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[2009-01-06 15:14:39] - a: i liked it too

[2009-01-06 15:09:37] - title:  that is a quality "joke".  ~a

[2009-01-06 09:00:04] - The problem isn't so much that the rules changed, but that we can no longer effectively communicate.  Now we need to introduce new language structures to be coherent. 3+(6*2) would be redundent.  Just as "he or she" is. -- Xpovos

[2009-01-06 08:58:42] - Because that's fair.  The addition comes first in the sentence. -- Xpovos

[2009-01-06 08:58:20] - a: I'm surprised to hear anyone associated with computer science saying that "failure to follow grammar rules [the rules of language] results in chaos".  If I arbitrarily decide that I don't like the order of operations (perhaps I think it's biased towards multiplication, which has clearly had enormous benefit due to it's position in math) so I decree that now 3+6*2 = 18.

[2009-01-06 08:56:05] - pierce: sorry I was anon, I ran out of characters.  Figured it was obvious that it was me. -- Xpovos

[2009-01-06 05:46:10] - failure to follow by grammar rules results in chaos?  hyperbole anybody?  well, i think overly strict interpretation of grammar rules results in chaos.  ~a

[2009-01-06 04:43:51] - anon: I think you're overstating it. I don't know if there are historical uses of singular "they", and frankly I don't care.  "He" as a gender-neutral pronoun is at least as confusing as using singular "they", but the latter avoids any real or percieved sexist bias in the language, so the choice seems to be obvious. - pierce

[2009-01-05 22:41:26] - aba: Because they is plural, as pierce notes.  If you're upset about 'he' being the default gender, you're hardly alone.  A little googling turns up a host of feminist backed research indicating historical uses of 'they' as a singular pronoun. Frankly, that's stretching it.  Language has rules, and failure to abide by them results in chaos or at the very least confusion.

[2009-01-05 20:14:33] - xpovos: yeah i actually knew it was a girl in the article. i just typed out my sentence too quickly - aaron

[2009-01-05 20:12:50] - what your cat does when you sleep - aaron

[2009-01-05 19:33:23] - it would be nice to have an unambiguously singular third-person human-specific pronoun, but no one has had any luck getting one adopted, so "they" has to hold us over. - pierce

[2009-01-05 19:27:06] - aba: - pierce

[2009-01-05 18:48:49] - xpovos: why isn't "they" the correct pronoun to use if the gender is unknown?  -  aba

[2009-01-05 16:53:41] - and as far as I know, my co-workers that I know who have iPhones are not jailbroken either. - mig

[2009-01-05 16:53:13] - pierce;  i have AT&T, so no. - mig

[2009-01-05 16:52:59] - aba: I know.  I thought about making the correction myself, but decided it wasn't worthwhile.  The debt story could have happened just as easily to either gender, and if, as seems likely, aaron didn't read the name and was unsure, "he" was the correct pronoun to use, grammatically. -- Xpovos

[2009-01-05 16:46:41] - xpovos: i was commenting in regards to the fact that aaron used "he" when responding.  -  aba

[2009-01-05 16:03:13] - a: that I know of, but I didn't ask everyone. - pierce

[2009-01-05 15:56:44] - miguel is the only other iphone user, right?  ~a

[2009-01-05 15:55:05] - iphone users: are yours jailbroken?  why did you/didn't you?  should I? - pierce

[2009-01-05 15:51:32] - on the flip side, i do NOT see the value in buying something that's of less value for more money (i.e. vending machines and greasy spoons).  ~a

[2009-01-05 15:50:08] - aaron:  sure $100 in two weeks seems high but if that's the cost of happiness, then it's well worth it.  :-P  ~a

[2009-01-05 15:38:05] - xpovos:  you can get cans pretty cheap.  i'm sure even a diet coke fiend could limit himself to $10-20/month if bought on sale.  ~a

[2009-01-05 15:36:17] - aba: Yeah, but it's mostly irrelevant.  Nothing in her article is gender-specific. -- Xpovos

[2009-01-05 15:36:00] - aba:  the first thing that made me wonder if the author was female was when she said:  "So that week, I made an appointment with a financial counselor. As it happens, he's dating a friend."  not necessarily a thing a guy can't/wouldn't say, but it's what made me think.  ~a

[2009-01-05 15:35:35] - a: Well, there's no way he'd go cold-turkey on Diet Coke (except during Lent).  He was a diet coke fiend.  So, even if he was able to get it at 1/3rd price and brought it in (or alternatively, cut himself off for 2/3 off the office purchases) it'd still be $50/mo. -- Xpovos

[2009-01-05 15:24:35] - the author's first name is "sarah"..... probably more likely a she than a he.  -  aba

