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[2009-11-04 15:44:12] - aaron:  updateable.  ~a

[2009-11-04 15:33:20] - Stephen/Aaron: grupaul is also unacceptable in or out of my hearing... after all purkie really describes us much better... our happy smiley always in a good mood personalities... ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 15:15:57] - aaron: Grupaul sounds awesome...awesomely fugly.  Let's call them that when Gurkie isn't around.  - Stephen

[2009-11-04 15:15:27] - updateable. updatable looks really weird to me - vinnie

[2009-11-04 15:08:36] - hmm. "updateable" or "updatable"? i usually rely on googlefight for these matters but this time it's too close to call - aaron

[2009-11-04 14:48:26] - stephen: also jidge! at first i thought it was a typo, then i figured it out :D - aaron

[2009-11-04 14:47:55] - stephen: aww i was really hoping grupaul would catch on - aaron

[2009-11-04 14:27:52] - gurkie: i loled .) -amy

[2009-11-04 14:16:26] - stephen: so you think you can you think you dance so you can you dance??? ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 14:15:49] - stephen: *shudder* gaul would be unacceptable pakie might have worked though... but whatev i should not be in a debate about what my couple name should be ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 14:13:58] - Adam Shankman choreographed the Buffy musical episode?  If he wasn't my favorite SYTYCYTYDSYCYD jidge before, he is now.  - Stephen

[2009-11-04 14:13:21] - gurkie: Would you like to be Gaul?  That was the other option.  And Amy + Vinnie = Annie (snooze).  - Stephen

[2009-11-04 13:55:13] - stephen: I can totally tell who wears the pants in that relationship Paul gets a token p and I get urkie? doesnt seem fair... hmm what does that say about vamy ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 13:54:34] - a: ACCCK, not what I said. ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 13:42:55] - huh. for some reason i really thought ddr_people would have a color. heh. -amy

[2009-11-04 13:42:20] - ddr_people: i remixed look to the sky for an OCR thingy: -amy

[2009-11-04 13:40:07] - stephen: those silly couple names always become public eventually - vamy

[2009-11-04 13:34:20] - gurkie essen.  got it.  ~a

[2009-11-04 13:33:51] - A: Plus if we called her gurchengie, calling her and Paul "Purkie" wouldn't make any sense.  Wait, was she supposed to know about that nickname?  - Stephen

[2009-11-04 13:32:08] - a: I think I would prefer... gurkie.. yea hmm that one sounds about right. ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 12:40:12] - gurkie:  what would you prefer?  gurchengie?  ~a

[2009-11-04 12:39:34] - mig:  you don't think it's us that's ass-backwards?  i guess i prefer our way, but it's hard to call the other way ass-backwards when everybody does it that way but us.  ~a

[2009-11-04 12:28:47] - a:  huh, i didn't think canada was that backassward about freedom of speech, though the europe stuff does not surprise me at all. - mig

[2009-11-04 12:17:22] - urm well I guess thanks then, though im not a big fan of that naming scheme... ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 12:07:37] - an interesting article from 2008 about protected speech in other countries . . . since we were talking about libel on saturday.  ~a

[2009-11-04 12:04:25] - gurkie:  gurukirn + gurkie.  ~a

[2009-11-04 11:57:30] - title: who is gurukie?~gurkie

[2009-11-04 11:45:58] - title: whatev is totally not a new word, its been popular since like 1999... ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 11:45:35] - amy: thx... ill try to have a happy gurkie birthday ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 11:41:44] - happy gurkie birthday to gurkie ^_^ -amy

[2009-11-04 11:10:16] - to be fair, I have done this sort of thing to my co-workers at times, usually when they haven't done the thing I need them to be doing. but that's over e-mail, usually over a period of days. in your situation, aaron, obviously you are working on it - vinnie

[2009-11-04 10:30:42] - :-P  ~a

[2009-11-04 10:30:38] - aaron:  i'm not frustrated by that practice.  that issue doesn't frustrate me . . .  ~a

[2009-11-04 10:15:12] - vinnie: yeah, exactly, he was just doing it to stress the importance of the problem. or perhaps out of spite. i've seen people at my office who get frustrated easily, and when people around them aren't frustrated, they'll respond by acting frustrating. i'm glad i'm not the only person driven miserable by this practice :) - aaron

[2009-11-04 10:04:36] - did anyone other than Paul and I watch V last night? I thought it was pretty good... Although I wish they had drawn out the role of who is who a bit more... ~gurkie

[2009-11-04 09:36:02] - aaron: I've seen people do this. I think they think they are stressing the importance of fixing it to you but I have always found it annoying - vinnie

[2009-11-04 09:35:19] - hah, they roll the credits before the game is over?  ~a

[2009-11-04 09:29:15] - yeah that sounds weird!  i'm surprised somebody would even do that.  i guess i'm not sure how i'd act because of how odd it is to repeat the same information over-and-over.  "yeah, uhh, i know" seems like something i might say or "you just said that" but it probably would depend on who the person was and how well i knew the person.  ~a

