here are old message board entries

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[2006-10-10 10:37:09] - not all bartering is legal  :-)  ~a

[2006-10-10 10:36:35] - paul:  it's outlawing a specific type of bartering, yes.  ~a

[2006-10-10 10:35:53] - a: I guess what I'm saying is that I don't doubt what he's doing is probably illegal, but I'm wondering why and how. -Paul

[2006-10-10 10:35:11] - a: I don't necessarily disagree with you, but isn't that essentially like outlawing bartering? -Paul

[2006-10-10 10:34:52] - i'm looking at fed reserve act and legal tender but i still haven't found anything yet.  ~a

[2006-10-10 10:27:15] - paul:  commemorative coins are different.  they can be bought and sold for USD, but i doubt it's legal to use them as currency.  ~a

[2006-10-10 10:06:31] - a: Creating your own currency? I tend to agree, but I also think there's nothing wrong with creating coins (I remember seeing plenty of commemorative coins which I am pretty sure the government didn't issue). -Paul

[2006-10-10 10:02:15] - paul:  although (like the article) i cannot provide you the name of the law that's being broken, i'm pretty sure it's illegal.  ~a

[2006-10-10 09:57:14] - a: But, yeah, I had the same questions. What exactly is being done which is illegal here? -Paul

[2006-10-10 09:55:17] - a: Well, I think a lot of republicans like to call themselves libertarians when it's convenient. -Paul

[2006-10-10 09:53:48] - paul:  so . . . selling the coin is legal, using it as currency (however it's defined by this mystical law) is probably illegal.  ~a

[2006-10-10 09:52:44] - paul:  i do vaguely remember it being illegal to stamp your own coins (and calling it a "round" probably doesn't, all of a sudden, make it legal).  ~a

[2006-10-10 09:51:50] - paul:  yeah, they don't say which law (the fed reserve act maybe?) is being broken.  whatever law it is, though, the punishment is up to five years in prison :-P  ~a

[2006-10-10 09:47:51] - paul:  are all libertarians also republicans?  :-P  ~a

[2006-10-10 09:35:54] - Does anybody else think that's a badly written article? I can't figure out if the government is actually trying to arrest him or not and if so, what the charge is. -Paul

[2006-10-10 09:35:24] - 'Liberty Dollars' Can Buy Users A Prison Term, U.S. Mint Warns. -Paul

[2006-10-10 09:14:44] - Paul: I had the same number of individually wrapped serving sizes.  The peanut M&M servings were smaller, but they still went faster. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-09 21:18:56] - paul:  unless the people are civilians.  ~a

[2006-10-09 18:46:37] - a: Well, in theory you would probably want to maximize people damage and minimize building damage. -Paul

[2006-10-09 18:15:07] - hmmm.  it seems like the bigger the weapon the LESS damage it does to buildings COMPARED to the damage it does to people.  ~a

[2006-10-09 18:11:57] - paul:  wikipedia also tells me that 1psi is ALREADY enough to do "moderate damage to civil buildings".  it takes about 2psi to get first degree burns and it takes about 2psi to get "acute radiation syndrome".  ~a

[2006-10-09 18:03:33] - paul:  good point.  fyi, the largest nuclear weapon was equivalant to 50 MT though most used today are only a few MT.  india, pakistan, and north korea nuclear weapons are even smaller (only a handful of KT).  ~a

[2006-10-09 17:43:51] - a: I was wondering about the radiation myself. -Paul

[2006-10-09 17:29:32] - i wonder what 1psi feels like.  also wonder how much it takes to actually do damage to a building.  ~a

[2006-10-09 17:27:00] - paul:  150KT would be enough for me if they went after the pentagon.  ~a

[2006-10-09 17:06:45] - a: I know, I had typed out "5k" when I realized that and just decided to go ahead and go with it. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-09 17:00:22] - paul:  5k KT is just 5MT  :-P  ~a

[2006-10-09 16:26:32] - Sam: Sweet, I appear to be safe unless it gets to be a 5k KT yield. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-09 16:21:43] - the nuclear blast radius map -sam

