here are old message board entries

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[2008-10-24 10:25:34] - this story is simultaneous hilarious and infuriating for me - vinnie

[2008-10-24 09:01:55] - paul:  yes.  ~a

[2008-10-23 22:44:21] - a: Do you already own all the Matrix movies on DVD? -Paul

[2008-10-23 14:54:04] - gurkie:  so are you looking to hire a prostitute or become a prostitute?  ~a

[2008-10-23 13:41:42] - aaron: me! - vinnie

[2008-10-23 13:34:39] - ddr_people: who's coming to piu? - aaron

[2008-10-23 13:20:09] - another reason to move to san fran (or some people may think it is anyway) ~gurkie

[2008-10-23 10:23:40] -,0,3625278.story sure did a good job liberating afghanistan, right? - mig

[2008-10-22 19:16:24] - aaron: Since I'm hiring right now I should use some of these.  Not technical job, so I wouldn't expect them to pass the floppy disk (particularly not these days) test but the rest seem pretty much universally needed in any office setting. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-22 18:38:26] - oops! i linked to the comments section instead of the article - aaron

[2008-10-22 18:38:03] - the receptionist test - aaron

[2008-10-22 13:59:13] - a: its contingent on the data not being changed... although ive never worked with sybase so I am not positive how that one works. Like I said DB2, SqlServer, and Oracle all have their own commands which do the same thing it is DBMS specific... ~Gurkie

[2008-10-22 13:54:25] - ok . . . all three of you are basically saying "yes, it's guaranteed to be the same" . . . are you talking about one specific dbms, or is it defined by sql?  in other words, i see that guarantee in mysql, but i don't seem to be seeing it in sybase.  ~a

[2008-10-22 13:27:15] - gurkie: weird. yeah you're right. this was something I remember the instructor telling me in my Oracle SQL class but I must be remembering it wrong - vinnie

[2008-10-22 12:20:49] - a: sorry i lied fetch isnt part of the sql server commend its just select top x thats the other thing db2, and sqlserver put it in the select statement but i think oracle has it in the where clause where rownum ... ~gurkie

[2008-10-22 12:13:33] - a: rownum - oracle, fetch first x rows - db2, fetch top x -sql server... and I actually thought that these commands returned the same values each time despite what vinnie said... ~gurkie

[2008-10-22 11:49:26] - but oracle doesn't always return the same rows each time with rownum. I don't know enough about how mysql works - vinnie

[2008-10-22 11:48:20] - "limit" is a mysql function, right? I think if your table has an index or primary key it probably will return the same record each time. iirc SQL Server works that way - vinnie

[2008-10-22 11:39:15] - also, i don't know if you've already encountered "rownum" but that's another good way of doing what it sounds like you're doing - aaron

[2008-10-22 11:38:46] - a: yes, the rows are predictably ordered. short of deleting a row and then adding it again, the order won't change out from under you. so you''ll get the same record - aaron

[2008-10-22 11:28:03] - which is cool, but what if I run it again?  will i get the same record or is that not guaranteed?  ~a

[2008-10-22 11:27:31] - in sql i can do this (or something similar since "LIMIT" isn't part of the sql standard):  SELECT id, something FROM table WHERE something = 'something' LIMIT 1;  it should return one record.  now, since there is no "ORDER BY" in my above statement, i'll probably get some random record.  ~a

[2008-10-22 10:35:45] - a: eh, I don't have much interest in seeing it based on the Wikipedia article. seems pretty scathing of the movie. :P er, I know sql decently. what's your question? - vinnie

[2008-10-22 10:20:32] - who knows sql?  ~a

[2008-10-21 20:44:44] - aba: Well, I would imagine some of them would just run away in horror if they thought they were being interviewed by Al Jazeera. :-) -Paul

[2008-10-21 17:10:19] - a: it was added to the netflix "watch online" service today.  I'm not going to bother. - pierce

[2008-10-21 16:36:36] - vinnie:  it's on my netflix list.  do you want to borrow it when it comes?  ~a

[2008-10-21 14:28:17] - huh I'd never heard of Ben Stein's movie. surprised that he'd get involved with a project like that, but I guess I don't know much about him - vinnie

[2008-10-21 13:37:35] - I think if you're looking for them, you're bound to find a few crazies in any politically-oriented crowd.  It's not strictly fair to assume that these particular voices represent the tone of the rally as a whole.  I have my guesses on the matter, of course. - pierce

