wonder it Matt and Trey will bring back Mr. Derp as chef's replacement- aaron

[2006-03-14 12:07:43] - Dave: Yeah, but it's still down a significant percentage from the time when I was thinking of selling it. -Paul

[2006-03-14 12:06:34] - a: I don't know if you saw it when I replied in the livejournal, so I'm reposting it here.  Concept2 Model C. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 12:04:25] - paul: well amd just crossed back into the black, so be happy ^_^ -dave

[2006-03-14 12:00:14] - pierce:  i don't remember chef being in that episode.  i know, at least, that he didn't have a major part.  ~a

[2006-03-14 11:44:49] - Dave: Yeah, I heard about that and it makes sense that it's been going down. I was just hoping it wouldn't go down so much so fast. :-) -Paul

[2006-03-14 11:30:29] - Paul: it got downgraded by a bunch of brokers on rumors of upcoming price wars with Intel -dave

[2006-03-14 11:29:41] - apparently it booted Battlefield 2 and loaded the level 30s faster (tho I have no idea how long the whole process is supposed to take) -dave

[2006-03-14 11:28:25] - Intel demos Robson caching (using flash on a mobo to help speed up HD xfer) -dave

[2006-03-14 11:21:55] - I love that Stone and Parker are really calling him on his hypocrisy in no uncertain terms.  I didn't know that he was a Scientologist.  I wonder if they told him how that episode was turning out as they were writing it... not that it would've stopped them, but I wonder if he was caught off-guard by just how scathing it was. - pierce

[2006-03-14 11:16:00] - Dave: Yeah, I was expecting AMD to go down some but I thought the tax savings would be worth it. Guess I was wrong. -Paul

[2006-03-14 11:00:51] ->1=7703 isaac hayes quits south park -dave

[2006-03-14 10:55:46] - a: Yeah, that was definitely the best part of the 'screening'.  The rest was pretty misearble.  No, I don't know much C++, no I don't know any .Net.  Yes, I can work with databases.  Though the one database structure question he asked I answered correctly the first time, and then we spend 10 minutes trying to figure out why I was right. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 10:48:14] - xpovos:  sounds like fun.  ~a

[2006-03-14 10:46:53] - dave: Stardock made a game I really enjoy "The Political Machine" but since it was a collaborative effort, they had to implement some anti-piracy software, but they struck a deal that it would be time limited.  I really like Stardock. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 10:46:08] - a: The general set up was 4 types of objects.  A,B,C,D.  Each A can have 1-inf B, each B can have 1-inf C, each D can be associated with C or A, but not both, each A has exactly one D, each C has 1-inf D.  Then proceed with questions, like what are the fewest number of Ds given System(X). -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 10:44:50] - Paul: you bemoaning your amd losses? -dave

[2006-03-14 10:31:21] - I think I've learned a valuable lesson these past few weeks. If a stock is up over 100% and you think it might go down, sell it instead of trying to wait a year to pay less in taxes. :-P -Paul

[2006-03-14 10:28:24] - Xpovos: Cool, congrats. They told me they were planning on calling you sometime but didn't tell me exactly when. -Paul

[2006-03-14 10:15:52] - what sort of logic questions?  ~a

[2006-03-14 10:12:51] - Paul: I had a phone interview with Intwine last night.  I think it went about as well as could be expected, given my limited programming experience.  I think I nailed most of the logic questions. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 10:12:11] - Paul+all: It's a common dream, typically referred to as a 'stress' dream, where the stress in your life is played out in your dream as a situation that is very stressful.  Also results in the "I'm naked in front of my class/office" dreams. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-14 09:59:56] - Wow, I guess that's a common dream because I also often will dream that I'm in college and suddenly I remember that I was enrolled in a class that I never went to or took any tests for. -Paul

[2006-03-14 09:58:12] - mig:  cease and desist your criminal libel  -starforce

[2006-03-14 09:43:39] - dave:  yeah starforce is a pretty vindictive company.  They've sent cease and desist letters to people who simply post factual information of what their software does to people's systems. - mig

[2006-03-14 09:42:11] - pierce: i have that dream sometimes, about P.E. in high school. all of a sudden, oh noes i'm 24 and i forgot to go to PE and graduate high school!! i think it's a sign i need to exercise .) -amy

[2006-03-14 09:41:39] - also, that message might be of interest to aaron.  aaon, you can go flux yourself. - pierce

[2006-03-14 09:41:30] - aaon buhh! aaon buhh!