[2006-10-09 16:20:08] - paul:  my old company had 300 hours of carryover.  now that my company got bought out, we have 40 hours of carryover :( .  ~a

[2006-10-09 16:16:24] - a: I think so. -Paul

[2006-10-09 16:11:09] - paul:  so there is 24 hours of carryover.  or you can take 0 hours of carryover and get paid out for 24 hours?  ~a

[2006-10-09 15:55:15] - a: No. I was briefly excited because they said we could receive payment for unsused days but it turns out we can only get payment for up to three days (ie, the days we would've carried over otherwise). -Paul

[2006-10-09 15:44:49] - 3 days = 24 hours.  that's so low.  did they say why 24 hours was picked?  ~a

[2006-10-09 15:26:09] - paul:  if they go up because of this youtube thing, i will be selling.  ~a

[2006-10-09 15:25:31] - paul:  go biking with me!  ~a

[2006-10-09 15:23:31] - I just found out that we can only carry over 3 days of PTO over to next year. I currently have 10 days of PTO, which means I have to use up 11 days of vacation before the end of the year or else I lose it. :-/ -Paul

[2006-10-09 15:21:37] - a: Buying google would go against like every rule I use for picking stocks. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-09 15:15:50] - oh my.  i didn't realize that they were buying it for so much.  120% markup (per member) from the last time youtube was sold (one year ago).  ~a

[2006-10-09 15:12:30] - oh it's not official yet.  maybe it will jump later today?  i'd buy more google except that i already have a ton of it.  ~a

[2006-10-09 15:10:39] - google up 2%.  eh.  2% is nothing.  ~a

[2006-10-09 15:03:29] - Google Expected to Acquire YouTube by Day's End -Paul

[2006-10-09 14:01:09] - dave:  france is kind of small.  ~a

[2006-10-09 09:46:36] - one thing i don't understand about this whole N. Korea nuclear test thing, is why N. Korea has always wanted bilateral talks with the US (vs multilateral talks with S. Korea, Japan, China, etc) -dave

[2006-10-09 07:53:20] - this was at one of the spurs exhibition games -dave

[2006-10-09 07:53:07] - "One fan was given the chance to make a 3-pointer to win everyone in France — yes, the entire country — a free sandwich from Kentucky Fried Chicken. He barely hit the rim. " -dave

[2006-10-08 21:52:40] - a: I knew he was a Republican. -Paul

[2006-10-08 17:52:19] - a: i have no idea, but the sculptures freaked me out - aaron

[2006-10-08 14:11:51] - aaron:  who is ron mueck?  ~a

[2006-10-08 13:52:40] - mig:  i saw that on the daily show.  the funny thing is that almost nobody outside of florida (and almost nobody INSIDE florida) would have even known that he wasn't a democrat.  ~a

[2006-10-08 12:57:27] - gotta love the "integrity" of fox news. - mig

[2006-10-08 12:53:07] - - aaron

[2006-10-06 22:17:15] - paul:  votes are measured per gram.  ~a

[2006-10-06 18:57:00] - he's kind of like one of those dogs; he so ugly he almost cute.

[2006-10-06 18:39:24] - Xpovos: Were there the same number of pieces? Peanut M&Ms are larger than plain and so there are likely fewer in a bag. -Paul

[2006-10-06 17:44:01] - Based on an informal poll of which got removed from my desk by co-workers faster, Peanut M&Ms are about 3x more popular than Plain M&Ms. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-06 16:10:51] - Dave: I like her rant today too. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-06 14:26:41] - haha, sports gal is still beating sports guy -dave

[2006-10-06 13:42:28] - There's something decidedly not healthy about that. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-06 13:01:34] - there's a guy who broke the record for memorizing digits of pi in 2005 with 80k digits.  the old record was 40k digits in 1995.  he just "broke" his own record by reaching 100k even.  i think that's interesting because he momorized 20k digits in one year (over 50 digits per day)    :-P  ~a

[2006-10-06 12:59:32] - paul: yeah, but stocks go up and down a lot, especially AMD et al, so it should be expected to a certain extent to get the big downs -dave

