here are old message board entries

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[2001-03-20 11:42:00] - yeah, i figured.  i am taking weird classes in comparison to all of you.  -  aba

[2001-03-20 11:41:00] - <-- I don't think very many people are taking the same classes as me, I'm too far behind :'( -paul

[2001-03-20 11:34:00] -

[2001-03-20 11:33:00] - sorry aparna, no matches. - mig

[2001-03-20 11:27:00] -  <-- in case anyone wants to take a class with me  -  aba

[2001-03-20 11:24:00] - Here's your chance for dolphin sex. -paul

[2001-03-20 11:18:00] - i'm very puzzled though as to how the school administrators managed to get away with this. - mig

[2001-03-20 10:02:00] - affect = effect - mig

[2001-03-20 10:02:00] - alcohol has a bad affect on people, shall we ban that? - mig

[2001-03-20 09:38:00] - if you did you would have to survey every single person convicted of murder in this country and make a list of all the "evil" music that made them killers. - mig

[2001-03-20 09:37:00] - and it even if it did cause .0000000001% of the people who listened to it to kill people, you can't go ban it because of that. - mig

[2001-03-20 09:24:00] - "if you go off and go shoot someone because some shithead with a guitar tells you too, then you're also a shithead and you would have done it anyway." Pete Townshend - mig

[2001-03-20 09:23:00] - music cannot make you do anything - mig

[2001-03-20 09:20:00] - i just don't agree that the music can't affect people -dave

[2001-03-20 09:19:00] - i haven't heard the music myself, so i can't really say. and i do agree with you that you can't blame it for incidents of violence -dave

[2001-03-20 09:19:00] - so couldn't manson music make you feel more vengeful or something? -dave

[2001-03-20 09:18:00] - i mean, any music can make you feel happy, sad, or whatever depending on what song it is -dave

[2001-03-20 09:18:00] - i agree with you, miguel, that manson music can't be totally blamed for causing things like that, but don't you think it affects people some? -dave

[2001-03-20 08:54:00] -    free tacos for everyone from taco bell  :O

[2001-03-20 08:53:00] -  bush is a retard!

[2001-03-20 08:51:00] -

[2001-03-20 03:15:00] - Josh has the maturity of a two year old, but lacks the cuteness.

[2001-03-20 03:15:00] - You know he did it on purpose.  Next thing you know he'll be entering "First post!" every few seconds.  You just wait and see.

[2001-03-20 02:49:00] - the page is too wide  :-P  ~a

[2001-03-20 02:48:00] - josh, your url is too long  ~a

[2001-03-20 02:32:00] - yeah, there was another incident where a student was suspended for wearing a korn t-shirt.  all it said on the shirt was "korn". - mig

[2001-03-20 02:21:00] - A blatant admission to the true content of public schooling's "educational mission."

[2001-03-20 02:21:00] - In other words, conform or be punished.

[2001-03-20 02:20:00] - ' School officials could ban the shirts because they were determined to be "vulgar, offensive and contrary to the educational mission of the school," the appeals court said'

[2001-03-20 00:33:00] - yeah, because we know that the constitution allows us to ban  such evil religions such as satanism. - mig

[2001-03-20 00:33:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-20 00:04:00] - I personally feel the need to worship satan upon hearing manson's unholy name spoken aloud -paul

[2001-03-19 23:57:00] - i must do cocaine every time i hear his name or listen to his music. - mig

[2001-03-19 23:57:00] - yes!  marilyn does that too! - mig

[2001-03-19 23:48:00] - Lunch at Owens at 12:40 tomorrow with Ping Pong afterwards -paul

[2001-03-19 23:27:00] - Or compulsion, I should say.

[2001-03-19 23:27:00] - Don't forget the impulsion to inundate your body with non-government approved drugs!

[2001-03-19 23:20:00] - the mere mention of the name causes me to think about shooting all my friends. - mig

[2001-03-19 23:20:00] - oh the name marilyn manson is just so offensive. - mig

[2001-03-19 23:19:00] - god, public schools are fucked. - mig

[2001-03-19 22:32:00] - I think any sort of externally imposed curriculum undermines a child's ability to develop intelligence.

