here are old message board entries

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[2007-01-08 21:16:43] - live action super mario brothers, as done by some college students - aaron

[2007-01-08 16:49:07] - i wonder what that engineering meeting was like.  "we can't smell the gas when it's leaking" . . . "well lets make it smell bad" . . . "hey!  let's all fart into the canisters so everybody can smell it"  ~a

[2007-01-08 16:19:56] - mig:  yes.  i just figured they'd use some other gas.  ~a

[2007-01-08 15:44:48] - a:  well isn't that supposed to be a safety measure? - mgi

[2007-01-08 15:20:25] - a: I thought the first two paragraphs were funny. Almost like something out of the Onion. -Paul

[2007-01-08 15:19:27] - am i the only one that finds it amusing that the main chemical found in flatulence is used by industry to intentionally make natural gas smell bad?  ~a

[2007-01-08 15:17:03] - paul:  you smell like methanethiol.  ~a

[2007-01-08 14:49:58] - Foul Odor Permeates Parts of Manhattan, N.J. -Paul

[2007-01-08 13:00:42] - Open-source DRM? Mind-blowing.  Supported by Lawrence Lessig?  Inconceivable! -- Xpovos

[2007-01-08 12:06:10] - a: If a free trial requires a credit card, I generally just say, "Ah, forget it, I don't need it after all".  AOL has made settlements steming from legal action, but  not been sued, specifically.  See -- Xpovos

[2007-01-08 10:27:42] - a: yeah, haha! why do you need my credit card? just cut off my service. or maybe no one knows how to cancel the service - vinnie

[2007-01-08 09:34:53] - xpovos:  has there been a lawsuit against aol about this?  ~a

[2007-01-08 09:34:14] - vinnie:  also having free trials that require a credit card piss me off.  ~a

[2007-01-08 09:33:20] - vinnie:  i'm the same way.  though i mostly shy away from all paid services on the internet.  i had a blockbuster online account for a while, but most of the time i don't have any.  ~a

[2007-01-08 09:28:49] - a: ahhhh. I would love a site that keeps track of things like that. annoying cancellation is one of those things that makes me shy away from free trials - vinnie

[2007-01-08 08:32:14] - a: Excellent.  We need that kind of work to be done if we're to be educated consumers.  Theoretically, market forces will dictate that companies don't do this kind of thing as they build up bad press.  AOL has garnered a lot of bad press for it before, but getting the information out about the rest (and a hefty lawsuit against AOL, which can't hurt) do a lot of good. -- X

[2007-01-07 03:52:16] - just cancel the @#%$* account!  (from sd)  ~a

[2007-01-07 03:15:50] - xpovos:  interesting.  ~a

[2007-01-07 02:35:10] - Paul: I didn't watch the game (no shock there) but I am not surprised that we won.  We've been surprisingly stout against Duke in the previous two years.  I was surprised the first time, pleased the second.  Now I just accept it: Duke isn't as good as they think, and we play our best against them because they are Duke.  And that means we have a good shot at winning.  -- X

[2007-01-07 02:32:24] - a: No, I'm not.  But I help maintain a website which uses php-based forum software which infrequently gets spam attacked by obfuscated code that appears to be an attempt to get the webserver to download a perl script and run it. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-06 23:46:57] - which we've certainly done before but things look really good right now. - mig

[2007-01-06 23:46:30] - paul:  hmmm, maybe we have a shot at making the ncaa this year.  11-4 atm so we should have a decent record unless we make a huge collapse at the end. - mig

[2007-01-06 19:32:57] - Hokies shock No. 5 Duke on the road. -Paul

[2007-01-05 19:56:48] - List of ethnic slurs... I never knew there were this many...    -sam

[2007-01-05 15:45:22] - xpovos:  are you programming in perl?  ~a

[2007-01-05 15:45:00] - for obvious reasons, don't pass unfiltered user submitted data into mysql or exec or passthru, or anything like that.  ~a

[2007-01-05 15:43:48] - sql injection attack would be able to attack something written like this (php):  $foo = $_GET['foo'];  $result = mysql_query("select max(rc_timestamp) from recentchanges where foo=$foo");  ~a

