here are old message board entries

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[2006-08-09 14:57:28] - Xbox 360 HD DVD Player to be Cheapest on Market -sam

[2006-08-09 14:54:39] - 4 penguins perish in freak Texas truck accident. Octopus unhurt. -Paul

[2006-08-09 11:58:33] - check this out ZIP CODE MAPS  -sam

[2006-08-09 11:58:00] - a: yea, especially i loved the part with princess leah. -sam

[2006-08-08 23:10:42] - sam:  i watched that a few weeks ago.  so funny!  ~a

[2006-08-08 21:13:43] - This movie is hilarious! Some guy used James Earl Jones' dialogues from other movies and dubbed them to Darth Vader's dialogues in Star Wars.  -sam

[2006-08-08 16:37:53] - title: Is the only prescription more cowbell? -Paul

[2006-08-08 14:05:29] - hehe, I found this trading adage amusing: "Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered" -dave

[2006-08-08 11:59:42] - sam:  hrm.  i'm surprised that there aren't any hondas on that list.  -  aba

[2006-08-07 21:20:20] - America's Most Stolen Vehicles 2005 -sam

[2006-08-07 17:45:27] - amy: I'm 86% nerd pure....i find that disturbingly inaccurate...

[2006-08-07 17:13:43] - paul:  thanks.  "Argumentum ad populum" too.  ~a

[2006-08-07 17:09:42] - a: Appeal to widespread belief? -Paul

[2006-08-07 17:08:25] - what's the name of this argument (and logical fallacy)?  "other people break the rules, therefore i can break the rules" or in other words "lots of people speed on 66, so it's ok to speed on 66"  ~a

[2006-08-05 02:39:55] - chimpanzie playing ms. pacman -sam

[2006-08-04 16:29:27] -,,2-10-1462_1966708,00.html Snakes in airmail. -Paul

[2006-08-04 15:48:08] - a: In fact, we should jail anybody who dares to accuse them of anything. -Paul

[2006-08-04 15:21:46] - of course.  they're the real victims here.  ~a

[2006-08-04 15:17:01] - a: I would say innocent even IF proven guilty. -Paul

[2006-08-04 15:13:11] - oh, the teachers are women?  that's totally different.  innocent until proven guilty.  right?  ~a

[2006-08-04 14:40:47] - a: Ah, so "alleged" just means "not found officially guilty yet". Gotcha. -Paul

[2006-08-04 14:34:26] - paul:  all rape accusations are true, of course.  i'm just saying that you're supposed to call them alleged before the eventual conviction.  ~a

[2006-08-04 14:31:32] - aaron:  is your amd 64 bit?  if so, i have some bad news for you.  :-D  ~a

[2006-08-04 14:08:28] - a: Are you implying that rape accusations can be false? ;-) -Paul

[2006-08-04 14:06:09] - paul:  a lot of alleged rapes.  ~a

[2006-08-04 13:59:46] - "The 37-year-old Arkansas woman is the 3,496th teacher to be arrested this year on charges that she had sex with an underage student" That's a lot of rapes. -Paul

[2006-08-04 13:28:05] - I'll make it easy.  I answer 53 questions in the affirmative. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-04 13:24:42] - amy:  48% nerd pure.  -  aba

[2006-08-04 13:02:06] - xpovos: the percentages are a little counterintuitive, i agree. -amy

[2006-08-04 13:01:46] - xpovos: i'm 65% nerd pure, which means i'm 35% nerdy.... if paul is saying that he is 60% nerd pure, then that means he's 5% more nerdy than i am? -amy

[2006-08-04 12:59:18] - I'm confused by the percentages.  It lists three. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-04 12:42:41] - amy: 60% for me. -Paul

[2006-08-04 12:36:00] - I vaguely remember comparing nerdiness scores from some sort of quiz (it was more than a week ago) but I don't think it was this one? -amy