[2009-11-04 08:52:36] - i had this happen with a coworker who was at a customer site on speakerphone, trying to fix something fairly simple. after four or five go-arounds, i finally told him what he was doing, on speakerphone, and he stopped doing that - but i felt bad because, like, it felt very confrontational the way i finally handled it - aaron

[2009-11-04 08:49:09] - like, someone will be like "i can't connect to the database! i haven't been able to update records since lunchtime and etc" and you'll be like, "ok, check the ip address. what is it pointing to?" and they'll be like, "well it's pointing to, but it's still not working, and i haven't been able to update..." constantly reiterating this 2-minute spiel...  - aaron

[2009-11-04 08:46:36] - has anybody ever dealt with anyone who asked for your help - and then every step you took in helping them, they would interrupt to reiterate the problem? and how do you politely tell them how they are being counterproductive without sounding condescending - aaron

[2009-11-04 05:34:39] - i don't know if i posted this before, but it's this horrible game called "Tetris: The Grand Master 3". it's made to target experienced tetris players so it gets insanely hard, like at the 3-minute level in this video - aaron

[2009-11-03 13:16:51] - gurkie: But I'm sure he could 'repair' the screensaver and desktop pretty easily.  My co-worker came back after a meeting with his terminal locked (timed out) and the boss right behind him and unlocked it to find that.  It was awesome. -- Xpovos

[2009-11-03 12:45:48] - he changed his status message to "should be nicer and more politically correct" I did think it was him... ~gurkie

[2009-11-03 12:19:29] - BUT she sent us all the photo so they figured it was fair game... ~gurkie

[2009-11-03 12:08:19] - xpovos: Nice pic! We used to do that to each other if we forgot to lock our comps... Hehe one poor guy was out and 2 girls plastered pics of another one of our coworkers in a bikini all over his page and made it his screensaver and his background. ~gurkie

[2009-11-03 12:07:17] - urm, not technically. im sure in annoyance he could think that and/or say that... I mean it sounds like something he might think... But to write it and think it are different ~gurkie

[2009-11-03 11:16:50] - gurkie:  do you work with retards?  ~a

[2009-11-03 10:47:49] - One time I set his desktop to this. NQSFW.  He was a decent computer user, but resetting his desktop was a bit outside his range of normal tasks, so he was very flustered. -- Xpovos

[2009-11-03 10:40:45] - Gurkie: Could it be a prank?  I had a co-worker who routinely 'forgot' to lock his computer when he'd leave for a bathroom break, or a smoke break, or whatever.  So he was away from his desk a fair amount and never locked.  Because that was against protocol, it was a common office gag to mess with his settings.  E.g. a status message.  -- Xpovos

[2009-11-03 10:01:07] - One of my coworkers' status message is "omfg i work with retards" that makes me laugh... I wonder if he realizes thats up there... Also I wonder who is on his google chat list... we essentially use it for all interoffice communication ~Gurkie

[2009-11-02 16:36:09] - a: oh yes, i meant vi - aaron

[2009-11-02 16:22:04] - a: actually I wasnt even thinking that... I was more just thinking that I want to have a low key evening on my bday... ~gurkie

[2009-11-02 16:21:27] - paul/xpovos:  yeah it's a typo.  he means vi.  i'd see saw vi.  ~a

[2009-11-02 16:21:19] - Xpovos: Ah, ok. -Paul

[2009-11-02 16:20:14] - Paul: 6 is in theatres, but they were talking about Netflix earlier. -- Xpovos

[2009-11-02 16:18:02] - aaron: Isn't it saw 5 or 6 by now? -Paul

[2009-11-02 15:54:32] - a: are you (or anybody else) interested in saw iv? - aaron

[2009-11-02 15:35:58] - bahaha.  netflix recommends that i add "12 angry men" to my queue.  ~a

[2009-11-02 15:30:10] - i didn't actually laugh until the end of the letter:  "The money is there, but more importantly, the heart is there. But more importantly, money."  ~a

[2009-11-02 15:17:16] - joss whedon bids for terminator franchise - aaron

[2009-11-02 14:55:34] - gurkie:  it isn't porn.  ~a

[2009-11-02 13:41:20] - a: not sure I know what primer is and pretty sure I dont want to watch it for my bday... but thanks! ~gurkie

[2009-11-02 13:35:52] - gurkie:  if you want to watch primer on your birthday, you can come on over :-)  ~a

[2009-11-02 13:34:58] - a: Im not planning anything. ~gurkie

[2009-11-02 13:34:49] - I didnt read the article but for those rankings I would guess its ranking actual current damage based on current use, rather than potential damage if everyone were to use it... but that is totally just a guess~gurkie

[2009-11-02 13:02:49] - yes i have netflix.  i'm free wednesday assuming gurkie isn't planning something.  ~a

