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[2013-03-14 10:56:19] - aaron: did they not have the bsg version pre-printed when you bought yours? It appears they have changed it from a PnP to a printed game... ~g

[2013-03-14 09:57:16] - mig: Well, if it's a practically required thing to do in multi-player, it seems like something they should teach in the campaign, even if it is annoying... -Paul

[2013-03-14 09:56:46] - Pretty cool visualization of the causes of death in the 20th century. -Paul

[2013-03-14 09:47:13] - paul:  yes, it is annoying. - mig

[2013-03-14 09:42:38] - mig: Wait, why do you understand? Because injecting larvae is annoying? -Paul

[2013-03-14 09:40:56] - I feel sorry for people trying to learn zerg through the campaign if they don't really teach you how about injecting larvae.  I kind of understand, because it would make single player really unappealing for non-zerg players, but it's an awfully important aspect of playing zerg that they left out. - mig

[2013-03-14 09:35:17] - paul:  I think it was mentioned somewhere that there's official "cannon" decisions and that the 2 choices you made in the terran campaign don't matter. - mig

[2013-03-14 09:16:52] - I like to consider my first play-through to be my official one, so I'm wondering if there is a way to go back and change which one it looks at... -Paul

[2013-03-14 09:16:22] - It's in the second mission and I don't consider it spoilers anyway, but I'll try to be as vague as possible: In Heart of the Swarm there is a mention of a decision that I made in Wings of Liberty... except it's the decision I made on my second play-through (which was the opposite of the decision I made on my first play-through). -Paul

[2013-03-13 17:49:02] - a: All sarcasm aside, he definitely hits the minimum requirements of maintaining dogma.  Pro-life, anti-homosexual activities--he called adoption of children by homosexual couples discrimination against children.  He is relatively pro-contraceptive, though. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-13 16:45:40] - aaron: did you used to play this game? ~g

[2013-03-13 15:49:12] - Xpovos: Looks like both of our guesses were wrong... -Paul

[2013-03-13 15:36:24] - what the hell?!  the new pope opposes abortion?  (/s)  ~a

[2013-03-13 15:34:27] - Pope Francis.  hopefully emperor palpatine's picture doesn't show up on the wikipedia article this time around.  ~a

[2013-03-13 15:29:02] - Pope Francis I, Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio, S.J.  That last bit, that he's a Jesuit is particularly interesting. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-13 14:22:16] - New pope elected.  Details soon. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-13 14:21:03] - Kick-Ass 2 red band trailer is out. Probably not safe for work, though. -Paul

[2013-03-12 14:54:04] - mig: I just got back from Best Buy (I messed up and missed out on the online pre-order deals and I had some Best Buy gift cards, so I figured "why not?") where I bought it. Would love to play MP tonight, but I don't think I'll have the time. Let me know if you guys plan on getting online anytime in the next few weeks and I'll see if I can join you, though. -Paul

[2013-03-12 14:37:46] - mig: Mine too.  I probably won't be available for MP tonight, so I'll focus some on the single player campaign at first.  But I'll be looking for some MP as early as the weekend, I imagine. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-12 14:35:37] - I expect my copy of HotS to be on my doorstep (or in the house if my sister is not lazy) when I arrive home later today.  I haven't decided whether to focus on the single player or play some multiplayer but if people want to play I'll be up for it tonight or later in the week on a day that's not thursday or sunday. - mig

[2013-03-12 14:23:33] - well i guess the court challenge is a recent development, I have no idea how long the linking of medicare and social security rules have been in place. - mig

[2013-03-12 14:16:19] - xpovos:  isn't that a (relatively) recent development though? or was it just less insidious before?- mig

[2013-03-12 13:43:06] - Of course she received Medicare.  It's practically mandatory to enroll.  Certainly it is in conjunction with SSI. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-12 13:35:05] - a: I knew she received Medicare, which I've heard detractors use against her before. Not surprised about the lung cancer, considering she is smoking in most of the pictures I've seen of her. -Paul

[2013-03-12 13:23:03] - a: Nope, but I'm not surprised. Ayn Rand had hypocrtical moments.  And I'm not even sure this is all that hypocritical.  I rail against Social Security too, but assuming nothing changes, when I become eligible I'll probably be collecting payments.  Why?  Because I paid the taxes for it. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-12 13:08:32] - "Rand underwent surgery for lung cancer in 1974 after decades of heavy smoking. In 1976 she retired from writing her newsletter and, despite her initial objections, reluctantly allowed Evva Pryor, a consultant from her attorney's office, to sign her up for Social Security and Medicare."  hmm, did you guys know this?  ~a

[2013-03-12 09:14:10] - Interesting article on historical locks and their picking.  Less trade show, more personal history.  I'm not selling this well. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-11 18:16:11] - xpovos: ha ha! cute - aaron

[2013-03-11 15:34:15] - mig: actually yes; "The Resistance" designer Don Eskridge is doing an AMA right now, I noticed reddit was getting hammered as well - aaron

[2013-03-11 15:09:13] - is someone important doing an AMA today?  reddit has been hammered for the last hour or so. - mig

[2013-03-11 14:35:20] - paul:  reddit. - mig

[2013-03-11 14:31:33] - mig: How did you stumble upon that? I read that link and was thinking of posting it on the message board, but I thought I found it on my google news page. -Paul

