here are old message board entries

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[2008-06-03 15:32:58] - it's working now.  ~a

[2008-06-03 15:20:10] - a: really? i'm still watching it after a shift+refresh - aaron

[2008-06-03 14:49:09] - "we're sorry the video is no longer available."  ~a

[2008-06-03 14:45:09] - aaron: thats a REALLY BAD IDEA ~gurkie

[2008-06-03 14:04:58] - how to wake your sleeping girlfriend - aaron

[2008-06-03 13:24:30] - errr.  it's a yes to the first question.  :-(  ~a

[2008-06-03 13:23:59] - paul:  so that's a yes.  ~a

[2008-06-03 13:22:20] - a: Well, we only have the house from Saturday to Saturday. That's why it's 8 days and not 9. -Paul

[2008-06-03 13:06:55] - paul:  people are planning on being in nova for father's day, right?  that's why it's 8 days and not 9?  ~a

[2008-06-03 12:58:24] - xpovos:  maybe.  why?  ~a

[2008-06-03 12:10:15] - have you guys seen its wikipedia's web search engine where you can rank the results to better them... ~gurkie

[2008-06-03 12:02:10] - Goofy Holler Whoa that sample got used in Street Fighter?! Now i almost regret not seeing it - aaron

[2008-06-03 11:48:44] - a: "i love [...]/mvc".  I'm pretty sure that's not the mvc I'm thinking of.  Maybe? -- Xpovos

[2008-06-03 11:06:31] - rurrr  ~a

[2008-06-03 09:46:09] - a: fUf' >:O - aaron

[2008-06-02 15:42:54] - Vinnie: Check the foil then, you probably got gyped that way.  Like it was supposed to be a rare foil and you probably got an uncommon.  I think that's one of the reasons they've set it up the way the have now.  And they also monkeyed aroud with the rarities (C1/C2) (U1/U2) for some sets before... -- Xpovos

[2008-06-02 15:13:16] - the only thing they've really changed along rarity lines is making certain cards more common than other cards of the same rarity. like for instance, I think Desert in Arabian Nights was supposed to be printed 10 times as many times as the other commons, purposely - vinnie

[2008-06-02 15:10:58] - that said, I have opened an Invasion starter deck that had only two rares in it :( - vinnie

[2008-06-02 15:10:19] - xpovos: ass talking. I've heards rumors of all-rare misprint packs, but WOTC has used the same methods since the start to ensure each starter and booster have the same numbers of rare-uncommon-common as any other one in the set - vinnie

[2008-06-02 14:21:14] - Vinnie: One guy, who I entirely believe to have been talking out of his ass, was saying that with the earliest sets the packs had no defined rarity ratios.  That is, a pack of alpha might have 15 rares (on some incomprehensible day).  Is that true? -- Xpovos

[2008-06-02 13:50:11] - hah true. you used to get 2-3 land in a Revised booster. and a Deathlace as your rare :) - vinnie

[2008-06-02 13:40:16] - I don't understand reintroducing the basic land bit but I guess it's still better than 3rd ed... Maybe they were really upset about running out of forests at our Shadowmoor prerelease - aaron

[2008-06-02 11:41:20] - I wonder how this will affect Limited. 5 packs exponential at 7/8 (not getting any mythic rares) -> ~51%.  Vs. 49% getting at least one.  Will those 49% have an unfair advantage? -- Xpovos

[2008-06-02 11:17:00] - I've thought about the statistics and think I've found the loophole they're using.  The odds of getting a specific mythic rare vs. a specific rare is probably about 2:1. -- Xpovos

[2008-06-02 10:54:18] - vinnie: And I'm still not convinced that the mythic rare is twice as rare.  If I need to open 8 packs to get one, then it's still 7 times as rare until something proves to me otherwise.  But I'm not horribly upset by that... I'm willing to give it a chance. -- Xpovos

