here are old message board entries

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[2009-09-17 12:30:36] - i thought #24 was pretty great though. they really need weight classes in the wvba - aaron

[2009-09-17 12:29:24] - #2 is some metal gear thing, but i don't get it either. i didn't get #4 - my best guess is either that the ghosts don't exist, or that they're invisible. but it's not presented particularly well - aaron

[2009-09-17 12:12:57] - aaron: I don't get #2 or #4 - vinnie

[2009-09-17 11:48:55] - if video games were realistic - aaron

[2009-09-16 23:41:19] - does anybody want a simpsons chess board? it has green and blue squares iirc and the chess pieces are the characters (marge = queen, homer = king, etc.) it's actually pretty neat but i never play chess... -amy

[2009-09-16 23:08:57] - aaron: oops, i forgot about this but on tuesday they were giving away a $15 gift cert when you buy scribblenauts at toys r us i think? i vaguely saw this on OCR but didn't make it to toys r us. anyway, pls tell vinnie to add it to our list and how equally we both want it!! -amy

[2009-09-16 19:12:35] - aaron: And the parents? -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 16:56:49] - gurkie: no, actually it works out ok as long as you blow up all the kids - aaron

[2009-09-16 15:43:47] - aaron: you are not supposed to blow up kids at a party... It gives you a bad rep and no one wants to come to your next party... ~gurkie

[2009-09-16 15:35:14] - aaron: Hah!  Ok, I need to get this game now. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 15:34:14] - there was also a fun level which was like "help timmy break the pinata!" so i gave him a rocket launcher, but he looked confused - and didn't want to use it. so i tried to show him how to break the pinata with it, but i blew up all the kids at the party - aaron

[2009-09-16 15:33:24] - so far the funnest thing i've done was use "ebola" to kill a bear who was in my way. but.... while i was on the next part of the level, the bear somehow got better! i guess ebola wears off. fortunately he got in a fight another nearby bear who knocked him off a cliff, so it worked out OK for me (but presumably not for the bear) - aaron

[2009-09-16 15:29:43] - amy: oh and scribblenauts is fun! - aaron

[2009-09-16 15:29:38] - amy: cool. i just ended up dropping the hard drives from my old box into my new box - but thanks! - aaron

[2009-09-16 15:20:00] - aaron: btw i got a crossover cable. so if you need to borrow it let me know! -amy

[2009-09-16 15:19:34] - a: i <3 kayaking though. if we don't get to do it this season, we should remember to plan something in the spring! -amy

[2009-09-16 15:19:15] - a: well technically it's still summer ^_^ the thing is that i'm moving next wknd, so vinnie and i will be packing this wknd and then moving next wknd (obv). i guess i could be free this saturday, but i think it would probably be too much for me. after this and next wknd then we're getting into october. .( -amy

[2009-09-16 15:13:38] - *sigh* A stock I own is up over 50% today, yet that doesn't really make me all that happy. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 15:09:59] - vinnie:  the 26th i am free.  ~a

[2009-09-16 14:51:25] - gurkie: I should be free sunday. - aaron

[2009-09-16 14:12:22] - vinnie: I understand, but-- booooo! What am I going to do without my MtG buddy there? -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 14:06:49] - xpovos: actually, I suppose the Sunday prerelease event is a possibility for me if for some reason, everything ends up getting done on Saturday, but even then, Amy and I will probably want Sunday to set things up - vinnie

[2009-09-16 14:05:05] - xpovos: sadly, no. this might be the first set since Champions of Kamigawa where I end up missing the prerelease and release tournament. I'll probably buy a box though - vinnie

[2009-09-16 14:03:15] - vinnie: No Zendicar pre-release? -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 13:41:59] - a: how about next weekend then? :P we will be moving on the 26th, possibly the 27th - vinnie

[2009-09-16 13:35:02] - gurkie:  i usually come to these things, but sadly i'm out of town this weekend.  ~a

[2009-09-16 13:27:59] - sooo.... Im planning on moving on Sunday anyone want to help?? ~gurkie

[2009-09-16 13:14:12] - a: Probably supposed to be runescape, an online game. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 12:58:38] - haha.  i found this unblock request that i thought was pretty funny.  :-)  what the hell is ruenscape?  ~a

[2009-09-16 12:54:14] - a/amy: it was a deal of the day, you could probably still get tickets to join us (when we go) but it would be twice what we paid, and I think our tickets were about 45 for a 4 hour? 3 hour? kayaking trip... ~gurkie

[2009-09-16 12:41:14] - amy:  me too!  dee says it's too cold, but i don't know what she's talking about.  i think dee talked about kayaking on the message board and then sent out a text message or something.  if you're interested, let her know.  we'll have to remind her that it's still early fall and the water probably doesn't get any warmer than it is now.  ~a

