here are old message board entries
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2006-08-17 11:28:43] -
paul: yeah, it's applied to the short term first, and then the long term
2006-08-17 11:27:24] -
paul: I gotcha. i'm not sure. lemme look at it again
2006-08-17 11:24:59] -
Dave: Ok... but then what is that difference taxed at? Long term or short term rates?
2006-08-17 11:23:49] -
paul: i don't quite understand what you're saying. you just add up all your gains (short and long) then add up all your losses (short and long) and then just find the difference
2006-08-17 11:21:06] -
Dave: Ok, so I guess any short term losses get applied to my short term gains first and then my long term gains later?
2006-08-17 11:19:28] -
Dave: Yeah, although I can't remember if SLJ looked like that in the movie (I think he did).
2006-08-17 11:16:10] -
paul: well, the govt is being nice and letting you deduct 100% of either ^_^
2006-08-17 11:15:42] -
Paul: the negotiator was that movie that we were watching at my place last time (that you didnt' get to see all of)
2006-08-17 11:14:51] - says the amount is indeed 3k for 2005. interestingly i couldn't find the number at all in the actual forms
2006-08-17 11:14:48] -
Vinnie: That's a good guess (and rationale). I'll accept it as fact.
2006-08-17 11:09:59] -
paul: the negotiator? (total guess since I never saw that movie, but he looks like he is negotiating)
- vinnie
2006-08-17 11:05:29] -
Vinnie: Do you know what movie that picture of SLJ is from? I've seen that used a lot for these kinds of posters.
2006-08-17 11:05:02] -
Dave: Well, I was thnking that you should get less of a deduction for long term losses since you are taxed less for long term losses.
2006-08-17 11:01:38] - yay for interrupting tax talk
- vinnie
2006-08-17 11:01:21] - - vinnie
2006-08-17 10:58:52] -
paul: why, you think you should be able to take less of a deduction for short term losses?
2006-08-17 10:57:40] -
adave: Ok, I believe you both, but doesn't it seem weird that they would dump the two together considering that they tax them at different rates? If I had a ton of short term gains and a ton of long term losses, they would be potentially losing out on a lot of tax money.
2006-08-17 10:57:35] - wikipedia says the cap is 3k
2006-08-17 10:56:55] -
afaik. ~a
2006-08-17 10:56:48] - tax deduction != tax credit. a tax deduction basically changes your income for the year (which in turn affects your tax bill by about 1/3rd of whatever the deduction is). a tax credit is all money (which in turn affects your tax bill by 1/1 (100%) of whatever the credit is).
2006-08-17 10:53:52] -
paul: i agree with dave (although i haven't confirmed the 2k cap). it's a deduction (but not a credit) regardless of your short term gains.
2006-08-17 10:52:14] -
paul: I believe it is any 2k in investment losses, doesn't matter whether short term or long term
2006-08-17 10:48:15] -
Dave: It's a general tax credit and isn't just restricted to other short terms gains?
2006-08-17 10:47:08] -
paul: <shrug> you can take tax credit for up to 2k in losses i believe. it's a deduction
2006-08-17 10:40:18] - If I currently have $1k in short term losses for 2006, does it make sense to try to get $1k in short term gains to even that out in terms of taxation?
2006-08-17 10:34:46] -
a: Ah, then you're probably right.
2006-08-17 10:34:21] ->1=8404 Who Needs Vegetables Anyway?
2006-08-17 10:33:47] -
a: I'm very positive. I lost probably 3-4k doing stocks, but I'm positive overall
2006-08-17 10:33:19] -
a: that's not too bad, being down $500
2006-08-17 10:32:43] -
paul: that's why i said "this year".
2006-08-17 10:32:29] - silly options. in options alone, are you positive or negative?
2006-08-17 10:32:19] -
a: Depends on your definition of 'lost'. If I sold my stock now it would be more than I paid for it but I could've sold it months ago and gotten a ton more.