[2008-06-02 10:53:21] - vinnie: Precisely, and though I suppose it does help a little to get a few more, or to at least be shown that I can get land, etc.  Replacing the common?  Why not replace that stupid pro-player bit.  What new player wants a card telling them about a pro player? -- Xpovos

[2008-06-02 10:43:58] - xpovos: the basic land annoys me most too. I have a really hard time believing that one land helps anyone. even if I was a newcomer who didn't want to buy a land pack and couldn't bum lands off my friends, I'd have to buy like 60 packs to get the 12 swamps and 12 islands I need for my deck? that's nutty - vinnie

[2008-06-02 10:41:35] - xpovos: yeah now that I've read the article the mythic rare doesn't bother me too much. twice as hard to get as a normal rare, not a huge issue. I was expecting these rares to be extremely hard to get, which would make their demand ridiculous if the card was good - vinnie

[2008-06-02 10:10:11] - Vinnie: Rosewater wrote an article explaining it, and it helps some.  I'm still not totally convinced.  Oddly the item that annoys me most is the loss of the 11th common for the basic land.  And they have a good reason for that, but come on, just toss in a basic land in additon.  Not exactly a high demand issue. -- Xpovos

[2008-06-02 09:37:31] - mythic rare?? *eyeroll* - vinnie

[2008-06-02 09:23:36] - Vinnie: This does not make me feel very good about the future of MtG. -- Xpovos

[2008-06-01 10:56:15] - hehe okay it works. i just got it backwards. i guess i was probably using a different wiki's format. at work, we have a wiki where we use ][ as a delimiter instead of | - aaron

[2008-06-01 10:55:30] - Ding Hai Effect - aaron

[2008-05-30 16:28:19] - aaron:  that's interesting:  in spherical geometry, AAA is sufficient for congruence.  that's some crazy shit.  ~a

[2008-05-30 16:09:14] - one syntax is html and one is mediawiki.  ~a

[2008-05-30 15:51:30] - aaron:  you're confusing two syntaxes.  either use <a href="">f­aulty proof for congruency of two triangles</a>  or use [[congruence (geometry)#Congruence of triangles|f­aulty proof for congruency of two triangles]]  ~a

[2008-05-30 15:20:46] - a: :'( what did i do! - aaron

[2008-05-30 15:20:29] - sam: it's also a faulty proof for congruency of two triangles - aaron

[2008-05-30 14:53:38] - did you know that the abbreviation for 'assist' in soccer is 'ass'? -sam

[2008-05-30 13:35:56] - Xpovos: Coincidentally I just preordered Fallout 3 a few days ago, and I've seen that image. - Kaleb

[2008-05-30 12:57:07] - Heh.  I dunno, there's a lot of room for interpretation on this. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-29 16:19:56] - a: awww how sweet... unless ur smiling for a mean reason in which case dont be so mean! ~gurkie

[2008-05-29 14:21:25] - vinnie:  i read that:  i still have like "oh noes!"  i thought you were being miguel.  ~a

[2008-05-29 14:20:48] - aaron:  oh i see.  ~a

[2008-05-29 14:17:08] - yeah nvcc is good. I hope someplace will have change this time. I still have like no ones - vinnie

[2008-05-29 14:08:56] - a: 777600000 = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 9, that's where the 9 comes into play- aaron

[2008-05-29 14:02:47] - gurkie:  you make me smile for a completely different reason.  ~a

[2008-05-29 13:56:41] - (((System.currentTimeMillis() - 777600000L)/(DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY * 7))&1L) == 1L?"sfm":"nvcc"  is simpler.  ~a

[2008-05-29 13:52:38] - aaron:  i'm not sure where 9 comes into play.  also, i found a few other problems (7776000 instead of 777600).  here's the corrected code:  (((System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 - 777600L)/(DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY/1000 * 7))&1L) == 1L?"sfm":"nvcc"  ~a