[2006-10-06 12:58:27] - xpovos: haha ^_^ -dave

[2006-10-06 12:46:33] - Dave: I just read your co-written article in Futures.  Very cool!  I'm still not sure I undstand, but I'm very excited! -- Xpovos

[2006-10-06 12:01:33] - oh.  deposit?  duh.  ~a

[2006-10-06 12:00:57] - dave:  umm.  i'm guessing the P stands for paul?  and the I stands for index?  what's the D?  ~a

[2006-10-06 11:59:56] - Dave: It would have a 110% success rate. ;-) -Paul

[2006-10-06 11:59:37] - Xpovos: Basically. I had around $30k and then I deposited another $4k and today I'm down to around $31k. -Paul

[2006-10-06 11:55:49] - Paul: they could call it the PDI ^_^ -dave

[2006-10-06 11:55:06] - Paul: they should generate a new market indicator based on when you deposit money ^_^ -dave

[2006-10-06 11:40:03] - Paul: I assume you mean on bad investments, not some glitch... -- Xpovos

[2006-10-06 10:38:53] - *Sigh* Once again, I put money into my scottrade account only to have most of it disappear after a few days. :-( -Paul

[2006-10-06 08:26:52] - aaron:  ah.  ok.  ~a

[2006-10-06 07:45:46] - a: there's a patch for DDR Supernova to make the steps match the music - aaron

[2006-10-05 20:45:38] - paul:  loser

[2006-10-05 19:28:51] - a: I can't make it, I'm busy. -Paul

[2006-10-05 19:04:43] - mig/paul:  are you going on sunday?  ~a

[2006-10-05 17:17:50] - what's this about sfm getting patched?  ~a

[2006-10-05 17:17:42] - but i don't mind going to nvcc.  ~a

[2006-10-05 17:17:20] - i liked the biweekly system.  ~a

[2006-10-05 17:17:02] - and it costs more to park.  ~a

[2006-10-05 17:16:51] - vinnie:  nvcc is further away from me.  ~a

[2006-10-05 17:16:27] - aaron:  patched?  ~a

[2006-10-05 15:52:17] - aaron: sure. nvcc is closer to me anyway - vinnie

[2006-10-05 15:30:16] - vinnie: i'd rather go to nvcc until sfm gets patched... - aaron

[2006-10-05 15:19:01] - aaron: either one is fine with me - vinnie

[2006-10-05 14:24:12] - ddr_people: nvcc? sfm? who's in? - aaron

[2006-10-05 08:53:23] - Oh, smack! Shawn Springs was asked if he though LaVar would be able to help the Giants this Sunday against the Redskins because of his familiarity with the defense.  Shawn replied, "I don't think LaVar knew all our defense when he was here." -- Xpovos

[2006-10-05 07:36:59] - if it happens, I will be so torn, being a fan of amd/nvidia systems =[  -dave

[2006-10-05 07:36:18] - nvidia shares surge on intel buyout rumors -dave

[2006-10-04 11:09:16] - a: ahh, my bad -dave

[2006-10-04 08:53:55] - dave:  we had a conversation about that a few weeks ago.  i said "in business companies all of the people who are high up in management like to drink socially.  it's pretty much an unspoken rule."  my link was to yahoo also:  drinker.  ~a

[2006-10-04 08:41:13] - aaron:  they're very similar commercials.  it's like the people who made KD decided to make a few commercials for random people.  :-P  ~a

[2006-10-04 08:29:20] - regular drinkers make 10-14% more than non-drinkers -dave

[2006-10-04 08:06:40] - a: oh hey what do you know, youtube found your video too - aaron

[2006-10-04 08:05:14] - a: moreso than this? - aaron

[2006-10-03 23:50:39] - i just saw a "travelers" (insurance company) comercial that looked like it SHOULD have been a comercial for katamari damacy 3.  ~a

[2006-10-03 18:23:04] - my loser algorithm found an 11 :-p i'm too dumb right now to apply anything more complicated - aaron

[2006-10-03 17:08:50] - mig:  loser

[2006-10-03 16:58:19] - paul:  won't be able to make it. - mig

[2006-10-03 16:57:32] - paul:  yes there was an email about it.  6:00 (even earlier).  i'll be there, but probably not until 6:30ish.  ~a

