here are old message board entries

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[2001-03-21 00:41:00] - You have to watch out for them, there are a lot of commies that post to this message board :-) -paul

[2001-03-21 00:41:00] - and i have to say, that i am impressed that you have shot to number one in the matter of hours, logan.  nice going.  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:40:00] - I don't think it would be easy to do that, Nader is no fool. He may have crazy ideas, but he can easily support them -paul

[2001-03-21 00:40:00] - i am one of paul's supposed commie friends.  ;)  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:40:00] - gimme questions.  i'd love to heckle nader.  i just agree too much with his opinions to come up with good questions.  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:40:00] - We can collaborate then, I'm not one to ask questions either but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity -paul

[2001-03-21 00:40:00] - i'd love to go and somehow reveal him to be the fool he really is, but I lack the public speaking skills. :P -logan

[2001-03-21 00:39:00] - I think I should go, but I've never gone to a talk before, and I'm not one to ask questions usually... too shy. -logan

[2001-03-21 00:39:00] - Only government approved ones ;-) -paul

[2001-03-21 00:39:00] - But that's the problem you run into by letting government dictate what kids should know. -logan

[2001-03-21 00:38:00] - how do you put a cap on what religions should be offered?  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:38:00] - ;)

[2001-03-21 00:38:00] - I suppose that to be fair other religions should also be offered. -logan

[2001-03-21 00:38:00] - I'm sorry :'( -paul

[2001-03-21 00:38:00] - ah.  the life of a stat major . . . .  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:38:00] - Are you going to the Nader talk Logan? He is taking questions from the audience... -paul

[2001-03-21 00:38:00] - ha.  not likely.  most of my classes are offered 1 or 2 sections at a time, so i am screwed forever.  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:37:00] - The bible is a subset of religion. -logan

[2001-03-21 00:37:00] - You and Adrian will have to make sure you get a more compatable schedule next semester then :-) -paul

[2001-03-21 00:37:00] - wimp  :P  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:37:00] - it's possible that it will be secular, but not probably (esp considering the location of the school)  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:36:00] - I should go to that Nader talk and heckle him, but I don't know how to heckle. -logan

[2001-03-21 00:36:00] - religion or the bible?  two totally different things,  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:36:00] - But the question is, will it actually be secular, and remain so? -logan

[2001-03-21 00:35:00] - naive or just plain stupid?  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:35:00] - I don't see anything wrong with teaching a course on religion from a secular perspective in a public school (disregarding how wrong I think it is to have a public school in the first place). -logan

[2001-03-21 00:35:00] - i am always in class :(  8 am to 5:30 pm mondays and wednesdays.  and 8 am classes means that i have to sleep early.  i miss *all* the discussions now.  :(  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:34:00] - Heh... 'He's also interested "because most of our Founding Fathers based the ideas in our Constitution on biblical stuff."'  Kids are so naïve. -logan

[2001-03-21 00:33:00] - You don't post enough anymore, how do you think I feel? I post all the time and I am in fourth :-( -paul

[2001-03-21 00:31:00] -    "[...] designing a Bible course that does not breach the constitutional barrier between church and state is challenging, but it can be done."  ??  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:30:00] - ~a

[2001-03-21 00:30:00] - if i register your ip, you get credited to posts even if you don't sign.  that is why you had a bar before you started posting.  ~

[2001-03-21 00:29:00] - There are only two IPs I regularly use. -logan

[2001-03-21 00:28:00] - meh.  i remember a time when i was the only person who posted here.  why is my bar almost gone????  >:o  -  aba

[2001-03-21 00:25:00] - it's goes by a signature and if there is none, it remebers the ip. - mig

[2001-03-21 00:23:00] - it is, as long as your ip is static - mig

[2001-03-21 00:22:00] - Heh, I keep forgetting to sign my posts.  I wonder if that could be made automatic. :P -logan

[2001-03-21 00:20:00] - So Adrian, did you ever try out for the programming team?

[2001-03-21 00:12:00] - Sounds good to me, amoral is just as good. I think'll we'll get along just fine :-) -paul

[2001-03-21 00:06:00] - Hello Paul.  I think we're very similar, except I'm lean more towards amoral than immoral. -logan

[2001-03-21 00:05:00] - I see timer being called every 10 seconds.