[2008-10-21 12:54:17] - aaron: paul cant access the msg board from work... he says thats fine and to let him know when you want to pick it up... ~gurkie

[2008-10-21 10:48:15] - aba:  it's often about context.  a bunch of evolutionists were pissed off when their statements were taken out of context for ben stein's movie.  ~a

[2008-10-21 10:11:20] - paul: I can't pick up the TV today. - aaron

[2008-10-21 10:11:14] - a: Hmm, 1 was better. 2 has a much more straightforward plot which I think hurts the movie. But it was worth watching - aaron

[2008-10-21 02:56:35] - paul: i'm not sure why that would be relevant to the content of their statements though?  -  aba

[2008-10-21 02:55:28] - paul: according to al jazeera english on wikipedia "The channel was launched on 15 November 2006", and i would assume that the people agreed to be interviewed for a news item but didn't know it was al jazeera (but of course i don't know for sure).  -  aba

[2008-10-20 23:13:05] - was it good?  ~a

[2008-10-20 23:10:25] - neko ramen episode 01 - aaron

[2008-10-20 23:09:48] - a: yes, i saw cube 2 - aaron

[2008-10-20 22:20:44] - aba: I had no idea Al Jazeera had an english speaking branch, if you will. I assume the people they were interviewing had no idea they were being interviewed for Al Jazeera? -Paul

[2008-10-20 21:25:14] - aaron, did you ever see cube 2?  ~a

[2008-10-20 12:04:25] -  -  aba

[2008-10-19 14:11:47] - aaron: Looks like we missed a lot of stuff with Palin on SNL last night. -Paul

[2008-10-18 11:09:28] - the cruelest pump it up mission i've ever seen... i think it's different every time too - aaron

[2008-10-18 02:08:28] - gurkie:  :-P  ~a

[2008-10-17 18:00:27] - vinnie: Your <sarcasm> tags need a new coat of paint. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-17 17:24:12] - vinnie: within 24 hours 6.9 million copies of harry potter sold... ~gurkie

[2008-10-17 17:22:38] - vinnie: "The books have sold more than 400 million copies worldwide" from wikipedia ~gurkie

[2008-10-17 17:21:19] - vinnie: i dont believe that for a second... 4000? NO WAY! (as I go research) ~gurkie

[2008-10-17 16:18:52] - mig: well you have to understand that only 0.2% of the world's population reads books anymore. Harry Potter only sold like 4000 copies I think and it's the #1 bestselling book of all time. everyone else just saw the movies and claimed to read the book - vinnie

[2008-10-17 15:52:50] - Although: This is pretty awesome.  I may have to go buy some Stride gum. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-17 15:48:32] - anon: Also, don't forget Catholic and Lutheran churches are also supported with tax-payer monies. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-17 14:10:48] - then again, i guess i'm not surprised about that being hailed as a success considering they have their taxpayers financially support losers like Ewe Boll.

[2008-10-17 14:08:17] - if 1,500 copies qualifies as a "best-seller"? - mig

[2008-10-17 13:45:18] - Almost everything looks better in hindsight. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-17 13:44:12] - a: Nationally you have a congressional represtentiave (every two years), and may or may not have a choice against an incumbent.  I don't.  My incumbent retired.  In Virginia we also have one of our two senator seats up, but like my Representative, the incumbent is not seeing re-election. John Warner(i) is out.  Mark Warner vs. James Gilmore. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-17 12:21:19] - xpovos:  yeah.  i actually don't know . . . besides president, what offices are up for us this go around?  which incumbent might i want to think about voting against?  ~a

[2008-10-17 12:10:22] - what's more, i have a bad feeling that some of them believe that fox news is fair and balanced.  ~a

[2008-10-17 11:49:57] - sometimes they say things that i can't agree with.  they'll discuss greed on wallstreet and enron, and use that as an argument for getting the government out of our market.  also sometimes there's a lack of understanding of normal exponential growth.  some of them think palin is pretending to be stupid.  ~a

[2008-10-17 11:49:37] - a: Shockingly, people get it.  Unsurprisingly they continue to vote the same clowns into office anyway. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-17 11:48:23] - not surprisingly, there's a lot of things they say that they say that i 100% agree with.  they're mad at the politicians for being slimy and corporations and american people for making idiot mistakes / being irresponsible.  ~a

[2008-10-17 11:44:57] - i'm in a very curious situation.  for the past three days (something i'll be doing for the next five days) i've been sitting in a break room in northern florida (also right next to alabama) where govt workers come in and watch fox news and discuss what they're seeing.  it's very interesting the things i hear them say about the election and the economy.  ~a