[2007-01-05 15:40:24] - are you sure that's even possible in a general case?  ~a

[2007-01-05 15:39:44] - i think an sql injection attack is a bit different.  unless you're storing scripts in your database.  ~a

[2007-01-05 15:31:45] - Can someone give me a brief explanation as to how an SQL injection attack convinces a webserver to download and run a perl script? -- Xpvoos

[2007-01-05 09:49:42] - "Vote with your wallet!"  heh.  that reminds me of the "i don't vote and why" conversations.  ~a

[2007-01-05 08:49:57] - dave: I saw a 46" Sony Bravia 1080p LCD for sale two days ago.  Man, did that look nice.  The price was way down too. $2800. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-05 07:47:53] - what's amusing is they use a Sony Bravia -dave

[2007-01-05 07:47:37] - Xbox360 head to head vs PS3 (ars guy invited to MS to compare) -dave

[2007-01-04 20:23:34] - this is hilarious. "Pac-Man Live Action." -sam

[2007-01-04 16:44:10] - :(  ~a

[2007-01-04 16:37:56] - a: okay, skip - aaron

[2007-01-04 16:06:14] - aaron:  i'd rather skip too.  i have to stay later at work today anyways.  :(  ~a

[2007-01-04 16:05:03] - c23ad6f18412014673b2d04794ca038ef6767fe94afe408dffb775362fe07e68

[2007-01-04 16:00:02] - ddr_aaron: I'm skipping again. I'll definitely have to go next time, it's been like a month since I last played - vinnie

[2007-01-04 15:43:26] - aaron:  your pick.  ~a

[2007-01-04 15:35:08] - ddr_people: sfmonvcc? - aaron

[2007-01-04 09:52:16] ->1=7703 Fox's Once-Hot 'The O.C.' Is Canceled. -Paul

[2007-01-03 23:38:47] - Sam: I lost the email address you gave me to replace the one I am currently using for you. Can you email it to me? Thanks. -Paul

[2007-01-03 18:04:22] - ©.

[2007-01-03 17:23:34] - paul:  i got an email from scottrade about something called "money direct".  i'm hoping it's like the old echeck system they had.  ~a

[2007-01-03 11:34:58] - *Sigh* This could've been a really good day had I not sold my XMSR shares a week or two ago. -Paul

[2007-01-03 09:42:35] - Sirius to Post Positive Cash Flow. -Paul

[2007-01-02 20:26:33] - $2.99

[2007-01-02 15:48:24] - sinnie: gmail is blocked for me too, but I can still see when I get new messages (plus about the first 80 characters, including subject line) with a google personalized home page, which they didn't lock down. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-02 15:37:03] - vinnie: actually, they blocked gmail at work... :( -sam

[2007-01-02 14:08:03] - sam: not for me - vinnie

[2007-01-02 12:28:10] - is gmail down today? -sam

[2007-01-02 11:10:32] - a: Apparently it was captured on a video-phone and then released that way.  Information wants to be free, eh? -- Xpovos

[2007-01-02 01:35:06] - i want to know why the hell they released a video of it.  ~a

[2007-01-02 00:45:06] - sam:  you might wanna preface that with a nsfw. - mig

[2007-01-01 19:52:13] - -sam

[2007-01-01 19:52:03] - i think this video loads faster than the previous one.

[2007-01-01 19:49:42] - Video of Saddam Hussein being Executed -sam

[2006-12-31 13:44:25] - good bye, 2006.  ~a

[2006-12-30 03:39:11] - I only read the first page of this article, but apparently black men are cool. -paul

[2006-12-29 20:04:28] - yeah, i think it's sad too.  there are so many battles to fight, it's easy for something like this to just slip through the cracks.  -  aba

[2006-12-29 16:36:38] - i'm neither amused nor furious.  i'm just sad.  ~a

[2006-12-29 15:55:52] - aba: I personally find that highly amusing, though I can see where others would be less amused and more furious. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-29 15:26:57] -    -  aba

