here are old message board entries

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[2007-01-23 14:52:53] - aba: I know this is misconstruing what you're saying somewhat, but logic and reasoning are often very at odds with morals and other humane things. -dave

[2007-01-23 14:50:58] - a: like anyone who owns US treasuries owns part of the national debt already -dave

[2007-01-23 14:50:57] - after reading this i have to wonder if the USAG is mentally challenged  .... - mig

[2007-01-23 14:50:41] - xpovos:  i guess in the even that i ever had kids, i'd want to motivate them towards the correct actions using logic and reasoning instead of fear.  *shrug*  -  aba

[2007-01-23 14:50:36] - a: well, one thing you're not taking into account is that some of the national debt is actually owned by US citizens -dave

[2007-01-23 14:49:50] - Paul: Yes, but even he was only in favor of a constructive debt when faced with recession/depression.  In times of plenty you were supposed to pay that back.  We haven't had an official recession in years and the debt is still mounting. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 14:48:59] - a: If you say that you'll pay back old debt with new dollars at equal value after inflation that causes additional inflation and the problem.  E.g. The gov't could say right now, we're printing all the money we need to pay off our debts.  And then tomorrow we'd have currency worth a fraction of what it is now.  But the gov't would be 'out of debt'. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 14:46:22] - xpovos:  i think inflation will affect your public debt in the same direction it will affect your savings.  so, you can't use inflation to "help" you.  ~a

[2007-01-23 14:30:16] - Xpovos: If I recall my economists correctly, and I might not be, I think Keynes would disagree about debt being bad. -Paul

[2007-01-23 14:20:43] - That'd be about 20% inflation per year... -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 14:16:29] - a: *6.2M  Sorry, forgot to adjust for inflation. Heh. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 14:15:56] - a: Only if inflation turns my goal of 2.5M into 6B.  Now that's a scary thought. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 14:15:26] - Paul: Economists, even liberal ones, have to face facts.  It is impossible to spend without taking money in without creating debt.  And debt is inheretly bad in economics.  Large debt is unfathomly bad. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 14:12:15] - did anybody know Dave Chapelle did some of the roach voices in Joe's Apartment? - aaron

[2007-01-23 14:06:26] - a: Let's call them Religion and Science. -Paul

[2007-01-23 14:05:31] - Xpovos: Heh, I've already read that. I try to read all of Jubak's stuff. Strange to hear a relatively mainstream economist say such things. -Paul

[2007-01-23 13:52:05] - ok.  so, the national debt goes up roughly 5%-7% per year (that includes interest and spending i think).  by the time we die (i plan on living pretty old), if the population of the united states is like 500million (and the united states still exists).  that's like $6 billion per person.  is anybody putting this information into their retirement plan?  ~a

[2007-01-23 13:49:11] - xpovos:  well seeing as i work in the military wing . . . :-P  ~a

[2007-01-23 13:48:49] - paul:  which subjects?  ~a

[2007-01-23 13:42:31] - a: I do not see you as close minded except on one or two specific subjects. -Paul

[2007-01-23 13:39:21] - I find myself agreeing with Jubak a lot.  Economists tend to be pretty practical people.  Your answer is "Both, slowly". And I'll assume you probably want to cut from the military wing first. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 13:30:08] - xpovos:  i've only read the first few sentences of this guy's article, but i agree with that much of it.  i strongly believe that we should gradually increase taxes and decrease spending.  there's nothing worse for the economy than an unpayable debt.  ~a

[2007-01-23 13:28:09] - a: I understand and I agree.  There's no guarantee that any individual tactic will work.  Some people are not socializable.  Others need specific stimuli.  -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 13:26:36] - errr.  sorry for the double negative.  you know what i mean.  ~a

[2007-01-23 13:25:43] - aba:  aesop and bros grimm might have worked for you and me and aaron and . . . whoever in our group.  but i'm not convinced it will work for the population of the world as a whole (though i'm also not convinced that it WON'T work).  ~a

[2007-01-23 13:21:20] - aba: I didn't say it was a necessity.  Nancy did.  Aesop and Bros. Grimm and many others provide suitible examples.  However, none of them is quite as pervasive as an omniscient being watching your every move. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 13:17:32] - Article - Increase taxes? Decrease spending? How? Why? Debate. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 13:08:59] - anyway, time for class.  :)  -  aba

