here are old message board entries

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[2007-03-23 11:38:02] - aba: You're kidding, really? Stupid double letters when there shouldn't be any... -Paul

[2007-03-23 11:21:21] - paul:  it's misspell.  O_o  -  aba

[2007-03-23 11:10:53] - Paul: Well, maybe you were saying somebody was the athiest. Like, the most athi. OK sorry I got nothing. -amy

[2007-03-23 10:42:49] - Xpovos: I think I am guilty of all of the mispellings in that list. I'm most ashamed of mispelling "atheist" because it's just blatantly wrong. -Paul

[2007-03-23 10:41:03] - Aaron: 8pm. Did you not get the email? -Paul

[2007-03-23 09:42:40] - paul: poker tonight? - aaron

[2007-03-23 09:27:55] - a: Like theatre?  I do that one all the time.  Also cancelled. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-23 09:19:21] - xpovos:  i'm sure some of the tehs were intentional.  but so were some of the british spellings (à la aba).  ~a

[2007-03-23 09:18:20] - video of a leap second  ~a

[2007-03-23 09:17:57] - Vinnie: Is there any doubt? :-) -Paul

[2007-03-23 09:17:43] - Xpovos: Sorry to hear about last night. You're always welcome to show up to poker and (this goes for everybody) I've got two couches which people are welcome to sleep on. -Paul

[2007-03-23 09:16:51] - xpovos: judgement is a British spelling. maybe you are just more British? - vinnie

[2007-03-23 08:57:55] - Paul: Sorry I didn't get a chance to respond to your e-mail, things went poorly last night.  Anyway, I intend to join poker tonight, if it's still on, and pending some other outcomes. I have to go to Winchester tomorrow. :-\ -- Xpovos

[2007-03-23 07:50:50] - a: How many of those 'teh' were contextual?  E.g. "I am teh spiff"? Personally, 'judgment' always throws me off, as does 'separate'  and the rest aren't too bad. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-22 20:04:36] - paul:  i was surprised that my spellchecker didn't have objectivist or objectivism.  ~a

[2007-03-22 18:08:02] - heh.  funny microsoft blog about the word canceled:  ~a

[2007-03-22 18:05:19] - a: In all seriousness, though, I think I do mispell a lot of the words on your list there. -Paul

[2007-03-22 18:05:02] - a: In my judgement, I think it can be proven afterwards that I am responsible for most of teh mispellings of athiest. -Paul

[2007-03-22 18:01:41] - correct spellings are:  proved28, separate61, afterward5, judgment7, canceled4, roommate29, atheist36, the53010, theater53.  ~a

[2007-03-22 18:01:32] - incorrect spellings are (with counts):  proven61, seperate42, afterwards42, judgement41, cancelled33, roomate28, objectivist21, objectivism20, athiest20, teh20, theatre19.  ~a

[2007-03-22 18:01:27] - i know i've done this before so i'm probably increasing the counts each time i do it.  words that my spell checker tells me that are misspelled on the message board (some of them are british spellings).  ~a

[2007-03-22 16:06:07] - Aaron: Now I just need to find the damned Subway which is around here. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-22 16:02:55] - paul: depending on what you get from subway, it can be very healthy - turkey sandwich on whole weat for instance, high in carbs and protein and very little fat - aaron

[2007-03-22 16:01:29] - vinnie: ok nvcc! - aaron

[2007-03-22 15:57:01] - aaron: I saw a lot of these when I was researching rag-doll physics. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-22 15:46:48] - a: Do you know how much interest Scottrade charges? Because of an unfortunate spike in the price of a stock right as I was buying it, I am $4 in the hole with Scottrade now. -Paul

[2007-03-22 15:39:13] - aaron: you can just throw him around if you don't let go of him! yes, blatantly entertaining :D - vinnie

[2007-03-22 15:37:05] - nvcc? - vinnie

[2007-03-22 14:52:05] - also falling "falling bush" flash. it's kind of blatantly entertaining, if that's not OK at your office. you can click + drag him around if he gets too comfortable - aaron

[2007-03-22 14:51:18] - vinnie: sfm o nvcc? - aaron

[2007-03-22 13:52:09] - aaron: are you still interested in DDR? I am - vinnie

[2007-03-22 12:45:54] - Paul: You can have a portion of my profits to date. :-D -- Xpovos

[2007-03-22 11:40:17] - aaron/vinnie:  i'm on travel and won't be back till tomorrow.  no ddr for me today either  :'(  ~a

