here are old message board entries

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[2007-04-30 14:38:23] - ok, they don't specifically say it anywhere.  but i have determined that they are counting mexico as part of "Latin America/Caribbean" on stats.htm.  ~a

[2007-04-30 14:34:16] - it doesn't seem clear.  mexico is counted as part of "central america and mexico" on stats2.htm, but on stats.htm i'm not sure where they're counting it.  ~a

[2007-04-30 14:31:37] - estimates    us:  302k, canada:  32k.  ~a

[2007-04-30 14:31:01] - xpovos:  they split that up further:  ~a

[2007-04-30 14:28:04] - Although: their 2007 population estimate seems low.  Unless they're counting Mexico as part of Latin America for some reason.  U.S. is around 300,000 by itself, and while Canada's pop is low, it's not negative. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-30 14:25:31] - a: It's all about population density.  That's part of why I laugh when I hear people complain about overpopulation.  At least for a little while longer, it's not an issue. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-30 14:24:02] - a: Likely not (affect the price of gold) E-gold is just too small, and this isn't actually impacting their business.  Yet.  If they're found guilty, they will be regulated to destruction, which could have any impact on the price of gold (up, no longer currency) (down, less demand for gold reserves) (nowhere, too small a portion of the market to register) -- Xpovos

[2007-04-30 14:22:26] - dave: OK, time for a 'real world' example on options.  There is a stock, MOVE, which I have strong suspicion will decline significantly over the coming months.  I can short it by borrowing stocks, selling now, and giving the stocks back after the decline, but that's risky.  So what is the appropriate options play? -- Xpovos

[2007-04-30 12:53:25] - paul:  yeah, that page had a lot of stuff about the world in general that i didn't know.  like north america is much smaller population wise than i thought it was.  we are puny.  africa and europe are much much bigger population wise than i thought.  yeah, i kind of knew asia was huge, but 11:1 (asia:north america)?  yikes.  that doesn't even include the middle east.  ~a

[2007-04-30 12:15:35] - I didn't realize Europe had such a larger population than North America. -Paul

[2007-04-30 12:14:48] - a: I'm not too surprised by the first, although the second does surprise me. -Paul

[2007-04-30 12:05:10] - also, there are more than one billion internet users.  ~a

[2007-04-30 12:04:28] - there are more internet users in asia than there are in europe.  there are more internet users in europe than there are in north america.  both news to me.  ref & graph  ~a

[2007-04-30 12:02:40] - a: yea i did say consider, I would def. get a lawyer involved because its bad for your future applications and would dif. negatively affect yor future. ~gurkie

[2007-04-30 12:00:27] - gurkie:  i woudn't sue as my first course of action.  i'd probably consider getting a lawyer involved though.  ~a

[2007-04-30 11:57:33] - xpovos:  will this change the price of gold?  i just sold some gold and now i'm hoping gold prices will drop  :-D  ~a

[2007-04-30 11:53:25] - No!! -- Xpovos

[2007-04-30 11:10:39] - gurkie: yeah i know, what i said didn't really make sense. -amy

[2007-04-30 10:06:52] - amy: I have to say if I got suspended for violent writings in a creative writing class. I would consider suing.  I mean getting kicked out reflects badly on you and it would be seen by society as a negative thing. ~gurkie

[2007-04-30 10:05:40] - pierce:  i think it might have been brought through , because it seems the "solution" was for Cho to have one-on-one sessions with a teacher. - mig

[2007-04-30 10:03:26] - back when republicans were anti-war... - mig

[2007-04-30 08:22:05] - ...regardless of the reason. - pierce

[2007-04-30 08:21:35] - did professor giovanni make that problem and its cause known through official channels?  seems like a class with only 10% attendance would have warranted some action. - pierce

[2007-04-30 08:14:54] - a:  even so, if it was a complaint made by even as small a # as 10-15, that still would be a major concern, you would think. - mig

[2007-04-28 23:42:35] - mig:  "only seven of roughly 70 students showed up for Giovanni's class because most were so frightened of him"  i have a hard time believing that was the reason for all 63.  ~a

[2007-04-28 01:12:49] - gar the unbearable - aaron

[2007-04-27 18:40:58] - now, assuming everything in the linked article is true, it's absolutely mindboggling that Tech did nothing about it. - mig

[2007-04-27 18:35:04] - paul:,8599,1612492,00.html - mig

[2007-04-27 18:26:47] - paul:  well to be fair, there was a lot more to Cho than merely violent-themed writing assignements. - mig

[2007-04-27 18:02:37] - Today's amusing Wikipedia category: Possibly Living People - pierce