[2007-01-23 13:05:36] - can't you teach a child morals and responsibility using aesop's fables and just so stories?  why is religion a necessity?  -  aba

[2007-01-23 13:04:21] - xpovos: your statements++ -dave

[2007-01-23 13:01:21] - It's just that her 'reasoning'--that instructing children in religion at an early age protects them from extremism later--is flawed on so many levels as to be ludicrous. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 13:00:37] - All that said, I agree with Nancy Pelosi.  I believe instructing children in religion is important.  And not just for religious people and reasons.  Religion inherently teaches morals and responsibility.  It's a very good social teacher. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 12:59:00] - dave: I'm not saying that's inherently wrong.  It just leads to some of the situations we see which are so extreme.  We perceive cults as extreme because they have hero-worship and strange rituals at their center, and ask members to cut themselves off from the 'real world'.  Christianity does similar things, it's just mainstream enough that it gets away with it.  -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 12:24:42] - xpovos: tis true, there is a huge desire for converts in christianity -dave

[2007-01-23 12:23:35] - a: boo, that's one or two more than I would have thought -dave

[2007-01-23 12:06:20] - . . . except on one or two specific subjects.  ~a

[2007-01-23 12:05:30] - however, to answer your question, i do not see dave as close-minded.  ~a

[2007-01-23 11:57:10] - paul:  you answered my question with a question.  ~a

[2007-01-23 11:12:56] - a: Are you saying you see Dave as close-minded? -Paul

[2007-01-23 11:06:46] - paul:  are you saying that you see me as close-minded?  ~a

[2007-01-23 10:56:57] - Paul: There's nothing worse than a liberal Christian. :-p -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 10:36:34] - a: I thought we were talking about Christians, not liberals. -Paul

[2007-01-23 10:25:29] - Hinduism doesn't even permit them.  Judaism seeks conversion far less than it did in the past.  But basically though there were religious struggles, they were more political struggles.  When Christians crusade, or Islamist jihad that's extreme.  Christianity has mellowed in some regards, but talk to a few Mormons or Jehovists and you'll see it's still just under. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 10:20:35] - don't forget the strong urge to kill people who believe even slightly differently than they do.  ~a

[2007-01-23 10:19:01] - dave: I think there is no comparison between the extremism of the major Western mono-theistic religions and the rest of the religions of all time in terms of extremism.  Particularly Islam and Christianity.  By extremism here I'm speaking primarily of a willingness to do almost anything to convert.  Most religions don't seek conversions at all.  {cont} -- Xpovos

[2007-01-23 08:10:31] - xpovos: measured against the other major religions like islam, hinduism, judaism, I'm not sure I would say christianity's practices are necessarily more extreme -dave

[2007-01-23 08:09:37] - xpovos: if you mean its tenets and practices are extreme, maybe, although I'm not sure what to measure this against. -dave

[2007-01-23 08:08:33] - xpovos: I guess I'm not entirely clear on what you mean by extreme. On one hand, I think it's not extreme by virtue of being so widespread. For example, if 80% of the world was of one religion, it doesn't seem like it would be extreme to ascribe to it, regardless of its tenets and practices -dave

[2007-01-23 08:04:50] - although I think it would be personally nice to be able to load iTunes music directly onto competing music players, I'm against countries forcing Apple to do it. After all, you can burn the music and then rip it if you really want to, losing some quality and convenience in the process, but still ... -dave

[2007-01-23 08:03:25] - iTunes DRM being called about by France and Germany -dave

[2007-01-22 20:30:59] - a: Christianity is one of the most extreme religions that has ever existed. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-22 18:59:29] - amy:  i can do it for you using an self-signed key.  a non-self-signed key costs a small amount of money.  ~a

[2007-01-22 18:22:01] - xpovos:  i think she probably should have said "cults" instead of "extreme religions".  though i don't see much of a difference.  i don't know if i agree.  i think a christian has as much of a chance of joining a cult in the us.  ~a

[2007-01-22 17:46:16] - xpovos:  (re nancy pelosi)  why?  ~a

[2007-01-22 16:58:30] - aaron: "After Keanu Reeves was cast, producers set their sights lower" Hehe. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-22 16:53:52] - "It is important to expose your kid to religion, any religion, otherwise they'll become uncharged, and those are the ones who may later in life fall into more extreme religions." - Nancy Pelosi I hope to God she's being quoted out of context here. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-22 16:44:15] - did anybody else know Joss Whedon (allegedly) wrote 98.9% of the dialogue for Speed? - aaron