[2007-03-22 11:33:04] - Dave: D'oh. :'( -Paul

[2007-03-22 11:32:57] - Xpovos: So,I'm going to charge you for that valuable knowledge... :-) -Paul

[2007-03-22 11:26:09] - paul: that still doesn't mean he's not suing you tho -dave

[2007-03-22 11:22:07] - Paul: Seriously, though, good lessons are the ones hardest learnt.  I learned more from picking a bad stock than I would have from picking a good one. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-22 11:21:39] - Paul: well, the way I'm doing it with my parents is I'm basically borrowing money from them with a 10% APR. So I'm guaranteeing them a 10% return. -dave

[2007-03-22 11:21:26] - Paul: Good.  Now I can sue you for the money I lost, heh.    ;-) -- Xpovos

[2007-03-22 10:45:59] - Dave: I would be too terrified to do anything with my friends' money. I still feel guilty over recommending Sirius stock to Andrew. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-22 10:15:41] - Paul: Yeah, I don't think I would ever do financial junk for a company. I could see doing it for family tho, maybe friends. -dave

[2007-03-22 10:15:35] - Aaron: World's End is the subtitle to "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" -Paul

[2007-03-22 10:09:35] - sam: pirates and transformers are my picks. i hadn't heard of world's end, what's it about - aaron

[2007-03-22 09:39:52] - Xpovos: I've thought about it, but even if I felt like my results were good enough (which I'm not sure they are), I don't feel confident enough in my knowledge yet to go after a job like that. -Paul

[2007-03-22 08:50:50] - dave: Yes.  Earlier I'd made my prediction that the correction would take us down to 11,500 (DJI), and that would be if it were only a correction, not the start of a recession or a depression. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-22 08:20:36] - Paul: sorry, no easy job recommendations from me. The only other jobs I have seriously considered are being a patent lawyer and being a financial advisor for friends and family -dave

[2007-03-22 08:17:39] - xpovos: by that you mean going downward more? -dave

[2007-03-22 08:00:30] - Paul: Become a financial advisor? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-22 08:00:16] - Yesterday was another good day for me, market-wise.  But I'm frustrated.  We should be correcting more than this. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 19:41:25] - So no job recommendations? How about (and I know I've asked this before) an idea for starting up a business? :-P -Paul

[2007-03-21 17:41:14] - Sam: I'll probably be willing to see any of them but it's Pirates that I'm really excited about. -Paul

[2007-03-21 17:35:17] - anyone interested in seeing any of those? -sam

[2007-03-21 17:34:44] - -sam

[2007-03-21 17:34:19] - spiderman-3, pirates of the carribean: world's end, fantastic 4: silver surfer, transformers... all coming out this year...

[2007-03-21 16:20:02] - mig: Thanks. Like I said, I think I do but sometimes I am not sure. -Paul

[2007-03-21 15:34:28] - paul:  you do work more than most people. - mig

[2007-03-21 13:57:33] - a: Not the biggest.  Maybe the tallest? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 13:57:10] - Anyway, I think I'm going to try to run out and get lunch again. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:54:32] - a: Well, I dunno, sometimes I think I work a lot more than most people I know but other times I think it's not the case and I'm just complaining needlessly. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:44:34] - that's not what i meant.  i'm not one to call people complainers.  i'm the biggest complainer of all.  ~a

[2007-03-21 13:35:58] - a: I dunno, I'm probably just being a whiny baby. I'm willing to admit the possibility. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:34:15] - a: Hmmm, I just picked twice as long, I have no idea what the difference would be. All I know is it would've taken me a very long time and him, not so much. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:31:17] - paul:  only twice as long?  that's not very much longer especially since it would tie him up for that entire time if he was explaining it.  figuring it out yourself has a net loss of 0% man hours, right?  ~a

[2007-03-21 13:26:22] - Paul: Food that is bad for you is often a comfort food.  Nothing wrong with indulging occasionally.  Though if you insist on healthy, from that list, go with Chick-Fil-A. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 13:23:59] - Xpovos: I'll be honest, it's on my list (along with Taco Bell and Chick-Fil-A). I would prefer something a little less bad for me though. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:23:23] - a: It's a knowledge thing. He made it, he knows it infinitely better than I. I could figure it out, but it would probably take twice as long as getting him to explain it to me. -paul

[2007-03-21 13:19:22] - just for my own context:  why can't you do the thing without the help from the coworker?  is it because of knowledge of a subsystem, or is it because of security permissions, or what?  ~a