[2006-10-03 16:14:48] - a + mig: Frisbee today? -Paul

[2006-10-03 15:48:19] - vinnie:  program couldn't find anything better than a 9.  ~a

[2006-10-03 15:48:07] - Since it's clear to me now that my 13-move solution will not make it to the 'roll of honour', I will post it here now: Green: r,u,l,d ;; Yellow: u,r,u,l,d,r ;; Green: u,l,d. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-03 14:23:47] - amy: it's kind of funny to check the mboard hours later and see that i had said that, because i have since totally forgotten about doing RR, and i never did find that 9 ^_^ -A.D.D._amy

[2006-10-03 12:42:45] - i found two 10s but i'll not rest until i find that 9!! -amy

[2006-10-03 12:42:35] - *** amy shakes fist at vinnie

[2006-10-03 12:23:37] - a: Obviously not according to vinnie, and I knew there had to be shorter ones.  I found a relatively direct 14, but I liked my 13 so much that I entered it, even knowing there had to be shorter routes. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-03 11:48:29] - I found a 9 - vinnie

[2006-10-03 10:58:13] - is 13 moves the shortest?  ~a

[2006-10-03 09:10:02] - RR-people: I had a very entertaining 13-move solution to today's board. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-02 23:55:53] - amy:  very little chance for a raise/promotion unless you work like crazy.  in a way they encourage the turnover so that they can keep the cost of the project down.  -  aba

[2006-10-02 23:54:52] - amy

[2006-10-02 17:26:36] - aba: oh wow, that IS high! any particular reason for the turnover, do you think? or just coincidence? -amy

[2006-10-02 16:31:08] - amy: in a group of 10 people, we lost 8 people in 1 year (so i was the 2nd most senior).  but i think that office has abnormally high turnover.  -  aba

[2006-10-02 15:42:10] - sam:  three words:  turn off javascript.  ~a

[2006-10-02 14:27:37] - a: Yes.  Infrequently, thankfully.  In my mind, === should only be used in definition purposes.  But that's my science backgroung talking more than coding.  I have run into about three instances where == should have worked, but didn't and === did because of PHP's idiosyncracies. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-02 14:08:40] - Two hackers at the ToorCon hacker conference in San Diego said that they’ve found a critical flaw in Firefox that looks, to them at least, impossible to patch. -sam

[2006-10-02 14:01:49] - a: that's one thing ruby fixed, everything is an object, there's no such thing as a primitive in ruby - aaron

[2006-10-02 13:55:07] - php of course really screwed things up so maybe that's a bad example.  xpovos:  have you ever been stuck between deciding whether to use "==" and "==="?  so stupid.  ~a

[2006-10-02 13:53:25] - aaron:  which is kind of weird in my mind.  primative and NonPrimative (i.e. references) should work the same way in my opinion.  take c++, or basic, or visual basic, or php.  in all of these cases, either there is no primatives, or primatives are dealt with the same way as non-primatives so it doesn't matter.  ~a

[2006-10-02 13:51:00] - aaron:  yeah, my comment could have been made more general.  a == b should work between two primative values.  if you want to compare two NonPrimative (notice the case) values, then a.equals(b) sometimes works.  ~a

[2006-10-02 13:49:56] - aaron: No, sorry I jumped languages to something I'm more familiar with: PHP. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-02 13:47:48] - - aaron

[2006-10-02 13:47:43] - amy: Kind of high. My group has about 20 people, we've lost about 5 in the past year

[2006-10-02 13:45:49] - xpovos: (assuming we're still talking about java) - aaron

[2006-10-02 13:45:38] - xpovos: and if you're comparing string values, both = and == are wrong for different reasons - aaron

[2006-10-02 13:45:02] - amy: If you enable java warnings, they should catch that kind of thing (using = as an evaluator.) I know eclipse lets me know. - aaron

[2006-10-02 13:37:18] - amy: My location has hired about 40 people in my time here.  There are about 150 people working here at any given time.  So that makes it approximately a 27% turnover over a period of a year and a quarter.  Now, a large number of those are 'interns'... -- Xpovos