[2007-01-22 16:34:39] - dave:  i plan to.  ~a

[2007-01-22 16:26:42] - (as an aside, this has nothing to do with diotrans.*, i'm trying to add a shopping cart application to my mom's website.) -amy

[2007-01-22 16:25:54] - does anyone know anything about SSL certificates/https? Particularly, how one might create an SSL certificate so that they can have a secure URL? i was going to just upgrade my web server account thinger, but then i heard of OpenSSL, and if i can do this for free, then why pay extra every month? -amy

[2007-01-22 13:35:40] - a: I will resort to a cliche saying, vote with your wallet! -dave

[2007-01-22 13:07:03] - i have a lot of things i'd rather spend that money on than windows.  ~a

[2007-01-22 13:06:28] - hmm.  ok, well i still think ~$100/year is pretty high.  ~a

[2007-01-22 10:20:16] - the oem business version is only $139 apparently -dave

[2007-01-22 10:15:59] - for vista ultimate it says $259 for oem version, roughly inline with what aaron said he bought xp for -dave

[2007-01-22 10:15:17] - oem prices for vista are also a lot lower than retail -dave

[2007-01-22 10:11:28] - dave: when i bought my copy about 3 years ago i think it was around $250 - aaron

[2007-01-22 10:08:42] - a: no, i wasn't kidding. I think Xp Pro is around $130 right now, but you would think it was more expensive right after it was released -dave

[2007-01-19 17:49:28] - Or, better yet, investors should stop expecting that AMD and Intel are going to ridiculously blow away analyst expectations. -Paul

[2007-01-19 17:46:32] - Everybody should just buy a new computer (and get Vista that way) so my AMD and Intel stock will go back up. :-) -Paul

[2007-01-19 17:35:12] - (obligatory) plus i just *love* the volume pricing of debian.  ~a

[2007-01-19 17:31:01] - dave:  are you kidding?  $500 for 3 licenses? ($400 for one license)  you think that's a good price?  how much was windows xp?  like $100-$200?  OSX is $200 for 5 licenses ($130 for one license).  hell you could buy a ps3 (the hardware AND the operating system) for that price or an xbox360 AND a wii.  ~a

[2007-01-19 17:14:52] - aaron: AUGH! -- Xpovos

[2007-01-19 16:29:01] - Michael Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch. It's freaking huge...  -sam

[2007-01-19 14:24:28] - Dave: "Oh wait ... Tom Brady doesn't have a dance because he's a class act and doesn't do steroids." Oh, snap. :-P -Paul

[2007-01-19 14:08:42] - MS announces direct downloading of Vista, family licenses. Nice, to the family licenses, it makes Vista a whole lot more palatable to me, having three PCs -dave

[2007-01-19 13:24:15] - haha, the recent sports gal blurb is hilarious -dave

[2007-01-19 13:09:06] - (better with sound)

[2007-01-19 13:08:57] - pinky the cat - aaron

[2007-01-19 10:41:34] - Paul: well, what I'm saying is that the blowing away of expectations is the analysts' expections, not the investors expectations -dave

[2007-01-19 09:59:17] - Dave: Makes sense. I just think it's funny how often a company will "blow away expectations" and then their stock plummets. :-P -Paul

[2007-01-19 08:24:14] - Paul: so even though they beat analyst expectations, people had run up the stock around 25% in hopes of them doing even better -dave

[2007-01-19 08:23:45] - paul: for example "Despite topping Wall Street expectations, IBM shares are plunging 5% in pre-market action after failing to report the blow-out numbers investors have been pricing into the stock to the tune of about 25% since October." -dave

[2007-01-19 08:23:36] - Paul: I guess the key about beating expectations is that analyst expectations are not the same as investor expectations -dave

[2007-01-19 08:22:57] - a: my eyes must have just skimmed past it then! - aaron

[2007-01-18 21:27:51] - aaron:  it was already there  ~a

[2007-01-18 21:15:33] - amy:  in my mind, that's a good thing.  html email is retarded anyways.  i agree good html rendering is better than bad html rendering (both being worse than no html rendering).  but, it sounds like this microsoft-word thingie is a less-rich html browser, which sounds good to me.  ~a

[2007-01-18 19:18:18] - New version of Outlook "Microsoft takes email design back 5 years " -amy

