here are old message board entries
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2008-04-09 15:50:19] -
gurkie: what's taking so long!
2008-04-09 14:02:17] -
Xpovos: Well, I think I sold around $2.75 a share so that's not looking so bad right now.
2008-04-09 12:31:47] -
a: I want kids, I guess I figured everyone knew that...
2008-04-09 11:17:15] -
Paul: In longer-term retrospect your decision-point to sell SIRI isn't looking so bad.
-- Xpovos
2008-04-09 11:04:18] -
a: i don't feel strongly any of the emotions linked with wanting children, so it seems wrong to me to bring an unwanted child into the world. /shrug
- aba
2008-04-09 09:58:20] -
a: I can't speak for the router I am going to get from Verizon, but the wireless router I currently have has quite a few wired connections on it.
2008-04-09 09:07:41] -
a: what cheese is remmade backwards? there now it works for Dutch
- vinnie
2008-04-08 20:39:20] -
paul: "It is normal for multiple access points to share the same SSID if they provide access to the same network" maybe you
don't have to do any special configuration to have them cooperate (though i think you do if you want it to rebroadcast without a cat5).
2008-04-08 20:34:30] - you also might not need two access points. you also might be able to get one of the access points to rebroadcast stuff (and then you wouldn't need a cat5 fucking up your pad).
2008-04-08 20:33:59] -
paul: That depends on lots of stuff. does either router have more than one wired output? you also have to decide if you want one ssid or two ssids (one ssid might be harder because then the access points would have to cooperate).
2008-04-08 20:27:13] -
aba: how did you come to that decision?
2008-04-08 19:39:53] - i don't want kids.
- aba
2008-04-08 17:43:15] -
vinnie: gurkie didn't answer the question. i wonder why
2008-04-08 17:42:10] -
vinnie: never heard of
it ~a
2008-04-08 17:09:34] - oh also: the answer was edam
- vinnie
2008-04-08 17:09:06] -
a: I want kids. but it's good to know your cousin has me covered in case it doesn't happen
- vinnie
2008-04-08 16:30:35] -
a: yea I was responding to the whole relief at no longer being tasked...
2008-04-08 16:30:02] - waaah! i dont want my sisters children like that... Although they would have some great genes
2008-04-08 16:09:12] -
aaron: And thank's to medical technology, that's no longer impossible!
-- Xpovos
2008-04-08 15:46:19] -
a: gurkie wants her sister's children
- aaron
2008-04-08 13:45:57] - don't you?
2008-04-08 13:34:22] - i do want children.
2008-04-08 13:32:34] - oh you're referring to no longer being tasked thing.
2008-04-08 13:31:29] -
gurkie: shouldn't you be asking vinnie that? he said "sounds like your cousin has a few of us covered then" i did not.
2008-04-08 13:30:22] - waah it appeared twice!
2008-04-08 13:30:11] -
a: u no want children?
2008-04-08 13:30:10] -
a: u no want children?
2008-04-08 09:44:41] -
a: no, I just heard it on another website
- vinnie
2008-04-08 00:33:52] -
So... assuming that the Verizon provided wireless router that I am getting for Fios is installed in my basement, does anybody here know if it is possible to connect said router to the wireless router I currently own using cat-5 cable so I can have a wireless router upstairs too?
2008-04-07 22:29:56] - i heard a trader joe's commercial that had a bunch of cheese puns. you didn't make the riddle from that commercial, did you?
2008-04-07 17:32:58] -
vinnie: i figured it out but i don't want to spoil the riddle
- aaron
2008-04-07 15:26:57] - time for a riddle: what cheese is made backwards?
- vinnie
2008-04-07 15:26:04] - sounds like your cousin has a few of us covered then
- vinnie
2008-04-07 15:11:28] -
another. but both of them have visited twice in the last year. both of them live in iowa and frequent the nova area.
2008-04-07 15:04:01] -
a: Cool, congrats to him. Is this the one you had to drive to the airport recently, or another?
-- Xpovos
2008-04-07 15:00:14] - Big Baby. bahaha.
2008-04-07 14:56:32] -
xpovos: my cousin just had a fourth. and he's like barely older than me.