[2009-01-05 15:14:42] - xpovos:  forget the overpriced lunches!  5 * $1.5 * 20 = $150 per month already.  ~a

[2009-01-05 15:05:10] - xpovos: i spend about $6-12 when I eat out for lunch, and Monster Energy drinks are $3 downstairs. I could spend $100 in two weeks no problem - aaron

[2009-01-05 13:30:11] - aaron: My old boss would fit into that category pretty well.  He made a good salary, but would drink about 4-6 diet cokes each day, each of them bought from the vending machine at $1.50 a pop.  Add in the overpriced lunches instead of brown bagging it and the change swings a hundred dollars a month easily. -- Xpovos

[2009-01-05 12:48:03] - xpovos: it's funny that he mentions cutting out buying sodas at work and going out for lunch every day, since i'm trying to cut those things out lately too - aaron

[2009-01-05 12:15:01] - Fun article.  For me to read at least. -- Xpovos

[2009-01-05 12:07:46] - gurkie:  Birthdays . . . also Special:Allpages might be useful for finding things.  ~a

[2009-01-05 11:53:03] - a: i was really looking for the bday.txt cause birthday and bday dont route to birthdays in the wiki... I was confused. ~gurkie

[2009-01-05 11:15:59] - gurkie:  lots of the time, "happy birthday"s go into the title.  ~a

[2009-01-05 10:53:28] - oops meant to go for the search bar... ~gurkie

[2009-01-05 10:53:07] - birthday

[2009-01-05 10:46:46] - a:  btw fallout 3 is amazing.  I would highly recommend it. - mig

[2009-01-04 09:29:35] - ok, well while we're on the subject:  you cannot use the drivers that came with your mouse even if you wanted to (and as we said, you didn't want to anyways).  drivers that come with devices NEVER work in anything but microsoft windows (unless advertised as such; again even then, you might not want to use them).  ~a

[2009-01-04 00:15:01] - 't have as good a record with drivers for devices as Windows. -Paul

[2009-01-04 00:14:38] - a: I think once, and it turned out to be a bigger pain than was necessary. I just am worried since I know linux often doesn

[2009-01-03 17:35:33] - have you ever tried to use cd drivers that come with a mouse in windows?  i usually just plug it in and pray to satan.  same goes for usb anything.  ~a

[2009-01-03 15:54:40] - a: Ok, so I shouldn't need to use the CD drivers that come with the mouse? My netbook doesn't have an optical drive. -Paul

[2009-01-02 20:03:25] - paul:  your typical usb mice (three button with scroll wheel) work just fine.  i've used a logitec and a microsoft mouse and they both work with no tweaking required.  yeah, the vx revolution mouse has additional features that might not work perfectly, but "typical" mouse stuff that works in windows will work fine in ubuntu.  ~a

[2009-01-02 11:54:49] - Another linux question for people: I am thinking of getting a Logitech VX Revolution mouse for my netbook but I am concerned that it may not play nice with ubuntu. I found a forum where somebody said that they got it working but couldn't scroll horizontally (which is fine for me). Anybody have any opinions on the matter? -Paul

[2009-01-02 11:12:18] - aaron: wow how creepy. does anyone think that the Joker or V look friendlier because they smile all the time? :P those masks just creep me out more! - vinnie

[2008-12-30 17:47:33] - Not sure if this has been posted before, but it's the trailer for the Dragonball movie. I think it looks pretty cool, although I worry about the actor who plays Goku. -Paul

[2008-12-30 15:12:37] - smiley face masks for thai police - aaron

[2008-12-29 19:47:28] - xpovos: they had playable demos of both sc2 and d3 at blizzcon this year (and they were both in really good shape although d3 didn't have all classes implemented yet), so i'd be surprised if they were pushed back to 2010.  -  aba

[2008-12-29 14:32:46] - xpovos:  they are planning on late 2009.  I wouldn't be too surprised at a delay, but it seems they might hit it given the state of the game right now looking at the gameplay vidoes. - mig

[2008-12-29 14:21:58] - Dead on, but what's the release date?  I'm guessing 4Q 2010. -- Xpovos

[2008-12-29 13:48:32] -  there are some gameplay videos up on the website already.  -  aba

[2008-12-29 13:45:41] - a: you'll probably like sc2 when it comes out.  the graphics are pretty fantastic.  -  aba

[2008-12-29 12:24:04] - a: From that, I think Spore still fits well, Titan Quest not so much. -- Xpovos

[2008-12-29 12:23:18] - a: Got it.  Action+++, Tactics++, Strategy+, Story-. -- Xpovos

[2008-12-29 11:47:49] - xpovos:  examples:  starcraft, quake 1&3, doom, unreal tournament 2k3, gta3, gta3 san andreas, new tetris, civilization 1&2, monkey island.  so, i imagine i'll like any good fps or rts games.  i rarely like games with overdeveloped plots or where the plot is the main part of the game.  ~a