[2007-03-21 13:18:15] - Paul: McDonald's.  You need McDonald's. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 13:15:08] - So, another question: Anybody have any suggestions of a place I can get lunch quickly and relatively healthily? -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:13:58] - *Sigh* I didn't mean to rant here, I've been meaning to write this down in my journal (preferably while not at work :-P) but I guess I just had to vent. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:13:29] - And I just don't know why I keep putting up with it. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:13:17] - a: I feel like I work longer hours than most people in my position, are called upon to do more things above and beyond, and am paid less than most people in my position. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:09:56] - a: But, in general, it isn't so much about being pissed of at that as it is that I just don't think there is a future for me here. I've been working here for around three years and if anything, it seems like I've been demoted. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:07:18] - a: And it's not even something it turns out that I can fix on my own, I need somebody else to help me and he is gone to lunch right now. So essentially, I am missing lunch so I can sit here and bitch on the message board. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:06:35] - a: Except the lunch was an outing that was the boss's idea in order to help us get out of the office and they made reservations which included me and the thing he wants me to work on isn't even that urgent (IMHO). -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:05:51] - a: Well, the thing I'm steamed about actually seems rather petty (on my part) without a lot of explanation but it basically involves somebody asking me to stick around to work on something while coworkers went to lunch. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:00:49] - did somebody piss you off?  ~a

[2007-03-21 13:00:44] - a: Maybe, but I think even my npov would be telling me it's time to go. -Paul

[2007-03-21 13:00:26] - since you're so biased.  ~a

[2007-03-21 13:00:03] - you need an npov  :-P  ~a

[2007-03-21 12:56:16] - a: Of course, I think I'm just a little steamed right now because of something that just happened so I'm probably a little biased. -Paul

[2007-03-21 12:54:47] - a: Oh, I still have my job, I wasn't fired or anything, but I seriously do need to get off my ass and start looking for a new one soon because I'm rapidly souring on my current one. -Paul

[2007-03-21 12:53:42] - . . . unless you don't want to talk about it :'(  ~a

[2007-03-21 12:53:08] - seriously?  what happened?  ~a

[2007-03-21 12:46:55] - So.... I need a new job. I'm not entirely sure I necessarily want it to be computer based. Any recommendations? -Paul

[2007-03-21 12:19:19] - paul: woah, chow yun-fat? bringing in the asians now too -dave

[2007-03-21 12:13:45] - paul: yeah, i didn't quite understand that either. I think the point is that they're issuing a notice for something that was stated by the poster to not be infringing. So they're probably supposed to take some different action as opposed to the same one again -dave

[2007-03-21 10:52:36] - Paul: All the white men in wigs look similar, so I figured maybe I'd mistaken the new villain for Norrington, or something.  Plus I'd seen it first in lower quality vid. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 10:37:45] - Xpovos: Honestly, I don't think I even saw Norrington in the trailer. -Paul

[2007-03-21 10:34:28] - Paul: You got me to watch the trailer a second time, though. Heh. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 10:31:34] - Xpovos: Next weekend might work, but it's possible I will be unavailable then too. I'll have to check and get back to you. -Paul

[2007-03-21 10:30:52] - Xpovos: I was just kidding. So, in other words, I'm just Norrington obsessed. :-P -Paul

[2007-03-21 10:28:16] - Paul: Oh? I wonder if I saw a different trailer, or if you're just Norrington obsessed, so spotted it. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 10:27:46] - Paul: Saturday evening only.  Maybe next weekend, then? That gives me a little longer to see the first. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 10:24:53] -  good lord, the sco case is still going on?  why hasn't sco died a horrible death yet? - mig

[2007-03-21 10:11:11] - Xpovos: Sure, I would be up for seeing the Hills Have Eyes 2, but my weekend is looking fairly packed so far. I'm busy all day Saturday. When are you free? -Paul

[2007-03-21 10:09:53] - Xpovos: I especially liked the part where Norrington revealed that he was just pretending to be a bad guy and he's really a good guy after all. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-21 09:59:22] - Paul: I saw that this morning too.  Looks nifty.  I have some concerns, but--yay!  Speaking of which, did you want to try to see The Hills Have Eyes 2? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-21 09:58:13] - Dave: I'm confused as to how the NFL is in violation of the DMCA for telling youtube to take down the clip again. -Paul