[2006-08-04 12:35:31] - Hey do you guys remember this? Nerd purity test: I took this just now and scored 65% ^_^ (I didn't bring this up  like, last week on the mboard did I?) -amy

[2006-08-04 12:12:07] - I think I've only seen nine of those movies. -Paul

[2006-08-04 12:10:36] - The URL pretty much says it all. -Paul

[2006-08-04 10:36:24] - a/Paul: I try to abbreviate only after using the entirety in context shortly before, except with certain standards of abbreviation. So I'll say wikipedia then wp.  Or Washington Post then WP.  Also, I'd use the capitalization difference there to help. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-04 10:30:18] - a: Yeah, one time you mentioned that wp said the outer limits was closed and I thought you meant Washington Post. :-) -Paul

[2006-08-04 10:22:05] - annoying.  ~a

[2006-08-04 10:21:56] - man, i just realized that wikipedia and washington post are both often abbreviated with wp.  ~a

[2006-08-04 10:17:14] - you can view most of the main headlines without a subscription, but if you get into some of the other articles it requires subscription. Kinda like ESPN insider except for more articles -dave

[2006-08-04 10:11:05] - Xpovos: I couldn't tell you what the difference is, although I had noticed it before as well. Maybe it's poor programming on their part? -Paul

[2006-08-04 10:06:29] - Paul: That's what I did, but I know I've seen links here for WP that don't require logins.  And that's my confusion. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-04 10:03:13] - Xpovos: Yeah, I used to have a policy because they require a log in but since people kept posting links, I eventually decided to give it up and just use to grab a log in to use. -Paul

[2006-08-04 10:02:27] - a: Well, I think it had to do with the business being located in a foreign country so he technically wasn't violating any laws. -Paul

[2006-08-04 09:28:31] - I see you guys post links to the washington post articles frequently that don't ask for me to login to view, but whenever I try to view on from their site or a search engine, they do.  What's the deal? -- Xpovos

[2006-08-04 08:41:42] - paul:  i only read the first page, but i'm surprised that antigua is winning considering what that guy (cohen) was doing.  he was violating the law of his country while in his country.  that seems like a pretty clear case to me.  ~a

[2006-08-04 07:58:17] - MS taking Vista to Black Hat -dave

[2006-08-04 07:36:16] - polygamist gets 45 days in jail for having sex with 16 y.o. bride. Bride (now 21 with 3 kids by the guy) vouches for him -dave

[2006-08-04 07:23:52] - RIAA cases fail on the inability to tie an IP address to a person - in instances where there was evidence that multiple users used the same PC/IP -dave

[2006-08-03 21:58:32] - Tiny Antigua Takes the United States to Task at the WTO. -Paul

[2006-08-03 16:57:35] - - vinnie

[2006-08-03 16:32:51] - vinnie: i don't remember the fake numbers entry - aaron

[2006-08-03 16:30:58] - whoops, that was a big typo. supposed to be just:  "I was about to make that stern wikipedia joke again..." I made a joke a while ago over the fact that wikipedia had the "this article needs sources" message on the fake numbers entry - vinnie

[2006-08-03 16:25:48] - vinnie: "joke that stern wikipedia"? what kind of joke is that? which article is it in? - aaron

[2006-08-03 15:45:42] - aaron: I was about to make the joke that stern wikipedia joke again but that article already has it on there. oh wiki - vinnie

[2006-08-03 13:33:24] - on made up vegetables - aaron

[2006-08-03 13:28:12] - vinnie: i'm using cingular right now, and it's not bad. i like the roll over part -sam

[2006-08-03 13:27:41] - vinnie: so r u switching to sprint? -sam

[2006-08-03 13:10:46] - xpovos: I just got out of my horrible Verizon contract. granted I think it was mostly the phone's fault but I am still very annoyed at them - vinnie

[2006-08-03 12:28:15] - xpovo:  i always thought it was very simmilar to the matrix.  ~a