[2009-09-16 11:59:33] - a: aww, i wanna go kayaking!! -amy

[2009-09-16 11:49:32] - Freaky. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 10:08:52] - pierce: But somewhat more interestingly, I disagree more with that blog post. Heh. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 10:07:13] - pierce: I'm not opposed to nationalized health coverage.  The issue is subsidiarity, and there's a very legitimate argument to be made that the federal government is the value call where it makes the most sense and causes the least problem.  It goes hand-in-hand with my 'annual check-up is covered' plan. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-16 10:01:54] - pierce: i think it's amusing that the same classification occurs for some contractions, how there are some contractions which originated as a combination of two words (like let's, or can't) but now, if you expand them in most contexts, they have a really different or strange-sounding meaning - aaron

[2009-09-16 09:58:35] - a: not entirely sure I agree, he could have read yours and then decided he thought there was really three groupings and it isnt soley based on how many characters you are saving... ~gurkie

[2009-09-16 09:55:45] - pierce's comment is basically an exact copy of mine.  i'm guessing he didn't read my comment.  ~a

[2009-09-16 09:54:29] - pierce: I disagree about the effort. so for u it may take time to process some of the abbreviations but for me reading ur and you're is synonymous in terms of effort. I assume it has to do with the fact that I use it so I am more used to it, also I never use 4 as for in IM. that one seems weird... Just like nliten... eww. ~gurkie

[2009-09-15 23:50:34] - interesting blog post about how nationalized health coverage doesn't necessarily conflict with libertarian principles, sourced with one of ron paul's influences. - pierce

[2009-09-15 18:14:47] - A: We gotta wait til the water gets warm again since not everyone could make time at the end of this summer :-p ~Dee

[2009-09-15 17:39:08] - I can understand why "ur" and whatnot evolved in text messaging, although I don't really understand why they're then used in IM or email.  gurkie, care to nliten us? - pierce

[2009-09-15 17:36:47] - and then there is a third class of expressions you wouldn't ever type out and so they're more like emoticons than abbreviations (lol, rofl). - pierce

[2009-09-15 17:36:12] - I think there's a class of abbreviation that is simply stylistic since it probably adds as much effort to the reader as it saves for the writer (u, ur, 4, r).  there's another class that is actually offering some significant savings or softening strong language (wtf, omg, ttyl, afaik). - pierce

[2009-09-15 16:55:42] - dee: i think i heard about that on NPR, that's the "silent shakespeare" dealy - aaron

[2009-09-15 16:48:06] - dee:  let's go kayaking first.  ~a

[2009-09-15 16:38:25] - Todays groupon:  49% off tickets to A Midsummer Nights Dream at  Synetic Theater  Rosslyn Spectrum... don't think I can make any of the shows but you guys might be interested...~Dee

[2009-09-15 16:32:29] - yr = year to me. ~gurkie

[2009-09-15 15:24:36] - a: i'm in ur has the cutest images by far... it's scientific - aaron

[2009-09-15 15:22:36] - google images?  :-P  ~a

[2009-09-15 15:21:29] - a: aww google agrees with you too... i'm in ur vs i'm in yr :( - aaron

[2009-09-15 15:19:14] - hmmm, i think the main difference between (u, ur, 4, r) vs (lol, wtf, ttyl, afaik) is how many letters you're actually removing.  ~a

[2009-09-15 15:17:13] - aaron:  another example:  "a: umm... unless i missed something killing ur gf makes very little sense... speaking of ur gf telll her a friend of mine whom she met is placing an order if she wants anything :-) (or if u do) ~gurkie"  ~a

[2009-09-15 15:15:52] - yr, from old eng your: belonging to u; of u; related to u (singular; 1 owner). - aaron

[2009-09-15 15:15:08] - aaron:  see my last message.  ~a

[2009-09-15 15:14:56] - vinnie:  i've seen both:  2005:  "wow, I'm impressed, you can actually go around and even click on all the links and it archived those too. the links of ur history at least -dave"  ~a

[2009-09-15 15:14:22] - a: no, ur cannot take the place of your; that is what yr is for - aaron

[2009-09-15 15:09:28] - stuff like:  lol, wtf, ttyl, and afaik, on the other hand (but not "otoh") seem very common.  ~a

[2009-09-15 15:08:26] - also can "ur" take the place of "your" and "you're"? I think I've only seen the latter, but I wouldn't put it past people to use it for both. if that's the case, that's another strike against it - vinnie

[2009-09-15 15:06:46] - I feel like I have to strain to read leetspeak sometimes. that's probably why it's called leetspeak. I have gotten used to stuff like "u" and "ur" and "r", but stuff like "ill" instead of "i'll" still trips me up momentarily (sorry gurkie) - vinnie

[2009-09-15 15:03:24] - gurkie:  the first time someone used "u" as a word on the message board was in 2005.  it was paul!  though sam was the first to use it in a sentence.  as for "r", sam was the first one there too.  it seems to me that the message board is full of anti "r", "4", "u", "ur" people.  ~a