[2008-05-29 13:40:41] - a: well that messes up my division. i'll just set the offset to (9 * DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY). I was wondering what the significance of that number was - aaron

[2008-05-29 13:27:21] - u dorks! (u make me smile) ~gurkie

[2008-05-29 13:22:39] - however . . . i think it's coincidental because i think your code is wrong (it's my fault though).  i didn't specify that now returns seconds since midnight 1-1-1970 in every implementation except java.  use System.currentTimeMillis()/1000  ~a

[2008-05-29 13:18:08] - aaron:  yep.  ~a

[2008-05-29 13:12:06] - a: so nvcc? - aaron

[2008-05-29 13:11:50] - a: (((System.currentTimeMillis() - 7776000L)/(DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY * 7))&1L) == 1L?"sfm":"nvcc" - aaron

[2008-05-29 13:00:34] - aaron:  ((now()-777600)/604800)&1?"sfm":"nvcc"  ~a

[2008-05-29 11:43:09] - ddr_people: itg or sfm? - aaron

[2008-05-29 11:22:25] - i am tired  -_-  yawn

[2008-05-28 22:25:46] - a: ticket to ride nordic countries. (and i lost) ~gurkie

[2008-05-28 17:10:08] - is this a game?  ~a

[2008-05-28 16:53:33] - kaleb: it should have read gurkie is currently winning nordic countries :-D.. I just hope no one out bids me. Ill know in about 4 hours! ~gurkie

[2008-05-28 15:46:17] - gurkie: Me. - Kaleb

[2008-05-28 15:14:13] - Checking my up-to-date financial data I notice that I have attended exactly one poker session in 2008.  That makes me sad. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-28 13:56:38] - I totally did not know the etymology of dingbat. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-28 13:56:20] - aaron: I've pretty much given up playing with telemarketers.  The only ones I get now are automated calling centers.  So sad.  No one to talk to. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-28 13:36:05] - a: and yeah it's mean to do to your son. but it gives me a fun idea for something to do next time a telemarketer calls :-D - aaron

[2008-05-28 13:35:36] - Wingdings lol@NYC controvercy - aaron

[2008-05-28 13:33:35] - who put that as the title? ~gurkie

[2008-05-28 12:53:36] - i totally understand the law begs a protest, but ruining this boy's life because of that is unreasonable.  ~a

[2008-05-28 12:46:19] - Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 unusual first name - aaron

[2008-05-27 18:37:14] - - aaron

[2008-05-27 17:17:04] - a: hmm... is not blocked... -sam

[2008-05-27 13:08:51] - mig:  Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (from what i can tell, plurilateral and bilateral mean roughly the same thing)  ~a

[2008-05-27 13:00:17] - sam:  so then i'd have to assume is blocked?  ~a

[2008-05-27 12:22:33] - a: i didn't ask yet. i'm guessing they thought it stood for "what the f**k" -sam

[2008-05-27 11:42:39] - wtf? - mig

[2008-05-27 11:15:11] - did they give a reason?  ~a

[2008-05-27 11:14:13] - World Taekwondo Federation's official website is blocked at work.  WTF! -sam

[2008-05-27 11:14:00] - *** a is done.

[2008-05-25 15:18:09] - *** a is sucking it.

[2008-05-23 19:38:26] - a: yeah! so suck it! - pierce

[2008-05-23 18:54:43] - pierce:  yeah.  :-P  ~a

[2008-05-23 17:52:38] - in other words, you're using an artifact of their design decision as evidence to support a different design decision, even though that artifact wouldn't necessarily apply if you changed the premise. - pierce

[2008-05-23 17:50:39] - a: but they're free to do that because B cannot have static members.  thus, it doesn't matter that a1.b.getClass() and a2.b.getClass() return the same thing because there's no way for a1.B and a2.B to be functionally different. - pierce

[2008-05-23 17:22:58] - pierce:  bad news!  System.out.println(a.b.getClass() == a2.b.getClass());  (prints out true)  ~a