2008-04-07 14:55:20] - i think you could beat sperm-bot at most things.
2008-04-07 14:54:29] - Here's another fun article for the future of humanity. Oh the
angst of the Gen-X Emo.
-- Xpovos
2008-04-07 14:37:28] -
a: i was thinking more of a deep blue type scenario
- aaron
2008-04-07 14:17:44] - i doubt the machine is anthropomorphic if that's what you're imagining.
2008-04-07 14:10:06] - i'd like to challenge this machine to a one-on-one... uhh... never mind
- aaron
2008-04-07 13:46:37] - mock me all you want, vinnie; i don't see you doing anything about it.
2008-04-07 13:32:58] -
shit, a, we were counting on you
- vinnie
2008-04-07 13:14:17] - i see it as a good thing . . . i'm no longer tasked with continuing the species.
2008-04-07 12:09:01] -
Men: Welcome to genetic and biological irrelevance.
-- Xpovos
2008-04-07 11:56:01] -
Drafters: Thanks for the fun time last night. I got home late, so I haven't had time to dissect any of the data, or even sort out the cards, really. But I'll toss it all up to a website with some hard calcs once I get a chance.
-- Xpovos
2008-04-07 08:25:09] -
a: grrr i could have saved $1
- aaron
2008-04-06 23:48:17] -
aaron: too late
. . . we wouldn't have made the minimum to eliminate the shipping so we only would have saved $1.
2008-04-06 22:13:10] -
a: that's really cool! if you're interested in placing an order let me know, i'll go in with you
- aaron
2008-04-06 09:37:54] - i'm not sure what the difference between a "sticker" and a "tile" is.
2008-04-06 09:32:15] -
aaron: plastic stickers not paper ones.
2008-04-06 09:09:24] -
aaron: wow that's amazing. his method of solving is very very odd. it involves rotating a middle layer a whole lot.
2008-04-06 08:56:40] -
aaron: i had to use th e walk-through. the bass is really hard without it.
2008-04-06 02:00:40] -
a: if you haven't checked youtube for rubik's cube videos there's some scary stuff. this guy's pretty good, and there are some really mind-blowing one-handed speed solves too, it's really pretty to watch
- aaron
2008-04-06 01:44:57] - burn the rope - a pretty tight flash game
- aaron
2008-04-05 01:56:53] -
vinnie: - aba
2008-04-04 17:50:29] - digital video digital audio (acronym: dvda)
2008-04-04 16:35:26] - despite what the link says, it's NOT in alexandria. it's in europe or something.
2008-04-04 16:34:51] -
vinnie: i think it's just like a park or something. just for amusement.
2008-04-04 15:48:09] - or why is that, is probably a better question
- vinnie
2008-04-04 15:47:57] -
a: what is that?
- vinnie
2008-04-04 14:47:00] -
hehehe small city!
2008-04-03 16:25:20] -
aaron: I'll probably be there. I sent you a text message.
- Kaleb
2008-04-03 14:20:19] -
aaron: I'll be there
- vinnie
2008-04-03 13:45:12] - i might be there this week . . . it kind of depends on family stuff.
2008-04-03 12:46:09] - don't copy that floppy! you're helping the trrists!
- mig
2008-04-03 12:18:47] - ddr@sfm?
- aaron
2008-04-03 11:50:49] -
xpovos: looks like he took it in stride going off his facial expression
- aaron
2008-04-03 11:24:19] -
title: thanks!
- aba
2008-04-03 10:19:31] -
Vinnie: And Pacer #10 just took a crotch shot... ow.
-- Xpovos
2008-04-03 08:24:27] - haha what a picture to choose to summarize a game. looks like kg's doing the can-can
- vinnie
2008-04-02 23:35:01] -
xpovos: yeah i saw that too.
2008-04-02 09:40:19] - hahaha - vinnie
2008-04-02 09:31:46] -
a: Apparently. The source I was quoting as sugesting it was a hoax has already been removed. Removal claims that it was a hoax, posted Slashdot 04/01/08.
-- Xpovos
2008-04-02 09:26:19] - oh rick. you card
- vinnie
2008-04-02 08:45:13] - oh an april 1st thing?
