here are old message board entries

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[2006-10-24 09:32:55] - Aaron: Well, I'm not sure he intended to be funny in any part of that article, which I think is kind of funny in itself. -Paul

[2006-10-23 22:45:16] - aaron: Aw... I posted that video in my journal several months ago. :'( Directed by Jhonen Vasquez. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-23 18:04:36] - i do think it's funny how he counters the jokes as though they were serious allegations, like someone would say "Chuck Norris's tears can cure cancer...." and he would counter, "Actually, that is untrue! My tears cannot do that." - aaron

[2006-10-23 18:02:45] - paul: kind of weak that it starts as a humorous article and then takes a pretty abrupt turn. i saw an interview with him on one of those late-night shows which was a lot funnier - aaron

[2006-10-23 17:55:51] - awesome music video for Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me Up - aaron

[2006-10-23 17:41:46] - I'm pretty sure this Chuck Norris column isn't a joke, but I find it amusing anyway. -Paul

[2006-10-23 17:38:19] - aaron: i hate simpsons! actually, i thought it was more like a guy pretending to be gay so he could get close to a girl... rather than ... sigh never mind... ~gurkie

[2006-10-23 16:05:55] - Science, math and women. -Paul

[2006-10-23 15:15:05] - behind the scenes of some of those borat interviews - aaron

[2006-10-23 14:35:01] - "Tim Whitney's First Renovation Plan Was Modest. When It Was Rejected, He Went With a Tower." -Paul

[2006-10-23 12:58:35] - gurkie: it's called "straight" :-p it's a simpsons reference - aaron

[2006-10-23 11:44:44] - why would a guy be gay for a girl??? I dont get it! ~gurkie

[2006-10-23 10:24:03] - Ford loses 5 times more per share than analysts had been expecting. The only reasonable reaction from the market? For the stock to go up. -Paul

[2006-10-23 10:07:03] -  pumpkin computer case.  -  aba

[2006-10-20 22:10:20] - sam:  that was like three weeks ago.  it was pretty good.  ~a

[2006-10-20 19:48:05] - South Park episode on World of Warcraft!  -sam

[2006-10-20 16:05:15] - Xpovos: Possibly I'm overestimating how much my friends make. I just assume that if you have enough money to buy a condo/townhouse (and a couple of people I know have done that), then you probably have close to $80k. -Paul

[2006-10-20 16:03:52] - Dave: Yeah, I saw it get down pretty low but not quite low enough. :-/ -Paul

[2006-10-20 16:03:34] - Aaron: Leaving it in SAIC probably won't be too bad of an idea. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-20 16:03:18] - a: I guess not. Are you doing anything fun? -Paul

[2006-10-20 16:00:22] - paul: well, sorry, ended at 20.09, not quite 20.01, but close -dave

[2006-10-20 15:58:46] - well, that was exciting, but it's on its way back up now -dave

[2006-10-20 15:54:39] - 20.01! -dave

[2006-10-20 15:53:58] - 20.02! -dave

[2006-10-20 15:48:35] - aaron: That's not a bad idea while they're going public, but sell a good chunck when they're at the top. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-20 15:48:09] - Paul: I think you must be underestimating the value of $80K or something.  I know you all got a significant head start on me, but I haven't even made 80K in my entire career yet, let alone to put into the stock market. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-20 15:47:26] - paula: oh :( i'm no good at stocks! stocks are hard. i'll just leave all my money in SAI - aaron

[2006-10-20 15:25:11] - on the downside, the puts i wanted to sell went down like 50% in value throughout the day, and I didnt' sell any -dave

[2006-10-20 15:24:41] - yay, it looks like i'm safe -dave

[2006-10-20 15:17:40] - paul:  so is that a no?  ~a

[2006-10-20 15:17:07] - paul:  yeah, it looks like cat and dog are both going to be down.  ~a