[2009-09-15 13:23:29] - pierce: u dont like me? lol, i guess ill live... ttyl ~gurkie

[2009-09-15 12:58:12] - I have pretty limited patience for leetspeak, and I really only tolerate it from close friends if I have a choice.  there are specific exceptions, "ttyl" has always been fine with me, and I'm gradually building callouses against "lol", but "u" and "r" and whatnot still make my brain sad.  I would definitely judge someone who used them in a first message. - pierce

[2009-09-15 12:20:30] - Xpovos: I guess I don't think of it as a strain to read u, ur, and r I think of them as abbreviations which I use quite frequently. Especially over IM. Thinking about it more I can see finding it weird if someone wrote like that in an intro letter, in some ways its like a resume - best foot forward etc... ~gurkie

[2009-09-15 10:56:00] - gurkie: I've used a few dating sites and while men rarely get intro letters, pretty much any of them that I did get that had more than a smattering of leetspeek or its cousins went straight to the circular file.  If I have to strain my eyes to figure out what you're saying, we're not going to hit it off. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-15 10:54:05] - xpovos: hahaha, I totally forgot about that! - vinnie

[2009-09-15 10:53:12] - vinnie: Just be sure to mention our Zeus-juice project, and you're in. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-15 10:49:37] - huh seems like I might do pretty well on a dating site. I don't use netspeak, am too scared to compliment strangers on their looks, and I'm a vegetarian in a band that does a metal cover of "Zombie" by the Cranberries - vinnie

[2009-09-15 10:31:29] - I used to have a really good example on facebook/myspace of what I thought a first message should be. I never did get around to responding though cause I was too shy and scared of meeting people online :-p ~gurkie

[2009-09-15 10:30:28] - Pierce: I liked that article. It amused me... I assume the atheism, vegetarianism, other keywords really only work if thats a match in your profiles... I'm dissapointed by the effects of netspeak though. I don't think I would mind it in a first message, unless the guy came across as stupid while using it. ~gurkie

[2009-09-15 10:24:53] - Oh Yea! Vegetarian has a 42% response rate! Holla! ~gurkie

[2009-09-15 09:40:01] - "consider becoming an atheist."  :-D  ~a

[2009-09-15 09:27:19] - Xpovos: Yeah, I just got an email about that ( yesterday. Probably not good news, what with Intuit's reputation. -Paul

[2009-09-15 08:56:12] - I know some of you use Mint. "No longer wishing to compete with, Quicken-maker Intuit has decided to buy it." -- Xpovos

[2009-09-15 08:53:14] - Anyone here understand the Sharpe ratio, and able to explain it in Enlgish?  I've read the formulas enough to get the basics, but I want some more depth. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-15 04:42:36] - stephen: I'd possibly be interested. - pierce

[2009-09-15 04:42:09] - what (not) to say in an online dating message. - pierce

[2009-09-14 17:04:56] - a: No weekday plans next week.  I was thinking of going to the doner place in Leesburg, but maybe Gordon Biersch has something in Tysons.  - Stephen

[2009-09-14 16:22:57] - Surprisingly lopsided games so far in our league. Looks like all the winners have more points than all the losers so far. -Paul

[2009-09-14 15:35:29] - yeah I'm glad I didn't run into any of you people in the triple digits this week. - mig

[2009-09-14 14:53:00] - Like I said, Brady to Welker.  Get me 3 TD passes there and we're on our way! -- Xpovos

[2009-09-14 14:41:36] - Xpovos: its possible ur three will get you 90 pts, unlikely but possible... You never know! ~gurkie

[2009-09-14 14:08:50] - gurkie: True 'nuff.  I think you're pretty solid to win this week, so congratulations. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-14 14:08:31] - stephen:  yeah do you have weekday plans?  i could do monday or wednesday next week.  or that weekend.  ~a

[2009-09-14 14:05:39] - Stephen: This weekend I am going to be pretty booked... sorry ~gurkie

[2009-09-14 14:04:46] - Xpovos: Yea well I definately didnt get the performance I need out of my WRs or Jay Cutler. I wasnt expecting either Peterson or Eagles to do that well... Hence its apparently awesome rather than premeditatively awesome. ~gurkie

[2009-09-14 14:02:52] - gurkie: Tell me that again at the end of the season.  Peterson should play well, but he's not going to go off like that every week, and the Eagles defense certainly won't. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-14 14:00:54] - my football team is apparently awesome... (who knew??) ~gurkie

[2009-09-14 13:36:30] - a: Yah, pretty close.  The first bit is ye olde Germane, so it's not likely to be translated well.  It's a traditional Oktoberfest slogan, loosely: music, festival, radish snacks: the contented/comforted happy feeling.  The rest was pretty much spot-on. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-14 12:56:43] - xpovos: said:  "Musi, Gaudi, Radi: Comfort! Beer here! Or do I fall over."  ~a