[2006-03-14 09:39:54] - aaon: I have that same dream... I arrive the last day of (what is usually an English) class realizing that I need the class to graduate but had forgotten I was enrolled. - pierce

[2006-03-14 09:38:22] - sam: not that I've noticed... how slow are we talking?  because they're a bit clunky but not what I'd describe as "slow". - pierce

[2006-03-14 09:34:45] - sam: I have very similar dreams about once a month or so. Usually it's because I forgot I was enrolled in a class. - aaron

[2006-03-14 08:35:04] - copy protection software company posts bittorrent link of Galactic Civilizations 2 (which doesn't have any copy protection). How messed up is that? -dave

[2006-03-14 06:49:16] - pierce:  did the menus on the razr ever slow down on you, after leaving it turned on for awhile? -sam

[2006-03-13 17:50:23] - then i wake up :(-sam

[2006-03-13 17:49:45] - then after getting worried, i realize that i don't go to school and that this is a dream -sam

[2006-03-13 17:48:22] - pierce: i have a lot of dreams where i go to classes and realize that i didn't study for the test or didn't do the project, and get really worried. -sam

[2006-03-13 17:05:52] - anyway, I've had a handful of lucid dreams during my life, but only one time was I then able to control my dream.  and I got so excited by the possibilities that I woke myself up.  and no, not that kind of excited. - pierce

[2006-03-13 17:04:43] - but what I've heard you can do is have an auditory trigger for the checks, like your watch beeping on the hour.  then, put your watch next to your head at night.  for some people, the nocturnal beeping still triggers the reaction. - pierce

[2006-03-13 17:03:33] - thinks -> things.  Anyway, if you can form these habits, then you'll instinctively do them while you're dreaming as well, and come to the realization that things are not as they should be.  I was never able to form the habits, though. - pierce

[2006-03-13 17:02:21] - amy: the strategy I've heard for intentionally lucid dreaming is to form a habit of periodic "reality checks" while you're awake.  Just do thinks like counting your fingers, or writing something down and then reading it immediately, or the cliched "pinching yourself" technique. - pierce

[2006-03-13 16:56:12] - I had a paralysis dream once and it really freaked the heck out of me.  Glad it hasn't recurred. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 16:20:33] - pierce: and yes to lucid dreams though i haven't had one in a long time. i believe there is a technique to actually purposely lucid dream, but i didn't really look into it. -amy

[2006-03-13 16:11:10] - pierce: yeah, hypnogogic paralysis, i think is the term. but i think they're also called "paralysis dreams" informally. -amy

[2006-03-13 16:03:48] - pierce:  yes and yes.  ~a

[2006-03-13 15:58:51] - how many of you have ever had "lucid" dreams?  those are dreams in which you come to a conscious realization that you're dreaming without actually waking up.  have you ever been able to control the "plot" of your dream as a result? - pierce

[2006-03-13 15:56:44] - amy: I used to get those but haven't had one in a long time.  Did yours take the form of an imaginary location where you tried to move but couldn't, or are you "dreaming" you're in your bed but can't move?  Because the latter is actually a recognized physiological phenomenon, as I recall... not just a dream. - pierce

[2006-03-13 15:55:20] - Of course, if I had a fully working consciousness during the dream I might have noticed that I was shaving off a full-length beard rather than just whiskers, or that I don't actually drive on the beltway on the way to work, or that I don't actually work in a full-fledged office, or that I do actually have coworkers and I don't work in an empty office building. - pierce

[2006-03-13 15:54:27] - pierce: yeah, i know those. i also have paralysis dreams where I'm trying to get up but i can't move. -amy

[2006-03-13 15:43:36] - do any of you ever have "fakeout dreams"?  This morning I dreamed that I got up, shaved, showered, got dressed, and went to work.  All of a sudden my alarm goes off and I have to redo the whole process. :( - pierce

[2006-03-13 15:42:57] - xpovos: i feel you, dude -amy

[2006-03-13 15:42:26] - sam: crud... I bought my Razr in February, I'm pretty sure.  No problems on it yet though. - pierce

[2006-03-13 15:33:35] - amy: They have, and it's a further nightmare. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 15:32:25] - amy: Still sorry. :-( -Paul