[2007-04-27 16:15:46] - gurkie: but yeah you are right, that a school exercising such a choice would be seen as punishment too. -amy

[2007-04-27 16:05:37] - gurkie: i see it more as... well at least in the case of universities, a school has the right to choose their students, and on what terms a person can remain a student. i guess i'm saying it's a stretch from there to bringing it to the law. -amy

[2007-04-27 15:33:29] - amy: isnt suspending someone's education and forcing them to get professional help likely to be seen as punishment? ~gurkie

[2007-04-27 15:13:17] - ...or using punishment. I think that's an extreme case. -amy

[2007-04-27 15:13:08] - Paul: I personally definitely don't think punishment is the answer. But I also think there is a middle ground. They can try to help the student or even suspend his/her education (with the stipulation that s/he can return if she gets professional help and makes progress, or somehow demonstrates a change in behavior) without arresting the person, bringing it to the law...

[2007-04-27 14:53:52] - Pierce: Usually it's comments on media blogs and whatnot. I could post some links if you like but I'm sure you can find them just as easily by doing a google search regarding Cho, his mental health, and the Tech administration. -Paul

[2007-04-27 14:52:53] - Pierce: I've read a lot of comments from people saying they can't believe Cho was allowed to stay in school and that the administration should've taken stronger action and that the warning signs were there and they were just ignored... -Paul

[2007-04-27 14:44:12] - Paul: has there been a lot of bashing with that accusation?  All the criticism I've seen has been related to how they handled the interval between the two shootings.  I haven't heard anyone say that they had cause to kick Cho out simply because he'd disturbed his professors. - pierce

[2007-04-27 14:40:41] - For all those who bashed the Virginia Tech administration for not kicking Cho out because of his violent essays, is this what they really want? Do they want straight A students getting arrested for writing violent fictional stories? -paul

[2007-04-27 14:39:39] ->1=9246 Student charged for writing violent essay -Paul

[2007-04-27 12:13:23] - Xpovos: Also, Chris Brown did pretty well and I think got himself 120+ yards on 20 or so carries. -Paul

[2007-04-27 12:12:37] - Xpovos: I think he ended up with 15 or so runs for 140 or so yards. Not too bad considering he started off with something like 9 runs for 120 yards. -Paul

[2007-04-27 12:10:07] - Paul: That makes me happier.  I mean, I did keep him mostly in check after he started off with three runs for 140 yards and two TD.  He only got another 60ish yards all game. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-27 10:33:18] - Xpovos: Ok, well, you'll be happy to know that Rudi Johnson gave me all sorts of grief. He had at least one run where I counted four individually broken tackles. -Paul

[2007-04-27 10:26:45] - Microsoft and AT&T oppose the planned acquisition, saying it violates antitrust law and gives Google a dominant position in online advertising. Laughable statement, MS and AT&T accusing anyone of monopolistic tendencies. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-27 10:24:41] - Paul: I wouldn't say "happy".  Congrats, though.  Time to start focusing on my off-season. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-27 09:54:55] - Xpovos: You'll be happy to know that the Titans are now the proud winner of three Super Bowls in 4 years. -Paul

[2007-04-27 05:03:27] - ...and it really bugs me that the treasury department would object to the cost of it, given all the incredibly frivolous redesigns of the different bills and coins over the last few years, and the fact that they're still issuing pennies that cost more to make than they're actually worth. - pierce

[2007-04-27 05:00:01] - in other news.  I was on the wikipedia page for the dollar and it mentioned the lawsuit claiming that our money violates the rehabilitation act because it offers no accessibility to the blind (all bills are the same size, shape, and consistency and have no holes or anything to give a tactile indication of their value) - pierce

[2007-04-27 04:55:44] - bummer... I didn't realize she was still there, I would've tried to get together while I was home >< - pierce

[2007-04-26 17:32:23] - pierce:  she lives in nova now..... she's doing her phd at mason.  not sure why she stopped posting on the mboard.  -  aba

[2007-04-26 16:34:49] - I love the little barb about the fourth anniversary of "mission accomplished" - pierce

[2007-04-26 16:31:29] - aren't we glad they decided that the line-item veto was unconstitutional... - pierce

[2007-04-26 16:28:04] - mig: yeah, I saw that earlier.  definitely a good sign.  bush says he's going to veto it, but that will result in an interesting game of chicken since it'll cut off lots of funding for the war. - pierce

[2007-04-26 16:25:26] - whatever happened to mel?  why doesn't she post on the message board anymore? - pierce