[2001-03-21 00:04:00] - I don't believe we've met, Logan. I am Paul, resident cold-hearted libertarian, staunch capitalist and immoral athiest. -paul

[2001-03-20 23:56:00] - I was too saddened by your absence to continue. -logan

[2001-03-20 23:50:00] - Gosh, it seems as if the conversation has died down since I left.... :-( -paul

[2001-03-20 23:29:00] - Am I trustworthy enough to have in my possession pass/pass.h? -logan

[2001-03-20 23:28:00] - Yeah, I read the emails.  Well, I just compiled it, haven't tried running it. *grin* -logan

[2001-03-20 23:21:00] - i think it is a problem with glut32 for win32 but the glut people seem to think it isn't  "The timer_test program works on my Windows 2000 system."  ~a

[2001-03-20 23:17:00] - If it were running on my machine, I could look at your bug. :P -logan

[2001-03-20 23:16:00] - priority one:  find a fix for bug (@@@/msg02b-bugs.txt)    priority two:  port to linux (create a simple make file)    priority three:  make two builds (glut & win32) ~a

[2001-03-20 23:12:00] - I think it'd be easy to port to linux. -logan

[2001-03-20 23:12:00] - well, if you copy only the gl segments of the code it should be. - mig

[2001-03-20 23:10:00] - i don't understand  ~a

[2001-03-20 23:09:00] - That can easily be fixed in a portable manner. -logan

[2001-03-20 23:08:00] - oh, no . . . that is different.  i thought you meant this.  the answer to is no, it won't compile because it uses windows sockets  ~a

[2001-03-20 23:07:00] - perl compilers are non standard, no?  ~a

[2001-03-20 23:07:00] - The stuff in -logan

[2001-03-20 23:06:00] - well, you could get a perl compiler, but i mean what for. - mig

[2001-03-20 23:06:00] - oops!  missing apostrophe catastrophe!  ~a

[2001-03-20 23:05:00] - in fact, it was running at my high schools unix systems lab last summer  ~a

[2001-03-20 23:04:00] - it won't compile for linux . . . it can be interpreted in linux  ~a

[2001-03-20 23:03:00] - Adrian, will your message board program compile for Linux? -logan

[2001-03-20 23:02:00] - and yes, i *do* know that java is not a company. - mig

[2001-03-20 23:00:00] -,10000,0-1003-201-333486-0,00.html

[2001-03-20 22:59:00] - And I think we'd all agree that fucking java is Sun's prerogative. :P -logan

[2001-03-20 22:58:00] - Nor was java ever fucked by anyone other than Sun. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:58:00] - *ehem*  java isn't a company  ~a

[2001-03-20 22:58:00] - I don't see the fucking in those examples. :P -logan

[2001-03-20 22:57:00] - what about wordperfect? what about spyglass?  what about java? netscape isn't the only microsoft has fucked. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:56:00] - Have fun arguing with the commies Logan :-) -paul

[2001-03-20 22:56:00] - *Horrified expression* I would simply love to tear you to pieces over that (sarcasm) but I have CS homework due by midnight so I fear I must leave for now -paul

[2001-03-20 22:56:00] - Netscape is redeeming itself a little through Mozilla. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:56:00] - hurray for you adrian! -dave

[2001-03-20 22:55:00] - i use netscape!!!  ~a

[2001-03-20 22:55:00] - Netscape did survive (in being bought out by AOL).  Government action was unnecessary.  I don't think netscape was worth saving, though. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:55:00] - oops, errr, i guess it's still surviving depending on who you talk to -dave

[2001-03-20 22:55:00] - because i think netscape had a fair chance of surviving -dave

[2001-03-20 22:54:00] - hehe, no i don't think that the government is totally justified in punishing microsoft. (and i can imagine paul's expression at this statement) -dave

[2001-03-20 22:53:00] - Just like how, ideally, no amount of money of world will get you something if the owner isn't willing to sell it (although I think everybody has his or her price). Any transaction is mutually agreed upon. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:53:00] - it may be user friendly to you and me, logan . . . but the average computer user is very different  ~a

[2001-03-20 22:52:00] - No, in anarchocapitalism, rules come by mutual agreement. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:52:00] - Ok.... so you are saying that you think the government is justified in punishing microsoft, right? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:52:00] - but as long as other businesses can reasonably survive, then it's all good -dave

[2001-03-20 22:52:00] - The ones under them will survive, unless by some freak of nature it is possible for the business on top to efficiently produce products that meet all of everyone's needs.