2006-08-17 10:31:36] -
a: also lost another 2k to AMD doing options on it
2006-08-17 10:30:16] - right now i'm at about -$.5k for this year in amd.
2006-08-17 10:29:33] -
yeah, i didn't buy as much as you did either.
2006-08-17 10:29:08] - oh mine? yeah. pretty bad. i never really bought very much of it though. it's probable that paul lost more than i did this year in amd.
2006-08-17 10:28:46] -
a: I personally lost $1.3k to amd, buying it twice around 32 and 31 and then selling around 25
2006-08-17 10:27:54] -
a: i was referring to your AMD stock purchase prices
2006-08-17 10:27:34] -
Paul: well, same-day xfer was a big deal for me when I transfered my mutual fund money. Although the wire itself was $10, interest I would have lost over the 4 days was a lot more than that
2006-08-17 10:17:41] -
a: Then it would be over 100% of my gains, I would assume.
2006-08-17 10:17:13] -
a: Did you have to do anything special to use bill pay? I assume you just put your account number in there? They know what to do with the check when they get it?
2006-08-17 10:17:11] -
paul: what if all your other stocks are going down?
2006-08-17 10:16:28] -
dave: Cool, thanks. Same day transfers aren't too important to me. I just wanted a more convenient way than having to snail mail them a check.
2006-08-17 10:15:23] - AMD is 97% of my gains for today as of right now.
2006-08-17 10:14:49] - stock prices?
2006-08-17 10:14:41] - chip prices?
2006-08-17 10:06:28] -
a: ouch on the AMD purchase prices
2006-08-17 09:31:59] -
aaron: the beer?
2006-08-17 09:30:43] - echeck works right away (less than a day or maybe right away i forget) so it's a bummer they still don't have it back. bill pay takes a few days (less than a week) but since it happens automatically, i don't pay attention to it.
2006-08-17 09:29:35] -
paul: the scottrade guy i talked to said they were going to reinstate echeck "soon" but he told me that like 4 or 5 months ago so i don't believe him. i'm just using bill pay which basically just means that bank of america automatically mails a check to scottrade every month.
2006-08-17 09:04:49] - award winning london porter. rich in character and tradition
- aaron
2006-08-17 08:09:01] -
paul: sending money from my broker to my bank account also took 1 day
2006-08-17 08:08:40] -
paul: they should have something like that. IB let's you do bank xfers (which take 4 days to clear) or you can wire money directly to your account which was same-day for me
2006-08-17 08:08:03] - oh man, verizon fios has coverage around my area but not for my address =/
2006-08-17 00:01:07] -
a: Did you say you had a way to send money from your bank of america account straight to scottrade?
2006-08-16 18:05:59] -
paul: i bought it at many places. 38, 31, and 20.
2006-08-16 16:57:20] -
ok, good.
2006-08-16 16:57:13] - trying to break my own code: $TITLE
2006-08-16 16:51:00] - haha this is really fun. i'll put it back to normal for now though.
2006-08-16 16:42:04] - and a bureaucrat
2006-08-16 16:41:10] -
amy: ok. now it's a sysop.
2006-08-16 16:40:04] -
a: aha. i just created "diotrans"
2006-08-16 16:36:15] -
alternatively, you could create a new account and i could give it sysop privilages too.
2006-08-16 16:35:10] - there should be a log in link in the upper right hand corner.
2006-08-16 16:34:49] -
amy: nope, they're encrypted. but i found a script called "changePassword". email me what you want your password to be and i'll post a message here when i've done it.
2006-08-16 16:32:44] -
a: i actually can't even find where to log in...
2006-08-16 16:32:06] -
amy: ummm. i don't know your wiki password. and i disabled email on wiki so it can't email you a new password. maybe it's unencrypted in the database (probably not but adrian goes and checks anyways).
2006-08-16 16:27:14] -
a: sorry i have probably asked you a million times but what's my login?
2006-08-16 16:24:04] - Artest defends actions during Detroit community service event.