[2008-12-29 09:57:34] - a: I thought of another one I've spent a lot of time on: Titan Quest, and it definitely requires some of that new hardware you've got.  But it's like miguel said: what kind of game do you enjoy?  Examples will probably help. -- Xpovos

[2008-12-29 09:19:03] - a:  i guess the question is what type of games do you like?  - mig

[2008-12-28 22:54:40] - a: you should play wow though.  :P  -  aba

[2008-12-28 22:54:24] - a:  this is a pretty decent list if you take a look at the honorable mentions too.  -  aba

[2008-12-27 19:40:28] - a: I just got Spore for Christmas.  DRM on it is pretty insane, and reviews indicate that it won't live up to the hype, but it's still an awesome game concept.  Everything else I'm playing is low sys-req. -- Xpovos

[2008-12-27 18:37:39] - a: I've heard that Crysis is pretty good, although it's an FPS. Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 are also in development. -Paul

[2008-12-27 14:31:16] - a:  fallout 3.  red alert 3.  mass effect.  - mig

[2008-12-27 12:51:05] - i just shipped a bunch of parts to build a pretty kick ass desktop (2.9g ht i7 cpu, 8g ram, 512bit geforce 1g, 1tb hd, bd-r).  does anybody have any pc game suggestions?  (except world of warcraft)  ~a

[2008-12-26 14:15:18] - best movie of 2008.  new rule (feel free to break):  only one nomination per person.  ~a

[2008-12-24 12:12:08] - gurkie:  apparently ur = "your" AND ur = "you're" ?  ~a

[2008-12-23 12:27:56] - mig: Oh, God! My eyes! -- Xpovos

[2008-12-23 11:51:16] - mig: and i thought they were going to stop with "dumb and dumberer" - aaron

[2008-12-23 10:53:08] - gurkie:  will do. - mig

[2008-12-23 10:45:21] - mig: i left carrots in the fridge at ur house, if ur coming over tonight can you bring them to mine? *please*~gurkie

[2008-12-23 10:22:20] - i am sad now. - mig

[2008-12-22 17:05:43] - - aaron

[2008-12-22 17:00:23] - paul:  yes that window (the gui used to access ubuntu's package management system) is what you used to download thunderbird.  learn to love that window.  you can install lots of stuff from there.  if i want to use a piece of software, and it's not in that window, then i find something that IS in the window that does basically the same thing.  ~a

[2008-12-22 14:25:12] - a: Ah, ok. So this is one of those things I can download using the same thing I used to download Thunderbird? -Paul

[2008-12-22 14:18:17] - Paul: That was my expectation too, first time seeing it.  I expected the 'fail' to be the passengers fighting back against the officials and pushing in anyway. -- Xpovos

[2008-12-22 13:53:47] - paul:  fyi, ubuntu and debian share a lot of infrastructure.  there are some differences, but their package management system is similar.  ~a

[2008-12-22 13:52:54] - paul:  that's the ubuntu (and debian) package name.  ~a

[2008-12-22 12:36:58] - xpovos: Imagine my surprise when instead of pulling the guys back, they instead did everything they could to push them in more. Simply amazing. -Paul

[2008-12-22 12:36:26] - xpovos: When people stopped being able to push themselves on the train, I thought, "Thank goodness, now those uniformed guys will pull the rest of those jerks away and have them wait for the next train so nobody gets hurt." -Paul

[2008-12-22 12:35:57] - pierce: i've been reading not always right a lot at work, this is one of my favorites - aaron

[2008-12-22 12:34:42] - a: Is that a firefox package or an ubuntu package or what? -Paul

[2008-12-20 21:12:25] - paul:  i have a package installed called firefox-3.0-branding  ~a

[2008-12-20 17:30:45] - a: Yeah, sorry. I got the Dell Inspiron Mini 9 with Ubuntu pre-installed. Any idea where I could find that firefox re-branding thing? I couldn't find it anywhere. -Paul

[2008-12-20 17:29:13] - dell?  oh oh oh, you got a laptop with ubuntu preinstalled?  that's different.  ~a

[2008-12-20 14:34:01] - a: I think I found out the reason. Dell made a deal with yahoo to get the yahoo toolbar installed on firefox by default and for whatever reason, that means they can't use the firefox name anywhere. -Paul

[2008-12-20 02:13:47] - xpovos:  are ... you ... serious .... people actually are able to tolerate that on a daily basis? - mig

[2008-12-20 01:02:39] - xpovos:  a candle burns in your honor.  ~a

[2008-12-20 00:22:20] - Paul: Maybe this will make you feel better about rush-hour metro service: -- Xpovos