[2006-10-20 14:56:13] - Aaron: Sorry, CAT doesn't look like it's going to do so well. -Paul

[2006-10-20 14:55:06] - a: I'm playing some video game football with Travis and Andrew. -Paul

[2006-10-20 14:47:39] - dave:  there you go.  it's been barely more than a year.  you must be frugal man.  ~a

[2006-10-20 14:46:36] - paul:  how about . . . is anyone doing anything interesting today after the market closes?  ~a

[2006-10-20 14:41:11] - a: Throwing $400 down the drain. How about you? -Paul

[2006-10-20 14:35:19] - a: aug '05 -dave

[2006-10-20 14:34:28] - i know dave didn't start his job until like may of 05.  ~a

[2006-10-20 14:32:39] - paul:  after one year of working?  ~a

[2006-10-20 14:32:00] - is anyone doing anything interesting today?  ~a

[2006-10-20 14:20:39] - paul: although, you could sell the $20 calls for nov if you do get the stock. You get $1.3 per share, but then you also have no upside -dave

[2006-10-20 14:14:12] - paul: like every $.25 lower than $20 is a $1k loss -dave

[2006-10-20 14:13:31] - paul: well, but it wouldn't have to go too far down to really hurt me -dave

[2006-10-20 14:10:38] - Dave: Yeah, I know. I have to root for it to keep going down for it to hurt you. Curses. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-20 14:02:37] - Paul: well, if it ends really close, like 19.99, you might not get the stock put to you. Like a lot of times even if it ends at like 19.80, it will bounce enough monday so that you end up making money -dave

[2006-10-20 13:56:41] - I'm going to be so mad if AMD ends up at like $20.01 :-P -Paul

[2006-10-20 13:52:14] - a: Yeah, $80k doesn't seem like that much. I'm sure you would have that much money if you didn't go off and buy a condo. -Paul

[2006-10-20 13:24:44] - a: I work for northrop. I wouldn't be surprised if you get paid more than I do though -dave

[2006-10-20 13:23:20] - a: i believe you are limited to 2x the amount of money you have in your account. so if you have 100k, you can buy 200k worth of stocks. -dave

[2006-10-20 13:22:58] - dave:  ummmm . . . who do you work for again?  ~a

[2006-10-20 13:22:40] - a: although you can go negative for one day if you want. Once i had like -$40k in my account because i got like 10k shares of misc stocks. You have to sell stuff by the end of the day though, or they will for you -dave

[2006-10-20 13:21:08] - a: it is 4k shares, and yes I have more than 80k to cover it if need be -dave

[2006-10-20 12:48:37] - but dave doesn't have $80k.  i know he's dealing with options, but he still has to pony up $80k if he has to buy 4k shares.  ~a

[2006-10-20 12:25:38] - a: I wouldn't be surprised if it's 4k shares. Dave deals in big numbers. -Paul

[2006-10-20 12:22:31] - ummm.  i just realized that 4k shares is a lot.  are you sure it's not $4k?  ~a

[2006-10-20 12:04:34] - a: I'm almost hoping it drops below 20 just so Dave shares our pain. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-20 11:47:50] - dave:  you realize staying above 20 is the least we could hope for, right?  ~a

[2006-10-20 11:06:08] - hehe, yeah, i'm rooting for it to stay above 20, otherwise, i get like 4k shares of it -dave

[2006-10-20 10:33:50] - sigh . . . well it's still above 20.  grumble.  ~a

[2006-10-20 10:08:58] - AMD is still going down. :-( -Paul

[2006-10-19 15:30:46] - a: mmm, i'd love to know if it would. x.0 -dave

[2006-10-19 15:16:05] - dave:  i think that bet is a safe one.  i hope it doesn't jump up to anything less than 25 by close of business tomorrow :)  ~a

[2006-10-19 14:23:53] - Dave: Thanks *sarcasm* :-P -Paul

[2006-10-19 14:22:16] - paul: I'm supporting you, I made a bet that AMD wouldn't fall below $20 by close of business tomorrow ^_^ -dave