[2008-05-23 17:16:51] - pierce:  my officemate said (converted to your parlance) a.b.getClass() != a2.b.getClass(), therefore a1.b.s != a2.b.s, furthermore this is too confusing to exist.  ~a

[2008-05-23 17:14:44] - pierce:  you've brought up the same argument as my officemate.  i'm slowly starting to agree with both of you.  ~a

[2008-05-23 16:54:45] - a: what would be the scope of a static member of a non-static inner class?  assuming (A -> B -> s) as the outer class, inner class, and static member respectively, does (a1.B.s == a2.B.s)?  I can see both arguments, that it should and shouldn't. - pierce

[2008-05-23 15:33:15] - in java, regular (non-static) inner classes should be allowed to have static members.  whoever disallowed static members in non-static inner classes was just being dumb.  ~a

[2008-05-23 11:46:19] - To those that might care, Wigu is back. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-22 19:37:22] - (more seriously, sorry to hear about your head) - pierce

[2008-05-22 19:21:50] - vinnie: did you realize you could've had a V8 and respond overenthusiastically? - pierce

[2008-05-22 16:47:46] - DDR is off for today. - Kaleb

[2008-05-22 16:05:42] - kaleb/aaron: I'm skipping too. I hit my head pretty badly a couple days ago and I don't want to aggravate my headache with bouncing. but if you guys want to play magic afterward, give me a call - vinnie

[2008-05-22 15:57:08] - . . . no ddr for me today.  i'll be hanging out in springfield though.  ~a

[2008-05-22 15:56:32] - a wikipedia conference will be in alexandria this year!  too bad that's NOT alexandria, virginia.  ~a

[2008-05-22 15:35:13] - kaleb: yes! ddr at springfield mall - aaron

[2008-05-22 15:29:17] - Are we doing DDR today? - Kaleb

[2008-05-22 14:37:23] - ohhhh who else posted that!!! grr - aaron

[2008-05-22 14:37:15] -

[2008-05-22 14:35:09] -

[2008-05-22 13:08:54] - "I’m fed up with Photoshop and its one billion rarely-used features"  . . . it's the "one billion rarely-used features" that makes photoshop what it is.  i think people hate how much photoshop costs and how complicated it is because they don't realize it's not designed for consumer photo editing.  ~a

[2008-05-22 12:36:14] - 10 Free Web-based Alternatives to Photoshop  -sam

[2008-05-22 09:47:50] - aaron: ive used it before... Although the last time I tried I couldnt remember what the number was 800/866/888 goog411 ~gurkie

[2008-05-22 09:27:56] - a: the only parts of the song I have in my head are the parts that aren't talked over on the ad. "I came a long way to see you" and "but I live in this city and I'm out of control" - vinnie

[2008-05-21 18:42:09] - aaron:  i had heard about it, but i never added it to my phone.  i've used the google text-messaging service (similar but you use text messages instead of voice).  the text messaging thing is GOOGL (46645)  ~a

[2008-05-21 18:35:27] - did anybody know about google's free 411 service? - aaron

[2008-05-21 18:29:09] - paul:  well i guess i'll just drive here and see what's going on.  anybody want to go to some random place near baltimore or dc or woodbridge?  it'll be around 4pm on saturday.  ~a

[2008-05-21 17:10:43] - a: If it's not in wikipedia, it does not exist. -Paul

[2008-05-21 16:52:04] - i can't find a wikipedia article that describes how it is rude to invite oneself to an event.  conclusions???  ~a

[2008-05-21 16:28:35] - a: I think Dave and I are either going to be playing Gears of War or possibly tennis if you're interested. -Paul

[2008-05-21 16:26:04] - paul:  on the other hand, you should invite me to the fun things you're doing on saturday.  ~a