[2001-03-20 22:51:00] - oh i think i see the meaning of anarchocapitalism : "those who have the money make the rules." - mig

[2001-03-20 22:51:00] - How else can you explain the fact that no major computer manufacturers will make computers with an OS besides Windows? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:51:00] - yes i agree with you paul, i'm sure microsoft has -dave

[2001-03-20 22:51:00] - What are you talking about?  It's very friendly to this user. :P -logan

[2001-03-20 22:51:00] - so we don't mind having businesses do nasty things to one another to get to the top of the heap. but when they get there, we want to make sure that the ones under them still survive -dave

[2001-03-20 22:51:00] - Linux is not superior in every way. And I am pretty sure that Microsoft has used "monopoly power" to suppress other businesses... -paul

[2001-03-20 22:50:00] - Capitalism isn't necessarily about suppressing competitors.  -logan

[2001-03-20 22:50:00] - it isn't very user friendly  ~a

[2001-03-20 22:50:00] - because if all that was left was one company, than that company wouldn't have as much insentive to come up with good products -dave

[2001-03-20 22:49:00] - because we still want other businesses to be able to survive -dave

[2001-03-20 22:49:00] - linx is in fact superior to win98/NT in every way. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:48:00] - linux is good. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:48:00] - so the rules change a tiny bit -dave

[2001-03-20 22:48:00] - but when a single company has broad "monopoly" power, it has a lot more leverage than a normal business -dave

[2001-03-20 22:48:00] - *rofl* If yours is the only OS that is good, why is it bad to force every manufacturer to include it? :P -logan

[2001-03-20 22:48:00] - i know that businesses suppress other businesses, hence capitalism -dave

[2001-03-20 22:47:00] - It's arguable whether or not Microsoft has used "monopoly power" to do it, but I would assume it did. -paul

[2001-03-20 22:47:00] - This guy (David Friedman) has a lot of essays (some dry, lots of economics) regarding anarchocapitalism. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:47:00] - i guess i'm not explaining well then -dave

[2001-03-20 22:47:00] - i'm not so sure all out capitalism is such a good idea.... - mig

[2001-03-20 22:47:00] - I mean, Microsoft has done it's best to make sure it's the dominant OS and internet browser and office suite.... -paul

[2001-03-20 22:46:00] - Anarchocapitalism is basically anarchy + capitalism (:P)... Basically, by implementing capitalism properly, one can do away with government. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:46:00] - I'm pretty sure Microsoft has done that Dave -paul

[2001-03-20 22:46:00] - and i mean that in a vague sense -dave

[2001-03-20 22:46:00] - i was saying that i think it would be wrong for microsoft to use it's leverage as a "standard" to "supress other businesses" -dave

[2001-03-20 22:45:00] - and when i say products i mean stuff like ie and office. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:45:00] - how is forcing every single computer manufacturer to come with only your products because your OS is the only one that is good, not using your "monopoly power"  - mig

[2001-03-20 22:45:00] - What do you mean "monopoly power" ? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:44:00] - You were saying that it would be wrong for Microsoft to suppress new ideas because it is a standard -paul

[2001-03-20 22:44:00] - but i don't think microsoft is doing that -dave

[2001-03-20 22:44:00] - i said that if microsoft used it's "monopoly power" then the government might have a valid reason to try to change something -dave

[2001-03-20 22:43:00] - i'm not familiar with what anarchoocaptilism is, please expalin - mig

[2001-03-20 22:43:00] - I think anarchocapitalism would work pretty well. :P -logan

[2001-03-20 22:42:00] - "09288 - 3-20 10:30p - it would be wrong because then it would be surppressing the fostering of new ideas / inventions -dave" -paul

[2001-03-20 22:42:00] - i'm not sure a pure anything would work either -dave

[2001-03-20 22:42:00] - What is the difference between capitalism and free enterprise?

[2001-03-20 22:42:00] - yeah, i don't think we have a pure capitalism. we don't have a pure anything -dave

[2001-03-20 22:41:00] - you keep on thinking i'm arguing against you paul, when most of the time i'm on your side -dave

[2001-03-20 22:41:00] - yes, but this is not a nation of capatilism, this is a nation of free enterprise. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:40:00] - when did i ever say that paul? -dave

[2001-03-20 22:40:00] - It's hard enough to determine if a voltage is "low" or "high". -logan

[2001-03-20 22:40:00] - i'm not saying that the government should punish microsoft -dave

[2001-03-20 22:40:00] - The problem with ternary computers is that it is much trickier to reliably determine if the state of a component is one of three values.