[2006-10-19 14:21:15] - paul: this weekend a Barron's writer said they liked AMD though -dave

[2006-10-19 14:20:38] - vinnie: heh heh heh heh x.0 -dave

[2006-10-19 14:19:58] - a: what a world we live in where children don't know their sex partners *tsk tsk* - vinnie

[2006-10-19 14:19:44] - paul: another AMD opinion -dave

[2006-10-19 14:09:01] - aaron:  i might not be coming to ddr either :-\  sorry for the late notice, but we probably should cancel since i can't even confirm that i'll be there late.  ~a

[2006-10-19 14:08:27] - aaron:  most children don't know their partner well nor do they want children.  ~a

[2006-10-19 13:42:50] - a/aaron: i will not be at DDR today as i am catching a flight to Seattle, and also Amy is the most awesome person in the world and she would NEVER leave a message on the message board signed as someone else, especially not instead of reminding that person to leave a certain message on the board as he told her to do. -vinnie

[2006-10-19 12:11:11] - sex without condoms is only a risk in certain situations, like if you don't know your partner well, or if you don't want children with them. heroin is always risky! (always risky? is that an oxymoron?) - aaron

[2006-10-19 12:08:39] - a: "90% think heroin is very risky... only two-thirds think sex without condoms is" i love how the article implies this is a problem. what is the problem with sex without condoms? - aaron

[2006-10-19 11:42:29] - I like how ArsTechnica talked about AMDs results. -Paul

[2006-10-19 11:04:53] - a: You watched the Daily Show last night? -Paul

[2006-10-19 10:54:56] - a: i didn't know that. -amy

[2006-10-19 10:54:50] - Xpovos: thank you ^_^ -amy

[2006-10-19 10:45:30] - a: I should've sold a boatload of Symantec too. :-/ -Paul

[2006-10-19 10:34:33] - paul:  i just sold a buttload of aaple.  ~a

[2006-10-19 10:32:05] - a: I would probably buy more if I had any money :-) -Paul

[2006-10-19 10:27:48] - paul:  tell me not to buy more amd.  ~a

[2006-10-19 10:01:12] - I guess I should've sold AMD before today. :'( -Paul

[2006-10-19 09:51:52] - paul:  :'(  ~a

[2006-10-19 08:32:54] - am i the only one that didn't know that saddam married his cousin?  ~a

[2006-10-18 20:58:54] - s

[2006-10-18 20:58:51] - amy: I applaud your convictions!  Do what makes you happy.  Me, I'm just taking whatever jobs I can.  Apparantly all of them.  I'm here, but not much. -- Xpovo

[2006-10-18 13:13:37] - dave: yay!! ^_^ -amy

[2006-10-18 13:12:50] - a: well, i agree with you, of course ^_^ -amy

[2006-10-18 12:39:09] - here's an interesting article from a few years ago:  (though the article doesn't say if the study was conducted exclusively in the uk or not) . . . i was using google as my spellchecker (which i do very often) and it was the second hit.  ~a

[2006-10-18 12:34:07] - a: I figured that is what you thought, but I was also a little confused so I didn't say anything. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-18 12:33:25] - paul:  i'm embarrassed.  i thought you were just quoting what the shirt had said.  i didn't realize you had changed "can" to "can't"  ~a

[2006-10-18 12:33:00] - amy: woot! it's break time! -dave

[2006-10-18 12:26:46] - a: I'm here. I even posted today already. -Paul

[2006-10-18 12:12:52] - also, having a job lined up is only important if you depend on having a job.  there's more to life than money but i'm probably preaching to the choir.  ~a

[2006-10-18 12:02:21] - amy:  it sounds like you do have a plan.  taking a break is a plan.  ~a