[2009-09-14 12:53:19] - Musi, Gaudi, Radi: Gemütlichkeit!  Bier hier! Oder ich fall um. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-14 11:55:59] - Oktoberfest begins this weekend.  Who wants to celebrate, Deutsche style?  - Stephen

[2009-09-11 14:22:04] - Wow, didn't sound like Vinnie.  Good effort to resemble the style. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-11 13:38:39] - uh that was me, in case that wasn't clear -amy

[2009-09-11 13:38:29] - hey if anybody wants to hear 90s dance nostalgia fun, or VINNIE RAPPING, listen to my one hour compo from last night (scroll down to diotrans):

[2009-09-11 10:39:54] - Stephen: I'd like to, but I don't think I can. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-11 10:26:11] - Does anyone want to see the Pixies in November? - Stephen

[2009-09-10 17:51:40] - she will probably be a lot more relaxed and comfortable on idol, and be able to actually discuss performances instead of just cracking weak jokes. - pierce

[2009-09-10 17:51:01] - in fairness, the barrier to critique for singing is a lot lower than for dancing.  other than pointing out obvious acrobatics or emotional moments, dancing at that level is very technical and hard for a non-professional to talk about without looking like a moron.  ellen was on SYTYCD as a stunt guest because of her dancing on her own show but really didn't fit in. - pierce

[2009-09-10 16:55:01] - ugh but paula's actually charismatic! booooo ellen - aaron

[2009-09-10 16:50:31] - amy: I was going to post being like "omg" when I thought she was guest judging then I read the article and realized that she is actually on the panel. I wonder if they will humour her as much as they did on SYTYCD regularly... "I can do that" or whatever she kept saying. ~gurkie

[2009-09-10 16:49:33] - vinnie: yes... siigh poor Paula... ~gurkie

[2009-09-10 16:03:18] - aaron: I found out what an aar file is, it's an Axis archive file. we've started using them. it's your filetype! - vinnie

[2009-09-10 15:36:40] - gurkie: is she replacing Paula? - vinnie

[2009-09-10 14:57:29] - gurkie: i saw a link to some article or video saying that about ellen, i thought it was a joke. oh dear. -amy

[2009-09-10 14:20:37] - I'm interested in seeing 9.  I might be able to do Sunday. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-10 12:15:17] - amy: that's right. - aaron

[2009-09-10 12:03:46] - aaron: danke! and it plugs into the ethernet port thingy? -amy

[2009-09-10 10:31:05] - a: I'm doing the same thing? So do you think I'm guilty of defamation? -Paul

[2009-09-10 10:31:02] - Ellen DeG. is apparently going to be a judge on American Idol... And not as a one time appearance... After having seen her on SYTYCD I have to wonder why they would pick her!! ~gurkie

[2009-09-10 10:28:40] - paul: urm, thats assuming it isnt true... cause if its true its not really defamation is it? or is that libel now im getting confused. ~gurkie

[2009-09-10 10:28:10] - paul: id say the url is defamation, I have now heard it and will not go to that site cause the content doesnt really appeal to me. ~gurkie

[2009-09-10 10:20:49] - paul:  "We're not accusing Glenn Beck of raping and murdering a young girl in 1990—in fact, we think he didn't! But we can't help but wonder, since he has failed to deny these horrible allegations. Why won't he deny that he raped and killed a young girl in 1990?"  it sounds like they're being coy in much the same way that glenn beck is.  though probably not defamation.  ~a

[2009-09-10 10:20:18] - paul:  I guess it's hard to say.  I'll have to say that while I've got no issues with parody and satire, the guy who made the site took it just a wee bit too far. - mig

[2009-09-10 10:19:56] - amy: it's called a "crossover cable". best buy has them - aaron

[2009-09-10 10:19:05] - paul:  you're doing the same thing.  state whether you think it's defamation instead of posing it as a question.  ~a

[2009-09-10 09:58:10] - pierce:  i'm interested in seeing 9, but i'll be at poker tomorrow.  ~a

[2009-09-10 09:54:09] - pierce: I am interested in seeing 9 on Sunday - vinnie

[2009-09-10 09:45:39] - Pierce: Not particularly interested in 9, sorry. Poker is on this Friday so far, though, if you are interested in showing up. Do you want me to add you to the invite list? -Paul

[2009-09-10 09:33:36] - Is "" defamation? -Paul

[2009-09-10 02:41:36] - so I don't know if poker is on this week or not, but does anyone want to go see 9 on friday night or sunday? - pierce

[2009-09-10 01:05:29] - aaron: what is the wire called that you told me about that you can use it to copy stuff from one computer to the other? and where can i get one? -amy

[2009-09-09 23:22:18] - a zero punctuation review of the new Wolfenstein with an interesting gimmick - pierce

[2009-09-09 18:51:05] - "Legislation was passed in 2008 to require a computer manufacturer that in any calendar year manufactured or had manufactured computer equipment in excess of 500 units which were sold (or offered for sale) in Virginia under its brand or license to implement a recovery/recycling plan for those computers at no charge to the consumer."  that's cool.  ~a