[2008-12-20 00:06:52] - hah!  i wasn't the only one that learned perl in 11th grade  ~a

[2008-12-19 19:19:33] - regarding "web browser" vs "firefox" . . . there is a package you can install to get the normal firefox "branding" (i thought it was the default but maybe it isn't on new installs anymore).  ~a

[2008-12-19 19:16:40] - in ubuntu, you click "add/remove programs" (or something like that) and you pick the software you want to install and it does all the footwork for you.  the added benefit is it'll also upgrade that software for you if you ask it to!  it'll also warn you (with a red "!") when you have a necessary security patch pending for all the applications you installed this way.  ~a

[2008-12-19 19:14:11] - paul:  i'm pretty much reiterating what miguel said, but installing programs in ubuntu (and most distros) is different than what you're used to.  you don't typically download what you want to install, you tell your package manager to do it for you.  ~a

[2008-12-19 17:50:40] - Shaq is amazingly bad at free throws. -Paul

[2008-12-19 16:06:00] - police beat up 12 year old girl, and essentially kidnap her.  "the conduct of the police officers was appropriate under the circumstances." lawyers for the police said.  - mig

[2008-12-19 12:19:30] - Pierce: I feel like some of those stories (Not always right) are made up. A lot of them remind me of quotes from where things just seem a little TOO perfect and coincidental. -Paul

[2008-12-19 10:54:57] - paul:  yeah most modern distros these days have a package managers that will handle installing/downloading of applications for you. - mig

[2008-12-19 10:49:26] - mig: Ah, ok. I didn't know that would go and download the stuff for me as well. I'll give that a try tonight. Thanks. -Paul

[2008-12-19 10:41:58] - if you've got ubuntu you can probably use it's package installer and you don't have to worry about where it goes. - mig

[2008-12-19 10:41:38] - paul:  i haven't use evolution in a very long time, i'd say go with thunderbird because it's probably easier to setup. - mig

[2008-12-19 10:33:54] - Oh, and do people have any opinions on Evolution vs Thunderbird? :-) -Paul

[2008-12-19 10:25:32] - mig: That's a pretty good overview. If I wanted to install Thunderbird, would I install it in the /usr/bin directory then? -Paul

[2008-12-19 10:20:41] - in which case it's the same accross the board, regardless of your distro. - mig

[2008-12-19 10:20:12] - paul:  i assume you are referring to the file directory structure, yes?  - mig

[2008-12-19 10:19:38] - paul: - mig

[2008-12-19 10:12:34] - Also, does anybody know why Ubuntu seems to refer to firefox simply as "Web Browser" everywhere? Does it have something to do with the name Firefox being copyrighted? -Paul

[2008-12-19 10:06:27] - Anybody want to educate me on the basics of the linux (specifically ubuntu) directory structure? -Paul

[2008-12-19 09:37:46] - I was kind of lucky when taking the metro when i worked in DC.  The stop i was at, while it did cross metro center was usually not very packed when I got on it.  It got a bit crowded when it got there of course, but I usually had a seat and it'd usually get uncrowded by the time it got to my stop. - mig

[2008-12-19 07:47:56] - ...and in fact, if you were just a tiny bit dumber you'd somehow be "off the hook" for your lack of intelligence.  It doesn't seem like we as a society require some sort of physiological explanation for any given case of mental impairment in order to classify the person as such, so in those cases where do we draw the line and why do we draw it there? - pierce

[2008-12-19 07:42:08] - does it come down to some concept of "smart enough to know better"?  like, you can be really dumb but inside the spectrum of "normal" intelligence, so when you do dumb things they're your own dumb fault... even though it may not be your fault you're dumb, it may be genetics or a bad education or a number of things outside your control. - pierce

[2008-12-19 07:35:03] - is there a threshold at which it's okay to blame people for their own stupidity?  I read stuff like Not Always Right and I laugh at how idiotic people can be, and I don't necessarily think that makes me a bad person... but I'd be horrified by a similar blog of awkward interactions with the mentally disabled. - pierce

[2008-12-18 15:36:09] - a: it completely depends on where you get on the metro. I get on at federal triangle and vienna I never have to push and always get a seat. But I get on at fed. triangle for that reason so I can avoid metro center. ~gurkie

[2008-12-18 15:28:41] - paul:  maybe it has gotten worse since the last time i took it during rush hour:  i don't remember ever having to push people.  ~a

[2008-12-18 15:00:30] - a: It's a number of reasons, but I believe you're referring to my annoyance with the near requirement to physically push people in order to get anywhere on the metro during rush hours. -Paul

[2008-12-18 14:41:38] - so it sounds like you're a claustrophobe.  though i'll agree it's not as easy to be on the metro when it is packed.  ~a