[2007-04-26 16:00:31] - senate to bush:  get out of iraq. - mig

[2007-04-26 14:55:04] - aba: kaiser chiefs - pierce

[2007-04-26 14:12:26] - amy: to clarify i think the official TSA position is the pilot decides whether to have the person removed or not... ~gurkie

[2007-04-26 14:12:03] - amy: i agree, but ultimately i believe its the pilot's decision. The pilot gets to decide if they will fly the passengers. ~gurkie

[2007-04-26 12:34:20] - ddr_people: sfm today? - aaron

[2007-04-26 12:23:16] - - aaron

[2007-04-26 11:50:44] - amy: that would make a lot more sense - aaron

[2007-04-26 10:23:59] - gurkie: that doesn't surprise me. .( but i think the people who complain should have to be the ones to take a later flight and things like that. -amy

[2007-04-26 09:20:02] - pierce: haha very nice - aaron

[2007-04-26 07:27:41] - pierce: what concert did you go to?  -  aba

[2007-04-26 03:29:37] - omg concert ear >< - pierce

[2007-04-25 22:01:24] - aba: That's probably true. There's likely a lot of guilt still lingering around regarding that whole late unpleasantness. :-) -Paul

[2007-04-25 21:52:21] - - pierce

[2007-04-25 20:49:53] - sam/paul:  it might also be the whole slavery thing..... -  aba

[2007-04-25 20:39:34] - Stupid portfolio down big despite the big day for the market. Stupid Akamai... -Paul

[2007-04-25 20:37:36] - Sam: I think it's because there is the stereotype that black people are easier to offend than other groups. -Paul

[2007-04-25 20:20:10] - fainting goats - aaron

[2007-04-25 20:16:52] - ... just based on experiences... -sam

[2007-04-25 20:15:43] - i've noticed that americans are extremely cautious when joking about black people, but not as cautious when joking about other races. -sam

[2007-04-25 18:00:01] - gurkie: it's just a hunch, based on the fact that tons of kids are assaulted and harassed every day based on any flimsy excuse (or none at all).  absent a specific stereotypical accusation (stealing jobs? being smart? planning to kill other students?) they didn't seem to have a reason to attack a "chinese" person in particular. - pierce

[2007-04-25 17:28:02] - pierce: what makes you think they would have attacked her no matter what? She got on the bus with a friend and other people were on the bus and they targetted her. ~gurkie

[2007-04-25 17:27:04] - amy: and no upgrade... ~gurkie

[2007-04-25 17:26:56] - amy: I know a guy who was asked to take a later flight after 9/11 cause someone complained. security was like...we know you arent a threat and we know you didnt do anything wrong but we have to remove you from the plane. ~gurkie

[2007-04-25 16:05:39] - i've been flagged to have my bags searched because i was born in egypt (nevermind that i'm a US citizen now).  -  aba

[2007-04-25 15:00:32] - pierce: well they moved him to first class... if it was a full flight, i suppose it makes sense that they would move him and not the woman who complained. because complaining about the person you're sitting next to shouldn't get you the right to move to first class. but i still think it's wrong. i don't think the first class flight was much consolation to my friend. -amy

[2007-04-25 14:55:00] - the replacement tickets, yes (especially since the email says the old ones are invalidated, so they're not even out any money).  but less than ten minutes from contact form to resolution is phenomenal by any standards, overpriced or not. - pierce

[2007-04-25 14:51:09] - pierce: With what they charge, I'd expect that kind of customer service. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-25 14:39:55] - never thought I'd say this, but ticketmaster for the win.  the post office seems to have lost the two weeks of mail I was supposed to get while I was home, including concert tickets for tonight.  but I contacted customer service and got an email within ten minutes that they'll hold replacements for me at will-call. - pierce

[2007-04-25 14:29:03] - did he get compensated by the airline at all as a result?  that's a truly awful way to treat anyone, particularly a paying customer. - pierce

[2007-04-25 14:28:16] - amy: could be either way, you're right.  and I let out an audible "ugh" when I read that story about your friend. :( - pierce

[2007-04-25 14:09:21] - not totally relevant, but i'm reminded of the time after 9/11, my indian friend was asked to switched seats on a plane because the woman next to him was uncomfortable sitting next to him. *he* was asked to move by the flight attendant. -amy

[2007-04-25 14:07:53] - pierce: maybe it's just a sign that it's not getting publicized. (or maybe you're right, and it's not getting publicized because it's not happening as much.) -amy