[2001-03-19 22:14:00] - I've been a slacker my entire life :-) -paul

[2001-03-19 22:10:00] - i was a lot more gung-ho about stuff at the very beginning of HS, i've just been a slacker since then. :) -jdb

[2001-03-19 21:57:00] - It sure would have meant a lot less frustrating classes for me :-) -paul

[2001-03-19 21:52:00] - just think, in many countries -- students do college-type specialization much earlier in their academic careers -jdb

[2001-03-19 21:50:00] - I have no idea of the quality of the educational resources there, but the idea of no curriculum appeals to me.  I wonder if it would have worked for me when I was a kid.

[2001-03-19 21:38:00] - Sounds better then public schools -paul

[2001-03-19 21:34:00] - Speaking of schools, what do you think of the notion of Sudbury schools?

[2001-03-19 21:29:00] - I don't understand how anybody could ever live without vim!

[2001-03-19 20:45:00] -;$sessionid$MOLPTRQAAHU3MCRBADLCFFAKEEANOIV2?type=topnews&Repository=USTOPNEWS_REP&RepositoryStoryID=/news/IDS/UsTo -jdb

[2001-03-19 19:59:00] - no vim? :-) -jdb

[2001-03-19 19:30:00] - currently i use notepad.  ~a

[2001-03-19 19:27:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-19 19:26:00] - a: you do your perl stuff with an ide? -jdb

[2001-03-19 19:08:00] - mojojojo!

[2001-03-19 18:57:00] - Just read this in an email "An hour dealing with the DMV is almost enough to make one a libertarian." :-) -jdb

[2001-03-19 17:55:00] - Hurray for public schools -paul

[2001-03-19 17:52:00] - -paul

[2001-03-19 17:35:00] - Sorry, I don't know what went wrong. :-( -paul

[2001-03-19 15:43:00] - yeah, we all went and sat down and waited for you josh. we were wondering where you went off to -dave

[2001-03-19 14:39:00] - and i mean in bulk.  like 100s. - mig

[2001-03-19 14:38:00] - oh yeah.  they encourage you to buy those tracts in bulk. - mig

[2001-03-19 14:37:00] - hehe.  stupid lieberman. - mig

[2001-03-19 14:34:00] - the diabolical thing about gospel tracts is that their actual marketing suggests that you buy them just to leave them places.  Then you have to buy more to thicken Jack Chick's walle... I mean spread the True Word. - boing

[2001-03-19 14:14:00] - :P -jdb

[2001-03-19 14:08:00] - couldn't find ya. oh well. we'll plan better next time. :-) -jdb

[2001-03-19 14:08:00] - paul: ack, i don't know what happened at lunch. i was out there at 1:30, then figured ya'll would be inside (i remember seeing the big TJ group on the south end of the building many times). then, after i saw you, i searched the dining rooms, and...

[2001-03-19 13:51:00] -  haha.  i thought you guys might like this one.  -  aba

[2001-03-19 13:45:00] -

[2001-03-19 13:25:00] - let's infect everyone! - mig

[2001-03-19 13:19:00] - Please do -paul

[2001-03-19 13:17:00] - is it ok if i show up? :-) (for lunch) -jdb

[2001-03-19 12:17:00] - Ok :-) -paul

[2001-03-19 12:15:00] - oh fuck class for now.  i'll go a little while later. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:14:00] - Bye guys -paul

[2001-03-19 12:14:00] - bye bye time for class. -mig

[2001-03-19 12:14:00] - well, it wouldn't hurt to make those areas a little safer. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:13:00] - off to class for me! cya guys -dave

[2001-03-19 12:13:00] - yes. 1:30 owens. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:13:00] - i already IMed miguel, if he would just read his messages -dave

[2001-03-19 12:12:00] - because ghettos are really cheap to live in because they're ghettos right? -dave

[2001-03-19 12:12:00] - Miguel, can you join us for lunch at 1:30 at Owens? -paul

[2001-03-19 12:12:00] - and if we had no ghettos, where would all the low income peope live? -dave

[2001-03-19 12:12:00] - how about this.  stop the war on drugs, and use the money normally spent there to the ghettos.  2 bird with one stone. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:12:00] - that people are proving that people do things because of race where it isn't about race at all -dave

[2001-03-19 12:11:00] - i don't think it's so hard to prove. i actually think it's gone too far the other way to some extent -dave

[2001-03-19 12:11:00] - well you can always sue people for racism. it doesn't mean there has to be affirmative action -dave

[2001-03-19 12:11:00] - you could claim somone discriminated against you because of race, but that's very difficult to prove. -mig