[2007-01-18 17:33:29] - Tom Cruise Estate: -sam

[2007-01-18 17:31:27] - wikimapia is a perfect place for stalkers! Jerry Seinfeld's house: -sam

[2007-01-18 16:50:50] - Aaron: Yeah, so it hasn't gotten back to it's original value yet. -Paul

[2007-01-18 16:47:42] - *negligible  ~a

[2007-01-18 16:47:26] - aaron:  it's a negligable loss especially considering the significant figures he quoted the gain/losses in.  ~a

[2007-01-18 16:46:38] - paul: isn't that a net loss? - aaron

[2007-01-18 16:35:00] - What an odd two days for Sirius. Down 5% in a sudden drop yesterday and back up 5% in a sudden gain today. -Paul

[2007-01-18 16:08:46] - presumably you can go over that limit if you work something out with google.  ~a

[2007-01-18 16:08:20] - the important thing being that google can severely limit that competition.  google maps is only free for certain activities.  google maps wrote in the ability to add advertising.  also there is a hit limit "There is a limit of 50,000 geocode requests per day per Maps API key. This translates to roughly one geocode request every 1.73 seconds."  ~a

[2007-01-18 16:06:56] - aaron:  well already i see lots of stuff that competes with google maps by using the google maps api.  i think they could have seen that one coming.  ~a

[2007-01-18 15:56:44] - that is, someone writing a plugin for google maps which competes with google's own products - aaron

[2007-01-18 15:56:16] - a: it's funny to imagine wikimapia getting huge to the point where someone searches it for something like "dentist" instead of using google local - aaron

[2007-01-18 15:54:01] - a: at this point it seems like it's all map graffiti. also i don't see an easy way to remove a landmark - aaron

[2007-01-18 15:35:10] - i wonder how they decide what is a place and what isn't.  like, i see 7-11 and dunkin donuts, but i don't see quiznos.  ~a

[2007-01-18 15:33:03] - lol, i didn't realize that when you zoomed in there were lots of much smaller sub-places.  like springfield mall, which also has target and jc penny and the sports authority.  ~a

[2007-01-18 15:26:04] - aaron:  discussion of integrating wikipedia with wikimapia.  ~a

[2007-01-18 15:19:55] - sfm.  ~a

[2007-01-18 15:10:23] - vinnie: and sfm sounds good - aaron

[2007-01-18 15:10:17] - vinnie: After clicking a location in wikimapia, hover over the "edit" button in the upper left corner of the description, then move your mouse down to "edit". it should let you edit the title and description - aaron

[2007-01-18 15:08:53] - vinnie: except the guy dies. i guess that happens sometimes in 24 too, but it was a sad story - aaron

[2007-01-18 14:01:56] - also, sfm? - vinnie

[2007-01-18 13:58:53] - how does one edit wikimapia? I tried and it just became a comment - vinnie

[2007-01-18 13:55:28] - aaron: did you see the part of the article about hazards for pizza deliverers? that bomb incident in there is like out of 24 or something - vinnie

[2007-01-18 13:28:09] - this was news to me - aaron

[2007-01-18 13:28:05] - a: it's way better - aaron

[2007-01-18 13:03:14] - aaron:  i made a bunch of changes and i found a "source".  i think it's a little better now.  ~a

[2007-01-18 10:08:29] - a: that whole tipping and delivery charge section is really opinionated and unencyclopaedic but i was too dumb to figure out how to fix it. it's a big mess - aaron

[2007-01-17 18:51:56] - This is pretty neat.  This website has screenshots of the endings in many old games. -sam

[2007-01-17 18:44:57] - aaron:  there you go: .  ~a

[2007-01-17 18:06:39] - aaron: No, but I do order less pizza from locations charging a delivery fee. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-17 18:01:25] - hey wikipedia has a whole section on delivery charges. i'll bet some pizza guys wrote it - aaron

[2007-01-17 17:57:04] - hey have you guys started tipping pizza delivery guys less since they introduced the concept of a "delivery charge? - aaron

[2007-01-17 16:22:46] - a: Because I love pain. -Paul

[2007-01-17 15:55:16] - that's weird.  i would have expected that to be a bad thing.  why do you love it so?  ~a

[2007-01-17 15:28:17] - I love owning stock in two of the biggest three losers for today. 8-) -Paul

[2007-01-17 15:24:10] - a: This is the best I can get you. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-17 15:13:10] - what rules?  ~a