[2001-03-20 22:39:00] - Because you say Microsoft is a standard, and yet it's not a government mandated one.... so why does the government have a problem with it? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:38:00] - I don't understand, are you arguing that the government should punish Microsoft because it doesn't like the standard that it makes? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:38:00] - yeah, but there can be unspoken standards that aren't mandated by the government -dave

[2001-03-20 22:38:00] - Any other standard would only be followed if it were worthwhile to follow it. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:37:00] - I think he may be referring to the fact that the government is the only player with the ability to truly enforce any standard. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:36:00] - A de facto standard tends to be the result of what the marketplace wants, and it's obvious that ternary computers are not marketable ideas. :P -logan

[2001-03-20 22:36:00] - who ever said the government had to be the source of all standards? -dave

[2001-03-20 22:36:00] - Capitalism is all about suppressing other businesses -paul

[2001-03-20 22:36:00] - people worked on 3 state computer when they were working on 2 state ones. 3 state ones just ended up being too darn complicated for us to figure out totally -dave

[2001-03-20 22:36:00] - What kind of standard is Microsoft? Is it a government mandated one? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:36:00] - and it's not used on laptops, come now? - mig

[2001-03-20 22:36:00] - i guess suppressing new ideas is a bad way to put it. more like suppressing other businesses or something like that -dave

[2001-03-20 22:35:00] - Are 3 state computers worth it?  I think if they were, they'd exist.

[2001-03-20 22:35:00] - or standard rather -dave

[2001-03-20 22:35:00] - Windows is only mostly used on desktop PCs.  That's kind of a specific domain (albeit a large one). -logan

[2001-03-20 22:35:00] - netscape isn't a monopoly -dave

[2001-03-20 22:34:00] - Netscape doesn't support bitmaps, that's suppressing new ideas, should they be broken up? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:34:00] - like say someone writes software for a 3 state computer instead of a binary one. they're gonna have a hard time getting money -dave

[2001-03-20 22:33:00] - (I like this new layout a lot, too) -logan

[2001-03-20 22:33:00] - windows is a standard.  that's why it's the most widely used. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:33:00] - I am confused how you can say breaking up Microsoft is ok because they suppress new ideas. -paul

[2001-03-20 22:33:00] - oh i don't think it's so hard -dave

[2001-03-20 22:33:00] - On an unrelated note, this glut code I saw at the top of the page earlier, does anyone plan on porting it to Linux? :P -logan

[2001-03-20 22:32:00] - I think it's very hard to argue that standards can suppress new ideas or inventions. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:31:00] - and yeah, i thought it was odd they had such a poor court case miguel. i think they're doing better now though -dave

[2001-03-20 22:31:00] - as long as you don't do that, you're ok -dave

[2001-03-20 22:30:00] - it would be wrong because then it would be surppressing the fostering of new ideas / inventions -dave

[2001-03-20 22:30:00] - i thought i read it in the post...could be remembering wrong though -dave

[2001-03-20 22:30:00] - Why is it (or should it be) illegal to exploit one's leverage from creating a de facto standard? -logan

[2001-03-20 22:30:00] - yeah, but i thought there was "new evidence" showing that the justice department was wrong in a few things so they were reconsidering the whole thing -dave

[2001-03-20 22:29:00] - What do you mean, Windows is a standard? Is it a government imposed standard? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:29:00] - It's under appeal now, I don't think the Bush administration will pursue it though -paul

[2001-03-20 22:29:00] - i think it would be a problem paul. if windows wasn't a "standard" it might be ok, but since it is, i think it would be illegal. -dave

[2001-03-20 22:29:00] - and speaking of which, microsoft made complete asses of themselves in court, which is odd since they should be able to afford top-notch lawyers. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:28:00] - Which is why I always found it silly to call Microsoft a monopoly. -logan

[2001-03-20 22:28:00] - well, the court ordered them too.  it'll probably take forever though - mig

[2001-03-20 22:28:00] - Besides, you speak of a few specific, large manufacturers.  For those that have no desire to purchase Windows, smaller manufacturers, or building your own system, is available.