[2008-12-18 14:39:54] - "I think I might decide to take the day off because I don't want to have to worry about something going wrong (I'm looking at you, metro)."  "when I get off work at 5:45, it's usually slowed down enough on the metro so it's not too bad. Leaving at 4:45 is a lot worse."  ~a

[2008-12-18 14:38:05] - yeah, so here are some links from you regarding the metro:  Wow, I should be a metro employee.  Metro problems are the public's fault.  ~a

[2008-12-18 14:24:43] - you've mentioned that before.  i think you said you didn't like how expensive it was, right?  ~a

[2008-12-18 14:15:17] - a: I just harbor an all-consuming hatred of the metro that goes beyond it's government funded public transportation roots. -Paul

[2008-12-18 14:09:56] - slugging is probably out of the question too because any day that i drive in will probably coincide with a day that i'm lugging my bicycle with me for mountain biking.  ~a

[2008-12-18 14:08:53] - paul:  yeah . . . i'm aware.  i think taking the metro most days might mitigate that, bet even then it'll suck.  ~a

[2008-12-18 14:05:38] - a: Nice, although I wonder about the commute. -Paul

[2008-12-18 13:50:55] - yep.  some company in dc that a friend of mine works for.  ~a

[2008-12-18 13:10:07] - a: Interview? -Paul

[2008-12-18 12:44:28] - i have an interview tomorrow so i won't be there tonight.  please don't give up on me; i'm aware that this streak has been going on for months.  ~a

[2008-12-18 11:59:25] - PIU is fine with me - vinnie

[2008-12-18 11:51:01] - vinnie: i'm interested in PIU but i'm not going to have internet for a couple hours - if you can't make it or want to do something different, give me a call at my cell - aaron

[2008-12-18 10:48:39] - Xpovos: I think it's simple why Hitler gets the press, he was on the losing side. -Paul

[2008-12-18 10:46:40] - Xpovos: Definitely agree with Stalin being worse. I wasn't sure about the numbers with Mao, but I think a lot of his deaths were more due to indirect reasons than just blatant genocide. -Paul

[2008-12-18 10:43:32] - Paul: Worse in my opinion, as was Stalin.  Genocide was a popular thing at that time.  Hitler gets the press for many reasons, some of which if I stated would get me called a racist as well. -- Xpovos

[2008-12-18 10:15:38] - Also, I feel like they brough up a good point about Mao. He's not nearly as (in)famous as Hitler, but he's probably every bit the monster. -Paul

[2008-12-18 10:13:50] - Same story with a little more information (looks like Walmart made the cake for them). -Paul

[2008-12-18 10:08:14] - its entirely possible they didnt know his sons middle name... and he was going to reveal it at the party to shock the guests. honestly i think the guy and his wife are insane and should be locked up for child abuse with those names. ~gurkie

[2008-12-18 07:21:39] - Jesse* -- Xpovos

[2008-12-18 07:19:34] - Using a flawed form of logic, which this guy clearly has, maybe he's reasoned that since Hitler didn't kill blacks they were OK (albiet inferior). -- Xpovos

[2008-12-18 07:19:06] - Assuming the man has a German fetish -and- is racist, he might still be OK with his son having actual black friends.  Sure, Hitler wasn't real thrilled with Jessie Owens, but he didn't really get the opportunity to kill very many blacks.  -- Xpovos

[2008-12-17 18:37:35] - yes, they're obviously attention whores.  this is in no way mutually exclusive with being racist, and acknowledging one doesn't diminish the importance of the other. - pierce

[2008-12-17 18:31:38] - going back to a's original point, "'if we're so racist, then why would i have them come into my home?'  the answer to that seems that he is trying to hide his racism."... it's more that an answer to that is that he's covering his racism. it may or may not be true but there exist plausible explanations in which they are still racist so it fails as a defense. - pierce

[2008-12-17 17:59:34] - maybe not.  though we only know about one time that they came over.  ~a

[2008-12-17 17:29:35] - a:Sure, but do you really think the black people would keep coming over once they found out he was racist? -Paul

[2008-12-17 17:24:42] - he's trying to cover up his racism (which is a supposition i already suggested).  he might be inviting black people over to his house even if he's racist as a cover.  ~a

[2008-12-17 17:24:16] - Either way, I just thought the whole "Aryan Nation" name was hilarious. I could almost possibly MAYBE believe somebody would want to name their child Hitler for a logical reason, but Aryan Nation isn't even a name. -Paul

[2008-12-17 17:22:55] - The fact that he is seemingly making such a big deal over something which shouldn't be a huge issue (he doesn't possess the artistic skills to draw his own swastikas or write his own child's name?) seems to indicate to me that he might be doing this all to get attention. -Paul