[2006-08-03 12:17:05] - vinnie: Come over to the dark side.  Verizon is strong. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-03 12:16:28] - Paul: Actually, yeah, that shocked me too (scene cuts), but now thinking about it, all those memory flash backs are about 10 cuts a second. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-03 11:45:35] - aaron/a: I actually won't be able to make it to ddr today (after deciding on sfm and everything! :P ) Amy and I really need to sort out some cell phone nonsense with Sprint - vinnie

[2006-08-03 11:43:36] - Vinnie: Ah, somehow I had entirely missed the words inside the parenthesis there. :-P -Paul

[2006-08-03 11:42:39] - paul: the Dark Empire one I could sort of see, because it was the exact same name as Lucas' comic line. but Dark World just baffles me. I think in these cases the opposing side is just making an idle threat. neither side wants to have similar titles, I would think. I don't think Spielberg would have much of a case if it had come to the court - vinnie

[2006-08-03 11:24:34] - And the whole story about changing the name was ridiculous. I could MAYBE see "Mad City" and "Dark City" being a little too close for the studio to want to release both at the same time, but how can you sue over Dark World and Dark Empire? -Paul

[2006-08-03 11:23:40] - "Has one of the shortest average shot lengths of a modern film; a cut occurs in the film, on average, every 1.8 seconds." Wow. I hope this is because there are a bunch of scenes with hundreds of cuts in the space of a few seconds. -Paul

[2006-08-03 11:22:44] - "The plot also contains many similarities to Victor Hugo's Les Misérables," ? -Paul

[2006-08-03 11:12:52] - I found it entertaining. -- Xpovo

[2006-08-03 11:00:47] - Man, I wish I had thought to buy Nintendo stock (NTDOY, go figure) months ago. Now it's too high. -Paul

[2006-08-03 10:56:50] - Xpovos: I'm willing to take any new Blizzard game at this point. -Paul

[2006-08-03 10:56:03] - Paul: That 3-D bit worries me.  I'm pretty sure there's not a whole lot to be gained there.  Still, I'm hopeful. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-03 10:52:58] - it would have been sfm this week even without our new hiatus on nvcc.  ~a

[2006-08-03 10:47:40] - Blizzard Seeking RTS Designers. -Paul

[2006-08-03 10:19:13] - aaron: yeah sfm. no nvcc please - vinnie

[2006-08-03 09:31:43] - ddr_people: i don't have a cell phone today. sfm right? - aaron

[2006-08-03 08:19:08] - a: hehe mine found the 8-move solution to yesterday's board :-D - aaron

[2006-08-03 07:58:25] - a: it made for some VERY hard boards (which i could still nonetheless find solutions to, but it would take about 5 seconds...) - aaron

[2006-08-03 07:57:03] - a: btw the board generator bug was for the case where you have a wall in between two "quadrants". the wall was being considered sometimes, and not others. The result was that you sometimes had a goal (most notably, one of the wild goals) which was not surrounded by two walls - aaron

[2006-08-03 07:53:45] - a: yes - aaron

[2006-08-02 23:57:00] - aaron:  do you have cygwin on your home computer?  ~a

[2006-08-02 23:37:49] - (a portion of the remaining 1.5% could be faulty boards.... i just found a tricky bug in my board generator program) - aaron

[2006-08-02 23:13:02] - aaron:  any time, any place.  ~a

[2006-08-02 23:05:34] - a: also, my program's getting pretty smart! it can solve about 98.5% of all puzzles i give it within a second. but the solutions are not always good. i think we should have a contest soon. - aaron

[2006-08-02 23:03:43] - a: enumerative combinatorics? - aaron

[2006-08-02 17:59:33] - a: Conditional Probability -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 17:56:32] - a: Yes, she was also going for the senior level position, but had the requirements and was one of their top choices. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 17:56:10] - aba: Thanks, but the thing is, if they're not willing to pay me, then they really don't want me, and it's better that I not work for them. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 16:59:13] - it's not "combination without repetition" (because there is some repetition) and it's not "combination with repetition" (because the repetition is limited).  ~a