[2013-03-11 14:17:48] - :-D -- XPovos

[2013-03-11 14:05:41] - a fairly long but pretty good read on the treatment of libertarian ideas in the media. - mig

[2013-03-11 10:45:17] - a:  sure it's fun and the clean PC is sometimes a nice feeling, but it's also very time consuming, which i'd rather not spend unless I absolutely have to. - mig

[2013-03-11 10:21:10] - (permalink) - aaron

[2013-03-11 10:20:49] - penny arcade's comic today is about "zombicide", thought that was interesting! - aaron

[2013-03-10 22:56:20] - Found via SlickDeals, Amazon is selling the Days of Wonder PC version of "Ticket to Ride" plus all released DLC for $6.50.  Must have Steam.  I've been meaning to experiment more with Steam, so I picked it up.  I've been destroying the AI... if anyone else picks it up (or has it) let me know, I'd appreciate taking a beating for a change. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-10 16:17:54] - -- Xpovos

[2013-03-09 22:55:49] - i have used clonezilla tons of time at work and i wouldn't suggest it for this task.  ~a

[2013-03-09 18:50:44] - mig: I was able to migrate Windows 7 to a new hard drive, but honestly, I can't even remember the tools I used to do so.  I think it did involve the Windows installer at some point and repairing the install.  So that's not a particularly handy answer, I realize, but it is doable, if probably not worthwhile. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-09 14:07:06] - mig:  reinstall the os.  i know that's not what you asked, but that's my suggestion anyways.  reinstalling the OS is easy and (imo) fun.  it feels great to have that pristine install.  it's like getting a new computer.  ~a

[2013-03-09 10:07:17] - does anyone have any experience with clonezilla or any other disk imaging software.  I'm seriously considering finally going to a SSD and don't want to go through the hassle of reinstalling the OS. - mig

[2013-03-08 14:07:18] - aaron: Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it, and I enjoyed playing it when I had the chance, I just didn't see it as much of an improvement over other games that seemed to have tighter controls. There were also just enough bugs to be annoying too. -Paul

[2013-03-08 13:26:38] - paul: it's been a surprisingly deep multiplayer experience compared to you know, Grand Theft Auto, or other single-player-games-turned-multiplayer. i really think they did a great job with it - aaron

[2013-03-08 13:25:48] - paul: i still play ME3 multiplayer a few hours a week -- they released 6 new character classes last week. between 20 maps, 50 character classes and 4 enemy factions, each game is pretty different and there's always more stuff to unlock. i'm not trying to persuade you, but i'm curious how much of this they carry forward into the next ME - aaron

[2013-03-08 13:20:15] - paul: apparently ME3's Citadel expansion lets you team with wrex/grunt? - aaron

[2013-03-08 13:17:13] - a: Sorry, we're having a girl.  I am not the forefather you are looking for. -- Xpovos

[2013-03-08 13:15:49] - paul:  yeah no doubt about that last point.  He's certainly trying to build a profile for a 2016 run, and he definitely succeeded given how much attention the filibuster has gotten. - mig

[2013-03-08 12:59:49] - mig: Right. I think he "won" in the sense of bringing more attention to a topic that most Americans don't think much about (or even realized was a topic of discussion). I also think he "won" in terms of upping his stock for a potential 2016 presidential run, if people want to think of it that way too. -Paul

[2013-03-08 12:50:12] - mig: what i read (from the ever so reputable source of us weekly) said that he was in talks with them before Disney bought Lucasfilms. Although that sounds odd since I thought he wasnt going to make 7, 8, or 9, ~g

[2013-03-08 12:50:09] - Rand did indeed have a short term goal (getting the administration to clarify drone use on american soil), but given the nature of his talk I think he had a long term goal of trying to shift the narrative on not just killer drones, but abuses of civil liberties in general, as things the people should not blindly accept as necessary evils in the name of "safety". - mig

[2013-03-08 12:44:51] - paul:  well i guess "winning" in the sense of general awareness of drone policy.  Will this maybe cause more people start to view the use of drones with more skepticism?  When stories come out about how foreign civilians being killed as "colatoral damage", will people maybe start to care a little more? - mig

[2013-03-08 12:38:00] - g:  two things:  1) will they really be just incidental characters?  2)  That this is coming from Lucas makes me wonder if he still has some sort of control over the new movies. - mig

[2013-03-08 12:05:12] - mig: This is the same group of people that tried to claim that bombing people in Libya wasn't war or even hostilities, but "kinetic military action"... -Paul

[2013-03-08 12:04:20] - mig: But I still think the memo was written in a way that the administration would have no qualms at all about drone striking an American on US soil that wasn't engaged in hostilities and say that they were justified somehow. -Paul

[2013-03-08 12:03:31] - mig: Depends on what you mean by Rand "winning". I think he won in the sense of getting the Obama administration to be clearer about what it thinks it can do and to put it down on paper (which they really didn't have to do, since Brennan got confirmed anyway)... -Paul

[2013-03-08 12:03:06] - mig: WHY? What is wrong with them being signed? They will be incidental characters I think not the main stars... I like that they will be in it, and I like that they said that if they didnt sign they would be written out of the script. I dont want someone else playing Luke, Leia, or Han. ~g