[2006-03-13 15:27:19] - Paul: exaggeration, it was more a bad dream than a nightmare. my dreams are fairly literal... it's often likely that things in real life can happen the way they do in my dreams. iow, i'm not terribly surprised. -amy

[2006-03-13 15:15:37] - amy: Sorry :-( -Paul

[2006-03-13 15:04:55] - xpovos: i wonder if your (bad) dreams ever come true and the cards actually get mailed to the wrong places? .) -amy

[2006-03-13 15:02:37] - this day is turning out very eerily like the nightmare i had. -amy

[2006-03-13 14:02:59] - sam: Huh, I just recently got a Motorola e815 and I was also looking at the Razr. I'm happy with my choice, though. -Paul

[2006-03-13 13:44:50] - this one time, i had a problem where the menu was really slow to respond. but i thought was because i kept it on for many days. so now i just turn off the phone at night.  i haven't had any problems since.  -sam

[2006-03-13 13:43:24] - but i've had no major problems yet.  -sam

[2006-03-13 13:42:37] - i got the motorola razr V3 phone from cingular at the end of february.  apparently a lot of the razr V3 phones sold in february are defective, and cingular and t-mobile just stopped selling them.  -sam

[2006-03-13 11:46:44] - That's a helluva downgrade. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 11:45:08] - AMD downgraded to "sell" based on price-war concerns -dave

[2006-03-13 11:41:00] - xpovos: i passed that line a long time ago x.0 -dave

[2006-03-13 11:40:40] - mig: well one thing that articles were saying about it is that now with al saunders, they might be anticipating a lot of 3 receiver sets -dave

[2006-03-13 11:39:35] - Dave: You work here long enough and you'd be hysterical too. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 11:38:54] - xpovos: that's hysterical -dave

[2006-03-13 11:36:36] - pierce: .( -amy

[2006-03-13 11:36:32] - xpovos: you must work with some scary fingerprint cards. -amy

[2006-03-13 11:29:19] - mig: Lloyd could be a decent #1 guy if the given the chance, I think. My guess is that they went for both just in case one of them didn't work out. -Paul

[2006-03-13 11:28:36] - Dave: I think he's a decent receiver, but he's not exactly a star receiver and I'm not even convinced he makes a really good #2 receiver. -Paul

[2006-03-13 11:26:07] - *years - pierce

[2006-03-13 11:25:57] - Two year ago I had a recurring nightmare in which I was stuck in Fort Wayne on a business trip because my flight through O'Hare was delayed... oh wait, my mistake, that was real. - pierce

[2006-03-13 11:25:00] - paul:  what i find peculiar is just that lloyd and randel el are both solid #2 guys, and it's just weird that they would overload on receivers like that.  I guess it did work for indy with harrison-wayne-stokely ... but they also had manning in that equation as well. - mig

[2006-03-13 11:18:43] - dave:  he said that randel el wasn't great, not that he wasn't good. - mig

[2006-03-13 11:07:12] - amy: not exactly the same.  In hers the fingerprint cards are attacking her and giving her paper cuts.  In mine they're being mailed to all the wrong addresses. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 10:57:18] - xpovos: you have the same recurring dreams as your boss? that's just creepy! -amy

[2006-03-13 10:52:58] - amy: I (and my boss) have had strange recurring dreams involving fingerprint cards. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 10:51:41] - amy: thanks!  i would assume it's a national policy (since it applies to federal taxation).  -  aba

[2006-03-13 10:46:34] - Paul: sort of conflicts with what xpovos said. but i remember not receiving one from my bank one year, so i went and asked about it, and that's what they told me. but come to think of it, i don't know if that's only applicable to that bank, or to PA state, but i just assumed it was a general national thing. -amy

[2006-03-13 10:45:38] - Paul: i can't remember if i've had any in the past year or so, but i had nightmares about prom until after i graduated college. they all had the same basic plot, too. very strange. -amy

[2006-03-13 10:42:18] - errr, randle el -dave

[2006-03-13 10:41:28] - Paul: don't think randal el is a good receiver? -dave

[2006-03-13 10:40:41] - Amy: Not about work, I don't think, but to this day I still have nightmares about college. -Paul

[2006-03-13 10:40:13] - amy: I didn't know that you didn't get a form from the banks if it was < $10. :-P Good to know, thanks. -Paul

[2006-03-13 10:39:40] - anyone ever have nightmares or bad dreams about work? i had another one last night sigh -amy