[2001-03-19 12:10:00] - Just like welfare doesn't work when you just give money to poor people -paul

[2001-03-19 12:10:00] - what's the big deal about ghettos anyways? -dave

[2001-03-19 12:10:00] - yeah, but then there's nothing to stop someone else from not hiring or not accepting someone for job or college because of race. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:10:00] - Because putting money into ghettos does not solve the problem, it just means you have richer criminals -paul

[2001-03-19 12:09:00] - inevitably you can't help one person get into college without pushing someone else out... -dave

[2001-03-19 12:09:00] - then we would have no ghettos and everyone would be happy. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:09:00] - because whenever you do something like that, you're also doing "reverse affirmative" action against someone else -dave

[2001-03-19 12:09:00] - well, then why don't we put money into every ghetto? - mig

[2001-03-19 12:09:00] - i dunno about the whole affirmative action thing. -dave

[2001-03-19 12:05:00] - well, yeah, i dunno. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:05:00] - We should pour our money into my ghetto -paul

[2001-03-19 12:05:00] - just goes to show how much i think of black reparations.... -dave

[2001-03-19 12:05:00] - heh heh heh -dave

[2001-03-19 12:05:00] - or at least chinatown. we need to pour money into chinatown so that it looks better -dave

[2001-03-19 12:04:00] - i think we should pour money into asian ghettos = ) -dave

[2001-03-19 12:04:00] - Yeah, I see the difference, but I don't know how you would accomplish what you propose... -paul

[2001-03-19 12:03:00] - i supppose, but do you see the difference? - mg

[2001-03-19 12:03:00] - and this is regardless of what race this person is. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:02:00] - True, I guess we'll have to ask her later then, eh? -paul

[2001-03-19 12:02:00] - if you just give someone money for no reason, only he benefits in the short term.  if you educate someone or help make his neighboorhood safer to live in, or help him get a job, society benefits in the long run. - mig

[2001-03-19 12:01:00] - if you use it to towards programs that create jobs and cut crime, or towards educatation, that's not really reparations. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:59:00] - once again as i said, it depends on where that money is going - mig

[2001-03-19 11:59:00] - well i don't think "pouring" or "throwing" money would be the right choice of words. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:57:00] - But I don't understand how else the government would pour money into "black ghettos" without some form of reparations -paul

[2001-03-19 11:55:00] - that would at least solve the crime problem. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:55:00] - of course, if we stop the war on drugs, ghettos probably wouldn't be so horrible to live in. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:53:00] - well, i don't think she meant reparations, in fact she did say she was opposed to that, i believe she meant programs that work to improve the standard of living for ghetto people. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:51:00] - As opposed to reparations, you have any idea what she meant by that? -paul

[2001-03-19 11:51:00] - I don't know really, Aparna said "i still think more money needs to be poured into black ghettos so that their standard of living goes up" -paul

[2001-03-19 11:50:00] - as long as the throw the money towards something useful, i won't mind. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:49:00] - although it shouldn't be for the "black ghetos" only, sinces you should be including the "latino ghetos" and others. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:47:00] - if it's something like programs to help kids stay off the street, education, etc, then i agree. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:47:00] - it depends on what you mean by "throwing money". if you mean by stuff like our welfare system, then i don't agree. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:45:00] - On a slightly different topic though, I don't see the difference in throwing money into "black ghettos" and reparations -paul

[2001-03-19 11:44:00] - actually he probably is. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:43:00] - mlk would be rolling in his grave if he saw what was going on today. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:43:00] - igating riots. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:42:00] - but it's a fucked if you do fucked if you don't.  if it passes, you're going to have pissed off non-blacks(including some very pissed off hispanics), and if it doesn't you're going to have pissed off blacks who have leaders that are very good at inst

[2001-03-19 11:42:00] - Oh, ok then. Sorry. -paul

[2001-03-19 11:41:00] - i never said it *couldn't* pass.  i'm just saying it's very unlikely. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:40:00] - Ok. Affirmative action in quota form was passed once upon a time. If that could pass, why couldn't reparations pass? -paul

[2001-03-19 11:40:00] - and for the record, i did not agree with affirmitive action "quotas". - mig