[2006-10-18 12:01:18] - a: maybe. i have wanted to quit my job like forever and people were always telling me, get another job lined up, make a plan. well i don't have a plan. i'm taking a break because i want to take a break. eventually i will need another job and at that point i will decide what sort of job that will be and then find it. -amy

[2006-10-18 11:56:26] - amy:  are you going to get a job in software?  or something else?  ~a

[2006-10-18 11:48:22] - a: no, and no. first we will kill all the firefighters, then the mathemeticians, and so forth in that fashion. -amy

[2006-10-18 11:43:25] - amy:  aren't you skipping the nickel and dime?  ~a

[2006-10-18 11:42:57] - amy:  do you have a new job?  ~a

[2006-10-18 11:37:56] - also, sure. no pennies. but i think the next to go should be... the quarter!! -amy

[2006-10-18 11:37:21] - i'm here. btw i just resigned from my job this morn. -amy

[2006-10-18 11:35:06] - i think we should get rid of the penny!  :)  ~a

[2006-10-18 11:34:25] - nobody here today?  ~a

[2006-10-18 11:00:11] - :-D  ~a

[2006-10-18 10:18:58] - i can't tell if he knows she was joking.  ~a

[2006-10-18 09:20:56] - Gurkie: Well, I just thought you should know, the shirt says "If you can't read this you really need to get laid". -Paul

[2006-10-17 18:14:25] - paul: hmm... no i like the shirt cause i have absolutely no idea what it could possibly say... really none... why? ~gurkie

[2006-10-17 15:17:00] - a: Yes. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-17 15:14:00] - paul:  can you?  ~a

[2006-10-17 14:59:20] - Gurkie: Can you read it? -Paul

[2006-10-17 14:49:37] - dave: i love the shirt... i want one! ~gurkie

[2006-10-17 14:03:46] - -dave

[2006-10-17 13:28:46] - hah.  wow.  go mt dew.  ~a

[2006-10-17 13:02:56] - for 12 oz beverages, mt dew has 55 mg,  pepsi 37.5 and coke 34 -dave

[2006-10-17 13:01:19] - those numbers for an 8 oz quantity of liquid -dave

[2006-10-17 12:58:52] - according to a random website, green tea has 15 mg of caffeine on avg whereas brewed coffee has 80-135 mg of caffeine on avg -dave

[2006-10-17 12:48:58] - a: I wouldn't worry, these are the kinds of initiatives where the courts typically overturn the will of the people anyway. -Paul

[2006-10-17 12:26:55] - well i hope it doesn't pass.  ~a

[2006-10-17 11:32:42] - a: altho since something like it has been passed in 20 states, it shouldn't be surprising -dave

[2006-10-17 11:32:21] - a: I do believe they only need a majority to pass something. Even still, somehow I'd be surprised if they actually passed it -dave

[2006-10-17 11:31:45] - a: yeah, I suppose I could have worded things better. However, i figured anyone really interested would read the thing -dave

[2006-10-17 10:50:43] - a: My guess, though, is that there are people out there who don't mind same sex civil unions but who believe that marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman. -Paul

[2006-10-17 10:48:06] - a: Ok, well, I was just going by what Dave said and assumed you were too. -Paul

[2006-10-17 10:46:52] - i think if dave had said "53% of Virginians back the same-sex marriage ban (which also bans civil unions)" it would have been better :)  ~a

[2006-10-17 10:45:49] - paul:  well you're right.  kind of.  according to dave's summary, you're right.  but dave's summary was a little misleading.  according to the article, you're wrong:  "A majority [53%] of Virginians support a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage and civil unions".  there.  ~a

[2006-10-17 10:18:41] - a: Well, I haven't read the article so it's entirely possible that's what it says, but based on what Dave said, 53% only want to ban marriage and not civil unions. -Paul

[2006-10-17 10:09:16] - paul:  no i am not!  i'm saying that people that are FOR civil unions (48% of virginia) are also voting AGAINST marriage and civil unions (53% of virginia).  that doesn't seem completely unreasonable to me, though it is a little odd.  ~a