[2006-03-13 10:36:58] - aba/paul: yeah i know you don't get the form from banks unless you got >=$10. but i was not sure if that applied to stocks as well. -amy

[2006-03-13 10:32:34] - It depends, some places will do any amount, some will only do it if it is required as reportable by the IRS, and the amount which determines how much is required to be reportable changes from type of interest to type. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 10:31:34] - amy: Yay! I'm not the only one.  Sometimes I worry about the work-ethic around here. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 10:31:11] - aba: Not sure. I would think that you would still receive a form regardless of how little you made but I haven't received any tax forms from my bank over the past two years for interest earned and it was well under $10 also. -Paul

[2006-03-13 10:26:16] - sam: i said this in your lj, but roughly 60% -amy

[2006-03-13 10:26:06] - xpovos: i've got no idea -amy

[2006-03-13 10:23:29] - if i own stock, but got a very small amount of money back in dividends ( < 10$) does that mean that i don't get a 1099 form in the mail?  -  aba

[2006-03-13 10:08:58] - Dave: Seeing as the Redskins really only had one WR last year (I don't consider Cooley a WR) and that neither person that they got is considered to be a great receiver, I'm not too surprised. -Paul

[2006-03-13 10:07:35] - sam:  63%  ~a

[2006-03-13 10:07:04] - Sam: Don't know anything about cologne, sorry. I'm getting about 66% of my paycheck after 401(k) and taxes right now but I expect that to go down soon for a number of reasons. -Paul

[2006-03-13 10:05:27] - Sam: I think most people post from work and that's why nobody posts during the weekend. -Paul

[2006-03-13 09:56:59] - It's 10 o'clock.  Do you know where your boss is? -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 09:37:28] - IBM achieves over 102 GB/s of sustained read/write performance to a single file -dave

[2006-03-13 09:33:02] - mig: err, or pattern, whatever his name is -dave

[2006-03-13 09:32:50] - mig: i mean think of patten, i'm sure he feels horrible now, hehe -dave

[2006-03-13 09:06:51] - sam: ~56%. -- Xpovos

[2006-03-13 08:40:53] - kobe missed 11 three point shots!?! -sam

[2006-03-13 08:37:38] - dave:  yeah i don't get it.  i could understand getting randel el and brandon lloyd, but not both. - mig

[2006-03-13 08:34:25] - hampton and monmouth are playing tomorrow in the 16a vs. 16b game (i guess the 2 worst teams in the tourney).  hampton (16-15) was #6 seed in the conf tourney and upset the #1 seed in the conf championship game.  i wonder how far they would go... -sam

[2006-03-13 08:13:16] - dang, now the redskins have sooo many receivers -dave

[2006-03-13 08:08:28] - mig: is the #1 seed that plays the winner of the early game, the #1 overall voted by the committee? -sam

[2006-03-13 08:06:15] - i get roughly 25% of my money stolen from me every paycheck. - mig

[2006-03-13 08:03:53] - neither one is really useful for deciding who should go to the tournament, let alone seeding people. - mig

[2006-03-13 08:01:46] - no, they really don't.  first off, one poll is voted on by coaches.  you think they would be able to do that fairly?  and the other one is composed of know-it-all media people. - mig

[2006-03-13 07:58:57] - what percent of your salary do you actually get (after deducting tax, insurance, 401k, etc.)?  i get about 62.5%  -sam

[2006-03-13 07:50:05] - -sam

[2006-03-13 07:50:02] - mig: ok, so i guess the poll rankings don't really mean anything

[2006-03-13 07:48:42] - sam:  because the committee doesn't look at poll rankings at all when deciding seeds. - mig

[2006-03-13 07:06:53] - i'm thinking of getting a cologne.  i use curve right now.  any suggestions? -sam

[2006-03-13 06:59:32] - how come gonzaga #4 overall (in the AP poll) is a #3 seed in the oakland division? -sam

[2006-03-13 06:39:34] - "Then again, picking nothing but favorites won't win the prize, either. Since the NCAA began seeding teams in 1979, all four No. 1 seeds have never made it. (Three have only made it three times, all in the 1990s.) In 26 out of 27 years, at least one team seeded third or lower has made the Final Four."  -sam

[2006-03-13 06:37:52] - "For the past five years, at least one No. 12 seed (23) has beaten a No. 5 seed (24). Most often, that's the champion of a smaller conference whacking an also-ran from a power conference."  -sam