[2008-10-17 10:30:45] - mig:  it's a matter of scale.  the media's effect on the results of a one-day election << the media's effect on the results of a multi-day election.  ~a

[2008-10-17 10:30:15] - gurkie: And likewise for John McCain and Ron Paul supporters.  And thus, we have a new federal holiday. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-17 09:32:11] - a: the only solution is that everyone voting for obama should skip work on nov 4 to make sure he wins... ~gurkie

[2008-10-17 09:24:18] - and besides, if voters let polls during the voting period influence whether they actually go and vote, that's their own damn fault. - mig

[2008-10-17 09:22:47] - pierce: unless you're willing to invest the time to have an entire media blackout for duration of the voting period or coerce everyone to vote at the exact same instant, you can't avoid that situation no matter how short, as aaron points out it happens even with a 1-day time period of voting. - mig

[2008-10-17 09:05:12] - ron paul lost because you didn't take the day off.  ~a

[2008-10-17 08:55:00] - a: I'd left for work before the polls opened.  But good one. :-D -- Xpovos

[2008-10-16 20:17:41] - ron paul lost because you didn't save time to vote in the morning.  ~a

[2008-10-16 19:48:26] - vinnie: I missed the primaries because of the snow storm and I-395 being shut down for a few hours.  I was 15 minutes late.  And pissed. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-16 17:47:48] - does anybody want to see "w"?  ~a

[2008-10-16 17:22:38] - mig: but as long as it's a nonzero effect in either direction (which is likely enough to be safe to assume) then suddenly some voters are more impactful to the process than others, which is unacceptable. - pierce

[2008-10-16 16:56:43] - pierce:  you could also argue that there could be less mccain voters on day 2 becuase they'll feel defeated.  it could go either way honestly, there's no way to say for sure.  people are fickle. - mig

[2008-10-16 16:41:39] - I know both my parents skipped the last Virginia election because there was a rainstorm and very heavy traffic, they couldn't make it to the polls in time - vinnie

[2008-10-16 16:40:17] - pierce: yeah plus I think it already happens now with absentee voting. it seems unavoidable. also I think people getting turned away because of overcrowdedness, or skipping the vote because they can't go that one day affects the election a lot too - vinnie

[2008-10-16 16:19:15] - pierce: well we've already witnessed that effect even with the single-day-of-voting idea. at least with fifteen days it might balance out over time - aaron

[2008-10-16 15:40:17] - vinnie: the danger of that is changing the results by spreading out the election.  if they do exit polls on day 1 and those polls show obama slightly winning, it will encourage more mccain voters than obama voters to go out on day 2. - pierce

[2008-10-16 15:26:54] - the whole idea of everyone voting on one day is becoming more and more problematic. it makes sense for the polling places to spread it out as much as possible - vinnie

[2008-10-16 15:22:44] - Im guessing they want more people to get out and vote sooo you dont have as much of an excuse if you can go every day for 2 weeks instead of just on one day... ~gurkie

[2008-10-16 15:22:02] - a: its considered absentee, you go there and tell them you wont be in VA on election day... I guess since I work in DC I wont be... Dont know if I will make it out early or go to work late (or skip work all together)... ~gurkie

[2008-10-16 14:11:27] - "there's no such thing as bad publicity". especially when the bad publicity is put to rest - vinnie

[2008-10-16 14:11:03] - I saw the debate. I came out of it thinking it was a "draw" in debate terms, but realized today that Obama probably came off better overall. he appeared more collected than McCain, and more focus got put on Obama, both good and bad. when McCain says "let's hear about Ayers" and Obama puts the issue to bed, I think that only helps Obama. like the old adage says...

[2008-10-16 14:07:08] - aaron: I'm actually going to a concert tonight so no DDR. I will be in Springfield though!: - vinnie

[2008-10-16 13:38:50] - pierce: well like they had a question yesterday "Do you think your opponent's vice president would make a qualified president" and Obama's answer was very civil, and he talked about Palin's qualifications, and Mccain's answer was very negative, and he talked about how Biden was "wrong about iraq" and a lot of other negative stuff - aaron

[2008-10-16 13:35:02] - mccain has been more aggressive in all three debates.  lots of condescending "the good senator doesn't understand"-type talk.  in debate 101 terms he's probably the one "winning", but in real terms people either don't seem to be buying it or aren't influenced by it the way debate 101 predicts they would be. - pierce