[2006-10-02 13:35:57] - xpovos: congrats ^_^ -amy

[2006-10-02 13:34:07] - is that a high turnover rate? it's practically 50% in the past 9 months. -amy

[2006-10-02 13:33:36] - one of my coworkers just quit without notice... makes me wonder, what is the turnover rate at your companies/groups? my group had 6 people at the start of the year, and 3 people have resigned since then (incl. one who was hired after the start of the year). -amy

[2006-10-02 13:31:39] - aba: Contracting for the Coast Guard, marine maritime security plans.  It's ironically similar to my current job, only it requires a security clearance, and I'm working for a private company working for the government instead of for an NPO dealing with background checks.  Oh, and it pays tons better. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-02 13:17:41] - xpovos:  congrats!  what's the new job?  -  aba

[2006-10-02 13:15:33] - Paul: Yes.  I start at the new job 10/16.  I'll probably keep working her as a second part-time job, though.  We'll have to work that out yet.  But they desperately need me hours and experience. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-02 13:11:45] - Xpovos: I know you all but said this last night, but I guess that means you're definitely taking the new offer? :-) -Paul

[2006-10-02 13:10:27] - I put in my two weeks notice today. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-02 12:14:37] - amy: == vs. = is my nemesis, particularly when comparing string values. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-02 11:29:36] - a: hahaha. == of course!! i was using =. sigh. thanks a .) -amy

[2006-10-02 11:10:42] - amy:  a == b should work between two boolean values.  If you want to compare two Boolean (notice the case) values, then a.equals(b) will work.  ~a

[2006-10-02 11:03:31] - stupid_java_question_again: most direct way to compare two boolean values? = operator seems not to work as desired. just need something that returns true if same, false if diff. -amy

[2006-10-02 10:54:54] - sam:  but if all you want to do is share data, you can put that into a plaintext file easily......  it doesn't seem that useful to me (yet).  if it had the capability to do other excel-y things then i would say that it's an excel killer.  -  aba

[2006-10-02 08:50:51] - and easily accesible from anywhere -sam

[2006-10-02 08:50:33] - aba: google's spreasheet is free! -sam

[2006-10-02 07:57:33] - aba: Yet. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-01 19:05:32] - sam:  it doesn't look like google's spreadsheet thingie allows for the creation of charts/graphs or for more complex calculations (like regression lines).  i doubt it'll have a huge impact on excel.  -  aba

[2006-10-01 07:24:57] - "... a more reliable alternative is the three-month moving average ... Using that three-month average, sales of new homes are down a whopping 19.4% from a year ago" -dave

[2006-10-01 07:23:59] - "If the original estimates for july were unrevised, auguest would have shown a decline of 2.1%, instead of a rise of 4.1%" -dave

[2006-10-01 07:23:19] - from this week's Barrons: "the only reason sales [of new homes] were higher ... is that there were ponderable downward revisions to the previous estimates of new home sales in may, june, and july. " -dave

[2006-09-30 20:10:39] - - Excel killer :) -sam

[2006-09-29 18:15:04] - a: this would probably explain why I was told to use two spaces back in 7th grade, and then one space junior year of college. seems like it has changed fairly recently - vinnie

[2006-09-29 17:12:33] - a: i just remember reading a thing that said the "two space" rule was now outdated and one space sufficies, because of word processors. but i can't remember when or what that was. so. -amy

[2006-09-29 16:59:19] - a: Sure. -Paul

[2006-09-29 16:47:34] - amy:  i don't think "they" changed anything.  i think it's still "supposed" to be two spaces (like what's found in legal documents and newsprint and journals, etc).  ~a

[2006-09-29 16:44:14] - ahhh i should really remember things better before posting to mboard .) -amy

[2006-09-29 16:43:02] - i think they used to teach two spaces after the period, either for reasons relating to handwriting or typewriters... i think it's handwriting. wait that doesn't make sense. anyway, at some point they changed it to single space after the period, because of word processors. don't ask me who "they" is -amy

[2006-09-29 16:22:54] - paul:  also (not that i'm planning on it or anything) but am i allowed to invite other people to poker?  ~a

[2006-09-29 16:19:27] - *** a uses esp (or whatever) to force vinnie to use two spaces.