[2008-12-17 17:21:56] - I think I actually agree with mig. Assuming he isn't lying about having black friends (which is a big assumption), then he probably doesn't believe in the inherent superiority of the white race. -Paul\

[2008-12-17 17:14:12] - Personally, i'm a little more bothered by that than whether he is a racist or not. - mig

[2008-12-17 17:13:52] - gurkie:  I do believe his motivations for naming his child were probalby more for the attention grabbing shock value rather than anything else. The guy seems to be enjoying the attention he's getting from the "Woe is me, dey is discriminating my poor kid" - mig

[2008-12-17 17:00:44] - i think aryan might be an ok sounding name (ignoring the obvious flaws).  ~a

[2008-12-17 16:24:25] - a: By mentioning that I think Aryan Nation is an awesome name? :-) -Paul

[2008-12-17 16:17:35] - paul, we can remedy that pretty easily.  ~a

[2008-12-17 16:04:12] - In my defense, nobody is accusing me of anything right now, which is a pleasantly unexpected feeling. -Paul

[2008-12-17 15:44:03] - in adrian's defense, miguel didn't use the word "might"; that was my word though "might" is still literally correct (even if it's an understatement).  ~a

[2008-12-17 15:38:18] - in gurkie's defense, unless there's a form of child-naming tourette syndrome, or this is a kind of "A Boy Named Sue" strategy, it's pretty safe to assume that it's beyond "'might' be racist" - pierce

[2008-12-17 15:36:39] - a: he was saying that if the guy is racist it was secondary... ~gurkie

[2008-12-17 15:26:09] - in miguel's defense, he admitted that the guy might be racist.  ~a

[2008-12-17 14:59:11] - mig: you seriously think the guy is not racist? Im willing to bet a lot that they are, otherwise naming their kids that should be some sort of abuse. ~gurkie

[2008-12-17 14:46:16] - "I cannot recommend people switch [to another browser] due to this one flaw." Bwah-hah-ha! -- Xpovos

[2008-12-17 14:26:36] - new serious ie bug  ~a

[2008-12-17 13:52:28] - a rather disjointed and badly executed debate . . . the "pro" side had some good points and the "con" side really didn't argue his side well at all.  i'm not exactly sure why i'm even posting this link other than the fact that it's relevant.  ~a

[2008-12-17 13:48:01] - mig:  pierce pretty much reworded what i was trying to say.  however, i'm not sure exactly what you're asking me and if pierce answered your question or not.  is denying services always legal?  no.  should it always be legal?  not in my opinion.  for instance, redlining is illegal (as it should be).  ~a

[2008-12-17 13:44:42] - pierce:  excellent.  on the other hand, you can call me by my name.  ~a

[2008-12-17 13:33:22] - a: it is difficult to use your message board nick in a sentence. - pierce

[2008-12-17 13:32:30] - mig: I suspect a has the same conclusion you do; if denying swastikas is legal then denying gop elephants should be legal as well, and if denying gop elephants is illegal then denying swastikas should be illegal as well. - pierce

[2008-12-17 13:18:47] - a:  that's right it isn't illegal, but that wasn't my question.  My question is what is the legal distinction between legality/illegality of denying being services being acceptable or not. - mig

[2008-12-17 13:16:41] - a:  i suppose it could be both.  I'm just saying he's doing this probably more for attention than any racial motiviation. - mig

[2008-12-17 13:13:55] - mig:  i didn't say that denying the gop elephant was illegal.  on the other hand, having a policy that denies service to all white people is likely illegal (though legal in paul-land).  ~a

[2008-12-17 13:12:06] - mig:  it can't be both?  ~a

[2008-12-17 12:57:10] - a: I'd agree with that statement in principle, but the devil of the details is in the deciding point where denying services is OK vs. where it is inappropriate. -- Xpovos

[2008-12-17 12:56:59] - i mean to say, deny one and not the other. - mig

[2008-12-17 12:56:19] - a:  what is the legal difference between a swatiska design cake and the gop elephant cake.  people can be offended enough to deny both designs.  Why would it be legally acceptable to dney one and the other. - mig

[2008-12-17 12:53:01] - a:  i doubt he is racist.  the attitude sort of smacks of an attention whore more than anything else. - mig

[2008-12-17 12:44:14] - xpovos:  in this specific case the bakery was right (and it was legal) to deny service.  in other cases, i think denying service can sometimes not be right (and it is sometimes not legal).  ~a

[2008-12-17 12:35:25] - a: Do you feel differently?  That is, do you think the bakery ought to provide the cake design exactly as requested, or risk lawsuit? -- Xpovos