2008-04-02 08:42:17] - suggests?
2008-04-02 08:33:22] -
a: Wikipedia suggests it might be a hoax.
-- Xpovos
2008-04-01 18:35:51] -
tire pressure sensors are sending out information about you. as the article suggests . . . there were solutions for the remote unlock system problems; solutions also exist for this problem.
2008-04-01 16:40:08] - it was clearly a copyright violation (unless there actually was permission granted).
2008-04-01 16:06:45] -
kaleb: but... then why did it come back?
- aaron
2008-04-01 16:00:21] -
aaron: My guess is it was a copyright issue. According to YouTube policy, as soon as a copyright holder makes a petition to remove content, they do so, but they inform the poster. Then the poster has a chance to explain how it is either not copyrighted, or fair use. If the explanation is reasonable, the video is replaced. NFL had a big deal with that last year, or so.
2008-04-01 15:16:06] -
kaleb: hmm i wonder what the story was!
- aaron
2008-04-01 14:58:54] -
uuiU is back - Kaleb
2008-03-31 13:46:15] - I'm a man in unifoooorrmmm *duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-tse! tse!*
- vinnie
2008-03-31 13:23:46] -
Boytronic ?
- aaron
2008-03-31 13:23:40] -
vinnie: [boytronic] released Man In A Uniform back in 1984; the CD we saw must have been a greatest hits.
- aaron
2008-03-31 11:16:41] -
xpovos: I like how they refer to it as uuiU. They must have gotten rick rolled way too much
- aaron
2008-03-31 09:12:42] - The comments make this entertaining. --Xpovos
2008-03-29 01:08:52] - f
2008-03-28 16:53:44] - "jewed" is a perfectly usable word. y'all are a bunch of darkies if you think otherwise
- vinnie
2008-03-28 15:53:59] -
aaron: I read the wiki-link you provided, the 'offensive' word section. It amused me enough to parody.
-- Xpovos
2008-03-28 15:20:19] -
xpovos: haha "jewed". did you read word freak or was that just a lucky word choice
- aaron
2008-03-28 15:19:46] -
vinnie: i know! z is the new x
- aaron
2008-03-28 13:42:09] - makes the z a lot better
- vinnie
2008-03-28 13:41:52] -
aaron: za, huh. got to remember that one
- vinnie
2008-03-28 10:58:57] -
aaron: ~a
2008-03-28 10:52:32] -
aaron: Huh, I wonder who jewed with NSA to put that one in.
-- Xpovos
2008-03-28 10:43:18] -
oh... i see now. okay
- aaron
2008-03-28 10:41:15] -
the message board capitalized my wiki link. - aaron
2008-03-28 10:40:35] -
vinnie: did you know they added ZA to the
- aaron
2008-03-28 09:25:39] -
kaleb: if cody's still interested in nominating that article for deletion, here's how you do it
- aaron
2008-03-27 17:55:17] -
gurkie: nope. it's a coincidence.
2008-03-27 16:11:50] -
a: doh
- aaron
2008-03-27 16:11:31] -
a: ddr?
- aaron
2008-03-27 16:11:18] -
gurkie: me!
- aaron
2008-03-27 15:47:03] - who is going to Meg's?
2008-03-27 15:46:53] -
a: is driving ur cousin to baltimore related to ur mom being in surgery?
2008-03-27 14:42:04] - except that one time . . .
2008-03-27 14:28:15] -
paul: comcast customer service in my area is excellent.
2008-03-27 14:25:17] -
Paul: True. Thankfully I've never had to deal with Comcast personally.
-- Xpovos
2008-03-27 14:13:47] - me neither. my mother is in surgery and my cousin from iowa needs a drive to baltimore.
2008-03-27 13:59:13] - I'm not gonna be at DDR today
- vinnie
2008-03-27 12:51:40] -
a: plus, the experts probably just work it into the final pattern (kind of like how expert petrus solvers don't separate sune and allan anymore, they just do one long memorized pattern)
- aaron
2008-03-27 12:50:52] -
a: orienting two edges only takes 3 or 4 moves per edge anyway so it's not so bad.