[2013-03-08 12:02:12] - a: since I will be 49 when he is 50 he better not be fathering any then. ~g

[2013-03-08 12:02:01] - aaron: Thanks. I haven't played the multi-player that much. I find it ok, but I still prefer the multiplayer of games like Gears. Not sure I'm going to bother with the extended cut DLC, though. Just have no interest in revisiting that horrible ending, even if it's slightly better. -Paul

[2013-03-08 12:00:37] - a: Unlikely. :-) -Paul

[2013-03-08 11:53:44] - paul:  well i think there is more support behind 2030.  will you still be fathering chillin's when you're 50?  ~a

[2013-03-08 10:17:35] - a: I don't think there's enough time for Gurkie and I, so I guess we'll have to hold out hope that Meg's kid is a boy (I don't think they decided to find out the gender) and they decide to name him Zefram. -Paul

[2013-03-08 09:51:40] - Does the administration's concession, even if it uses some weasely language, mean that Rand won?  He seems to think so, though I'm not so sure. - mig

[2013-03-08 08:37:13] - paul: i haven't gotten any of the paid DLC - aaron

[2013-03-08 08:36:50] - paul: absolutely get all the free DLC, the extended cut DLC vastly improves the ending and the multiplayer DLC vastly changes multiplayer if you're into that - aaron

[2013-03-08 00:10:49] - Zefram Cochrane born in 2013?  one of you married people needs to father a kid before the end of the year!  is meg's kid going to be a male?  ~a

[2013-03-07 16:57:31] - mig: Yeah, I had heard good things about Citadel too, which almost makes me want to end my ME3 DLC boycott, hence why I was asking. -Paul

[2013-03-07 16:56:11] - I almost laughed out loud at this joke: "The Obama administration concedes that it cannot, in fact, assassinate noncombatants on U.S. soil. That wasn't so hard, was it? As a good-will gesture, the White House has also reportedly offered Sen. Rand Paul a free trip anywhere he'd like, outside the United States." -Paul

[2013-03-07 16:47:33] - I will eventually get it but I'm backlogged with other things, especially with HotS coming out this tuesday. - mig

[2013-03-07 16:46:57] - paul:  extended cut dlc free and made me rage less about the ending.  Leviathon was kind of meh.  Omega had some promise but also meh.  I've been hearing very good things about Citadel though. - mig

[2013-03-07 16:44:46] - mig: Have you played all the ME3 DLC that has been released? Would you say they are all worth the cost? Any of them notably better than others? -Paul

[2013-03-07 16:33:27] - what's wrong with the original actors?  isn't this supposed to take place decades later?  ~a

[2013-03-07 12:44:23] - I am now not looking forward to this next star wars movie. - mig

[2013-03-07 12:34:28] - paul:  I guess that's true.  Honestly, before 2008, I'd only been exposed mostly to his writings, never really heard him speak, so that's kind of shaped my impression of his speaking abilities.  - mig

[2013-03-07 11:50:48] - mig: I wonder how much of that was his age, though. I've listened to some of his stuff when he was younger and it's a lot easier to listen to. Still not great, but he tends to ramble a lot less and stay more on point. :-) -Paul

[2013-03-07 11:27:22] - paul:  thankfully, he's better at public speaking than his father.  I can't imagine listening to the elder Paul for more than an hour, it gets kind of excruciating. - mig

[2013-03-07 11:08:30] - mig: He probably would've had my vote in a GOP primary or the general election for president if he decided to run (and won the Republican nomination) before, but I'm feeling less cautious about it now. -Paul

[2013-03-07 11:07:28] - mig: Rand is slowly winning me over more and more. I was worried at first that he was just a watered down version of his father, but I'm beginning to think he's just a slightly different version of his father and a much savvier politician. -Paul

[2013-03-07 09:54:42] - With the most amazing thing of all is that most of his talking was pretty on point and relevant. - mig

[2013-03-07 09:53:00] - official clock on the filibuster 12 hours 52 minutes.  Wow. - mig

[2013-03-06 20:44:16] - Holy shit, a genuine filibuster.  Not a threat?  Woo! Go, go politics! -- Xpovos

[2013-03-06 16:42:15] - I had no idea Card was so outspoken on homosexuality... -Paul

[2013-03-06 16:19:22] - mig: Wow, Rand is starting to gather a crowd on the Senate floor (I'm listening to C-SPAN). Some heavy hitters, too: Cruz, Lee, Rubio... -Paul

[2013-03-06 15:15:06] - paul:  mostly that he was able to talk for over 3 hourts and still stay on point. - mig

[2013-03-06 15:12:42] - mig: I heard of it, but haven't watched any of it. What's impressive about it? -Paul

[2013-03-06 15:12:12] - Who is getting HotS when it comes out? -Paul

[2013-03-06 15:08:04] - I'm not sure if anyone checked out any parts of it, but the Rand Paul filibuster going on was quite a sight to behold. - mig

[2013-03-06 14:29:32] - mig: When I rip the P90x DVD, I get an ISO file, not a VOB file. -Paul

[2013-03-05 22:34:07] - the only unconventional wrinkle is that the female is the older of the two.  ~a

[2013-03-05 22:33:12] - yeah, good point.  they're within the rule or close enough.  ~a