[2006-03-13 06:37:11] - "There are 32 first-round games (not counting the odious play-in game Tuesday). Roughly one-fourth of them will be upsets. Over the past five years, there has been an average of just more than seven first-round upsets by lower-seeded teams. Prepare accordingly."  -sam

[2006-03-13 06:30:23] - how come no one posts messages during the weekends? -sam

[2006-03-10 16:44:44] - "The former worker, Jennifer Sanmarco, 44, who had a history of psychological problems, killed four women and a man at a mail-processing plant here before killing herself" -sam

[2006-03-10 13:28:35] - mig: I haven't read the article so I can't comment on this specific instance. -Paul

[2006-03-10 13:28:03] - Even if somebody was a hard worker, I might not want him around if he kept on talking about killing himself and how life sucked everyday. -Paul

[2006-03-10 13:27:50] - if he was actually being disruptive on campus and clearly not receptive to receiving help for his issues, then i would think expulsion would be appropriate. - mig

[2006-03-10 13:27:07] - Amy: Well, I meant to apply that to generalities as well. I think somebody should be able to fire a person who is depressed or suicidal even if their work hasn't suffered yet. -Paul

[2006-03-10 13:24:58] - paul: legalities aside, i find the universities actions don't make any sense.  The kid obviously has issues, but i don't think the appropriate response to him trying to seek help for himself was to threaten him with expulsion. - mig

[2006-03-10 13:22:09] - Paul: OK I think I see where our misunderstanding is. I don't disagree or agree with you, I think you're talking about a specific hypothetical situation where somebody's depression is getting in the way of their work. And I think I was speaking more generally. I don't know quite how to expl it. -amy

[2006-03-10 13:12:50] - Amy: I don't think we're going to come to an agreement anyway. I'm not necessarily saying that it's a great idea, but I just think there can be plenty of reasons why somebody might want to fire a suicidal employee. -Paul

[2006-03-10 13:12:07] - personally i wouldn't care if my coworker is depressed or suicidal, though i might be concerned, but as long as this person isn't creating problems for me in the workplace... i think there are many offenses to coworkers and general company morale that are as bad or worse than suicidal feelings. -amy

[2006-03-10 13:10:42] - but again there are really too many variables. was the worker's work good. is it really the job that's making the worker depressed, or does the worker have unrelated mental health issues. is it the kind of job where a replacement would be easy to find. how would firing the worker affect the company's reputation and the rest of the team's morale... -amy

[2006-03-10 13:09:23] - Paul: i think in a lot of cases companies try to accomodate their workers and keep them happy rather than fire them. so if there is something job-related that is making someone depressed or suicidal, i think it's proabbly in the company's best interest to see if they can make some arrangement that would help the person's mental health before they fire them. -amy

[2006-03-10 13:08:24] - Paul: but i think this situation is too hypothetical/specific to really argue about anyway -amy

[2006-03-10 13:08:07] - Paul: it's not just "hurting someone's feelings," it's exacerbating the cause of the depression. -amy

[2006-03-10 12:51:27] - sorry, odwalla carrot juice. - pierce

[2006-03-10 12:51:16] - sigh... I could drink like three bottles of odwalla juice a day, but that would be a month and a half's worth of vitamin A.  it's not fair. - pierce

[2006-03-10 12:16:40] - Dave: I guess it depends on the person. If somebody is always coming to work with a depressed attitude and it's known around the office that this person is suicidal, I wouldn't have a problem with the company asking them to stop coming to work. -Paul

[2006-03-10 12:10:26] - Paul: they dont' want to work with them maybe, but they also don't want to work for a company that will fire you if you go through a stressful event etc -dave

[2006-03-10 12:06:55] - Dave: True, there is definitely a trade-off. If you do it correctly, though, I think most people won't mind. I don't think many people really want to work with somebody who is suicidal and always depressed. -Paul

[2006-03-10 12:03:33] - Paul: so it comes down to whether that salary increase is greater than the losses you take by helping them deal with it or the potential morale drop -dave

[2006-03-10 12:03:04] - Paul: well one reason to help them out (employee) instead of firing them would be that if you become known for firing people like that, fewer people will want to work for you, making you have to offer higher salaries -dave