- aaron
2008-03-27 12:47:38] -
Xpovos: They can't be worse than the comcast customer service.
2008-03-27 11:13:58] -
aaron: i've thought long about the cross method (aka fridrich). by top two layers, you mean the first two layers, right? the problem i have with the cross method is edge orientation of the last two layers must be a bitch.
2008-03-27 11:11:00] -
aaron: 20 "face turns" vs. 24 "quarter turns"
those terms are defined in the beginning of the article, but i'm sure you can guess what the difference is.
2008-03-27 11:09:07] -
aaron: five minutes with no preparation . . . i.e. no time spent studying the method.
2008-03-27 10:50:15] -
Paul: Yeah, Verizon customer support really sucks. Sorry. On the plus side, they're very giving if you pitch a fit. Which I had to do. Repeatedly. But at least now everything's clear and they gave me a free month of service to make up for the troubles. $15 is not worth 4+ hours of dealing with them, but-- it's something.
-- Xpovos
2008-03-27 10:28:50] -
Ouch, I signed up for Fios today and the next installation date they have available is April 15th.
2008-03-27 07:30:52] - i think the "fridrich method" is what most of the speed cubers use now, where you start with a cross and then solve the top two layers simultaneously
but i don't want to switch, petrus is fun
- aaron
2008-03-27 07:29:25] -
a: awww layer method's not too bad, when I was a kid I could do layer method in 90-120 seconds
- aaron
2008-03-27 07:28:40] -
a: i don't understand how two different people proved different values for the minimality of superflip in 1995... was one of them wrong?
- aaron
2008-03-27 00:25:11] -
aaron: in other cube related news if you didn't see the slashdot article,
the upper bound for a cube was dropped down to 25 moves (i mistakingly thought the upper bound was 19)
2008-03-27 00:23:36] -
aaron: my coworker challenged me to solve a cube using the layer method in five minutes. i made it, with a few seconds to spare.
2008-03-26 22:34:08] - b
2008-03-26 21:12:31] -
2008-03-26 21:12:21] -
title: Thanks! You're early.
-- Andrw
2008-03-26 21:11:59] -
Paul: I don't know about your TV situation, but certainly you shouldn't need to worry about multiple computers. And I think you can get some discounts through bundling with the cell plan, but it's only like $10/mo and I think it comes off the cell bill. Also, that may have been a short-term deal.
-- Xpovos
2008-03-26 21:08:18] -
a: Woo! Go Opera!
-- Xpovos
2008-03-26 18:23:27] - . . . 100 reached! only a few more criteria left. opera and safari (98) are neck and neck.
2008-03-26 17:00:39] -
Ah, the link actually points to a page about the game now.
2008-03-26 16:35:24] -
kaleb: I guess the "tips and tricks" section just put a bad taste in my mouth, it seemed like a really amateur site. i thought it was just some high school student putting a link to a page he made for class
- aaron
2008-03-26 16:13:50] -
mig: aren't you underestimating their statistical collecting capabilities? they're potentially able to read the contents of 100% of all unencrypted traffic.
2008-03-26 16:04:49] -
aba: i suppose they could but unless you get huge amounts of traffic i'm not sure they'd find out about it.
- mig
2008-03-26 15:22:24] -
Kaleb: I think Aaron is concerned because it looks like the creator of that site is linking wiki pages to his own site even though it doesn't seem to have content about it yet.
2008-03-26 15:11:01] -
mig: can't they enforce it by arbitrarily denying service to people who they find are running servers?
- aba
2008-03-26 14:45:36] -
mig: they can partially enforce it. cox, for instance, blocks port 80.
2008-03-26 14:09:32] -
Mig: How about TVs? It would be nice for multiple TVs to be able to get fios but I imagine I have to get an extra box for that.
2008-03-26 13:44:07] -
aba: yes that clause is both silly and unenforcable.
- mig
2008-03-26 13:43:34] -
paul: there's no restriction on using a router if that's what you're worried about.
- mig
2008-03-26 13:29:48] -
aba: You talking about the fios terms of service?
2008-03-26 13:29:35] -
Xpovos: Also, there are a lot of options about installing the service on more than one tv/computer, which I eventually would like to do, but not at the time of installation. I wanted to make sure they weren't going to restrict anything.