[2006-08-02 16:56:03] - there are two red marbles, two blue marbles, and two green marbles.  how many different combinations (order doesn't matter) can you pick four marbles?  i don't know the answer, nor do i care for the answer (as much as i care for how to solve the problem or at least a name for the type of problem so i can search for it somewhere)  ~a

[2006-08-02 16:54:13] - xpovos:  you were trying out for different positions i assume.  ~a

[2006-08-02 16:32:17] - sorry about the job tho.  salary negotiations can be miserably awkward.  -  aba

[2006-08-02 16:31:31] - :-P  -  aba

[2006-08-02 16:31:25] - *** aba kicks xpovos

[2006-08-02 16:09:58] - Xpovos: Ah, I see, I guess... -Paul

[2006-08-02 16:03:53] - Paul: Same company.  The offered her a job too.  But she can't take it unless I do too.  So since I didn't.... well, it's awkward. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 16:01:17] - Xpovos: Sorry to hear. She is looking for a job? -Paul

[2006-08-02 15:55:45] - Paul: Katie. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 15:51:01] - Xpovos: What others? -Paul

[2006-08-02 15:22:53] - a: Yeah, once they knocked me out of the running for the senior position, it was pretty well boned.  But I gave it a good faith effort.  It's just clear they don't want me enough to make it worth my while.  So-- no dice for me, which I can live with.  Not going so well for some others, though. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 15:08:08] - xpovos:  that does suck.  but on the other hand:  even if they had paid you more, you still wouldn't have known if the job was worth the extra money until it was too late.  ~a

[2006-08-02 14:56:56] - Xpovos: That sucks, sorry. :-( -Paul

[2006-08-02 14:45:23] - Paul: Less than I'm making right now.  I tried to negotiate.  They said non-negotiable.  -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 14:22:39] - Xpovos: But not enough money? -Paul

[2006-08-02 14:18:04] - Paul: Yep, they offered me a job. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 14:17:23] - Xpovos: You got the phone call finally? -Paul

[2006-08-02 14:05:33] - West Virginia is off. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-02 12:19:16] - HHHOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT!!!  ~a

[2006-08-02 11:19:43] - HOT!!!!!!    Sam Patton - Take This Out & Activate

[2006-08-02 11:17:31] - a: Hurray for sitting on a plummeting stock! -Paul

[2006-08-02 11:12:18] - paul:  good job doing nothing!  ~a

[2006-08-02 11:04:23] - a: Yeah, glad I didn't sell it last week like I was thinking of doing. -Paul

[2006-08-02 10:42:00] - i'm not surprised, it's been doing pretty badly.  ~a

[2006-08-02 10:30:47] - a: The sad thing is that it's still below what I paid for it. :-) -Paul

[2006-08-02 10:29:45] - a: Valueclick (VCLK). They released really positive 2Q results yesterday after the bell and also raised 3Q forecasts. -Paul

[2006-08-02 10:24:24] - paul:  which?  ~a

[2006-08-02 10:09:52] - second "I've" = "I". I just can't type for some reason recently. -Paul

[2006-08-02 10:04:16] - I don't think I've ever seen a stock that I've own be up 22% in a day. =-o -Paul

[2006-08-02 00:34:29] - is = are -Paul

[2006-08-02 00:28:48] - a: Besides, the Daily Show covers a lot of things which I don't think is terribly interesting. -Paul

[2006-08-02 00:28:16] - a: *Shrug* A celebrity struggling with an addiction and going to rehab after getting arrested just doesn't seem all that unusual to me. -Paul

[2006-08-01 23:13:38] - paul:  not interesting enough?  he's was arrested, he is going to rehab, and COME ON even the daily show covered it.  ~a