[2008-05-21 16:25:04] - paul:  you suck.  ~a

[2008-05-21 16:18:10] - a: I think no matter how my plans shake out, I am busy for most of the day on Saturday. Sorry. -Paul

[2008-05-21 16:00:04] - xpovos: it's funny that the article references the one Married... With Children episode i remember watching - aaron

[2008-05-21 15:51:15] - paul:  saturday@1200?  ~a

[2008-05-21 15:50:22] - paul:  never mind.  for some reason it took a few hours for your email to come through.  ~a

[2008-05-21 15:49:13] - a: For what? -Paul

[2008-05-21 15:41:16] - amazon has rockband for the ps2 for 100 bucks.... for the next hour or so~gurkie

[2008-05-21 15:12:40] - a: Ugh, I hate those free credit report songs.  They're terrible, yet catchy somehow. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-21 15:02:25] - a: I've had Beck's "Loser" stuck in my head since yesterday. They said the first nine words of it on American Dad, which is a mean thing to do with a song... Songs get stuck in my head so easy that way - aaron

[2008-05-21 14:32:41] - vinnie:  that's not the kind of song that's easy to get stuck in your head!  it doesn't have a regular beat and easy to hear lyrics.  i, on the other hand, have the five-dollar-foot-long and free-credit-report-dot-com-baby commercials constantly stuck in my head.  ~a

[2008-05-21 14:30:53] - paul:  check your email.  ~a

[2008-05-21 13:26:07] - I have the song from the GTAIV commercial in my head - vinnie

[2008-05-20 14:46:50] - mid august sounds good to me.  ~a

[2008-05-20 14:39:15] - a: u serious? I can move it seeing as how I havent done anything for it yet. I am thinking not June, I have Bday things I have to attend July 11/18 so mid August? ~gurkie

[2008-05-20 14:36:04] - gurkie:  i'm busy july 26 - august  9 :'(  ~a

[2008-05-20 14:27:22] - a: Hmm are you interested? I cant tell... ~gurkie

[2008-05-20 14:27:11] - vinnie: no we havent I saw a place where its like 65 bucks a person in the summer to go... I was thinking maybe August 2? ~gurkie

[2008-05-20 13:35:57] - i mean me me me me me!  ~a

[2008-05-20 13:35:44] - gurkie:  me.  ~a

[2008-05-20 13:31:26] - gurkie: ooh, yes, that would be fun. have we ever done that as a group? - vinnie

[2008-05-20 12:21:45] - a: nice! ~gurkie

[2008-05-20 12:14:42] - who wants to go white water rafting this summer? ~gurkie

[2008-05-20 11:53:17] - a: hehe, funny link - vinnie

[2008-05-20 11:44:38] - they're made out of meat  ~a

[2008-05-20 10:55:20] - where'd everybody go?

[2008-05-19 16:49:51] - how about this one?: - vinnie

[2008-05-19 16:11:18] - sam: That sounds really cool, but the amazon reviews make it sound like there are some design flaws. If they could be fixed, I'd buy one myself. - Kaleb

[2008-05-19 13:43:34] - samazon!  ~a

[2008-05-19 13:13:14] - It's also sold at -sam

[2008-05-19 13:04:12] - Flying Alarm Clock - When the alarm sounds the propeller is launched up into the air & flies around the room. To turn off the alarm you'll have to get up, find it & return it to the base. -sam

[2008-05-19 11:19:36] - i liked this one, though it's probably photoshopped. - mig

[2008-05-19 08:18:38] -,22049,23698143-5012895,00.html -- Xpovos

[2008-05-18 19:12:02] - title: That's either hillarious, or sad.  Bravo. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-18 01:12:19] - thistreebagthey had playing and eat wasn't at their names crown. my days to actually along

[2008-05-17 18:44:11] - bored bored bored

[2008-05-17 14:02:01] - xpovos:  the spam on the message board has exploded in the past two weeks:  10 messages per day.  luckily my newest filters are holding.  ~a

[2008-05-17 08:28:01] - See, that's probably spam, but without the link, I can't be sure.  It might just be someone on the board having a psychotic moment. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-16 20:03:59] - blackjhonkeymy misguided I grew and climb the dead I assumed I went pretty were having and climb done it. that

[2008-05-16 11:01:54] - aaron: i doubt voldemort will be there... Thats right I said his name. ~Gurkie

[2008-05-16 11:00:50] - WING SUX!!!