[2007-03-21 09:56:24] - dave:  i was just about to send a dmca takedown notice to a website for infringing on wikipedia.  ~a

[2007-03-21 09:53:31] - At World's End trailer. I think my brain almost exploded with happiness. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-21 09:52:47] - haha, NFL reissues DMCA takedown notice, and by doing so, violates the DMCA -dave

[2007-03-21 09:38:21] - Gah, I mean congressman, not senator. -Paul

[2007-03-21 09:38:02] - Wake me up when enough people have been impeached so that the Senator representing Texas's 14th congressional district is president. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-21 06:58:32] - aba: That'd be trickier to do, though.    Even if we can seriously consider removing Bush as a possibilitiy for impeachable crimes, we've got very little on Cheney.  It would have to be some kind of scandal with Halliburton, bigger than anything he's in right now. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-20 18:20:40] - xpovos: could get rid of them both and go straight to nancy pelosi (  -  aba

[2007-03-20 16:19:45] - mig: same deal with Clinton (Gore).  If we impeach Bush we get Cheney.  No one really wants that. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-20 15:56:27] - interesting article talking about a possible dismissal of Alberto Gonzalez and a possible impeachment scenario for bush. - mig

[2007-03-20 15:55:42] - a: Never mind, forget I said anything. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-20 15:47:34] - paul:  start over.  what the hell are you talking about?  ~a

[2007-03-20 15:46:46] - a: I just meant his link said the same thing I just did (except in far greater detail). -Paul

[2007-03-20 15:46:11] - a: Well, mig didn't link to the porn itself. :-P -Paul

[2007-03-20 15:42:42] - I knew I'd head the name Lizzie Borden before.  Ah, wikipedia, what would I do without you? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-20 15:33:09] - paul:  you're kidding, right?  ~a

[2007-03-20 15:31:41] - a: Very obscene porn (like mig linked to). -Paul

[2007-03-20 15:30:46] - mig:  i see what you mean.  fixed.  ~a

[2007-03-20 15:29:31] - mig:  where?  ~a

[2007-03-20 15:16:31] - a:  you've got a rogue <a> tag in one of the messages - mig

[2007-03-20 14:44:54] -  ~a

[2007-03-20 14:44:30] - paul:  what is extreme associates known for?  ~a

[2007-03-20 14:44:06] - paul:  oh wait wait wait.  no, looked like the real company. on the other hand looked nsfw.  ~a

[2007-03-20 14:42:07] - paul:  yes, their webpage looks like an actual company.  now the question is, why are they showing up in my logs?  faking an ip is, as far as i know, not possible nowadays.  so, did they hack extreme associates, do they have a botnet that includes an extreme associates machine, is there an open proxy on an extreme associates network, is extreme associates helping?  ~a

[2007-03-20 14:35:28] - a: Extreme Associates is, if I remember correctly, an actual company. -Paul

[2007-03-20 14:28:40] - the spam logs are here.  as you can see, the moron is putting "user-agent" inside the user-agent field.  :-P  ~a

[2007-03-20 14:26:56] - a: That's greek to me, but sounds about par for the course. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-20 14:26:01] - dave: that's an interestig article, alright.  I have to agree with most of it.  Generally I don't care about atheletes using performance enhancing drugs.  But he's right, if it sudenly came out that Darrell Green or Art Monk (my own football idols) had been juiced... -- Xpovos

[2007-03-20 14:25:07] - 10 hours later, he came with the possibly faked ip of "" (again a faked referrer) and posted "somestrangetextvista".  if you were here saturday, you might have seen that.  each of the following spam messages are coming from a faked ip or from some sort of botnet or open proxies.  ~a

[2007-03-20 14:23:18] - my investigation of finding the methods of the spammer were mostly unsuccessful.  it's easy to filter the spammer's information out because he/she is using an obviously faked user-agent field.  a spammer came on saturday (with a faked referrer :( ) with a possibly faked ip of "".  ~a

[2007-03-20 14:04:29] - a: Today is not looking good for my cnbc portfolio, though. Shouldn't have bought HAL stock... :-P -Paul

[2007-03-20 12:48:34] - interesting article on enhancing drugs and the NFL -dave

[2007-03-20 11:50:15] - all in a day's work :-P  ~a

[2007-03-20 11:40:07] - a: Sorry you have to do that.  But good work. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-20 11:39:12] - a: Hehehe, not even close. There are still like 18,000 people ahead of me. I just like being in the top 5% (even though it probably doesn't mean anything). -Paul