[2009-09-09 18:45:32] - gurkie:  it's fall.  ~a

[2009-09-09 18:10:13] - paul: spring sucks cause its impossible to debug and I dont know it well enough that flags go off when viewing the more obscure problems... Also you are being sarcastic but whatever. ~gurkie

[2009-09-09 17:45:33] - amy/aaron:  it's hazardous to throw electronic waste in with other garbage in the landfill.  has more information on how to dispose of it safely.  -  aba

[2009-09-09 17:25:06] - Gurkie: What's wrong with Spring? -Paul

[2009-09-09 17:08:15] - If I were to tweet my msg would read: I HATE SPRING ~gurkie

[2009-09-09 15:19:05] - aarmy: I thought public schools used to take donations a while ago, but I'm not sure if that's still the case. -Paul

[2009-09-09 15:16:59] - amy: i want to get rid of my old computer too. i'll probably just pull out the ram for anybody who wants it (4x1GB patriot sticks) toss the hard drive and put the rest on the curb... - aaron

[2009-09-09 14:49:53] - i have an old computer that i built during my sophomore year of college. i used it until 2005, and to my recollection it is still functional. anyway i have been meaning to get rid of it and now that we're moving in a couple of weeks now seems like the time. does anybody want it? and if not, does anybody know where I can donate it or recycle it? -amy

[2009-09-09 14:48:52] - gurkie: yup that's taylor swift. i should teach him that. "you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess." great lyrics for a guy to sing. -amy

[2009-09-09 14:46:58] - amy: does vinnie sing that Romeo and Juliet song? Thats Taylor Swift right??~gurkie

[2009-09-09 14:34:25] - oh but i should also mention that vinnie will be performing in it, too. hey vinnie, you've been practicing right? -amy

[2009-09-09 14:34:02] - i'm having a student showcase on saturday. i'm making a fb event and inviting everyone, but i wanted to say like, don't feel like you have to go. it will be about 20 kids ages 7-15ish performing, incl. like 8 taylor swift covers. so go if you think that sounds like fun .) -amy

[2009-09-09 14:28:44] - but the one in the middle confuses me, it has madrid, moskva, and 2 others highlighted... ~gurkie

[2009-09-09 14:27:46] - aaron: yea you are right madrid to moskva and it looks like it is... maybe 25 points? ~gurkie

[2009-09-09 13:19:31] - nobody? how about this -amy

[2009-09-09 12:58:49] - aaron: yeah I saw that. how many points is that anyway? must be like 30 - vinnie

[2009-09-09 12:48:24] - so come on take my hand/and make me understand/i want to be with you/i wanna be so close to you... who's with me? -amy

[2009-09-09 12:04:03] - gurkie: did that bottom ticket say madrid -> moskva? that's terrible! - aaron

[2009-09-09 11:00:00] - I noticed that the hotkey is Visual Studio to add a new row to a table is CTRL+ALT+Down Arrow. I got some uh interesting results when I tried it (CTRL+ALT+Up Arrow reverses it) - vinnie

[2009-09-09 10:43:39] - Yay a new TTR expansion, cept its like america 1910 not a new board but an expansion to the existing Europe game. (Im buying it I dont care who else does :-p)~gurkie

[2009-09-08 16:28:12] - gurkie: well for one there weren't any laws that could have applied, so they went with the ToS angle.  There are also many problems with any sort of "cyber bullying" legislation in terms of broadness and vagueness and who gets to define what is "bullying" - mig

[2009-09-08 15:22:09] - yea, I mean I agree that going to jail for a "terms of service" abuse is bull. But I think they should have been able to convict her of cyber bullying or something else which I think could reasonably carry a jail sentence. ~gurkie

[2009-09-08 15:06:17] - gurkie:  right I recall that.  It was a really touchy issue.  Most people seemed to agree she should go to jail for it, but a lot of people (myself included) had major issues with the application of the law she was being charged under. - mig

[2009-09-08 15:06:01] - Gurkie: I believe her sentence was overturned by the judge because he felt like the charge was overly broad and that it would make a minor who signed up for the site and lied about their age a felon. -Paul

[2009-09-08 14:56:00] - apparently Lori Drew (the lady who was cyberbullying Megan Meier) was not sentanced to anything... ~gurkie

[2009-09-08 14:14:08] - this is a student-made video game for a game development class, i haven't played it yet but my vocals are in the ending credits. so i guess you'd have to beat the game in order to hear me, heh. -amy

[2009-09-08 14:13:40] - the offical charge was, "hacking the site" or something silly like that. - mig

[2009-09-08 14:13:33] - aaron: well since you just got new cubes i don't know when you'll order them again but let me know if you do, i may be interested. -amy

[2009-09-08 14:13:20] - gurkie:  well the problem with that case is that she was being charged with violating the website's TOS, not the actual bullying itself. - mig