[2013-03-05 18:45:49] - a:  well he would have been just under the threshold of the half-age+7 rule, depending on when their respective birthdays are. - mig

[2013-03-05 17:28:44] - yeah i dunno.  wikipedia doesn't have anything about it, but google has some results.  ~a

[2013-03-05 16:37:57] - a:  did she recently divorce/separate?  I thought she was married? - mig

[2013-03-05 16:30:34] - wow, Quinn Norton dated Aaron Swartz?  that's one hell of an age difference (quinn=40 and aaron=26).  ~a

[2013-03-05 15:40:18] - </a href="">This is crazy. You're going to get what you deserve.</a> -- Xpovos

[2013-03-05 14:43:29] - mig: Wow, that completely snuck up on me. I really need more free time. :-( -Paul

[2013-03-05 14:42:08] - paul:  yes. - mig

[2013-03-05 14:30:19] - mig: Wait, does Heart of the Swarm come out next week? -Paul

[2013-03-05 13:03:11] - mig: Not sure. An 18 game schedule doesn't really make sense for 12 or 14 teams, right? -Paul

[2013-03-05 12:54:28] - huh.  why did the ACC go to an 18-game schedule for b-ball this year?  is it prep for when Syracus and Pitt come in? - mig

[2013-03-05 01:42:49] - I saw this while playing borderlands 2 tonight.  I think most on here will appreciate the reference. - mig

[2013-03-04 23:36:45] - I grinned in spite of myself. "That’s all right – libertarianism is an approach focused more on being right than on being likeable (child labor laws are, after all, ruining this country!)". -- Xpovos

[2013-03-04 15:03:22] - - aaron

[2013-03-04 15:03:03] - There's a new Deadwood kickstarter going on -- it's a revamp of the ancient CheapAss game. This article goes into some of the rules tweaks. The kickstarter is available here - aaron

[2013-03-04 10:41:14] - I'll try playing the VOB files the next time I try. Probably won't be tonight, but hopefully it's sometime this week. Thanks. -Paul

[2013-03-04 10:40:48] - mig: That's a good question. I used to use PowerDVD, but I think that was on my old computer. I honestly can't remember what my new computer uses. Probably media player? -Paul

[2013-03-04 10:27:02] - vlc and totem can probably do it.  ~a

[2013-03-04 10:26:33] - What do you use to play DVDs on your computer, some of those programs can play vob files directly. - mig

[2013-03-04 10:25:32] - if you have dvd codecs installed on your computer I think Media Player can do it. - mig

[2013-03-04 10:20:30] - mig: Haven't tried. Not sure if I have a program that can play vob files. -Paul

[2013-03-04 10:14:10] - student arrested and school went under lockdown after receptionist heard student reciting the rap to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.  She mistook "shooting some b-ball outside of the school" as "shooting some people". - mig

[2013-03-04 10:04:20] - paul:  can you play the vob files directly?  do those have the same video issues? - mig

[2013-03-04 09:18:50] - I can try bringing one the next time to Ultimate if you're still willing to give it a try. Thanks. -Paul

[2013-03-04 09:18:15] - a: Weird, I tried googling ripping P90x DVDs and I had trouble finding examples of people doing it, and most of those examples seemed to be of people who had minimal problems. -Paul

[2013-03-03 08:29:53] - maybe bring one of them to ultimate (one you're sure you won't need for a week or two) and i'll give the freshly compiled version of handbrake a try?  ~a

[2013-03-03 08:29:26] - paul:  have you tried google?  it appears you're not the only one.  1, 2.  some people suggest trying another version.  ~a

[2013-03-02 18:54:26] - Handbrake didn't work ripping the P90x DVDs. The video is still all screwed up. -Paul

[2013-03-01 16:03:00] - mig:  not exactly.  some people who are salaried . . . things might get more complicated . . . especially if you include leave-balances.  ~a

[2013-03-01 15:59:49] - aaron:  isn't saying 4 day work week and 20% pay cut redudant?  working 4 out of 5 days sort of implies the 20% reduction in pay. - mig

[2013-03-01 15:54:19] - a:  I thought that was weird, I wanted to read more about that, but alas the citation link is gone. - mig

[2013-03-01 15:43:19] - a: Yeah, I've heard that companies under contract with government agencies are unlikely to see any immediate changes, although they would probably notice changes months later. -Paul

[2013-03-01 15:30:00] - mig:  lol, read the last sentence of your link:  "In response to complaints, Congress fired Hartzog and restored the funding."  boom.  ~a

[2013-03-01 15:28:54] - paul:  as usual, i hope for the best and plan for the worst.  i don't expect any major changes, but we'll see.  ~a

[2013-03-01 14:58:01] - aaron: I assume it's 4 day work weeks every week? That seems pretty drastic. Is there a good reason why? Are the majority of people in their department not getting their pay cut at all? -Paul

[2013-03-01 14:43:13] - paul: some government employees in our office will be working 4-day-workweeks and taking a 20% pay cut - aaron

[2013-03-01 13:58:16] - I know there are some people that are potentially effected negatively, but honeslty it feels like this week has been a sterling example of Washington Momument Syndrome. - mig