[2007-04-25 13:52:53] - pierce: It has.  Affordability for real estate is somewhere around 17%.  That is, approximately 17% of  people can afford to buy a house in their market.  As a result, inventories are up and prices are coming back down. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-25 13:50:45] - amy: on your other point, it's definitely worth noting that asian ethnicities and hispanic ethnicities are the only ones (in the US) that get lumped together based on one particular instance (chinese or indian, and mexican, respectively) rather than a broader term (white, black, asian, etc).  I've never been called a british guy, for example. - pierce

[2007-04-25 13:34:15] - amy: yeah, I haven't heard reporting of widespread bias against koreans or asians as a result of the VT attack, especially compared to the reports re: arabs after 9/11, gothy kids in trenchcoats after columbine, etc.  maybe it's a good sign?  maybe we're finally coming to realize that individual psychos don't necessarily represent large groups of people? - pierce

[2007-04-25 13:30:10] - (*also absolutely inexcusable) - pierce

[2007-04-25 13:29:44] - but obviously, I wasn't there and can't say for sure.  in either event, the driver's alleged behavior was absolutely inexcusable. - pierce

[2007-04-25 13:28:07] - based on the limited information about the incident, I got the impression that they would have picked on her for being white if she was white, black if she was black, etc.  and if she was the same race as the attackers, they might just have chosen another avenue of mocking. - pierce

[2007-04-25 13:26:56] - also, while neither are excusable, there's a distinction to be made between kids looking for someone defenseless to attack because they're just general assholes, and kids looking for someone "chinese" to attack because they're racist. - pierce

[2007-04-25 13:25:12] - ...anybody else. So I don't know how common it was or anything. -amy

[2007-04-25 13:24:51] - pierce: it looks like the events mentioned in the petition happened before the VT event? but i read something on lj from one Chinese girl who mentioned discrimination against her and her family after the event, people not even caring that she was Chinese and not even Korean (or that there is even a distinction)... but I didn't read any articles or this happening to ...

[2007-04-25 13:21:27] - gurkie: it's a big world, I'd assume every ethnic group, religion, gender, and sexual orientation occasionally has a corresponding hate crime.  I don't suspect asian ethnicities are disproportionately victimized, except possibly as a temporary consequence of the VT massacre (which I didn't see mentioned in that petition) - pierce

[2007-04-25 13:16:15] - xpovos: your statement ignores the fact that skyrocketing real estate costs inherently mean that the market can bear it.  The logic you're applying to the rental market would apply equally to the real estate market. - pierce

[2007-04-25 09:58:25] - Mig: I wish, I just hope I don't have to come in again later today. -Paul

[2007-04-25 09:38:43] - call me naive but i had no clue that hate crimes against Chinese people were being committed ... ~Gurkie

[2007-04-25 09:37:29] - paul:  i hope you're taking the rest of the week off. - mig

[2007-04-25 09:14:41] - Woohoo! 24 straight hours at work! :-) -Paul

[2007-04-25 08:07:53] - a: External factors would be an increase in population (increased demand) or a bunch of apartments rushing to go condo (decreased supply).  If apartments attempt to peg their rates to real estate, while real estate has been skyrocketing, they'd find they no longer had any tennants. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-25 08:06:39] - a: That only works as long as the market can bear it.  Apartments are a mature market, and so therefore should not be experiencing tremendous pressure on either the supply or demand side.  Therefore, their prices should stay pretty consistant with wages, unless there's an external factor. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-24 23:39:57] - *** a gets put down.

[2007-04-24 20:31:06] - *** pierce gets a rabies shot.

[2007-04-24 20:27:57] - *bite*  ~a

[2007-04-24 20:26:06] - a: bite me. - pierce

[2007-04-24 20:25:52] - xpovos: seems like real estate would be the primary variable... the people who own your place can't help it if your stingy company only gave you 3% this year, while their costs increased by 10%.  If they can find tenants who will pay 10% more for your place, then it's in their interest to raise the rent 10%.  The only counter is the overhead and risk of vacancy. - pierce

[2007-04-24 20:24:56] - xpovos:  my old officemate was seeing like 15% increases in rent every year.  it's whatever the market will bear.  if you can't afford a 15% increase, but someone else can, then forward with the 15% increase!  ~a

[2007-04-24 20:23:17] - gurkie:  no.  i'm back on friday.  ~a

[2007-04-24 20:00:27] - a: 9% rent increase is pretty significant.  I got grumpy about 5-6% increases.  By and large, rents -have- to stay in line with income, so generally you won't see rents go up more than 4-5% because that's what most people can figure on between COLA and performance based raises. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-24 19:03:39] - a: are you back? ~gurkie

[2007-04-24 17:37:38] - oh wow.  9% increase is pretty low, actually.  i guess the increases are probably loosely tied to the real estate increase amonts.  ~a