[2008-12-17 12:08:27] - a: I would tentatively say yes. I'm fine with the bakery not putting Hitler's name (or swastikas) on a cake. I feel like there's something wrong with forcing them to accept that family's business. -Paul

[2008-12-17 11:43:08] - and please ignore the grammar error and awkward sentence structure.  ~a

[2008-12-17 11:42:17] - though in paul-land, a businesses should be allowed to refuse business for any reason.  right?  ~a

[2008-12-17 11:38:10] - Gurkie: A commenter made that same joke about Aryan Nation also being a unique name. -Paul

[2008-12-17 11:37:16] - a: Yeah, it can quickly get into an interesting grey area. Sure, swastikas are bad, but how about the hammer and sickle? Or GOP elephants (like you said)? -Paul

[2008-12-17 11:35:06] - title: i could see hating someone and yelling at them for 20 mins a day in my head... ~gurkie

[2008-12-17 11:31:19] - "because he liked the name and because “no one else in the world would have that name.” " RIGHT! And no one else in the world would have the middle name Aryan Nation too which is why he picked it for his daughter... ~gurkie

[2008-12-17 11:30:44] - gurkie:  yeah skiing is one million times easier to learn.  still i've heard good things about snowboarding after you get over the hump.  ~a

[2008-12-17 11:29:03] - gurkie:  be kind rewind.  ~a

[2008-12-17 11:27:48] - title: whats that from? ~gurkie

[2008-12-17 11:27:21] - "if we're so racist, then why would i have them come into my home?"  the answer to that seems that he is trying to hide his racism.  and badly apparently if he's also trying to get cakes with swastikas imprinted on them.  i wonder, however, if a bakery refused to imprint less crazy things onto a cake (say gop-elephants), would the story seem so ludicrous.  ~a

[2008-12-17 11:26:36] - a: twice... the first time i was like 14 anf then paul and i went last year... I was glad I only had to do 1 day and I can tell you now I hurt, this year I am going skiing instead ~gurkie

[2008-12-17 10:35:29] - Interesting names for children. -Paul

[2008-12-16 14:00:20] - gurkie:  have you been?  ~a

[2008-12-16 13:59:51] - gurkie:  yeah i'm still in pain 48 hours later (almost 20 hours of which has been spent sleeping).  ~a

[2008-12-16 13:08:55] - a: i bet you would like it, lots of falling and bruises and getting hurt... needless to say I doubt I will be going snowboarding any time soon~gurkie

[2008-12-15 20:30:40] - i get the impression that everybody is bad at it in the beginning.  ~a

[2008-12-15 18:53:17] - a: I did like it, but I don't ever have occasion to go.  also, I was really bad at it. - pierce

[2008-12-15 18:52:16] - see, he started it. - pierce

[2008-12-15 18:52:08] - 24 hours earlier in that conversation: "[2004-11-11 11:24:43] - Pierce: Ok, that makes sense, ... -Paul" - pierce

[2008-12-15 18:44:47] - vinnie:  what anon said.  ~a

[2008-12-15 17:26:07] - my new favorite game with that markov chain site is to type in part of someone's name and see what comes up.... gurkwork, gurkable.... gurkabolize, gurkini - aaron

[2008-12-15 16:26:20] - "...if you think eating babies is a good idea"

[2008-12-15 16:25:53] - a: what's after that ellipsis? :P - vinnie

[2008-12-15 16:19:03] - paul: maybe someone else was impersonating him... pierce could not *possibly* have thought *you* were right... ~gurkie

[2008-12-15 16:10:34] - "[2004-11-12 11:14:28] - Paul: you're right, ... - pierce"  ~a

[2008-12-15 16:07:39] - pierce:  didn't you like it?  ~a

[2008-12-15 15:47:29] - a: yes. no. - pierce

[2008-12-15 15:47:07] - paul: hey, I said "probably". - pierce

[2008-12-15 15:35:07] - Pierce: I never thought I would see those first five words written by you. -Paul

[2008-12-15 13:22:33] - pierce:  you went snow boarding in new york, right?  did you ever go snow boarding after that?  ~a

[2008-12-15 12:50:14] - I think paul's probably right.  think of how awkward stage punches usually look, enough that it often takes you out of the moment and reminds you that you're watching a play.  if you have a perfectly safe stage knife (cough) there would be no reason not to try to make it look realistic. - pierce

[2008-12-15 09:46:26] - mel: My guess is that he was caught up in the moment and wanted to make his "suicide" as dramatic as possible by really digging it in there instead of timidly slicing. -Paul

[2008-12-12 17:23:40] - This guys puts William Hung to shame... -sam

[2008-12-12 14:04:53] - pierce:  IT'S INEVITABLE!  ~a

[2008-12-12 13:14:12] - hey, I didn't notice it, but the daily wtf doesn't seem to be doing mandatory fun day comics anymore.  it's a christmas miracle, postdated to whenever they stopped! - pierce