[2006-10-17 10:07:16] - aaron:  marriage should be between a non-sterile man and a non-sterile woman?  :-P  ~a

[2006-10-17 10:04:00] - a: Actually, what I think you're missing is that marriage != civil unions. -Paul

[2006-10-17 10:03:36] - I guess I won't be selling my Intel stock before they release third quarter results after all. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-17 10:03:17] - paul:  what you're probably missing is that the "same-sex marriag ban" is also banning civil unions.  ~a

[2006-10-17 09:56:31] - a: I haven't read the article either, but it sounds like 53% oppose same-sex MARRIAGE while 48% approve civil unions. -Paul

[2006-10-17 09:19:03] - "marriage is there to establish a legal process for the procreation of children" this argument still bothers me to no end. if the government wanted to establish a legal process for the procreation of children, there could be a set of laws written to encourage that, instead of marriage - aaron

[2006-10-17 08:53:39] - dave:  most of those numbers seem to jive with what i thought of virginians.  my question (i haven't read the article yet) is:  if 48% of people believe civil unions should be allowed, why are 53% voting for a ban on civil unions?  is it because the ban also includes same-sex marriage?  also, do you think the amendment will pass?  do they only need 50%?  ~a

[2006-10-17 08:23:20] - articles also says that the numbers have been decreasing (those who want to ban same-sex marriage) over the past few years -dave

[2006-10-17 08:21:14] - 48% believe civil unions should be alowed and 47% do not -dave

[2006-10-17 08:20:03] - 53% of Virginians back same-sex marriage ban. 43% oppose -dave

[2006-10-16 21:56:50] - I thought the brawl between university of miami and FIU was quite fun to watch...    They should do this more often!  -sam

[2006-10-16 21:56:20] - sam:  i'm using linux, and i use mplayer.  ~a

[2006-10-16 21:53:19] - a: i just downloaded a free flv players to view the flv files.  what movie player are you using to view the flv files? -sam

[2006-10-16 21:39:56] - i'm guessing flv is flash video.  fla is flash animation.  swf is shockwave file.  ~a

[2006-10-16 21:38:38] - sam:  ummm.  i don't know.  i just played it using my movie player.  i didn't need to rename the file.  ~a

[2006-10-16 20:59:18] - nevermind... i guess i need a flv player...  -sam

[2006-10-16 20:49:08] - ok, so after i change it to .flv, what program do i open it with? -sam

[2006-10-16 20:46:38] - after i download the video using youtubex, what do i change the file extension to?  -sam

[2006-10-16 16:19:13] - char*f="char*f=%c%s%c;main(){printf(f,34,f,34,10);}%c";main(){printf(f,34,f,34,10);}

[2006-10-16 14:19:03] - k.  ~a

[2006-10-16 13:58:19] - a: I don't know, if there was, I didn't go. -Paul

[2006-10-16 13:50:20] - paul:  there wasn't ultimate yesterday, was there?  ~a

[2006-10-16 11:40:21] - amy:  i still like work.  i just wasn't in the mood.  ~a

[2006-10-16 11:02:06] - a: hmm... when did you start disliking your work? or is it specific to this day? -amy

[2006-10-16 10:13:46] - i guess it's not uncommon though. -amy

[2006-10-16 10:13:31] - a: "god, i don't want to go to work tomorrow." i can identify with this... it is how i feel almost all the time... except when i'm at work (god i don't want to be here) and on saturday (god i don't want to go to work on monday) -amy

[2006-10-16 09:49:13] - a: I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, if that makes you feel any better. -Paul