[2006-08-01 16:03:20] - a: I believe I may be the first to use it as a verb. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-01 16:03:02] - a: Nope, you take the wrong cough syrup and go driving under the age of 21, and it's a real risk.  Basically, they don't care. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-01 14:28:30] - burial IN SPACE  ~a

[2006-08-01 13:50:42] - and i had no idea that rectum could be turned into a verb.  what does it even mean?  ~a

[2006-08-01 13:49:42] - so, if you're under 21, there's still probably a bac where they won't care.  ~a

[2006-08-01 13:49:04] - xpovos:  you can have a bac from stuff other than controled substances.  ~a

[2006-08-01 13:44:50] - Aaron: Sorry, I didn't think it was interesting enough to post. -Paul

[2006-08-01 13:42:04] - a: I think .10 used to be the standard, but it's been reduced to .08 for most locations.  Some are stricter though, but I've never heard of anything going lower than .06, except for situations like individuals under the age of 21, where a 0.000000...01 reading will get you rectumed. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-01 13:00:52] - a: .08 is the legal limit for driving in CA I mean -dave

[2006-08-01 12:54:03] - a: .08 was the limit for CA apparently -dave

[2006-08-01 12:38:04] - .12% bac?  that's pretty high, right?  most states have ~.05% bac is "driving while impared" and ~.08% bac is dui.  ~a

[2006-08-01 12:32:30] - Gibson's Anti-Semitic Tirade (why am i just hearing about this? you aren't doing your job!) - aaron

[2006-08-01 12:28:45] - aaron: Depends on the state laws on contributory fault.  E.g. Virginia has contributory fault, so if there's even the slightest bit of blame that can go on you, like for being drunk, you're hosed.  Whereas D.C. does not, so they can sue to their hearts content.  Now, they still won't get anything, but they have a lot more wiggle room legally. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-01 12:13:35] - Heath Ledger is the Joker. -Paul

[2006-08-01 12:09:09] - a: maybe her pyromaniacal friend was under the influence of bacardi 151 when he lit the menu on fire. that would make it their fault right? - aaron

[2006-08-01 12:08:47] - a: nm.  i found your profile and added you.  silly.  -  aba

[2006-08-01 11:10:21] - well i guess i'm not sure if that changes anything in the eyes of the law.  i'm not up on civil law (or whateve it's called).  ~a

[2006-08-01 11:06:53] - a: I actually thought it was intentional. -Paul

[2006-08-01 11:05:41] - "a customer lit a menu on fire" this was on accident i assume.  ~a

[2006-08-01 11:03:46] - i guess maybe bacardi could have put more obvious warnings on the bottle since not everybody knows that 151 is flamable, but that still shouldn't leave them open for a suit.  ~a

[2006-08-01 11:00:39] - but seriously, why is bacardi being sued here?  what are they expected to do?  it's like suing exxon for having flamable gas.  ~a

[2006-08-01 10:59:00] - paul:  151 is so fun to light on fire.  ~a

[2006-08-01 10:44:52] - paul: yeah, it stretches back a ways... - vinnie

[2006-08-01 10:34:41] - xpovos: it is $580 or so for two pads... and then $95 shipping -_-; but all the cool kids in the DDR communities have them. ,) -amy

[2006-08-01 10:32:19] - Another woman sues Bacardi after allegedly being injured by flaming rum. -Paul

[2006-08-01 10:14:32] - Xpovos: Ok, maybe I'll see if any coworkers are interested in going since they seemed interested before. -Paul

[2006-08-01 10:14:06] - vinnie: Whoa, some of those pictures are from the July 4th cookout... of last year! -Paul

[2006-08-01 09:59:58] - vinnie:  you can also use the organizr to change which picture shows up in the set icon (instead of it defaulting to the first picture).  -  aba