[2006-09-29 16:17:17] - the only thing I've learned from it is not to give a shit about typesetting rules - vinnie

[2006-09-29 16:16:51] - a: ah. I've had english teachers correct me BOTH ways on the number of spaces after a period. the fuckers - vinnie

[2006-09-29 16:16:10] - oh and obviously caps i ignore too :-P  maybe i shouldn't be giving out advice.  ~a

[2006-09-29 16:16:10] - ok if you guys are interested in eating dinner, come over to our place tonight at 7. otherwise, 8:30 - vinnie

[2006-09-29 16:14:49] - vinnie:  except that it's not what the english teacher told me to do!  two spaces after the period.  two spaces after the colon.  however, they also told me to "put the period inside the quotes".  (which i don't do (usually))  ~a

[2006-09-29 16:13:02] - a: what's wrong with one space? it looks like enough room to me - vinnie

[2006-09-29 16:11:05] - none of you losers know how to use a colon.  ~a

[2006-09-29 16:10:51] - gah - a moment too soon - vinnie

[2006-09-29 16:10:35] - MIG:  put two spaces after the colon!  you don't want your colon to get all crowded.  ~a

[2006-09-29 16:10:35] - a: thanks for telling me paul's plans for tomorrow. what are your plans for tonight? :P - vinnie

[2006-09-29 16:10:05] - a: Yeah, I think we'll have enough people. -Paul

[2006-09-29 16:09:44] - vinnie:  yes.  ~a

[2006-09-29 16:03:58] - vinnie: yes. - mig

[2006-09-29 16:03:21] - paul:  i think i sent you an email.  poker is on for tomorrow?  ~a

[2006-09-29 15:54:47] - Vinnie: Sorry, I normally would be up for hanging out but I already have plans to meet with some coworkers for dinner. -Paul

[2006-09-29 15:53:45] - a: Warner and Allen are our Senators and I believe Tom Davis III is our Representative. -Paul

[2006-09-29 15:46:55] - vinnie:  paul might have plans for poker tomorrow.  ~a

[2006-09-29 15:46:24] - vinnie:  don't feel ashamed!  local politics are boring.  i have no ideo who our senators/representatives are.  ~a

[2006-09-29 15:42:36] - unrelated, is anyone interested in hanging out tonight? - vinnie

[2006-09-29 15:42:11] - but our last two governors before that were republican - vinnie

[2006-09-29 15:40:46] - a: we were wrong yesterday. kaine is our governor *feels ashamed not to remember that* and warner was a democrat - vinnie

[2006-09-29 14:51:38] - ewww.  i just looked at a closup of a caterpillar's face.  caterpillars are ugly!  ~a

[2006-09-29 14:49:57] - ALSO funny that dave suggested john deere and aaron suggested caterpillar inc.  everything is so funny to me.  ~a

[2006-09-29 14:48:55] - aaron:  it's pretty funny that cat and dog are both at 66.  who will win the age old competition:  cat vs dog?  ~a

[2006-09-29 14:27:46] - aaron: really? i don't know if I would have said that someone who is ok with having an abortion at 8 months is ok with leaving a newborn in a toilet, but you could be easily right. I have no real basis for saying anything on that one way or another -dave

[2006-09-29 14:25:38] - paul: i think the auto-stock pick was nissan -dave

[2006-09-29 14:25:29] - paul: the barrons recommendation at the beginning of the week was john deere -dave

[2006-09-29 14:18:47] -  i wonder what the church is doing about this.... xpovos?  -  aba

[2006-09-29 14:00:56] - cat is at 66.11 and dog is at 66.60. if they are both up at the end of october then i am obviously a stock genius and i will invest in the stock market - aaron

[2006-09-29 14:00:07] - paul: i also think you should buy CAT  (CATERPILLAR INC) - aaron

[2006-09-29 13:18:15] - paul:  buy everything i have.  then my portfolio will go up by .00001%.  ~a

[2006-09-29 13:02:40] - DOG (SHRT DOW30 PROSHARES) because the ticker is a word - aaron