[2007-04-24 17:26:01] - a: Not sure, since I can't find the damned sheet they gave me, but I am pretty sure it wasn't much higher (ie, under $1200 a month still). -Paul

[2007-04-24 17:21:22] - paul:  what's the new amount?  ~a

[2007-04-24 16:31:00] - Sam: A little more than $1100 a month, although I have to sign a new lease next month. -Paul

[2007-04-24 16:27:41] - for those who live in apartments, how much do you guys pay for rent per month? just curious... -sam

[2007-04-24 13:07:02] - Housing bends over: -- Xpovos

[2007-04-24 12:24:52] - byu students and faculty raise money for an alternative commencement cermony to protest Cheney speaking at BYU. - mig

[2007-04-24 00:41:14] - for those of you who I didn't, HBO awarded Seinfeld the first of a supposedly annual comedy award, and had a panel with him and three other comedians which was essentially a circle jerk and publicity stunt.  Then at the end, Jerry went up to the podium and basically said as much in his acceptance speech. - pierce

[2007-04-23 19:45:35] - for those of you I told about this, here's the speech Jerry Seinfeld gave at the end of that HBO award show. - pierce

[2007-04-23 12:31:19] - USB BB gun sports barrel-mounted webcam, ensures home security  -sam

[2007-04-23 11:32:18] - Paul: grats on the portfolio -dave

[2007-04-23 11:31:50] - ethanol apparently more harmful than gasoline -dave

[2007-04-23 10:10:13] - Request for assistance: Does anyone have any knowledge that would be of assistance in writing/translating priter operations from DOS to a more modern OS? Specifically, somhow working a printer driver into DOSBox. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-22 12:02:53] - some men like the fishing and some men like the fowling

[2007-04-20 18:03:12] - oops, that was to aaron.  ~a

[2007-04-20 18:00:12] - amy:  ^(.{2,5}|.{7})$    i wish there was a pipe key on this keyboard.  ~a

[2007-04-20 17:52:49] - Paul: PC: What's amusing about that? That's a disgusting display.  Not-PC: I think I just saw why we won World War II. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-20 16:59:10] - An amusing video of a baseball player charging the mound after being hit by a pitch. -Paul

[2007-04-20 15:24:47] - Pierce: Paul is the anti-artist. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-20 14:38:28] - Pierce: Uh... I'm trying to be tactful here, but I really didn't see anything to like about it. :-P The song was annoying, the message was confusing, the guy was annoying too... -Paul

[2007-04-20 14:33:14] - but you didn't like it?  I thought it was well done, and I liked the low-key visual effects. - pierce

[2007-04-20 14:32:27] - paul: actually, I've been concerned about your use of "izzit?" - pierce

[2007-04-20 14:23:05] - Pierce: Wow, that's pretty terrible. I assume the little something for me was the mention of "Phoenix"? -Paul

[2007-04-20 13:52:13] - this is fun: (paul, there's a little something in there for you) - pierce

[2007-04-20 10:21:51] - Paul: Very nice!  I'll not grouse about mine. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-20 09:34:02] - axpovos: Woohoo! My (real) portfolio finally broke the $40k mark. :-) -Paul

[2007-04-19 14:19:17] - vinnie: okay - aaron

[2007-04-19 13:49:36] - aaron: yeah, sounds good. but amy only went last week because she won't be able to go again, as she teaches on Thursdays - vinnie

[2007-04-19 13:10:08] - vamy: ddr today? nvcc? - aaron

[2007-04-19 12:42:15] - paul: not sure, i usually am busy saturdays mornings/afternoons. - mig

[2007-04-19 11:44:48] - mig: Would you be interested in B5 Saturday afternoon? -Paul

[2007-04-19 10:02:02] - (OK possibly not an FC, there seems to be some debate about that in the comm) -amy

[2007-04-19 10:00:31] - a guy juggles and plays DDR (and FCs apparently; i only saw the 2nd video) at the same time -amy

[2007-04-18 17:26:50] - if you want to read what it says~gurkie

[2007-04-18 17:22:22] - vt: apparently the shooter mailed a package to NBC between the shootings ~gurkie

[2007-04-18 17:16:59] - aaron: me like the sign! ~gurkie

[2007-04-18 17:16:39] - vinnie: umm yahooligans? and... sigh ~gurkie

[2007-04-18 17:08:48] - vinnie: go home .p and save me from my work day too. hey i have some yummy php code that needs to be fixed... don't you want to come home and do it for me?? .D -amy