2008-03-26 13:28:48] -
Xpovos: Well, I have my cell phone service with Verizon and I was wondering if there was any benefit to packaging it with the fios (there does not appear to be).
2008-03-26 13:02:26] - Section 3.7.5 states that "you may not use the Broadband Service to host any type of server whether personal or commercial in nature." <-- that seems kind of silly to me
- aba
2008-03-26 12:36:14] -
Paul: No, not available where I live, but I did research on it. Maybe I can help?
-- Xpovos
2008-03-26 12:28:38] -
aaron: What's wrong with that Arcade History site?
- Kaleb
2008-03-26 11:50:51] -
dude, you're getting a fios.
2008-03-26 11:39:30] - Anybody here currently have fios? I'm thinking of signing up for it at my new place but I want to make sure I am signing up for the right stuff.
2008-03-26 11:14:02] - usually when i'm on the fence, i leave things as they are.
2008-03-26 11:13:44] - i'm on the fence.
2008-03-26 09:37:34] -
aaron: i think i disagree . . . or i agree with your original sentiment. it probably doesn't belong. the link doesn't provide the user with a useful resource.
2008-03-26 07:11:15] -
a: hmm okay. it sounds like the link is OK by wikipedia's standards so i'll leave it.
- aaron
2008-03-25 23:46:26] - for example . . . avoid "any site that misleads the reader by use of factually inaccurate material or unverifiable research. See
Reliable sources for explanations of the terms 'factually inaccurate material' or 'unverifiable research'." (from
2008-03-25 23:43:55] -
aaron: oh. something like . . . that link violates the
external link policy because ___. i think that might have something you're looking for.
2008-03-25 18:44:24] -
a: no i'm talking about the "anteater at arcade history" link
- aaron
2008-03-25 17:44:41] - if you mouse over the links, they each have the WP:IANAL stuff.
2008-03-25 17:42:59] - if you're referring to the "record" for anteater, i'd say
non-notable and
indiscriminate trivial trivia, that was probably
authored by the subject (assuming you have evidence).
2008-03-25 17:33:31] -
aaron: are you referring to "holds the record for this game with"?
2008-03-25 15:53:06] - phosphorus trioxide boron: ahhh I knew we were forgetting something
- vinnie
2008-03-25 14:27:53] -
a: someone added a link here, what's one of those cool acronyms i can use to justify removing it? like WP:IANAL or somethin
- aaron
2008-03-25 13:54:41] -
vinnie: phosphorus :<
- aaron
2008-03-25 13:28:10] -
a: It just seems to be moving too mechanically to be real. I don't see any deviation to the steps it's taking and it keeps going straight for the cat.
2008-03-25 11:15:02] -
paul: it looks real to me.
2008-03-24 16:16:04] -
Xpovos: Well..... fuck.
2008-03-24 15:28:47] -
Paul: Bad timing, eh? -- Xpovos
2008-03-24 15:12:45] -
paul: i thought it looked kind of real. you think it's a remote control turtle or something? that would make a lot of sense
- aaron
2008-03-24 14:14:14] -
a: falsehood?
- vinnie
2008-03-24 14:09:31] -
Aaron: Is that a real turtle? It looks fake.
2008-03-24 13:29:02] - true is to false as truth is to ___?
2008-03-24 13:28:50] - turtle power
- aaron
2008-03-24 11:23:15] -
a: I read more about the sermon that those remarks were made in and I wasn't too scandalized by it either, somewhat ironically. I thought the points he made were good points and it sounded like he was just getting a little passionate.
2008-03-24 10:56:45] - I have been having some problems in my apt... but David has not. I normally have to call that crazy voice automated "help me" system and have them reset my box. *shrug*
2008-03-24 10:05:49] -
mig: internet's fine for us. did another one of your neighbors move out?
- aaron
2008-03-24 09:38:31] -
fairlakesarea: has anyone been having major issues with cox? my internet and tv have not been working for the better part of this weekend, and as of now are still not working...
- mig
2008-03-23 22:52:13] -
a: some context to that sound bite would be nice.