[2006-09-29 12:53:37] - Ok, I just got some more money in my Scottrade account. Any stock suggestions from the message board oracles? -Paul

[2006-09-29 12:21:47] - dave: i think any given person who is OK with having an abortion at 8-months is probably also OK with leaving a baby in a toilet or whatever those kinds of people do... like adrian said, i think for most people it's a gradual curve - aaron

[2006-09-29 12:16:49] - paul: mmmmmmmmmmm that's good hyperbole! - aaron

[2006-09-29 12:16:05] - dave: i don't think it's a huge amount, i think most people think an 8-month-old fetus is almost exactly as important as a 0-year-old baby - aaron

[2006-09-29 10:16:48] - I know it's not a new saying, but I think that just might take the cake in terms of hyperbole. -Paul

[2006-09-29 10:15:42] - This reminds me about the whole topic of misleading terms. I saw a political ad last night which said that a candidate was against "a woman's right to choose". -Paul

[2006-09-29 09:50:12] - in other words, an unfertilized egg is about equivalant to a 90 year old man.  ~a

[2006-09-29 09:49:16] - dave:  it's a simple bell curve.  :)  ~a

[2006-09-29 09:39:27] - aaron: like the baby passing the threshold of being born shifts the public perception of it by a huge amount, hehe -dave

[2006-09-29 09:38:51] - aaron: yeah, I would agree with you. It was just one of those ironic / amusing thoughts that popped into my head. -dave

[2006-09-29 08:46:46] - dave: but i think most people have some empathy for it - aaron

[2006-09-29 08:46:37] - dave: right right, but i don't think it's surprising that people have less empathy for a potential kid than they do for a kid. i think it would be surprising if they had little empathy for it though - aaron

[2006-09-29 08:43:09] - game over for mobile espn -dave

[2006-09-29 08:42:03] - aaron: <nod> hence my comment about empathy for a handful of cells -dave

[2006-09-29 08:36:48] - dave: and less empathy when the baby hasn't developed beyond a fertilized egg, and even less with the sperm before it joins the egg - aaron

[2006-09-29 08:35:54] - kazahkstan's war of words against bush - aaron

[2006-09-29 08:29:04] - not that I don't understand that it's hard to have empathy for a handful of cells, but it's interesting that people get outraged if someone does something to a kid/minor (as opposed to an adult), even more outraged if something is done to a baby, but then have little empathy for when the baby hasn't been born yet -dave

[2006-09-28 17:05:39] - amy: pummel(l)ing fits your pattern too. i think you're right - aaron

[2006-09-28 16:44:23] - but hmm it seems like the ones i came with have accent on the non "el" syllable and yours both accent the "el." *tries to find a pattern* -amy

[2006-09-28 16:43:46] - aaron: how strange! I tried like 6 and they were all both. -amy

[2006-09-28 16:30:23] - viniie: drr is at northern virginia comuunity coleege today - arron

[2006-09-28 16:29:45] - amy: rebel and gel  were actually the first two i tried and they're both "two Ls only" - aaron

[2006-09-28 16:24:03] - drr? arg! - vinnie

[2006-09-28 16:23:48] - a/aaron: I'll be at drr - vinnie

[2006-09-28 15:57:26] - gah now it's bugging me, i'm looking up all the ones i can think of to see that they are like that. shovel, yup. label, yup. i can't think of any that aren't. -amy

[2006-09-28 15:50:55] - but i agree that it is counterintuitive. -amy

[2006-09-28 15:49:39] - aaron: all those verbs that end in "el" conjugate like that... travel, cancel, grovel, carvel (just kidding)... same thing with -ing. traveling or travelling. i was actually surprised when i heard the double-L is also accepted. 'cause i think i had been corrected when using the double-L which is why i knew the other one is accepted. oh well. -amy

[2006-09-28 15:45:59] - i'll probably be late though.  (like ~630+)  ~a

[2006-09-28 14:59:47] - aaron:  you bet.  ~a

[2006-09-28 14:33:26] - obviously in english there's a lot of examples to the contrary but i think for the most part, past-tense words like that with soft vowel sounds double-up on the last letter - aaron