[2009-11-02 13:01:27] - well if the study is to be taken seriously, it should be looking at the harm they have on society now with the "average" dose (and possibly looking at the harm they would cause if their legal status was inverted with the "average" dose).  ~a

[2009-11-02 13:00:57] - a: do you have netflix? maybe i can come over - aaron

[2009-11-02 12:59:13] - aaron:  primer is on netflix watch instantly.  ~a

[2009-11-02 12:44:38] - a: so i guess thinking of it one way, it's harder in the short term to OD on cigarettes/cannabis. i don't know about ecstasy or LSD or most of the other drugs mentioned. i guess you'd have to see his lecture to understand where he's coming from, i can't find any details anywhere - aaron

[2009-11-02 12:42:59] - a: the BBC article miguel linked mentions "how to classify banned drugs, based on the harm they can cause" which... and this may be reading too far into it... implies that they might be classifying drugs based on the maximum potential for abuse - aaron

[2009-11-02 12:35:42] - does it matter in what quantity they're all consumed in?  tobacco users are sometimes consuming two packs a day.  how does that compare to a guy who consumes a bottle of wine per week?  ~a

[2009-11-02 11:37:26] - xpovos: ooooh primer! i want to see that some time. it looked interesting - aaron

[2009-11-02 11:26:36] - Aaron: I could see tobacco being really high on the list and LSD and ecstasy being low... but alcohol being that high is the real news to me. I wonder how exactly alcohol is determined to be that harmful. -Paul

[2009-11-02 11:24:21] - from the looks of it he said marijuana is less harmful than tobbaco/alcohol. - mig

[2009-11-02 11:22:28] - paul: i'm surprised lsd and ecstasy are so low on the list, personally. i think most people think of those as really "hard drugs" compared to yeah, alcohol or cannabis or things like that - aaron

[2009-11-02 11:21:34] - paul: yeah, he wrote "Alcohol ranks as the fifth most harmful drug after heroin, cocaine, barbiturates and methadone. Tobacco is ranked ninth,"  - aaron

[2009-11-02 11:14:25] - I find today's xkcd to be above and beyond awesome, even for Randall. -- Xpovos

[2009-11-02 11:09:42] - Aaron: Wait, he thinks that alcohol is more harmful than tobacco? There is scientific evidence for this? -Paul

[2009-11-02 09:50:41] - i think it's funny that every article is tilted like, "oh, he's downplaying the harmful effects of ecstasy" and not like, "oh, he's exaggerating the harmful effects of cigarettes/alcohol". i think they realize the latter argument is a really hard sell - aaron

[2009-11-02 09:48:56] - anybody else heard about the firing of david nutt, the chairman of the advisory council on the misuse of drugs (acmd) regarding his opinion on tobacco/alcohol? - aaron

[2009-10-31 13:25:06] - a: they passed our OCR submission!! yay!! -amy

[2009-10-30 15:33:46] - ummm.  not all browsers support those kinds of URLs, but assuming your browser does (probably everything but Microsoft IE supports them), you can copy-paste characters (use start->programs->accessories->system tools->"character map" to get new characters or add a new keyboard mode that supports the extra characters).  ~a

[2009-10-30 14:38:23] - stephen: i know who's voting against the draw proposal now, and i have a good guess as to why they didn't vote against it in the winter. - aaron

[2009-10-30 14:36:21] - Does anyone know how I would enter a URL for a website with non-Roman characters?  - Stephen

[2009-10-30 13:35:06] - Mig: Yeah, I think I know who is doing it.  Too bad I can kinda cede my territories to whomever I want, i.e. the one I don't think is being selfish.  - Stephen

[2009-10-30 13:07:02] - i don't think a draw proposal is going to seriously be entertained by aaron or bryan until some sort of stalemate line forms. - mig

[2009-10-30 12:52:34] - the way they are both positioned that they can grow to 16-17 without going directly at each other and then they start sniping at each other to get to 18. - mig

[2009-10-30 12:51:20] - stephen:  well one of them obviously thinks they can solo. - mig

[2009-10-30 12:48:08] - Congratulations...oh wait, no.  None of my proposed draws seem to be working.  WTF. - Stephen

[2009-10-30 12:02:20] - a: Yeah, kind of, except it's all plans.  As long as you're calling a cell phone with Sprint and you have that option, it's free.  Landlines still cost minutes, go figure. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-30 11:53:37] - what is mobile-to-mobile?  is that like verizon-to-verizon?  ~a

[2009-10-30 11:52:55] - paul:  yeah i use like 45 minutes after you remove all the freebies.  ~a

[2009-10-30 11:45:10] - a: Ah, I suppose that could do it. Maybe I just don't talk enough on the phone, but I feel like 450 minutes are plenty when there are so many freebies (nights, weekend, mobile-to-mobile, etc). -Paul