[2008-05-16 09:50:05] - hey i didn't know this seizure-causing-pokemon-episode thing was real. - aaron

[2008-05-16 09:47:20] - aaron: who are you referring to? I wish I understoo-oo-oo-ood - vinnie

[2008-05-15 17:11:12] - gurkie: let me know if you-know-who is doing a solo act there, then maybe i will be convinced to come ;) - aaron

[2008-05-15 15:01:59] - aaron: I guess I will forgive you, but only cause paul agreed to go! ~gurkie

[2008-05-15 14:53:16] - gurkie: i think i'll pass but i do like ABBA! - aaron

[2008-05-15 14:33:59] - aaron: yeah sounds good - vinnie

[2008-05-15 13:36:31] - Free chicken sandwiches at McDonalds with the purchase of a medium or large drink from 10am to 7pm today. -Paul

[2008-05-15 11:49:42] - Im hearing its a tribute band or something... i am clueless ~gurkie

[2008-05-15 11:44:42] - tickets are 40 bucks... ~gurkie

[2008-05-15 11:44:29] - do people like ABBA? There is an ABBA - The Tour show at the 9:30 club on June 18 and 19th and I kinda want to go... ~gurkie

[2008-05-15 11:37:46] - aaron: I have a work meeting from 5:30-6PM, but I'll leave for NVCC right after that. - Kaleb

[2008-05-15 10:57:00] - ddr_people: itg@nvcc? - aaron

[2008-05-15 10:56:51] - with the gay bomb, gay bomb, gay bomb

[2008-05-15 10:05:40] - start a nuclear war

[2008-05-14 18:41:31] - anon:  you slut.  :-P  ~a

[2008-05-14 18:14:19] - let's start a war

[2008-05-14 16:28:40] - ~gurkie

[2008-05-13 22:06:45] - I don't need to see a face to know that is a real horse's ass. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-13 18:47:37] - so apparently google has started blurring out faces on street view - aaron

[2008-05-13 11:31:44] - specifically, will show you past woots.  -  aba

[2008-05-13 11:27:27] - a: -  aba

[2008-05-13 11:14:16] - woot off?  ~a

[2008-05-13 09:19:59] - a: I bought a new one via the recent woot off.  I'll post on it as soon as it arrives and I've given it a test drive. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-13 06:47:24] - aba:  that's exactly what pierce said.  it lacks model on purpose.  i don't really care about model; i'm more interested in knowing what camera makers are good.  you're free to put model if you want though.  ~a

[2008-05-13 02:15:43] - the digital camera link lacks model?  -  aba

[2008-05-12 23:57:14] - the average male has sex once a week.  if you can double down, then your life expectancy increases by three years.  -sc

[2008-05-12 22:14:40] - a: Aha.  That's one of those features it took me a while to get the hang of, but noticeably miss now if I don't have it. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-12 21:58:54] - digital cameras

[2008-05-12 21:13:04] - a: I'll usr your bin! - pierce

[2008-05-12 19:31:48] - pierce:  /usr/bin/wc?  ~a

[2008-05-12 19:19:00] - a: textpad counted for me.  I just copy/pasted. - pierce

[2008-05-12 18:45:34] - pierce:  you actually counted?  ~a

[2008-05-12 17:05:14] - mig: well your two posts so far on the subject have been 145 characters total, all of which would've been saved if you'd used tab completion. :) - pierce