[2007-01-17 14:55:26] - FCC cites old rules, says no to SIRI XMSR merger.  Both companies stocks down ~5%. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-17 14:45:54] - Dave: Wow, that's an interesting trade for the Warriors. I know they weren't big fans of Dunleavy but I find it hard to believe Harrington and Jackson would be a good fit for them. -Paul

[2007-01-17 14:39:11] - Pacers trade Al Harrington and Stephen Jackson for Troy Murphy and Mike Dunleavy  -dave

[2007-01-17 14:30:36] - paul: i think the bearing that beating current expectations has on the situations is that if they beat current expectations, then they have a better chance of doing better than people think in the future -dave

[2007-01-17 14:29:41] - paul: well, beating expectations is definitely good, but say that a company beat expectations, but then lowered projections for the future, well, the value of the stock is based on how it is going to do in the future, not with how it is doing right now -dave

[2007-01-17 14:28:19] - xpovos: we'll see, it's where it ends on fri that matters -dave

[2007-01-17 13:32:47] - dave: Looks like your AMD option is safe... -- Xpovos

[2007-01-17 12:26:21] - paul:  i think the issue is that there are more than one type of "expectation".  there are the companies expectations (quarterly reports), and there sometimes are the analyst expectations, and there are the buyers' expectations.  ~a

[2007-01-17 12:01:54] - Dave: I know, but saying "Stock prices are all about expectations" and then saying that the fact that Intel beat expectations doesn't matter... Seems a little weird. :-P -paul

[2007-01-17 11:12:48] - paul: look at it this way, it's up from when it started making its pre-earnings announcement run. People ran it up because they thought the projections for this year would be better. After finding out they weren't, they're selling -dave

[2007-01-17 11:11:56] - paul: it's dropping because intel said that the price war is going to hurt earnings more than analysts expected in this coming year. Stock prices are all about expectations -dave

[2007-01-17 11:11:43] - aaron: wha?? how weird and awesome - vinnie

[2007-01-17 11:10:45] - mig: tis true -dave

[2007-01-17 11:10:34] - xpovos: well, i guess i fall into the category of not surprised and not unhappy -dave

[2007-01-17 10:40:47] - dave:  well there's also the issue that carte blanche snooping of financial records is not a constitutional function of the federal government.  I'd imagine that would make people a tad bit unhappy. - mig

[2007-01-17 10:04:37] - dave: Just because we assume they already know our entire financial history doesn't mean people are happy about it.  Most people like to believe that freedom includes privacy and being able to spend money as they want without observation.  Such is not the case.  Not from the government, nor from marketers.  Privacy is at best an illusion. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-17 09:58:44] - For those who I was talking about this with, the actor who plays Doctor Bashir (Al-Assad in 24) is partially Sudanese. -Paul

[2007-01-17 09:40:58] - also it turns out Duke was really overrated, so that factors in as well. - mig

[2007-01-17 09:31:37] - *Sigh* I love it when a company beats expectations but goes down a bunch because they didn't beat expecations enough. I think somebody needs an education on what "expectations" means. :-P -Paul

[2007-01-17 09:24:30] - vinnie: have you heard The Knife is collaborating with Justin Timberlake on a 2008 album?! - aaron

[2007-01-17 09:14:58] - Sam: Yeah, I think it's because our record isn't all that great and we've lost to some bad teams. -Paul

[2007-01-17 08:24:06] - sam:  and remember the rankings tend to be a ladder system than an actual measurement of how good a team is. - mig

[2007-01-17 08:23:02] - sam:  we're on a hot streak but I think voters are waiting to see if we are actually for real by winning some more games.  Keep in mind we have had some bad losses this season.  Also I wouldn't worry about it, rankings don't mean anything in the middle of the season anyways.  - mig

[2007-01-17 07:41:11] - maybe i'm in the minority, but i'm not too concerned. I guess I kinda figured the govt. kinda knew what most of my finances were already -dave

[2007-01-17 07:40:13] - pentagon and CIA snooping over american's financial records -dave

[2007-01-16 22:14:07] - VT basketball team is ranked #23 on AP and #25 on ESPN.  shouldn't we be ranked higher?  when we beat Duke, Duke was #5.  when we beat UNC, UNC was #1... -sam

[2007-01-16 13:31:32] - *laughed, ran into the char limit. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-16 13:31:19] - Paul: I know, and I've done the math enough myself.  It's just hard.  I'm also less inclined because part of this is an experiment to see how I do with medium-term investments.  I can get short-terms OK often enough, and I can get a 10 year (oil & gold as two examples I picked back in '92 while my CPA uncle laughe) trend right, but I'm not sure about the 1-3 year game yet.