[2008-10-16 12:20:43] - aaron: He needs to be.  He's behind in the polls and on fundraising, and doesn't really have an position he can hang his hat on except the war in Iraq.  That doesn't fly very well right now with the economy. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-16 12:01:01] - a: i thought mccain was a lot more aggressive than obama during the debate. - aaron

[2008-10-16 11:39:54] - vinnie: pump it up? - aaron

[2008-10-16 11:39:43] - gurkie: I saw the first hour, then switched to South Park - aaron

[2008-10-16 11:18:40] - we can vote at the govt center?  absentee or what?  ~a

[2008-10-16 11:18:13] - gurkie:  the lat/lon is more useful!  ~a

[2008-10-16 11:01:35] - Apparently if you go to the govt center you can vote early in VA... Starting today... ~gurkie

[2008-10-16 11:01:09] - aaron: all of 30 seconds, did you watch? ~gurkie

[2008-10-16 11:00:59] - a: Florida would have sufficed, maybe even the city in Florida... Thats exciting though! ~gurkie

[2008-10-16 10:50:59] - anybody catch the debate yesterday? - aaron

[2008-10-16 10:39:49] - gurkie:  30.396,-86.607 (it's the pan-handle of florida)  ~a

[2008-10-16 10:30:23] - a: where are you? ~gurkie

[2008-10-16 10:03:04] - yeah!  i'll have lots of time for the beach. :)  best work trip . . . ever.  ~a

[2008-10-16 10:00:50] - a: that's ridiculous. i hope you get some beach time while you're there - aaron

[2008-10-16 09:04:40] - aaron:  zero.  yes.  ~a

[2008-10-16 08:53:46] - a: how many people are staying with you? this is for work? - aaron

[2008-10-15 23:13:36] - oh my god this is by far the hugest hotel "room" i've ever been in (and i've been in some pretty big rooms).  here it's 50% larger than my apartment!  no exaggeration:  where i'm going to be this week and next is 1500 sq ft.  what's more, here is my view.  ~a

[2008-10-15 22:58:28] - aaron:  yeah that explanation even covers a few new cool situations.  it was kind of hard to follow at times, but i really liked the extra sections on asymmetrical and doubly-symmetrical beings.  ~a

[2008-10-15 19:57:01] - a: I'll agree, particularly with those last two which are generally a pain to do in Word formats. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-15 17:50:11] - why do mirrors reverse left and right? (this is the best answer yet) - aaron

[2008-10-15 15:47:18] - aaron:  i want to whitelist some formatting though:  italics, bold, underline, superscript, subscript.  ~a

[2008-10-15 13:24:54] - aaron: even trying keeping formatting doesn't work a lot of the time, if tags aren't copied correctly. seems like it would be better to just always ignore tags - vinnie

[2008-10-15 13:11:15] - xpovos: I'm talking more simply like, when you copy a blurb from a web page, and paste it into an e-mail, and it looks out of whack - aaron

[2008-10-15 12:59:15] - aaron: Even if I did, I'd probably be using it as the basis for a brand new document.  So, maybe a simple "If document == new.doc || blank.doc -> retain formatting; else format = format.doc;" -- Xpovos

[2008-10-15 12:42:05] - i wonder if anybody has, in the history of the universe, wanted to paste text into a document while retaining the formatting from the original document. - aaron

[2008-10-15 10:11:55] - I've been reading election coverage for months now and only found out yesterday that Al Franken is running for Senate. I need to widen my scope... - vinnie

[2008-10-15 09:57:30] - Fun. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-14 22:48:59] - Aaron: I bought two types of protein powder. One is in a jug and suggest using three scoops mixed with water 30 minutes after your workout and in the morning on non-workout days. The other powder comes in packets. -Paul

[2008-10-14 21:15:20] - we must dismantle our free market in order to save it... - mig

[2008-10-14 13:42:23] - aary: I am pretty sure he bought a whey protein and something else... at least one of them says to take it within 30 mins of working out... ~gurkie

[2008-10-14 11:55:20] - I've never heard of any kinds of protein that like, work against eachother, or anything like that though. More is better. - aaron

[2008-10-14 11:54:52] - paul: It sounds like you're talking about more of a protein supplement, I'm familiar with whey protein (taken before and after workouts) and weight gain powder (taken with dinner) - aaron

[2008-10-14 11:37:23] - vinnie: I watched and liked it.  But then again, I was a weird little kid in 1992.  Other things I liked in 1992: Ross Perot. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-13 23:25:08] - Aaron: I bought some protein powder from the GNC store. Do you have any idea if it's ok to use one type on one day and another type another day even if both types suggest you use it daily? -Paul