[2009-09-08 14:09:06] - Also prolonged email chains (possibly over a time period of days) I dont think is the same as a crank call... Maybe if they stopped contact immediately upon being asked to do so. But a lot of the things he claims to do are things that are illegal if I got that response to an ad online I would notify the cops. ~gurkie

[2009-09-08 14:08:06] - aaron: that lady did spend a good amount of time, not sure how much, basically getting the girl to fall in love with her only so she could tell her the world would be a better place without her. I am not saying its the exact same thing but I think the same legal grounds would cover it.  ~gurkie

[2009-09-08 13:25:50] - gurkie: didn't "that lady" spend... like... six months earning that 16 year old's trust with a fake online identity? if so that seems pretty different from what's essentially a crank call - aaron

[2009-09-08 13:07:43] - I think it could easily be classified as the same type crap that lady pulled on the 16 year old who then killed herself...  I forget what the term was but it had to do with harassement ~gurkie

[2009-09-08 13:06:46] - vinnie: that site seems very illegal. ~gurkie

[2009-09-08 11:44:34] - gurkie: You're welcome.  Though, really, it's a for his forward-looking programming..  That's both cool and handy that it's such a simple fix--and user-fixable, too. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-08 11:33:49] - gurkie: - vinnie

[2009-09-08 11:20:51] - vinnie: is that the site name? ~gurkie

[2009-09-08 11:18:37] - hah that dontevenreply site is pretty funny. I feel sort of bad for the people he does it to though - vinnie

[2009-09-08 11:18:05] - thanks to whoever "fixed" stephens color... I like it much better now... meaning its legible ~gurkie

[2009-09-08 10:03:21] - a: i got the cubes in the mail this morning. i got a green D ($8), a black A ($8), and two Cube4yous ($9). the A needs to be stickered. the D needs to be restickered and lubed. the cube4yous are good to go. let me know which cube you want so that i can treat the other ones and start playing with em - aaron

[2009-09-08 09:27:52] - Does anybody here have NFL mobile on their mobile phone? -Paul

[2009-09-07 22:06:12] - don't let another vacation be ruined by, duh duh DUH... SOCIALISM.

[2009-09-05 13:38:26] - Gurkie: Yes, Dee is living with me now. - Dewey

[2009-09-05 13:38:08] - surprise! - Dewey

[2009-09-04 21:50:40] - Stephen: Yes.  Watch this... many thanks to a. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 18:44:04] - Xpovos: Yeah...weren't you a different color yesterday?  - Stephen

[2009-09-04 15:06:58] - Stephen: Like mine now? -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 15:04:04] - a: Is there a darker shade of yellow?  - Stephen

[2009-09-04 15:03:49] - gurkie: Maybe there is a different shade of yellow (like that yellow brown color).  - Stephen

[2009-09-04 15:00:22] - mig:  he picked it and he's free to change it to whatever he wants.  in fact, gurkie, you can change the colors to whatever:  [edit]  ~a

[2009-09-04 14:58:14] - gurkie: you might want to direct that complain to the management. - mig

[2009-09-04 14:53:18] - Stephen: your color hurts my eyes... ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 14:25:22] - mig: Sounds like a cool car.  - Stephen

[2009-09-04 13:54:54] - paul:  well yeah i think there are provisions for cancelling or reversing transactions they made, but I find it very unlikely that they could simply just come in and drain your account willy-nilly. - mig

[2009-09-04 13:52:48] - i'm hoping that the bank prevents the company from withdrawing whatever they want whenever they want, just as i hope that the kindle prevents amazon from reading whatever they want whenever they want (probably isn't the case).  ~a

[2009-09-04 13:49:38] - Paul: I'm guessing there's also a time limit.  Amazon definitely doesn't have that. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 13:49:03] - gurkie: Wow.  Mine was a completely believeable number.  Like 400ish.  The kind of thing I could honestly have beee expected to say, "Oh, I guess I had some pay outstanding and they fixed it." Not, "Sweet Jebus, I've got a full year's salary (or ten years) in my account, what the hell?!" -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 13:48:04] - mig: Well, I'm pretty sure they can take back some money that they've put in, although you could be right (along with Xpovos) that there are limits to what they can take out. -Paul

[2009-09-04 13:43:07] - I actually think it was 700 but it sounds ridiculous, cept it was the year end bonus to it could be right... ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 13:42:34] - xpovos: yea the client I work with accidentally deposited either 70 or 700 thousand dollars into someones account and there was a panic but I think they just pulled it back out again... ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 13:40:39] - mig: My company made an erroneous deposit into my account once (several months after I'd left the company).  I was in contact with them about it the next day to correct it, and they were able to reverse the deposit without my permission.  But as I was discussing with Paul, that's different from taking money they didn't put in. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 13:39:57] - a: terms of service does say that your notes will be stored on their server, and that it will be subject to their privacy policy. I imagine that could be interpreted as they can read my notes. They say that you cant use it for illegal purposes, and as usual TOS say that they can update the TOS. All fairly standard.~gurkie