[2007-01-16 13:29:14] - dave: No... it dropped 9% over the morning crunch. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-16 13:07:42] - Xpovos: If you're waiting for your long term capital gains, I would strongly advise against it and instead sell when you think it's a good time to sell regardless of how long you've held onto it. -Paul

[2007-01-16 12:53:38] - xpovos: pesky decimal points -dave

[2007-01-16 12:53:07] - Netflix to stream movies. If you do 3-at-a-time, you get 18 hours per month (in addition to the dvd's in the mail) -dave

[2007-01-16 12:37:09] - mig:  over 99% of the traffic to your site in january was to one .avi file?  :-P  ~a

[2007-01-16 10:53:25] - Nevermind.  It's up 1%.  -- Xpovos

[2007-01-16 09:41:35] - Hmm, one of my stocks, which has been down essentially since the day I bought it is now up 10% from where I bought it.  The smart move would be to sell.  But seeing as I've held it for 9 months... -- Xpovos

[2007-01-16 07:40:49] - mig: my distates (putting it mildly) for the Ravens is well known.  But my distaste for the Patriots is much the same.  So, yeah, we'll both be rooting for Manning come Sunday. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-15 19:28:14] - a: i read about a fraternity which killed one of their new initiates the same way - aaron

[2007-01-15 17:16:51] - a: Yeah, I'm excited about it, except that it seems to not have the most recent balance for my checking account right now. -Paul

[2007-01-15 16:08:21] - well this sounds like it would have been a very funny competition . . . if nobody had died.  ~a

[2007-01-15 16:05:26] - paul:  not yet.  i probably will though, for those times where i want to invest in something and don't want to wait for the check to clear.  ~a

[2007-01-15 15:42:48] - webber going to pistons -dave

[2007-01-15 15:37:19] - I don't know why I watch NBA games. All it does is make me mad or sad. Or both. :-P -Paul

[2007-01-15 15:36:59] - I think the reason is just because most people want it to be illegal and in a democracy, that's all it takes. -Paul

[2007-01-15 15:03:28] - gurkie: yeah, I agree with you.  I can think of reasons why people would want it illegal, but most of the reasons are religious etc.  The same sort of arguments for abortion (it's a woman's own body etc) seem to me to apply to prostitution -dave

[2007-01-15 14:35:08] - a: honestly i dont really know why prostitution is illegal... its one of those things that just are... (belated response I know) ~gurkie

[2007-01-15 13:12:00] - a: I signed up for Money Direct with Scottrade. Did you? -Paul

[2007-01-15 12:29:18] - xpovos:  despite the fact that the colts beat my ravens, i'm hoping manning and co really beat the shit out of the pats now. - mig

[2007-01-15 12:02:39] - LT calls out Belichick, "They showed no class and maybe that comes from the head coach." -- Xpovos

[2007-01-14 10:14:37] - nifong asks to remove himself from the duke lacrosse rape case.  game over man, game over. - mig

[2007-01-14 04:04:55] - xpovos:  we very well could, and it has happened in the past after big wins, but this team appears to be different. - mig

[2007-01-14 00:11:48] - mig: Now that surprises me.  Nothing's certain yet, but that should at the very least bump us up into the rankings for now.  We could still tank... -- Xpovos

[2007-01-13 19:47:06] - s/wouldn't/would

[2007-01-13 19:39:24] -;_ylt=AvlwOOg55Oh0BRciN1KYv2vevbYF?gid=200701130620&prov=ap vt beats unc.  i wouldn't say now that we are a lock for the ncaa this year. - mig

[2007-01-12 16:53:15] - dave: What's wrong with it is that 'suave' "athletic, 6-foot-7 Russian billionaire"s who are 'often' described as "Russia's most eligible bachelor" do not need to pay call girls. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-12 16:43:42] - gurkie:  then why?  ~a

[2007-01-12 15:54:19] - dave: I would guess prostitution is illegal in France where they were arrested :-p and why is it illegal here? not because the whores are unwilling.... -gurkie

[2007-01-12 15:12:15] - you'd think the main objection would be if the call girls were unwilling, but it doesn't seem like they could possibly have been unwilling -dave