[2006-08-01 09:34:14] - Oh, wait, nevermind.  That's the price for the doubles thingie.  Still... -- Xpovos

[2006-08-01 09:33:35] - $600 for the pads! Whoa. Ow. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-01 09:27:46] - vinnie:  it can take a really long time to set up but i find the tags very useful.  if i want to see all the pictures i have of my dad, i can click on the 'dad' tag and it seperates them out.  -  aba

[2006-08-01 09:15:02] - Paul: I may go again sometime later in the season (before 11-5), but no guarantee. -- Xpovos

[2006-08-01 08:33:11] - aba: yeah I know you and Pierce were already on my friends' list. in fact, yours was what made me decide to get start my own in the first place. yay better permalink: - vinnie

[2006-08-01 00:11:28] - vinnie:  i already have you listed as a friend!  see this answer in the faq about getting a "friendly" url.  -  aba

[2006-08-01 00:09:15] - a: my flickr account?  i'm so confused by you.  -  aba

[2006-07-31 23:06:30] - if anyone wants me to protect any pictures there, please speak up. they're all public for now - vinnie

[2006-07-31 23:05:53] - a/aba: it would appear this is my permalink unless I register? also only having three photo sets is ass :) - vinnie

[2006-07-31 21:57:27] - your protected content is?  ~a

[2006-07-31 20:52:35] - mrrr..... mine is linked right off my website.  username stolenbyme.  -  aba

[2006-07-31 20:21:11] - yeahhhh, that was a much wittier response!  ~a

[2006-07-31 20:19:45] - wait wait . . . i'll show you mine if you show me yours.  ~a

[2006-07-31 20:17:39] - aba:  you aren't seeing mine either.  ~a

[2006-07-31 19:40:49] - a:  ah.  you aren't seeing mine.  :-P  -  aba

[2006-07-31 17:45:06] - org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils has a lot of great utilities for string manipulation. org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.deleteWhiteSpace() does exactly what you want - aaron

[2006-07-31 17:04:30] - a: hooray I just discovered replaceAll() like just after I posted the question ^_^ I really ought to like wait 5 seconds before I bug mboard about them. Anyway thanks ^_^ -amy

[2006-07-31 16:55:54] - amy:  you want replaceFirst(" ","") or replaceAll(" ","") depending on if you want the first space removed from a string or all spaces removed from the string.  ~a

[2006-07-31 16:53:45] - I also just realized that's not a question. Joey: I have a question. There's no tater tots. Monica: That's not a question... -amy

[2006-07-31 16:52:56] - *** amy has the dumb today.

[2006-07-31 16:52:49] - stupid_java_question: so i'm trying to remove a space from a string... i thought about using blah.replace(" ", "") until I realized I don't know how to make the null character as a char; "" is considered a string. and i don't even know if that would work anyway. -amy

[2006-07-31 15:46:04] - i use perl.  :)  ~a

[2006-07-31 15:45:40] - aba:  nope.  i have a flickr account, but it's only so i could see other people's protected pictures.  ~a

[2006-07-31 15:34:53] - a: you use flickr?  -  aba

[2006-07-31 15:20:57] - This article or section does not cite its references or sources. - stern wikipedia

[2006-07-31 15:17:57] -  ~a

[2006-07-31 15:17:48] - or kajillion.  ~a

[2006-07-31 15:17:19] - is that a zillion, or a bazillion?  ~a

[2006-07-31 15:12:12] - a: don't worry, I will. I have about a zillion pictures to put online. I just have to remember to do it - vinnie

[2006-07-31 15:07:24] - *** a wants actual arcade pads.  :-P

[2006-07-31 15:06:54] - vinnie:  let me know.  ~a

[2006-07-31 15:00:57] - *** amy wants cobalt flux pads...