[2001-03-19 11:39:00] - so what's your point?  just because affirmitive action was equivalent to reparations at one point in time doesn't mean that it is now. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:37:00] - Agreed, but the point is that it existed at one point in time and unlike affirmative action, reparations only need to be passed once and once it has been passed it cannot be taken back -paul

[2001-03-19 11:37:00] - the people who passed affirmitive actions laws realized they goofed, so they changed it. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:37:00] - And anybody who protested that that particular form of affirmative action was wrong was labeled a racist, therefore few people were willing to stand against it -paul

[2001-03-19 11:36:00] - what *is* important is what the case is now. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:36:00] - yes, but they did change that. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:35:00] - That may be the case now, but before it was set up so that you had to fulfill a quota of minorities, whether they had qualifications or not -paul

[2001-03-19 11:35:00] - ok, if you want to be specific, it's for all minorities. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:34:00] - Affirmative action may be for "all races", but do do Asian Americans use it? European Americans? -paul

[2001-03-19 11:34:00] - they have sued successfully before for reverse discriminiation in the past. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:33:00] - and for affirmitive action you still have to have the qualifications for the job, college, or whatever.  these reparations are for giving someone money because they are black. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:33:00] - And once it gets media exposure, it's gonna become more mainstream until suddenly it has become an accepted idea and anyone against it is a racist who is trying to prevent "racial harmony" -paul

[2001-03-19 11:32:00] - actually there is a huge difference.  affirmative action is for *all* races, this reparation thing is just for blacks. - mig

[2001-03-19 11:30:00] - just like he almost did during the election - mig

[2001-03-19 11:30:00] - yes, it probably won't pass. but when it doesn't your going to have jesse jackson going around starting riots all over the u.s. - mig

[2001-03-19 10:36:00] - If somebody is a supporter of affirmative action, then I don't see how it could be that much of a leap to support reparations -paul

[2001-03-19 10:35:00] - I don't know, I really don't see what the huge difference is between reparations and something like affirmative action. Both were created to try to make up for the evils of slavery -paul

[2001-03-19 10:22:00] - people who support the reparations won't be able to shut up about how the legislation is finally coming about.  -  aba

[2001-03-19 10:21:00] - i seriously don't think something this big will go unhyped in the media.  -  aba

[2001-03-19 09:57:00] - yeah, but unless someone hypes it in the media, the general population won't find out they're paying for the reparations... -dave

[2001-03-19 07:23:00] - and i really doubt that democrats would support reparations because no matter how small they are, the people who have to pay them will get pissed off.  politicians aren't that dumb.  -  aba

[2001-03-19 07:22:00] - i will be too  :P  -  aba

[2001-03-19 01:32:00] - paul: i am going to be disappointed if you don't run to the microphone and ask questions :-) - jdb

[2001-03-19 01:31:00] - paul: -jdb

[2001-03-19 01:18:00] - And it'll be hard to find people who are willing to be labeled as racist that would stand against reparations -paul

[2001-03-19 01:16:00] - And I am pretty certain that Democrats would be perfectly willing to pass some small reparations to secure the african american vote -paul

[2001-03-19 01:13:00] - The thing is, it's not gonna be voted on by the population, it's gonna be voted on by congressmen -paul

[2001-03-19 01:09:00] - it all comes down to the cash, 87% of americans (those classified by the census as non-black) aren't going to vote for people who want them to pay money to blacks over an issue like this - boing

[2001-03-19 01:08:00] - I personally would be very surprised if the reparations pass... - boing

[2001-03-19 00:21:00] - Ok then. Sounds good to me. We can just agree that neither of us are racist, ok? :-) -paul

[2001-03-19 00:16:00] - i never said anything was wrong with it.  i was just trying to say it shouldn't by infered that i said there were "no non-hardworking non-african americans"  ~a

[2001-03-18 23:46:00] - What's wrong with having people on welfare not pay reparations? -paul

[2001-03-18 23:45:00] - Anyone know where I can read up on Nader's beliefs so I can find ammo for when he comes to speak? ( I already know of ) -paul

[2001-03-18 23:43:00] - and are not going to be paying the reparations ~a

[2001-03-18 23:42:00] - but the non-hardworking americans (among some hardworking americans) are on welfare  ~a

[2001-03-18 23:15:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-18 23:13:00] - yes, adrian's reasoning is better. - mig

[2001-03-18 21:31:00] - Although I resent the implication that there are non-hardworking african americans but no non-hardworking non-african americans -paul