[2013-03-01 13:06:54] - paul:  none that I know of. - mig

[2013-03-01 13:01:53] - I know there are some people here who (directly or indirectly) work for the government, so I'm curious if anybody is expecting major changes if the sequester goes through... -Paul

[2013-03-01 10:36:08] - "60 * 150 Japanese yen = 97 U.S. dollars," said Google.  Can you imagine going to mcdonalds, throwing down $100 for fries?  you could do that in the US and everybody would call you a dumbass.  ~a

[2013-03-01 08:50:59] - back in october, mcdonalds in japan had a sale on french fries, which caused some people to order 40+ orders of fries - aaron

[2013-02-28 10:58:25] - or do I mean encoding?  bah, converting from vob, yes that's it. - mig

[2013-02-28 10:57:46] - oh, handbrake sounds good, i use other software to do decoding, but if it does both that's far more preferable. - mig

[2013-02-28 10:56:50] - mig: Nice, welcome back to the league. Make sure you check out the LM note and vote in the poll. It's looking like we might have 10+ teams so I might tweak the rosters a bit. -Paul

[2013-02-28 10:56:09] - mig: No, the video was all screwed up when I tried it with DVD decrypter. -Paul

[2013-02-28 10:55:09] - paul:  after some thought i will give it a go again this year. - mig

[2013-02-28 10:54:10] - paul:  dvd decrypter doesn't work on them?  I've never had any issues with it. - mig

[2013-02-28 09:30:10] - mig: You definitely out of the fantasy baseball league this year? -Paul

[2013-02-27 18:30:44] - paul: hmm... yes? - aaron

[2013-02-27 18:30:22] - a: you've never asked paul to do drunk math! you'd be surprised - aaron

[2013-02-27 17:19:00] - aaron: Does that mean everybody needs to be carrying around a drunk Paul with them to do math for your system to work? -Paul

[2013-02-27 17:17:28] - your system will definitely not work if either of the "players" are drunk.  ~a

[2013-02-27 17:16:01] - a: a coin is easier, and paul can multiply numbers like $13.19 by two in his head. even when he's drunk! - aaron

[2013-02-27 17:15:35] - a: a d20 works OK, but if i owe you $13.19 and you only have a $50, it's going to involve some difficult math! what would need to roll on a d20, and assuming you figure that out, how would we resolve the remaining 69 cents??  - aaron

[2013-02-27 17:08:34] - aaron:  carry around a d20?  ~a

[2013-02-27 17:03:03] - paul:  yep.  i use it to put dvds onto my phone.  ~a

[2013-02-27 17:01:33] - aaron:  there are ways to prevent cheating.  they're complicated though.  ~a

[2013-02-27 16:59:46] - a: I thought handbrake was only used to convert video formats. I didn't know it also ripped DVDs. I have it installed on my desktop. I'll check it out. Thanks. -Paul

[2013-02-27 16:57:14] - a: yeah but the coin thing works without electricity, and without needing to trust someone's phone. i thought about the phone thing, like having an app or web site, but could just have a fake one. lo-tech stuff is more foolproof - aaron

[2013-02-27 16:47:42] - i use HandBrake  ~a

[2013-02-27 16:37:57] - Anybody here have any recommendations on free DVD ripping software? I would like to get my P90x DVDs in a digital format so I can put it on my XBMC hard drive, but the software I am using now (DVD Decrypter?) isn't cutting it. -Paul

[2013-02-27 16:22:17] - you could even just say, i owe you $19.99:  I'll give you a $20 if you win the 99.95% odd simulation.  there are ways to avoid cheating too like what satoshidice uses for such gambling.  ~a

[2013-02-27 16:18:50] - aaron:  bitcoin!  >:O  . . . or use a device that can calculate the odds of something that isn't 50-50?  like a dice or roulette simulator?  ~a

[2013-02-27 15:28:41] - aaron: Sure. Let me flip a coin to see if you get it or... I dunno, end up owing me a penny? -Paul

[2013-02-27 15:27:54] - paul: hey can i borrow $19.99 - aaron

[2013-02-27 15:27:40] - paul: ...maybe? ;-) - aaron

[2013-02-27 15:25:00] - mig: Thanks. I guess I'll just have to dump some movies on the PS3 hard drive and see how it handles them. Hopefully it does mp4. Do you know if I can just attach a normal external HD to it and copy stuff over? -Paul

[2013-02-27 15:24:02] - aaron: Is this just some complicated way of working it out so that you never have to pay back debts that you owe which is less than $20? :-P -Paul

[2013-02-27 14:51:54] - OK OK so i owe him $3.50 and flip heads twice, so i owe him $14. i give him the $20, and now he owes me $6. so, he flips the coin. since he flips heads, he owes me $12, so he gives me the $20 and i owe him $8. next, i flip heads, i owe him $16, so i give him the $20 and he owes me $4.... - aaron

[2013-02-27 14:49:00] - wait, that didn't quite work out like it did in my head. i guess... once i owe him $14... i give him the $20... i'll have to think this through. i promise it's brilliant! - aaron

[2013-02-27 14:47:45] - so i have bad luck, and it comes up heads twice more. i owe him $28 now. so, i give him the $20, and he owes me $8. that doesn't really help anything does it? but, he can flip a coin. if it comes up heads, we double the amount he owes me. if it comes up tails, we're even. it comes up heads, so he owes me $16 - aaron