2006-08-16 16:19:45] -
a: I guess you bought at a much higher spot than I did. I bought at $18 so I would still be making a fair bit if I sold now.
2006-08-16 16:17:16] - hoping it will get back to the mid/upper 30s.
2006-08-16 16:17:01] -
aba: I agree, it could turn into a major issue but I doubt Allen is relying on strong support from Northern Virginia anyway.
2006-08-16 16:16:11] -
a: Hoping it will get back to $40?
2006-08-16 16:15:32] -
hey, just for fun, i've made the message board html partly editable (as editable as i could make it in a qick time):
here. You have to be logged in to edit, and if you've created a new account let me know. also the content isn't really wikiformatted, just use html.
2006-08-16 16:13:49] - i think it'll be interesting to see if this grows..... northern virginia has a really large immigrant population now, and they could make this into a big issue for allen.
- aba
2006-08-16 16:06:47] -
paul: probably not.
2006-08-16 15:43:22] -
Dave: That's probably true, but I'm sure it would come up again were he to win the Republican nomination.
2006-08-16 15:41:43] -
Paul: I read an article that said that it wasn't getting much coverage outside of this region though, so that would help his presidential aspirations
2006-08-16 15:39:20] -
aba: I think Allen is popular enough that he'll probably still win his Senate race, although this kind of news probably hurts a bit. If you're talking about a potential presidential run, I think it would probably hurt that more since he would have to appeal to moderates more for a presidential run.
2006-08-16 15:38:02] -
Dave: Yeah, that's what I've heard. I agree that it sounds feasible.
2006-08-16 15:33:53] - do you guys think it will impact his campaign?
- aba
2006-08-16 15:32:58] -
paul: which is a feasible explanation, but who knows
2006-08-16 15:32:41] -
Paul: apparently the official line is that he was trying to say mohawk, since apparently the guy had one and all the staffers had been calling him that all day
2006-08-16 15:31:19] -
a: So, are you going to sell AMD after today (or did you already sell it)?
2006-08-16 15:29:24] -
Personally, I don't think he meant it as an insult because it doesn't make sense even if he knew the term meant "monkey" (since when are Indians monkeys?). I'm guessing he was just joking around.
2006-08-16 15:26:46] -
aba: I remember some quote which basically said, "We don't know what it means, but we assume it's a racist insult and we're very disappointed that he would say that."
2006-08-16 15:26:06] -
aba: I think the entire situation is just funny. First, because Allen would be so foolish as to say something like that, and secondly, because nobody can quite figure out what he meant.
2006-08-16 15:22:36] -
aba: however, I try not to hold political people too accountable for verbal blunders that aren't too intentional. If I have made a big deal about one in the past, then feel free to bring it up, but I dont' remember
2006-08-16 15:21:28] -
aba: I wouldn't be surprised if he really did know what it meant - altho that's some pretty obscure knowledge to know
2006-08-16 15:14:42] - - aba
2006-08-16 15:14:19] -
a: wow, overall you're almost the same as me.
2006-08-16 15:13:40] - so what does everyone think about george allen's comments?
- aba
2006-08-16 15:12:51] -
a: it's not really anything about AMD. It's that it was at a kinda low price, and everyone is excited that the inflation numbers were tame / lower than they expected - so the fed might not raise interest rates next month
2006-08-16 14:59:35] -
a: Ok, yeah, I remember checking that a week or two ago and noticing that I've not had the overwhelming lead in posts recently like I used to.
2006-08-16 14:58:44] -
a: I try to buy in big chunks, which is also bad because it leaves me a lot less diversified.
2006-08-16 14:54:11] - i passed dave a while ago (who actually has more posts than i do)
2006-08-16 14:53:17] -
yeah, just in the past 10k posts.
2006-08-16 14:53:05] - i buy in very small chunks (which i know is very bad since it runs up my commission fees)
2006-08-16 14:52:29] -
a: Not for overall posts, right? I should still have a commanding lead there.