[2006-10-16 09:38:42] - paul:  i'm not in the mood to work.  ~a

[2006-10-16 09:38:04] - a: Why not? -Paul

[2006-10-16 01:36:11] - god, i don't want to go to work tomorrow.  ~a

[2006-10-14 15:42:27] - aaron:  youtubex worked very well. thanks.  ~a

[2006-10-14 10:35:22] - kitten composer - aaron

[2006-10-14 10:21:02] - someone was asking how to save youtube vids - aaron

[2006-10-13 18:18:21] - SAIC: Nice IPO. -Paul

[2006-10-13 15:18:47] - Hurray for new business cards! -Paul

[2006-10-13 14:51:36] - japanese toilet trainig ( definitely nsfw). - mig

[2006-10-13 08:30:37] - red pubes.  *snicker*  ~a

[2006-10-13 08:27:21] - everyone:  Reminder - Poker at our place tonight at 7 (or whenever you get there) - lori

[2006-10-13 08:18:46] - ethan albright strikes back - aaron

[2006-10-13 08:10:49] - coach jailed for autistic player's beaning - aaron

[2006-10-13 07:18:13] - sam: cockpit huh? that's new - aaron

[2006-10-13 07:13:38] - a: video  for U2 - numb - aaron

[2006-10-12 20:41:37] - OOOMMMMGGGG this is the funniest japanese clip ever! How to speak Sexy English! (not safe for work) -sam

[2006-10-12 16:56:28] - a: I for one welcome our new 120 ft insect overlords - vinnie

[2006-10-12 14:43:35] - Dave: Still seems a bit weird that it would have such a big jump in one day with nothing really that big before or after. -Paul

[2006-10-12 14:38:04] - y  ~a

[2006-10-12 14:20:12] - aaron: sounds gut - vinnie

[2006-10-12 14:02:38] - ddr_people: sfm this week then? - aaron

[2006-10-12 12:21:48] - 120 ft insect in germany  ~a

[2006-10-12 12:10:31] - warner won't run for presidency in '08 -dave

[2006-10-12 11:28:03] - staples -dave

[2006-10-12 11:27:55] - paul: -dave

[2006-10-12 11:27:49] - Paul: well, apparently money from stapes and oil is going into semis. Commodities are down, and the fall / winter is usually the seasonally high-time for semis -dave

[2006-10-12 11:24:16] - email?  phone?  i dunno.  ~a

[2006-10-12 11:04:52] - a: How do I go about doing that? -Paul

[2006-10-12 11:01:40] - title:  identify brontosaurus crockery shabby taunt!

[2006-10-12 10:57:24] - paul:  ask them why.  ~a

[2006-10-12 10:22:07] - Anybody ever have Amazon notify you that your order has been cancelled but not give any reason why? Should I try placing the order again? -Paul

[2006-10-12 08:38:39] - from this article -sam

[2006-10-12 08:37:54] - "It even keeps you appraised, while in transit, of how you're doing. A big fuel economy dial goes where you'd normally see a tachometer. The more fuel your engine is sucking down, the higher the needle sweeps. If the car is running on pure electric power, the needle drops down into the blue Eco Drive zone at the bottom of the dial." -sam

[2006-10-12 08:37:18] - Camry Hybrid: "If your average fuel economy, from the time you turned on car to the time you turned if off, was better than 35 miles per gallon, the word "Excellent" flashes on a screen inside the speedometer." -sam

[2006-10-11 15:42:00] - Dave: Well, was there a reason it fell the past few days? -Paul

[2006-10-11 15:22:35] - errr, that should have been addressed to Paul -dave

[2006-10-11 15:22:27] - a: the reason is probably because it has fallen quite a bit in the past few days -dave

[2006-10-11 13:49:09] - a: I wasn't surprised at the level it was at (after all, I had my stock when it was 40+), I was more surprised that there was a big jump and there seemed to be no news indicating why. -Paul

[2006-10-11 13:40:58] - paul:  correct.  ~a

[2006-10-11 13:38:30] - a: Well, you mean AMD was at the level, not that it was up 6%, right? -Paul