[2007-03-20 11:33:06] - paul:  congrats.  have you won anything yet?  ~a

[2007-03-20 11:26:29] - i added some spam checking code.  it will only work as long as i keep the url blacklist up to date, so i'm sorry if some gets through.  someday i might change it to check some global url blacklists.  ~a

[2007-03-20 10:30:48] - axpovos: Top 5%. :-D -Paul

[2007-03-20 09:34:57] - Democrats' Tactic Poses Dilemma for Some Lawmakers -dave

[2007-03-20 09:28:06] - abamig: Good suggestions. Those are exactly the kind of movies I am looking for. Thanks. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-19 21:01:08] - paul: supertroopers, harold and kumar?  -  aba

[2007-03-19 20:49:14] - well, i enabled nofollow though i doubt it will stop the spam.  ~a

[2007-03-19 20:39:49] - ewww . . . more spam.  ~a

[2007-03-19 17:39:56] - paul: UHF? - mig

[2007-03-19 16:57:36] - Any suggestions? -Paul

[2007-03-19 16:57:31] - I need some suggestions for a pretty funny, but not too wordy or subtle movie. In other words, something like Borat or Pirates of the Caribbean (but not something like Clerks or the Big Lebowski).-Paul

[2007-03-19 14:16:48] - a: Most of those bots probably got written as anti-graffitti helpers too.  Every tool has another purpose... -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 14:16:09] - Paul: OK, but I pressure from all sides, so putting up one tackle won't help enough.  I'll ponder it some more. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 14:04:33] - Xpovos: I was pretty sure he was a good pass blocker, because the's my main focus on offensive line. No matter what, I make sure my left guard and tackle are good pass blockers so I have at least a snowball's chance in hell of dropping back when playing you. -Paul

[2007-03-19 14:03:06] - Xpovos: That reminds me, I checked the left side of my offensive line (from Center to Laft Tackle) and they all are 80+ in pass blocking, including that tackle. -Paul

[2007-03-19 13:50:34] - s/gnu/gpl/  ~a

[2007-03-19 13:50:09] - especially since the user interface is constant so a bot could be easily written.  in fact, there are gnu libraries that will write to mediawiki so the spammer wouldn't even have to do much work.  ~a

[2007-03-19 13:48:24] - i don't doubt it.  ~a

[2007-03-19 13:47:18] - a: Maybe there are spammer-developed search engines that seek out wiki pages? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 13:25:56] - xpovos:  the wiki used to get lots of spam.  that's why i had to lock it down to registered users only.  ~a

[2007-03-19 13:15:09] - Paul: My DE runs forward faster than your QB runs backwards, and the T never even tried to stop me.  That's a T issue.  Remind me to have a look at him next Sunday.  I suspect he's suspect in his Pass Blocking. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 12:59:02] - Xpovos: Actually, I'm 5-1 I think since I haven't had a bye yet and also have played next week's game. -Paul

[2007-03-19 12:58:38] - Xpovos: I understand that dropping back and sitting in the pocket for a few seconds and passing very down results in a sack, I just think getting sacked before even having a chance to throw it away (on three consecutive plays) is a little unrealistic. -Paul

[2007-03-19 12:51:05] - So, we're all 3-1? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 12:48:14] - I mean, I had pressure throughout the game, but only two sacks before those last few drives where you were down big. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 12:47:18] - Paul: Heh!  I've said it before, I'm all for trying to fix that somehow, but in the end, it boils down to a few things. 1) Build a lead. 2) Force the opposition to panic into "pass-every-down". 3) Pin your ears back and rush the QB.  It's like the game knows the D-line doesn't have to try and stop the run, so they pump all their runstuff points into pass rush. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 12:27:59] - Xpovos: Oh, David Carr had a 0.0 QB rating against me. I think the computer either felt sorry for me or was trying to make a point, because Doom got 5 sacks in that game. :-P -Paul

[2007-03-19 12:27:11] - Xpovos: Travis also won. I think he had a big lead but the computer came storming back at the end and got some onside kicks and it ended up being a much smaller margin of victory. -Paul

[2007-03-19 12:26:26] - Xpovos: Oh, I thought you mis-typed last week as yesterday. :-P I won my game against the Texans in fairly impressive fashion, if that's what you were asking. -Paul