[2008-10-13 23:08:37] - aaron: I remember watching a couple episodes of that show when it aired and not understanding it at all. the article does say it was too heavy-handed to appeal to kids (hmm, is heavy-handed the right word? I think they mean heavy) - vinnie

[2008-10-13 18:58:00] - err since... 1992... - aaron

[2008-10-13 18:57:44] - xpovos: "Once Max noticed the exterminators from a distance, he quickly returned to the basement only to witness the death of his entire family"...?? wow, children's programming has sure changed since the 80s... - aaron

[2008-10-13 18:05:53] - reading the linked bug, I agree with Dröge that it was probably an intentionally vindictive/snarky inclusion.  Maybe he was just having a bad day, or maybe he's on a short fuse and has a childish sense of humor, but Joe Wreschnig has now managed to mark himself as a coder you don't want to hire. - pierce

[2008-10-13 17:42:04] - vinnie: I'd totally forgotten about another show referenced in that article: Capitol Critters.  Wow, that brings back some weird memories. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-13 15:59:22] - gurkie:  yeah, sorry i meant the developer that added the line of code, not the one petitioning to have it removed.  ~a

[2008-10-13 15:58:19] - pierce:  the apology stops here.  with apologies to harry truman.  ~a

[2008-10-13 15:42:04] - a: do you mean with apologies to abbie hoffman? -  pierce

[2008-10-13 15:41:31] - it almost seems like they're confusing growing pains with family ties... "parents in blue jeans" would be an oblique, but apt reference to the "hippie parents versus conservative kids" premise of family ties. - pierce

[2008-10-13 15:09:05] - gurkie: I know! maybe that was the defining characteristic of this show for those in Italy - vinnie

[2008-10-13 15:00:01] - Italy's*

[2008-10-13 14:59:53] - I sent out an evite to a halloween party, if you live within 2 hours and didnt get it let me know... I didnt take time to review the list, so I may have missed a lot of people... ~gurkie

[2008-10-13 14:59:03] - vinnie: italies most confuses me... ~gurkie

[2008-10-13 14:56:43] - a: i assume you mean the developer is being childish? Id more likely call it idiotic, petty, and moronic... ~gurkie

[2008-10-13 14:29:53] - haha I love the international names section - vinnie

[2008-10-13 13:24:08] - that seems pretty childish though he could have just been trying to be funny.  it's hard to say without knowing the people involved.  ~a

[2008-10-13 13:17:22] - someone takes personal offense to the debian source code, demands patch - aaron

[2008-10-13 12:52:23] - mig: want to email me lisa and seans email addresses? ~gurkie

[2008-10-13 11:52:47] - yeah . . . the argument almost seems a little bit outdated.  drm isn't yet dead, but it seems to be heading that direction.  ~a

[2008-10-13 11:25:40] - a: yeah, it's funny how many times people get bitten by that stuff (MS musicstore and  walmart come to mind) and yet companies still push it. at least MP3-based music stores are becoming more popular - aaron

[2008-10-13 10:05:55] - i thought the market was closed today . . . ?  ~a

[2008-10-13 09:42:56] - steal this comic.  with apologies to system of a down?  ~a

[2008-10-12 01:27:57] - moo

[2008-10-11 19:53:21] - wow it's been a full week since the spammers left the message board alone.  i wonder why they left and how long they'll be gone.  ~a

[2008-10-10 18:25:53] - At least that's 40% less we have to fall to get to zero. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-10 17:18:21] - aaron:  yes tomorrow is impossible.  ~a

[2008-10-10 17:13:11] - gurkie:  he's smacking me because i was so completely and totally wrong.  i said monday would be the low, but really monday was just the beginning of the fall.  monday we had lost 14% total from months opening.  today we had lost like as much as 40% total from months opening.  ~a

[2008-10-10 17:07:05] - pierce:  "[2008-10-06 10:49:48] - xpovos:  i call today as the bottom.  i.e. the low in 2008 will be today.  ~a  [2008-10-06 10:50:36] - and i am basing that on:  nothing.  ~a"  ~a

[2008-10-10 16:30:20] - pierce: why are u smacking him? im confused... ~gurkie

[2008-10-10 16:28:01] - a: i was talking about the chickens... ~gurkie

[2008-10-10 14:49:02] - or maybe monday if that's impossible - aaron

[2008-10-10 14:48:47] - i predict stock market hits a 80 year low tomorrow - aaron