[2007-04-18 17:07:20] - aaron: yays i'm glad it worked ^_^ -amy

[2007-04-18 16:43:28] - yes it's a slow work day - vinnie

[2007-04-18 16:43:20] - here's a Yahooligan's joke I came up with: why did the gumbo taste so bad? because the vegetables the chef used were only mediokra - vinnie

[2007-04-18 16:30:01] - wtf mac store - aaron

[2007-04-18 16:09:30] - amy: cool, i changed it to (.{2,5})|(.{7}) and it worked in XSD-world. thanks for your help! - aaron

[2007-04-18 12:33:53] - dave: I read a similar number in an article earlier today. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-18 12:26:58] - I'm not sure who I was talking to about foreclosures, but apparently they usually sell for 28% below market value. The average cost is like $60k and takes 1.5 years to resolve -dave

[2007-04-18 10:59:15] - I find this hilarious: -- Xpovos

[2007-04-18 10:47:33] - Here's a further link on the same subject.  I'm impressed, but the fact that it's only 5-4 will be a big issue: -- Xpovos

[2007-04-18 10:42:59] - even better: /(^\w{2, 5}$) | (^\w{7}$)/ -amy

[2007-04-18 10:42:06] - aaron: does this work? /(^\w{2}$) | (^\w{3}$) | (^\w{4}$) | (^\w{5}$) | (^\w{7}$)/ or you could replace \w with [a-zA-Z] to exclude numbers and _ . anyway i don't know if that works or not. -amy

[2007-04-18 10:39:26] - -- Xpovos

[2007-04-18 10:27:42] - another link to the plays, with some commentary from a former classmate -amy

[2007-04-18 10:00:28] - aaron: How tight does it have to be?  I think I could write one, but it would not be optimal, and would involve steps.  E.g. Step 1 determine length of word, step 2 process regular expression. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-18 09:11:16] - anybody know how to write a regular expression which would match a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 letter word, but not a 0, 1, 6, 8, or 9+ letter word? - aaron

[2007-04-18 07:23:03] - It flows very much like stream of conscious.  I think it's also likely he wrote it the day before the assignment was due, as there is no evidence of editing.  There are really only two characters, as the mother and boy are both in the same mindset. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-18 03:27:32] - wow.  twisted stuff (link).  it's all so literal that he might as well have been doing stream-of-consciousness.  scary to read it - pierce

[2007-04-17 16:01:17] - thesmokinggun has a copy of a play he wrote as an assignment for his English creative writing class.  Domestic unbliss, and poorly written. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-17 15:08:26] - it's sort of fascinating watching that wiki page and how often it is updated - vinnie

[2007-04-17 15:00:02] - Gurkie: Looks like it was taken down. -Paul

[2007-04-17 14:37:14] - Paul: I am guessing that is a bad idea, I can see people trying to take revenge on them. ~gurkie

[2007-04-17 13:43:42] - I wonder if having the family's address is a good idea... -Paul

[2007-04-17 13:42:24] - article about the massacre/shooter - aaron

[2007-04-17 13:10:07] - and went to westfield high school (map).  ~a

[2007-04-17 12:37:52] - he is a korean immigrant from centreville -sam

[2007-04-17 12:37:28] - has the face of the shooter  -sam

[2007-04-17 12:33:03] - paul: I know, I was agreeing with you :) - pierce

[2007-04-17 09:30:52] - Pierce: That's why I said I was hoping they locked her away in a mental institution. -Paul

[2007-04-16 16:06:34] - although I'd like to hope that if they believe the latter, they would take some action to ensure that she receive psychiatric care. - pierce

[2007-04-16 16:02:46] - in retrospect, I think I've changed my mind about the decision to press charges against her.  it may have been an example of the more standard practice of declining to press charges unless they believed a conviction was likely, and it sounds like she has a reasonable case for confusion and/or insanity. - pierce

[2007-04-16 15:54:08] -  ~a

[2007-04-16 15:50:21] - :(  ~a

[2007-04-12 11:20:42] - Gurkie: If she was high on something and can't remember events clearly enough to testify or provide evidence, and all other evidence goes against her story, wouldn't the better assumption be that they didn't actually do anything? -Paul

[2007-04-12 11:15:35] - a:  you repeated what i just said.  of course what you're suggesting is possible, it's just very, very unlikely. - mig

[2007-04-12 11:05:50] - paul: not if she was too confused about the events... say for example, she was high on something so cant remember events clear enough to testify/provide evidence. ~gurkie

[2007-04-12 10:51:01] - Gurkie: But if they had done something, wouldn't they press charges against them then? -Paul

[2007-04-12 10:12:24] - pierce: if they hadnt done anything they would probably press charges against her... ~gurkie