[2007-03-19 12:24:33] - Paul: Ah, well, that's good.  But I meant more specifically in that instance about football.  Speaking of which, how did you and Travis do after I left? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 12:19:45] - Xpovos: I think so. I can't remember if I ended up down last week or not, but I think I weathered the storm better than most. -Paul

[2007-03-19 12:12:33] - a: I'm a little surprised, I mean you have no filters, but you aren't widely advertised or linked, either... Still.  -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 12:11:51] - Paul: Good work! Have you recovered from the drumming of yesterday? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-19 11:31:59] - axpovos: Top 6% in the CNBC million dollar challenge now. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-19 11:24:12] - wow, that's the first time the message board has ever gotten spam!  ~a

[2007-03-18 18:09:10] - i thought this sounded very familiar..... turns out it's the chick from "Toy Box" ripping off of Snow's "Informer"! - aaron

[2007-03-18 10:46:26] - anon's link doesn't work.  ~a

[2007-03-18 10:46:06] - some strang text vista?  ~a

[2007-03-17 20:16:18] - somestrangetextvista

[2007-03-17 15:41:57] - i always expect the unexpected.  ~a

[2007-03-17 15:34:35] - Whoops, "Intel would do" = "Intel wouldn't do" -Paul

[2007-03-17 15:28:26] - Headline of an article I just read: "Analyst: No Unexpected Price Cuts For Intel". How exactly can you claim that Intel would do any UNEXPECTED price cuts? Can you expect unexpected price cuts? -Paul

[2007-03-16 16:54:11] - paul:  it's in the intro.  ~a

[2007-03-16 16:48:59] - a: But now how am I supposed to know he is black? -Paul

[2007-03-16 16:33:49] - paul:  someone removed your vandalism.  ~a

[2007-03-16 15:36:00] - a: She'll be dead before that happens. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-16 15:35:43] - "Also, he is black". :-P -Paul

[2007-03-16 15:16:29] - paul:  until later.  ~a

[2007-03-16 15:10:00] - Gurkie: Don't worry, we'll dump it in the really deep part. You won't even notice it. -Paul

[2007-03-16 15:04:07] - dave: Physically speaking, all that matter in landfills came from somewhere... all we have to do is put the matter back, or simply, put landfills where we used to put industrial spots.  Then build over the landfills.  Works really well in Germany. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-16 14:42:59] - paul: leave the oceans alone! ~gurkie

[2007-03-16 14:41:17] - Dave: We still have these huge oceans, right? ;-) -Paul

[2007-03-16 14:35:02] - i just walked past paula abdul (yes I am sure it was her she was being filmed and has a show on here tonight which i didnt know when i recognized her)~gurkie

[2007-03-16 14:30:25] - a: or the cost of digging a big hole somewhere, hehe -dave

[2007-03-16 14:29:30] - a: you know, i'm not sure if there is such a thing as filling up all the landfills. It's more just a matter of how economical it is to take it to other landfills or dispose of stuff some other way -dave

[2007-03-16 12:43:40] - Politics: I don't know if I'll ever be able to vote Democrat consistantly as long as the Democrats house people like Rangel and Dodd.  Very aggrivating. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-15 20:33:46] - Aaron: Oh, sorry. That wasn't in the article. That was something that I got to thinking about because of the article, not something that was in the article itself. -Paul

[2007-03-15 19:11:43] - paul: where in the article does it talk about the disposal of the battery? i didn't see that part - aaron

[2007-03-15 18:48:33] - paul:  either way i would love to see matt's face if he ever read that article. - mig

[2007-03-15 16:54:47] - However, what I found interesting is the concept that the creation and disposal of the battery for electric cars are potentially very costly and environmentally harmful. -Paul

[2007-03-15 16:53:58] - Xpovos: Not only that, I suspect he is being intentionally misleading sometimes. -Paul

[2007-03-15 16:25:57] - Paul: Quickly, to the Toyota dealership! I must buy a Prius.  Seriously, though, in addition to being biased, the author is just completely misinformed about a lot of things. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-15 15:46:44] - mig: Happy Birthday! ~gurkie

[2007-03-15 15:35:15] - a: A biased article, but I think it brings up an interesting point about the materials used in the battery. -Paul

[2007-03-15 11:33:47] - paul:  i believe you did. - mig

[2007-03-15 10:23:44] - mig: Wait, did I get the holiday mixed up? :-P -Paul

[2007-03-15 10:23:32] - mig: Happy Saint Patrick's day! -Paul

[2007-03-14 14:42:13] - :-D  ~a

[2007-03-14 14:41:37] - a: You're right, I probably would have to convince you of that. :-) -Paul