[2001-03-20 22:28:00] - and then there's the whole java incident.... - mig

[2001-03-20 22:27:00] - what's with the microsoft case anyways? aren't they reconsidering not splitting it up now? -dave

[2001-03-20 22:27:00] - I don't even think there is anything wrong with that, if Windows has problems running certain software then get another OS -paul

[2001-03-20 22:24:00] - there've been allegations of that.......  i don't know of their validity - mig

[2001-03-20 22:23:00] - i think what microsoft does / did with the browser is ok. it would be something else if netscape didn't work with windows -dave

[2001-03-20 22:22:00] - Yeah, it's called a strategic partnership. Dell only installs windows on it's computers and Microsoft gives it to em cheaper, nothing wrong with that. -paul

[2001-03-20 22:21:00] - people can still get netscape fairly easily -dave

[2001-03-20 22:21:00] - i would call that looking out for its business interests miguel -dave

[2001-03-20 22:20:00] - but at least almost everything works with windows, so you can't complain too much -dave

[2001-03-20 22:20:00] - well, it doesn't help when microsoft forces all computer manufactures to come with only windows and i.e., even when the customer requests otherwise. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:20:00] - well i'm not sure if i'd say people were exactly free to use whatever os they wanted, since windows is so uniform -dave

[2001-03-20 22:20:00] - Hurray! A vote for me! -paul

[2001-03-20 22:19:00] - yes, i disagree with you on some, but not all.  but then again, we can't always agree on everything with one person  - mig

[2001-03-20 22:19:00] - It's also not as if anyone is forcing you to use Windows, if Microsoft programs suck so much why not use something else? -paul

[2001-03-20 22:19:00] - i vote for paul!  -dave

[2001-03-20 22:19:00] - and barring a few issues, i think paul would be a good president -dave

[2001-03-20 22:18:00] - and it's not like you can't use netscape if you want to.... -dave

[2001-03-20 22:18:00] - I would have to see what your platform was before voting, Aparna. -paul

[2001-03-20 22:17:00] - it's just because it's big that it gets focused on a lot -dave

[2001-03-20 22:17:00] - i don't know. i bet a lot of the tactics microsoft uses in business that we say are "nasty" most businesses use -dave

[2001-03-20 22:16:00] - i would vote for you, aparna. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:16:00] - microsoft is not "just a successful company", paul. - mig

[2001-03-20 22:15:00] - i would vote for her  ~a

[2001-03-20 22:15:00] - Oh god, a female president..... :-) -paul

[2001-03-20 22:14:00] - Awwww nuts, I missed the entire "should the government punish successful companies" debate... -paul

[2001-03-20 22:13:00] - damn . . . you are too fast  ~a

[2001-03-20 22:13:00] - i nominate me  ~a

[2001-03-20 22:13:00] - me!  :P  -  aba

[2001-03-20 22:08:00] - ewww..... maybe we should start a coup and install someone else as president. - mig

[2001-03-20 21:42:00] - that's actually kind of neat.  ;)  -  aba

[2001-03-20 21:40:00] - is the solution to all our energy needs! :P - Logan

[2001-03-20 21:30:00] - "Bush is trying to build support to allow drilling for oil in federally protected lands, including Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge." - aba

[2001-03-20 21:29:00] - . . . The Bush 'Faith-Based' Initiative expands government aid to religious ministries and creates church-state "partnerships."  >:o  ~a

[2001-03-20 21:25:00] -

[2001-03-20 21:23:00] - i own microsoft stock O:-)  ~a

[2001-03-20 20:27:00] - I guess I should be thankful that it only ever snows on nights before days on which I have no classes.

[2001-03-20 19:30:00] - The fact that manufacturers agreed to Microsoft's demands indicates that they felt they could still make a profit (or that was the only way to make a profit).

[2001-03-20 19:23:00] - Some manufacturers made themselves dependent on Microsoft, and Microsoft took advantage of that dependency.  It's what any other business would do.

[2001-03-20 19:22:00] - It's the cost of doing business with Microsoft.  I don't really see the relation to holding a gun to someone's head.

[2001-03-20 19:17:00] - forcing someone to allow only one internet browser even if the customer asks for another one or you lose your windows license is pretty much the same as holding a gun to the computer manufacuter's heads. - mig

[2001-03-20 19:15:00] - anyways, the whole netscape thing rates pretty high. - mig

[2001-03-20 19:12:00] - geee...  i seem to remeber a similar thing with AT&T......  - mig

[2001-03-20 19:10:00] - What sort of nasty things has Microsoft done to people that aren't in business with them or competing with them for the same business?

[2001-03-20 19:01:00] - now, don't get me wrong, i don't think microsoft should be punished for being successful, but it has done some pretty nasty things that it should be punished for, and hopefully they will be. - mig

[2001-03-20 19:00:00] - How could it go about exercising this potential?