[2009-10-30 11:35:26] - paul:  the difference between your quote and their quote is unlimited voice vs. 450 minutes of talk  ~a

[2009-10-30 11:13:49] - Xpovos: I'm not entirely sure where they are coming up with such high numbers for the cost for the Pre. I'm paying around $70 a month for unlimited data, text and mobile-to-mobile with 450 minutes of talk. That works out to $1680 over the 24 months. -Paul

[2009-10-30 09:51:59] - One thing not covered is additional lines.  Katie has a MyTouch 3G and I have a G1 now.  According to this, it's about $100/mo.  But ours is about $150 because we're on the same plan, so some of the most expensive features (voice minutes e.g.) are shared.  So instead of being $100/mo., it's more like $75/mo. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-30 09:50:13] - Paul: Yeah, looking at the 'average user' numbers, the Pre (Sprint) and MyTouch 3G (T-mobile--and hence probably also the G1) are the lowest and the same at $2309/24mo.  Droid and iPhone on 'better' networks of Verizon and AT&T respectively are higher and the same at $2839/24mo. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-30 09:40:43] - Xpovos: I think the charts in the link you posted are blocked at work for me, but I assume the pre is cheaper than the droid (but both are still hugely expensive over the course of 2 years)? -Paul

[2009-10-30 09:16:55] - pierce: That page itself does nothing to discuss the costs of a smartphone at all.  You need this one: -- Xpovos

[2009-10-30 03:16:25] - gurkie: (I think you were the one I was talking about this with) - pierce

[2009-10-29 20:27:42] - pierce: i actually LOLed. .) -amy

[2009-10-29 19:58:57] - pierce: hahaha, nice - vinnie

[2009-10-29 19:28:58] - in other words, pronouncing "dweand dhead" == "dewey and dee head" - pierce

[2009-10-29 19:28:34] - hehe, apropos of nothing, I just realized that if you gave dee and dewey standard usernames (first initial, last name), and pronounced those usernames, you'd also be describing their normal names! - pierce

[2009-10-29 17:54:18] - aaron: It could end in an 'N' and still be Japanese. Mine also sounds Japanese, in that it's all consonants followed by vowels. -Paul

[2009-10-29 17:03:34] - - pierce

[2009-10-29 16:59:38] - amy: I guess I feel like it's become so easy to have access to music that I generally like that I almost feel like I don't have the need to buy music anymore. -Paul

[2009-10-29 16:54:48] - paul: so is what you're saying that you rarely buy music anymore bc you like your existing collection and don't need to update it? or did you always rarely buy music. -amy

[2009-10-29 16:49:28] - a: they go over a few other approaches in the article, like the french approach to marriage/infidelity which is that, yeah it sucks but it's going to happen in the long run, so just deal with it when it happens - aaron

[2009-10-29 16:47:35] - "Americans are too surprised by infidelity when it happens. I think we go into marriage with perhaps unrealistically high expectations about human nature."  so what's the resolution to this?  do we just play life by ear or is there something we can do to avoid heartbreak?  ~a

[2009-10-29 16:36:24] - vinnie: mine ends in a consonant so i know it's not japanese - aaron

[2009-10-29 16:35:56] - I also like the Amazon MP3 store because of the lack of DRM... I just wish Amazon had some software like iTunes so I could easily sync the music between my phone and desktop (since I can buy songs on my phone but they don't get sync'd to my desktop). -Paul

[2009-10-29 16:27:58] - aaron: haha wow, that's one the best wtf stories ever. hey a, is that how you generated passwords for this site? mine seems very Japanese - vinnie

[2009-10-29 16:23:29] - aaron: is the itunes drm gone yet? weren't there plans to get rid of it? - vinnie

[2009-10-29 16:23:07] - a developer generates easily-pronouncable user IDs by feeding english words into markov chains... hilarity ensues - aaron

[2009-10-29 16:15:13] - a: i like the amazon mp3 store too! i've bought about five or six tracks from there, definitely prefer it to iTunes just because of the crappy iTunes drm - aaron

[2009-10-29 16:03:37] - a: You could, just buy it one track at a time (and probably over-pay).  I actually had an album which was an MP3 conversion from an old 45 vinyl.  So each side of the record was just one track.  It was cheaper to buy the tracks than the album.  That's a rarity, though. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-29 15:00:44] - pierce:  wooooooo amazon mp3 store!  i get all my music there now.  i love it.  i just wish i could buy a whole album from them without installing software.  >:o  ~a

[2009-10-29 14:54:39] - amy: It should be noted that my mp3 player is also my cell phone, so it's basically always with me. -Paul

[2009-10-29 14:54:18] - amy: In the car, I'll usually listen to the radio or my mp3 player. At home, I'm either at my computer (pandora or my music collection without recent songs) or I'm somewhere I can connect my mp3 player (xbox360 or stereo for poker). -Paul