[2006-12-29 14:14:58] - "i like your christ.  i do not like your christians.  your christians are so unlike your christ."  -mkg

[2006-12-29 14:10:54] - xpovos:  turn the other cheek.  ~a

[2006-12-29 13:50:15] - mig: The position of the most recent popes has been that the death penalty is almost never a valid punishment in modern society.  The position of most American conservative Catholics (read: the Catholics you knew in Catholic school) are very much pro-death penalty. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-29 13:49:01] - Paul: Many progressives would argue that, I think, but more they're arguing in this piece about the use of land.  Using land for farming = good.  Using land for apartment buildings = bad. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-29 13:32:05] - the vatican opposes death for sadaam.  i found this a little interesting because i was given the impression the catholic church was pro-death penalty when i was in catholic school. - mig

[2006-12-29 13:28:42] - nifong has ethic problems with the north carolina bar. - mig

[2006-12-29 12:41:07] - Perhaps a better way of putting it is this: Are they saying that all land owners should have to pay a property tax on their land which is in turn used for certain social welfare causes? -paul

[2006-12-29 12:39:36] - Xpovos: Interesting. I had heard the libertarian version of the fable before but hadn't heard the criticism of it. Are they suggesting that any and all land ownership is un-libertarian or am I misunderstanding? -paul

[2006-12-29 12:18:12] - -- Xpovos

[2006-12-29 12:18:05] - Paul: That happens when the bid tick is up.  Which means that it went down, but is now back up to the baseline. ;-) -- Xpovos

[2006-12-29 12:03:42] - I like how Sirius is unchanged today, yet Google finance has it in the green, as if not going down more is a victory. :-) -Paul

[2006-12-29 11:39:32] - Gurkie: If I hadn't heard about any plans, I was going to invite people over to my place but I haven't made any plans yet. -Paul

[2006-12-29 10:56:54] - all: do people have NYE (new years eve) plans or if I threw a party would people show up? ~gurkie

[2006-12-29 10:51:04] - a: you know what? YOU rule - vinnie

[2006-12-29 09:10:44] - arbor day rules.  ~a

[2006-12-29 09:03:25] - c'mon, arbor day? that day bites it - vinnie

[2006-12-28 19:55:03] - i argee.  ~a

[2006-12-28 18:24:43] - chrismas is the worst holiday of the year

[2006-12-28 18:24:25] - christmas sucks

[2006-12-28 15:55:59] - a: yay. Now I feel all elitist. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-28 15:51:54] - xpovos:  sop.  ~a

[2006-12-28 15:29:42] - a: my parents are in india.  no real point in going home until they come back.  -  aba

[2006-12-28 14:46:54] - Wow.  Once again I have landed a job with a tremendous backlog and a lack of competent co-workers, and have assumed near sole responsibility for not just the ongoing work, but trying to dig through the past... just my luck? Or is this SOP? -- Xpovos

[2006-12-28 13:54:19] - gurkie:  yay.  ~a

[2006-12-28 13:54:08] - vinnie:  me too.  ~a

[2006-12-28 13:25:13] - a: not sure if you were thinking about DDR today, but I think I'd like to skip it... - vinnie

[2006-12-28 12:08:38] - a: ur so cool ~gurkie

[2006-12-28 11:50:41] - gurkie/paul:  it already existed anyways:  bdays  ~a

[2006-12-28 11:23:08] - a: pauls a jerk and he is right apparently... ignore my request... ~gurkie

[2006-12-28 11:18:56] - a: I don't think you should, seeing as it's already amazingly easy to find out people's birthdays anyway. -Paul

[2006-12-28 11:10:19] - Paul: I know how you feel.  I'm thinking it's time to re-evaluate my strategy. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-28 11:10:00] - a: you should put your birthday document in your wiki (or at least tell me where it is if its online so i can figure out peoples bdays) ~gurkie

[2006-12-28 11:07:23] - God, I'm hating Sirius stock right now. -Paul

[2006-12-28 10:14:17] - Gurkie: No, there was a guy going the same direction as me but he also avoided getting hit. It was the guy going the opposite direction (on the other side of the median) who got hit. -Paul