2006-08-16 14:51:39] -
a: Actually, I own 8 stocks and I think I've bought three of them more than once.
2006-08-16 14:51:14] -
paul: you better be careful, i'm about to surpass you at the top of the
stats list.
2006-08-16 14:49:52] -
oh. i read "that one stock i own" as "that the one stock i own". my bad.
2006-08-16 14:49:18] - i own 16 stocks and four of those i bought more than once.
2006-08-16 14:48:16] -
a: Heh, I meant that AMD is the only one of the many stocks I own that is doing well right now, although that's a bit untrue since some others have done decently as of late.
2006-08-16 14:46:51] - amd is the only stock you own? ouch. i hope you're in something other than stocks or you must be hurting.
2006-08-16 14:43:27] -
its, dammit.
2006-08-16 14:40:52] -
a: Right now I'm not concerned with it's high at all. I'm just happy that one stock I own is doing well.
2006-08-16 14:40:28] -
a: It's the stock market, it follows to logical pattern.
2006-08-16 14:24:07] -
paul. it still needs to go up ~100% to get back to its high though.
2006-08-16 14:23:16] -
heh, 12% in two days. wtf is up with this company?
2006-08-16 13:55:20] -
AMD: Hurray! I <3 you again!
2006-08-16 12:00:26] -
Dave: It's entirely possible that Michael helped to feed Marcus' feelings of entitlement, though, so I'm not too sure I have more respect for him just because he spoke harshly to his brother.
2006-08-16 11:59:14] -
dave: All I can tell you is that it has component outputs. I don't remember what other outputs it has (although I can check when I get home).
2006-08-16 11:27:41] - My respect for the elder M. Vick goes up even higher. Apparently he gave the younger M. Vick some strong advice when he was tossed from Tech
2006-08-16 11:15:26] -
dave: i read the whole article but apparently skipped that paragraph.
2006-08-16 11:13:16] - it also might have S-Video
2006-08-16 11:12:27] - oh it has composite too obviously. but i don't use that.
2006-08-16 11:09:41] -
ummm. i THINK a comcast dvr has hd capabilities (though i don't pay the extra amount for HD). i know it has
component and i don't remember if it has
dvi or not. i'll check when i get home.
2006-08-16 11:06:53] - does anyone know what kind of outputs you get from a comcast HD cable box?
2006-08-16 11:06:21] -
a: besides, they weren't allowed to modify the license anyways
2006-08-16 11:06:07] -
a: did you read the article? they talk about exactly that
2006-08-16 10:59:06] -
dave: "be modified or executed to harm any human being" . . . that's pretty vague anyways. how inderect do you want to get? obviously a missle is pretty clear cut, but what about military planning (command and control) software? what about military budgeting spreadsheet software?
2006-08-16 10:54:09] -
dave: what about military simulations run by contractors?
2006-08-16 07:58:04] - that from here on MMO games being targeted by criminals
2006-08-16 07:57:33] - ""The police are really good at understanding someone stole my credit card and ran up a lot of money. It's a lot harder to get them to buy into 'someone stole my magic sword."'"
2006-08-16 07:53:36] -
Paul: that's kinda interesting, about the pay gap. Makes you wonder if they end up getting more business because of it
2006-08-16 07:51:56] - pacifist version of the GPL
2006-08-15 20:37:27] - Celebrate the 40th anniversary of Star Trek.
2006-08-15 15:49:12] - poor elderly widow.
2006-08-15 15:28:19] -
a: There was an even better quote later, "For women, their relationships with customers matter, their relationships with people they work with matter, and it doesn't seem to matter for men".
2006-08-15 15:25:10] - "Analyzing the pricing patterns of 536 veterinarians, the study found female vets charged needier clients less than more affluent clients, while male vets set their prices regardless of a client's situation." heh. damn males.
2006-08-15 15:00:29] - Women creating pay gap?
2006-08-15 13:36:42] -
dave: so we should defend the members of our community without exception. even when certain members of our community
should be dragged out in the street and shot.