[2008-05-12 16:01:30] - mig:  when it doesn't obfuscate organization, i opt for directory/file names that allow for easier tab completion.  ~a

[2008-05-12 15:56:16] - a:  there are enough similarly named subprojects that tab completion won't save me many keystrokes. - mig

[2008-05-12 15:53:17] - xpovos:  tab completion.  if i wanted to "cd jcrm-war" but i knew that there was only one directory that started with "jc" then i would type "cd jc<TAB>" and bash (or cmd in microsoftxp/microsoftvista) would fill in the rest.  ~a

[2008-05-12 15:32:38] - a: Clarify, please.  What is tab completion? -- Xpovos

[2008-05-12 15:19:34] - mig:  you obviously don't use tab completion.  and you hate dual screens because you don't use tab completion.  tab completion would have put you past this input box before you hit enter.  ~a

[2008-05-12 14:55:42] - Xpovos: I understand the audience being into it, and it was pretty cool, I just didn't understand the backstage thing and the talk about it being a surprise. -Paul

[2008-05-12 14:48:20] - sometimes i hate dual screens.... - mig

[2008-05-12 14:47:59] - cd JCRM-war

[2008-05-12 14:06:05] - Paul: I dodn't get what they were all excited about either, but the first dude could dance... definitely acknowledge that. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-12 13:55:54] - a:  you can call it a business decision.  if they don't relax their policies then they will lose the business from people visiting, therefore costing their country money.  a poor argument, i'll admit, but it's one they can make.  - mig

[2008-05-12 13:32:02] - apparently, china is going to disable their censorship policies for many visitors to china during the 2008 olympics.  you'd think that they would leave the blockers enabled if they felt what they were doing was normal and acceptable.  so they know what they're doing is wrong?  ~a

[2008-05-12 13:26:01] - oh.  maybe referring to the fact that there turned out to be two people dancing?  ~a

[2008-05-12 13:08:26] - a: In the youtube video. -Paul

[2008-05-12 13:07:25] - surprise?  ~a

[2008-05-12 12:55:30] - aba: I'm confused. What was the surprise? -Paul

[2008-05-12 12:08:48] - ha-ir? -- Xpovos

[2008-05-12 11:55:25] - vinnie:  i disagree.  back-hair should be hyphenated.  ~a

[2008-05-12 10:39:47] - title: eww ~gurkie

[2008-05-12 10:03:33] - combed-back should be hyphenated, people! don't fill our minds with those images :) - vinnie

[2008-05-10 22:49:23] - hmmm.  i wonder how i missed that.  ~a

[2008-05-10 22:11:27] - a: i think he mis-read it as the hair on his back was neatly combed.  -  aba

[2008-05-10 20:15:16] - i don't get it.  what did you read it as?  combed back head?  combed black hair?  ~a

[2008-05-10 19:03:41] - - pierce

[2008-05-10 18:46:19] - from the bowling link: "With his neatly combed back hair..."  I read that wrong and was horrified. - pierce

[2008-05-10 15:06:36] - it was bloody brilliant.  ~a

[2008-05-10 14:53:16] -  this made my day  :)  -  aba

[2008-05-10 04:39:53] -

[2008-05-09 13:33:38] - mig: I didn't even know SP3 was out. I guess I'll hold off on grabbing it though. Thanks. - Kaleb

[2008-05-09 13:27:58] - blind bowler throws perfect game - aaron

[2008-05-09 12:35:22] - some warnings about SP3 for XP. - mig

[2008-05-09 10:58:26] - paul:  well to be honest, having 4 may not be such a bad idea.  from my experience the one controlling Russia rarely has any fun... - mig

[2008-05-09 10:06:17] - What a deal!