[2006-03-10 12:02:48] - Amy: That's true, but I imagine that most people are going to get upset when/if they get fired so I don't think we can really just let "hurting their feelings" be a reason not to fire somebody. -Paul

[2006-03-10 12:00:42] - Paul: that's hard to say because everybody is different. i can see how being fired could easily make a lot of people even more depressed because they will see it as a personal failure... -amy

[2006-03-10 11:42:58] - Amy: Also, if it's work that is making him suicidal and depressed, then wouldn't the best thing be for them to stop working anyway? -Paul

[2006-03-10 11:42:20] - amy: I'm just thinking about it from an company owner's point of view. If I knew somebody was suicidal and constantly had a depressing attitude, I might not want to keep them around even if their work was technically ok. -Paul

[2006-03-10 11:37:27] - (I won't get upset .) Just trying to understand your POV.) -amy

[2006-03-10 11:37:10] - Paul: I guess I don't know your opinion on things like policy on work-related injury, but what if the job (or the school) was making the person suicidal due to all the stress? Do you think that companies should just hire people, then if the stress of the job makes them depressed/suicidal, fire them because they're bad for the company? -amy

[2006-03-10 11:32:27] - Ignoring the whole possibility of being liable for anything that happens, that person would probably be a drain on morale and could likely be a threat to others. -Paul

[2006-03-10 11:29:39] - Perhaps I'm jumping into a landmine here, but I don't know if I would want somebody who was suicidal working for my company... -Paul

[2006-03-10 11:15:13] - vinnie: yeah i agree, it doesn't seem like it should be legal. -amy

[2006-03-10 11:11:33] - amydave: they might be able to make the case that suspending him would leaven his stress, but expulsion? I don't really get it either. I think it's illegal for a company to threaten to fire someone over something like this - vinnie

[2006-03-10 10:52:32] - dave: i would think that if someone were expelled, and for the reason of having a mental illness, and then commits suicide, they'd have more reason to blame the university for the death. -amy

[2006-03-10 10:51:36] - spamusement guy is taking a hiatus and is posting guest artist submissions. i looked at this for a few minutes and kept realizing things until i got the full picture. oh man. -amy

[2006-03-10 10:49:21] - amy: apparently the motivation seems to be that they don't want to be liable for his death if he commits suicide - so they kick him out before he can - or something along those lines. Seems rather odd to me too -dave

[2006-03-10 10:32:45] - mig: this doesn't even make sense to me. it seems like it would be harmful for the university to expel people who attempt suicide... 'cause that could increase the chance that they do commit suicide and then when they do, the school could be blamed... i think it makes the school look bad. i don't understand the motivation. -amy

[2006-03-10 09:40:24] - student who seeks help after being depressed and suicidal threatened with expulsion from school. - mig

[2006-03-10 08:18:40] - paul: Yeah, right around the lips you can see some of his makeup wearing off, but I thought he made the most convincing change. His voice is just as revealing as the others' though, in my opinion - aaron

[2006-03-09 18:01:35] - Pierce: Having not seen the show, I'll have to take your word for it. All I've seen are pictures. -Paul

[2006-03-09 16:19:58] - paul: I think rose has the most realistic transformation.  nick's picture in that article makes it look a lot more natural than it does in the show.  basically, his hair and his mom's hair don't look right.  brian's hair looks stupid, but realistically stupid IMO. - pierce

[2006-03-09 15:54:23] - Pierce: I thought the black son looked the most impressive in terms of his switch. He doesn't look very much the same at all. -Paul

[2006-03-09 15:37:58] - simpsons opening filmed with live actors (this is apparently going around a lot, don't blame me if you've already seen it :) ) - vinnie

[2006-03-09 14:13:40] - okay... that's a bad picture of carmen's makeup... it looks better than that.  and I agree with you but it's still an impressive transformation.  it looks off because we know it's makeup, but they're all passable. - pierce

[2006-03-09 14:00:32] - amy: OMG... the make up looks horrible... -sam

[2006-03-09 13:32:57] - pictures of the participants of the show. their faces look... weird in that makeup. it's like the skin tone doesn't match the face shape. -amy

[2006-03-09 13:26:45] - paul: just the kids' activities were weird.  The parents were either doing everyday things (shopping), or things that were not intended to be "normal" activities (like being in an all-white/all-black focus group talking about race relations) - pierce