[2013-02-27 14:46:45] - i just thought of a clever way to settle small debts using big bills. let's say i owe adrian $3.50 but i only have a $20. a flip a coin; if it comes up heads, i double the amount i owe him. if it comes up tails, we're in the clear. so, let's say it comes up heads. now i owe him $7, that's not enough, so we repeat the coin flip, doubling each time - aaron

[2013-02-27 11:54:33] - paul:  it plays movies ... ok i guess?  I'm not sure which codecs it does and doesn't support. - mig

[2013-02-27 11:38:09] - aarmig: Do either of you have any thoughts on how well the PS3 functions (without any modifications) as a machine to play movies and music stored on it's hard drive? I'm wondering if I can just hook up an external HD to the PS3 and move a bunch of movies and music over so I don't have to bungle around with DVDs in the future. -Paul

[2013-02-27 09:55:55] - Gabe of Penny Arcade posted some stuff about the MS Surface Pro; possibly more relevant to me because i draw a lot, but i found it very interesting to read. talks about its potential as a gaming laptop, tablet, etc - aaron

[2013-02-27 09:47:10] - Does anybody here watch king of the nerds? Gurkie was into watching it, but none of the people on the commercials looked like actual nerds to me, so I thought it might be too fake. -Paul

[2013-02-27 09:46:30] - Aaron: Good to know, thanks. -Paul

[2013-02-27 09:40:30] - vinnie: heh heh! i'm probably out of their age range which is too bad, i'd kick everyone's ass at dance central 3 - aaron

[2013-02-27 08:38:05] - aaron (and others): tryouts for season 2 of King of the Nerds - vinnie

[2013-02-26 18:21:07] - paul: i tried to use the PS3 media server functionality about three years ago. there is open-source software to set up a media server on a PC. i didn't like it, it didn't perform very well - aaron

[2013-02-26 16:21:34] - mig: Is it something completely different? I can't even tell. :-P -Paul

[2013-02-26 16:02:28] - oh this is something completely different.  NM. - mig

[2013-02-26 15:58:51] - I can get my PS3 to play videos and music that's on my PC through windows media server, but haven't tried XBMC. - mig

[2013-02-26 15:36:23] - a: I agree, I just wish the wikipedia page was a little more fleshed out. Does it do the same thing as something like XBMC? If so, why can I find information about a PS3 Media Server plugin which allows you to "access content from XBMC"? -Paul

[2013-02-26 15:32:08] - no.  but it seems cool (wp)  ~a

[2013-02-26 15:07:14] - Does anybody here know anything about PS3 Media Server? -Paul

[2013-02-26 13:25:32] - I'm almost tempted to say it's been a bigger problem than our offensive play calling. It's kind of a chicken or the egg kind of thing... -Paul

[2013-02-26 13:24:24] - Xpovos: Definitely agree about the O-Line. I think the biggest problem we've had over the past 5 years or so has been an O-Line which has just been sub-par. Not sure if it's coaching or talent or injuries or what, but they just haven't been able to protect the QB or open up holes for the RB. -Paul

[2013-02-26 13:04:04] - Paul: College is still about growth, so our guys got a lot of experience last year and none of them may be studs, but they were all so young!  The trick will be the O-line, I think.  We had one guy last year who was 'any' good and he was injured frequently.  Experience and growth and maybe some fresh(man) talent will help. -- Xpovos

[2013-02-26 10:15:56] - mig: The coaching changes were nice, but I'm still not sure the talent is there. Outside of Logan Thomas, what do we have on offense? -Paul

[2013-02-26 09:59:09] - I'm optimistic we can bounce back from last year with the necessary coaching changes finally being made. - mig

[2013-02-26 09:13:26] - Xpovos: I guess you're right that if our defense can get back to elite level and the offense can be average, we probably do have a shot at both teams (which should be mediocre), but I'm not confident. -Paul

[2013-02-26 09:12:45] - Xpovos: I just think it requires a lot of faith to think we can beat Georgia Tech's triple option offense with only 5 days to prepare for it, and we've played horribly vs Pittsburgh for pretty much the past decade. -Paul

[2013-02-25 18:02:39] - Paul: I don't think 5-2 is unreasonable and 6-1 is not an unfathomable stretch--though it does assume a major off-season improvement in the team from what we saw last year; but I think that has to be a given in any circumstance. -- Xpovos

[2013-02-25 15:48:08] - Even my most reasonable optimistic prediction has us at 4-3. -Paul

[2013-02-25 15:46:54] - Brutal schedule for the Hokies in the first half of the season, despite the traditional early cupcakes. I could easily see us being 2-5 going into the Duke game. -Paul

[2013-02-25 14:58:56] - xpovos:  yeah, that's not too weird though.  i'm surprised wine works as well as it does.  i'm not at all surprised that wine has trouble with IE considering how integrated IE is with private and unpublished APIs.  winetricks (with wine 1.5), which does a great job getting around wine bugs, fails trying to install ie6, ie7, and ie8.  maybe if i had a 32bit OS.  ~a

[2013-02-25 14:35:37] - a: How was IE even installed on your hypothetical system?  Is there a Linux port?  And then I googled it and shuddered at the machinations required to install IE on Linux. -- Xpovos

[2013-02-25 14:16:57] - mig:  sudo apt-get remove internet-explorer  ~a

[2013-02-25 14:10:02] - mig: Jar of Holding? -- Xpovos

[2013-02-25 13:47:52] - replicate, eventually flooding your cpu until you restart the machine. - mig

[2013-02-25 13:47:25] - fun fact, so I was trying to view the contents of a jar file on Randy's machine to dig into a problem he was having.  He didn't have a zip/unzip program installed, so I figured, eh, try "open with ... " and use internet explorer, since that's what you can open normal .zip files with.  Apparently doing that will cause explorer processes to continually ...