[2006-12-28 09:56:15] - i think paul should get his story straight.  ~a

[2006-12-28 09:45:28] - paul: I thought you said the guy was next to you going the same direction and got hit by the other guy running the red... ~gurkie

[2006-12-27 21:58:56] - jedi is a religion in uk?.  i guess people are pushing for keeping religion out of government?  or people are just poking fun at the government.  not sure exactly.  ~a

[2006-12-27 14:19:48] - I give up trying to explain/predict the market in general.  I am simply glad I own PFSW... -- Xpovos

[2006-12-27 14:17:05] - I give up trying to explain/predict the housing market.  It is non-logical. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-27 13:57:53] - charges of rape against duke lacrosse players dropped. - mig

[2006-12-27 11:38:50] - paul, so, for clarification, he was running a red light?  (assuming that the light wasn't broken)  ~a

[2006-12-27 11:20:40] - Sam: I heard that thing with Faith Hill was a joke. -Paul

[2006-12-27 11:01:24] - a: I was approaching a red light when it turned green so I began to accelerate but I had to slam on my brakes because a car going perpendicular to me was going through the intersection. Presumably, the car went on to hit a car going the other way (I didn't see that happen). -Paul

[2006-12-27 10:13:11] - aba:  don't like flying in late december?  ~a

[2006-12-27 10:12:42] - paul:  what happened in the accident?  ~a

[2006-12-22 13:44:15] - sam: i am spending the weekend driving back to durham from key west.  i probably won't see my family until some time next year.  -  aba

[2006-12-22 13:29:09] - <>

[2006-12-22 13:29:02] - <>

[2006-12-22 10:13:10] - sam: i'm not spending xmas with my family... i'm spending it with vinnie's. my family is all in CA! -amy

[2006-12-22 08:51:08] - Paul: In addition to your time, which you're likely not going to be compesated for, you'll be put under oath and asked questions, without the benefit of having a lawyer to assist you.  Far better, IMO, to get your own lawyer involved earlier in the process so that you know nothing you say is going to come back to bite you in the ass. But then, I'm paranoid.  -- Xpovos

[2006-12-21 21:28:06] - faith hill thought she won the CMA 2006 award... she looks so angry...  -sam

[2006-12-21 19:27:52] - is anyone here not spending the christmas weekend with their family? -sam

[2006-12-21 18:39:14] - Vinnie: That reminds me of Wikiality ( -Paul

[2006-12-21 17:18:44] - Xpovos: Well, I don't know what I have to lose by showing up. -Paul

[2006-12-21 16:41:58] - this was amusing: - vinnie

[2006-12-21 15:55:57] - Paul: Yes, but cheaper is not always better. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-21 15:43:00] - Xpovos: Seems like going into court would be a lot cheaper than hiring a lawyer. :-) -Paul

[2006-12-21 15:32:13] - Paul: No.  Get a lawyer.  He'll help you write a statement, which will allow you to avoid having to go into court to testify. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-21 15:29:36] - Mig: Nah, I'm being called in to testify about an accident I witnessed (and was almost a part of). -Paul

[2006-12-21 15:18:02] - paul:  did they find out about our gambling raquet? - mig

[2006-12-21 10:39:23] - Has anybody here been subpoenaed before? -Paul

[2006-12-20 22:21:17] - Yay for the korean guy for winning the Survivor Cook Islands! -sam

[2006-12-20 21:43:48] - Angry Dan Marino slams the table on a TV show -sam

[2006-12-20 21:33:03] - OMG... Tyra Banks and her show's  audience go crazy over some free vaseline...    -sam

[2006-12-20 15:14:52] - Amy: That sucks. :-/ -Paul

[2006-12-20 15:08:49] - Paul: yeah, he will have to go back to get it removed. the doctors thought he would be able to leave on sunday, but he still hasn't been able to eat. so they are not sure when he can leave. since he has to be on the IV -amy