[2009-10-29 14:49:10] - now that I have a PS3, I buy blu-ray movies where I'll notice the difference in quality.  I'll buy DVDs of TV shows.  I don't buy physical albums anymore, but I buy music off the amazon mp3 store (or itunes if amazon doesn't have it). - pierce

[2009-10-29 14:43:21] - paul: how do you usu listen to music? pandora or radio or? 'cause i know people who listen to the radio and have preferences for songs, but are content to just hear them whenever they come up on the radio. (in contrast to what i said before about myself, i need to be able to hear the song when i want to.) -amy

[2009-10-29 14:34:20] - Interesting. I am surprised people still buy DVDs and CDs. I've pretty much given up on buying movies anymore and I rarely buy songs. -Paul

[2009-10-29 13:28:25] - Paul: I will buy seasons of television shows on DVD.  Movies, not so much.  And most of my music comes from iTunes or cds my friends burn for me, that I then convert to mp3s.  - Stephen

[2009-10-29 13:10:42] - I buy more CDs now than ever--just a wealth thing. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-29 13:10:18] - Netflix gives me new and better ways to watch those movies now, but that's about it.  Katie still seems to buy DVDs at random and in large quantity, though not as randomly as a few years ago, which is probably half Netflix, half figuring out how to live on a budget. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-29 13:09:15] - Paul: I rarely bought DVDs before compared to some--my criteria was that I had to likely want to watch the movie repeatedly for a long period of time, so basically among the best of movies, or really unique for some quality.  Even a movie that I really like, like Brick I won't feel compelled to own. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-29 13:07:51] - gurkie: .D .D .D Though I don't agree with the article 100% but I'm not going sit here and nitpick at it .p I'm glad this is getting more attention lately though. -amy

[2009-10-29 13:03:43] - Paul: Check out Grooveshark if you get a chance for music -Bryan

[2009-10-29 13:03:10] - ~gurkie

[2009-10-29 12:56:19] - also I don't think I could ever not buy music. if i like a song or an album, i need to be able to listen to it when i want to, not just when it comes up randomly. i mean obv, unless they came up with a service that somehow lets you own the music for free. -amy

[2009-10-29 12:54:40] - kinda irritating though, have thought about getting an mp3 player for the car. -amy

[2009-10-29 12:54:30] - I do buy CDs and occasionally DVDs. I'm not much of a TV/movie person, so I don't have many DVDs. But my car has only a CD player and I basically only listen to music in the car because it's hard for me to listen to music and do other things (I drive fine though!). So it's better for me to have music in CD form. -amy

[2009-10-29 12:30:22] - paul: there's also about a dozen artists i'm loyal to, where i'll buy anything new they put out even if it's freely available - aaron

[2009-10-29 12:29:46] - paul: i still buy about 10-20 CDs a year. pandora only plays 2-3 songs off of any given CD, so if i like an artist on pandora i'll buy their album to hear the rest - aaron

[2009-10-29 12:24:34] - paul:  i will occasionaly buy stuff on iTunes, but I haven't bought a music CD in years.  I do buy DVDs every now and then, mostly because I like to own series that I like. - mig

[2009-10-29 12:21:09] - Taking it one step further... has anybody here given up on buying songs altogether (through Amazon, iTunes, whatever) or even spending money on music? -Paul

[2009-10-29 12:20:23] - So, I have a question for people on the message board. With things like streaming video from Netflix available through numerous devices and internet radio stations like Pandora also available through many devices... does anybody here buy DVDs or CDs anymore? -Paul

[2009-10-29 11:45:41] - and shows his biases as a person. Which speaks volumes. Also his new approach with its ethnically diverse team seems contrived rather than taking the most qualified people for the job. Its possible that the most qualified/passionate people happen to be evenly spread ethnically but I doubt it. ~gurkie

[2009-10-29 11:43:25] - I think building a school with the goal of helping the underpriveledged is a great idea, but his initial approach was flawed. ~gurkie

[2009-10-29 11:42:18] - Stephen: I think the idea of an all black teaching staff stinks of segregation and is inappropriate... definately not equal opportunity and I dont think it will give the students the best opportunies. ~gurkie

[2009-10-29 11:25:47] - Gurkie: Why's that?  - Stephen

[2009-10-29 11:22:38] - I have all sorts of issues with this... well I think I need to know more but the guy who started the school annoys me~gurkie

[2009-10-29 10:59:25] - just people who are going is fine. - pierce

[2009-10-29 10:40:25] - pierce: do you want a roll call of people who are not or just people who are to respond? I will not be going... ~gurkie

[2009-10-29 10:24:32] - is anyone besides adrian planning to go to kilroy's? - pierce

[2009-10-29 09:57:27] - and yet the english/russian alliance is getting even stronger! - aaron

[2009-10-29 09:50:14] - Andrew and I didn't lie to each other this turn!  - Stephen

[2009-10-29 09:33:10] - pierce:  no way!  i was actually already planning on going to kilroy's today.  i'll be there around 8.  ~a