[2008-12-12 12:48:20] - aaron: I have mostly played on the Xbox 360, which seems like a really cool system.  -mel

[2008-12-12 12:47:10] - Paul: it seems like the actor should have been able to prevent that.  ???  -mel

[2008-12-12 12:45:45] - aaron: I want to play Rock Band...  :)  Thats on both systems and on the Wii too, I think.  -mel

[2008-12-12 10:05:42] - Bush May Use TARP Fund To Bail Out Auto Makers -Paul

[2008-12-12 09:51:48] - "In that play, the long-suffering title character winds up shooting himself in the head. Someone might want to double-check the gun."

[2008-12-12 09:20:18] -,8599,1865886,00.html?cnn=yes Actor Cuts Throat on Stage in Knife Mix-Up -Paul

[2008-12-12 08:18:48] - (the $60 is like a yearly fee) - aaron

[2008-12-12 08:18:31] - also, the online community is better integrated on the xbox 360, but it's like $60. Online play is free on the ps3, but it's worse in some ways - aaron

[2008-12-12 08:14:23] - mel: hmm, well I think if you even have to ask that, then the $200 price difference should swing you toward the Xbox 360.... the consoles are similar enough that yeah, i'd just go for the cheaper one unless you have some games in mind - aaron

[2008-12-11 19:07:23] - I am considering purchasing either a Playstation 3 or an Xbox 360.  Does anyone have an opinion or advice?  -mel

[2008-12-11 19:04:14] - a: here is a link to the video.  Those guys are crazy.  -mel

[2008-12-11 19:03:11] - a: I know, good to 'see' you again.  :)  yes it is real! from a ufc fight last night.  -mel

[2008-12-11 18:33:09] - mel:  hey long time no see.  is that photo real?  it looks almost cartoonish.  ~a

[2008-12-11 17:55:50] - this photo could be disturbing.  It is of Hill's tibia being broken last night at the ufc fight.  -mel

[2008-12-11 17:41:27] - aaron/vinnie:  i'm probably going to be at work till pretty late.  ~a

[2008-12-11 16:18:43] - uses markov chains to generate fake words - aaron

[2008-12-11 14:43:12] - yes piu! - aaron

[2008-12-11 14:20:10] -  if it wasn't so sad, it'd be hilarious. -  aba

[2008-12-11 14:07:22] - piu? - vinnie

[2008-12-11 13:53:50] - aaron: they already sell those keyboard overseas and they are starting to sell them in the US as well... I think I heard they were like 50 bucks. ~gurkie

[2008-12-11 13:52:48] - vinnie: thats hilarious!!!! ~gurkie

[2008-12-11 12:28:13] - a: not a problem..... just weird.  -  aba

[2008-12-11 11:36:06] - is that a problem?  ~a

[2008-12-11 11:36:03] - yes.  ~a

[2008-12-11 11:18:17] - a: are you calling me and pierce mom and dad?  -  aba

[2008-12-10 19:12:31] - it makes me sad when mom and dad fight.  ~a

[2008-12-10 18:26:48] - aba: u suck lol - pierce

[2008-12-10 17:43:56] - pierce: that's inappropriate.  -  aba

[2008-12-10 14:08:16] - poop! lol - pierce

[2008-12-10 10:21:44] - haha some clever stuff on the blonde keyboard - vinnie

[2008-12-10 09:55:37] - aaron:  i don't think it's a joke site.  ~a

[2008-12-09 19:03:53] - why is the keyboard site using an invalid SSL certificate? why would a joke site care about SSL anyway - aaron

[2008-12-09 19:02:51] - vinnie: oh and >:O - aaron

[2008-12-09 19:02:43] - vinnie: lol - aaron

[2008-12-09 17:55:33] - vinnie:  i would laugh if it didn't make me so angry. - mig

[2008-12-09 16:53:43] - hahaha - vinnie

[2008-12-09 16:02:28] - actually when i read it this morning i couldn't stop laughing.  ~a

[2008-12-09 15:49:19] - gurkie:  :-P  ~a

[2008-12-09 15:47:29] - a: im sorry if i offended you with the crudity of the comic. i will try to behave better in the future... ~gurkie

[2008-12-09 14:49:09] - gurkie:  yes, the link to the comic.  the comic was very offensive and crude.  something that i'd also expect out of pierce.  pierce is almost as crude as paul.  your keyboard link, on the other hand looks like exactly what i want!  i will be buying it later today.  ~a

[2008-12-09 14:17:53] - a: still need a keyboard ?? ~gurkie

[2008-12-09 14:15:42] - a: the link? ~gurkie

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