[2013-02-25 12:13:03] - g:  yeah i'm with paul.  i think it's just a specific kind of defender.  most people don't use the word marker, though.  the usually use the verb:  to mark.  ~a

[2013-02-25 12:12:12] - paul/aaron:  sad, i bought you a present and forgot to bring it to ultimate.  i guess i'll bring it next week.  ~a

[2013-02-25 11:26:12] - g: I don't know why they are specifically called a "marker", but it's not just a generic defender. It's a specific term referring to the person who is trying to stop the guy with the frisbee from throwing it (I think). -Paul

[2013-02-25 11:16:59] - so I meandered to the msg board and saw this ever so fun message about mark and makers mark and such... Only to trace it back to discover its about frisbee... I probably dont even want to ask but why is it called a marker in frisbee and not a defender? ~g

[2013-02-22 16:04:43] - on my whiteboard, like to marker about mark's maker's mark he drinks while marking his mark.  mark is the mark of a true ultimate player.  he gets the best marks when filling his bottle up to the mark.  mark mark's words.  mark.  ~a

[2013-02-22 15:45:44] - Is marking even a verb like that? -Paul

[2013-02-22 15:45:25] - aaron: It's a good thing Mark doesn't drink Maker's Mark while marking. -Paul

[2013-02-22 15:44:06] - also, i wish mark's name wasn't mark because it makes it confusing when i have to talk about markers and mark at the same time - aaron

[2013-02-22 15:42:53] - a: yeah, the 11th edition i linked uses the phrase "one disc diameter" if you want to ctrl+f for it. it's not a house rule, it's a rule rule - aaron

[2013-02-22 15:41:41] - a: well, it does for me. if there's any non-incidental contact between the marker and thrower, then it's a foul on the marker. the only exception is if the marker is 100% stationary (very rare) in which case it's a foul on the thrower. we've never had anybody besides mark be 100% stationary as a defender, so -- it's just always the defender's fault - aaron

[2013-02-22 15:38:00] - i think the "house rule" we used last week, of one disc length is acceptable to me.  ~a

[2013-02-22 14:52:13] - interesting.  i don't think this clears anything up though.  ~a

[2013-02-22 14:27:40] - like XVI.H.3.2 though, it has to be actually, 100% stationary, which is really rare. mark did it a few times where he'd stand like at my 10-o'clock and just stand perfectly still, to impede my pivot foot. i didn't know it was legal, but it was only because he was literally 100% not moving - aaron

[2013-02-22 14:17:55] - a: the 11th edition rules here repeat the "disc space rule" which mark gave; XIV.B.3 mentions the disc space thing, but it doesn't count if the thrower initiates the movement... so my bad, i guess if the defender is stationary, it's fine for them to impede the throw - aaron

[2013-02-22 14:10:24] - that's the rule that came up last week, when someone blocked amy's arm while she was throwing. obviously if you're defending, you can't swing your arm into the person trying to throw, but the opposite is disallowed as well -- if i'm trying to throw, and my arm hits your stationary body, it's still a foul on you (the marker) - aaron

[2013-02-22 14:07:40] - a: this says 3 feet which seems way, way too long -- but more importantly is that the marker can't restrict the thrower from throwing. if i swing my arm to throw the frisbee, and you're in the way of my arm, it's a foul - aaron

[2013-02-22 14:01:52] - also i'm pretty sure #7/#8 doesn't prevent you from guarding "too close".  maybe #10 does :)  ~a

[2013-02-22 13:59:18] - 10 simple rules to ultimate . . . regarding #8, i'm not sure i totally sure i understand this rule.  if i foul you and the disc falls, does this rule mean we don't bring the disk back?  there are a lot of implications of #8 i'm not sure i understand.  ~a

[2013-02-22 13:44:11] - basically, what happened was this:  i accidentally uninstalled memcached last night.  if mediawiki is looking for memcached, but memcached isn't there, it waits something like 40 seconds for it (10 seconds in 4 different serial operations) before it tries to continue on without it.  ~a

[2013-02-22 13:43:49] - a: The page loads much faster (it had been really slow on reloads today), but I'm still being asked to resubmit data when I refresh. -Paul

[2013-02-22 13:43:08] - Microsoft might unveil details on the next X-Box at an event in April. -Paul

[2013-02-22 13:41:44] - paul:  i fixed a problem with the server just now.  does this fix things for you?  ~a

[2013-02-22 13:40:42] - a: Ok. I apologize in advance for random reposting of things until Chrome gets things in order. -Paul

[2013-02-22 13:13:07] - paul:  i think it's a combination of things.  there is a problem with the server i'm trying to diagnose, but i've heard lots of reports of chrome acting weird after the recent release.  ~a