[2009-10-29 09:28:00] - meet there at 7:00? - pierce

[2009-10-29 09:27:27] - okay, I got a few responses suggesting Kilroy's in Springfield. - pierce

[2009-10-28 22:07:01] - okay, does anyone know a good sports bar for tech games? - pierce

[2009-10-28 19:55:51] - pierce:  i'm in, but only if it's at a sports bar!  ~a

[2009-10-28 19:53:42] - By "tonight", I mean tomorrow (thursday) - pierce

[2009-10-28 19:52:50] - anyone want to watch the tech game tonight (and possibly feel like hosting, though we could go to a sports bar if no one offers) - pierce

[2009-10-28 17:59:23] - xpovos: heh! heh! that is a very important "of". - aaron

[2009-10-28 17:53:17] - aaron: With the political climate, I misread your post (without reading the article) and believed that MS was dumping money INTO Seth's show, not the reverse.  That's a critical 'of'.  -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 17:47:27] - and i say thank god for that.  for my poor little brain, there would be too much dissonance seeing seth endorse windows 7.  ~a

[2009-10-28 17:33:22] - aaron:  their explanation is frank, which is unexpected.  they're bailing out because seth is too edgy for windows 7.  :-P  ~a

[2009-10-28 17:01:37] - Im annoyed apparently they presold the twilight series for kindle for under 6 bucks. But now that it is no longer a pre sale it is 46 dollars!!! ~Gurkie

[2009-10-28 16:56:20] - microsoft bails out of seth macfarlane's variety show - aaron

[2009-10-28 16:55:57] - gurkie: thanks, but I totally don't see myself as having charisma :P - vinnie

[2009-10-28 16:32:14] - Vinnie: I would probably vote for you... Not cause you are my friend but because I think your views go along with mine. Also I think you would probably be a pretty good leader, you have charisma... ~gurkie

[2009-10-28 15:50:57] - Just not that traffic is good.  Say it's bad.  But after that be generic, because no one likes any of the solutions. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 15:42:48] - Vinnie: You could get elected in Fairfax County on that platform.  Say something about traffic and you are a lock.  - Stephen

[2009-10-28 15:39:09] - abortions for some, miniature american flags for others! - vinnie

[2009-10-28 15:32:46] - And trips to Europe.  Sure you won't reconsider, Paul?  Gurkie'd be thrilled with that aspect at least. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 15:31:37] - Amy: Sure!  And you get designer clothing for free.  - Stephen

[2009-10-28 15:30:31] - oh whoops he's already been voted. then that makes me first lady!! ooh can we grow an organic garden in our backyard too?? -amy

[2009-10-28 15:29:45] - i third the nomination. though... do i really want to be dating a politician? -amy

[2009-10-28 15:23:05] - All in favor: Aye. Congratulations President Prabhu. :-P -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 15:22:23] - Stephen: He's definitely got the storytelling part down.  I'd vote for Vinnie, even if only because I know him.  IIRC I'd have to blind myself to to his politics, though.  Still, better than my traditional choices of Tweedles Dee and Dum. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 15:21:02] - Stephen: I second the nomination of Vinnie. -Paul

[2009-10-28 15:08:44] - Xpovos: I nominate Vinnie.  He seems likeable and middle of the road enough.  If he says no, it pretty much as to be Vinnie.  - Stephen

[2009-10-28 15:07:20] - "to answer your question about my views on taxes, let me tell you a story from my childhood, growing up orphaned and penniless on the streets of DC, with only half a working kidney" - vinnie

[2009-10-28 14:58:13] - Paul: You just need to get your opinions into talking points.  Then when someone asks you your opinion on an issue, you give your talking point on that issue.  You tell them the truth, but its a prepackaged truth soas to avoid gaffes... and unplesant correlations. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 14:56:02] - Xpovos: I think we all know how long I would last in an election. As long as it would take somebody to ask my opinion on an issue... -Paul

[2009-10-28 14:54:29] - Paul: Sounds like you have more experience.  Besides no one ever votes for a short guy. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 14:49:01] - Xpovos: You volunteering? -Paul

[2009-10-28 14:46:26] - Xpovos: Paul ran for election in his home owners association election :-) ~gurkie

[2009-10-28 14:43:07] - Paul: One of us (not necessarily us, the two of us, but the broader us) should run for election.  See it from the other side. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 14:38:36] - Stephen: Isn't that pretty much every election? -Paul

[2009-10-28 14:03:16] - Stephen: Ew.  I hate those. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 13:46:32] - Xpovos: I am.  I don't like my candidate, but I like the other one even less!  And my delegate race has boiled down to "who likes annoying signs on roads the most".  - Stephen