- mig
2008-03-23 13:37:33] - Happy Easter you guys
2008-03-23 11:57:48] - (not surprisingly) i'm not scandalized by that sound-bite. anybody who says "you shall not murder / thou shalt not kill" would probably be pretty pissed off at the u.s.
2008-03-23 11:53:49] -
mig: the sound-bite that every news station likes to play is "god damn america." your speech doesn't include that sound-bite.
2008-03-23 10:37:55] - this is the speech in question that everyone was so riled up about it, and looking it over i'm just wondering what the big deal is? where is the racism?
- mig
2008-03-22 00:45:16] - will sammy eat it? episode 15
- aaron
2008-03-21 20:01:26] -
gurkie: or as websense put it, "and so, at 11am on a Tuesday, a prominent politican spoke to americans about race, as if it were mature content."
- aaron
2008-03-21 17:48:05] - so the obama article was blocked here as mature content...
2008-03-21 16:03:32] -
paul: ouch, you weren't kidding. I just tried to read it
- vinnie
2008-03-21 14:23:43] -
Vinnie: I think I'm generally a fan of the content of George Washington's farewell address, although I'll fully admit to never having read through all of it (and the parts I have read through are more difficult than Shakespeare to get through).
2008-03-21 14:19:55] -
Vinnie: I suppose certain otherwise unremarkable speeches can be considered great based upon their historical impact (Gettysburg Address, I have a dream, Tear down this wall, etc). Perhaps Obama's speech will be equally impactful.
2008-03-21 14:18:51] -
Vinnie: I see your point and I think it's a good one. I guess I'm not much of a "rah-rah" kind of speech guy, in that I'm usually not a huge fan of the generally agreed upon "great" speeches. I tend to like the drier speeches with more substance to them.
2008-03-21 13:54:39] - I guess I'm saying that I can't think of too many well-known speeches that don't fit your criticisms
- vinnie
2008-03-21 13:53:00] -
paul: I'm curious to hear what you are looking for in a speech (to see a specific example would be nice). I don't mean this to sound defensive, I just feel like your criticisms of his speech apply to basically every "great" speech
- vinnie
2008-03-21 13:16:40] - I just didn't think it was all that good of a speech, although it does seem to be typical Obama stuff. Tons of style but no substance. Lots of idealism but little practicality. And boatloads of contradictions when it comes to the topic of race.
2008-03-21 13:15:40] -
--: I don't think that matches too much with what I was saying. That article seemed to be saying that it was a good speech, but ultimately didn't seem to help him because (damn the luck), you need white votes to win the presidency.
2008-03-21 11:54:11] -
Paul: Maybe
this article captures some of what you're saying?
2008-03-21 11:47:42] -
aba: He certainly had to have written some portions of it himself. But I'm too cynical to believe he wrote the whole thing himself. Nor should he have, necessarily.
-- Xpovos
2008-03-21 11:41:59] -
xpovos: it's even more impressive that he actually wrote it himself.
- aba
2008-03-21 08:46:01] - For me, a lot of the speech's beauty was in the very well crafted rhetoric and in the prime use of the techniques of candidates that I had such joy studying in my PSCI courses. This speech would be a lot of fun to dissect in one of those classes. Great examples of hanging the lantern in particular.
-- Xpovos
2008-03-20 23:16:13] -
kaleb: done.
2008-03-20 22:44:24] -
a: Done.
- Kaleb
2008-03-20 22:44:10] -
aaron: PWNED
- Kaleb
2008-03-20 21:29:51] -
kaleb: email me a username and password?
2008-03-20 21:29:38] -
aaron: you're able to make him an account. anybody who has an account can create an account.
2008-03-20 17:17:18] - or as jon stewart put it, "and so, at 11am on a Tuesday, a prominent politican spoke to americans about race, as if they were adults."
- pierce
2008-03-20 17:13:06] -
personally, I think it's a major improvement to go from presidential candidates who wag their tongues emptily about race, to one who recognizes that both "sides" have points and thinks we should elevate the discourse accordingly
- pierce
2008-03-20 17:12:45] -
paul: that's one hell of a dichotomy you've created for yourself there. obama's speech actually contained
content, though... it wasn't empty pleasantry.