[2006-07-31 14:59:48] - a: no, but I've been meaning to. that image was just one I saw on a bb - vinnie

[2006-07-31 14:52:13] - s/images/photos/  ~a

[2006-07-31 14:52:01] - vinnie:  do you post your images on flikr?  ~a

[2006-07-31 14:41:05] - - vinnie

[2006-07-31 12:34:48] - still, very dumb.  ~a

[2006-07-31 12:33:52] - aaron:  i think there's more to that one than meets the eye.  it's basically a HashMap when any changes to the FastMap are made (in other words, put() turns on HashMap, even clear() turns on HashMap)  ~a

[2006-07-31 12:27:13] - premapture optimization - aaron

[2006-07-31 12:17:20] - So... are there any plans to go to KD again or should I try to find some other sucker to go with me? :-) -Paul

[2006-07-31 12:16:47] - "Do you believe that the housing bubble has burst, or will burst in the next 3 months?" Talk about a loaded question... :-P -Paul

[2006-07-31 12:10:46] - i just misunderstood your code.  ~a

[2006-07-31 12:10:27] - never mind.  ~a

[2006-07-31 12:10:24] - ugh.

[2006-07-31 12:10:15] - a: what doen't work about it? it works for me - aaron

[2006-07-31 12:08:54] - aaron:  re:  long ago conversation.  new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(n) doesn't seem to work.  ~a

[2006-07-31 11:57:11] - paul:  yes.  until november something.  ~a

[2006-07-31 11:50:07] - KD People: So were the tickets that we bought good for two trips? -Paul

[2006-07-31 00:08:28] - hey, people, wp says "Flight of Fear shut down in 2006, and put up for sale. The coaster and its housing still stand today, although there has been no reports of buyers or its future."  ~a

[2006-07-29 15:09:34] - I should've bought nVidia stock. :-( -Paul

[2006-07-29 00:11:43] - aba: Play World of Warcraft? -Paul

[2006-07-28 23:13:09] - a: - aaron

[2006-07-28 23:10:50] - please tell me that song is a parody.  ~a

[2006-07-28 23:10:19] - i mean, aaron home got quickly.  ~a

[2006-07-28 23:08:39] - hey, aaron got home quickly!  ~a

[2006-07-28 23:08:25] - and bo-bo-bo isn't too bad either.  ~a

[2006-07-28 23:08:24] - hey baby, wake up from your asleep we have arrived onto the future and the whole world is become… - aaron

[2006-07-28 23:07:48] - bobobo-bo bo-bobo best wikipedia article name ever.  ~a

[2006-07-28 23:04:25] - xpovos: hahaha. it took me about a minute to find the 5 also. i was considering a very convoluted solution - aaron

[2006-07-28 23:02:16] - For anyone who wants: we have a hotel reservation in Baltimore for Otakon weekend.  Not going. Anyone going and want the room? -- Xpovos

[2006-07-28 23:01:19] - For Friday's robots my first solution was 20 moves.  Then I saw the 5. Heh. -- Xpovos

[2006-07-28 15:32:08] - hehe.  thanks amy.  :)  -  aba

[2006-07-28 15:14:50] - i have also done: using the internets to learn other languages, looking up song lyrics online and memorizing them (though lyrics sites don't look much like work at all)... uhh maybe work on a personal webpage or something? so it looks like code and everything .) -amy

[2006-07-28 15:13:23] - aba: this is a bad day for asking the mboard things... everyone is at king's dominion .( but, ah... i suggest writing a novel in MS word if you can make it look like you are writing for work. or sketching things around the office if you can make it look like you are taking notes or something. i have like sketches of everything in my old office -amy

[2006-07-28 13:22:35] - dear msgboard, i run some computationally intensive matlab scripts for the research i am doing.  some of them even take 20-30 minutes to run.  while they are running, what can i do to a) keep myself from getting bored but also b) not look like i am slacking off?  thanks!! - aba

[2006-07-28 08:25:36] - paul: ha ha! i love how half the people are joking and sarcastic and the other half are completely oblivious - aaron