[2007-01-12 15:11:28] - I'm puzzled as to what is wrong with this. I guess maybe prostitution is illegal in Russia and they don't like people trying to get around it? -dave

[2007-01-12 14:54:50] - i suppose election 2008 will now be mildly interesting, at least the first part, probably even more so if ron actually wins the nomiation (very unlikely though).  - mig

[2007-01-12 14:54:27] - mig: You beat me to the post. :-) -Paul

[2007-01-12 14:51:51] - probably paul, andrew and i are the only ones who may care, but ron paul has announced his nomiation for the gop presidential candidate. - mig

[2007-01-12 13:59:03] - dave: Every time I think I have a handle on options trading it something new makes my brain squint. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-12 13:15:43] - Paul: well, usually it's only if it closes on the 19th below $17.5. But yeah, i'll have to buy a thousand shares at $17.5. I got  0.15 per share for the contracts tho, so basically i'll be buying them for $17.35 -dave

[2007-01-12 12:58:44] - Dave: So if it goes below $17.50 before the 19th, you have to buy a thousand shares at $17.50? -Paul

[2007-01-12 12:53:28] - Dave: Yeah, I guess I was off by a few dollars. :-P -Paul

[2007-01-12 12:43:06] - worth of amd stock that is -dave

[2007-01-12 12:42:54] - xpovos: i saw this one order go through for puts to hedge like 1.8 million worth of stock, hehe -dave

[2007-01-12 12:42:06] - xpovos: well, I did it this morning, because the huge drop made people nervous, so they were paying for puts on it -dave

[2007-01-12 12:35:49] - dave: That's gonna be tight.  When did you place the call.  If it was before yesterday, you've got steel ones. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-12 12:19:44] - Paul: if it's below $17.5 on 1/19/07, then i'm getting 1k shares put to me -dave

[2007-01-12 12:18:33] - Paul: woah, it is? I thought you paid like $15 somethin for it? -dave

[2007-01-12 12:11:12] - Dave: I think I was referring to the fact that the stock was way up and now it's back below what I paid for it. :-( -Paul

[2007-01-12 12:10:31] - Dave: I don't know, I'm running on 3 hours of sleep now. :-P -Paul

[2007-01-12 11:07:01] - paul: circle is complete? -dave

[2007-01-12 10:41:10] - Hurray for AMD. The circle is now complete. -Paul

[2007-01-12 10:14:25] - a: yeah, the question is phrased stupidly - aaron

[2007-01-12 08:41:04] - a: I did not.  Statistics are very good liars, as well all know.  That's part of what I enjoyed about my PSCI courses.  Seeing exactly how some of these polls are written.  Of course, they were presented in class as 'bad' examples... -- Xpovos

[2007-01-12 08:31:49] - aaron:  "text, visual, and auditory input"?  yeah, the 100,000 is safe for the next century or so.  the smaller prizes are very winnable i think.  ~a

[2007-01-12 08:29:54] - xpovos:  did you vote?  2/3rds of the msnbc website voters voted "no, this is america" on "should us restaurants accept pesos?".  i wonder if the results would have been different if the question had been "should it be legal for restaurants to accept pesos?"  ~a

[2007-01-12 08:10:20] - ouch for AMD -dave

[2007-01-12 07:49:35] - a: it's $100,000 if your program can pass an even meaner turing test (i think the money is safe) - aaron

[2007-01-12 07:41:02] - Pizza chain accepts non-U.S. currency in cities far away from borders in order to promote cultural positioning. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-11 18:50:49] -,,29389-2541133,00.html government thugs beat up a guy for jaywalking. - mig

[2007-01-11 15:25:55] - aaron: yeah! I'm coming today, nvcc is good - vinnie

[2007-01-11 15:19:08] - dave: Strangely, my instincts aren't too bad.  I just tend to jump too soon onto ideas that haven't fully formed.  It's really bad.  I put money in the scottrade account and then I want to buy stock the next day, even if I haven't done sufficient research.  I'm getting better, but it's still a compulsion. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-11 14:48:44] - xpovos: you should be like george, do exactly the opposite of all your instincts -dave

[2007-01-11 14:48:05] - for reference, Tiger Woods apparently makes around 80 mil a year including endorsements -dave

[2007-01-11 14:47:28] - Beckham signs with LA Galaxy, reported to make over 250 mil over 5 years (seeminly includes endorsements) -dave