- pierce
2008-03-20 16:58:21] -
Pierce: Also, I misread one word pretty badly too. Anyway, I was greatly amused by the visual of Obama urging Bush to wipe out half of Earth's population.
2008-03-20 16:57:30] -
Pierce: I put a pause in completely the wrong place when reading that last post and was briefly thinking that Obama wanted Bush to reduce the worldwide population by one-half by 2015.
2008-03-20 16:56:15] -
Pierce: I'm just not sure it's an improvement to go from "Obama's pastor has said some controversial things" to "Doesn't Obama have such pleasant sounding speeches?"
2008-03-20 16:55:01] - "A bill to require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy... reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day." it occurs to me that, by presiding over an economy that has so greatly devalued the dollar, Bush might actually achieve this goal.
- pierce
2008-03-20 16:53:16] - I'd never seen that Kos article, but it's nice to get reaffirmation of my choice. One funny-but-not-so-funny note from the list of bills Obama has introduced...
- pierce
2008-03-20 16:28:27] -
otherwise, if he ignores it, he must agree with it. if he condemns the words but not the man, he must agree with it. if he condemns the words and the man, he gets accused of disloyalty to his supporters, and lip-service politicking.
- pierce
2008-03-20 16:27:05] -
paul: "I just thought he had already done that multiple times in the media" he had, but in the absense of another story the 24-hour news networks and (mostly the conservative) talking heads were dragging it out as if he hadn't. this speech was a way to address the topic head-on, and make his position indisputably clear.
- pierce
2008-03-20 16:04:59] -
aba: Ah, ok. That makes sense. I assume you mean his tendency to aim higher and go for the more sweeping change?
2008-03-20 15:14:24] -
paul: i guess not necessarily changed my mind..... i was on the fence about who to vote for and that post and searching through LOC for myself made me realize that obama's track record and views were a better fit for me.
- aba
2008-03-20 13:55:01] -
aaron: ok
- vinnie
2008-03-20 13:31:24] -
aba: Changed your mind? Did you originally think he was a legislative lightweight or something?
2008-03-20 13:30:53] -
Vinnie: Which is what it seems like his entire speech is about.
2008-03-20 13:30:35] -
Vinnie: Fair enough. I certainly don't have a problem with condemning the words without condemning the man, I just thought he had already done that multiple times in the media. I just don't find it so amazingly inspirational that he has some friends who he sometimes disagrees with.
2008-03-20 13:27:23] -
aba: ha I read that same article and I think that was when obama started to appear like the best candidate to me
- vinnie
2008-03-20 13:25:50] - I find that reflects my own personal views
- vinnie
2008-03-20 13:25:11] - when most politicians would ask the person in their cabinet to resign to avoid a scandal, obama tried to understand why wright said what he did, explained that he didn't agree, but that the man is still a positive force for good in many other ways
- vinnie
2008-03-20 13:22:26] -
paul: see, after the speech I felt like distancing himself from what his pastor said without distancing himself from the man himself WAS the correct thing to do. I guess that's one of the parts of the speech that resonated most with me. (con't)
2008-03-20 13:18:21] - yeah I don't think the speech (like most public speeches, really) is supposed to provide answers. I think it summed the problem very well, and I think it was inspirational. fighting racism comes down to making a societal change anyway. there's little more any one person can do then inspire people to change
- vinnie
2008-03-20 13:17:03] - this is what changed my mind about obama.
- aba
2008-03-20 12:48:37] -
paul: i think in the beginning of the speech i felt like you did, i dont know if it was the quality of the writing that got me past that attitude. Its a very pretty speech that I would love to trust in but i still want to know HOW he plans on doing any of this...
2008-03-20 12:31:39] - These are semi-serious questions because I haven't been able to bring myself to read the whole speech. I'm just going off the half or so that I have read and everything I've heard about it.
2008-03-20 12:30:30] - As far as I can tell, he didn't say anything substantative at all. Was there anything in his speech that really meant anything? He still is distancing himself from what his pastor said without distancing himself (much) from the man.