[2006-12-20 14:36:22] - for a while this was found on that page:  "<!-- The following does not require further explanation; see talk-->However, this problem is not widely regarded as a pressing issue. <!--Nor, for that matter, are we interested in any insights into why this won't matter on *this* side of the remark.-->"  ~a

[2006-12-20 14:33:56] - xpovos:  it's really interesting that you mentioned that.  there were some edit wars about that sentence.  people kept trying to add more jokes to the end of that quote.  people also tried to post information about the 128-bit rollover dates.  it was all very stupid.  ~a

[2006-12-20 14:20:36] - "Using a (signed) 64-bit value introduces a new wraparound date in about 290 billion years, on Sunday, December 4, 292,277,026,596. However, this problem is not widely regarded as a pressing issue."  I love the psuedo-humor found in wikipedia. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 14:13:01] - yeah, i'm sure you figured it out already but y2038 problem is moot on a 64 bit operating system.  ~a

[2006-12-20 14:11:43] - a: What benefit does a 64-bit operating system have in this regard? ... oh... yeah... nevermind. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 14:07:02] - as a general rule, i never do date math on my own.  ~a

[2006-12-20 14:06:53] - xpovos:  yeah.  you can do it that way.  but like i said, most programming lanugages have use the epoch system for a reason.  the epoch system doesn't have as many failures (like when you say "discrepency for some users" isn't always something that is acceptable).  i'm just hoping that the 64 bit operating systems take over soon.  ~a

[2006-12-20 13:40:48] - a: Yes, and the problems mentioned would be solved (in my system) by standardizing time zones and ignoring DST... which could result in an hour discrepency for some users, but since I imagine I'd be working primarily with dates, not hours... -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 13:37:20] - that would fail on daylight savings time changes, or if you had multiple time zones in the list (which you could fix if everything was converted to UTC/GMT without daylight savings).  ~a

[2006-12-20 13:35:56] - oh, so you'd have yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,ss stored in a list, and then you would sort that list?  is that what you mean?  ~a

[2006-12-20 13:33:00] - a: Not inherently.  Assuming you wasted a lot of processor time on delimiters you could sort based on individual elements in the standard format.  Trying to make that efficent is a nightmare, but it works mathematically. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 13:32:00] - xpovos:  i know you never planned to do this, but don't forget that you never want to date math on your own.  date math is impossible (months are all different sizes, time zones make things complicated, daylight saving time makes things complicated, leap year makes things complicate, leap second, etc etc etc)  ~a

[2006-12-20 13:31:35] - I broke the link.  Sorry. Year 2048 problem... -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 13:30:09] - xpovos:  yes i understand what you mean.  you'd prefer something that could sort dates for you in broken-date format.  but the implementation for such a system would convert into epoch anyways.  ~a

[2006-12-20 13:28:13] - There's also the humors Year 2048 problem... -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 13:23:18] - a: Makes sense to me.  A little disapointing, but--such is the life of the computer folk. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 13:22:14] - Basically I see it as this: Sort requires compare.  Compare (epoch) >>> Compare (standard).  Unless there's a better algorithm somwhere that results in Compare (standard) being efficient. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 13:22:12] - xpovos:  yes, it is much more efficient to always use epoch for storing and sorting dates.  only use broken-time when displaying the time to the user.  most programming languages have ways of doing math with the "epoch" time (like adding a week to the epoch integer, or finding the next sunday to an epoch integer).  ~a

[2006-12-20 13:20:16] - xpovos:  one very dangerous thing about the "epoch" concept, is that *if* the epoch is stored in a signed 32 bit integer, it will rollover (fail) in 2038.  (see the year 2039 problem).  ~a

[2006-12-20 13:20:15] - a: I've worked with that in Unix systems... so--converting to epoch, then, is more efficient than trying to sort without converting? -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 13:18:49] - xpovos:  most programming languages have a way to convert between this "epoch" concept and the broken-time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone (with daylight information encoded in the timezone)).  ~a

[2006-12-20 13:17:49] - xpovos:  most programming languages have an "epoch" concept.  it's usually an integer number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT.  so right now is about 1166638616 seconds (in unix/cygwin, type "date +%s").  ~a