[2013-02-22 12:49:18] - a: Whenever I have refreshed the message board today, Chrome asks me to confirm form resubmission. Did you change something or did Chrome change how it works? -Paul

[2013-02-22 12:48:13] - *Sigh* Ok, so I guess I shouldn't say "yes" when it asks if I want to resend data... -Paul

[2013-02-22 12:47:20] - mig: July through September? -Paul

[2013-02-22 12:45:53] - paul:  that's what I would think but I keep forgetting whether they refer to the chronlogical year or the fiscal year when it comes to release projections. - mig

[2013-02-22 12:41:55] - mig: July through September? -Paul

[2013-02-22 11:16:32] - If a game is slated for release in Q3 of a given year, what's the typical month range? - mig

[2013-02-22 10:23:29] - Also, I know it's a long shot, but I've got plenty of spaces open in a keeper fantasy baseball league if anybody is interested. -Paul

[2013-02-22 10:16:49] - Daniel: I got Thomas Robinson in my fantasy basketball league. What do you think? Potential double/double threat the rest of the season? -Paul

[2013-02-21 17:30:02] - Some of these aren't very good, and the website looks a little sketchy, but it's fun to think back to the inconveniences we had to put up with not too long ago. -Paul

[2013-02-21 15:07:42] - I have to really say, the wizards clearly have a knack for trading for players that will never play for them. - mig

[2013-02-21 14:55:34] - Paul: Not a basketball fan, but it got my attention enough that I had to confirm that this wasn't Bradley Beal.  The Wizards I know would have no problem trading away the young guy who just seems to be getting it for the expiring contract of a geezer. - Xpovos

[2013-02-21 14:46:15] - Also, not sure if there are any Wizards fans here, but Jordan Crawford appears to have been traded to the Celtics. -Paul

[2013-02-21 14:44:00] - mig: I was also a fan of this point... that there's really nothing about shotguns that make it more virtuous than "assault weapons". -Paul

[2013-02-21 13:16:33] - something. - mig

[2013-02-21 13:16:27] - joe biden's expert gun advice he told his wife would probably land her in jail.  I'll admit I don't know much about guns but isn't one of the first things you are taught is not to fire your weapon aimelessly in the air, becuase gravity will ensure that you will hit

[2013-02-21 12:01:28] - Someone on reddit brought up the idea of combinding a 3D-printer with the PS move sculpting application they showed.  Wouldn't that be something? - mig

[2013-02-21 11:07:22] - mig: That's certainly more of a surprise.  I'd have honestly expected someone higher up the food chain, or more expendable.  Either Morhaine or Wilson, e.g. Metzen sets a very artistic interpretation afloat. -- Xpovos

[2013-02-21 10:59:17] - xpovos:  i was mostly surprised that it was kept quiet that someone from blizzard (let alone Metzen)  was going to be in attendance. - mig

[2013-02-21 10:25:47] - I'm not sure why, but I was greatly amused yesterday when I saw that Gary Johnson (the libertarian party nominee for president) was following Felicia Day on twitter. -Paul

[2013-02-21 10:13:06] - sony says they will not attempt to block used game discs. - mig

[2013-02-21 09:28:40] - this summarizes some of the PS4 announcements for anybody who missed it. live video broadcasting from console. friends can play your game for you if you get stuck. playstation cloud service allows you to play any playstation game via streaming tech - aaron

[2013-02-20 21:48:51] - mig: Console development for D3 is old news.  PS3 is the surprise, IMO.  PS4 makes perfect sense with it's cloud gaming. -- Xpovos

[2013-02-20 21:02:41] - although now that i think about it, that revelation might piss off a lot of the pc lan crowd. - migg

[2013-02-20 20:09:57] - big eye opener:  the console version will have 4 player local co-op. - mig

[2013-02-20 20:08:57] - during the ps4 annoucnement today Chris Metzhen showed up and annoucned that diablo 3 will be released for the ps3 and ps4.  that came out of left field. - mig

[2013-02-20 17:12:14] - xpovos:  agree!  ;-)  ~a

[2013-02-20 16:41:32] - Xpovos: Hmmmm, my post might've been a bit misleading. I meant that I would love to have them, and would even consider them at that (seemingly ridiculous) price, but I'm not sure I could do it either. -Paul

[2013-02-20 16:38:49] - Paul: I'd love to have them, and they might be worth $1500, but I can't do it. -- Xpovos

[2013-02-20 16:30:03] - Am I the only one who would love to have one of these, even if it meant paying $1,500? -Paul

[2013-02-20 15:12:48] - I'd enjoy taking the text from the message board archive and passing it through a Flesch-Kincaid analyzer. -- Xpovos

[2013-02-20 15:12:15] -  It's not as simple as it looks because there are multiple factors, but it's interesting nonetheless. -- Xpovos

[2013-02-20 11:52:50] - a: np. It's no worse than I've done. :-) -Paul

[2013-02-20 11:36:51] - paul:  done, sorry for the late planning!  ~a

[2013-02-20 11:01:12] - paul:  yeah I had heard rumours that the nationals were looking into trading for Kyle Lohse as a contingency plan in case it went south for Gio, but it looks like that won't be the case. - mig

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