2008-03-20 12:28:04] -
Vinnie: I guess I just don't understand what was so great about it. It seems like the same old deal where he gets up and says: "blah blah hope blah change blah unity blah blah" and everybody thinks it's the greatest speech ever.
2008-03-20 12:25:12] -
So.... in other words. Let's move beyond race (ignore my pastor's crazy anti-white ramblings) and instead have an honest discussion on race (let me keep playing the race card)?
2008-03-20 12:17:54] - it was a nice speech. it hasn't changed my opinion of him being nothing more than a snake oil salesmen promising to wave his magic wand and cure everything that ails ya, but a nice speech nonetheless.
- mig
2008-03-20 12:03:18] -
ddr_people: itg@nvcc?
- aaron
2008-03-20 11:59:39] - not that this is a particularly new sentiment. what I liked most about the speech was that I think he put it superbly, while also tying it to why he plans to keep Rev. Wright in his council. to me, it works on both levels very well
- vinnie
2008-03-20 11:57:54] -
paul: yeah that's practically what the speech is about. he evens acknowledges the contradiction. I think this sums it up best: "For the African-American community, that path means embracing the burdens of our past without becoming victims of our past." to me it means, we are where we are, let's not try to hide that, but let's also try to move past it
- vinnie
2008-03-20 11:47:39] -
a: make kaleb a wiki account!
- aaron
2008-03-20 11:42:35] -
Paul: Both were there. I think the crux of it was "Let's move beyond racism and have an honest discussion of [something/anything/including race(ism)]" Which can be seen as contradictive.
-- Xpovos
2008-03-20 10:53:22] - Because honestly, I have heard both views attributed to the speech.
2008-03-20 10:53:08] - That probably wasn't clear. I meant to ask if Obama's speech was more about "let's have an honest discussion of race" or "we should move beyond race".
2008-03-20 10:52:17] -
Sorry, there must be something wrong with me because I tried reading Obama's speech again and I get bored to tears. Maybe somebody can tell me, are we supposed to be discussing race or moving beyond it?
2008-03-20 10:42:51] -
Gurkie: -Paul
2008-03-20 10:29:38] - What was it his pastor said anyway?
2008-03-20 10:23:44] - And saying that no one is perfect everyone has flaws and that if you try to see through someone elses eyes you might actually understand them better, and be able to relate to where they are coming from and then continue on together...
2008-03-20 10:23:24] -
pierce: i think its interesting that we both read the speech and took different things away from it... to me it seemed like he was saying we need to continue building a "more perfect union" and to do that we cant keep blaming everyone else.
2008-03-20 10:20:39] - at first it annoyed me, everyone knows the history of America and racism is filled with atrocities. I feel like everyone excuses their ignorance by looking at the past and saying i can say this because my people werent treated fairly at that point. but focusing backwards doesnt let the country move forward i dont really have a point. I really liked the speech though~gurkie
2008-03-20 10:20:06] -
a: I don't have a wiki account and it doesn't seem to allow me to create one. I can't access the pages unless I'm logged in.
- Kaleb
2008-03-20 10:16:49] -
vinnie: you are right, that is an amazing speech. it makes me want to go out and become a teacher and makes me feel crappy about my career path.
2008-03-20 04:18:22] -
pierce: your words are too big. i'm so confused by your complex concepts.
2008-03-20 03:32:31] - maybe that is, in itself, a facade and his own campaign's way of playing the game, but at some point I'm either going to be outsmarted by my own cynicism, or the system will be too far gone for my opinions to matter anyway.
- pierce
2008-03-20 03:31:29] - it's also more "meta" than politicians usually get, and highlights what I like about obama. on paper there's not
that much of a divide between him and clinton, but when you look at their approach to the political "game" he seems a much more reluctant participant in the insider shenanigans than she does.
- pierce
2008-03-20 03:28:57] -
a: why is that a trivial subject? his whole point is that we've developed into a culture that pays lip service to the idea of "political discourse" by sensationalizing incidents like this thing with his pastor or geraldine ferraro's comments without actually having any real debate about the underlying issues. I think that's a very important topic, personally.
- pierce
2008-03-20 00:32:18] -
kaleb: [edit] [css] ~a
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