2006-08-15 13:34:34] -
mig: just because the taxi driver is getting victimized by the police doesn't mean that he's telling the truth.
2006-08-15 13:10:37] - "The odd result is that Republicans, who defend individualism in theory, act like communitarians where their party is concerned. Democrats claim to be more community-minded but act like radical individualists in their penchant for candidate-centered, one-cause-at-a-time politics."
2006-08-15 12:20:31] - cab driver who says duke lacrosse player was in his cab during the supposed rape is charged on a 3-year old warrant .... anyone else now convinced this whole "rape" charges are utter bullshit?
- mig
2006-08-15 00:30:45] -
dammit, nevermind, neither of those links work
2006-08-14 22:44:05] - Forget the link below. Use this link instead -sam
2006-08-14 22:43:21] - Emma Watson! -sam
2006-08-14 17:25:23] - i thought those were all really good. execpt the last one because i know in aim that you can set the login time and idle time to whatever you want.
2006-08-14 16:46:21] - some great popups on last friday's daily WTF
- aaron
2006-08-14 15:29:12] - i thought it was pretty funny too.
2006-08-14 15:16:39] - "Allen Accused of Making Demeaning Comments". I don't know why, but I find that article to be hilarious.
2006-08-14 11:27:33] - VAST is playing at the State Theatre in Falls Church Thursday August 24th.
-- Xpovos
2006-08-11 14:33:44] -
title: I just love to hear a man say 'passport'
-- Xpovos
2006-08-11 10:18:02] - sometimes i sound like a female operator.
2006-08-11 10:16:42] - was kind of amusing, actually .)
2006-08-11 10:16:27] -
a: yeah i was not sure if that was normal or not. it said: (in adrian's voice) this is adrian porter, leave a message. (in female operator's voice) unfortunately, the system cannot process your entry at this time. goodbye!
2006-08-11 10:04:40] -
amy: oh. ok. i'll fix that.
2006-08-11 09:56:25] -
a: i couldn't even leave a voice mail...
2006-08-11 07:59:21] - interesting comments on the anti-war movement and its affect on the democratic party in the past
2006-08-10 19:11:34] -
a: it's ok, i was late too.
2006-08-10 17:53:40] -
a: oh my. it's almost 6:00. i'm going to be late.
2006-08-10 17:53:05] -
amy: no nobody can call me when i'm at work. there's no reception in my building by design. in other words they block cell signals using special paint or whatever. it's ok though, i'm going to ddr anyways.
2006-08-10 17:38:49] -
a: i can't seem to call you .(
2006-08-10 17:25:15] -
a: if you're still around... it looks like we can't make it to DDR today. something came up at work that vinnie is staying late to deal with
2006-08-10 12:39:53] -
a: <nod> yeah I know. I'm not sure how many PCs we have here. Probably quite a few more than 700 tho since I think we have 10k+ people
2006-08-10 12:26:43] -
dave: anyways, ie7 has tabs.
2006-08-10 12:25:47] - like all 700+ of them.
2006-08-10 12:25:17] -
heh. the sys admins at the client site where i work now install and upgrade firefox on all of the machines.
2006-08-10 12:23:03] -
a: decent number of co-workers use netscape. I think it's probably because they like tabbed browsing, and our sys admins have a script that looks for firefox and uninstalls it if you have it every time you login
2006-08-10 12:02:51] -
vinnie: much newer picture of logan (he's on the left)
2006-08-10 12:00:04] -
aaron: 6 is fine.
2006-08-10 12:00:02] -
a: oh god I look bad in my picture *shudder*. I never knew what logan looked like though, interesting
- vinnie
2006-08-10 11:59:44] -
vinnie: i've never had them crash, but i have had them refuse to load new files. i think the other plugins usually only support features in (for example) version 8 of adobeflash right after version 9 of adobeflash comes out. makes sense, but still.
2006-08-10 11:59:25] -
a/vinnie: is 6 OK? i would like to replace aaron today.