[2006-12-20 11:51:00] - Xpovos: Yup. :-( -Paul

[2006-12-20 11:46:34] - Whoa: What happened to Aaron?  I'm out of the loop? More appendicitis? -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 11:43:02] - a: Actually, I was getting more fundamental than that. Non-language specific, generic question.  What do you mean by epoch in this instance? -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 11:42:21] - Vinnie: That sucks. Any idea when that will be? Does he still need to go in again to get the appendix removed? -Paul

[2006-12-20 11:41:51] - paul/a: yeah, in the hospital. Aaron is still there, sadly. when he is able to eat he can go home - vinnie

[2006-12-20 11:08:44] - i assume.  ~a

[2006-12-20 11:08:10] - paul:  they were doing it in the hospital.  ~a

[2006-12-20 11:07:12] - paul:  no.  ~a

[2006-12-20 11:02:21] - Vinnie: Is Aaron out of the hospital then? -Paul

[2006-12-20 10:47:16] - vinnie:  yes it went exactly like that.  hmmm.  you plagiarized real life!  actually the overhead view of the balloon looks very accurate.  ~a

[2006-12-20 10:39:45] - a: I'm assuming the balloon date one is similar to how your balloon date went? - vinnie

[2006-12-20 10:38:05] - vinnie:  :)  ~a

[2006-12-20 10:37:07] - - vinnie

[2006-12-20 10:36:50] - java's Date even implements Comparable.  ~a

[2006-12-20 10:36:42] - - vinnie

[2006-12-20 10:36:10] - - vinnie

[2006-12-20 10:35:39] - here's some comics amy, aaron, and I drew yesterday - one of them is my favorite one so far - vinnie

[2006-12-20 10:28:02] - xpovos:  what language?  most languages (perl, php, c++, java, javascript, and more) have a way to convert to seconds since epoch.  ~a

[2006-12-20 10:03:12] - Xpovos: To keep track of your portfolio? I'm trying to figure out how to change the default views. -Paul

[2006-12-20 09:48:12] - Paul: In what capacity?  I browse it, and have posted a few times, even. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 09:32:49] - Does anybody here use google finance? -Paul

[2006-12-20 08:48:15] - `"For a lot of women, especially younger women, everything is online. They think a pencil and paper is antiquated and novel," Weschler says.` Aughhhhh! This person should be shot. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 08:46:12] - So... what's a good algorithm for date sorting?  The least efficient, but most precise I can conceive of is to convert dates/times to a universal time standard and then sort, and reconvert if necessary...  But then again, that may not be that much less efficient than all the levels of comparison needed for standard dates... -- Xpovos

[2006-12-20 00:20:11] - Joseph Barbera from Hanna-Barbera died from natural causes yesterday (William Hanna died in 2001).  ~a

[2006-12-19 18:43:59] - have you guys ever played an alternate reality game?  ~a

[2006-12-19 15:29:19] - An SNL skit about the Duke Lacrosse team scandal. I found it amusing, although others might not. -Paul

[2006-12-19 14:48:52] - Ah, so that's what 1.20.09 means... -Paul

[2006-12-19 14:07:03] - a: The concept of putting people in jail for destroying their own money has always been absurd to me.  But I guess it's necessary when the dollar is tanking and there's no real basis for the money except our confidence in the U.S. gov't.  Which, given Bush's approval ratings, I'm guessing it's a good thing 1.20.09 is coming so soon... -- Xpovos

[2006-12-19 13:53:09] - a: I know, I could've made a lot of money. :-/ -Paul

[2006-12-19 13:19:09] - i also wonder why this news hasn't changed the price of gold (up or down).  ~a

[2006-12-19 13:18:13] - xpovos:  god i never understood that.  having a contemporary coin, in circulation, that says "$10" but costs like $300 to buy?  ~a

[2006-12-19 12:28:04] - One word: Inflation.  Two words: Gold standard.  Opinion: Bring it back. and -- Xpovos

[2006-12-19 11:07:31] - paul:  you could have sold it short :-P  ~a

[2006-12-19 10:11:31] - Maybe I should get into options trading. I remember thinking last night that Circuit City was probably going to go down after releasing their earnings report today. -Paul