[2009-09-04 13:37:46] - paul:  I have the distinct feeling that it would most likely to be illegal for a company to siphon money from an account that it direct deposits to. - mig

[2009-09-04 13:34:51] - gurkie: I think it was directed at Paul.  But I should let a answer for hismelf, I guess. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 13:29:43] - a: is "it should matter to you" directed towards me? ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 13:10:03] - think of your device like your computer.  ibm can't read or write to your thinkpad, that doesn't mean you lost any convenience in obtaining content.  having application stores or content stores are still possible without these senseless restrictions.  ~a

[2009-09-04 13:09:03] - Xpovos: You could be right, I don't recall looking into the topic much. -Paul

[2009-09-04 13:08:03] - a: Sure, and they can have direct deposit without letting the businesses be able to deduct money, but that's not how it generally works (and it's not how the kindle works now). -Paul

[2009-09-04 13:07:58] - Paul: I'm pretty sure my direct deposit agreement does not permit my company to remove funds from my account unless they have already entered a greater or equal fund source.  E.g. They can't drain $5000 from my account when they only paid me $1200.  I could be wrong... it's not something I thought about much. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 13:07:53] - it should matter to you.  you likely signed something saying that they will read any notes that you took on your kindle, i assume that's ok with you?  you likely signed something saying that they will lease out ad space in the future.  i assume that's cool too?  they also will prevent you from using the device in any way they don't think makes them the most money.  ~a

[2009-09-04 13:06:25] - What if they start writing ads or other materials I don't want, or even find objectionable?).  But I definitely don't want them to have read/delete access.  What I have on my device is mine, and they shouldn't know what it is, let alone be able to remove it. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 13:05:34] - I don't know enough about the technical side of things.  I do know that I would like the convenience of the current system where Amazon can write to my drive, whether that's a pull or a put doesn't matter much to me.  I recognize the put as a potential problem (what if my device is out of room, will it overwrite?  [...]

[2009-09-04 13:04:06] - paul:  no, no.  you don't have to lose any convenience.  you can still buy books on the go without giving up everything.  you can use a pull method just like we do now with all computers.  ~a

[2009-09-04 12:57:52] - a: But that's just my opinion, and I can totally see how somebody would have the opposite opinion. -Paul

[2009-09-04 12:57:13] - a: Oh, sure, and I completely agree that it's a legitimate concern about whether or not to buy a Kindle. However, I think the convenience of being able to buy books on the go outweighs the potential for abuse, just like the convenience of direct deposit outweighs the potential for abuse. -Paul

[2009-09-04 11:47:57] - paul:  i'm resigned to being practical when i think i don't have a choice.  i have a choice on what to buy.  i know that seagate doesn't have the ability to delete stuff off my seagate harddrive.  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:45:36] - and if amazon wants to demand that i give back the book, that's one thing.  that they are able to come in and take it is something else entirely.  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:44:19] - "can probably" => "probably"  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:43:58] - amazon can probably already has an agreement that allows them to demand the money back from the people posting illegal books.  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:36:00] - a: or I guess I would prefer that people who are posting illegal books not benefit from it... ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:35:32] - a: I dont have a problem with it working that way... And I think a lot of people agree with you... I also dont have a problem with the way it currently works as I would prefer not to buy illegal books... Plus by the time they deleted the book I would have most likely read it and so wouldnt mind getting my money back... ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:31:38] - a: I think in theory I agree with you, but I'm resigned to being more practical about how the world works. After all, I trust my employer not to completely screw me over by taking all my money out of checking account when I give them direct deposit permission. -Paul

[2009-09-04 11:26:37] - gurkie:  you could make it very hard to fake by having the device sign the request with a private key.  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:24:16] - gurkie:  "Or are you saying my kindle should request purchases and then pull the purchases I bought"  yeah that's pull.  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:23:52] - a: I feel like if my kindle says "hey she bought this give it to me" it would be easier to hack and fake requests, but I could be mistaken. ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:23:26] - a: actually I may have misspoke they do deliver software updates over whispernet which are probably executables ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:23:05] - a: they dont contain executables... ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:22:41] - a: Im not entirely sure I understand, so you are saying if I buy something on amazon's website then turn my kindle's wireless on it should be a pull from my kindle to amazon to request it? My Kindle doesnt know I bought it... Or are you saying my kindle should request purchases and then pull the purchases I bought? ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:22:02] - so on the device i could download things, but those things shouldn't contain executables, only data.  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:21:00] - gurkie:  changing the policy isn't enough.  in short i don't want anyone but me to have read or write privileges on my devices.  being physically able to reenable access to do anything would also be a deal breaker.  they do not need write access for me to download stuff.  think of it as push vs. pull.  i wouldn't want them to be able to push things onto my device.  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:19:18] - if you really dont want them to have access you can always keep the wireless off and then use the usb cable to manage your library ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:17:26] - a: they do need to have write access since one of the major selling points of the kindle is the ability to purchase books on amazon or on whispernet and then dl them when your kindle is online. ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:16:41] - a: what sort of software patch would you want? so that they only have read/write privileges on your kindle no delete? I guess that would make sense for them to do but it seems like they could easily reenable their access to delete. ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:15:49] - "'Palin and Paul sound good to me', she said." Wow, I really hope this article isn't representative of most tea-partiers. -Paul