2006-08-10 11:58:05] -
a: oh it isn't? I don't remember that program you wrote. I'm not at all surprised that the company that developed the format is the best at reading their own files. how does Firefox do with some of those other plug-ins?
- vinnie
2006-08-10 11:57:01] -
here. god that was so dumb.
2006-08-10 11:54:18] -
vinnie: the file format for flash is open. i don't know if anybody remembers, but about six years ago, i made a silly program that dynamically generated flash files.
2006-08-10 11:52:00] -
vinnie: yeah, i think we're breaking the pattern (until we confirm that nvcc gets better). sfm is goot.
2006-08-10 11:48:36] -
vinnie: adobe/macromedia flash isn't your only choice for playing flash files. but, ironicly, adobe/macromedia flash is (in my experience) the
most stable of the plugins that will play flash files.
2006-08-10 11:48:35] -
a: also, sfm?
- vinnie
2006-08-10 11:44:33] - I've had the same problems with flash and firefox. I also used to have problems running sound files in firefox. yeah the annoying thing about this is that flash is your only choice for playing flash files (makes sense huh). that means that even if it is buggy, it is the standard that the browsers have to adapt to
- vinnie
2006-08-10 11:43:50] -
a: Oh, I was just throwing out a hypothetical there. I have no idea if there are any differences in crashes.
2006-08-10 11:42:24] -
wow, netscape usage numbers are (slightly) less than 1%. that's actually much higher than i thought it would be.
2006-08-10 11:39:48] - at any rate, even if you decide to move to ie permanently, i'm still glad you tried firefox. (in 2003 or 2004) what made you try firefox anyways?
2006-08-10 11:34:31] - or maybe you're just unlucky.
2006-08-10 11:34:24] -
paul: does it result in 50% less crashes than firefox? in my experience firefox never crashes ever (at least post 2004). i've run it on two windows machines and two linux machines. maybe i'm just lucky.
2006-08-10 11:31:57] -
a: Right, I agree. IE might be doing some really stupid way of handling flash, but if it somehow results in 50% less crahes than firefox, I think firefox has a problem with flash.
2006-08-10 11:30:27] - i'm just saying you never know.
2006-08-10 11:28:47] -
paul: gah. no. "better way of handling flash" may be completely ass backwards. maybe ie has a worse way of handling flash (or a worse way of handling whatever library that's crashing (granted it could still be a bug in firefox)) that just happens to not expose the whatever bug.
2006-08-10 11:27:44] -
Paul: hehe, I think I tried saying the same thing
2006-08-10 11:27:21] - my point is that you're a programmer, so you're able to live with the knowledge that you'll never actually know whose fault it is.
2006-08-10 11:26:43] -
a: But if it works in IE but not in firefox, then that's a problem with firefox even if the bug might be in flash because IE has a better way of handling flash.
2006-08-10 11:26:07] -
also, remember that firefox has thousands of other libraries (other than flash) that it depends on. who knows, it could be a problem with your operating system.
2006-08-10 11:25:17] - especially because i have firefox and i can view the two pages just fine.
2006-08-10 11:24:31] -
paul: ok. but, being a programmer, you know that it could just as easily be flash that's causing your problem.
2006-08-10 11:22:01] -
paul: k.
2006-08-10 11:21:47] -
a: I think I'm saying the same thing Dave is. Whether it's firefox's developers fault or not, I perceive it as a problem with firefox.
2006-08-10 11:20:33] -
a: I think it was a firefox one. I said "don't send" for the MS one, I think.
2006-08-10 11:19:25] -
dave: you're right. when something crashes, you tend to try to stop using it. but that kind of thing goes both ways. ie is going to have it's own share of non-bugs (bugs that aren't ie's fault)
2006-08-10 11:18:18] -
dave: you're right, they're going to want to use ie more until ie crashes for whatever reasons, or until they get a virus that attacks ie and deletes all of their user files, or until they decide that ie doesn't have the featureset that they desire.