[2009-10-28 13:19:53] - xpovos:  I'm ready to not vote, as usual. - mig

[2009-10-28 13:18:01] - Is everyone ready for the election next week?  My delegate race has been particularly nasty.  Epicly fun political theatre.  Both the majors candidates have taken to accusing the other of criminal activity and coddling child molestors.  I get a flyer a day from each campaign.  I'll be sad when this is over.  Nothing like free entertainment. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 11:59:43] - xpovos: lol! nice one. i wonder what his level of involvement was with that memo - aaron

[2009-10-28 11:59:35] - the words are:  ""  a few of those words seem ham-handedly forced into their respective sentences.  especially the second use of the word "unnecessary".  "overwhelmingly deserve"?  oh also!  the paragraphs are justified but the second paragraph has a different right margin than the first paragraph!  ~a

[2009-10-28 11:44:49] - Hehe. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 08:59:59] - gurkie: Thanks, I'll look into that as an option.  I'd actually had problems similar to this one with this project before, but I'd worked out even more clever (and less obviously bad) solutions that allowed me to just use standard Excel manipulations.  They didn't work for this situation, though. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-28 03:57:35] - e

[2009-10-28 03:57:22] - - pierc

[2009-10-27 17:04:19] - Bryan - Hmm, no I didnt... I heard someone mention that it wont be out for the Kindle until next year... Didnt realize that it was finished being written yet... I might slowly accrue the books on Kindle and wait until its out there... Those books are way too big for me to bother rereading in paper~gurkie

[2009-10-27 16:56:17] - gurkie: Did you know The Gathering Storm is coming out today? -Bryan

[2009-10-27 15:13:00] - paul: i just assumed u posted the settlers shirt which made me confused by aar taking awhile to get it... and then vinnies comments made me actually check the shirt... ~gurkie

[2009-10-27 14:48:52] - vinnie: yeah, you know how when search google maps these pointy icons spontaneously appear all over the place - the shirt is implying what it would be like if that happened in real life - aaron

[2009-10-27 14:26:04] - Vinnie: I thought it was just implying that the google map markers had landed on somebody and killed them. -Paul

[2009-10-27 14:20:47] - I don't get the shirt, pls to explain. something google maps related? - vinnie

[2009-10-27 14:15:50] - a:  hmmm you know what, this may be a chrome issue. - mig

[2009-10-27 14:14:16] - a:  i dunno, it seems to work for me, did you fix it?  that was just the way the link shows up on my address bar so which i just mindlessly copy-pasted.  it seems all yahoo news article links end up being formed that way, maybe it's a way to discourage direct linking i guess. - mig

[2009-10-27 14:13:50] - a: Aaron bought it. :-) -Paul

[2009-10-27 14:07:43] - paul:  what happened to your nice tv?  ~a

[2009-10-27 14:07:05] - mig:  me thinks your link is broken.  what's more it's like 3000 characters long.  are they trying to encode the whole content of the message into the url?  ~a

[2009-10-27 13:23:23] -;_ylt=AhCMooYjI1xHNDeD.zziTeGs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNjYnM3cjFuBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkxMDI3L3V us official resigns in protest of us military involvement in afghanistan. - mig

[2009-10-27 12:40:23] - paul: heh! heh! took me a little while. pretty good. - aaron

[2009-10-27 12:21:36] - I thought this was a funny shirt. -Paul

[2009-10-27 10:40:07] - Also this has to be the most ridiculous Eye of the World cover EVER ~gurkie

[2009-10-27 10:39:26] - Xpovos: if you enable macros you should have VBA built in and be able to use a macro for your looping needs. I have used macros very successfully in the past. One of my projects was an excel based doc with lots of macro backends... ~gurkie

[2009-10-27 09:27:31] - Stephen: I think I've seens similar deals on Buffy in the past. They might have it again sometime. -Paul

[2009-10-26 21:58:00] - Paul: What about Buffy?  I "lent" Season 3 to one of my friends and I don't expect to see it again.  - Stephen

[2009-10-26 21:56:50] - Aaron: Andrew just wanted me to get a build in Smyrna.  He was trying to help me out.  - Stephen

[2009-10-26 19:27:49] - aaron: Yeah.  I totally goofed that order.  Luckily the random disband tossed the one I meant to target.  It was in Naples just in the Fall, it was a reasonable thing to believe it was still there.  I mean, our trains run on time, not our mail system. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 19:09:57] - xpovos: haha neat. maybe we were neighbors ^_^ -amy

[2009-10-26 17:45:07] - xpovos: also, nice try trying to disband stephen's fleet in naples! - aaron

[2009-10-26 15:51:21] - Xpovos: It's a good deal. I paid more than that for two seasons of Angel. -Paul

[2009-10-26 15:38:11] - Paul: Katie noticed that this morning.  I thought of you.  She's thinking about buying it. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 15:26:15] - getting it?  you might already have it.  vba might be included in office (though i'm not 100% sure).  ~a

[2009-10-26 15:22:39] - Amazon has seasons 1-5 of Angel for only $53 if anybody is interested. -Paul