[2009-09-04 11:15:40] - Xpovos\a: They have changed their policy to no longer allow that action on their part. ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 11:02:52] - gurkie:  i have to reiterate xpovos's sentiment.  if i were in their situation, i'd much prefer a software patch that would prevent anyone from doing anything remotely to my system.  ~a

[2009-09-04 11:00:10] - Doesn't mean I will never buy a Kindle, even if they don't change their policies, it's just that I'll do so recognizing that everything I pay is a fee to rent the book for an indefinite period of time, which might be long enough. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 10:59:23] - gurkie: Good PR move on Amazon's part, but for most people, it was the capacity to do that that scares them.  An 'accidental' delete is fixable, and a rebate is a good step; but lack of control is impossible to reconcile with 'ownership'. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 10:56:26] - for people who mentioned "orwell gate" to me apparently amazon is now redelivering the books to people who had them deleted, or if you dont want them you can have a $30 gift card. Considering the books were about 5 bucks total thats a pretty good deal. ~gurkie

[2009-09-04 10:52:59] - mig: I misread the year.  Still, clearly doing well for yourself, but that's much saner. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 10:52:26] - Paul: You're mistaken.  Your Packers are more than welcome to rout the Bears, but you'll have a very hard time doing any such thing, particularly at the Triple H.  And no one raids and plunders opposing home fields like the Vikings. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 10:51:27] - mig: Damn, nice.  I knew you programmers were doing OK, but sheesh.  I guess renting from Paul and not taking a bath in the real estate market helps too. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 10:47:22] - Xpovos: Well, I just tossed wubnub back into the sea, but we can certainly talk about it sometime. Maybe during the garbage time as my Packers are routing your Bears? -Paul

[2009-09-04 10:43:25] - wow sweet.  ~a

[2009-09-04 10:39:22] - for stephen and anyone else who was curious:  '04 lexus es 330. - mig

[2009-09-04 10:31:49] - Paul: I just had an idea for an awesome website if you're interested in trying a new wubnub.  Unfortunately, it's not going to be a money maker, since the whole point of it is a non-money kind of thing.  But it might be ad revenue positive. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 10:28:10] - Paul: Agreed, I'd generally assume a person saying a fall in the dollar to be implying inflation, or at least an inflation-like environment. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 10:12:55] - Xpovos: Unless, like Adrian mentioned, they mean a fall in the dollar to be deflation, which isn't how that phrase is usually interpretted. -Paul

[2009-09-04 10:09:23] - Xpovos: Fair enough, but if you ARE considering gold to be a dollar denominated asset, then there is no way that a fall in the dollar can make gold cheaper. By definition that seems wrong. -Paul

[2009-09-04 10:04:57] - yeah assets like gold can be used more cheaply as bling as the us currency falls.  ~a

[2009-09-04 10:04:32] - sam: my favorite one was "extra luggage"

[2009-09-04 09:59:22] - Paul: The error is in the premise. "Dollar-demoniated assets like gold".  Gold is not dollar-denominated, neither is oil, they're essentially independent currencies, though that ends up being an over simplification, because they both have alternative uses as well as just being a store of labor-value. -- Xpovos

[2009-09-04 09:56:21] - a: Yeah, September has been ridiculous for the price of gold so far. -Paul

[2009-09-04 09:55:13] - a: I read it on CNBC. Of course, I think the same article stated that the US went off the gold standard in 1993 so I'm sure the existence of a typo is fairly high. :-) -Paul

[2009-09-04 09:45:27] - gold is at a 6 month high, i don't know if now is the time to buy gold.  ~a

[2009-09-04 09:44:23] - that is unless "falls" means "deflates" (which would seem backwards too).  ~a

[2009-09-04 09:43:38] - that is wrong as far as i can tell.  where did you read it?  ~a

[2009-09-04 09:16:22] - "Dollar-denominated assets like gold can be bought more cheaply when the US currency falls" Can anybody explain this comment to me? It intuitively seems wrong. As the dollar loses value, I would think gold (and everything else) should become more expensive. -Paul

[2009-09-04 09:01:12] - sam, those all gave me a pretty good laugh.  i can't believe he does two of these every week.  ~a

[2009-09-03 17:16:35] - stephen: you're a buns hole! - aaron

[2009-09-03 16:38:30] - Ok the last one was actually me.  - Stephen

[2009-09-03 16:38:20] - I am going to backstab all of you!  - aaron

[2009-09-03 16:35:50] - a: Yellow - Stephen

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