[2008-10-10 14:37:54] - a: how can I quote a message you haven't posted yet?  I'm not a mind reader, for crying out loud. - pierce

[2008-10-10 14:32:45] - pierce:  you must post my next message.  ~a

[2008-10-10 14:32:35] - pierce:  you took that out of context.  ~a

[2008-10-10 14:30:55] - "[2008-10-06 10:49:48] - xpovos:  i call today as the bottom.  i.e. the low in 2008 will be today.  ~a"    I could smack you right now. - pierce

[2008-10-10 13:54:42] - yes, it would have been nice if she was naked.  ~a

[2008-10-10 13:52:02] - a: nice... ~gurkie

[2008-10-10 10:12:21] - pierce: that's a good point. I'd guess the polls are phrased like "who do you plan to vote for in November, if anyone?", so that you're only getting people who plan to vote, but I'm sure a good chunk of those people won't end up going. will it be more dems or reps? nevertheless, record turnouts are expected this year - vinnie

[2008-10-09 20:37:13] - pierce:  i have five chickens.  ~a

[2008-10-09 20:30:40] - on the other hand, obama has had a lot of help from get-out-the-vote efforts... a lot of those registrations are young people, and they might be too high on the pots on election day to show up.  i'm definitely not counting my chickens. - pierce

[2008-10-09 20:29:09] - are the polls essentially just "who do you plan to vote for", or are they weighted by some version of "how likely do you think you are to vote in this election"?  because while opinion is as divided as it always is, I don't feel like mccain/palin has inspired the fervor of the social conservatives the way bush did, and so less of "his 50%" will actually show up. - pierce

[2008-10-09 20:02:19] - we're in a pretty close race electorally and in virginia.  ~a

[2008-10-09 20:02:01] - wow.  i've been looking at the polls and the electoral map, and there's a very high (higher than usual) chance that we could decide this election.  ~a

[2008-10-09 16:48:10] - mig: yeah, pretty much. as if the connection isn't shaky enough, the thing that ties them together is serving on anti-poverty and education boards :P - vinnie

[2008-10-09 16:25:53] -;_ylt=Aoz1tomA3XUfYi.vmf1wRqKyFz4D mccain is getting desparate. - mig

[2008-10-09 15:52:25] - I needed this to decode Pierce's comment:

[2008-10-09 15:48:05] - aaron:  in i searched for "^DJI" and it gave me the same thing (though they call it something even less intuitive).  ~a

[2008-10-09 15:45:47] - aaron:  "^" = stock market index and "DJI" = "Dow Jones Industrial Average":^DJI  ~a

[2008-10-09 15:36:31] - xpovos: i'll say, the dow chemical company is down 3 percent already (somebody help me do what i actually want to do) - aaron

[2008-10-09 15:18:15] - pierce: I'll be in my bunker.  Today's market movement is not pretty. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-09 15:06:06] - I'll be in my bunk. - pierce

[2008-10-09 14:34:30] - gurkie:  so you're suggesting she was naked during the debate?  ~a

[2008-10-09 14:33:34] - 2·32·37

[2008-10-09 14:08:46] - a/aaron: was thinking about skipping piu anyhow. thanks for making my decision :) - vinnie

[2008-10-09 14:08:32] - gurkie: lol. i hadn't thought about sarah palin wearing one of those but that would be smart - aaron

[2008-10-09 12:57:32] - aaron: they printed it wrong, how is she supposed to read it when she is standing looking down... ~gurkie

[2008-10-09 12:47:48] - aaron: ack! why is that finally who in their right mind would want that... ~gurkie

[2008-10-09 12:41:06] - aaron:  it's too wide in the back.  ~a

[2008-10-09 12:38:35] - gurkie: finally? - aaron

[2008-10-09 12:35:27] - aaronnie:  i can't do today anyways.  ~a

[2008-10-09 12:34:36] - gurkie:  yeah that seems about right :-P  it's missing . . . "did you find a previous question on your cards?  ->  ask the moderator if you can answer the previous question"  because that's something that really bothered me at the time.  ~a

[2008-10-09 12:30:03] - No pumpit up for me today... going to dinner with my family - aaron

[2008-10-09 12:20:25] - like palin's debating skills? ~gurkie

[2008-10-08 18:07:31] - yeah i didn't know about Error.  ~a

[2008-10-08 16:47:16] - a: RuntimeException and Error. - aaron

[2008-10-08 15:53:27] - i was under the impression that RuntimeException (and subclasses) were the only things that didn't need to be declared throws . . . apparently whoever told me that was wrong.  ~a