[2006-12-19 09:54:19] - Least successful Christmas specials ever. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-18 15:18:55] - Ike likes Mike's a little too much? -- Xpovos

[2006-12-18 13:45:38] - Sam: Sorry, I think that game is happening the exact same time as the Peach Bowl. If you have trouble finding takers, you could always try selling them on -Paul

[2006-12-18 09:38:30] - heh, Willow Rosenberg is listed under a "Fictional characters" section of the page:  ~a

[2006-12-17 19:25:53] - anyone interested in buying 2 redskins vs. giants tickets?  lower level section 108, row 234.  face value is $99 per ticket.  I'm selling them to $80 each.  -sam

[2006-12-17 18:45:54] - sam:  the director also directed dawn of the dead (which was pretty good in my opinion).  ~a

[2006-12-17 01:46:46] - OMG! this is hilarious! I wonder if this was real. -sam

[2006-12-16 13:07:10] - i can't wait until "300" comes out...  -sam

[2006-12-15 17:38:19] - a: only during the day. they didn't have any evening slots available. i was gonna post the details to LJ, but the new LJ post page thinger isn't working quite right for me. -amy

[2006-12-15 17:30:16] - "Its name is derived from potbelly stoves common in the late 19th century."  (wp)  ~a

[2006-12-15 17:28:49] - wow cool!  . . . i don't understand, will you be doing live music during the day?  or just evenings?  ~a

[2006-12-15 16:31:59] - the other thing is, last THEY heard, i was moving onto another software company, this is just something they had assumed and i never corrected them. -amy

[2006-12-15 16:31:31] - hey i just got a part time job/gig doing guitar/singing at potbelly in ffx corner. it's funny 'cause last i heard, my ex-coworkers are moving to a branch office very near there. if they ever go there for lunch, they might see me... -amy

[2006-12-15 14:17:10] -    mmmm, pie.  ~a

[2006-12-14 14:15:53] - ok - vinnie

[2006-12-14 14:03:49] - i'll probably be there at my usual 6:00+.  ~a

[2006-12-14 14:03:28] - vinnie:  sure.  on the 30th (last time) we did nvcc.  sfm sound ok?  ~a

[2006-12-14 13:50:56] - ddr today? - vinnie

[2006-12-14 13:47:23] - xpovos: I was totally impressed with Mozilla's composer software last time i had to deal with HTML - aaron

[2006-12-14 13:00:31] - The inability of the average man to manipulate WYSIWYG text editors into something resembling sanity never ceases to aggrivate me. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-14 08:08:43] - a: Thank you for the clarification.  I personally disagree on the teacher issue, but I can see the merit of the argument. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-13 16:35:54] - One idea of a feminist utopia. -Paul

[2006-12-13 16:32:37] - sam: have you heard the story about that song? the lyrics are from Reading Rainbow or something like that. the person who said them sued and I think won. it's a fantastic song too, I agree :) - vinnie

[2006-12-13 16:11:33] - great song but weird lyrics  "The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds" -sam

[2006-12-13 15:57:26] - Dave: That's what I thought when it was going down like 4%. Now that it's down 7% and more, I'm wondering if even that makes sense. -Paul

[2006-12-13 15:29:30] - paul:  yes, i agree that it wasn't very clear.  ~a

[2006-12-13 15:26:42] - Paul: tis true, very oxymoronic. Perhaps it went up and then people decided it was a good time for profit taking -dave

[2006-12-13 15:21:03] - a: Heh, well, I actually somewhat understood your sarcasm for the first statement. I just wasn't sure if you were continuing to be sarcastic for the second statement or not. -Paul

[2006-12-13 15:20:08] - Dave: Ignoring the oxymoronic idea of expecting a company to beat expectations more than they did (:-P), then why did it go up so much yesterday after they released their results? -Paul

[2006-12-13 15:09:56] - Paul: so probably people were betting on it blowing away expectations more than they did -dave