[2007-03-14 14:32:31] - paul:  let's say you were able to convince me that it's more efficient to create a bottle from scratch than recycle (i would definitely demand some reliable sources).  you would also have to convince me that it's MUCH more efficient to outweigh the fact that you are filling up the landfills (which are pretty damn full, right?).  ~a

[2007-03-14 14:29:11] - "about 28 billion bottles and jars are thrown away every year. That's enough to fill both towers of New York's World Trade Center every two weeks."  (from same site)  ~a

[2007-03-14 14:28:33] - (cont) "And, recycling glass reduces the space in landfills that would otherwise be taken up by used bottles and jars."  some random site i found on google  ~a

[2007-03-14 14:27:59] - "Recycling glass is not only cost-efficient; it benefits the environment in several ways. Glass produced from recycled glass instead of raw materials reduces related air pollution by 20% and related water pollution by 50%. Throwaway bottles consume three times as much energy as reusable, returnable containers." (cont)  ~a

[2007-03-14 14:18:24] - a: I understand, I just think that sometimes people propose solutions to problems without fully thinking through the ramifications of them. -Paul

[2007-03-14 13:59:25] - paul:  that should have been addressed to you also.  ~a

[2007-03-14 13:58:24] - mig:  reduce, reuse, recycle isn't just three things that are good to do, they are also a prioritized list.  reduce > reuse > recycle.  in other words, never recycle something that you can reuse.  and never use something when you can just as easily not use it (reduce).  recycling is the last thing you should do when you've already tried the first two.  ~a

[2007-03-14 13:10:52] - mig: Forget not that growing trees, or tree farming helps remove lots of CO2 from the air. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-14 13:10:08] - Paul: I think that might just be a cost efficiency issue.  In terms of non-monetary aspects, recycling glass is probably pretty cheap, as it's relatively light, fluid, and easily cleanable and recastable. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-14 13:05:12] - and all the more ironic about the case of paper, most paper comes from tress grown specifically for that purpose.  You aren't "saving" any trees by recycling paper because those trees that would be "saved" wouldn't have existed in the first place. - mig

[2007-03-14 12:39:27] - I suppose I should be a little more specific: The person who told me that was talking about the entire process of making glass (including shipping raw materials versus shipping old glass bottles). -Paul

[2007-03-14 12:32:15] - I'm not sure how true it is, but I've heard that recycling glass is a lot more inefficient than just making new glass. -Paul

[2007-03-14 11:34:51] - not to mention that recycling everything is not universaly good for the environment, or very efficient.  Recycling plastic and paper are ironically incredibly inefficient processes that produce more damage to the enviorment than just making said products. - mig

[2007-03-14 11:19:52] - a: Efficiency is a wonderful thing.  I'm all in favor of it.  However, that is no longer sufficient for most environmentalists.  They want things like a 100% ban on construction of new coal electric plants.  Population growth and rising energy demands  percapita be damned. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-14 11:06:51] - xpovos:  regarding what do we do about it:  rrr  ~a

[2007-03-14 08:55:33] - the more relevant questions of "What do we do about it?" and "Why?" -- Xpovos

[2007-03-14 08:55:12] - a: I like to believe I'm reasonable.  I personally have no reason to believe that #2 is true (in that it is either 100% true, or true of a sufficient percentage of total change to warrant human intervention).  But as it's a largely unknown thing, and so many people are up in arms about it, I see no reason not to accept it as a point to allow for further debate on (cont).

[2007-03-13 23:10:56] - xpovos:  however, i don't think a lot of so called anti-evnironmentalists would.  ~a

[2007-03-13 23:08:38] - xpovos:  hahaha.  ok, we agree.  ~a

[2007-03-13 23:02:21] - Or I'll accept as little as 85% if there will be a detriment to society, with that percentage slideable some for how much detriment is caused by the methods. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 23:01:46] - a: No, I would accept less than 100% mitigation, however, I don't think a lot of so called enviromentalists would.  They'd insist on 100% mitigation, even from that which is natural.  For me, you have to show that the methods you are suggesting are capable of eliminating at least 60% of the man-made warming, while still not being detrimental to society. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 18:44:29] - Gurkie: "Unintentional gift". That's an interesting way of saying "stealing". :-) -Paul

[2007-03-13 18:36:55] - paul: and its not stealing... its a gift someone gave me (possibly unintentionally) ~gurkie