[2007-04-12 10:09:06] - paul:  zomg, that would so freaking awesome.  O_o  -  aba

[2007-04-12 09:32:34] - Starcraft 2? *Drool* -Paul

[2007-04-12 08:43:50] - Fairly non-baised article which explains in general terms the breakdown of the federal budget. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-12 02:45:02] - I'm not saying she was definitely lying, because it's always possible she was simply making mistakes in her account and remembering them differently later, or that she is genuinely delusional and honestly believed them, but given the severity of the accusation and the impact on these players' lives it seems like there should be more of a process. - pierce

[2007-04-12 02:41:28] - a: that doesn't seem relevant, since the charges have been dropped.  meanwhile, her account was inconsistent, and I can only assume it's illegal to make false accusations (which some of the inconsistent statements would have to be, by definition) - pierce

[2007-04-12 02:27:30] - wholly crap.  his mother committed suicide on mother's day?  ~a

[2007-04-12 02:25:53] - wow.  kurt vonnegut passed away yesterday?  ~a

[2007-04-12 01:32:06] - mig:  just because her story sucked doesn't mean the boys were innocent.  it's possible they're guilty.  though . . . unlikely.  ~a

[2007-04-11 22:39:21] - she changed her story constantly, and every time she did none of it could be verified or was contradicted by actual facts.  - mig

[2007-04-11 22:38:32] - a:  i find that a little hard to believe.  the case against the players goes way beyond the realm of reasonable doubt.  virtually her entire testimony doesn't add up at all. - mig

[2007-04-11 22:18:04] - pierce:  like i told paul, that might not be the real reason they aren't prosecuting.  maybe they don't think she was lying.  ~a

[2007-04-11 20:57:59] - does that apply to other laws?  if I actually believe I'm not breaking the law, am I absolved?  do we have a legal standard by which we determine what someone actually believes? - pierce

[2007-04-11 18:57:06] - Gurkie: You're surprised other people aren't as harsh as you are? -Paul

[2007-04-11 18:18:39] - one of my friends put himself up on hotornot and he did better than I expected... I was surprised seeing as how I was pretty harsh on people of that site... ~gurkie

[2007-04-11 18:17:12] - amy: and he didnt sue the cs dept at cmu! although i bet they (now) have more money then the 4 under age kids... ~gurkie

[2007-04-11 16:59:56] - err, more specifically, that a student had put up. he hadn't put it up himself. -amy

[2007-04-11 16:59:39] - gurkie: kinda reminds me of the time a picture of klaus sutner on was circulating the cs majors (and probably non-cs majors as well) -amy

[2007-04-11 16:26:55] - a: That's possible, but it doesn't sound like it based on what the new guy was saying. -Paul

[2007-04-11 16:19:46] - paul:  maybe they think that the boys actually did it, but they can't prosecute.  ~a

[2007-04-11 16:18:31] - mig: Agreed, but she still completely screwed over the entire Duke male lacrosse team and those three guys in particular. -Paul

[2007-04-11 16:15:48] - gurkie:  remember that the principal is your pal. - mig

[2007-04-11 16:13:16] - paul:  to be frank, nifong's career was mostly ruined by his own hands. - mig

[2007-04-11 16:08:29] - a: So she's somebody who they think believes things which never happened, ruined one man's career, ruined multiple kids' lives, got a national championship quality team's season cancelled, and raised racial tensions, and she's getting off scott free.? -Paul

[2007-04-11 15:46:22] - paul:  "authorities decided not to prosecute her"  that means there will be no institutions.  ~a

[2007-04-11 15:27:31] - "...he said authorities decided not to prosecute her for making false accusations after they came to the conclusion that 'she actually believed the many stories she was telling.'" I hope they're locking her away in a mental institution then. -Paul

[2007-04-11 15:26:38] - Duke lacrosse team rape charges officially dropped. -Paul

[2007-04-11 15:15:25] - a: I *think* that myspace can delete your account for you if you have been hacked. I am pretty sure I know people who have had that happen to them... I dont know what their policy is on accounts made in yoru name... ~Gurkie

[2007-04-11 15:14:38] - mig: I dont have much sympathy for the principle... his name wouldnt have been "smeared" or his earning potential affected if he hadnt tried to press charges against the kids... I would say the lawyers would have a good case for saying he hurt his earning potential by being petty... ~gurkie

[2007-04-11 15:12:59] - mig: the article said the myspace accounts were libel-ous (however that word could properly fit into the sentence) ~gurkie

[2007-04-11 14:02:21] - mig:  something not covered by the article:  doesn't myspace have a deletion policy for this kind of thing?  ~a