[2006-12-13 15:09:36] - Paul: if you look at the forward p/e for other companies like lockheed and northrop, saic has a huge premium (20 vs 15) -dave

[2006-12-13 14:52:14] - xpovos:  no sarcasm:  i think there is no better way to make education a number one priority than to pander to teachers unions.  teachers are way more selfless than the average person.  ~a

[2006-12-13 14:51:48] - xpovos:  <not-really-sarcasm-but-not-really-serious-either>i think it's a perfect depiction.</not-really-sarcasm-but-not-really-serious-either>  <sarcasm>i especially can identify with the title of the article:  "if they only had a brain".</sarcasm>  ~a

[2006-12-13 14:50:37] - xpovos/paul:  fine.  let's try that again.  ~a

[2006-12-13 14:31:29] - a: I am in agreement with Paul.  The content of your two statements appear to be contradictory. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-13 13:44:33] - a: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic about the teachers unions or not... -Paul

[2006-12-13 13:42:10] - a: Yeah, wtf is going on with SAIC? -Paul

[2006-12-13 13:32:56] - xpovos:  i think there is no better way to make education a number one priority than to pander to teachers unions.  teachers are way more selfless than the average person.  ~a

[2006-12-13 13:30:36] - xpovos:  i think it's a perfect depiction.  i especially can identify with the title of the article:  "if they only had a brain".  ~a

[2006-12-13 13:29:11] - damn.  i'm back to square one on saic.  ~a

[2006-12-13 10:36:20] - From my perspective, this article is on-point.  How fairs it with my more liberal friends? -- Xpovos

[2006-12-13 09:55:29] - paul:  invest in the bond market.  :-D  ~a

[2006-12-13 09:49:26] - Stupid stock market. SAIC has good results yesterday and (understandably) goes up ~5%. So why does it plummet back down 5% today!? -Paul

[2006-12-13 09:48:21] - hmmm.  i disagree.  i think we'll move on.  ~a

[2006-12-13 09:41:06] - a: I doubt we, as a culture, will ever move on. -Paul

[2006-12-13 09:32:51] - paul:  ~a

[2006-12-13 09:32:39] - xpovos:  yes i did.  ~a

[2006-12-13 08:50:30] -  Apple sees iTunes music store sales decline dramatically, maybe.  -- Xpovos

[2006-12-13 08:22:36] - a: I think you meant to <green>Paul:</green> that. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-13 08:14:00] - sam:  ~a

[2006-12-13 07:43:59] - Breach at UCLA exposes data on 800,000 -sam

[2006-12-12 19:19:10] - Condoms a big problem for men in India. -Paul

[2006-12-12 17:32:15] - aaron:  you've told me stories :-P  ~a

[2006-12-12 16:46:47] - i never argue with my coworkers, i'm a cool cucumber - aaron

[2006-12-12 16:43:25] - i witnessed a spat today.  one of them get pwned bigtime. - mig

[2006-12-12 08:56:52] - a: It gets quite loud where I work too.  But that's all the construction.  They're frequently doing strange things on the floor beneath us which sends vibrations up through the floor and makes very loud and ugly noises. -- Xpovos

[2006-12-12 08:47:23] - xpovos:  maybe i get too loud sometimes.  (in addition to blaming myself) i blame bad acoustics in my building.  i fucking hate where i work now.  ~a

[2006-12-12 08:33:35] - a: Eww.  Nothing like that anywhere I've worked.  Several of my other coworkers have had spats with each other, some of them getting near violence, but none of it has been directed towards me, yet.  -- Xpovos

[2006-12-11 19:52:20] - in one case (about two years ago) somebody said "use your inside voices".  in other case (about a year ago) somebody a few cubes away went "shhhhhhh" really loudly.  ~a

[2006-12-11 19:51:40] - yes.  and often people will tell me to shut up.  ~a

[2006-12-11 16:45:29] - a: do you get to the point where you guys yell at each other?

[2006-12-11 16:44:51] - a: heated discussions sounds about right - woot

[2006-12-11 16:30:53] - define "argument".  i have heated-discussion almost daily.  ~a

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