[2006-03-09 13:09:21] - Pierce: Well, from what you said of the first episode, I'm not sure if they're going to get a correct perception of the other race from this show either. :-p -paul

[2006-03-09 11:28:55] - but that's just an initial impression; a lot of it might have been the novelty of their first experiences. - pierce

[2006-03-09 11:28:22] - paul: I think the problem -- and this may be the message of the show -- is that even though they considered themselves "open" to learning about the other race, it was mostly because they had incorrect perceptions of what it was really like to be that other race. - pierce

[2006-03-09 11:06:18] - hehe nice ;) - vinnie

[2006-03-09 10:59:21] - *** a kills vinnie

[2006-03-09 10:59:02] - ddr_people: I won't be at DDR today. I'm a loser, baby... - vinnie

[2006-03-09 10:40:09] - pierce: aha. thanks. -amy

[2006-03-09 10:39:24] - amy: not sure how well they chose the stereotypical activities for the kids in the first episode... is an etiquette class something any of you would associate as a white activity?  And how many black people actually go to slam poetry classes? - pierce

[2006-03-09 10:37:47] - amy: new reality show on FX, they took two families of mother+father+child and had them switch races.  They go through this intensive makeup process to (very convincingly) make them look like the other race, and then they go out into the world and get jobs and do "stereotypical" things of the other race. - pierce

[2006-03-09 10:33:49] - also, the white father seems very excited to have an excuse to say the N word, though in fairness he's not using it to deride anyone as yet. - pierce

[2006-03-09 10:33:00] - pierce: expl premise for those who are ignorant of everything that's on TV? .) -amy

[2006-03-09 10:32:50] - Pierce: I read a washington post article which claimed that they had picked both families because they were left-leaning and open to experiencing new things in terms of race relations. However, I also read that they didn't get along too well despite this. -Paul

[2006-03-09 10:29:48] - basically, it seems like the wives were almost selected to be stereotypical, the husbands are both hardheaded and set in their view of the state of racism.  The white daughter seems to not care about racism as much as experiencing black culture, and the black son seems to not care about the project at all other than "hey, I'd look funny if I was white". - pierce

[2006-03-09 10:26:29] - pierce:  and you're throwing off your average-post-length of 165.  ~a

[2006-03-09 10:26:00] - pierce:  you're so wordy.  ~a

[2006-03-09 10:23:46] - paul: yes. - pierce

[2006-03-09 10:23:41] - paul: yes. - pierce

[2006-03-09 10:23:30] - a: yes. - pierce

[2006-03-09 10:06:37] - pierce: I DVR'ed it. Was it any good? - aaron

[2006-03-09 09:51:01] - Dave: I'll bet they have a lot of security around that sucker. -Paul

[2006-03-09 09:50:39] - Pierce: That was last night? I thought it looked somewhat interesting and planned on catching the first episode to see what it looked like but I guess I missed it. -Paul

[2006-03-09 09:50:38] - did you?  ~a

[2006-03-09 08:50:42] - So did anyone else catch the premiere of Black. White. last night? - pierce

[2006-03-09 08:22:41] - ipod vending machines. -dave

[2006-03-08 21:02:03] - "aha - take on me" thinggy from family guy  -sam

[2006-03-08 20:10:58] - weird japanese commercial for ANA airways    -sam

[2006-03-08 19:18:11] - great song, but the music video feels really gay...  -sam

[2006-03-08 16:19:26] - aaron: sales graph for all ipod models? -sam

[2006-03-08 16:12:40] - aaron:  your image hasn't been updated since january.  ~a

[2006-03-08 16:11:04] - aaron:  ~a

[2006-03-08 16:03:44] - - aaron

[2006-03-08 16:03:01] - mig: Hold the middle button and the top button (menu?) on the ipod for a few seconds - aaron

[2006-03-08 15:10:20] - lawsuit trying to allow men to try to opt out of financial responsibility of a child in which both partners initially agreed to not want children. - mig

[2006-03-08 14:50:00] - mig: Ah, I've never had that problem. -Paul

[2006-03-08 14:45:35] - paul:  i'm talking locked up as in the screen is on but i literally cannot do anything ... i could wait till the battery runs out on it, but it'll take awhile. - mig

[2006-03-08 14:43:57] - aaron: what's that combination to force a reboot? - mig

[2006-03-08 14:40:34] - Dave: I saw a Utah Jazz game the night that story was released (or maybe the next day). The announcers mentioned it a couple of times. -Paul