[2001-03-18 21:30:00] - Fine fine, yours is better. -paul

[2001-03-18 21:29:00] - hehe

[2001-03-18 21:28:00] - since you don't want to take money away from hard working americans (of all races) and give it to african americans (hard working and otherwise), you are a racist.  ~a

[2001-03-18 21:27:00] - Sorry :-( "since you don't want to take money away from hard working americans and give it to hard working african americans, you are a racist" -paul

[2001-03-18 21:22:00] - african americans are hard working too. (i know you didn't mean to express otherwise)  ~a

[2001-03-18 20:57:00] - Obviously. Since you don't want to take money away from hard working americans and give it to african americans, you are a racist -paul

[2001-03-18 20:08:00] - you racist.

[2001-03-18 19:30:00] - and it really infuriates me that any one who speaks out against this stupidity is labeled as a racist. - mig

[2001-03-18 19:25:00] - if anyone deserves any "reparations" it's the native americans. - mig

[2001-03-18 19:25:00] - not just throughout history, but they're not the only race that has suffered within this country's history - mig

[2001-03-18 19:25:00] - what really pisses me off about this is that black people think they're the only race that has been wronged throughout history, and that just makes me really mad. - mig

[2001-03-18 19:24:00] - aye.  help those who need help, but don't give every black american in this country a check just because they're black. - mig

[2001-03-18 18:39:00] -  <--  why most radio sucks so damn much.  -  aba

[2001-03-18 18:29:00] - whoops.  i meant subsist, not exist.  -  aba

[2001-03-18 18:28:00] - white areas that are very poor tend to be rural areas which exist mainly on farming, etc.  -  aba

[2001-03-18 18:28:00] - no it's not, but that is one thing that needs to be done.  and by black ghettos i meant predominantly black areas that are very poor (ie inner city areas).  those occur much more in cities than predominantly white areas that are very poor.  -  aba

[2001-03-18 18:26:00] - i don't think anything will actually manifest out of it.  it's just too stupid to get very far.  -  aba

[2001-03-18 18:26:00] - I don't know if the solution is as simple as pouring more money into "black ghettos" though -paul

[2001-03-18 18:25:00] - i still think more money needs to be poured into black ghettos so that their standard of living goes up, but i think this whole reparations thing is ridiculous.  - aba

[2001-03-18 18:24:00] - i mean, you don't see indians asking for free handouts from the british . . . -  aba

[2001-03-18 18:00:00] - I'm sorry :-( It was just short and straight forward and it felt like you were being sarcastic. I'm sorry :-( -paul

[2001-03-18 17:59:00] - This isn't the ad that he ran but the second page contains the 10 points he made (I think they are the same) -paul

[2001-03-18 17:59:00] - why would that have been sarcastic?  -  aba

[2001-03-18 17:58:00] - it's similar to the madonna thing except the converse(?).  -  aba

[2001-03-18 17:57:00] - no, not sarcastic.  the paper is a private business which should be able to print whatever they want as long as they follow the rules (ie no explicit pornography being distributed to minors).  -  aba

[2001-03-18 17:57:00] - I dunno, it just seems too straight forward and I didn't expect Aparna to agree with me. -paul

[2001-03-18 17:54:00] - of course we need to see the ad to see if what the editors did was also disgusting.  ~a

[2001-03-18 17:54:00] - how does that appear sarcastic?  ~a

[2001-03-18 16:56:00] - I can't tell, are you being sarcastic or not? :-( -paul

[2001-03-18 16:46:00] - yes.  totally disgusting.  -  aba

[2001-03-18 15:32:00] - Does anyone else find what these college students did disgusting? -paul

[2001-03-18 14:54:00] - Wow, that's a very interesting article. I didn't know calves had a sucking reflex. Makes me want to work on a farm now. :-) -paul

[2001-03-18 14:44:00] - i'm suprised that peter singer wrote it; he's usually such a serious-type animal rights philosopher -jdb

[2001-03-18 14:43:00] -

[2001-03-18 14:41:00] - <-- sick, but funny -jdb

[2001-03-17 23:04:00] - It's ok for them to censor themselves since they are private companies. I personally don't think they should censor it just because of violent content but that's just my opinion. -paul

[2001-03-17 17:29:00] - but personally, censorship has absolutely no place in our society.  it's an insult of intelligence to everyone - mig