[2006-10-11 13:35:01] - paul:  that 6% isn't too surprising though.  we were up there monday morning.  ~a

[2006-10-11 13:33:58] - paul:  oh yes.  scottrade has less of a delay (if any at all) than your typical finance website.  i see the jump you were talking about now.  ~a

[2006-10-11 13:33:01] - Aw... now it's down to below 5% :-( -Paul

[2006-10-11 13:18:54] - a: I don't plan on fighting Vista. Is there a reason I should be? -Paul

[2006-10-11 13:18:40] - a: Well, it was up 6% before. According to Scottrade now, it's up 5.5%. -Paul

[2006-10-11 13:15:00] - paul:  a new computer will come with whatever you want.  i just assume you aren't going to fight it.  :-)  ~a

[2006-10-11 13:13:32] - paul:  it's not.  it's up 3.6% as of 1253.  ~a

[2006-10-11 13:13:26] - paul:  it's not.  it's up 3.6% as of

[2006-10-11 13:12:19] - a: Well, I'm assuming a new computer will come with it. -Paul

[2006-10-11 13:11:59] - Holy crap, what happened to AMD stock? Why is it up 6%? -Paul

[2006-10-11 13:07:41] - paul:  when you buy a new computer, you will buy vista?  ~a

[2006-10-11 13:07:20] - or windows server longhorn?  ~a

[2006-10-11 13:04:54] - a: Probably not. I'm willing to wait for when I buy a new computer. -Paul

[2006-10-11 13:00:29] - is anybody here going to buy vista?  ~a

[2006-10-11 13:00:00] - i guess compared to vista, that's nothing (and the apple additional licensing is MUCH cheaper).  ~a

[2006-10-11 12:57:53] - wow.  osx is expensive.  $129?  geeze.  ~a

[2006-10-11 12:48:55] - paul:  i only know what i see (anecdotal and all)  ~a

[2006-10-11 12:46:12] - a: Really? I thought the 2:1 ratio was about right. I even thought they were about even at one point. -Paul

[2006-10-11 12:42:48] - buying on margin  . . .  that's smart.  ~a

[2006-10-11 12:12:56] - Paul: because the R2k went from like 727 to 750. Of course if it had gone down that much instead of up, we would have lost 22k, hehe -dave

[2006-10-11 12:11:54] - Paul: shoulda, woulda, coulda. You think that's bad? My co-worker and I were testing out this virtual-trader that will let you buy/sell things so that you can simulate certain strategies etc. We used 40k worth of margin to buy 10 futures on the R2k (because we were curious as to how much margin it would take). 3 days later the value of the 10 we bought had incr. 22k -dave

[2006-10-11 11:58:48] - dave:  i'm surprised it's that low.  most people seem to have visa.  ~a

[2006-10-11 11:52:14] - Dave: I'm so mad that I didn't buy any mastercard stock when it first came out. I was thinking about it but decided against it. -Paul

[2006-10-11 11:46:33] - visa has almost twice the cards mastercard has in circulation -dave

[2006-10-11 11:42:48] - make a bunch -dave

[2006-10-11 11:42:41] - xpovos: I believe they also much a bunch on any accessories you buy -dave

[2006-10-11 11:41:54] - xpovos: well, first of all, i can't imagine any company putting something up for sale and then not wanting them to sell. I think they are probably taking a loss on the consoles themselves, but plan to make money on the games. Still, getting more consoles out there is good, even at a loss, since inevitably, people with the console will get games -dave

[2006-10-11 11:41:39] - Paul: Quite possibly.  I doubt it would be cheaper though.  Specialty store vs. Amazon.  Gee? -- Xpovos

[2006-10-11 11:05:57] - Stupid apostrophe next to the enter key. -Paul

[2006-10-11 11:05:44] - ' place last Sunday? -Paul

[2006-10-11 11:05:37] - Xpovos: Do you think they would have the stuff I was looking for at Travis