2006-08-10 11:16:44] -
a: well, i didn't intend to make the bug sound simple, i'm just saying from end-user perspective and from the potential impact on marketshare/perception etc, it is kinda simple
2006-08-10 11:15:47] -
dave: you make it sound so easy. it could be that it was configured in a working manner for every webpage except the one paul mentioned.
2006-08-10 11:15:23] -
a: yeah i know, all i'm saying is that if people use firefox, have it crash for whatever reasons, then use IE and not have it crash, well, they're going to want to use IE more
2006-08-10 11:14:35] -
a: yeah I know, but configuring it in a working manner would be a big plus
2006-08-10 11:14:34] -
dave: also, the crash could be more complicated than you think. if it's a stack corruption, then pretty much anything you do could set it off.
2006-08-10 11:13:02] -
dave: that's possible. however, it could just as easily be just a different way of using the flash plugin (one way exposes the bug on that one webpage and another way doesn't). also, ie might use a different version of flash. or maybe it configures it differently (both configurations being "correct" but, again, one way exposes the bug on that one webpage)
2006-08-10 11:11:22] -
paul: a microsoft 'thank you' window or a firefox 'thank you' window?
2006-08-10 11:10:33] -
a: well, you were saying it was a flash problem, not firefox. but if it worked fine in IE then it would seem more like a firefox incompatibility
2006-08-10 11:09:57] - we already know that i can load the pages in question with the same version of firefox and flash9.
2006-08-10 11:09:37] -
Paul: actually, I like using firefox, but have had to resort to IE on more than one occasion because the webpage just doesn't work in Firefox
2006-08-10 11:09:31] -
a: Well, I think I accidentally did. It kept on popping up a winder asking to collect system information and I kept saying 'no' but once I start typing before it came up and I think I must've accidentally said yes because all I saw was a 'thank you' window.
2006-08-10 11:09:29] -
dave: why would that be interesting? because it would tell you that i.e. and firefox have bugs that don't overlap?
2006-08-10 11:08:57] -
Paul: I don't know actually.
2006-08-10 11:08:23] -
Paul: what would really be interesting is if you use IE and it doesn't crash
2006-08-10 11:08:16] -
Dave: Co-worker of what political persuasion?
2006-08-10 11:07:37] -
hehe, my co-worker said that he was listening to a radio taking calls about the terrorist stuff, and a lot of dems were calling in saying it was a bush conspiracy
2006-08-10 11:05:44] - either way, you should report the bug! or at the very least, upgrade flash (if it's possible).
2006-08-10 11:05:18] -
paul: yes, that would be nice. maybe it's not possible to drop a tab (or just drop the flash part of the tab). or maybe it's a bug in firefox
2006-08-10 11:04:14] -
a: At the very least, I would hope that it would cause that tab to crap out instead of dropping all my other tabs too.
2006-08-10 10:57:45] -
paul: maybe. that's a good question.
2006-08-10 10:57:26] - people will misuse that rule. they'll say, "your program crashed so it's your fault" when in fact it could be a dependent library (like in some cases, a library that everybody must use) that is crashing and not my program at all.
2006-08-10 10:57:23] - it reminds me of a silly thing i heard a manager say a long time ago. he said something like "in our group we have a rule. thou shal't not crash." in other words (and this is good rule in some cases) if someone sends you bad data, and you crash, then it's your fault. however, there is a problem with this...
2006-08-10 10:55:44] -
a: I understand what you mean.
2006-08-10 10:55:16] -
a: Shouldn't firefox be able to respond gracefully from a flash crash (heh), though?
2006-08-10 10:54:53] - do you understand what i mean? if flash is just crashing because of a bug in flash, then there's nothing firefox could do to fix that problem.
2006-08-10 10:53:32] -
paul: no it doesn't always work that way. if flash is crashing because of a problem with flash (not with how firefox is using it) then they really aren't responible. if, in fact it's how firefox is using flash that is the problem, then they are responsible. we can't know which one it is easily though.