[2001-03-20 18:59:00] - perhaps power was the wrong choice of words.  replace it with potential. - mig

[2001-03-20 18:58:00] - I would even doubt that Microsoft even has its hands in a majority of the areas of computing.

[2001-03-20 18:57:00] - I highly doubt that.  Microsoft doesn't even have its hands in every aspect of computing, so how can it control everything?

[2001-03-20 18:55:00] - microsoft certainly has the power to regulate anything to do with computers. - mig

[2001-03-20 18:55:00] - I have a very excellent anarchocapitalist essay discussing monopolies, but unfortunately it's in book form instead of electronic.

[2001-03-20 18:53:00] - I don't think a company could maintain the size necessary to have enough power to regulate everything without the support of the state.  Monopolies tend to be too inefficient to exist naturally.

[2001-03-20 18:52:00] - A state or state-assisted monopoly is not much different from communism, but what of natural monopolies?

[2001-03-20 18:52:00] - it's just in a different context.  microsoft could potentially regulate everything as far the realms of computers are concerned. - mig

[2001-03-20 18:51:00] - Maybe I've just been using it so long that I've become set in the "linux way", and accustomed to lower levels of support.

[2001-03-20 18:51:00] - hey, a monopoly isn't that much different from comunism, how about that for unconstitutional - mig

[2001-03-20 18:50:00] - As far as 3rd party support for Linux goes, I'm actually pretty content.  Perhaps my needs are unique, but they are covered more than adequately right now.

[2001-03-20 18:49:00] - The non-signing Josh-knowing anarchist type person (that is me) is named Logan.

[2001-03-20 18:49:00] - non signing, person who knows josh, who are you?  ~a

[2001-03-20 18:49:00] - Well, I believe that anti-trust laws are stupid and unconstitutional, but I may be in the minority on that account. :P

[2001-03-20 18:48:00] - hmmm.. how about violating anti-trust laws?

[2001-03-20 18:48:00] - Windows 98 is not essentially a bug fix for Windows 95 but i think the whatsbad article had some very good points.  i just wish linux had more support by 3rd parties.  ~a

[2001-03-20 18:45:00] - Some hate Microsoft because they hate their products -- a decent reason not to buy their products, but a silly reason to try to destroy the company.

[2001-03-20 18:44:00] - and what are these "silly" reasons? - mig

[2001-03-20 18:44:00] - What is the difference between abuse and exploitation?

[2001-03-20 18:43:00] - Who get backed by all the people that hate Microsoft for silly reasons (hating Microsoft is the hip thing to do).

[2001-03-20 18:42:00] - in theory it isn't, but microsoft has abused it. - mig

[2001-03-20 18:42:00] - It strikes me as more of an instance of people that are poor at business yet think they are entitled to a share of the profits that can be made in the software business using the government to get a piece of the pie.

[2001-03-20 18:38:00] - I think having a "monopoly" over a specific architecture of computers from a specific set of manufacturers is no big deal.

[2001-03-20 18:11:00] -

[2001-03-20 17:55:00] -  don't agree with everything here, but a good bit of it

[2001-03-20 17:26:00] -

[2001-03-20 16:42:00] -  ~a

[2001-03-20 16:09:00] - - boing

[2001-03-20 15:52:00] - argh.  you are right.  nevermind then.  :'(  -  aba

[2001-03-20 15:49:00] - yuck.  let me check again.  :\  -  aba

[2001-03-20 15:49:00] - are you sure?  -  aba

[2001-03-20 15:22:00] - aba: i've been wanting to take that mgt course, but it is major restricted. :-( -jdb

[2001-03-20 12:38:00] - one of the responses was "I'm scared of Keller because I heard he eats children" - mig

[2001-03-20 12:38:00] - oh keller put that on some questionarre about why we don't come to class - mig

[2001-03-20 12:33:00] - For the record, I didn't post that picture, and I didn't see it until my post about teachers eating students. -paul

[2001-03-20 12:30:00] - you just had to post that - mig

[2001-03-20 12:16:00] - Much like that picture, thank you. -paul

[2001-03-20 12:16:00] - I would be wary of a teacher who feeds his students, there's a good chance he's fattening them up so he can eat them. -paul

[2001-03-20 12:15:00] -    =-O

[2001-03-20 11:47:00] - i mean, he gives out food!  :D  -  aba

[2001-03-20 11:46:00] - for fun.  the guy seems like an awesome teacher (  -  aba

[2001-03-20 11:45:00] - I'm curious, what is the management science class for? -paul

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