[2008-05-08 20:34:10] - EARTHQUAKE!  ~a

[2008-05-08 15:34:19] - Paul: You and Dave could always come down to Woodbridge to do stuff with Vinnie and I. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-08 15:24:23] - Sam: Yeah, I know you can play with 2-4, but I just personally feel like the best is to go with either 2 or 5 since having something in between unbalances the countries and people. -Paul

[2008-05-08 15:01:35] - sam:  honestly, 3v1 kinda sucks with 4 people.  probably would be better to have 2 on allies and have 1 control russia and someone else. - mig

[2008-05-08 14:32:04] - aaron: yeah, I'll be there today - vinnie

[2008-05-08 14:26:40] - paul: oh, and for 3 players, 1 can control all allied nations, 1 can controls the nazis, and 1 can control the japanese. -sam

[2008-05-08 14:20:58] - ddr_people: sfm? - aaron

[2008-05-08 14:19:38] - paul: it can be 2 or 4 player also.  for 2 players, 1 can control usa, ussr, uk, and the other can control the nazis and japan.  for 4 players, 1 each for the 3 allied nations and 1 player for the axis  -sam

[2008-05-08 12:52:02] - Gurkie: Not necessarily too unbalanced, just that if we can't get the ideal numbers (and right now it could be anything from 2-4), then we might as not bother trying to organize something. -Paul

[2008-05-08 12:50:28] - paul: if u dont need 5 why wont it happen unless u have 5? Is it too unbalanced? ~gurkie

[2008-05-08 12:47:27] - Gurkie: Well, it's a five player game (USSR, Germany, UK, Japan, USA). You don't need 5 but that's what it is designed for. -Paul

[2008-05-08 12:45:11] - ~gurkie

[2008-05-08 12:45:08] - paul: why do you need 5 for axis and allies?

[2008-05-08 12:44:06] - Sam: Also, Axis and Allies sounds like it might not happen unless you AND Adrian are both able to do it and we find a fifth. -Paul

[2008-05-08 12:21:39] - Sam: Not yet. I also stretched myself a bit and bought a more expensive house than I was planning to buy. -Paul

[2008-05-08 12:10:13] - Sam: No, when I bought I purchased outside of my price range and really extended myself. Plus I dont really plan on living in my place for thirty years, so there isnt a reason to look for a house I could raise a family in. (And I like having extra money at times) ~gurkie

[2008-05-08 12:09:11] - mig: yeah, but i think i underestimated my monthly income... -sam

[2008-05-08 12:08:08] - do any of you home owners regret not going for a better/more expensive home? -sam

[2008-05-08 12:07:02] - sam:  some lenders don't let you do it (or penalize you for doing so), so you'd have to make sure you could before getting the mortgage. - mig

[2008-05-08 12:03:21] - unfortunately, at the time i bought my condo, i didn't really take pay raises into consideration... so whenever i have excess amount of money in my bank account, i regret not going for a better home.  -sam

[2008-05-08 12:00:56] - about paying extra to the mortage.... if i knew i could pay extra to my mortage on a regular basis, i think  i would have rather purchased a better and more expensive home. -sam

[2008-05-08 11:59:57] - paul: i might be able to make it to axis and allies, although i got some stuff to do and places to go. please let me know if it's gonna happen. -sam

[2008-05-08 11:44:38] - actually i prolly have extra tickets if people want to go and sit there... let me know ~gurkie

[2008-05-08 11:42:40] - oh bahahaha.  i read "my SQL" and read that as "mysql".  ~a

[2008-05-08 11:41:36] - a: Thanks!  That fixed it.  I had to jimmy around with it since I'm using a DB package (MDB2) and had to go locate the equivilant in that, but I found it, and it works.  Now: why didn't reset($obj) work? It seems like they -ought- to do the same thing. -- Xpovos

[2008-05-08 11:41:28] - The game is at 7:30 tonight! I got 4 seats in section 406 row 2 ~gurkie

[2008-05-08 11:41:03] - Hey VW owners get free tickets to see DC United tonight... I just got 4 tickets... If you want to also get tickets goto: that link with code VWDCUNITED. ~Gurkie

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