[2008-10-08 14:38:48] - a: yeah we didn't do the animation. a friend of a friend did it with a team of people for some kind of video class they were taking. they needed a song so they used one of ours - vinnie

[2008-10-08 13:19:56] - Sam: Not really... it drops, then it goes back up a little.  Then it keeps dropping. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-08 12:48:15] - a: dow jones industrial average keeps dropping  -sam

[2008-10-08 12:25:12] - a: they had a friend in thailand whose group did the animation for a school project... ~gurkie

[2008-10-08 11:55:05] - i'm guessing by the title of the video that your music is playing . . . but i'm having trouble believing you made the video.  i now know you aren't the person who uploaded it.  so did you work with someone who did the animation?  ~a

[2008-10-08 11:50:00] - vinnie:  what is that?  i don't have sound so for all i know, you made this . . . ?  ~a

[2008-10-07 23:31:32] - flickerfall's first music video :D - vinnie

[2008-10-07 22:34:03] - how can i reword "i put the package in the box" without it sounding like a euphemism?  ~a

[2008-10-07 04:57:53] - aaron: I wasn't familiar with that particular epitaph, so I went googling.  The wikipedia page says it's a pejorative for Jews, and also a given name in the Spanish community.  I think the latter is much more likely, so it's probably just his name. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-06 16:22:29] - Hmm, no drop, but a bounce.  Still not a good day. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-06 15:44:26] - a: We seem to have bounced pretty hard off of -8.5%.  If this follows the pattern we've seen recently it'll continue to bounce and then drop like a rock in the last twenty minutes.  You might see -10% yet, but I doubt it. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-06 15:07:08] - come on -10%!  ~a

[2008-10-06 10:53:12] - a: Fair enough.  I mean, we're in October, so you only have to sweat out a little less than three months.  And with a down day like today, we're bound to have a bounce.  So I think that's as good a guess as any. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-06 10:50:36] - and i am basing that on:  nothing.  ~a

[2008-10-06 10:49:48] - xpovos:  i call today as the bottom.  i.e. the low in 2008 will be today.  ~a

[2008-10-06 10:34:20] - a: Yeah, I think it was pretty much inevitable after the past few weeks.  The trick will be calling the bottom.  Guesses? -- Xpovos

[2008-10-06 10:30:30] - called it!  ~a

[2008-10-06 10:09:03] - Dow's down 300+ points this morning so far.  We're back under 10K.  Hello 1999. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-06 09:42:34] - a: there's a few other videos with the same kid and they always call him the same thing, so i think it's the kid's nickname - aaron

[2008-10-05 20:03:10] - aaron:  unless the person who filmed the video != the person who uploaded it to youtube.  ~a

[2008-10-05 16:59:26] - a: yea iono, i assumed it was an alias or something. i mean they're filming in someone's house, so it's not like they just filmed a stranger and used a racial slur to insult them - aaron

[2008-10-05 09:53:19] - aaron:  what's up with the title of your second link?  ~a

[2008-10-05 02:14:44] - a: also if this kid can hold the 3s from chimera, then i don't think you get to complain about wearing the wrong shoes anymore - aaron

[2008-10-04 19:36:41] - a: this is that pump-it-up girl I was telling you about. she got 1st at the WPF 2007, this is her getting A on Chimera CZ and B on Chimera CZ no bar... her name is amy - aaron

[2008-10-04 19:35:41] - paul: i haven't used any kinds of protein powder before in fruit smoothies, probably kind of risky. I bet the vanilla would work though - aaron

[2008-10-04 17:28:08] - i love muscle milk.... dunno how well it would mix in a fruit smoothie. i only drink the vanilla flavor *shrug* ~dee

[2008-10-04 14:21:09] - Aaron: What kind of protein powder do you buy and do you think it would work well in fruit smoothies? :-) -Paul

[2008-10-03 14:41:04] - boot linux in five seconds?!  . . . you can see a really pretty picture of my 2004 computer booting up here in 30 seconds.  you'll notice that i do have a splashscreen . . . and a whole slew of services like my dvr (myth) and this webpage (apache & mysql).  ~a

[2008-10-03 13:28:51] - And it passes. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-03 13:02:02] - a: flex (or action script), although then it would be var rag : string ~gurkie