[2006-10-11 11:03:52] - Paul: Party-Plus?  There was a time when there were two different costume stores in competition with each other directly opposite each other on the Prince William Parkway near the Potomac Mills Mall.  A bit of a hike, but they're there. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-11 09:44:40] - Does anybody have any suggestions for a place (brick and mortar or internet) that sells Halloween costume stuff? I've found the stuff I'm looking for on Amazon but I was wondering if there were any other places I could look to compare prices and whatnot. -Paul

[2006-10-11 08:19:19] - dave: Depending on what news you read, selling-out 400,000 PS3s might be bad news for Sony.  Some calculations have each unit costing Sony somewhere around $200 to sell.  $80M isn't too much, true, but that'll put a dent in things.  Personally I think that figure is overblown, and that Sony is taking a minimal loss if any on the product. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-11 07:28:38] - pre-order PS3s gone within an hour -dave

[2006-10-10 17:33:49] - :-p - aaron

[2006-10-10 17:27:27] - a: Well, your charts basically say the same thing mine did. :-) -Paul

[2006-10-10 17:27:01] - over the last 6 months, gold hasn't changed much.  i'll admit that it did go up a fair amount 2000-2005.  ~a

[2006-10-10 17:25:36] - that link didn't work for me.  i'll include a link to the same site:  ~a

[2006-10-10 17:15:15] - a: The price of gold has certainly been going up. -Paul

[2006-10-10 16:44:46] - mig:  if that was the case, then gold prices would go through the roof.  and they have not.  ~a

[2006-10-10 16:33:42] - yeah i thought the "in" thing for investors is hoarding gold atm. - mig

[2006-10-10 16:09:01] - So: even though egold is a great concept, the people who are most inclined to use it (financial conservative) are least inclined to use it because it makes the least financial self in a self-preservation mode. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-10 16:01:18] - a: Right, egold is inherently good money.  It is in fact bullion, it doesn't get the boost from minting, but does everything else just fine.  Therefore, as good money, it is inherently pushed off the marketplace by bad money--the rest of it.  If I own gold bullion, I'm not going to trade it for goods or services, when I can trade USD, which are depreciating against gold.

[2006-10-10 14:51:16] - paul:  i don't know why i didn't think to look here before:  which links directly to the law in question  (which is pretty cut and dry and silly).  ~a

[2006-10-10 14:39:04] - xpovos:  i read that wikipedia page and it seems like "bad-money" (as the page defines it) is unapplicable to egold.  right?  the public can't scrape off portions of the egold, and egold isn't a "fiat money".  ~a

[2006-10-10 14:27:47] - i'm not a fan of egold because of the high cost of having an account.  ~a

[2006-10-10 14:20:10] - a: I'm a fan of e-gold, except that at present it's a huge loser in the Gresham's Law situation.  There's absolutely no incentive for anyone to use it, and all the reason for people to hoarde it. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-10 13:44:29] - how did the horse build a house? - aaron

[2006-10-10 12:52:03] - yes.  very silly.  i wonder what the purpose is.  is the government afraid that their bills will have to compete with commercial domestic bills?  i know that egold is legal and it seems like they're trying to compete with usd for merchantizing.  ~a

[2006-10-10 12:27:45] - I don't want to kill my co-workers.  Not really.  I just want to rip out their tongues. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-10 11:22:22] - Paul: Formerly, issuing your own money was not against any law.  The law is that you can't advertise it as currency for all debt.  However; if you mint coins and sell them to people in order to exchange debt, that is perfectly legal. -- Xpovos

[2006-10-10 11:10:12] - a: It just seems kinda silly to me. :-P -Paul

[2006-10-10 11:08:03] - good question.  i wish i could find it.  ~a

[2006-10-10 11:04:34] - a: Right, but exactly how do they even define it? "Bartering using small round pieces of precious metals is illegal"? -Paul

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