[2007-01-11 14:38:55] - a: I really should.  The problem with diversification is that it takes time and money, neither of which I'm flush with at the moment.  Besides, so long as you're accurate, it's actually counter-productive.  And my accuracy is 100%... just the wrong way. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-11 14:31:34] - not all of the decisions i make are incorrect  :-P  ~a

[2007-01-11 14:30:58] - paul:  no.  ~a

[2007-01-11 14:06:04] - y.  ~a

[2007-01-11 13:59:45] - ddr_people: is nvcc cool today? i want to play takoyaki! - aaron

[2007-01-11 13:18:51] - a: Did you sell your SAIC stock? :-P -Paul

[2007-01-11 13:03:29] - I like it when one of my stocks announces great news and promptly drops like a rock. Also, irony. :-) -Paul

[2007-01-11 12:51:54] - diversify.  ~a

[2007-01-11 11:46:25] - I love each of my stocks diving ~2% while the market climbs most of a percent.  Well, actually I love pretty much the exact opposite, but seeing as that's never happend, I figured I should shoot for irony. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-11 11:31:35] - Paul: Real Madrid, and apparently not -dave

[2007-01-11 10:30:25] -,_We_Need_a_Neural_Network.aspx daily wtf - "no, we need a neural network!" - aaron

[2007-01-11 10:23:48] - Dave: Wow, he doesn't have a starting position with his current team? -Paul

[2007-01-11 07:50:15] - Beckham rumored to come to MLS (LA Galaxy) -dave

[2007-01-10 19:15:41] - a: :-! - aaron

[2007-01-10 18:57:17] - aaron:  :(  ~a

[2007-01-10 17:01:07] - Aaron: :-) -Paul

[2007-01-10 16:55:45] - a: sell saic - aaron

[2007-01-10 16:50:19] - paul:  well they did recently redesign the ps2 again (like in the past three or four years).  ~a

[2007-01-10 16:45:38] - oh wait.  today's wednesday?  weird.  ~a

[2007-01-10 16:42:21] - paul:  i've been having really bad luck on selling recently too.  i sold blockbuster (bbi) a few months ago, and they've gone up 45% since.  i sold apple a few months ago and they've gone up 22% since.  ~a

[2007-01-10 16:39:44] - sfm?  nvcc?  ~a

[2007-01-10 14:00:25] - On one hand, I'm happy with how Sirius has gone up today so far. On the other hand, I'm really kicking myself for selling my XM stock a couple of weeks ago. -Paul

[2007-01-10 13:51:39] - Dave: I'm surprised Sony makes that little money off the PS2. -Paul

[2007-01-10 12:27:55] - Webber agrees to contract buyout -dave

[2007-01-10 12:03:49] - interesting numbers from Business Week: At $130 each, Sony makes $8 off each PS2. $250 loss for each PS3. Nintendo breaks even on the Wii and MS takes loss on Xbox 360 (doesn't say how much) -dave

[2007-01-10 07:15:59] - "According to FIFI Wildcup website, the Northern Cyprus national football team beat Sealand 6-1, but it doesn't give any further details." Hehe. -- Xpovos

[2007-01-09 22:21:38] - a half of stick of butter . . . melted . . . stick it all in a bowl, baby . . . stir it with a wooden spoon . . . mix in a cup of flour, you'll be in heaven soon

[2007-01-09 17:33:53] - a: Hurray, capital gains! -Paul

[2007-01-09 17:17:48] - aaron:  fixed.  it was related to mysql (last night i removed an old version of mysql that php&mediawiki was depending on).  ~a

[2007-01-09 15:51:29] - i upgraded mysql last night.  maybe that was it.  ~a

[2007-01-09 15:51:01] - aaron:  hmmm.  ~a

[2007-01-09 15:50:45] - god, i'm a moron.  i just sold something that was four days from being one year old.  ~a

[2007-01-09 15:48:36] - a: wiki :( - aaron

[2007-01-09 15:27:24] - They're not selling the country, they're selling a tenancy. In other words, you can live there and (presumably) host monkey fights or snort crack or whatever kinds of things you could legally do on international waters. here's a picture of sealand - aaron

[2007-01-09 14:11:34] - For sale: World’s smallest country. -Paul

[2007-01-09 12:36:11] - a more detailed story about the tigger incident, describes the video and previous similar incidents - aaron

[2007-01-08 22:01:45] - this is a pretty cool live action parody of a few RPGs (but mostly final fantasy)... also done by college students - aaron

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