[2009-10-26 15:16:44] - a: Actually, VBA might do the trick.  Getting it might be difficult, though. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 15:12:12] - Excel also limits it (probably pretty smartly) to 7 cell values.  I wanted it to be 10 for a nice base-ten feel. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 15:11:34] - Here's the formula, for those curious and with a high tolerance for pain: =IF(ISBLANK(B10), IF(ISBLANK(B9), IF(ISBLANK(B8), IF(ISBLANK(B7), IF(ISBLANK(B6), IF(ISBLANK(B5), IF(ISBLANK(B4), "ERROR: No values given in range", B4), B5), B6), B7), B8), B9), "ERROR: Need higher values for formula") -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 15:10:58] - a: Needs to be self-contained to the excel sheet. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 15:09:56] - depending on your requirements, you can export to csv and use some other system, or you can use vba.  ~a

[2009-10-26 15:02:40] - So: I'm working with some data in Excel, and the situation clearly calls for a for().  But Excel doesn't support that... so I got creative.  Ugly, ugly, range bound nested ifs with errors demanding user correction if the data cells go out of range.  -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 14:52:06] - aaron:,34466/ - title

[2009-10-26 13:54:12] - another site commemorates geocities shutdown  ~a

[2009-10-26 13:50:22] - - pierce

[2009-10-26 13:37:44] - aaron:  secretary is cheating!  :-D  ~a

[2009-10-26 13:36:30] - aaron: !!! - title

[2009-10-26 13:05:06] - aaron: Thanks!  Too bad it's not really enough.  But I'm going to go down swinging. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 12:57:34] - xpovos: nice play! bad news for russia... - aaron

[2009-10-26 12:23:53] - subtitle: i remember those subtitles! those were words longer than "secretary" that could be typed with the left hand - aaron

[2009-10-26 12:01:52] -;_ylt=ArfGKQ4nUjtL2nwxjhq20eKyFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTJ2ZG9rczE1BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkxMDI2L3 health insurer profits not nearly as high as health reform advocates want people to think. - mig

[2009-10-26 12:00:56] - amy: hey, cool.  I was in Area 51 too.  That was my first abandoned website.  Geocities actually hosted about 6 of mine that are all abandoned.  Some of them so badly that even I can't find them anymore. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 11:58:27] - you'd think that geocities (i.e. yahoo) would close their doors to new subscribers and orphaned webpages (the latter probably constitutes 99% of their content)  ~a

[2009-10-26 11:50:04] - i still remember mine was on area51, and they tried to name the "blocks" and encourage you to get to know your neighbors. so if like i was area51/1234 then i was supposed to type in area51/1233 and area51/1235 to see who i was next to. -amy

[2009-10-26 11:49:09] - aaron: i think my geocities page may still have been up there, too. dear god O_o it's probably good it's getting taken down. -amy

[2009-10-26 11:15:00] - yeah it's a non-standard tag.  i'm surprised the gecko engine supports it.  ~a

[2009-10-26 10:51:25] - thank god the blink tag doesn't work in chrome. - mig

[2009-10-26 10:41:25] - mig: It's an interesting point, they destroyed Netscape, and didn't jack up the price of their browser, but the integration into the expensive OS might be an issue still.  It was for the EU at least.  But you made a good point.  I don't think the software analogy really carries over well to the physical world, though. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 10:40:10] - Another Pitfall Trap.  Not nearly as good as I expected it to be when I was previewing the set.  Particularly against your deck.  I got another of the 8/8 trample dudes third pack as a 4th pick, I think. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 10:39:20] - vinnie: That's sick.  Well done.  I drafted the 4/4//8/8 trample dude first pick and ended up going green/white early, but everyone was passing really good blue, so mid-first pack I jumped in. I toyed with going U/B for a while, but while I had power in black, it wasn't good splashable and no filler.  And I second picked the only piece of removal I saw. -- Xpovos

[2009-10-26 10:29:08] - a:  that is true they destroyed netscape, their only signficant competition at the time, but did MS immediately therafter raise all their prices on all their products?  That's the real nightmare scenario i'm talking about. - mig

[2009-10-26 10:24:10] - he also put some easter eggs in the source: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="QBASIC">IF $BROWSER = "IE" THEN GOTO 50</SCRIPT> - aaron

[2009-10-26 10:20:06] - one's called "SNES puzzle fighting games", it's still the #2 web site if you google "puzzle fighting" in quotes - aaron

[2009-10-26 10:19:11] - xpovos: no, nobody did, sorry. your deck seemed pretty solid though apart from the lack of removal. on a side note, I played against aaron after you left and got to >500 life one game. :P good ol Celestial Mantle - vinnie

[2009-10-26 10:18:55] - why does he have the "best viewed with netscape navigator" and then the IE icon? also... is geocities really shutting down? i still have two (abandoned) web pages hosted there - aaron

[2009-10-26 10:13:23] - would have put awards on my website if it had won any :'-( - vinnie

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