[2008-10-03 12:47:36] - House set to revote on the revised bill.  You can watch live on C-SPAN.  Right now they're still debating. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-03 11:10:35] - a: Point, with C++ it would have been int or sommat.  I'm out of practice with needing to define variables, PHP spoiled me. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-03 10:13:42] - at least i assume it's javascript, i don't know of any other languages that use "var" to define a variable.  ~a

[2008-10-03 10:13:17] - xpovos:  javascript :-)  ~a

[2008-10-03 10:07:18] - a: Ah, I see.  Nice riddle + C++ syntax. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-02 23:51:14] - i didn't realize that the 700b number was picked out of someone's ass.  "it's not based on any particular data point.  we just wanted to choose a really large number."  ~a

[2008-10-02 22:17:17] - xpovos:  orange minus one = o ra n g e minus one = ra g  ~a

[2008-10-02 22:17:13] - god it's only getting worse.  ~a

[2008-10-02 21:55:02] - Ok, so explain the orange joke to me? -- Xpovos

[2008-10-02 21:45:11] - i was just about to ask if anybody was watching it.  also painful was exactly what i was going to call it.  ~a

[2008-10-02 21:34:46] - OMG!  I watched the entirety of the Obama/McCain debate, and found it tame, but worthwhile.  I have given up on the VP debate though.  That's just painful. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-02 20:23:42] - title:  laughing.  that's pretty funny.  ~a

[2008-10-02 16:18:49] - gurkie: What did you think bacon was? -- Xpovos

[2008-10-02 14:47:06] - have you guy's seen the palin witchdoctor thing on youtube?  apparently it's a recently taken video.  ~a

[2008-10-02 14:45:25] - gurkie:  me.  ~a

[2008-10-02 14:30:00] - xpovos: hundreds of pages of pork? hmm I didnt know pork came in pages... ~gurkie

[2008-10-02 14:29:16] - who is coming to poker this week? I am dragging some coworkers along and want a guess as to how many people will be there... ~gurkie

[2008-10-02 12:08:31] - Passing it last night doesn't seem to have helped the market much.  Unemployment numbers are bad enough that all the good feelings got washed away. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-02 12:07:27] - a: My understanding is that the 'procedural reasons' were that all budgetary matters need to start in the House according to the Constitution; and the House stomped on their bill-so the Senate attached it as a rider to a bill of assorted geegaws. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-02 12:05:17] - "the bailout bill was attached to another bill for procedural reasons"  yeah what the fuck?  you'd think this bill (one of the more visible bills we've had in a long long time) wouldn't have all that bullshit associated with it.  there's going to be a backlash i think.  ~a

[2008-10-02 11:32:01] - a: My understanding is that there's $350B available to the Treasury immediately with an option for $350B more later.  The other $150B are all the pork they added to get it to pass, if that's the same thing. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-02 11:00:34] - i thought it was going to be LESS than 700B, not MORE.  wtf?  ~a

[2008-10-02 10:52:50] - xpovos: was this the $850 billion thing i saw on the news yesterday? the tv had the sound off so i didn't totally know what they were talking about - aaron

[2008-10-02 08:51:02] - So, the Senate passed their version of the bill last night and are putting pressure back on the House.  I'm highly amused that they couldn't do it without adding hundreds of pages of pork, though. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-01 20:55:24] - personal storage site, social networking, where do they get this from?  does a human visit the site, or is there some sort of automated process?  either way, i'm wonder how it can be foiled.  ~a

[2008-10-01 16:30:15] - I've had it blocked as a personal storage site before, but that was short-term.  Most of the time I can get here.  That's the second story I've seen re: Michigan housing at low prices.  The other one was sold for $1 even, but had more back taxes to deal with. -- Xpovos

[2008-10-01 15:36:58] - also, we use too many smilies for this to be a work site. too much good timery is being had here - vinnie

[2008-10-01 15:36:27] - a: maybe it thinks it's a social networking site because it has all our birthdays on the wiki page :P - vinnie

[2008-10-01 15:02:12] - nobody can filter encrypted traffic . . . theoretically . . . unless they want to block https connections . . . or blacklist ip address.  or something else i haven't thought of :-P  ~a

[2008-10-01 15:00:34] - it seems like paul could route his traffic through a third party.  ~a

[2008-10-01 14:53:33] - gurkie:  how could they possibly know this is a social networking site?  also, do you think sub-domains are also filtered?  i.e. . . . do you think that's blocked too?  ~a

[2008-10-01 13:39:01] - you too can be a homeowner... ~gurkie

[2008-10-01 13:23:09] - wait really? wow no way that's amazing! - aaron

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