[2007-04-11 13:25:26] - Xpovos: hee hee. also sounds like an alternative depeche mode lineup, to rival the new gahan, fletcher, clarke and wilder album to be released... -amy

[2007-04-11 13:13:30] - i can understand blocking myspace but cancelling all computer programming classes?  geez. - mig

[2007-04-11 13:12:49] - all in all it kind of sucks for the principle since he probably didn't deserve to have his name smeared like that by idiot kids, but at the same time he brought this upon himself by overreacting in such an insane manner.  if he just asked the students to apologize this would have just gone away without too much publicity. - mig

[2007-04-11 13:10:19] - xpovos:  well if it turns out they there is no slander it makes the student's lawsuit even more fun, basically because at that point he can prove that the principle's decision to suspend him was abusing his authority to act out on a personal vendetta. - mig

[2007-04-11 12:57:44] - aaron:  :(  bad timing.  ~a

[2007-04-11 12:48:17] - kaleb and i are gonna go see Soulwax at the 930 club... sunday at 7:30 pm if anyone else wants to go - aaron

[2007-04-11 12:41:14] - mig: I wonder if they'd consider the principal a public figure.  If so, the whole thing gets even more interesting in terms of 'free speach' because public figures have fewer protections, and parody is given a wider brush when it comes to slander and libel. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-11 12:36:46] - amy: Violence and Gore.  Fun for the whole family.  Alternatively, a Democratic presidential ticket. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-11 12:32:13] - fake myspace profile is made about a school principal.  then hilarity ensues. - mig

[2007-04-11 12:03:53] - ahh splatterhouse... brings back such childhood memories. which are now tainted forever by that article. i'll never see splatterhouse as a nice wholesome game again... -amy

[2007-04-11 12:00:44] - amy: by far that's what upset me the most. i requested wesley willis and the second song they played (after wesley willis) was "Pet Shop Boys - In The Night" - aaron

[2007-04-11 12:00:16] - gurkie: a song title - aaron

[2007-04-11 11:59:54] - aaron: i'm also disturbed that PSB and OMD come up because you requested wesley willis... -amy

[2007-04-11 11:52:44] - aaron: i love reading things out of context... is that a quote or a song title? ~gurkie

[2007-04-11 11:49:14] - and then "a lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying" - i think travis told me about that once - aaron

[2007-04-11 11:48:43] - Wikipedia to the rescue. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-11 11:39:20] - "the pet shop boys" and "orchestral movements in the dark" for instance - aaron

[2007-04-11 11:38:36] - it's really disturbing that requesting "Wesley Willis" on pandora radio results in a LOT of music i like, and some i own - aaron

[2007-04-11 11:22:10] - Xpovos: I'm not, really. I have a precious metals stock which tends to hold up pretty well in down markets but nothing else. -Paul

[2007-04-11 11:10:11] - Paul: How are you hedged for a down day like today?  Might help you get into that top 1%. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-11 10:47:08] - i like "this game is porn" the best.  ~a

[2007-04-11 10:44:51] - Xpovos: I like "Ultimate Body Blows". -Paul

[2007-04-11 10:32:09] - I like #5 "Fat Worm Blows a Sparky" best. -- Xpovos

[2007-04-11 09:38:03] - axpovos: Top 3%. I'm running out of time, though. The contest only goes on for another 5 weeks tops and I still need to pass up nearly 20k people. -Paul

[2007-04-11 09:05:03] - Top 10 Tuesday: Games that Sound Like Pr0n -Paul

[2007-04-11 08:30:44] - case against Duke students may finally be dropped -dave

[2007-04-10 17:02:59] - yay for the washington post? - mig

[2007-04-10 16:48:06] - a: i wasn't sure if that worked in PHP too. (the using # instead of / thing). thanks for the tip. -amy

[2007-04-10 16:36:26] - also, you don't have to use / as the regular expression terminator.  it's a lot easier to read:  '#<div class="listtextbox">(.*?)</div>#s'  ~a

[2007-04-10 16:33:55] - replace (^(<\/div>)*) with .*? and that will get you closer . . . though it still won't match the <div> with the correct </div>.  ~a

[2007-04-10 16:28:53] - amy:  I don't think (^    )  does what you want it to do.  at least, i've never used it.  ~a

[2007-04-10 16:23:50] - sigh, i read my LJ friends page to escope my coding woes, and someone posts in the sewing community about pattern matching... matching up the pattern of a fabric... .( it's like that episode of the simpsons where bart tries to read the comics to procrastinate his assignment, only to find the comic is related to the assignment... -amy

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