[2006-07-27 17:05:35] - Amy: Well, I've heard from a couple of sources that people will often feel hungry when in fact they are merely dehydrated and that's why staying hydrated can help people lose weight (in addition to the other reasons). -Paul

[2006-07-27 17:01:11] - Paul: actually there is a theory that people who don't drink a lot of water and are chronically dehydrated have a damaged thirst mechanism. (they think they are hungry when actually, they need water.)  people who drink enough water feel thirsty and hence drink more... it's a vicious cycle. -amy

[2006-07-27 16:56:06] - The comments on this article are amusing. -Paul

[2006-07-27 16:55:15] - aba: I could see that, I can imagine it's going to be hard to remember to drink enough water during the weekend, especially if I'm busy. -Paul

[2006-07-27 16:53:20] - a: aaron and I decided on nvcc - vinnie

[2006-07-27 16:53:06] - paul:  on days where i go to my office, i don't have a problem because i have a nalgene bottle full of ice water but when i am at home i just forget(?) to drink anything.  -  aba

[2006-07-27 16:46:00] - aaron: I'm up for trying nvcc but I only because it doesn't cost me money to figure out whether the machine is on :P - vinnie

[2006-07-27 16:35:52] - aba: Yeah, I think the key is to make sure you always have a cup of water around and to always take a sip when you think about it. Drinking a whole cup at once can be kinda daunting but it's easy to just take a couple of sips every half hour or so. -Paul

[2006-07-27 16:33:18] - paul:  i still fail at getting all 8 on most days.  :/  -  aba

[2006-07-27 16:28:22] - sfm o nvcc? - aaron

[2006-07-27 16:14:34] - aba: Hmmm. That's a good point. So two of those 8 oz servings would be equivalent to a normal can of coke... That actually makes sense, then. Here, I had been thinking that each cup of water I was drinking was only one serving. :-P -Paul

[2006-07-27 16:13:21] - amy: Well, the only other thing I've drank today so far is a smoothie this morning. -Paul

[2006-07-27 16:08:33] - it's the size of those small cans of coke.  -  aba

[2006-07-27 16:08:04] - paul:  remember that each of the 8 is 8 oz which really isn't that much.

[2006-07-27 15:57:01] - paul: i guess it helps that i basically don't drink anything else (except for nutritional supplements once in the morning and once at night, but those are hardly thirst-quenching). -amy

[2006-07-27 15:38:03] - Amy: Well, I used to think I drank plenty of water but once I started keeping track of exactly how much I drink, I realized it wasn't a lot. More specifically, 8 glasses of water is a lot. :-) -Paul

[2006-07-27 15:32:58] - of course, as you and aaron know, i drink way too much water and will probably die from overhydration someday. -amy

[2006-07-27 15:32:43] - paul: really? i find myself drinking that just at work, plus however much more i drink at home. -amy

[2006-07-27 15:20:23] - So hard to drink 8 glasses of water a day... -Paul

[2006-07-27 14:25:48] - dinner is so very far away?  ~a

[2006-07-27 13:55:17] - lunch is over

[2006-07-27 12:50:21] - oh haha.  yeah, the max score for ultra is 234.  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:28:49] - a: i'm not as fast as them, but my score is better - aaron

[2006-07-27 12:13:48] - if you're talking about this page, then that's pretty impressive!  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:11:25] - and you're saying you're #1 on ultra?  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:11:07] - you said you'd be #31ish on sprint (i assume you mean on this page under Best Score Per Person)  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:09:49] - on ultra.  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:09:42] - you had 0:46 on my/amy/paul/travis's copy.  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:09:37] - aaron:  700 in ultra?  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:07:55] - unless you actually got 700 in ultra - aaron

[2006-07-27 12:07:47] - i mean . . . what's your ultra score?  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:07:32] - why?  ~a

[2006-07-27 12:07:20] - aaron:  huh?  ~a

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