2006-08-10 10:52:13] - oh heh, i didn't see your question.
2006-08-10 10:51:57] -
a: I understand, but just because firefox didn't make flash doesn't mean they aren't responsible when their browser crashes when using it (IMHO).
2006-08-10 10:51:53] - what version of flash do you have? right click on the flash part and see if it says "About Adobe Flash Player 9" or not.
2006-08-10 10:51:13] -
paul: i was using tabs and switching tabs when clicking on links and all of the above.
2006-08-10 10:50:57] -
Whoops, that was me.
2006-08-10 10:50:51] -
a: How do I check what version of flash I have?
2006-08-10 10:50:42] -
paul: no, flash is distributed by a different company. also, it's (at least partly) closed source so the firefox/mozilla community can't fix any bugs with it.
2006-08-10 10:50:34] -
a: Try opening them both in other tabs and then clicking on different tabs. It only crashed when I tried clicking on the tab for those sites.
2006-08-10 10:49:50] -
heh, miguel posts a question and then never returns . . .
2006-08-10 10:49:41] -
a: I still consider it to be firefox's problem if it crashes whenever there is flash on a page.
2006-08-10 10:48:36] - i have flash version 9.something.
2006-08-10 10:47:16] -
paul: ah, so it could be flash that's causing your problems (and not firefox). i haven't had a crash yet though. what version of flash are you running.
2006-08-10 10:46:42] -
a: No. No, it appears to be a normal crash. Yes, I have upgraded.
2006-08-10 10:46:13] -
paul: comcast (besides the price) has been very good to me. although, i'm guessing it's like wendies or whatever. it's not the company as much as the local management.
2006-08-10 10:45:48] -
a: Well, let me suggest that you navigate to or and try navigating around there. I think I narrowed it down to those pages that were causing problems.
2006-08-10 10:44:55] -
paul: have you tried reinstalling firefox? is firefox giving you a reason for it's crashing or is it just a normal crash? have you upgraded versions recently or not? what version are you running?
2006-08-10 10:44:51] -
mig: I don't have any experience with DSL (or Cox, for that matter), but I would recommend against Comcast.
2006-08-10 10:44:06] -
paul: the last time i saw firefox crash (in windows or linux) was some time in 2004.
2006-08-10 10:43:19] - seriously though. are you going to have a land line or cable tv? if you're going to have one, but not the other, then get internet through the one.
2006-08-10 10:42:56] - Firefox has crashed on me 5 times this morning already. It's getting quite annoying.
2006-08-10 10:42:37] -
mig: comcast!
2006-08-10 10:39:49] - so the debate rages on: cable(cox) or dsl(verizon)? what do you think i should get?
- mig
2006-08-10 10:38:26] - "The Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton: The First Woman President of the United States of America."
2006-08-10 10:38:03] - i usually think that this "addiction" paranoia is annoying. usually people say addiction when they mean obsession. however, when people lose their jobs or significant others because of their obsessions, then i think they probably need help.
2006-08-10 10:26:55] - World of Warcraft is an addiction.
2006-08-10 08:00:39] - Brits uncover plot to blow up passenger planes between US and UK
2006-08-09 22:53:16] -
sam: pretty much going to be the case with the ps3/bd.
2006-08-09 18:20:30] -
a: title to that article is kinda miss leading because, it's just an add-on to the xbox360
2006-08-09 18:18:29] -
a: "because the Xbox 360 architecture itself will be handling much of the necessary processing Microsoft won't need to include as much hardware in the player as other stand alone players. That alone should enable the company to sell the player at a much lower price one would think."
2006-08-09 15:54:03] -
plus, they're only saying that it's going to be the cheapest HDDVD player, not that it'll be cheaper than BD.
2006-08-09 15:48:10] -
sam: b/c they're going to sell it at a loss? god, look at their stock go.
2006-08-09 15:25:54] - "The rest of the penguins kind of stayed together in the ditch." how cute.
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