[2007-03-13 18:36:09] - paul: it was on my desk and when i asked who brought of it they all said it was from my secret admirer... while i dont believe them on the admirer bit, i am willing to accept that the candy is for me to eat. otherwise (a) whoever brought it in should have put it on their desk and not mine (b) they should have claimed it when i asked who brought it in... so its mine ~gurkie

[2007-03-13 18:33:26] - xpovos:  "3.  can we do anything to stop it."  shouldn't the question be, can we do anything to dampen it?  i.e. is there some middle ground between failing completely and succeeding completely?  ~a

[2007-03-13 17:59:25] - Gurkie: You stole somebody else's candy? -Paul

[2007-03-13 17:02:52] - a: on a compltely non environmental front... i dont know why the candy was there, but i am eating it! hahaha, i have a bag of fire balls, a mixed box of jelly bellys, and lindt truffles! YUM! Hahaha, I am sure one of my coworkers brought it in and put it on my desk jokingly, but I totally claimed it! ~gurkie

[2007-03-13 16:25:01] - a: I'm willing to accept that it might be partially non-natural, i.e. man-made.  But that's just one point of four.  Of course, 2-4 all hinge on #1.  Still, I'll accept #1 and #2 with anyone willing to have an honest debate about it, rather than an excuse to throw political motivations around.  The debate will clearly revolve around 3 and 4.    -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 16:15:27] - you can keep coming up with natural causes for warming, but that won't discount that part of the warming could be man made.  sadly, the evidence one way or the other on that point is way too technical for me.  ~a

[2007-03-13 16:13:35] - xpovos:  you're reiterating that it's partly natural.  i said "earth's warming is partly due to natural causes, that isn't the point though."  ~a

[2007-03-13 16:09:32] - a: In addition to the fact that global warming appears to be a solar-system wide phenomenon, there's also strong evidence indicating that this warming trend is at least partially a natural cycle, either geothermal, or part of our shift in the inter-glaciation period of an Ice Age, depending on the research.  -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 16:08:08] - 4) Is it a bad thing?  Sea levels rise, new diseases spread across the globe, and we get warmer summers and colder winters.  Some ecosystems die out.  Seems bad?  Sure, but it doesn't have to be.  We can adapt to that.  And in many ways it's a boon.  Longer growing cycles, better natural resistances to disease.  Evolution, if you want to call it that. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 16:05:57] - There's significant scientific community agreement about points 1 and 2, even though I see no reason for it, so let's proceed to point 3) Can we do anything, really, to stop it?  Even the most drastic changes, which destroy the economy and kill millions of people by destroying the economy only mitigate the problem.  In otherwords, if it can't be fixed, let's adapt. (cont).

[2007-03-13 16:04:39] - xpovos:  let me cut in.  what evidence points strongly against #2?  ~a

[2007-03-13 16:03:50] - In order for Global Warming to be an issue of political relevance, at least for me, we need four points.  1) Is the Earth -really- on a warming trend? Evidence suggests it, but I think that calling it proof is premature, personally.  2) If 1), is it the result of man? Evidence points pretty strongly against, but some evidence points towards (cont). -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 16:03:03] - god, i've been watching voyager too much.  therefore everything seems irrelevant.  like discussion.  ~a

[2007-03-13 16:02:00] - And there's Pluto.  Sufficient? Or should I get the rest? -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 16:01:22] - There's some on Jupiter. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 16:00:31] - xpovos:  it's cool.  i believe you.  i read a reference from wikipedia regarding mars's warmth.  like i said, though, it's irrelevant.  ~a

[2007-03-13 16:00:10] - * not science.  Sorry, they have a lot of crosslinks with livescience. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 15:59:41] - amig: I read the articles on  I'll see if I can find some links. -- Xpovos

[2007-03-13 15:51:01] - a:  the article was in national geographic btw. - mig

[2007-03-13 15:50:26] - mig:  point:  how much of earth's warming is not due to natural causes.  ~a

[2007-03-13 15:50:05] - gurkie:  why was your desk full of candy?  ~a

[2007-03-13 15:45:46] - a:  what is then? - mig

[2007-03-13 15:36:15] - i got to work today and my desk was full of candy! i <3 candy! ~gurkie

[2007-03-13 15:09:25] - earth's warming is partly due to natural causes, that isn't the point though.  ~a

[2007-03-13 15:06:48] - mig:  and since two people have heard about it, it must be true!  ~a

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