[2006-09-28 14:32:53] - a: it's a soft "e" so i would think "cancelled" would be the only correct choice. If it were spelled "canceled" i would expect it to rhyme with "revered" - aaron

[2006-09-28 14:31:25] - a: nvcc this week? - aaron

[2006-09-28 13:53:12] - I wil cancel your spelling. -- Xpovos

[2006-09-28 13:36:15] - which one is your spelling?  ~a

[2006-09-28 13:34:36] - wow "canceled" and "cancelled" are both correct spellings? that's so annoying. my spelling is obviously the only correct one - aaron

[2006-09-28 11:50:41] - The key to a Republican staying in power in California is to act like a Democrat. -Paul

[2006-09-28 09:03:26] - Paul: Interesting.  Just goes to show how hard to read that market is. -- Xpovos

[2006-09-28 07:26:25] - bonzi goes to the rockets -dave

[2006-09-27 19:16:47] - "The modest pickup in new home sales may be a better representation of the current state of the real estate market than existing home sales, which depict conditions two months earlier than August." From an article I read. -Paul

[2006-09-27 19:16:33] - "There is a lack of synchronization between new and existing home sales because they are recorded at different times. New home sales are recorded at contract, while existing home sales are recorded at close, so there’s roughly a two-month lag for existing home sales."

[2006-09-27 16:53:13] - a: want to come work at my new company? I am sure they would love you! much better than they like me... they said I am not technical enough :-P But they took me anyway! ~Gurkie

[2006-09-27 14:31:22] - Paul: Every indicator I've read about is down.  But that doesn't mean it actually is. -- Xpovos

[2006-09-27 13:22:00] - Xpovos: Yeah, I realized that too (it was new homes). I wonder if total home sales are up or down for the same time period. -Paul

[2006-09-27 12:39:01] - gurkie: way to go! sucks you'll have to start commuting, but reston's not too bad a commute - aaron

[2006-09-27 12:30:26] - Paul: This is new homes.  Home builders have a lot more capacity to drop prices than home owners.  So look at it this way, if homesales overall are dropping (in general they are) and sales of new homes are rising that means sales of existing homes are -way- down.  That's because people can't afford, or choose not to sell for lesser amounts. -- Xpovos

[2006-09-27 12:21:54] - dave:  get rid of your medical insurance.  ~a

[2006-09-27 12:20:29] - Dave: :'( -Paul

[2006-09-27 12:14:10] - i use jboss at work now.  :-P  ~a

[2006-09-27 12:13:58] -  jboss?  ~a

[2006-09-27 12:07:42] - gurkie: why would you want to work in reston? no one works there.  x.0 -dave

[2006-09-27 11:55:33] - ~gurkie

[2006-09-27 11:55:30] - a: a company in Reston called Amentra... it sounds REALLY cool/interesting

[2006-09-27 11:53:03] - a: that's very true. On the flip side, having med. insurance help pay for all those extra people probably drives our premiums way up -dave

[2006-09-27 11:50:41] - a: One out of 50 people who have a problem. :-P -Paul

[2006-09-27 11:47:50] - paul:  well the medication helping save the life of 1 in 50 isn't terrible either.  ~a

[2006-09-27 11:43:45] - gurkie:  who will you be working for?  ~a

[2006-09-27 11:42:20] - gurkie: grats! where is it? you finally going to NY? x.0 -dave

[2006-09-27 11:39:14] - Gurkie: Congrats, even if it wasn't with Intwine... -Paul

[2006-09-27 11:38:07] - i got a new job :-) which i think im accepting... random note :-P ~gurkie

[2006-09-27 11:34:44] - a: yeah, people don't understand numbers and how easy they are to misunderstand. Like the numbers posted today were number of units sold. The numbers I posted earlier were pricing numbers, so the price of houses went down, and more houses sold, which makes sense -dave

[2006-09-27 11:20:47] - a: Well, this is one instance where I didn't even think of the numbers (with regards to the cholesterol medication). I just assumed taking medication would be a big help, I never stopped to think that it might not help much at all. -Paul

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