[2001-03-17 17:28:00] - yeah, yeah.  self-censorship is okay, but most of the time it's the result of pressure from conservative people who get mad at something. - mig

[2001-03-17 17:03:00] - tsk tsk, turning down chances to be official windows xp beta tester... :)

[2001-03-17 13:38:00] - and they're even being fair enough to show it once in a "news" context -dave

[2001-03-17 13:38:00] - i mean, i'm sure they don't show a lot of videos just because they're not popular enough. so why not for some other reason as well? -dave

[2001-03-17 13:37:00] - think they can show or not show whichever videos they want. sorry about that -dave

[2001-03-17 13:36:00] - well, since mtv and vh1 are private companies, i kinda think they can do whatever they can show or not show whichever videos they want -dave

[2001-03-17 13:32:00] - i guess part of it is going to be finding out what the video is actually about.  the article doesn't really talk about the content much.  -  aba

[2001-03-17 13:31:00] -  <--  here's more on the madonna thing we were talking about before.  do you guys think it is ok for mtv and vh1 to censor her video?  -  aba

[2001-03-17 13:27:00] - someone needs to come up with something really controversial to discuss, hehe. -dave

[2001-03-17 13:22:00] - there have been too many links.  i can't read them all anymore :(  ~a

[2001-03-17 13:17:00] - i think when we strike upon a topic, we discuss, but in the interim period we just post links.  -  aba

[2001-03-17 13:14:00] -  <--  what hell supposedly really looks like.  -  aba

[2001-03-17 12:53:00] - you know, i think this board has become more of just a link board than discussion board -dave

[2001-03-17 01:49:00] - @@@/notes/eeeeeeeeee.txt

[2001-03-17 01:16:00] -

[2001-03-17 00:59:00] - -paul

[2001-03-17 00:39:00] - @@@/pics/craigsmom.gif

[2001-03-16 18:30:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-16 18:20:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-16 17:38:00] - I didn't realize there was many people on campus that knew what Libertarianism is at all.

[2001-03-16 14:52:00] - Hey what you all up to?

[2001-03-16 14:28:00] - yeah, it makes sense, hadn't thought of that before -dave

[2001-03-16 14:16:00] - Yup, Lincoln was a sneaky one -paul

[2001-03-16 14:01:00] -

[2001-03-16 14:00:00] -

[2001-03-16 13:58:00] -

[2001-03-16 13:44:00] -  people are dumb.  -  aba

[2001-03-16 13:43:00] -

[2001-03-16 13:31:00] - well duh.  but it did keep european nations from supporting the south, which they were up to that point - mig

[2001-03-16 13:28:00] - because the north really didn't have slaves, and the south just ignored it -dave

[2001-03-16 13:28:00] - the only place that it really made a difference was in the border states -dave

[2001-03-16 13:28:00] - actually, i read somewhere ( or heard from a teacher) that the emancipation proclamation wasn't as big when he released it as we think -dave

[2001-03-16 12:54:00] - Don't worry, I'm sure it wasn't their fault. Marilyn Manson told them to do it -paul

[2001-03-16 12:52:00] - "it was not just a simple game of cops and robbers."  what the fuck! - mig

[2001-03-16 12:51:00] - oh my god, don't get me started on the cops and robbers story. - mig

[2001-03-16 12:44:00] - Ok, no more. I'm sorry, I'm sure you don't want to hear anymore libertarian propaganda. -paul

[2001-03-16 12:44:00] -

[2001-03-16 12:43:00] -

[2001-03-16 12:42:00] - Funny -paul

[2001-03-16 12:34:00] - Scroll past the little section on running for office as a libertarian :-) -paul

[2001-03-16 12:33:00] - Interesting thoughts on Ritalin and the drug war and public education -paul

[2001-03-16 12:31:00] - oh well. so much for that. - mig

[2001-03-16 12:30:00] - Yeah, Lincoln had some really superb diplomatic moves, the Emancipation Proclamation for one. -paul

[2001-03-16 12:28:00] - i mean, the south didn't secede for the sole reason of having slaves.  there were a ton of other factors involved.  granted if they didn't have slavees, they would have won since, they would have had europe's supporrt. -mig

[2001-03-16 12:28:00] - Yeah, I remember reading a quote from someone from the Confederate government (Jefferson Davis I think) who said that they should have freed the slaves before seceeding because slavery clouded the real issue of state's rights -paul

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