[2006-03-08 14:34:11] - this from the author of the article "My first reaction was to show the story to my wife. Then I asked what she would say if I suggested a similar plan in our marriage. I really wanted to print her reaction, and if she ever stops laughing, perhaps I will." -dave

[2006-03-08 14:33:33] - Once a year allowance. Apparently Kirilenko's (NBA player) wife says he can sleep with another woman once a year, as long as she knows about it -dave

[2006-03-08 14:32:19] - paul: Mine hasn't locked up in a long time either - maybe it was fixed as a result of a software upgrade? - aaron

[2006-03-08 14:29:25] - mig: My iPod used to not turn off sometimes but it doesn't anymore. No idea what fixed it. Don't think I've ever had it lock up, though. -Paul

[2006-03-08 14:24:37] - mig: five or six times. It was a big pain. There's a two button combination to force it to reboot - aaron

[2006-03-08 14:21:20] - has anyone had their iPod completely lock up on them? - mig

[2006-03-08 14:18:04] - if you missed it before, here's the video of Will Wright's presentation of Spore at the 2005 GDC: - pierce

[2006-03-08 14:07:21] - vinnie: yea, what are you worried about? it's just a FAQ in PDF format  -sam

[2006-03-08 14:02:29] - although i'm not sure what you're worried about.  ~a

[2006-03-08 14:01:18] - vinnie:  we can.  ~a

[2006-03-08 14:00:44] - sam: er, you may not want to link that on a public message board (assuming people outside our firewall can even see it) - vinnie

[2006-03-08 12:55:37] - tax revolts occuring across the us over rising property taxes. - mig

[2006-03-08 11:56:54] - New book claims Bonds has been juiced for years;_ylt=AvzmxR9GJmQjIXC_94OYAz4RvLYF?slug=ap-bonds-steroids&prov=ap&type=lgns  -sam

[2006-03-08 11:51:36] - vinnie_amy: i will think about it... -sam

[2006-03-08 11:34:31] - mig:    -sam

[2006-03-08 11:34:02] - mig: "For men, a tuxedo or business suit and tie is appropriate. For women, formal or semi-formal evening wear is appropriate."  -sam

[2006-03-08 11:26:46] - sam:  where is this event being held? - mig

[2006-03-08 11:24:02] - i'd go to my company events but most of the people i do socialize with at my company don't go either, and socializing among people who i have a median age gap of 10 is not really my idea of a good time. - mig

[2006-03-08 11:22:52] - the name springfest doesn't seem to imply that it'd be a formal event.  - mig

[2006-03-08 11:19:20] - sam: yeah, it's no big deal going alone - come and join us! if I were single and wanted to go (hehe this is the first year I feel like I will know people there), I wouldn't hesitate to go alone - vinnie

[2006-03-08 11:11:05] - sam: you can hang out with us ^_^ -amy

[2006-03-08 11:06:24] - Sam: What's wrong with going alone? -Paul

[2006-03-08 11:04:10] - paul_vinnie: maybe i'll skip the party.  i don't wanna go alone, and i don't have anyone to go with -sam

[2006-03-08 11:02:49] - Sam: Of course. :-) -Paul

[2006-03-08 11:00:16] - paul: and did you go alone? -sam

[2006-03-08 10:58:09] - Sam: Yeah, for both of ours we had to dress up in suits (of course, we work in suits also). -Paul

[2006-03-08 10:57:40] - Amy: That's kinda what I'm hoping to accomplish here. I don't really want a job from them now, but I want to make sure I keep things open for the future, just in case. -Paul

[2006-03-08 10:57:12] - paul: i think ours is a formal party.  was yours formal also? -sam

[2006-03-08 10:57:06] - Sam: At the one which allowed one guest, nearly everybody brought a guest along even if it wasn't their girlfriend. I think they were all of the opposite gender, though. -Paul

[2006-03-08 10:56:19] - Sam: Well, we kinda had two around that time although I guess one was more of an anniversary party. One was more open for people to bring friends if they wanted while the other just allowed you to bring one guest. -Paul

[2006-03-08 10:54:00] - paul: how was your company's party like? -sam

[2006-03-08 10:52:13] - Paul: if they respond positively, it shows they are interested in keeping the contact as well and maybe you can ask them for an interview again sometime in the future. i think it's possible. -amy

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